tv 9 News Now at 11pm CBS September 9, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT
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you got it, mr. jane. jane-- shh. we're getting to the best part here. fierce storm, low visibility-- a rock has just torn a hole in the "fremont's" hull as big as a man. carry on, arkin. captain's ordered everyone to abandon ship. mm-hmm. but it was too late. the "fremont" sank, all 200 souls aboard her. my grandfather said that even with all the noise from the storm that night, you could hear 'em screaming for help. some nights, people say that you can still hear their cries on the wind. and no one ever found the gold? what gold? the "fremont" was a treasure ship, most famous in santa marta history. went down in 1906. she was carrying all the annual treaty payments for the indian tribes up north. crates of gold coins and bullion-- $60 million worth, today's value. and it was never found? nah, the san francisco earthquake happened a few weeks after the wreck. they think it buried the ship for good.
11:01 pm
mm, but you kept looking, didn't you? yeah. (chuckles) i kept looking. eh? (chuckles) $10 liberty head gold eagle. i found that the summer of '72. (chuckles) (chuckles) best damn day of my life. hell, i thought i'd found the "fremont." i dove every day for the next seven summers. i never found another damn thing. she's down there. she's there. that's a great story, arkin. thank you. (pats shoulder) thank you. neo? two-dog? i've gotta go. i'll see you around. thanks for the drinks, man. do you think jay found the "fremont's" treasure? well, jay and his partner. you don't treasure-hunt alone. (door opens) he did know the salvage business from working for greg, and he had a boat. oh, boat, yes, i'd like to take a look at that. it's missing. chief anson's looking for it.
11:02 pm
hey! hey, that's my car! what? my car. this is? yours? oh. is it, really? agent, i'm so sorry. bill, unhook her. she's law enforcement. hey, chief. any luck with, uh, jay's missing boat? it's not in santa marta. how do you know that? because my men and i searched everywhere in town, every square inch of land and water. really? mm-hmm. most impressive. thank you. bill! belay that order. we're gonna ride with you. i love a tow truck. we are? why? lao-tzu. lao-tzu? famous chinese philosopher. what has he got to do with anything? ah, your unconscious sexual bias at work there, lisbon. you assumed he was a "he." well, was he? he was. not the point. get in. oh, my god. thank you.
11:03 pm
(car bell dinging) chief. (dinging stops, engine starts) whoo. (indistinct conversations) (car door closes) (cho) hey. (engine starts) (tires screech) yo, yo, get off me, man! what are you, nuts? (both grunt) carlton "tookie" burroughs. (yells) (crash) (grunts) (pants) what the hell's up, yo? summer edgecombe. tell me what happened. oh, hey, man, that bitch is yours? (smack) (thud) why'd you hurt her, tookie? dude, i swear to god,
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if i knew that she had a cop pimping for her, i would have let her have it free, all right? what are you talking about? she stole my product, man-- like, 6 grams. she won't give it back. like i'm an idiot? come on, man. i'm not gonna let that slide. i got a reputation, all right? (smack) (grunts) stay away from her. (patrick) well, thank you. (sighs) lao-tzu said that if you search everywhere, yet cannot find what you are seeking, it is because what you seek is already in your possession. deep. what kind of boat did jay banner own? a gray lapstrake. hmm, well, jay was a smart man who needed to park his boat somewhere for free, so why not put someone else's plates on the trailer and let it get towed by the very eager police?
11:05 pm
where better to stash your boat than the one place you know the police aren't gonna look? and then jay could slip in through that gate anytime he pleased. there it is-- the "hang ten"" bingo, and i'm willing to bet that there is evidence of jay's treasure hunt, maybe even the treasure itself, on board. (clatter) or the killer. police! come out with your hands in the air! don't shoot. sound advice.
11:06 pm
11:07 pm
mmm i can still see you. if you think occasional irregulathink twice.ig deal, it may be a sign that your digestive system could be working better. listen to this. with occasional irregularity, things your body doesn't use could be lingering in your system, causing discomfort. but activia has been shown in clinical studies to help with slow intestinal transit when consumed 3 times per day. 7 out of 10 doctors recommend activia. and the great taste is recommended by me! ♪ activia [ construction sounds ] ♪ [ watch ticking ] [ engine revs ] come in. ♪ got the coffee. that was fast. we're outta here.
11:10 pm
you know what jane's theory is? if jay really did salvage the "fremont's" treasure, he had to have had a partner. he couldn't have done it alone. a partner who killed him. what were you doing on jay's powerboat? he borrowed a life jacket. i wanted it back. how did you even know where to find the boat? jay told me. greg, stop it. all right? since i'm 17 years old, i can tell when you're lying. that's funny, 'cause i could never tell when you were lying to me. (door opens) oh. hey, boss. i got this. thanks. i thought i was question-- get outta here. okay.
11:11 pm
see, i know you're lying, because we found the cleaning equipment. you were there to wipe the place down-- a good way to cover your tracks. look, i didn't kill him. the morning of his death, jay's roommate saw a boat heading toward shore. that was you. it was your boat. look, sometimes stuff looks bad, and there's an innocent explanation. okay, what's the explanation? you won't believe me. try me. you know... it took a long time for me to get over you, teresa-- a long time-- but i finally did. it was your boat that morning. tell me the truth. yes, it was my boat. all right? i was out fishing. no luck. i didn't catch anything. talk to me. i can help you. no, thanks. i'm good.
11:12 pm
arkin. mm. like to ask you a few more questions about the "fremont"" then i've got some answers. the "fremont"? is this about jay's murder? uh, yeah. in fact, there's about to be a major break in the case. in that case, it's on the house. oh, thank you. oop, it's my phone. i'm gonna have to take this. i'll be right back. inventory from the victim's boat. thanks. we get any prints? no, tayback must've wiped 'em all. hang on. hydraulic pump, underwater cutting tools. those are all salvage equipment, right? yeah, there was a bunch of 'em. expensive stuff. thanks. (blinds rattle) no problem. yeah. okay. yeah, that looks better. is any of your equipment missing? go away. greg said not to speak with you.
11:13 pm
your salvage equipment-- we found some on jay's boat. so? so is any of it yours? if greg was jay's partner in the salvage of the "fremont"" they would have used your company's equipment. greg didn't do this. so prove it. is any of your gear missing? no, it's all accounted for. so jay used his own gear, which means greg wasn't the partner. oh, the killer, you mean? no, of course not. greg couldn't hurt anyone. he incriminated himself. greg told me that he was on a boat going to see jay the morning of his death. i think he was lying to protect someone else. yeah. you. it was you on that boat. greg made me promise not to tell. for our girls, he said. you were having an affair with jay. (sighs) i love greg. but we hit a rough patch, and...
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now with three kids and the business and... well, jay was just fun, and... no responsibilities. it was just fun, and... i wanted to imagine a different life, just for a while. i mean, haven't you ever wanted to do that? tell me what happened that morning. i knew i had to break it off with jay. so i took the boat out in the morning to end it. and then i came back and i confessed everything to greg. and i begged for his forgiveness, and he gave it to me. god bless him. did you kill jay banner? no! no, he was alive when i left. but when greg and i found out that he'd been killed, he said we had to keep it a secret. he wanted to protect me. that gives greg strong motive to kill him.
11:15 pm
well, he couldn't have, because he was at home with the girls. and besides, you know him. you really think he could kill someone? (cell phone rings) excuse me. jane, what's up? lisbon, get over to jay banner's house as fast as possible. there's excitement afoot. good. (cell phone snaps shut) well, she's on her way. what the hell's going on here? yeah, no offense, but... what he said. well, chief, we need to execute a thorough and exhaustive search of these premises. and what are we looking for? treasure. (lana del rey) ♪ races, cases of bacardi chasers ♪ ♪ chasing me all over town ♪ 'cause he knows i'm wasted ♪
11:16 pm
♪ facing time again on rikers island ♪ (speaks inaudibly) ♪ and i won't get out hey. (music continues playing) hey! what? hi. where is it? where's what? the cocaine you stole from burroughs. he said that? (gasps) he's a liar. i didn't steal any cocaine. i wear to god, cho. i would never steal co-- summer, don't do this. ugh. (chuckles) (whispers) okay, fine. (sighs) i lied. but you got to admit, i kinda fooled you. i had you a little bit fooled. give it to me. no. it's no big deal. tookie just thinks he's dangerous. i've been beaten far worse for a lot less. give it to me! fine. be that way.
11:17 pm
look, i'm sorry. you know, i... i know i've been bad. it's just... i've been so bored. and this was such a rush. summer, i had to stop myself from hurting him badly. i could have killed him. you understand me? god... that's kind of hot. what's the hell is wrong with you? you're really messed up, you know that?! well, duh! like you're not?! no! what are you doing?! stop it! are you nuts?! that's mine! i worked for it, cho! i'm a cop! how did you think this was gonna go?! (crying) (clatters) (panting)
11:18 pm
(police radio chatter) kitchen and den are clear. copy that. so's the attic. roger. jane, what's going on? treasure hunt. here? gold's heavy, and it's hard to transport. difficult to store. i had to hide the treasure someplace. probably near wherever they'd brought it in to shore. to keep it safe before they could sell the gold, but why look here? uh, jeeter? you were jay's best friend. jay was tricky, sly, always a couple of moves ahead, no? yeah. he was an operator, sure. he was an operator. jay's partner double-crossed jay, killed him, but what he didn't know is that jay double-crossed him first. jay moved the treasure before he died. seriously? yeah, and i'm guessing he moved it here.
11:19 pm
i got something. i found this in the trunk of that toyota out in the drive. oh, yeah? what is it? oh. (chuckles) treasure. ♪ [ [ barks ] [ announcer ] all work and no play... will make allie miss her favorite part of the day. [ laughing ] that's why there's beneful baked delights. from crispy crackers to shortbread cookie dog snacks, they're oven-baked to surprise and delight. beneful baked delights: a unique collection of four snacks... to help spark play in your day. ♪ well, i have been quietly standing in the shade ♪ ♪ all of my days ♪ and i've been trying to find
11:20 pm
[ male announcer ] unlimited phone... unlimited data... unlimited life. the galaxy s3 unlimited edition with truly unlimited data. from sprint. [ male announcer ] finally, mom's oven-baked tastes straight from the microwave. like oven-roasted chicken in a creamy alfredo sauce. marie callender's new comfort bakes. it's time to savor. marie callender's new comfort bakes. he is a good little monkey and always very curious. one day george got an important letter... he's built a rocket ship to travel into space. google, how far is earth to the moon? moon is 238,900 miles... the great moment had come... ...3...2...1
11:21 pm
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to take the gold somewhere else entirely. or maybe the killer did. whose car is this? mine. jay had a key, too. he must have borrowed it. or maybe you moved the gold, after you killed jay. you--screw you, tark! no, chill! chill, chill! this isn't helping. so what now? well, now we go home, watch tv. rent "treasure island" if it's not too depressing. (patrick sighs) all right, what's really going on? cho and van pelt checked that trunk. there was no coin. i've baited a trap, lisbon. the killer will be compelled to check on the treasure. bait. the coin. it was mr. shea's, wasn't it? well, he's not gonna mind. it makes for a good story. his coin will catch a killer. (closes door) jay never moved the gold, did he? nope, it's still exactly where he and the killer hid it.
11:25 pm
only now the killer is gonna feel compelled to check and see if it really has moved. (engine starts) so... (clears throat) why didn't you let me in on your brilliant plan? oh, you were very busy with greg. i'm never too busy to solve a murder. well, you seemed to be verybusy with greg. oh, hush. all right, i'm hushing. (patrick) look. (patrick) ahoy there! put your hands in the air! ah.
11:26 pm
gladstone. and what do we have here? (latches click) (sighs) aye. that be the treasure. it was you that discovered the location of the "fremont," right? yeah. we had a big storm a month back. shifted everything around. i could see the wreck on sonar clear as clear. (van pelt) but you have asthma. you couldn't dive for it yourself. jay knew salvage, and i knew he needed the bread bad, so we partnered up. and the morning he died? i saw jay out on the beach. thought i'd talk to him, that's all. you know, one partner to another. i had the hammer on my belt, you know?
11:27 pm
(whack) (whack) i'm a peaceful man. i can't explain it. you didn't wanna to share your treasure. he wanted half-- half of what i found. i mean, is that right? i don't know what came over me. it's called greed. (footsteps approach) hey. oh, hey. i cleared it with chief anson. nobody's gonna prosecute you for breaking into jay's boat. well, thank you. you were there to wipe your wife's prints, weren't you? yeah, they met there a couple of times, her and jay. and i knew if you found out about the affair,
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you'd get the wrong idea. so you incriminated yourself. hey, she's my wife. i love her. i mean, it's gonna take a lot of work, but i won't give up. you never did give up on people. you're a good man. she's lucky to have you. you're strong now, you know that? you didn't used to be so strong. i bet you're really good at your job. yeah. yeah, i'm okay, i think. you seem happy. i am. yeah. i am. i'm glad we met again. you and me, you know? i'm sorry for running off the way i did. hey, it's no biggie. forget it. take care of yourself.
11:29 pm
was arkin mad about the coin? no, like i said, it's another story for him to tell. always good to have another story. don't be wistful, lisbon. greg was never the right man for you. i'm not wistful, and no, he wasn't. far too intense and particular for a man like that. excuse me? intense and particular? what is that supposed to mean? well, they're good things. in what ways am i intense and particular? oh, please. tell me. well, what ever happened to that guy from narcotics? jeff? jeff. oh, he bit his nails. see, that's particular. that is not being particular. it's a disgusting habit. there's intense. is your sister gonna meet you at the station? oh, yeah. she can't wait to get me in her clutches again.
11:30 pm
okay, good. yeah. got, uh, spaghetti and meatballs with the nephews, and, um, seattle community college, here i come. whoo-hoo. this is the right thing. but i don't wanna say good-bye. maybe you could, um, come visit me sometime. yeah. maybe. (woman over p.a.) final call for the "coastal moonlight" to seattle. last call for the "coastal moonlight" to seattle. "coastal moonlight"" sounds romantic. you better go. good-bye, kimball.
11:32 pm
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everything that wasn't tied or fixed to something was in the air. >> coming up, a massive cleanup is underway after yesterday's severe storms. but first -- >> he fires downfield. he's now 7 for 7! >> the redskins win in dramatic fashion. in his first regular season game, rgiii is a star. well, he's as good as advertised. that's what they're saying about robert griffin iii tonight after he led the washington redskins to an upset win over a top new orleans team in the superdome. kristen berset is here. >> it was an exciting game. not many people gave the redskins a chance against drew
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