tv CBS This Morning CBS September 11, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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good morning. welce to "cbs this morning." defense secretary leon panetta blasts the navy seal who wrote a book about osama bin laden's raid. new accusations about what the bush administration knew about al qaeda months before the 9/11 attack. a mystery in china where the country's future leader has disappeared. and andy murray will be here in studio 57 today. we begin this morning with a look at today's eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. how can we run sensitive operations here if people are
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allowed to do that? >> defense secretary leon panetta tells cbs news a book about the bin laden raid crosses the line. >> you want this navy seal prosecuted? >> i think we have to take steps to make clear that we're not going to accept this kind of behavior. it was 11 years ago today a terrorist group hijacked airliners into the world trade center, the pentagon, and in pennsylvania. >> the agreement to complete the museum at the site. for a second day, thousands of chicago teachers are heading back to the picket line this morning as negotiations remain gridlocked. >> hundreds of thousands of families scrambling to find childcare. >> i had nowhere to send my child. great britain has a man's grand slam champion. andy murray wins the u.s. open! >> it wasn't just important for me, but i think for the country as a whole. >> the duke and duchess of cambridge have arrived in
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singapore at the beginning of their diamond jubilee tour. the women i talk to get so excited. >> i said i need new glasses. i went and got new glass. >> these glasses, they're kind of my thing. >> i think you put up the wrong picture on the side by side side. i think this is the picture you should have put up. >> i just don't love them. >> president mahmoud ahmadinejad set to travel to new york to attend u.n. general assembly. >> scheduled on the jewish holy day of yom kippur. that's like the kardashians giving a speech on labor day. captioning funded by cbs
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for the first time, defense secretary leon panetta is speaking out about the navy seal who wrote about the night osama bin laden was killed and talked about it on "60 minutes." >> we visited the secretary at the pentagon on monday to talk about that topic and others, including the massive judge etiquettes that will hit the military if congress cannot agree to a debt reduction deal. i begin by asking panetta if the american people have a right to know about the operation that took out bin laden. >> there's no question that the american people have a right to know about this operation. that's why the president spoke to the american people when that operation happened. but people who are part of that operation, who commit themselves to the promise that they will not reveal the sensitive operations and not publish anything without bringing it through the intelligent so that we can ensure that it doesn't reveal sensitive information, when they fail to do that, we
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have got to make sure that they stand by the promise that they made to this country. >> i notice you say sensitive and not classified information. >> well, there's always fine lines here. but we are currently reviewing that book to determine exactly what is classified and what isn't and where those lines are. the fact that he did that without running it by the pentagon -- just deliberately said we're not going to do this. that's a concern. i cannot as secretary send a signal to seals who conduct those operations, you conduct those operations and then go out and write a book about it or sell your story to "the new york times." how the hell can we run sensitive operations here that go after enemies if people are allowed to do that? >> has this navy seal, do you believe, put other navy seals and other members of the military in danger?
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>> i think when someone who signs an obligation that he will not reveal the secrets of this kind of operation and then doesn't abide by the rules, that when he reveals that kind of information, it does indeed jeopardize other operations and the lives of others that are involved in those operations. >> how does it jeopardize future operations? >> i think when somebody talks about the particulars of how those operations are conducted, what that does is it tells our enemy enemies essentially how we operate and what we do to go after them, and when you do that, you tip them off. >> do you think his life is in danger now? >> he was very much a part of the operation that got bin laden. there's no question that that should make him concerned. makes us concerned about his safety. >> let's talk about defense spending.
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you recommended about $500 billion in defense cuts. but now we're facing across the board defense cuts in addition to that as part of this defense sequestration. >> i'm very concerned. it's going to waeeaken our defee system. >> have you at the pentagon prepared for the cuts that may go into effect? >> we have not. >> isn't that irresponsible? >> what's irresponsible is the fact that they've put these cuts into place and that they are failing to come up with the answer as to how to prevent this from happening. they put a gun to their head. that's what a sequester was all about. they said let's put a gun to our head and if we don't do the right thing, we'll blow the heads off. but the purpose was for
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democrats and republicans to do the right thing and prevent this from happening. that's what's irresponsible. >> this is really fascinating. it seems to me to reflect a level of anger about this book that i hadn't heard before. >> he's very angry. you can hear him. he said how the hell are we going to be able to run sensitive operations if navy seals and other special operations feel like they can go write a book after this. so i think they're trying to lay down a precedent. it was interesting that he didn't accuse this navy seal of releasing classified information. he said they're still reviewing that. but he's called it sensitive information. >> any sense as to whether they've prepared to sue? >> they've got the justice department looking at it and that's under review, but they're going to do something. >> we'll have more of that interview with secretary panetta later this morning. he'll tell us whether that navy seal should be prosecuted and why afghanistan seems to be america's forgotten war. this morning, 11 years after the 9/11 attacks, there are new accusations about what the george w. bush administration knew about al qaeda's plans.
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we learned after 9/11 that a presidential briefing paper in august of 2001 was headlined bin laden determined to strike in the u.s. but this morning in "the new york times," an investigative reporter says the white house received ominous warnings as early as may of 2001. we spoke with him yesterday. >> what i've been able to see are the presidential daily briefs before august 6th of 2001. and they're horrific. and they are -- our reports are attack is coming. there are going to be mass casualties. the worst is that the neoconservatives at the pentagon -- al qaeda's going to attack, said oh this is just a false flag operation. bin laden is trying to take our eye off of the real threat, iraq. and so there are presidential
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daily briefs that are literally saying no, they're wrong. this isn't fake. it's real. >> when a lot of people hear this, aren't they going to say this is another example of where not just the bush administration, but our intelligence community dropped the ball, they failed to heed the warnings that went all the way up to the president of the united states? >> actually, the counterterrorist center of the cia did a spectacular job. and that's what really comes down. in the aftermath, the white house and others said well, they didn't tell us enough. no, they told them everything they needed to know to go on a full alert. and the white house didn't do it. >> senior correspondent john miller, former fbi director joins us now. what do you make of this? >> i think what kirk has stumbled into here is a bit of a well-worn path. we knew some of that. what he has added is the granularity of the actual memos
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and some of the actual words that were there in front of the white house and the national security team. but, you know, richard clark, who is the national security advisor for terrorism, in his book, he said all the lights were blinking red and we were pushing this in front of condi rice every day and it was hard to get any priority on this. in george tenet's book, he details the briefings that were given. so some of this we knew -- >> but it's something that we didn't know? >> there's some in terms of the level of detail we didn't know. >> a failure of imagination. a failure to connect the dots, as we've known from the 9/11 commission report. i was with secretary panetta yesterday and asking him now that it is 11 years after 9/11, is al qaeda still our biggest threat? with bin laden dead, cut off the head of the snake, are we that worried about al qaeda? what's the state of play there? >> al qaeda central command, if
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you will, is all but dead. you have to keep an eye on it because it's still capable of being lethal on a small scale. what we have to worry about is not al qaeda central command. it's al qaeda-ism, which is the way they have martialed the internet to find followers they have never met who can also be lethal. >> there are reports of growing in afghanistan. they clearly are in syria and also trying to establish a bigger presence in iraq. >> right. now, one of the maladies of the counterterrorism world leading up to 9/11 and a little bit since is we're always fighting the last war. i think we've got a great intelligence base in al qaeda, and even al qaeda-ism. i think what the national security people who focus on terrorism are focused on now is what's going to happen with israel, what's going to happen with iran, and what is the potential, if there's an israeli strike on iran, for terrorism by iranian agents, hezbollah agents around the world, and we've already seen smatterings of the practice for that spinning out.
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so if you went into one of these classified briefings in washington and said what are they really focused on? they'll say al qaeda, we're watching that, but we have this other big concern, which is interesting 11 years after 9/11. >> nuclear iran certainly a big concern. that was one other thing that will play from our interview with secretary panetta, where he says we still think we have the ability to strike at them if we have to. he thinks there's a window of more than a year with iran. >> that is the u.s. position. start this agreement with the israeli assessment on that. so that's a bit of a wild card. but ask me this. is the pentagon going to go after the navy seal? >> is the pentagon going to go after the navy seal? >> funny you should ask that. the people i'm talking to down in the defense department are saying there's been a lot of discussion there. they are all but certain to go after the money, not the prosecution, but to sue for what he made from this book. >> so what they want to do is avoid prosecuting a member of
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the navy seal who is heroic and at the same time send a big signal, don't you ever do this kind of thing again. >> which is very nuanced, because here's auy who has said i didn't do this for money, it's not about the money, i'm giving most of the money away. in the race for the white house, both campaigns said they would run no television ads today because of the 9/11 anniversary. a new poll shows president obama with a growing lead over governor romney. the cnn-orc survey says 52% supporting the president and 46% supporting romney. a week ago, before the democratic national convention, they were tied. romney took aim at mr. obama's campaign slogan. >> he went out with his campaign slogan, you know what it is. he says forward. forward is his campaign slogan. i think forewarned is a better term. >> and today, former president bill clinton will be reaching out to voters. >> reporter: the obama campaign is trying to bottle the magic of
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clinton's convention address, which twice as many people thought was the highlight of last week than the president's speech. president obama liked clinton's smiling takedown of the romney-ryan arguments so much that he spent the weekend out on the campaign trail repeating a friend's suggestion that he should point clinton to a new job. >> president clinton made the case the way only he can. somebody sent out a tweet. they said you should appoint him secretary of explaining stuff. secretary of explaining stuff. secretary of explaining stuff. secretary of explaining stuff. i liked that. >> reporter: nora, you first reported that the president was going to stump for him. >> that's right. but i love that. >> explaining stuff. >> what does the obama team say they want from bill clinton
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other than to explain everything? are they hoping some of the magic rubs off on obama? and why florida? >> reporter: well, here's the thing. first of all, we've learned that the obama campaign had talked about the idea of the president -- former president campaigning. but it was president obama who actually made the ask. we're told that the two men hung out together backstage for quite a while after clinton's speech last week. and for reasons now that benefit both of them, they've put aside their past differences, which of course date back to that 2008 primary. and so clinton is going to kick off his campaigning for the president tonight in miami. then tomorrow again in orlando. and florida is the kind of swing state where clinton's fav favorability rating, which is 69%, could help the president across the board, not only persuading reluctant middle class white voters, but also new voters. he will travel to many many states including iowa,
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wisconsin, nevada, and new hampshire, and he's also agreed to do fundraisers in october. that's something else the obama campaign needs. and they were delighted, one of their biggest fundraising dates ever. >> the president has accepted, i think, an invitation, as has governor romney to, come to clinton's initiative here in new york. so both of them are coming, notwithstanding what bill clinton said about governor romney during his speech. >> reporter: well, nobody will admit that this is a quid pro quo, but there's a little bit of that. clinton, of course, is trying to be bipartisan inviting both, and only clinton, i think, could get away with that. >> thank you, bill. this morning, the israeli prime minister is raising tension over a possible attack on iran. he says if the world refuses to draw a line in the sand over teheran's nuclear program, it cannot demand that israel hold its fire. he told reporters "the world tells israel wait, there's still time.
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i say wait for what? wait until when"? hillary clinton has just returned from china where rumors are flying about the country's future leader. he has disappeared from public view. margaret, what is happening in china? >> reporter: good morning, charlie. imagine that the next president was about to take office and then disappeared just before his inauguration with no explanation. the man who was about to be china's next president has not been seen publicly since september 1st. speculation is rampant on chinese blogs as to what his disappearance signals. reports range from an exercising injury, a car accident, perhaps something more political that the chinese communist party no longer supports him. well, chinese government officials refuse to explain his absence and asked american officials not to discuss it. the frenzy began after he cancelled a meeting last tuesday with secretary of state hillary clinton. staffers who were in beijing to meet with chinese leadership
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were told around 11:00 p.m. that night that the secretary's morning meeting was cancelled. chinese officials assured the americans it wasn't a diplomatic sleight, but that same day, his appointments with singapore's prime minister and russia were all called off without explanation. it has now been ten days since china's next leader has been seen. he's supposed to begin his new leadership role next month. so charlie, this is the latest instance of political intrigue as the world's fastest growing economy cools and begins this once in a decade leadership change. chinese reports are very concerned about keeping control. >> thanks, margaret. this morning, dozens of wildfires are burning out west. some of the worst are near the cascade mountains. fire warnings have been posted in washington, oregon, idaho, montana, and wyoming. a fast-moving fire near casper, wyoming, forced 500 people from their homes. another fire east of seattle forced the evacuation of some 200 homes.
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the "chicago tribune" says new talks failed to end the chicago teachers strike that began yesterday. more than 350,000 students are locked out. unresolved issues include teacher evaluations and standardized testing. "the washington post" reports on the threat of dirty bombs, using radioactive material from hospitals. the government reports nearly four out of five hospitals in this country have failed to secure radioactive material. a dirty bomb combines radioactive material with conventional explosives. the montreal gazette says wrestling commentator jerry "the king" lawler collapsed last night during a live television broadcast. he suffered a serious heart attack. doctors say his condition has stabilized. "the wall street journal" looks at the search for a baldness cure. researchers are focused on vitamin d, which may hold the key to making existing follicles grow hair again. the process is still in its early sta
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early stages, but i'm sure lots of men are interested. the "l.a. times" says there's a rotten smell across southern california. residents have been clogging 911 with complaints. a massive fish dieoff in the sea 100 miles away this national weather report sponsored by all free clear. give us your worst, we'll give it our all.
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the match took five sets and five hours, but andy murray walked away with his first grand slam title. this morning, we'll ask the u.s. open champion how he made it over the top after losing four other grand slam finals. officials say a 9/11 museum in lower manhattan is back on track after years of delays that have frustrated victims' families. >> we want to go in, we want to see, we want to learn what happened here. >> on this 9/11 anniversary, we'll show you what's holding up the final piece of the memorial at ground zero.
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clr. great britain has a men's grand slam champion! andy murray wins the u.s. open. welcome back to "cbs this morning." andy murray's bid for the u.s. open last night was a long time coming, and we're not just talk about that epic five-set final against novak djokovic. this is murray's first grand slam title and the first by british man. sean connery says scottish man, since 1936. there were a lot of celebrations in scotland. andy murray joins us now, and a
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huge congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> tell us what it meant to you and what it means to you after coming so close so many times and doing it last night against a great player. >> yeah, it means a lot. i just felt very relieved at the end. it's been a lot of years of hard work and a lot of tough losses to finally come through, especily in a match like that last night, after being two sets to love up, to finally breakthrough was great. >> why did you do it? what happened to make you do it last night? >> i don't know. it was very tricky conditions last night. it was very windy. managed to stay really tough at the end of the match. i went for a bathroom break after the fourth set and sort of looked at myself in the mirror and said just give everything on every single point and leave the court with no regrets. i managed to tough it out in the end. >> when you got the first break, you knew you might be able to do it? >> yeah. i started to feel comfortable
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around 4-2, 5-2. but against somebody like djokovic, he's come back from those situations many times before. it was tough. but i saw it through to the end. >> how did you come to work with ivan lindle and how did he help you? >> well, basically, i train in miami, so i spend about three, four months a year there. he lives in florida, so it worked out well. i spoke to him at the end of last year on the phone. we met up. had dinner a couple of times and got on really well. i liked the way he talked about tennis. he was very positive about my game. that was how it started. i he made, i think eight consecutive finals at the u.s. open. so to have someone on like that on your side is great. >> what's the most important thing he's added to your game? >> it's not one thing. i feel like having his presence there and his experience around the most important moments for me is what's helped.
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you know, knowing what to say before going out to play the final of a grand slam, there's not many people in that position. he played 19 grand slams finals, so i think that's been the big difference. >> i was sitting there last night watching, and occasionally in the first several sets in which you won, when you'd make a mistake, or the wind would give you a hard time, you would look up to the box. i never you were looking at some particular person there in that box, where your friends were and where lindle was. >> it's a hard thing to explain. i've done it since i was a kid. i'm quite shy, quite self-conscious. when you're playing on a court, there's obviously 23,000 people there and cameras and stuff, i tend to look up to my box just to see some familiar faces, to make me feel a bit more comfortable. but ivan doesn't show too much emotion. >> no. the red sweater. show some emotion. >> exactly.
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but during the match, i need someone calm in the corner and he certainly provides that. requi >> i noticed coldplay last night was tweeting congratulations to you. i think it's the first british man to win in 76 years or something like that. what does that mean? >> yeah, it's amazing. i've been asked about it so much over the last four or five years. with each year that passed, i was wondering if it was ever going to happen. so i'm glad that i did it for myself last night, but also for the country, and we can move on. and i hope it's not another 76 years. >> i want to get this in. sean connery was sitting there with his hat, the legendary actor. says it's great for scotland. and stop saying that he is british. he is scottish. i've been fighting that for 40-odd years. you understand? >> yeah. he's always supported me. i got a phone call from him when i was 18 years old. he's a big tennis fan.
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he's a very funny man. very passionate about scotland. it was great to have him there. >> is this a great time for tennis? you've got rafa. roger, still good. you and novak. this is a really great time for tennis. >> yeah, i think the last few years, tennis has been in a really good place. i think also on the women's side. serena coming back. she's been unbelievable this year. and at her age in the women's game, you don't see that that often. she's still so dominant. so i think tennis is in a really good place. just now the men's game is very, very strong. >> and it was so nice of you to bring this for charlie. >> i just want to touch it. >> i know, right? don't put your fingerprints on it. serena was singing your praises yesterday when she was here. she was rooting for you. >> she said "i'm for andy." your grandmother, i think we have a reaction from your grandmother.
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>> oh no. >> it was an absolute classic. so. that tennis was phenomenal. and the way andy regrouped and got himself back together again to win the final set, i just couldn't be more proud of him. tremendous. >> there you go. when did you first pick up a tennis racket? >> when i was about 4. >> and you knew by what age that you could be competitive with the best? >> 15 probably. that was when i really decided i wanted to play tennis. i moved to barcelona and moved away from my family when i was 15 and that was when i decided i was going to be a professional tennis player. >> congratulations again. on the 11th anniversary of 9/11, families of the victim still cannot visit the memorial museum that was promised years ago. this morning we'll show you what is behind all the delays. and tomorrow, in our "note to self" series, nascar's dale earnhardt jr. writes a letter of advice to his younger self about his career. and he takes a rare and personal
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in about one hour, president obama will lead a moment of silence at the white house honoring nearly 3,000 people who died in the september 11 terror attacks. >> on monday, officials in new york and new jersey settled the dispute that threatened to overshadow this morning's ceremony in lower manhattan. jim axelrod is at ground zero. jim, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. 9/11 will be marked by reading the names of all those who perished in the attacks, punctuated by two moments of silence, the two moments when
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the planes crashed into the towers. one important way which many people were hoping to mark the day won't be happening. an announcement made late last night is only raising more questions about why not. the fountains that flow in the footprints of the twin towers have drawn more than 4.6 million people in the year since they've been opened. but the memorial is not the only way victims of 9/11 were supposed to be honored. a museum was originally set to open in 2009. delays pushed that back. the port authority promised it would be today. but still, the doors remain closed. it's been frustrating and painful for victims' families. >> i'm just -- i get sad and frustrated, i think, because i feel this eight acres is dedicated to our loved ones, and we have this amazing, breathtaking memorial that needs this museum to tie it all in. >> monica's husband michael was
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killed in the attack. she sits on the board of the foundation that runs the memorial. >> it's shocking, it is. i'm kind of shocked by the whole thing myself, i would say. >> the museum built beneath the memorial's trees and reflecting pools is nearly complete. the ornate entrance and main exhibition halls are ready to go. but a funding dispute between the foundation and the port authority, the agency in charge of construction, has left the museum unfinished and at least a year away from opening at best. scott wreckler is the vice chairman of the port authority. >> it's about do we have the money to finish where we are and do we have a plan in place to ensure that the museum can be sustainable financially going forward. >> reporter: the annual cost of operating the memorial and museum is pegged at $60 million, that includes extra security and fountain maintenance. by comparison, arlington national cemetery, $45 million.
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two months ago, hundreds of victims' relatives wrote a letter to the governors of new york and new jersey, who jointly oversee the port authority, calling the halted work "a betrayal of those who died on 9/11." those words seem to have resonated. late last night in the 11th hour, so to speak, an agreement between new york's mayor and the governors of new york and new jersey put an end to the stalemate. in a statement, new jersey governor chris christie said working together, we will now move this project forward with conviction, but also with proper transparency and oversight and at no further costs to toll payers and taxpayers. and a senior new york state official told cbs news the key to the deal was ensuring there would be no additional costs to the port authority or the state. but the museum was on budget and on schedule until the port authority halted construction. according to joe daniels, the president of the foundation. >> there's enough money in
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place? >> we've raised over $450 million from all 50 states. big companies, individual donations. we have the money there. we are ready to go. the museum is more than 80% done already. we've just got to get that last part finished. >> reporter: so if the money was there, why the holdup? daniel says it was business as usual when it comes to projects at ground zero. >> why isn't it open? >> every single big accomplishment down at the site over these last 11 years, whether it's the memorial on the tenth anniversary, the deal that got the commercial towers going, the freedom tower, it always was proceeded by lots of volatility, lots of challenges. >> reporter: most of the exhibits are ready as well. monday at a hotel a block over from the memorial, victims' families were invited to get a first look at the interactive displays that will serve to put faces on the names etched into the fountains. >> i'll tell you the story behind that.
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>> reporter: but for the families, moving as the exhibit is, it wasn't meant for a hotel ballroom. it's meant for ground zero. >> i know when people come to the memorial when i'm there, they're always like when is that museum opening? we want to go in. we want to see. we want to learn what happened here. >> reporter: do you think it's going to get done soon? >> it needs to get done and i'm holding them to it. >> reporter: things will now apparently be moving forward in terms of completing and opening the museum. sources tell us there is no completion date in this agreement, meaning the likelihood is the museum won't even be open by 9/11 of next year. >> how are the ceremonies different this year marking 9/11? >> reporter: i suppose the most obvious and notable way that we'll see a difference as we move past the tenth year, to the 11th and 12th and 13th, this year there will be no politicians voices at all.
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absolutely gorgeous. what does it take to get fewer people to smoke? a new report raising cigarette taxes. we'll show you what the impact was just ahead. mother of three.e it was soccer, and ballet, and cheerleading, and baseball. those years were crazy. so, as we go into this next phase, you know, a big part of it for us is that there isn't anything on the schedule. i see your cup of joe goes with you. how nice of joe to, how you say, have your back. try something different. a delicious gevalia kaffe, or as i like to say, a cup of johan. will johan power walk the mall with you? i don't think so. but he will spend time rubbing your feet, discussing your feelings. ♪
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♪ it's 8:00. welcome back to "cbs this morning." just ahead in this half-hour, america remembers the victims of 9/11 on the anniversary of the terror attacks. we'll go to singapore to see what prince william and kate are doing on their latest royal tour. but first, here's a look at what's happening in the world and what we've been covering on "cbs this morning." tells our enemies essentially how we operate. when you do that, you tip them off. >> for the first time, defense secretary leon panetta is speaking out about the navy seal who wrote about the night osama bin laden was killed.
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>> ask me this. is the pentagon going to go after the navy seal? >> 11 years after the 9/11 attacks, there are new accusation about what the george w. bush administration knew about al qaeda's plan. >> they told them everything they needed to know to go on a full alert, and the white house didn't do it. spent thousands of teachers to the picket line. great britain has a men's grand slam champion! andy murray wins the u.s. open. >> i'm glad that i did it for myself last night, but also for the country. a jet man used his custom propelled wing from 1943. does piers now you're here? >> no. i'm mitt romney and i have no idea what these people are saying.
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i'm charlie rose with gayle king and nora o'donnell. take marks the 11th anniversary of the september 11th terror attacks. here's a look at lower manhattan where victims' families have gathered for the ceremony. they'll be reading the victims' names and observing moments of silence. other events are being held around the united states. nearly 3,000 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks. >> defense secretary leon panetta says a book by the navy seal who participated in the osama bin laden raid sets a bad precedent. he is speaking with us for the first time. i spoke with in navy seal's attorney who said the white house, the cia, the pentagon all gave detailed accounts to "the new york times," to "the new yorker", even people making a hollywood film and that there's
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nothing in this book that's any different than what people who are making movies know about. >> well, there's a fundamental difference. the people that presented some of the details of the operation were authorized to do that by the president of the united states who has that authority to do that and informed the american people as to what happened. in this case, that was not the case. that's the difference. >> you want this navy seal prosecuted? >> i think we have to take steps to make clear to him and to the american people that we're not going to accept this kind of behavior because if we don't, then everybody else who pledges to ensure that that doesn't happen is going to get the wrong signal that somehow they can do it without any penalty to be played. >> it was interesting, this is personal for him, because remember, he was director of the cia during the raid. now he's defense secretary. he's angry about it.
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>> how do you prosecute the man who many consider a hero? at the same time, clearly his superiors are upset with him. >> that's the question. how do you go after him? or do you go after the money that he has made from this book, and i think that may be the more likely scenario. >> this thing seems to be that they want to send a signal and the best way is at least to take some action to reflect their anger, too, as you said. >> i think they are concerned that now people will take their personal accounts who serve in the military and try and sell that for profit or whatever it may be. >> bob gates told me in an interview we did several months ago that they all agreed that nobody would talk about this raid. there was a complete agreement. and five hours later, people were talking. >> and bob gates was not happy about that, including some action by people at the white house and the cia. we will continue that interview with the secretary in our next half-hour. panetta talks with us about the situation in iraq, and also some news about afghanistan in this year's presidential race. a panel of medical experts
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says ovarian cancer screenings do more harm than good for healthy women, and should not be performed. that's according to "the new york times." the panel says the screenings produced too many false positives, leading to unnecessary surgery and harmful complications. this is the same group, by the way, that says men should not get psa screening for prostate cancer and women under 50 should not get routine mammograms. always confusing about what to do. >> i get very confused by these kind of studies. i think the general piece of advice is check with your doctor. because people have unique circumstances and at thereditar situations. in february 2009, president obama signed the law raising the fall tax raising a package of cigarettes from 39 cents to
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$1.03. angelina jolie visited a camp for syrian refugees in jordan this morning. jolie is a special envoy for the united nations. at least 185,000 syrians have been forced to leave their country because of the fighting inside syria. 27,000 refugees live in that camp that jolie visited. u.n. officials say the camp needs more funding and conditions are not acceptable. charlie -- >> you've been to that camp. >> i have indeed. they were not acceptable when we were there. the refugee issue is getting to be a bigger and bigger problem. the turks are concerned about it. the jordanians are concerned about it. people with humanetarian instincts are concerned about it. >> despite those conditions, there's still kids. >> they're worried about their relatives in syria as well. >> i totally get that. a jury has awarded las vegas casino mogul steve nguyen $20 million in a slander case. he accused girls gone wild founder joe francis of falsely
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claiming that nguyen threatened to kill him over a gambling debt. the jury deliberated for three days in a los angeles court. this became a very crazy story. remember quincy jones was on the stand testifying. quincy was brought into it because joe francis said quincy said joe told me something. >> $20 million. that's quite a ruling. ever wonder why girl pros -- >> whoa! >> this morning's "washington post" says boys get a lot more practice than girls, and the gap only gets bigger over time. also boys turn their hips and shoulders separately when they throw. girls tend to rotate their hips and shoulders together, making their throws slower and less powerful. buying this? >> sure. >> charlie did a little turn in
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the chair. this is what boys do. i always go like that. >> i think one of the best things like this, you guys know this -- >> all this study shows is oh, boys practice sports more than girls so boys are better at some sports than girls. shocker. >> the point that i wanted to make is that in the 21st century, what's wonderful if you drive around anywhere, you'll see so many young girls now out playing sports than you've ever seen before. >> what do you attribute that to? >> the fact that the times are changing. >> and
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the young royals are on the road this morning fully clothed. prince william and kate are in singapore bringing a little bit of glamour on their tour of asia. we'll go this next on "cbs this morning." i'm bonnie, and this is my cvs. i don't have time for the flu. that's why i'm knocking things off my to-do list. vitamin d, done! hand sanitizer, done! hey, eric! i'm here for my flu shot. sorry, didn't make an appointment. well, you don't need one. whether it's flu shots or prescriptions, we continue to accept express scripts and medco plans. i'm bonnie, and this is my cvs.
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try our new lunch-size grilled chicken fajitas, with sauteed onions and peppers, served with soup or salad. lunch break combos, starting at 6 bucks. enjoy them with friends, because a lunch together feeds the friendship. [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... ♪ [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] you may be an allergy muddler. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour 1 on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour 3. [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] zyrtec®. love the air. join zyrtec® rewards. save up to $7 on zyrtec® products.
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join zyrtec® rewards. ♪ [ acou[ barks ]ar: slow ] ♪ [ upbeat ] [ barks ] beneful playful life is made with energy-packed wholesome grains... and real beef and egg. to help you put more play in your day. till you finish your vegetables. [ clock ticking ] [ male announcer ] there's a better way... v8 v-fusion. vegetable nutrition they need, fruit taste they love. could've had a v8...
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prince william and his wife kate started a nine-day tour of asia this morning celebrating queen elizabeth's diamond jubilee. the trip will take them from singapore to malaysia to two tiny pacific countries, the solomon islands. seth doan is in singapore where the royal couple landed earlier today. good morning. >> reporter: it's a pretty glamorous itinerary through southeast asia and the south pacific islands. but this is most definitely work for william and kate, who are here on official business representing the queen. and that next generation of royal diplomats. the duke and duchess of
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cambridge flew commercial aircraft on their 13-hour flight from london and were given a modest but warm reception at the airport in singapore. it's the first royal visit here since 2006 when the queen made what was her third visit to this tiny nation, once ruled by the british between 1824 and 1959. at the sprawling singapore garden, an orchid was selected. >> why was this selected for prince william and kate? >> it's an especially beautiful one. we want eed them to have a specl orchid for a beautiful couple. >> reporter: of course, there's one for the queen, to mark her first official visit to singapore 40 years ago. but it was this pure white orchid that they have resonated most with the young couple. it was dedicated to prince william's mother, princess diana. >> she was going to come to
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singapore to have it presented to her. but sadly when the decision to name it had already been taken and the orchid chosen, she then died. >> william and kate will stay at the colonial era raffles hotel, perhaps best known for its singapore sling cocktail. the hotel is named after sir thomas stanford raffles who discovered the deep ports of this city for the british east india trading company. it has been a busy 16 months for the royal couple since they were married in 2011, the ceremony watched by more than two billion people around the world. no sooner had the confetti settled that they embarked on their first official overseas trip together last summer. in canada, they visited the local rodeo and showed their mutual interest in sport by taking a canoeing trip. in los angeles, another theme was on display. their dedication to disadvantaged children here on skid row. this dazzling couple is able to
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shine a royal spotlight, pretty much anywhere they go. william and kate are not only here representing the queen for her diamond 60th jubilee, but also the british government are here to promote trade ties. >> this couple seems to be a hit wherever they go. prince harry dazzled the crowds with dancing. what is your expectation that these two will do? >> reporter: well, so far, it seems much more carefully choreographed. the public has been kept at bay. even the journalists kept behind a little line. we could really only get the photo opportunities they intended. but it's day one of a nine-day trip, so we'll see what happens. >> seth, nine days, of course, in asia. what is on the agenda? >> they're here in ma lay shla. then on to her majesty's realms, the nations of the solomon
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islands, which should be much more spectacular with all sorts of intermingling with locals. a lot of talk about what kate might be wearing. >> yes. we're all very curious. thank you, seth. i can't wait to hear how you ask them about prince harry. the price of gas has been soaring, but this morning, the high prices may have peeked. rebecca jarvis is here to show us what's in our future at the pump on "cbs this morning." this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by purina. your pet, our passion. [phone ringing] hi. oh there you are. hey are ya? daddy,look! you lost another tooth. [man thinking] don't grow up without me. oh,uh riley wants to say hi. riley... hey buddy...keep 'em safe. [announcer] we know how important your dog is. so help keep him strong and healthy with the total care nutrition... in purina dog chow. because you're not just a family.
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a large american flag was unfurled over the side of the pentagon this morning on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. 184 people were killed when a hijacked plane was flown into that building 11 years ago today. this morning, the average price of a gallon gas is 18 cents higher than a year ago. but it looks as though relief is
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on the way for drivers. rebecca jarvis is here with a fuel forecast. rebecca, good morning. >> the national average this morning is 3.84 a gallon. prices appear to have levelled off here after rising steadily for most of the summer. refinery closures and hurricane isaac drove prices at the pump higher for most of july and august, but triple-a predicts that prices will likely decline because production in the gulf is resuming, drivers are logging fewer miles, and new cheaper fuel requirements are about to take effect for winter. this is traditionally what happens at this time of year. still drivers in seven states are paying $4 a gallon or more, and hurricane season isn't over. the one big wild card on the horizon is ben bernanke and the federal reserve. now, the fed is expected to announce another round of economic stimulus on thursday, and that would let banks have more cash on hand. they could buy commodities like oil with that, and that has historically sent crude and gas
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prices higher. charlie, norah, gayle, back to you. >> rebecca, thank you so much. he brought us "american pie" and wrote another lot of other songs you'll recognize. don mclean is with us here in studio 57. and there is a new documentary that looks at his career spanning four decades. he'll tell us why he agreed to let cameras into his personal life. you're watching "cbs this morning" and your local news is next. ma] un suee itte [ lennnc ] k wha o msi:
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emm ea mt an intense burning sensation i woke up with this horrible rash on my right side. like somebody had set it on fire. and the doctor said, cindie, you have shingles. he said, you had chickenpox when you were a little girl... i said, yes, i did. i don't think anybody ever thinks they're going to get shingles. but it happened to me. for more of the inside story, visit
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♪ did you write the book of love and do you have faith in god above if the bible tells you so and do you believe in rock 'n' roll can music save your moral soul and can you teach me how to dance real slow ♪ >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." back in may 2011, 5,000 people in grand rapids, michigan, created that online music video of don mclean's 1971 classic. you know it, "american pie." >> still remember the words fou decades after his mysterious anthem became a hit number one.
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a new documentary, "don mclean: american troubadour" looks at at the singer-song writer's very long career. >> if she asks you why, you can tell her that i told you that i'm tired of castles in the air ♪ >> don is a poet. he's an individualistic, a road warrior, a rock 'n' roller, a folk singer, environmentalist. but he's a poet in our midst. ♪ starry starry night ♪ keeps our palate blue and gray ♪ >> he's up there with the best of them. he's just a very, very talented singer and song writer. he deserves his success. ♪ bye-bye miss american pie
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>> "american pie" just made perfect sense to me as a song. that's what impressed me the most. ♪ well i met a girl who sang the blues ♪ >> it worked for me. it gave me a direction that i could say this is how you write songs. ♪ bye-bye miss american pie >> "american pie" was the anthem of an era. it was picked as the fifth greatest song of the 20th century. it's almost unique among compositions of the 20th century and its enduring appeal. it's our country's most fun song to not just sing, but to analyze. >> we are pleased to have don mclean in the studio talking about this documentary and this song. let me ask for the one millionth
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time, what was it and what is it about "american pie"? >> it's a phenomenon. it's one of those chemical things, i think, that the record had some sort of an effect on people. the memory of buddy holly and his death when i was a paper boy started the idea going, and i had been thinking about making a large song to close my show. like all roads lead to rome. so whatever the songs were -- i do many different kinds of songs and write many different kinds. it would all come to this one american conclusion. but i didn't want to write something that was, you know, obvious. so i came up with this idea that politics and music somehow are parallel. and so i felt just in my own head, that was my theory. i felt that the politics of the '50s were kind of like the music
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of the '50s and the politics of the '60s was like the music of the '60s. well this was the 1970s, so that was my theory. i extrapolated that and carried it on to an apocalyptic end and we seem to be heading in that direction. so some people think it's prophetic, i suppose. >> many people analyze it. you say you don't analyze it. you don't talk about the meaning. but do you have a favorite verse? >> i like the favorite verse, the long long time ago verse, because dramatically, it sets up the story that i'm going to tell. you have to bring an audience along, and you have to set the stage for what you're going to say next. >> where did this come from for you? you said in the documentary, number one, i love the documentary. i'll try not to drool on you, but i became -- >> i'm so thrilled. >> i really loved it. i thought it gave us a great sense of you. but you said you saw elvis presley playing the guitar, and for you the guitar is like what to you? >> well, it's like a cape or a
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mask. i suit up when i wear that thing. i'll play some guitars, and well, i can't jump out the window with this. i need a better one. it's not going to hold me up. so yeah, i transform myself into this other guy. but, you know, the elvis thing -- if i can just take a second to say this. elvis presley was like a door opening of some sort to the whole world, and i believe when elvis passed away, that all of us felt my god, you know, the end is a lot nearer than we realize. because he can't die. >> some haven't accepted that fact yet. >> it's true. i'm one of them. i felt the guitar really was the answer. if i could play that thing and sing some songs, i could entertain you right here without having to have a group --
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>> okay, go ahead, entertain us right now. >> and when you were 5, you told your mom i'm going to be famous and i'm going to buy a mink coat. >> kids say things like that. but this is this thing in the family. donny said he's going to buy mom a mink coat. >> did mom believe? >> she did. in the '70s, one day i said it's time for the coat, mom. >> and elvis bought his mother a cadillac. >> that's right. >> a bunch of cadillacs. >> yes, indeed. >> these are the kinds of things that all turned up in this movie because i had not -- i was going to make this thing -- i was going to find some kid in camden, they have film schools around there. and just do this and put it in a draw so that my grandkids can see what our life is like. i had some of these clips that i owned.
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>> you didn't intend for us to see it, for people to see it really? >> not really. and then jim brown, the film maker who has won several emmys, made a movie about the weeders and they were one of my favorite groups. so he said can i do a movie about you? i said i think it's time we did something. so we told the story and got all this other stuff and it kept building, so here i am. >> i'm wondering, what are the other four songs that are on the five greatest songs of the 20th century? >> "this land is your land", "somewhere over the rainbow", "respect", and i think "white christmas." >> and they all have melodies. so what are you listening to today? >> those songs. songs like that. songs on that list, probably. they've got songs on that list that -- i listen to most of that kind of stuff. >> no springsteen? >> no, i don't really listen to that stuff. i like melodies. music has gotten very
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monochromatic, and it's really lost the rolling part of rock 'n' roll. it's just in your face. guitars all the time. i can watch people sometimes on television turn the sound down -- turn it up and it's right where it was before, it hasn't gone any place. >> it's great to have you here. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> the documentary is out today. we'll hear again from defense secretary leon panetta talking about afghanistan, america's longest war.
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we continue our interview with defense secretary leon panetta this morning. we spoke about everything from afghanistan to iran to his desk at the pentagon. afghanistan is now america's longest war. and i've heard you say you believe that it's a forgotten war. do you think enough people know what's going on in afghanistan?
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>> i'm concerned that, you know, in the middle of a presidential campaign, that not enough attention is being paid to the sacrifices that are being made. we have men and women who are fighting and dying every day in afghanistan. and they're making tremendous sacrifices in order to protect this country. there's a war going on. there's a war going on. >> is the united states safer since president obama has been in office? >> i know there's a political debate going on about that issue, but whether you're republican or democrat, i think if you look at the facts, the fact that we were able to bring bin laden to justice, the fact that we have decimated al qaeda's leadership, the fact that we have ended the war in
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iraq, the fact that we're drawing down in the war in afghanistan, the fact that we got rid of gadhafi in libya. when you put all of that together, i think the bottom line conclusion is that america is safer as a result of those actions. >> so this is your office. we continued the conversation as secretary panetta gave me a tour of his office where we talked about iran. >> and how will we know when they make that decision to build a nuclear weapon? >> we have pretty good intelligence on them. we know generally what they're up to. we keep a close track on them. >> do we believe that this megabomb we have, this massive ordinance penetrator could reach through that facility where they're developing some of these se that are going on? >> we think we've got the ability to be able to strike effectively if we have to. >> today? tomorrow? >> whenever we have to, we have the forces in place to be able
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to not only defend ourselves, but to do what we have to do to try to stop them from developing a nuclear weapon. >> and you have said you believe that there's still a window of opportunity to take about a year for them to reach the capability and then another year or two years to weaponize, is that right? >> it's going to take them a while, once they make the decision to do it. >> how big is the window? >> it's roughly about a year right now, a little more than a year. and so we think we will have the opportunity once we know that they've made that decision to take the action necessary to stop them. >> the secretary also said this about the history of his office. >> i've got some great stuff here. this desk is blackjack's desk. the vice president used to it when i was working for clinton. i believe rumsfeld got it moved over here. cheney wanted it back and he said hell, no, it's going to
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stay here. >> only rumsfeld tells cheney hell, no, you can't have this desk back. >> this is a brick that came from the compound that they got for me after we headed up that operation at the cia. they brought it back. and as you can see, it says geronimo, which is the code word for whether or not they had gotten bin laden. this is my bravo corner. the marines gave me this picture. this is my dog. i have to tell you was present during all of the briefings on the bin laden operation. he hasn't told anybody anything. >> he keeps the secret. >> he really keeps a great secret. >> there's a lot of news obviously in that interview, but his dog bravo apparently sat in every cia briefing on the bin laden raid, he said.
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they don't call him a man's best friend for nothing. >> watching both hours of your interview, he was so candid with you. really nice job. >> thank you very much. he was very can did. he's angry about this navy seal. >> you could tell. >> he's angry too that people have forgotten about afghanistan and that war, even in this political context, and he's worried about the budget cuts that are coming up. >> we remember that our world changed on this day 11 years ago. a new book reveals how the most important decisions were made after the 9/11 attacks. we'll hear from the author next on "cbs this morning." right now, we want to go to the white house. president obama and the first lady will be marking the 9/11 anniversary with a moment of silence on the south lawn 11 years to the minute after the first plane ran into the world trade center.
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earlier this morning, we heard from kirk eichenwald. his new book looks at the year and a half after 9/11. >> "500 days" is published by a division of cbs. we asked him why he focused on that period after the attacks. >> you know, i started wanting to bring a historical book about the eight years of the bush administration and counterterrorism. and i found that there was so much in the first 500 days that was done and that we didn't know that when you say what didn't we know, pretty much the outline and the scope of many of the actions that were taken. >> what you do have is some of the stories having been like a
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fly on the wall. like when jack sherrock is talking to president bush. >> when bush was pushing him, the president of france, to join on with the coalition to go after iraq, he wasn't having a lot of success. he didn't believe the intelligence. he thought the intelligence was shoddy. so did putin and others. bush finally went to -- well, you and i share the same faith, and you're catholic, i'm a methodist, and this confrontation is willed by god. biblical prophesies are being fulfilled. he mentioned something very central to the book of revelation. in other words, armageddon. the french president didn't know what he was talking about.
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they went off and got a biblical expert to write a report, who then looked at this and said the president's a fanatic. i'm not joining in this thing. >> let me go back to the intelligence thing. you're suggesting that the french and the russians had trouble with the intelligence. did it go to the point -- you said they thought it was shoddy. but did they believe that there were no weapons of mass destruction in iraq? >> yes. >> because the conventional wisdom has been that most of the allies believe that there were weapons of mass destruction because that was the intelligence that they had and others. >> the french president didn't think that they were there. one of the things that's in the book is that there was also a lot of evidence within the united states that they weren't there. >> i thought one of the most interesting things you reveal is how worried president bush was about the anthrax attacks. you even suggest perhaps more worried than another 9/11 type attack. why? >> well, he viewed it as another 9/11 attack. what you had -- 9/11, as horrible as it was -- >> he was so worried about a
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biological attack. >> right. 9/11, as horrible as it was was really al qaeda using our technology against us. they hijacked our planes and they crashed them. once the anthrax attacks started, there was obviously a belief on everybody's part that this was al qaeda. >> and it wasn't. >> and it wasn't. bush had had a lot of briefings. the opening of the book is bush getting a briefing a year before he was president, being told, you know, here are the dangers of what al qaeda is developing. and anthrax is among them. and so it's very different when you have this terrorist group has a weapon of mass destruction. a biological weapon that we might not even know the impact of for days because there was an incubation period. this was the thing that bush got to the -- you know, we are not giving any inch here, we're stopping these people. >> thank you. the book is called "500 days:
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