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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  October 2, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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good morning. it is tuesday, october 2nd, 2012. welcome to "cbs this morning." president obama and governor romney get down to business preparing for tomorrow's debate. a new head ache for american airlines. the faa is now investigating why rows of seats are coming loose. the killing of a young mother puts the spotlight on the border patrol, and caroline kennedy talks about just released autopsy of her father. but we begin this morning with a look at today's eye opener. your world in 90 seconds. >> in my view, it's not so much winning and losing or even the people themselves, the president and myself. it's about something bigger than
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that. >> basically they're keeping me indoors all the time. it's a drag. [ laughter ] they're making me do my homework. >> president obama and mitt romney prepare for the first presidential debate. >> it is being called the most critical moment in the 2012 campaign. >> arguably the most important night of romney's political career. >> my husband is completely confident, completely balanced, completely capable of doing this. >> there are seats loose in the back. american airlines seats coming loosed my flight. >> a flight from miami returned to jfk. >> we don't want that thing flying around. >> the third flight in less than a week. >> "the new york post" reports that a flight had a problem with loose seats. >> that's when you know we're getting too fat in this country. >> at least 30 people are injured when an amtrak train collides with a big rig in
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california. >> check out this wild ride. a stolen van crashes into several parked cars. >> behind the wheel, a 10-year-old. disturbing video of a police officer punching a woman in the face prompting an internal investigation. a career night for tony romo. five interceptions. let me talk -- >> would you answer my question? >> i'm not a student in your class room. please let me respond, okay? couldn't you just go to the future and come back and kill that arnold? arnold schwarzenegger you can't run from your mistakes. you have to confront them. yeah, especially if they look exactly like you and keep calling you dad. [ laughter ] captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning."
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there are just five weeks in the race left for the white house. the two candidates will spend the day preparing for tomorrow night's first debate in denver. a new quinnipiac university poll of likely voters shows president obama leading mitt romney by four points, 49-45. >> last night in denver, romney was endorsed by local football hero john elway. romney told the crowd that the debates will be crucial to the campaign. >> these debates are an opportunity for each of us to describe the pathway forward for america that we would choose. and the american people are going to have to make their choices as to what kind of america they want. >> jan crawford is covering the romney campaign in denver. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie. this is romney's moment. the campaign knows the stakes here. of course, he's done this before. there were those 23 debates in the republican primaries, but this is different. it's one-on-one, and part of his debate prep has been working on that head-to-head match-up with
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senator rob portman playing president obama. on the campaign plane the other day, romney came back to talk to reporters and i asked him point-blank if he thinks he can win. he said look, the president has been trying to fool people into thinking things that i don't. and that ends at the debate. he said i can't tell you winners and losers. he's the president. he's an effective speaker. but romney said if they both do well, he's going to convince more people that his path forward is the right one. of course, he has struggled to get his message across. a new political poll out yesterday has his personal unfavorability rating just above the president at 48% compared to the president's 47%. so in this debate, romney's got to wrestle that message back from the president, appeal to those undecided voters who don't like obama, and campaign sources acknowledge that's going to be a tricky balancing act. he's got to hit the president but he's got to be wary of sounding too negative. >> thank you.
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president obama is preparing in henderson, nevada, just outside las vegas. he made a surprise visit monday to a local campaign office and called several volunteers on the phone. he told one supporter the debate practice is fun, but also tedious. >> basically they're keeping me indoors all the time. it's a drag. [ laughter ] they're making me do my homework. >> nancy cordis is covering obama. good morning. >> reporter: as the president does his homework here, his campaign has been working hard itself to try to lower expectations about his performance, so much so that they actually had the white house press corps chuckling yesterday as they tried to argue that his tendency to answer questions in a substantive and detailed manner might actually be a liability in this debate where candidates are expected to be pitty and succinct. they also like to point out that governor romney has had a lot more time to prepare for these
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debates than the president, though we don't know exactly how much more time because the campaign doesn't like to tell us how much time the president spends practicing. they want us to think that he doesn't spend very much time at all. what we do know is that he is holed up at a westin hotel outside las vegas with his top advisers and with massachusetts senator john kerry, who is playing mitt romney in mock debates. mitt romney and john kerry know each other well. they're both longtime politicians from massachusetts. so kerry knows romney's politics. and the reason, of course, that the obama campaign is working so hard to tamp down expectations, norah and charlie, is that they like the trajectory of the race right now. they don't want to do anything to change it. >> no doubt. thank you. both sides are trying to lower expectations for the debate because any misstep has the potential to derail a campaign. both candidates have both good and bad moments from their debate history. >> john, you're absolutely right that presidents have to be
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prudent in what they say, but coming from you, in the past, have threatened extinction for north korea and sang songs about bombing iran. i don't know how credible that is. >> he's very likable. i agree with that. i don't think i'm that bad. >> you're likable enough, hillary. [ laughter ] >> i appreciate that. >> mr. speaker, i know that sounds like an enormous revelation, but have you checked your own investments? you also have investments from your own mutual funds that invest in fannie mae and freddie mac. rick, i'll tell you what, 10,000 bucks? $10,000 bet? >> i'm not in the betting business -- >> oh, okay. >> james fallows, national correspondent for "the atlantic" magazine is with us now. his article in the september issue focuses on the debates and each candidate's potential strengths and weaknesses.
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welcome. >> thank you very much. >> so give us the strength and weakness of the president and governor romney. >> the strength of the president is obviously he's one of the most accomplished speakers we've heard and probably more important, he spent the last four years immersed in every detail of every topic that could possibly come up. the weakness for any incumbent president is he's not used to dealing with anybody else as an equal. sometimes obama comes across as a slight silliness, as the you're likable enough, hillary, line. governor romney, when she prepared and on case, he can be quite effective and disciplined in saying here's what i want to do, here's why you're wrong, here's where i'm going to do a better job. where he gets into trouble is when something comes out of left field that he hasn't really prepared for. >> this is the moment that the challenger has some advantage because it's the first time you've seen him on the stage with the president. >> yes, historically, that's
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been the case, because when you think about it, a president never stands as an equal with another american citizen except during these debates, and for all that we read and psych out the race and say it may be opening up now, there still is this undeniable drama, seeing these people in the same room, face to face what are they going to do in 90 minutes? so the challenger often gets a boost just by being there. >> you went back and looked at some 30 hours of debates. i thought one of the most interesting points that you made was that you can actually learn a lot about who won the debate by turning off the sound. what did you mean? >> it's true. when we think back on memorable debate lines, it's never about tax rates. it's never about foreign policy. it's about the kinds of revelations of character and personality and disposition and temperament. you can see that often in how the people hold themselves on the screen. i noticed during the primary debates, you often saw mitt romney standing calmly and relaxed while these other people were squabbling amongst each other. the famous case of john kennedy
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and richard nixon. even reagan and carter in 1980. the confidence and ease that ronald reagan projected and jimmy carter looked a little bit defensive. that's the impression that lasts. >> even al gore and george w. bush i think is a good example of body language told so much during those debates. al gore was up in the polls and had a series of very poor debate performances. >> al gore had been a very effective, aggressive debater. in the first debate, he was seen as being too aggressive. the famous sighs and all the rest. in the second debate, he was almost too laid back. by the third he had a kind of just right approach, but by that time, those performances and all the other factors in the 2011 election held him back. >> how important is humor? >> it can be very important, but it's something that has to -- i guess some humorous lines probably are prescripted. there you go again by reagan most people feel w prepared. that, of course, is the magic. >> remember what lloyd benson said about dan quayle and president kennedy.
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>> yes, that was the famous line, jack kennedy was a friend of mine. senator, you're no jack kennedy. >> in jim lair's book "turning point," he makes the case that they prepared that line in advance because dan quayle had made that comment over and over again. >> the comparison with president clinton. >> so both those campaigns are going in with prescripted lines having watched what the other candidates are saying. >> it's worth noting that mitt romney has been debating over the past two years with his opponents. president obama has been practicing, no doubt, but it's harder for a president to do because he's busier and doesn't like being addressed in a challenging way. >> but as michael lewis pointed out, this president likes to practice in a stealth way. >> yes, it's true. i'm sure he's going to be prepared. >> james fallows, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. american airlines is facing new trouble. the faa is investigating two incidents where a row of passenger seats came loose inned my flight. mark strassman is here with the story.
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good morning. >> reporter: american airlines has grounded eight of its jets as a precaution while they're inspected for a sign of more problems. for now, there's nothing that apparently suggests this problem was caused intentionally during a divisive labor dispute. it's one of the last things you would expect to go wrong in the flight. >> there are seats loose in a flight. >> reporter: twice in three days. an american 757 jet has been forced to land after a row of seats detached from the floor. flight 443 ran into the problem monday on its way to miami. less than an hour after taking off from new york's jfk airport. >> we're going to return to kennedy. >> reporter: the incident came just two days after a miami-bound plane from boston ran into the same issue. >> got an unusual one for you. during climb out, passenger
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seats row 12, b, e, and f came out. passengers are unable to sit in those seats. >> reporter: "the new york post" reports a third flight on wednesday had a similar problem. >> this should not have happened. these seats are designed to withstand a great deal of force. they are not supposed to come off their tracks. >> reporter: the two latest incidents most likely stem from work being done to create seats with more leg room, which the airline could sell at a premium. the carrier insists that the problem happening in the middle of a labor dispute is strictly maintenance related. still, it comes after a rash of flight delays and cancellations that the airline has blamed on its pilots union. they deny that. >> it's going to make me think twice about sending my daughter on american in a few weeks for thanksgiving. >> reporter: american airlines says the seats were installed by american and contract crews at two different maintenance facilities. the faa says it's confident the matter was nothing intention.
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there is a new development this morning in the disappearance of austin tice, the reporter that vanished last month in syria. a new video with his apparent captors has come out. margaret, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, charlie. american journalist austin tice hasn't been heard from since august 13th. the u.s. government investigation has gone cold, until a disturbing video clip appeared monday on the facebook page of supporters of syrian president bashar al assad. it had been posted on youtube six days ago. a word of warning. some viewers may find the following video upsetting. the shaky 46-second-long video shows austin tice as he's being led away. blindfolded and in broken a
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arabic, he recites portions of a prayer and then shows signs of distress. >> oh, jesus. >> reporter: the disturbing video was not released on any known extremistwebsites. the u.s. state department can't verify whether the man in the video is austin tice, but friends say the man featured is the 41-year-old former marine. they say the video may be staged, saying the clothing is native to afghanistan, not syria. >> it's almost as if someone watched tapings of men and fighters in afghanistan and tried to mimic their behavior, but did so in a very poor manner. >> reporter: before he vanished outside damascus, he had been reporting on the escalating violence in syria as a freelance journalist. >> fighters have prepared for an anticipated government attack.
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>> reporter: the state department says he is being held by syrian government forces, something the assad regime denies. tice is believed to still be inside syria. monday night, his parents told cbs that while it was difficult to see their son depicted in the video, they are comforted knowing he is still alive. >> oh, my goodness. thank you. in rome, pope benedict's former butler is testifying this morning. he is on trial for stealing sensitive documents, including letters to the pope and giving them to a journalist. as allen pizzey reports, the trial may reveal new details of a power struggle inside the vatican. allen, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, the trial was scheduled to get to the heart of the matter today with testimony from the accused and other key witnesses, but reporting on the proceedings is unfortunately still under a strict vatican imposed embargo.
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the butler confessed as soon as he was caught. paolo said he was motivated to clean up what he saw as ooevil d corruption in the church. his testimony will help shed light on the question of who helped the man with the keys to the papal apartments. but in a blow to the defense, the judge threw out a request to have the board of three cardinals appointed to investigate the crime included as evidence. the challenge is being conducted solely on the basis of their own prosecutor. one of the consecrated women who clean the papal apartments, and the deputy commander of the swiss guard. the case is revealing a veteran rife with divisions, reformers versus conservatives, those who see transparency is the way forward, as opposed to the old guard, who want to retain the vatican's cloud of secrecy, jockeying for influence when it comes time to choose the next
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pop pope. the one behind me is supposed to be civility and forgiveness. that's not what's arriving from this trial. it is time to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. "the washington post" reports the obama administration held secret meetings over the al qaeda threat in north africa. al qaeda's african affiliate has become more dangerous now that it controls most of the country of bali. "the new york times" reports the u.s. is abandoning hope for a taliban peace deal in afghanistan. now there's a more modest goal, setting the stage for afghans to work out a deal among themselves after western forces leave the country. that's a big story. at least 40 people were hurt monday in an amtrak accident. a big rig ran into a train with 169 passengers. two double decker cars and the engine were knocked off the
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tracks. "the wall street journal" says new york's top prosecutor is suing jp morgan chase. it's part of a new effort to hold banks accountable for the financial crisis. the lawsuit claims the company's bear stearns unit committed fraud on the sale of mortgage backed securities. "usa today" says gas prices could soon go up 15 cents a gallon on the west coast and in the northeast. usually after the summer's driving season, prices go down. officials say inventory is at a record low so there's not
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new questions this morning after a border patrol agent shoots and kills a young california mother. her family now wants answers. >> there were shots fired. it just hurts my body just to
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think the way she felt. >> this morning, john miller looks at the investigation. and the n replacement refs were criticized and ridiculed. but this one calls it a dream come true. he'll tell us what it was like at the center of the storm and why he wanted to take the field one more time. on "cbs this morning." only six degrees separate the body temperature of chocolate lovers from the melting point of chocolate. so when you take hershey's chocolate and add bubbles, it deliciously melts the moment you take a bite. hershey's air delight. it just might make you melt. i didn't want to change toothpastes.
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ikea is apologizing for some selective ad brushing of its
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catalog in the saudi arabian version, images of women have been completely taken out of the photos. >> this morning, we'll show you too many americans are struggling to find work
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in today's economy. too many of those who are working are living paycheck to paycheck trying to make falling incomes meet rising prices for food and gas. more americans are living in poverty than when president obama took office and fifteen million more are on food stamps. president obama and i both care
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about poor and middle-class families. the difference is my policies will make things better for them. we shouldn't measure compassion by how many people are on welfare. we should measure compassion by how many people are able to get off welfare and get a good paying job. my plan will create twelve million new jobs over the next four years helping lift families out of poverty and strengthening the middle-class. i'm mitt romney and i approve this message because we can't afford another four years like the last four years. ♪
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this comes to us from the discovery channel. it shows what happens when you crash a jet liner on purpose. you see the pilot bailing out before it hits the ground. it's part of a special that airs sunday on the discovery channel. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there's rising anger in southern california over border patrol agent who shot and killed a mother of five on friday. >> officials say the agent was trying to save his own life. police in california will still investigating, as bill whitaker reports, local residents say there was no reason for the shooting. >> i want to know why did she die? what was the purpose? why did she die?
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>> reporter: that painful question of the grieving father was being asked by an entire community. at a vigil last evening, the slain woman's husband was inconsolable. her son seemed in shock. valeria's shooting death by a plain-clothed u.s. border agent was violent, her car pockmarked with bullet holes, beside it, the body of the 32-year-old mother of five. to the community, it's inconceivable. >> they didn't have to shoot her! >> reporter: to authorities it's inconclusive. the border patrol says the plain clothes agent was in the neighborhood serving a warrant when alvarado ran him down. the agent feared for his life. >> he was hit by the vehicle and carried several hundred yards on the hood, did discharge his weapon to get the vehicle to stop. >> reporter: witnesses tell conflicting stories.
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>> i can see a car stop in the middle of the street and a guy coming and walking to the front of the car and shooting about 12 times. >> the guy was right in on the hood. when he was right in on the hood, actually, the car stopped in the middle of the road, and i heard the guy yelling "stop." >> reporter: border watchdog groups say alvarado is the 14th person killed by the border agents in the last two years. >> it's very alarming. one death is too much. >> reporter: the woman knew men in uniform. her father a prison guard. a brother a staff sergeant in the army. >> whatever we get out of it, we just get the truth and an honest investigation. >> when i stop and think about the way she's gone, the shots fired, it just -- it hurts my body just to think the way she felt. >> the agent involved in the shooting was released from the hospital with no serious
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injuries. local and federal authorities are investigating what happened here. >> i wish this would be just a terrible dream. it takes a lot of strength to go on. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," bill whitaker in los angeles. >> jon miller joins us now. good morning. what happened here? >> well, they're still piecing it together. but the preliminary information -- and because it's preliminary and this is confusing, that could change. but what appears happen is they're executing a drug warrant on a location. they have a surveillance team on the perimeter. so far that's all routine. this car comes out from around the location and somebody gets on the radio to the perimeter surveillance team and says check that car out before it leaves the area, thinking maybe the suspect is hiding in the back or in the trunk. so this border patrol agent goes to engage the car and say stop, and that's where the story gets foggier, because what we don't
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know is how did he identify himself? did he have his badge on a chain? did he clearly state police? what we do know is that this thing went horribly wrong. it's possible that from the perspective of the driver, ms. alvarado, she may have seen a guy in plain clothes possibly with a weapon and thought i'm being carjacked and tried to drive the car away with him on the hood trying to shake him off. from his standpoint -- and that's going to be the legal standard here what was his state of mind? what was he thinking was going on when he fired the shots? from his state of mind, he might have thought this person may well be a drug suspect because they're driving me away on the car while i'm yelling stop, stop, police. >> so how do you determine his state of mind? >> well, his state of mind is going to be interviews with him and whether that's consistent with what the witnesses say. as we've already learned, the witness's stories are not necessarily consistent. her state of mind, what she was thinking, is now going to be impossible to get because she's passed away. >> her family is obviously in a lot of pain.
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she's a mother of five children. does something like this end up going to trial? and what happens then? >> he could be charged in a case like this, if when all the facts are together the department inspector general decides that he act sod irresponsibly or recklessly that it's a crime. but it's really too early to say. certainly there will be the civil suit, in any event. >> thank you. good to see you. america mocked the nfl's replacement referees for three weeks. one of them says he'd do it all again tomorrow. we'll ask him what it was like to be the center of so much controversy ahead on "cbs this morning." [ alarm clock ringing ] [ female announcer ] if you have rheumatoid arthritis, can you start the day the way you want? can orencia help? could your "i want" become "i can"? talk to your doctor. orencia reduces many ra symptoms
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the jets suffered their first shutout in two years after losing to the 49ers 34-0. absolutely no scoring, or as tim tebow calls that, a date.
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>> the nfl's replacement referees have had their 15 minutes of fame, although critics may say infamy is a better word. >> most officials in any sport trying to be anonymous. this morning, jim axelrod is about to change all that. good morning. >> good morning. in all, there were 135 replacement officials hired by the nfl, all with years of experience at the college and high school level. now, we sat down with jerry hughes, who like all the others, had jumped at the chance to live his referee's dream. finally, everything's back to normal. the regular referees are on the field. the distractions of replacement refs are gone. and everyone seems happy. well, almost everyone. >> a little sad right now. >> reporter: not jerry hughes. one of those replacement refs who have now themselves been replaced. >> one more week, if for no other reason, to say goodbye to
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the crew. >> you got close with these guys? >> we were close. >> close, perhaps, in the way that soldiers share a fox hole are close. because for these replacement refs, it seems like everyone was against them. >> the one day you're working at the foot locker, the next day you're in the n.l. >> reporter: you all became sort of the butt of jokes, the national punch line. >> it comes with the territory. it's out of our control. >> reporter: hughes made it through his three regular season games relatively unscathed, with no major botched calls. though there was this. >> you know the st. louis story. >> reporter: tell me, what happened? >> doing the game last week, chicago and st. louis. there was an interception, then a fumble back and forth. we had to go to replay. >> st. louis gets the ball on the 36 yard line. >> i think nothing of it. i have the tape to watch. i get to that point and i announce st. louis and the announcers went crazy. >> i like st. louis.
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is there anything better than that? >> as much as we're giggling about it now, this raises a very serious subject. you were under enormous scrutiny. >> probably more so than the regular guys at this point. we were under the microscope from the coin toss to the very ending. >> the game's final play -- >> it was the call at the end of a game hughes wasn't working -- >> tate and jennings simultaneous! who do they give it to? touchdown! >> reporter: that received the most scrutiny, as two officials seemed to make opposite calls on the game-turning play in the end zone. that one picture that so many fans woke up to on tuesday, two guys signaling two different things. it seemed to sum it all up for so many football fans. >> unfortunately, yes. >> reporter: did you think, boy, these guys blew the call? >> no. went to replay. they said there was not enough to overturn it.
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that's the way the game is played. >> reporter: and hughes knows a little something about the way the game is played. he's been officiating for 40 years on all levels from high school, to college, and now the nfl. and while football may be football, the leap to the pros is a huge one. he showed me the difference between the ncaa rule book and the nfl rule book. what does that tell you? >> there's a lot more rules in the nfl. >> reporter: as he sat and watched tv on sunday, he couldn't help but wish he was still out there. was this couple of weeks unlike any other part of the 40 years for you? >> it's a dream come true. when you get into officiating, you always want to keep moving up the ladder. and the pinnacle is the nfl. >> reporter: and you were there. >> i was there. >> so of all these reasons, what's the most consequential reason for what happened?
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>> well, jerry would tell you it has nothing to do with the speed of the game, that he wasn't overmatched that way. these replacement crews were essentially seven rookies. in a regular nfl crew, you might have one rookie in. jerry's words, you can sort of hide that inexperience. not with the replacement gang. >> charlie, do you have any extra ties? >> i don't think axelrod needs a tie. i like him casual. >> you know john miller was out here. >> i wear a tie, he wears a time. axelrod doesn't have to wear a tie. look at what he did on that piece. >> if i had miller's tie, i wouldn't wear one. >> nice. >> take that, miller. >> all right, axelrod, thank you.
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ikea is getting criticism for some of its ads. there's something missing from them. we'll show you why these are different from the ones we see on "cbs this morning." can we talk about toilet paper? when it comes to toilet paper, there's no such thing as too soft. as long as it still gets the job done. i know what i like. i like feeling both clean and pampered. why should i compromise? not only is quilted northern ultra plush® the only bath tissue with plushquilts®, it has the innerlux layer. three levels of softness and the gentle clean you want.
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send your own free kleenex® care pack... full of soothing essentials at kleenex®. america's softest tissue. red lobster is coming out with a new menu aimed primarily at people who don't like seafood. red lobster. yeah. they were inspired by the olive garden, whose menu has always been aimed at people who don't like italian food. >> this morning, furniture giant ikea finds itself in the middle of an international controversy, this after pictures of women were taken out of the saudi arabian version of its catalog. >> as holly williams reports, apparently it was an effort to adjust to local customs that seems to have backfired. >> reporter: now you see her, now you don't. now you see her, and now you don't. just like ikea's stores and flat
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pack furniture, the swedish company's catalog is pretty much the same all over the world. except, that is, in saudi arabia, where all the women are strangely invisible. this iconic image of audrey hepburn in an ikea print has been replaced, and even ikea's female designers have done a disappearing act. it's thought the changes were made in deference to the ultraconservative form of islam practiced in saudi arabia where women are banned from driving and can't travel overseas without permission from a male guardian. western companies doing business in the oil-rich kingdom do their best not to offend its strict religious practices, including segregation of the sexes, but for ikea's saudi arabian franchise, which has three stores, it's backfired. >> there could be a huge tidal wave of negative opinion towards it. that in the social and the digital viral world we live in
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becomes a global story. within hours. >> reporter: ikea's management agrees, as a producer of the catalog, we regret the current situation, said a company statement. we should have reacted and realized that excludeing women of the saudi arabian version of the catalog is in conflict with the ikea group values. ikea's sensitivity to its saudi arabian customers isn't likely to be well received in other countries where many of its customers are women who don't like the idea of being air brushed out of the picture. for "cbs this morning," holly williams, london. >> interesting. she disappeared. what do you think about that? >> i think, as ikea thinks, they probably should not be doing that. secret audiotapes of president kennedy are coming out for the first time. charlie has been listening to a lot of these audiotapes. >> fascinating stuff. >> his daughter caroline reacts to some of the historic conversations caught on tape and a few of the things the
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president, her father, said about her at the time. gayle has that story. you're watching "cbs this morning." [ female announcer ] ready for a taste of what's hot? check out the latest collection of snacks from lean cuisine. creamy spinach artichoke dip, crispy garlic chicken spring rolls. they're this season's must-have accessory. lean cuisine. be culinary chic. they're this season's must-have accessory. when we got married. i had three kids. and she became the full time mother of three. it was soccer, and ballet, and cheerleading, and baseball. those years were crazy. so, as we go into this next phase,
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it's 8:00. welcome back to "cbs this morning." when the presidential candidates debate tomorrow, how much could that one night change the entire race? and caroline kennedy tells us what she's learned from her father's secret tapes and how she feels when her family is in the news. but first, here's a look at what's happening in the world and what we've been covering on "cbs this morning." >> people want to know who's going to win? who's going to score the punches? >> the two candidates will spend the day preparing for tomorrow night's first debate. >> this is romney's moment. it is his chance to make his case to the american people and
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the campaign knows the stakes. >> the reason the obama campaign is working so hard to tamp down expectations is they like the trajectory of the race right now. they don't want to do anything to change it. >> american airlines is facing new trouble this morning. the faa is investigating at least two incidents where a row of passenger seats came loose in mid flight. >> american airlines has grounded eight of its jets as a precaution while they're inspected for sign of more problems. for now, there's nothing that apparently suggests this problem was caused intentionally. ikea is apologizing for some selective air brushing in its catalog. in the saudi arabian version, images of some women have been completely taken out of the photos. all became sort of the butt of jokes, the national punch line. >> it comes with the territory. >> do you have any extra ties? >> i don't think axelrod needs a tie. >> have you not been on that show? >> the ceo of apple apologized for problems in the iphone's new map program.
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the ceo made the apologize in a field 20 miles from where the press conference was supposed to take place. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. mitt romney and president obama are preparing for the debate tomorrow night. the president has a four-point advantage going into this head-to-head match-up. it will focus on the economy and domestic issues. jan crawford is in denver this morning. >> reporter: both romney and the president have no more big campaign events before tomorrow night's event. last night here in denver, romney had a rally before more than 5,000 people. he picked up the endorsement of broncos legend john elway, but today they're getting ready. romney is here in denver and the president is in las vegas. less than 10% of vote who are are undecided who can say they've changed their minds. romney's challenge is to show why his proposal will make their life better. why the president doesn't deserve another chance. there was an interesting focus group in ohio this week with voters who backed the president
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in 2008, but they're not sold this time. and it shows some of them think the president just isn't to blame for the economy, and they also don't know a lot of good about romney, thanks to some of those negative ads. romney's campaign has been outspent about 2-1 by the president in the swing states, so in the debate, rom know can talk to those voters, give specifics and contrast that with the president's record. for "cbs this morning," i'm jan crawford in denver. >> both candidates are trying to protect themselves from any verbal slip-ups. that kind of moment did not happen very often. bill, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, norah. well, look, if the conventional wisdom is that the president is leading and the challenger, mitt romney, needs a game changer, here's the question. what will the debate do to maybe allow that? look, ever since the first debate ever in 1960, and the regular debates which began in 1976, these debates have produced a memorable number of gaffes, but few instances which
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really changed the outcome of an election. in 1980, president jimmy carter led governor ronald reagan in the polls, but one line from reagan in their only debate put carter on the defensive and became a mantra for future challengers to an incumbent. >> are you better off than you were four years ago? >> in 1984, reagan now the incumbent, did it again. after seeming to lose his way in the first debate with walter mondale, the 73-year-old reagan diffused the issue with one well-timed quip. >> i will not make age an issue of this campaign. i am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience. [ laughter ] >> reporter: but memorable one liners like those are few and far between. it's not what the candidate says that usually matters the most. >> less important than what they say is how they appear.
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do they treat their rival with respect? do they connect with the audience? do they respond at the moment when they have to react? how did they look? how did they seem? >> reporter: richard nixon chose to wear no makeup. with a 5:00 shadow, he looked sweaty and uncomfortable compared to the tan, relaxed john f. kennedy. in 2011, voters watching this debate heard the impatient sighs of vice president al gore. while george w. bush was talking. both moments played into a larger narrative of the campaigns by reinforcing what viewers already thought about the candidates. >> when gore sighed endlessly and moaned during the debate and we saw that on television, it just emphasized the idea that he was arrogant and condescending, something people were already concerned about. when nixon was sweating, there was some sense that he was already shifty and there was an anxiety in his soul as well as his body. >> that's what the question in
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this campaign is about. >> reporter: in a later debate that year, gore appeared to invade the personal space of bush. a move which made him look awkward compared to his relaxed opponent. and in 1992, george h.w. bush was caught twice by cameras glancing at his watch during a town hall debate with voters, which reinforced the suggestion that he was disengaged and uninterested. >> when something's close as it is now, a small shift may create a sense of forward movement in one direction or another. so that's why these debates become great moments. >> reporter: so look for the unscripted moment, a startled reaction, a verbal misstep, what seems like condescension. >> bill, thank you. we were all enjoying a walk down memory lane and watching some of those moments. bill made a good point.
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that these mistakes or gaffes or one-liners can reinforce a narrative. >> a perception that may already be there. it's a confirmation of something that they may feel. >> and they stay with you forever. >> you can be there tonight watching, huh? >> yes, yes. >> you'll be watching? >> tomorrow night. >> i mean tomorrow night. >> absolutely. we're looking forward it to. >> i've got my popcorn all ready to go. i can't wait. not only does cancer threaten your life, the cost of treating it can break your wallet as well. in a new study, the mayo clinic says drug manufacturers are driving up the cost by holding monopolies on some of the most popular cancer drugs. the high cost of research is another factor. it's estimated each new cancer drug costs up to $1.3 billion to develop. and just four doses of a new drug can cost $120,000. that is a lot of money. a surprise from the oscars. seth macfarlane, creator of "family guy" will host this year's academy awards. last month as a presenter on the
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emmy awards, he ended up on the wrong place on the stage. >> oh, the mic's over there. this is what happens when you don't come to rehearsal. >> he can do all sorts of accents. starting now, he gets up to five months to rehearse. when the show started in january, this is what they said about the combination. it's an audacious and intriguing choice. that's how i feel about seth. i think it's going to be great. >> i've met him. he's a funny guy. he's not really a performer by nature. he's actually a writer and producer. so it will be interesting to see how that changes the dynamic this year. >> he's going to be okay. >> may be
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caroline kennedy says her father's secret white house tapes are moving. we'll hear some of those tapes and ask her how it feels when the kennedys make news. do the kennedys make news these days? those stories coming up on "cbs this morning." getting cash back on what? close shave and haircut fan for the ceiling. you're gonna cool off that hoooounddd! tonight you gotta get your cash back, on new slacks. use freedom on lunch with jack. everybody get! everybody get! get your cash back. chase freedom.
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50 years ago, president kennedy asked the cia to install secret taping devices in the oval office. many of his conversations with cabinet members and heads of state appear for the first time in a new book, it's called "listening in: the secret white house recordings of john f. kennedy." the president's daughter caroline wrote the forward to the book, and recently, we talked about the tapes and listened to some of them, including a letter that kennedy dictated to his wife about their daughter. >> i'm going to divide this into two parts, one typewritten, the other handwritten. the typewritten part to give you the news of my visit to newport. i went up there last friday
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afternoon, and caroline looked beautiful. and she was a great success on the beach and seemed to love the water. >> what goes through your mind knowing that it's a father talking about his love for his daughter? >> oh, it's great. the scene that he is describing is really familiar, so it's really nice to be able to place both of us in that scene. >> what did you learn about your dad listening in? >> well, first of all, i got a much greater appreciation for him at work. i think no kid know what is their parents do all day, so for me, this was really in that way incredibly moving. i mean, i feel so lucky that there are so many recordings of him and all of that that give me a way to learn about or connect with him. >> you said something interesting. it's true. no kid really know what is their parents do. so here you are at the time of his death, 5 going on 6. what did you think he did? when did you know that he was president of the united states? or did you ever know that? >> well, i don't know. i guess he became president when i was 3.
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it was just whatever, where we lived, what i did. i remember dancing. he would clap his hands and my brother and i would dance. and i remember -- you know, it was a big treat to go over and see him in his office. >> some very serious things happened in the oval office, of course. one of them was the cuban missile crisis. >> it's very possible the missions will fire and we'd have to fire back and it would be quite a slaughter. i would think we'd want two or three things. first, we'd want to have some control over cameras aboard these boats so we don't have a lot of people shooting, a lot of pictures, which in the press might be embarrassing to us. secondly, i don't know enough about the ships, but whether they ought to fire, and asking them to stop. if they don't stop, asking them to have the crew come above the steps. >> were you surprised at how detail eed he was? >> i think that really came through in so many of these conversations, his attention to detail.
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that was something i always heard about from my mother. he was really paying attention to every bit of a lot of things. >> what surprised you about his attention to detail? >> he just had an incredible memory, incredible curiosity. really always wanted to know everything about whatever was going on. >> you know, one thing that really struck me was his involvement in the civil rights. i look at the country today, there are so many people today that don't know the history. have no clue about the history of civil rights. and here is your father speaking very passionately about a young black student who had been admitted to the university of mississippi, they were protesting on the grounds, they did not want james meredith there. and your father was talking to the governor about that. >> you got to get order there. how can i remove him, governor, when there's a riot in the streets? he may step out of that building and something happen to him. i can't remove him under those conditions. let's get order up there.
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we've got to get somebody up there now to get order and stop the firing and the shooting. you and i will talk on the phone about meredith. but first we've got to get order. >> he's really mad. i know that tone of voice from my aunts and uncles. i think that civil rights really went from being an important but not heated issue at the very beginning of his presidency to the major domestic crisis of the 20th century and the moral issue of our time. >> what do you think he would have thought of barack obama? >> well, i think one of the things that i think both of them shared was just bringing in a whole new generation to the democratic process. i think that that's really a significant accomplishment and legacy. and we don't even know what all the people that barack obama inspired are going to contribute yet. >> are you ever overwhelmed by your legacy? because, you know, when people think of kennedy, they think of camelot, they think of your mom, they think of your dad, they think of your brother, and now,
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you know, of course, we have you. were you ever overwhelmed -- >> now, of course, we have you. >> well, you know what i mean, caroline. >> i know. >> are you ever overwhelmed by the legacy of that? do you think it just isn't fair? >> i'm really proud of my family, and my parents. i can't imagine having better parents and a more wonderful brother. so i feel really fortunate that those are my family, and i wish they were here. >> of course. >> but my own family, my children, my husband are really my real family, and so we don't really think -- >> you don't really think of the kennedys. >> no. we're just us. >> we're just us? >> right. >> 50 years later, the kennedy family is still very much in the news. sometimes good, sometimes bad. i'm wondering what's your first reaction when you get a call that says there's another kennedy story coming out. what's your first reaction to it? >> let me see if i can guess
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what it's about. >> first reaction is let me see if i can guess what it's about? all right, i have to say, i know you're a member of team maria. >> i am. >> arnold just did an interview with "60 minutes" where he's talking about his life and the end of his marriage. what are your thoughts on that about him speaking? >> well, i don't have any thoughts to share on that. >> she said i actually have a lot of thoughts, i'm just not going to share them with "cbs this morning," which i totally get. anybody who's a member of team maria sort of wishes arnold would stop talking, is the sense that i get. >> she is still incredibly very private and poised. >> yeah. and what a treasure that she has got the tapes and shared them with us. very nice, caroline. >> nice interview, gayle. >> thanks. anderson cooper is here. he's joining us at the table. i don't have time for the flu. that's why i'm knocking things off my to-do list.
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vitamin d, done! hand sanitizer, done! hey, eric! i'm here for my flu shot. sorry, didn't make an appointment. well, you don't need one. whether it's flu shots or prescriptions, we continue to accept express scripts and medco plans. i'm bonnie, and this is my cvs.
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♪ that's adele with a theme song she just recorded for the new "james bond" movie. she said when she read the script, it was a no-brainer for her. that song will be released this friday, which is the 50th anniversary of james bond on the silver screen. welcome back to "cbs this morning." on "60 minutes" sunday, arnold schwarzenegger held almost nothing back, telling about the secrets that ended his marriage. as terrell brown reports, reaction to the former governor's confession has been quick and critical. >> was that the only affair? >> no. but, you know --
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>> after his candid and unremorseful interview, schwarzenegger paraded his new memoir on book shores and on talk shows monday. >> i just created a huge screw-up. >> reporter: but the outrage was swift to cross morning television. >> he's horrible. i thought he was just awful in this interview. he has no guilt, nothing. >> she gave up her career for him when he became governor and that doesn't seem to bother him either. >> reporter: his casualness even evoked anger. >> he's full of crap! he's like i'm the big man, i can handle it. he hasn't got a heart. there's nothing in there. >> and he's just getting bang, bang, bang. and i'm thinking to myself is it really worth it for some dopey book? >> reporter: by late night, schwarzenegger had become a frequent punch line. >> that's a nice way to atone for it, isn't it? bragging about it in a book.
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yeah, i nailed her. i nailed her. >> when asked about impregnating his maid, he said i think it's the stupidest thing i've done in the whole relationship with maria. you think it was the stupidest thing? what else could have come close? did you accidentally throw maria into the grand canyon? >> reporter: but jon stewart may have asked the question many thought around should have imposed to himself. >> couldn't you just go to the future and then come back and kill that arnold? >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," terrell brown, new york. >> anderson cooper joins us at the table. you're trying to get the governor on your show? >> i don't know if he's doing any daytime shows. i thought that interview was really damaging to him. i think he just came across terribly. >> i don't think he realizes how bad he's looking. i really don't. >> i don't think he has a clue. >> he's chatting it up all around the country. he's not doing "the view." he's not doing "the talk." >> introinspection i don't think
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is his number one suit. >> he is not getting it. so as a man, what advice would you offer him, man at the table, charlie rose, anderson cooper? >> i'm the last person in the world to offer anyone advice. but i don't get why he wrote a book. if you have children, why put them through this? it just seems the height of narcissism to me. >> and you had his daughter katherine -- >> she was a co-host on the program. she's lovely. she's just starting out in her career. for her to have to deal with this, it just seems so unfair and ridiculous. he's had his time. let him make movies, make more money. and just go away. >> and he maria have four great kids. i keep thinking about the children and what he's not thinking about. they're all old enough to understand what this all means. >> none of them -- he doesn't even give them the courtesy of letting them read the book in advance. my mom wrote an erotic memoir and a romance novel, and at least she asked me to proofread it, you know? [ laughter ] >> and how was it?
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>> aye, aye, aye. like please edit out on page 23. >> your mother, for people who don't know, gloria vanderbilt. they were my favorite pair of jeans when i was 10 years old. >> my brother and i had a game when we were children, which was when my mom first became famous in that way, we were sort of surprised by the whole thing. so all of a sudden we had a game of counting how many women's butts we saw each day with my mom's name on them. >> every time you saw one, you knew you'd have a bigger budget. >> you know what i think is so great about you is you have the unique ability -- because i know you like "real housewives." you did a whole rundown of the finale. >> the new jersey reunion. i needed an ambien to fall asleep because i was so stressed. >> charlie feels that way, too. >> if you watch this, believe me, first of all you will want
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that hour of your life back. it is the most stressful thing, because you cannot believe these people exist and that they want to live like this. >> once i said to charlie, so, are you going to have a "real housewives" marathon at your home this week? he goes, "i think not." >> start off with honey boo boo. >> do you know who honey boo boo is? >> no. >> you are in for a treat. >> but how are you able to do both? i've seen you in the fox hole reporting the news. i've seen you at hurricane katrina. how are you able to do it? >> i mean, i like the -- i'm interested in stories, i'm interested in a wide variety of stuff. i'm really passionate about foreign news and international reporting. i focus on what's going on syria and i pay attention to a lot of things. we all have different sides to us. and i like some cheesy reality shows, although i will say i've sort of weaned myself off them this year. i like going to movies and hanging out with friends. i think what's nice is now we have -- the profession has
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development so we can show ourselves as multi-faceted and that's okay. >> stephen colbert said this about you on oprah. he said i wanted to be sort of a shiny and new anderson cooper. you know, the silver surfer of cable news. just shiny and kind of sexy. >> well, as a comic book geek, i'm a big silver surfer fan, so i like the reference. i'd take silver surfer any day. >> gayle asked a good question, which is you have "ac 360." you have "anderson live." you have "60 minutes." how do you do all that stuff? >> and do them all well. >> well, you guys are doing multiple hours of tv every day, you just do them all at once. mine are spread out. i like having variety in my life. i like being able to exercise different muscles throughout the day. i find it energizing. as long as i'm learning something new every day. and i spend hours reading research and i'm learning new stuff. and i like that. >> most people of your stature
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would worry about it hurting their credibility, just the fact that you know honey boo boo, which, by the way, she's getting a raise. >> and a bodyguard. i'm well aware of that. and, by the way, she deserves a raise. i'm sorry. >> no, anderson. >> she does. charlie will explain during the break. walter cronkite loved sailing. >> it ain't, honey boo boo, sorry. >> but there's variety. >> what i like about what you do, and for a long time, you want to be where the action is. >> yeah, without a doubt. that's really important to me. there's nothing like being on the breaking wave of history. and luckily, at "60 minutes" and cnn, they are still sending people out there to do it. >> and seeing it on the front row. >> i think that's important. it really does make a difference in your understanding of something, just to be there to witness it, to see it as a real
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experience. >> do you think in daytime talk, you have to reveal something about yourself? i mean, you certainly -- >> no. >> were you uncomfortable with that? >> no, i wasn't. what's nice about daytime tv is you can develop a real relationship with viewers in a way that there is a certain artifice to news that you are presenting this one side of you. and, you know, people know that there's more to you than that, and i think it's -- i'm very comfortable with who i am and it's very nice to just have a real relationship with viewers. i've never pretended to be the i've always admitted what i or. don't know and when i needed to learn more, what i needed to do better at, and there are things i'm still improving on. as long as viewers know you're honest and coming from a good place, hopefully that's good. >> "anderson live" is doing something different. you have a co-host every day. >> yeah, we're doing co-hosts every day. and we're live, which is a really nice thing. bethany frankel is on today.
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martin short is on tomorrow. >> the rumor was you were going to replace regis with kelly. would that have been your dream job? >> i love kelly ripa. >> today is her birthday. >> i know it is. kelly ripa is a huge talent. and has been the secret sauce in that show for a long time. so i would have loved to have worked for her. but it wasn't in the cards. but she's got a great co-host now and i wish them both the best. >> anything that you want to do that you haven't done? >> there's places i'd like to go. i'd like to be in syria. basically that's what i'd like to do. but it's a tough climate right now. >> anderson's got to go. he's got a show to do. >> i do. >> you tweeted me last night to bring bagels. i brought bagels. although i thought you folks would have a huge spread. i didn't know you needed little old basic cable me to bring you some bagels. >> won an emmy last night. >> i was proud of the whole team. >> "anderson live" is on weekdays. imagine getting half a
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million dollars to use any way you please with no morning. we'll meet a musician and too many americans are struggling to find work in today's economy. too many of those who are working are living paycheck to paycheck trying to make falling incomes meet rising prices for food and gas. more americans are living in poverty than when president obama took office and fifteen million more are on food stamps. president obama and i both care about poor and middle-class families. the difference is my policies will make things better
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for them. we shouldn't measure compassion by how many people are on welfare. we should measure compassion by how many people are able to get off welfare and get a good paying job. my plan will create twelve million new jobs over the next four years helping lift families out of poverty and strengthening the middle-class. i'm mitt romney and i approve this message because we can't afford another four years like the last four years. ♪
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♪ the macarthur foundation hands out so called genius groups to people who show exceptional creativity in their work. last night, the foundation announced $500,000 people to 23 people. two of them join us this morning, juno diaz and chris thile. welcome, and congratulations. >> thank you for having us. >> are you surprised? >> they gave us a little heads up, but then we're real surprised. >> and what does it mean? $500,000. >> well, the first thing that i
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thought, aside from i was sure that my band mates were pranking me. >> somebody made a mistake. >> this could still be part of the prank. they could have gotten they're like guess what, you got a macarthur. >> why is that so important to us? because it's who we are. >> i'm not sure how common it is. they had that list of top
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hundred books in america, that people should read. not a single one of them had anything to do with immigration. i mean -- >> i've interviewed a lot of novelists over the years whose first novel was about their experience of coming to america. >> sure. i think that there's something about shifting worlds, coming from one world to the next. that for a lot of people, it strikes a cord. even if you didn't come from another country, the idea of how do you make a home somewhere new is common to anyone who's either going to college, shifting towns. it makes explicit something that i think many of us feel closely. >> and being part of two cultures. >> simultaneously being part of two cultures. >> and being a mandolin virtuoso, steve martin sent you a tweet. congratulations to chris thile, mandolin player extraordinaire and musical innovator.
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>> that's amazing. >> why the mandolin for you? >> when i was 2 years old, i saw a man playing a mandolin in a place called that pizza place. it was small and high pitched and so was i. i loved the rhythmic precision of it. it's a stringed instrument that has a lot of responsibility. it kind of -- >> oh, yeah. listen. >> sell it, thile, sell it. >> will it change your life? >> yeah, it gives you -- it's sort of like someone cutting the little leash around your ankle. it gives you an enormous amount of time and room. it really is like -- i told a friend of mine, it's like finding an extra bedroom to your apartment. >> you're still teaching at m.i.t. >> yeah, i need that reassurance. >> and you? >> it's going to give me the opportunity to say no a little bit more often. i can just sit on my couch and
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play and think and write. >> congratulations. thank you for joining us. the special teenager expects to see no special treatment. we'll meet the one-legged soccer player whose incredible goal has gotten him national attention. that's next right here on "cbs this morning." krystal conwell : we see a lot of problems with the... number of students that we have. resources. materials. things that the children need... on a day-to-day basis. anncr: question seven will help. the department of legislative services says question seven... will mean hundreds of millions of dollars...
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for schools...from gaming revenues that would have... gone to other states. and independent audits will guarantee the money... goes where it's supposed to. krystal conwell: i think people should vote for question... seven because i think it will be a great benefit to children.
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♪ a massachusetts soccer player has scored just one goal for his high school team, but millions of people have already seen it. a lot of them are amazed that it actually happened in the first place. but as jim axelrod reports, it's no big deal for the young man behind the goal. hey there, jim. >> hey, norah. it may not be a big deal for
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him, maybe, but a huge deal for everyone else who knows him. any parent who's ever had their child tell them they can't do something, that it's too hard, they may want to show their kid what we're about to show you. >> reporter: it's not hard to pick out nico calabria jogging with his varsity soccer teammates at concord carlisle high school outside boston. he is, and always has been, the kid with one leg. what is hard to do when watching nico is to believe what you're seeing. >> my disability doesn't define who i am. my disability gives me a challenge every day. >> reporter: born without a right leg and right hip, nico was raised by parents whose only expectation for their son was that he not expect any special treatment. >> there's no "you're not taking out the garbage." you're doing everything that every other kid in the family is doing. >> do you take out the garbage? >> oh yeah.
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i hate it, though. >> reporter: he was just 5 when he convinced his parents that a traditional prosthetic leg was simply holding him back. >> you could not get him back into that prosthetic once he had his crutches going. >> i can play soccer on my crutches. i can run, i can climb mount kilimanjaro. >> reporter: that's right, he said kilimanjaro. at age 13, nico became the first one-legged climber to reach the top of africa's highest mountain. he skis, dives, and loves volleyball. then there's wrestling. against two-legged opponents, he finished third in the state in his weight class. but it was this moment on the soccer field that provided a much bigger audience for nico. two weeks ago, he scored his
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first varsity goal, with more than a million youtube hits, it might be the most famous high school soccer goal ever. >> reporter: what did your teammates say to you? >> nice goal. i don't think it was my teammates thinking nico's got one leg and he just scored a goal on varsity. it was more like that was a nice goal. >> reporter: isn't that exactly what you're looking for out of life? >> exactly. no pity, no differences, i just want to be seen as an equal. >> reporter: nico pads his crutches for safety. the state athletic association ruled he could use them, citing the americans with disabilities act. he's quick to push back against anyone who suggests playing with crushes gives him some kind of competitive advantage. >> i suggest they try it and then tell me if they think it's an advantage or not, and then you can go from there. i've got one leg. you get one life. do what you will. and i'm not going to let the hand i was dealt in life dictate what my life is going to be.
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>> reporter: nico calabria is living proof that sometimes a picture is worth a lot more than a thousand words, even if it leaves you speechless. >> and it does. one more example of a story, of the notion that if you can imagine it, you can do it. >> yeah. this is one of the most most impressive people i've ever met in my life, and i'm not sure that i've got four that go in front of him. >> what he said about one leg, one life. i marvel at him and his parents, too, what his parents instilled in him. >> no special treatment. which he says and his folks say, do you want to understand how somebody does it that way? it's the way he was raised. >> he's a senior in high school. what's next for him? >> he's looking at colleges, sweating it out. he wants to play in the u.s. amputee soccer team, wants to take it to the amputee world cup. >> does he think it's a big deal, or for him -- >> he said he knows he's successful in life when he goes to the mall, they're looking for a parking place, he has to pull
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out his handicap sticker and his friends are saying nico, what are you doing? because they've forgotten. weeks of this campaign... and more ads. you, in your living room or... what i'd say. losing nearly eight hundred... mired in iraq. nation we are... moving forward again. get folks back to work and... again. that with even bigger... fewer regulations... prosper. on the same trickle-down... in the first place. so what's my plan? manufacturing jobs... exports... that... ship jobs overseas. in half and produce more... clean coal, natural gas... solar, and biofuels. efficiency of cars and trucks. maintain the best workforce... hundred thousand additional... training two million... they need at our community... tuition in half and... americans can afford it. reduce our deficit by... next decade, on top of the... already cut. little more. afghanistan... pay down our debt and... nation-building... right here at home. patriotism, rooted in the... begins with a strong... thriving middle class. read my plan. and decide for yourself. thanks for listening. this message.
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okay, at' havin?
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sunny-de up g, d,h... make a doue.ll havther ilyour own bgers are now atenny's. inspirion ca come from ywhere


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