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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  September 8, 2012 8:00am-10:00am EDT

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good morning. i'm anthony mason. i'm rebecca jarvis. here a few of the stories we'll be looking at on "cbs this morning" saturday. 59 days until the election. and there's no talk of a convention bounce. instead, a disappointing jobs report has both candidates telling us only they can get us back to work. an 85 mile an hour speed limit on a texas toll road. authorities say it's a good way to raise money. but will it cost more in lives? some of the biggest names in tech race their cutting-edge product to the market. nokia, google trying to beat
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apple. >> the stars of tv, film and theater, take the stage together fighting back for a great cause. we'll look as barry, hanks, swichlt and paltrow stand up for cancer. all that and so much more on "cbs this morning saturday." all that and so much more on "cbs this morning saturday." september 8, 2012. captioning funded by cbs good saturday morning to you anthony. >> welcome to the weekend. >> welcome to the weekend. it's been a couple of weeks of hot political debates in the united states. >> it sure has. we begin with the race for the white house as it's now a sprint. only 59 days are left until the election. president obama was hoping for a post convention bounce. but the disappointing unemployment numbers may get in the way of that. both president obama and mitt romney are back on the campaign trail today and up employment remains at the top of the agenda. nancy cordes is traveling with
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the president in seminole, florida. nancy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, anthony. the president will be campaigning all weekend long in vote rich central florida while governor romney is in virginia. both candidates are talking about that new jobs report. as you might imagine, the two men see it very differently. the president hit the campaign trail with vice president biden and their wives for the first time this campaign season. he told voters in iowa city that the drop in the unemployment rate from 8.3% to 8.1 was a good sign. >> we can do better. we need to create jobs even faster. we need to fill the hole left by this recession. we need to come out of this crisis stronger than we went in. i don't want to get back to where we were in 2007. i want us to do even better. >> across the state in orange city, iowa, republican party mitt romney noted that the 96,000 jobs created last month did not meet economists'
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expectations. >> it's simply unimaginable. the president said by this time we'd be at 5.4% unemployment. instead we're at 8%. you know the difference that at that makes in how many people would be working in america. 9 million people. >> now that the conventions are behind them, the two candidates have been delivering sharper, more sarcastic attacks. this is the president's new riff about romney's devotion to tax cuts. >> tax cuts when times are good. tax cuts when times are bad. tax cuts to help you lose a few extra pounds. tax cuts to improve your love life. >> and romney has been using this scathing line about the president's performance on the economy. >> there's almost nothing the president has done in the last 3.5, four years giving the american people confidence he knows what he's doing twh it comes to jobs and the economy. >> the slow pace of recovery is prompting both sides to push a message that is frankly, kind of a downer, rebecca. governor romney is arguing that
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americans have gotten worse off under president obama while mr. obama is arguing that things would be even worse under governor romney. >> nancy cordes in seminole, florida. thanks, nancy. now to the new jobs report. the economy added just 96,000 jobs in august. that's down from 141,000 in july. the unemployment rate dropped 2 points to 8.1%. but that's because more people gave up looking for work. joining us is the senior editor for barons and cbs news political director, john dickerson. great to have you with us. >>ultimately, the numbers are political. i want to start with you, michael, on what they really say about the jobs picture in this kun trip. >> remains sluggish. been the same story for a while. the private sector continues to add jobs. but at a rate that can't cut into this pool of vital workers. that's why it's stubbornly high.
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the economy is in slow growth mode. this is not a jobs market that says anything different than an economy growing at somewhere less than 2%. it's not as if there's one big thing keeping people from hiring except a slow global economy. >> michael, one of the alarming things in the report is the continuing decline of the participation rate down to 63.5%. we haven't seen that for 31 years. incompetent think the white house is trying to spin this one way and the other side another. is it just people retiring out of the labor force, baby boomers or is it people giving up looking for work? >> it's both. in retrospect, somewhere down road, we have to pull the numbers apart and see if it's something just about this cycle or just something demographically in the country. i do think, though, it is an extension of the fact that a lot of the people who are unemployed, long-term unemployed, ach six months or so, the line between saying i'm no longer looking and yes, i am still looking is pretty fine. i think that's what we're seeing in that number. >> john, there's two more of these reports before election
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day. this one came the day after president obama's speech at the dnc. what did it do to any potential bounce he could have gotten out of that. >> it put it in a huge bucket of cold water. if there was anything good coming out of the convention, it was immediately stomped on by this news. that's how it's been through the campaign. we've had events that look like they may change the shape of things and then something comes along that resets the debate or -- that's why we've had pretty much -- the polls have been stuck basically since may. >> michael, we've pretty much got a trend in unemployment numbers. last six months, it's around 96,000, 97,000. we've got two more of these reports before election day. is it likely we'll get a bounce in unemployment numbers? >> i don't think you'll see a bounce or acceleration that's really going o to change that trend that you mentioned. if you look back 12 months, it's closer to 150,000 per month. that's actually similar to where you were in 2004.
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on a monthly average. the problem is, the hole is so much deeper this time, it's not feeling better. you don't want to hear that. in 2004, we were saying, where are all thejobs, why is it so slow? this is the way mature economies, our demographics, sometimes they seem to recover right now. we don't spring back that quickly. when the hole was so deep, it really is that much more troubling. >> it is worth pointing out we had a job growth problem in the country before the recession. we weren't creating a lot of jobs. are there likely to be any -- to the downside or upside now that europe seems to have leveled out? >> within the general variation month to month that you get, it does seem as if the economic trend has been firming up in the last several weeks or couple months. the jobs numbers, really was one of the weaker ones we've seen. you could see pickup. i don't know, though, that it's something that's going to change the back and forth of the debate. >> if it becomes more of the same, john, does the white house change the messaging and might
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we hear something different out of the romney camp? >> they're fine where they are. you feel bad, it's not going to get better. replace the sitting president. the thing is, the conversation about the economy and it changing, it almost doesn't matter for politics. political scientists will tell you the people's opinions about the economy lock in six months before an election. we're already past that mark. there's nothing that's going to happen that's going to be so wonderful in the economy that will change the way people think about it. >> as people who cover the economy and there are a number of them sitting here, people feel this is so personal. they look at the numbers on the one hand but ultimately, they come back and say, what does it feel like for me in my community, what'my gas prices, what's my home worth. >> when it looked like things were improving and oops, they didn't improve, they have been conditioned, they've been so conditioned to good news that they think anything that's good news is temporary. they're not likely to buy into. >> the attitude of caution.
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>> obama already has the script to work with. so theredoes romney. >> largely, the obama campaign is built on tearing down romney. because things aren't going to get better for him. yes, things are bad, give me a little more time and also, you don't dare hand it over to this guy, because he'll make things that much worse. >> who did that most effectively? a lot of of the reviews out of the dnc is that pibill clinton t out the best case. is there any way he worked against obama. >> clinton took care of the attack job and obama was supposed to look forward to the future. they had two different tasks. talking to delegates in the hall who love president obama, they were talking about the clinton speech. yes, clinton, he has a lot more room to move. clinton is not on the hook for the policies, he can behave a little differently than the sitting president. clinton gave the speech that everybody is talking about at the convention. >> if there's no bounce from
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either of the conventions, are they actually worth it? >> money spent on it. >> we were all down there. we had to cover something. >> you know, it's a great question. there is a focusing quality to these conventions. it's ate lot of money just to focus. on the other hand, what argument is really newcombing out of these two conventions? the president said there's a choice, romney said throw the incumbent out. we knew where the arguments before the conventions. so this would not be the year you want to make the case that you want to extend the conventions for five days because they're so useful. >> michael, when it comes to the unemployment report, one of the really significant factors within the report is the number of long-term unemployed. 5 million people who have been out of work for six months or longer. you brought up an interesting point about the new economy. we're in a new environment where people need new skills and new things to make themselves look
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good in this kind of work environment. >> yeah. >> it's really difficult to really know what that one thing is going to be. in the early 90s, it was the first jobless recession. nobody said, you know what you ought to do is become a web app developer. nobody knew there would be a massive job category that would be the area of growth. general job readiness and general flexibility in terms of access to new training programs where they pop up is the thing to do. really, more important than that, more immediate and thing we know would work is if the economy were able to grow at a faster rate, it's going to bring those people in. it's not so targeted that you have to have the perfect job and perfect application at that moment. it really is about quickening the rate of growth. that's why the federal reserve feels as if there's a sense of urgency to at least try to do something more on that front. >> we've seen both candidates talk about job training as an attempt to say to people i've got something useful to hold on to. the thing about job training is, a lot of times voters think i don't want to go to school
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again, i don't want to retain, constantly having to change things around. there's a feeling among voters that the promise of the american dream should be you get one job and up kind of hold on to it for a while. that's not been the case in the economy for a good long while. but it's still, just in terms of the sense of uncertainty and the sense of life is changing constantly, job training programs are not such a wonderful thing even though they're necessary and required. as a voter, it just means what it suggests. your future is one much constant churn and turmoil. >> not a message people want to hear. i can tell you from people who have been retraining, they're telling you the it's the only way now in this economy. >> michael and john, appreciate it. we will be back with john in our next hour. in the next half hour for our summit with ten undecided voters. we do have breaking news out of afghanistan this morning. a suicide bombing this morning near nato headquarters in the capital city of kabul. afghan police say at least six
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people were killed. five others wounded. the taliban has claimed responsibility. it said the target was a u.s. intelligence post and cbs news correspondent kitty logan is in kabul with us. good morning to you, kitty. >> reporter: good morning. the attack happened just before midday local time here. a very short distance from the nato headquarters in kabul. it was a teenage boy who approached the area on foot. you do have to pass through several checkpoints to get to that spot. but it's not unusual to see young children begging or selling goods to soldiers. his presence may have gone unnoticed. sadly, too, some of the children are thought to be amongst the dead. ppotential attacks in the r capital. it is the anniversary of the death of the former alliance commander who of course fought the old taliban regime for many years. any celebrations in his honor are a potential magnet for
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insurgent attacks. the taliban has claimed responsibility for today's bombing. now, the claims are not always accurate. in the past, it has been proved that the haqqani network has been responsible for many attacks on western targets in the capital. just yesterday, the u.s. government declared the haqqani network a terrorist organization. for that reason, the afghan government says that this is a possible attack by the haqqani network. they are the number one suspect in in particular bombing. elsewhere in the country, yesterday separately from this, we saw prince harry arrive at a british base in the south of the country. he starts a four-month tour as an apache helicopter pilot. of course, there are concerns that his security, too, as a potential target for insurgent attacks. rebecca? >> kitty logan, thank you so much. the tech world was buzzing this week. several companies revealed their new devices hoping to steal apple's thunder. apple is expected to release the
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iphone 5 next week. joining us from los angeles is brian koom i. >> good morning. >> this is a huge week for tech rollouts. is everybody just trying to beat apple here? >> beat or catch up with. got to do that first. they have a long way to go. apple is dominant in the smartphone mine share race. they are one phone against many. it's hard to do apples to apples there. of course, in tablets, the ipad is pretty much unencumbered by challenges. but these companies are not giving up in terms of trying to offer something different than what apple offers. not necessarily offering the same thing. that's the hard lesson a lot of them learned in their first couple of years going after apple. >> something driven and in many cases something slightly smaller. the 7-inch saz range seems to be the tablets. everything you've seen in the last week, brian, what do you like the best?
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>> i like the way amazon has broadened their array of kindle fire tablets. they used to have one kindle fire. it was a $200 tabletment like you mentioned, rebecca, service smaller. now they've gone bigger with a larger one, they've got a cheaper one. they're giving people variety and choice. that's taking a page out of the android phones that everyone carries. a lot of variety and choice. different models and carriers and specks and designs. that's allowing for the anything but apple crowd. which is a credible audience out there. there are some folks who want to get something ems. that's where the other companies are finding relief from the apple juggernaut. >> brian, now that we have the kindle fire and the google nexus 7, is apple going to try to make an ipad to compete? >> this is the expectation. the event this wednesday x we believe, is going to be purely iphone.
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the fifth generation of the iphone. whether they call it iphone 5 or iphone. later in the fall, we expect another event that would be tablet oriented to bring us another version of the ipad. but perhaps a smaller version. apple has always played in the high end of the market. everyone knows that their dev e devices are premium priced. no discounting. you get the best quality of everything. they're missing part of the audience now that we've begun to saturate everybody with smartphones and tablets. what does the other half want? the folks have yet to get one. in many cases, that's a lower price and that means a smaller size. >> for those who have yet to buy one, what's the most important thing to look for? >> dates on a calendar. you have to wait right now. because we have all these new ones coming. the new possible smaller ipads. we have the new iphone, we expecting coming. we want to see what happens with new innovation after this
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samsung, apple lawsuit way may or may not slow the android phones and look to october for new windows phones and windows tablets that aren't even on the market yet. we just saw new nokia phones that show promise. it's a remarkably busy fall. >> brian cooley, thanks. >> you bet. northeast oklahoma is cleaning up after violent and deadly thunderstorms. at least four people were killed friday when wind gusting up to 35 miles per hour blew through the area. three of the victims, two adults and an infant died had their mobile home was destroyed. the fourth victim, a truck driver, was killed when powerful straight-line winds flipped his rig. mexican federal police arrested another suspect in the killing of u.s. border patrol agent brian terry. terry was killed two years ago in arizona near the border with mexico. his death is at the center of the scandal in the botched u.s. gun smuggling investigation known aspiration fast and
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furious. four other men are charged in the shooting. a third person died after contracting an illness carried by rodents. at least five others have been sickened by the disease. all of the victims are believed to have stayed at the curry village tent cab ins in yosemite national park between june and august. thousands more who stayed there may have also been exposed to the disease. four nfl players suspended for their roles in the so-called bounty-gate scandal in new orleans can play again after an appeals panel overturned the suspension. the players challenged under the nfl's collective bargaining agreement. the league will appeal. it revolved around cash bonuses to players who injured their opponents. rich gannon will join us to talk about this and the other top stories in the nfl this season. it's about 19 after the hour. here's lonnie quinn. >> you like to be precise. good morning guys, good morning
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to you. you heard rebecca talk about the terrible situation in oklahoma yesterday. i want to check in with oklahoma right now, let you know things are so much calmer told. the last of the rain is exiting the southeast corner of the state. that rain is all part of one monster cold front from texas all the way up to the great lakes. it is still dangerous, guys. here's the problem. i'm watching the northeast today. because that's where we'll find the biggest contrast. not just in temperatures. hot on one side, cold on the other. but mugginess, dew points, really muggy on one side, dry on the other. you get big lift and a contrast. you will get severe storms. i'm worried about that, even the possibility for tornadoes. if you live in this part of the country, this is home for you. please be careful today. that's a quick look at the national picture. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend.
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everybody. make it a great saturday. rebecca, all yours. stand up to cancer took over prime time tv last night. the fundraising telethon debuted in 2008. it appeared again two years ago and raised more than $180 million for cancer research. as lee cowan reports, last night's show on network and cable outlets features some of television and film's brightest stars. >> i went skydiving ♪ >> it was just about everywhere you turned last night. for an hour of prime time, one of the leading cause was death. >> all the kings horses ♪ >> brought out sop of the leading names in hollywood. >> this evening, let us unite and stand up to cancer. >> the fundraiser was produced this year by actress gwyneth paltrow. >> i'm here tonight because i
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lost my father to cancer. >> it featured emotional tributes to survivors young and old. justin miller was one of them. >> i don't think about me. but if i ever do x i'm taking my legos with me. >> the numbers tell the story. cancer will affect one in two men and one in three women. and every four hours cancer takes another child. >> i remember your blue eyes smoets. ♪ >> singer taylor swift sang a song she wrote for a 4-year-old boy who lost his life. all the while, calls came in. >> thank you for donating. >> ohio, that's a first for me today. >> stand up to cancer stood out again. not because of the stars on stage. >> let's go where cancer is no more. >> those who inspire the rest of us to cherish every moment we have. for "cbs this morning saturday." i'm lee cowan in los angeles.
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>> certainly does. a great cause p officials confirm that millions of dollars was pledged last night. but they won't say or they say they won't have a final number for a couple of days. this presidential election could be decided by the smallest of margins. that's why both parties are going after that small number of undecided voters in the battleground states. >> coming up, we'll have an undecided voters summit and we'll find out what each candidate must do to earn their vote. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." [alanunr ho dyomeurhais
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tat oioly ah tre me ath tug tre aictot. hlalaal oo, t is 'sinofikdrki a odha'sa in ari tt'a od wooo [alanunr tae a dcre e deribl clde d v8 texas are getting ready to put the pedal to the metal. the state is about to open a stretch of highway with the highest speed limit in the country. 85 miles per hour. >> officials say they're doing it to raise money. but critics say, instead of a speed trap, it will be a death trap. we'll take a look at the pros and cons of this controversial toll road. we'll be right back. this is "cbs this morning saturday."
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nit you gottget yo cashget chase eedom.. all right. this is a high water rescue. man drove his truck into a flooded area in buckeye, arizona, west of phoenix. he was trapped but he managed to climb out of the cab. >> the rescue team tossed him a line and was able to pull the man to a raft where he was taken to safety. >> glad to hear that he was taken to safety. we'd much rather show you those videos. >> no kidding. >> welcome to "cbs this morning saturday." >> i'm anthony mason. lonnie quinn will have more on the flooding in arizona shortly. the top story in this half hour. the need for speed in texas. one road will soon have the highest legal speed limit in the nation. 85 miles per hour. it's the state's first public/private toll road and the
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contract between the toll road operator and the state pays texas $100 million for raising the speed limit. as anna werner reports, the new speed limit has some road safety groups very concerned. >> texas transportation officials insist the new 41 mile stretch of highway from austin south to the east of san antonio can handle higher speeds. some local drivers aren't so sure. >> 85 miles an hour on the toll road? i don't know whether i'd do that or not. >> is that too much? >> sounds like too much to me. >> states have license to set their own speed limits. last year, texas lawmakers approved 85 mile per hour limits for new stretches of road, including this one. in the 1970s, 55 was set as the maximum speed limit. now 35 states have speed limits over 70 miles per hour. but only utah and texas permit 80 on some roads.
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>> as you increase travel speeds of vehicles, you increase the energy involved in crashes, which means you have more injuries and more deaths when crashes happen. >> aaa's justin mcnull says 85 will test even experienced drivers and enforcement will be key. >> we want to make sure they'll keep a close eye on it. that we're not seeing crashes that are speed-related. not seeing cars traveling with a great variation in speed and not seeing cars traveling at truly excessive rates of speed. >> the insurance institute for highway safety says the tradeoff for higher speed limits is more crashes and more highway deaths. the new toll road opens in november. for "cbs this morning saturday," anna werner, houston. and joining us now from our washington bureau is russ raider. he is the spokesman for the insurance institute for highway safety. great to have you with us, russ. good morning. >> good morning. you think 85 miles per hour is too fast here. but i'm wondering what would be a speed limit that you think
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would be safe? >> well, policy makers set speed limit for all sorts of reasons, not just safety. but the research shows that there is always a trade-off. when speed limits go up, deaths on those roads go up. when speed limits go down, deaths on those roads go down. from a safety perspective, there is a downside. >> we heard the argument being made in the story that $100 million is going to be raised from this. we also have a statement from the department of transportation which says we must continue to look for innovative ways to generate revenue and be good steward of taxpayer dollars. safety is our top priority and tests have shown that the designated speed is a safe one. russ, my question to you is what do you think of that statement? >> well, if safety were a priority, states would be enforcing the speed limits they have. not raising speed limits. the fact is, 35 states since the mid 1990s have raised speed
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limits on some portions of their roadways to more than 70 miles per hour. it's not a trivial problem. more than 10,000 people die in speed-related crashes each year. so if we were to get a handle on speeding, we could have a significant affect on our highway safety problem in the united states. >> why do you think it is that in the united states the death rate is 27% higher than in europe where you have a number of highways that have no speed limits and in many cases speed limits much higher than 85 miles per hour? >> well, it's a difficult comparison to make. europe is a much more urbanized society. in the 1980s, the death rate on u.s. interstates was lower than it was for example, on o the audubons in skregermany. that changed when states changed speed limits. >> thanks very much, for being
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here. thanks for having me. here's lonnie with another check of the weather. >> i know you wanted to know more about the situation in arizona. we look at the map. arizona pretty calm right now. there's more wet weather in new mexico. it's all going to be firing up. here's the reason why. this time of the year, you get monsoonal moisture. that's pumped in from the south. problem is today, there's an added low pressure system in your vicinity. this is going to intensify everything. what you've got to watch out for, believe it or not, the sunshine. that sun is going to heat things up. that will fire some strong storms. i see some localized heavy flooding out there from flagstaff to tucson to albuquerque. a tough afternoon because of the sunshine. the bigger picture, this mont moving through the mid-atlantic and the northeast is going to be even more dangerous. you've got to be very careful in this portion of the country. it's dpog fire up severe weather. the good news is it's -- tomorrow the nicest air for a while. that's a quick look at the
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national picture. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. >> all right, everybody. see you in about half an hourment anthony, over to you. thanks, lon. the undecided voter summit up next. the presidential election is in two months. while some people have decided who they'll vote for. others are still not so sure. cbs news political director john dickerson and jack otter are here to answer questions for the undecideds. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday".
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the race for the white house will be decided by the undecided voters who haven't made up their mind whether they'll cast a ballot for president obama or governor mitt romney. both candidates are waging an all-out blitz to get their votes. with the conventions over, we thought we'd look into the minds of some of the undecided voters. ten of them are here with us along with john dickerson and "moneywatch" executive director, jack otter. we'll do this in a question and answer format. rosemary ellis of pennsylvania, let me start with you. you've described yourself as undecided and disgusted. >> yes. >> start us off. >> well, i have a college degree. but i can only find part-time work and i'm living below the poverty line. which candidate has the plan for
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someone like me to find full-time work? >> they have very different plans actually. mitt romney's philosophy is when government spends money on programs like training workers it wastes taxpayer money more than actually creating jobs. he would instead cut taxes, get rid of the environmental and accounting regulations that he says hold back business and he would transfer the training programs to the companies themselves. obama, he would cut taxes but in the very targeted way. for instance, he wants to get rid of the deductions you can take if you're a company that closes your factory here and moves overseas and he would spend money. he would repair bridges and roads an the electrical grid on the idea that in the short term you hire people. in the long-term, you might help the economy. >> thank you. >> jack's nailed it perfectly. this is a philosophical question about the role of government in private industry and how that then will spread out and help the rest of the economy. >> let's go to the back row. david hol 'em beck. you're still undeed sided. what could swing you?
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>> my question for mr. romney would be, with all he hopes to do for the economy, medicare reform, creating jobs and everything, would he ever commit to raising taxes if that's what it took to get this country living back within its means? >> he says no way. no how. he will not raise taxes in any form. but he said that version of that before and in massachusetts he did something called raising fees. which is basically the exact same thing. the idea would be that -- whoever wins, there's going to be an immediate fight over the budget. in that fight, there's going to be some trade-off. the betting is probably even though he said absolutely no tax increases, the only way you can get to a deal is to have something. it may come down to the name they put on what will essentially be a tax increase. >> jack, let me jump in here. a lot of economists will say to get the debt down, tax increases
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are inevitable, yes? >> there is no credible plan for attacking this nation's debt that doesn't involve pain on both sides. you have to cut benefits, you have to cut entitlements and you have to raise revenue. which is another way of saying increasing taxes one way or the other. >> let's go to seen. you're from a swing state, virginia. you're on the fence too. what do you want to know? >> i want to know what mr. romney has in plan to help build the lower and middle class? if you're going to build a building, you got to start with the foundation. what i hear is he's more interested in taking care of the rich and the super rich. >> well i think his argument will be that he's going do a number of things that will help the middle class. maybe not directly. but by getting the economy going, through everything from trade deals to education to lowering -- to taking care of the deficit so the economy can be more healthy, that will then -- the middle class will be helped by general economic health. less of a direct targeted approach to the middle class the way the president has programs
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that are more targeted. but more of a general getting the economy going and that that will then help the middle class. >> we'll have more of our summit with undecided voters. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." we'll be right back. looks like there's an opening for shipping coordinator. and i've got to pick someone. tough decision. [ thinking ] okay, you can be a rising star, or... but you just ordered a crispy mcchicken and a fresh-brewed sweet tea for only a buck each off mcdonald's dollar menu, so you're smart, right? nah, i got nothing. smart man. two 7s. oh, oh, ho! oh, wow. the fox strikes again! the fox strikes again! he's always striking! [ male announcer ] the simple joy of being smart.
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he's always striking! he is a good little monkey and always very curious. one day george got an important letter... he's built a rocket ship to travel into space. google, how far is earth to the moon?
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moon is 238,900 miles... the great moment had come... ...3...2...1
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welcome back. we're talking about ten undecided voters from key battleground states. what it will take to earn their vote. also with us john dickerson, cbs political director and "moneywatch" executive director jack otter. we're talking about battleground states. jerry smith, you're retired. your big concern is medicare, yes? >> what's your question? we want to know who to trust for medicare. >> they will both say that you can trust them. romney has the more aggressive plan. his argument is that for both of you, you're fine. your medicare is not going to change. his plan for those under 55 would be to change medicare. actually completely reorganize it and basically make it, take
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it from being a defined benefit plan to a defined contribution. you would get what would essentially be a voucher to apply to the medical care. that's what the debate is about. he hopes by turning medicare over basically to private market the costs would be driven down by competition and that would take care of health care inflation which is what's driechg the deficits up. the obama folks say you would give that voucher out and the voucher would stay at a fixed level, inflation for health care would still go up and your ability to buy insurance would be eroded over time. that's what the debate is about. it's about for folks after your age. >> okay. let's go to the back corner. james lawson. still in the middle. stuck in the middle. >> definitely. >> what do you need to know? >> how does a billionaire like mitt romney relate to somebody working in a big box store for $16 an hour? i would think a president would need to have some idea what's happening down there. >> wow. that's a tough one. i'm tempted to punt it.
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it's interesting because the waltons are known as -- walmart owners are known as big supporters of the republicans. the founder of costco spoke at the democratic convention. so it really depends on who you're talking to of the romney would say, look, if you are a hard working guy making $16 an hour, you understand capitalism. i'm your guy. obama would say what you're saying, this is a billionaire who can't possibly relate. >> jeff stevens, still undecided. why? >> well, when candidate obama was running four years ago he called the $9 trillion debt unpatriotic and promised to cut it in half by end of his first term. we topped $16 trillion and he's asking for $4 trillion cuts by the next four years. meaning 12%. i'm wondering, why should we give him another chance? >> specifically on the question of the debt, i mean it's a great question. it's also not the president's fault alone that this hasn't been solved.
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so the question really going forward is which of the two candidates is going to -- they're both committed to reducing the deficit. the question is which one is going to get anything done in washington. that's tricky. because you can say you're committed all day long to getting this done. but you've got to come to some agreement with congress. the president certainly has had a lot of trouble doing that. mitt romney is untested. he worked with democrats in massachusetts. but it's a whole different ball game in washington. >> you had a question? >> i had a chance to ask president obama a question earlier this year. that was a question i answered. i was unsatisfied. he gave me that number, he said over ten years he would reduce it. i don't know how he gets there. independent analysts looking at his plan, if he could get it past congress, say it's $3 trillion over the years. with romney, he says look, i'm going to do better than that. but he doesn't tell you how he's going to get there. he says he's going to cut taxes which would increase the deficit. let's go back to jack. you voted for obama in the last
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election. >> yes. >> but you're disenchanted now. why? >> over the last four years, aside from obvious high points, i would say that his production has fallen relatively flat as a president from '08 to 2012. so what i'm curious to hear is how you see he could regain his footing and therefore, recreate the momentum he had going into the 2008 election. >> well, we're getting -- this election is going to go down to the wire. basically stuck in the middle. what the obama folks say is there will be a fever that will break if he's re-elected and he'll be able to say i have a mandate and go to congress and say let's get some things done. he's going to have a smaller mandate than in 2008. the mandate of 2008 was a very, very limited. so the question is whether members of congress and republicans, in particular, will feel any pressure from the public. not necessarily from the president to get something done. the other thing that might actually cause the folks to come together a little bit is just that the fiscal mess grows and is more problematic the more --
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the longer they wait. that will force them to just do something. >> all right. want to thank everybody fosh being here this morning. couldn't get to all of you. appreciate you all chipping in. we'll be right back with john and jack for a wrap-up of our undecided voter summit. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday". mmmm, just how satisfying is every spoonful of new light & fit greek? morning donut cookies chips, chips,...! silence those tempting thoughts with new light & fit greek. its creamy thick texture helps satisfy you. it has twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt. and at 80 calories it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. cupcake! it's not gonna happen. new light & fit greek. be light and fit and satisfied.
8:53 am
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[ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. cbs news political director john dickerson and "moneywatch" executive editor jack otter are back with us. in that chat with the vote -- undecided voters, were you surprised about anything or is this pretty much what you're hearing among people on the fence? >> it's pretty much a what we're hearing. it's a question of trust. it's great because that's where the election is. how is obama going to do this time around and how does mitt romney do. two big questions. >> there's both the philosophical issues came out there but also what i like to
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try to focus on is the data and who caused the deficit. you spoke to that for a minute. if you look at the numbers, we have a story on "moneywatch" now. where did this portion of the deficit come from and that portion. people need to understand both. they have to be grounded and look at the numbers. >> ultimately, there's so many people in the country who are decided. the undecided make up such a small portion. >> you have to be undecided in a battleground state to make it count. >> right. >> undecided in new york, forget, we don't care. >> i think the undecideds to me tend to be like that guy jack who was obama and now he is on the fence. there's a lot a difference between the two candidates. that's why there are so few undecideds. john dickerson, jack otter thanks. we'll be right back. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday".
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♪ welcome to "cbs this morning saturday." i'm rebecca jarvis. i'm anthony mason. this tuesday is the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. and construction on the memorial museum has ground to a halt. we'll talk with two people who lost family in the attack about what needs to be done to end the controversy and finish the museum at ground zero. then, a stunning development. just as the nfl season kicks off, four players who were suspended for taking part in the new orleans saints bounty-gate scandal can now play. sports analyst rich gannon will explain what this means and take a look at the five top stories
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this nfl season. she once said sophia loren plays peasants. i play ladies. we open up the cbs news vault for edward r. murrow's interview with one of the world's most beautiful women. gina lollobrigida. to our top story. secretary of state hillary clinton says the u.s. could soon left cold war era trade sanctions against russia. clinton is in the russian far east for a summit of the rim nations. it's aimed to quell -- over control of some islands. >> two children thought to be abducted by their father on a stolen 40-foot sailboat were rescued by the coast guard off of california. authorities have been tracking the boat in a slow-speed chase along the california coast since tuesday. the father surrendered on friday and the children were unharmed. the former u.s. navy seal who wrote the controversial book, "no easy day" under the pseudonym mark owen talks about the raid in an interview with
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"60 minutes" tomorrow night. he tells scott pelley it was his job to photograph the body. >> i figured these were some of the most important photos i would ever take in my life. make sure i do it right. get good angles and all this other stuff. you got to clean off the face so it's as identifiable as possible. spread water on him. took a sheet off the bed, wiped the blood off. >> wiping the blood off of osama bin laden's face. and you shot pictures of his face in a profile. can you describe what they looked like? >> they're pretty gruesome. >> you can see scott pelley's entire interview tomorrow night at 7:00, 6:00 central on cbs. it is about two minutes after the hour. time for another check of the weather with lonnie quinn. >> hello x guys. good morning everybody. i want to show you what's going on. it's a tropical picture but the storms are getting north. tropical storm leslie and we have hurricane michael with 100 miles per hour winds. now, the good news for the east
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coast or the u.s. of a. the both the storms will be pushing out into the middle of the ocean. leslie will get about 500 miles off shore of cape cod. consequently, we'll have dangerous surf conditions over this weekend. the mid-atlantic will have waves about 4 to 7-feet high. then up to portions of maine, 4 to 7 foot waves. in the new york city area, 3 to 6 footers. you got to be careful of rip current. all the water is pushed out and travels out on i rip current. then this for portions of the northeast. i'm talking the entire northeast. that will be today. really rough weather is going to be severe. behind it, beautiful weather. this sets up for all of next week. that's a quick look at the national picture. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend.
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this weather segment sponsored by pronamel. he protect your enamel against the effects of acid erosion. that does for me. anthony, over to you. thanks, lonnie. this tuesday is the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. weave were expecting a new unveiling at ground zero. one world trade center expected to open in 2014. the reflecting pool has been visited by many people. angered many of the families that work has stopped. >> every morning the lines are long to see the memorial. in one year, 4.5 million people have seen these pools etched with the names of the nearly 3,000 people killed on 9/11. >> it's been very, very well done. however, the name does not tell the story. and that's what's missing right
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now. >> charles wolf who lost his wife katherine in the world trade center says, without a museum, the memorial is incomplete. >> it is absolutely shameful. this memorial is not just for the families. this memorial is for the world. >> construction of the museum has stopped due to a financial dispute between the foundation that runs the memorial and museum and the port authority of new york and new jersey. the transportation agency that owns the whole site. the port authority is finishing a multibillion dollar office tower and train station here. but its vice chairman scott rec letter says there are questions about the future finances of the fountation. >> to make sure there's a budget in place long-term to deal with a $60 million a year operating budget. >> the foundation raised $450 million to build the memorial and museum. officials say they can successfully fundraise to
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operate both. ms. green walt has been planning the museum for six years. >> otherwise, is it essentially ready? >> yes. remarkably so. the design is complete, we're building the exhibition. >> the museum is where visitors will see the faces behind the names. relics of the twin towers and mementos of those who died in them. >> what do we have here? >> jan ramirez has been organizing 40,000 artifacts. >> in this case, it was worn into the building by a firefighter with squad 18. yu can see his 18, yellow squad badge here that survived on the top. >> david halderman was one of 343 firefighters lost on 9/11. >> he was last seen in the north tower. they were doing last minute checks to make sure there were no civilians on the floor and the towers fell. >> the museum will personalize history and won't avoid controversial subjects.
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>> it was a big issue about whether to use photographs of the hijackers. >> there was never a question in our mind that, if we're charged with telling the story of 9/11, that we would leave out the individuals who actually perpetrated the crime. it would be like having a holocaust museum without nazis. you can't do that. >> joining us now is edie lut nick, whose brother worked there and was on the 105th floor when tower one collapsed. she is executive director of the relief fund and author of "an unbroken bond." also with us is firefighter lee who lost his son, also a firefighter in the south tower. lee is board president of the september 11th families association and co-founder of the 9/11 tribute center. good morning to you both. thanks for being here. >> good morning. >> thanks for having us. >> edie, let me start with you. i should note, your firm lost 658 people in the attacks. it's been 11 years.
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are you surprised this museum hasn't been finished and open? >> surprised, no. disappointed, yes. i mean, the politics started -- lee and i were talking about this earlier. the politics started really on september 12th. and it hasn't stopped. it's really been the basis of what an unbroken bond is about. so i'm not surprised that even after ten years, it's continuing with the museum the same way that it did with the memorial. >> you lost your brother gary. >> i did. >> in 9/11. the fact that there is no museum open here now other than your tribute center, does that keep you from finding peace at ground zero? >> you know, i don't think that that's really what it is. when you lose someone you loved, there's always going to be a hole and no memorial or museum will ever fill that. but the reality is that the families fought very, very hard
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for a memorial that would tell a story. and we lost. we wanted the -- we wanted the names of the companies. we want things that would tell you what happened here and that you could connect to. and the answer for the families was that you would get that information in a museum. so by not having it in a museum, to me i look at the 4.5 million visitors who have come to the memorial as a missed opportunity. >> right. >> because those are people who saw what appear to be a random listing of names. >> they haven't seen the story. >> but they know nothing about the people who passed away. nothing about what happened here and they know nothing about what happened in the ten years that followed. >> you're responsible for opening the one essentially museum that is open down there. the 9/11 tribute center. what do you think needs to be done to get the museum going? >> two sides have to get together. it's quite obvious. i can tell you without any
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question that mayor bloomberg and the folks at city hall and joe daniels, the memorial foundation and his folks, the two governors and the people from the port authority are working on this issue every day. >> right. >> why can't they get together? fundamentally, what is this about? >> i'm on the memorial foundation board. i'm not privy to that end of it. there is a certain amount of politics. is it ego? i don't think so. i think it's that the two sides have to connect with certain issues, whether it's a control or not. but they are, without any question, they're working diligently every day to try and resolve this. it's easy to say we'll be done in the next few weeks. i don't think so. >> we're talking about a year here at least. >> yes. the museum itself, if the issues are resolved today, it would most likely be another year, year and a half before the museum could be built. the sad issue with the museum
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not being built and i think edie was touching on it, is that these millions of people that have come to the site every day don't have any context. they don't -- >> back story. >> exactly. many people have been annoyed at the waisome of the visitors are acting. but if you don't have a signage, you can't expect the people to act differently until the museum is done >> thank you to both of you for joining us. >> we'll be right back. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." the acidic les can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back. i was quite surprised, as only few as four exposures a day what that can do to you. it's quite a lesson learned. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel. he recommended that i use it every time i brush. you feel like there is something that you're doing to help safeguard against the acid erosion. and i believe it's doing a good job.
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♪ very dramatic music. this promises to be another great season of nfl football. it kicks into high gear with 13 games, many here on cbs. >> joining us with the five top stories to watch this season is rich gannon. he's a former mvp who played quarterback for the vikings.
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go vikes. chiefs and raiders. here he is now. he's now a cbs sports analyst. great to have you with us. >> great to be with you guys. >> we're looking at this bounty-gate reversal. very surprising to some. >> i think it's temporary good news for the players. i don't think it's going to last. there's a good chance that the commissioner could revisit this next week. it boils down to some clarity in terms of his decision to discipline the players. i think it's more about not the salary cap so much as it is about conduct detrimental to the league. that's a good chance the players could be disciplined next week. >> and that would be obviously something very different for the saints as an outcome. not as positive as some people could think it is today. >> a lot of people felt this was great news for the players, the players would be reinstated and in fact, could play the entire year. i don't think that's going to be the case. i think the commissioner is dead set on disciplining the players. he said there's obviously some
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issues here that there was overwhelming evidence that the fact there was a bounty program in place in new orleans. i don't think the commissioner is going to back down from this one. >> a better news. peyton manning returns after being off a season for neck surgery. what do you expect from him? >> i expect greatness. i really do. if you look at his complete body of work, the first 13 years, never missed a game. played incredibly high level. it may take some time for the players to around him to a just to peyton manning and his style of play. i still think that this is a guy who is going to have a fantastic season this year in denver. andrew luck, robert griffin the third, which is going to make the most significant impact? >> andrew luck is most prepared for the opportunity. you look at his training at stanford, he played for jim harbaugh, he played for coaches in the national football league. i don't know a quarterback as ready to play. >> i think rg3 will have an
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exciting year as well. you'll look at how new orleans starts, the redskins start in new orleans much a cuff one for rg3. andrew luck has to play against the chicago defense. there are going to be bumps in the road as there typically are. both have star power and will have great careers in the national football league. one of the most bizarre stories is the tim tebow, mark sanchez duo. now he's the backup on the jets in this crazy experiment. can work? >> it can. but i think it's going to be a juggling act the entire season for the new york jets. i don't know how it's going to play out. i know that tim is going to be very involved. i got a chance to visit with him yesterday and mark sanchez. i think tim tebow will have a significant role in the game against the bills on sunday. i think he'll be out there in the wildcat and special teams. i think we'll see trickery. >> is he going to start at some point do you think? >> it depend how the jets start on offense and how well mark sanchez plays. if not, if he gets off to a slow
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start, we could see a lot of tim tebow. >> rich gannon, thanks so much. the nfl kicks off the season on cbs tomorrow on 12:00 p.m. eastern. you can see rich's show on mondays at a special season opening time of 5:00 p.m. eastern. up next, she was known as the world's most beautiful woman. >> this is the gavel that the speaker of the house in washington gave to me. >> ah yes. >> very nice. >> mr. sam rayburn. i think when he gave it to you, he said you could use it on your husband if you had to, is that right? >> yes. >> you wouldn't do that, though, would you? >> oh, i don't know. i keep it just in case. >> just in case. we open up the cbs news vault for a memorable interview with gina lollobrigida. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." fresh at subway ♪ ♪ breakfast made the way i say [ male announcer ] at subway, you got it made. try an egg white & cheese tricked out any way you want.
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subway. eat fresh. ooh gas, take an antacid. oh, thanks. good luck. good luck to you. doesn't he know antacids won't help gas? oh, he knows. [ male announcer ] antacids don't relieve gas. gas-x is designed to relieve gas. gas-x. the gas xperts.
9:20 am
gas-x is designed to relieve gas. chips, chips,...! silence those tempting thoughts with new light & fit greek. its creamy-thick texture helps satisfy you. and at 80 calories, it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. new light & fit greek.
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be light and fit and satisfied. this morning, we're heading inside the cbs news vault for an edward r. murrow interview with gina lollobrigida. in the '50s and '60s. she was considered one the most beautiful women in the world. now 85, she famously said, i've
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had many lovers and still have romances. i'm very spoiled all my life. i've had too many admirers. >> a problem we'd all like to have. in february of 1958, the italian sex symbol and her husband allowed the person to person cameras into their luxurious suite at the waldorf towers in new york city. you met vice president nixon on saturday, i believe. did you two talk any politics at all? >> oh, no. how i can? he was very nice with me. we -- he said that he's a movie fan. and admires italian films. and i was very happy to hear this because we need many, many fans because of the television, everybody look at the television now. >> gina, how did your parents feel about your wanting to become an actress? >> my father is worse than a
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manno owe when i was a little girl, he didn't let me go to the movie because he permit me just to see features and walt disney. and then -- so i sneak out to the movie and when the lights come on, i go under the chair so nobody can see me. but one day, he caught me. >> what are the foils in the corner? i thought you were an amateur artist. do you fence too? >> i use it in my last picture, beautiful but dangerous. where i i fence. and i keep for souvenir and i
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bring here because i wanted to do a duel on ed sullivan show. but now i change my mind because many people don't believe that i sing with my voice and so i was singing at sullivan show. after then, if the people will not believe that i sing -- >> a duel between you and ed sullivan on sunday night. i'd like to see that, gina. what's in the box there on the chair? >> oh, here, there are many presents that the people in new york gave to me. this is the gavel that the speaker of the house in washington gave to me. >> ah yes. >> very nice. >> i think when he gave it to you, he said you could use it on your husband if you had to. is that right? >> yes. >> you wouldn't do that, though, would you? >> oh, i don't know. i keep it just in case.
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>> to change the subject for a minute, where have you not been in america that you would like to go? >> the west. i saw too many western pictures that i would like very much to meet the indians. >> the indians in the far west. why don't you go to the far west? >> there are some hotels there? >> of course. wonderful hotels and some air conditioning wig wams too, gina. >> gina, you're obviously blessed with a sense of humor, a fine family and fame and success. what is most important to you? >> i think now that the marriage is like a lottery and so i feel very lucky that i have a husband and baby. the success and the fame is not
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enough. the work one day will finish for me. so what i will have? always my family. i think this is the most important thing in the life. >> the most important thing in life. is to have a few men on the back burner according to her story. >> i think she said three is -- >> something like that. she won a lot of lotteries, apparently. >> i'm trying to envision her with president nixon. he wasn't one of the lovers. but that meeting, it's like, i don't know. >> they probably discussed foreign policy. that's my guess. still ahead, gina lollobrigida seems happy, but are women happier than men? >> women just wake up in the morning and they want to be happy. >> women have a lot more crap to deal with. just go with men are occasionally happier. >> men are so quick to get snappy and upset. just describing my husband. >> girls just want to have fun. >> well, we'll have the surprising rulgts of a new study
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on happiness. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday."
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♪ everyone say ah. if there was an award for the most thoughtful parents, these two would win it. >> the new parents had to fly from san francisco to washington with their newborn twins. before the flight, the couple handed out apology bags filled with candy to their fellow passengers with the following note. >> we're twin baby boys on our first flight. we're only 14 weeks old. we'll try to be on best behavior, but we want to apologize in advance if we lose our cool, get scared. our mom and dad, our portable milk machine and diaper changer have ear plugs available if you need them. >> you know what, the babies didn't cry the entire five-hour
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trip. >> there's good news for all of flyers out there. they head back home today. welcome back to "cbs this morning saturday," i'm rebecca jarvis. i'm anthony mason. that family provided better service than the airlines do. >> anyone who gives me candy, all is forgiven. it's all coming up. first over to lonnie quinn for a final check of the weather. >> isn't that a great story. whenever i take a flight with a crying baby, it seems they sit behind me. there that baby is. kudos to you. i want to show you what's going on weatherwise across the country. there are really three big stories out there. the first one right here. it's this big old front. it's going to bring dangerous weather to portions of the mid-atlantic through the coast of maine. that's got a punch to it. the second story, you can barely see it. a couple of clouds on the screen. this is tropical storm leslie. it's not going to come to the shores of the united states. however, it will be affecting again that same area from the mid-atlantic up through the northeast with some very big waves and dangerous surf.
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the third story i want to talk about is right here. it's in the southwest. monsoonal moisture. it will be intensified. we're talking a low pressure system making it stronger with 1 to 2 inches much rain. localized flooding out there. that's a quick look at the whole countriment here's a closer look at the weather for you. well, good golly. i got to tell you, some of the nicest weather anywhere is in chicago, illinois today with sunny skies. about 71 degrees. perfect spot for my shoutout to the great city of chicago. this weekend they're hooesing the 92nd annual german american festival. some amazing beers, bratwursts. want to thank everybody watching
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"cbs this morning saturday" on wbbm, cbs 2 and congratulations, wbbm on their new morning show. that begins today. you guys will be great. knock it out of the park. guys over to you. >> on behalf of the entire network, i would like to apologize for lonnie's bad german accent. >> i tried. congratulations to you at wbbm. >> indeed. if you think women are happier than men. are you in. >> and guys are just moody, it turns out you may be right. >> ross kissed me. >> no. oh, my god, oh, my god. >> unbelievable. >> oh, my god, oh, my god. >> all right. we want to hear everything. monica, get the wine and unplug the phone. >> rachel, does this end well or do we need tissues? >> it ended very well. >> i knew it. >> a new study discovered a so-called happiness gene in women. the same gene exists in men but it has the opposite effect. that's why it's called the
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worrier gene. joining us is the indiana jones of happiness much he's the author of happiness, unlocking the mysteries of psychological wealth. >> thanks for being here. >> thank you so much. >> is is it true, are women happier than men? >> they are. there aren't huge differences between the sex. but women certainly are open to more intense emotion. so women might sometimes experience more intense negatives. but they certainly experience more intense positives. they report being happier. >> the study looks at the warrior gene in men but for women it makes them happy. how does it actually work? >> it's interesting. what maoa does, is it regulates or influences how the brain uses the neurotransmitter certificate tonin. that's what's released when you feel happy. in men it interacts with testosterone to create aggression. men are more likely to be
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anti-social or quick tempered as a result of this. if they have this particular gene. in women, on the other hand, they're more likely to use this neuro transmitter optimally with bursts of pleasant feelings. >> does this mean women are pretty universally happier than men? >> they certainly could be. the lucky women who have this genetic marker do report being happier. but the geena loan isn't going to guarantee happiness. because real world stresses affect happiness. >> i was wondering about that. maybe you're innately a happier person but then you have experiences that you go through this life and that will shape things, isn't it? >> absolutely. there are a number of studies that have been conducted in the past that show that if you have this particular genetic marker, that you have a pretty rough upbringing. you feel rejected. you're at higher risk because of the way the gene and your environment interact, you're at a higher risk for compulsive spending, anti-social behavior.
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>> there's a downside too. the environmental factors, which is what everybody thought, are key. >> dr. robert, thanks for being with us morning. >> thank you. coming up next, honey boo boo or the kids from the jersey shore? we will take a look at what's in and out this fall from movies to music to fashion to tech. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." you know why i sell tools? tools are uncomplicated. nothing complicated about a pair of 10 inch hose clamp pliers. you know what's complicated? shipping. shipping's complicated. not really. with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service shipping's easy. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. that's not complicated. no. come on. how about... a handshake. alright. priority mail flat rate boxes. starting at just $5.15. only from the postal service. [ dog ] we found it together.upbeat ]
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♪ ♪ summer is mostly over and you know what that means. new tv shows. another round of blockbuster movies. celebrity romance and take out the warmer clothes. here with a jump on what's trending this fall the senior editor for us weekly magazine. great to have you with us snamt a lot to keep track of. >> so many things you're here to break it all down. >> i'll try my best. >> what is going to be the hottest film? >> we're waiting for james bond. sky fall. daniel craig will show off his most ripped james bond we've had. the third time out. javier barden is in it as well. it's the 50th anniversary of james bond, dr. no in 1963. we're coming full sish will right now in this franchise. >> you have bad news for the twie hard. >> it's not looking good. not a good forecast on the
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horizon. the last movie was a stinker. didn't do well. everybody walked out. people are getting tired of it. even the rob pattinson, kristen stewart split isn't enough to revive interest. you'll see their child in this. the final installment. but i don't know if it's going to be enough. it's really kind of getting played out. >> who is going to be the big star this fall? >> katie holmes. this is the rebound we're waiting to see. they split up. she's the face of bobby brown cosmetics. she's launching her fashion line. it's been launched but she's having a fashion show for holmes and yang. broadway, her favorite thing. this is a nicole kid man-style comeback. that's what you want to see. >> maybe that's why you're with him in the first place. >> who is fading fast? >> tom cruise. >> did you see rock of ages? no one else really did either. he doesn't have a lot going on. he's got one movie jack archer coming out towards the end of the year.
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oblivion, which he filmed during the split with katie holmes. not looking good. there's a creep factor from the bad press he got from the whole thing. it's not like everyone is lining up waiting for his next project. there's a vanity fair expose about him now. biz. >> what's your pick for best hottest couple. >> jessica biel and justin timberlake. that and brad pitt and angelina jolie. >> this one is the wedding everyone is talking about. the cool young, young hollywood wedding. rumored to be in italy next month by some people. others are saying there's no date. they're still working out the location. everyone is watching to see when this will take place. it will be one big party. that's for sure. expect an 'n sync lowest form
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american life that you could see on tv. you can't help watching it. it's a total car wreck but it's funny. all sorts of talk. it beat the republican national convention, the democratic national convention. you have a lexicon of words from it. it's not going to go awayment i'm sorry. >> what is going away? >> jersey shore. it's the final season thank god. we're not going to be saying gtl anymore and everyone is sort of ready to get off the tanning bed and get them out of here. >> at least there is some good news to look forward to this fall. thank you. appreciate it. coming up next, something that is always hot and tasty. the food of chef james boyce. the alabama superstar will dish about his trend setting restaurants and his ultimate dish. herb crusted rack of lamb. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." maybe you can be there; maybe you can't. when you have migraines with fifteen or more headache days a month,
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share an appetizer, then choose two chili's entrees, like our classic bacon burger or our famous slow-smoked baby back ribs. chili's $20 dinner for two. wmy credibility crawled out of the basement and got all street up in here. (in her head) holla! the dcs they want are in the house. famous brands. famously easy. famous footwear. victory is yours. ♪ .
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♪ this morning we're joined on the dish by a chef who has married comfort elegance and american cooking over the decades. james boyce built an impressive culinary career. >> this inventive chef woens owns five restaurants in huntsville, alabama, all of which have been featured in magazines, food and health. herb crusted rack of lamb he has shared today welcome >> it's great to be here. >> there's a lot on this plate. >> there is. >> tell us about it. >> everything i love to think about has memories. the rack of lamb we used to do when i was back in the '80s. goes through to the shrimp and grits which is just as of late moving to huntsville. memories evoke great emotion in food. that's what we like. >> how did you settle in huntsville, alabama. >> we were fortunate to visit there through some friends of ours and we were really inspired by the sense of community. we had two small children at the
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time, my wife and i. we thought it was great. trying to get out of the rat race and moving from the west coast down to the southeast. it was a great change. we haven't looked back. >> you have five restaurants there now? >> we do. we have lots of very different from cotton row which we opened when we got there and lately we opened a cafe in a hotel with my daughter's name on it. it's been quite a love affair down there. >> you started training here in new york at la serk. >> i'm a poughkeepsie born person. >> you're a local boy. >> i don't know if it's local. >> local enough. >> it is. it was funny. i went to -- i grew up there, went to high school and left and went to college. ended up going back there and started to work at la sirk. got that automatic gratification. you didn't have to wait until you were gone or dead before you got recognized for something.
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>> how different is cooking from place to place? for example, cooking in alabama, do you feel you're cooking for a different audience than new york and does that shape how you cook? >> it always does. you're a product of your environment. we went from new york city to -- that was sort of strange. you know, you dealt with the tourists. in laguna, you had l.a. people which were very quite similar to new york. now in the southeast, you know, they look at it like you're sort of down there and it's kind of redneck or whatever you want to say. but it's not. it's very educated. huntsville has nasa and well-educated people. most ph.d.s. we get away with doing a lot of the food we've done over the years. and people really embrace it and enjoy it. >> what's your kitchen like at home? >> our kitchen at home is great because when we moved to huntsville, my wife really took control and asked me what i thought and used very little of
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that. it was nice. built this really great kitchen with wonderful appliances. i think that the focal point is a huge island that we can seat people around and entertain and have a great time with it. >> you brought us -- actually, this is more of a local alabama drink, no? >> it's the closest to moonshine. pritchard's white whiskey with some fruit. >> nice. >> end of the summer we're serving this. it's got a little zing to it and per sec owe to give it sparkle. you can get away with any kind of liquor i guess if you wanted to. >> is the local name for that white lightning? is that what i hear? >> it is. you can slug out of bottle later. >> if you wouldn't mind, chef, signing our plate on the dish. we love it when our chefs come by and sign our dishes. >> thank you. >> james boyce, thanks for being with us this morning. for more information on the dish and chef james, go to cbs
9:50 am"cbs this morning." cheers. don't go away. we'll be right back. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." two years ago, the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf. and every day since, we've worked hard to keep it. bp has paid over twenty-three billion dollars to help people and businesses who were affected, and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy -- and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. we've shared what we've learned with governments and across the industry so we can all produce energy more safely. i want you to know, there's another commitment bp takes just as seriously: our commitment to america. bp supports nearly two-hundred-fifty thousand jobs in communities across the country. we hired three thousand people just last year. bp invests more in america than in any other country. in fact, over the last five years, no other energy company has invested more in the us than bp. we're working to fuel america for generations to come.
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time for a little surprise. today we officially welcome you anthony mason. get prepared. there's a lot of surprises here at "cbs this morning saturday." as my permanent co-host on this broadcast. we are thrilled to have him. >> thank you. they didn't tell me. >> you've had an extremely distinguished career. >> cut it out. >> since he joined cbs news in 1986. you've gotten accustomed to the white lightning, which is good because we do that here. we thought we'd give a view of anthony's past.
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>> this is a treat. >> i notice this wasn't in the run down. >> all eyes will be on the january unemployment number when this comes out tomorrow morning. >> in 26 years of reporting for cbs news -- >> the unemployment rate in georgia is 9.4%. >> anthony mason has brought us the world of economics. >> the economy was the top issue. >> pop music. >> how do you feel you're playing back in the states? >> i personally feel a little bit nervous. >> the world. >> the wreckage of the worst air disaster in british history was scattered over 18 miles. about 20 relatives of the victims are here in lockerbie. >> anthony reported for more than 30 countries for cbs. >> the british government was more amused -- >> starting in the london area. like iran's invasion into neighboring iraq. >> wants independence from iraq welcomed its occupiers. iraq took revenge. dropping cyanide and mustard gas on its own city. >> this is the austrian border.
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from here it's less than 50 miles to vee answer a. >> anthony was on the frontlines with refugees looking to escape the iron curtain just months before the fall of the berlin wall. >> caught seven today. >> yes. >> and they're looking for two more. >> yes. >> boris yelts in. >> he witnessed the fall of the soviet union. >> the communist party is really and truly on the run tonight. >> suddenly crude oil, black gold. >> in the '90s, he returned to the u.s. and named senior economics correspondent for cbs news. >> it could only be a matter of weeks before this financial crisis moves from here on wall street to main street. i'm anthony mason. this is a special edition of sunday morning. >> but anthony has also en lightened us with his own passion. >> you have 25 guitars back there. >> there's a lot of guitars and the reason is because there's a lot of different tunings. >> like introducing viewers to
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music stars. and rising stars. >> at times adele seems like any other 20-year-old kid nervously texting her new boyfriend. >> this is where you try not to get into the school. >> what did they ask you? >> why should we let you in. >> because i'm -- >> now he begins a new phase. each saturday morning. >> good morning, i'm anthony mason. >> and i'm rebecca jarvis. >> right here in studio 57. >> and we are thrilled. >> good stuff. >> you do all that and then they reward you by making you get up at 3:30 on saturday morning. >> doing all that. that world traveling that you did, do you miss that or is it nice to sort -- >> it was fun while di it. getting shot at gets old. it's like after a certain -- somebody said when the war in baghdad broke out, do you miss it? are you kidding me? >> you also had cool spots you twoent. >> but it's much more fun to be sitting here with you guys. >> join us next weekend on "cbs
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this morning saturday" on a monday morning for "cbs this morning." have a great weekend everyone.
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