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tv   9 News Now at 6am  CBS  October 4, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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light stuff just scattered about. a lot of intermittent wiper type rain out there. a few more moderate showers right down towards spring field and farther down the potomac now pulling out of virginia into western charles county. this is all lifting northeast so prince george's county, charles county, you guys are going to get wet. temps this morning from the low to mid-60s north and west, low to mid-70s south and east. we've had issues on the roads, germantown being the big one. we're encouraged by the fact we're hearing tow trucks around the scene, the accident on 118 right at 270. westbound 118 was completely shut down initially with the equipment on the scene. still doesn't look like you're getting by but the tow trucks are there. westbound or southbound 118 can't get any further than 270, can't get toward crystal rock. if you're south on 270, can't make the exit to go south on 118 but 270 volume out of frederick heading into hyattstown with all lanes open down into rockville. north on 95, heavy volume getting out of fredricksburg
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easing a bit but loading near 630 courthouse. more delays as you head past the prince william parkway across the okay quan. in springfield lanes open 395 northbound where we've seen volume delays past landmark. pace is good to the 14th street bridge. route 4, 210, corridors open. your next timesaver traffic at 6:12. back to you. >> thank you, beverly. the first of three presidential debates is done. one of the hot topics between president obama and governor mitt romney health care and medicare. >> indeed. kristin fisher tracking the debate for us this morning. she's live in the satellite center trying to break it all down. these are complex issues. >> reporter: good morning. this debate was so focused on the economy that it took the candidates 45 minutes before they ever mentioned the words health care. but when they did, it was certainly one ever the more memorable exchanges of the night. lively exchanges of the night. at one point mitt romney told the president point blank that
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if elected, he would repeal his health care law to which the president responded by saying, but we've seen this model work really well in massachusetts. here's part of that exchange. >> i want to take the $716 billion you've cut it and put it back into medicare. by the way, we can include a prescription program. but the idea of cutting $716 billion from medicare to be able to balance the additional cost of obama care is in my opinion a mistake. with regards to young people coming along, i've got proposals to make sure medicare and social security are there for them without any question. >> if you repeal obama care and i have become fond of this term obama care, if you repeal it, what happens is those seniors right away are going to be paying $600 more in prescription care. they're going to have to be paying copays for basic checkups that can keep them healthier and the primary beneficiary of that repeal are
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insurance companies that are estimated to gainle billions of dollars -- gain billions of dollars back when they aren't making seniors any healthier. i don't think that's the right approach to making sure that medicare is stronger over the long term. >> reporter: the other big issue of the night was job creation. but probably the most memorable -- certainly the most talked about moment was when mitt romney slammed "sesame street"'s big bird. i'll explain what i'm talking about in half an hour. >> i love big bird. thank you, kristin. she's live in our satellite center this morning. our partners at cbs news talked with the uncommitted voters who watched the debate. by a 2-1 margin they said mitt romney won last night. the poll didn't define though what a win actually is. 46% say romney was the winner. 22% believe the president won the debate and 32% thought it was a tie. among those uncommitted voters,
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56% say they felt better about mitt romney after the debate. 11% say they felt worse. 32% say they had no change in their opinion. as for the president, 13% of those polled came away with a better impression. 17% felt worse about the president. 69% felt exactly the same about president obama. you left your reactions on our facebook page. the problem with this debate is that it keeps going past their time limit and mitt romney wasn't clear on what he would do for the economy. so for me it was a tie. while another said not only did romney insult educators but the poor. and president obama wasn't a winner either. he lacked aggression. he we'd like you to leave your comments by going to our facebook page wusa9. the economy and jobs will be an important part of the election. jessica is here with our local jobs picture and it's pretty good compared to the rest of the country.
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>> this is another situation where we're saying thank goodness we live in the washington region. the latest unemployment figures are out. let's take a look. at 5.5%, the washington metro area continues to have the lowest unemployment rate of the nation's major job markets. unemployment down all over. northern virginia came in at 4.3%, down from 4.8% at this time last year. suburban maryland stood at 6%, town from 6.2%. d.c. 8.8%. that was down from 10.4% this time last year. things are looking good right now but they may not continue to do so. >> when i first got here, it was always about the federal government and contractors made this place recession proof until we heard the word sequestration. and that's going to take a big hit on this area. what's the latest? >> well, this is a ticking time bomb. we had this massive federal budget package, spending cuts possibly looming. if they trigger because congress hasn't done something, we could lose a lot of jobs in
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the washington area. washington defense contractors, they would be considered ground zero here. the latest is the white house is again asking defense contractors to stop warning their workers about potential layoffs, so much so now the office of management and budget says the government will cover the legal costs for any contractors that might face lawsuits if they lay off workers without giving them a warning. basically the administration is asking the companies to ignore their liability, the workers potential liability with investors who invest in these companies, they say it's too speck live. republicans say it's playing politics in battleground states like virginia. economists have not stopped warning about the potentially cradling of the job market. virginia could stand to lose 65,000 defense-related jobs alone. maryland projects it could lose almost 13,000 jobs. george mason university economist estimates sequestration could put 2.1
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million jobs at risk next year alone. >> no one on either end of pennsylvania avenue doing anything as real human beings are caught in the middle. >> exactly. today maryland attorney general doug ganzler is going to honor nonprofit groups around the state which helps victims of domestic violence. he will do that along with verizon who is giving $50,000 in grants. verizon is also behind a mo ject that -- pro swect which allows victims to speak with a judge via teleconference. that way they can get a protection order without the abuser being in the same room. this began as a pilot program in rockville which has since expanded its scope. >> the victims that come in here receive wrap around services so they're not just having the enforcement of the sheriff's office. they're having the state's attorney. they're having health and human services. they're having therapy. >> a maryland law which took
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effect monday allows victims of domestic violence to apply for unemployment benefits. that way they can make ends meet if they have to leave their job in order to escape their abuse ir. a warning for women in fair fx county. a -- fairfax county. a man is apparently going around and grabbing women. the latest happened in springfield along hibbling avenue. the woman was groped in front of her daughter with the attacker grabbing the woman's chest. women are being asked to walk in groups to help discourage any attacks. the d.c. cap commission -- cab commission told cab drivers they could charge an extra dollar per extra passenger when people are leaving nationals pay moves game. it took a matter of hours for the mayor to overturn that. the mayor got the chair of the taxicab commission to rule the move was ill-advised. our time 16:08. in -- is 6:08. a deadly outbreak of meningitis
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nationwide. learn about two local cases. >> there will be some showers around certain places this morning. they will be moving out as the day goes on. coming up next, howard will preview some weather you're really going to like. >> first, the rock 'n' roll hall of fame is out with its nominees for its class of 2013. it's a pretty varied list. it includes rush, deep purple, public enemy and n.w.a. all of them first time nominees. >> some other acts on the ballot after missing selection in the past include donna summer, heart, randy newman, joan jett&the black hearts. the nominees will be honored in april.
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welcome back. howard bernstein with you on this thursday morning. we have a few showers around early but overall it will be a dry day. by noon peeks of sunshine. we'll finish the day sunny. high about 81 with a drive home temp of 77. still clearing up the crash in germantown. the south and westbound lanes at 270 still blocked. tow trucks are about to clear. southbound 270 could not get west on to 118. yowsh next time -- your next timesaver traffic at 6:18. here's some of the stories making news. nato is warning syria to stop its attacks on neighboring
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turkey. a mortar attack along the boarder killed three people in turkey wednesday. it spilled over from the ongoing civil war in syria. weeks after ending their strike, teachers in chicago formally accepted a new contract. the three-year deal overwhelmingly approved. the chicago board of education will sign off on it later this month. check out this report for breast cancer awareness month. pink bathing the rocket center in huntsville, alabama. it was used in the late 1960's. looking good in pink. 6:13 now. at least one person in maryland and another in virginia are dead from a meningitis outbreak. >> it's made more than two dozen people sick nationwide. the number of cases is expected to increase. >> ed payne takes a look at what's behind this. >> reporter: all of those infected with the strain of meningitis received steroid injections for back pain. three cases have been reported in virginia. two each in floarpd and maryland and one -- florida and maryland and one in north
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carolina. at least 18 cases have been reported in tennessee. sue manner is waiting it find out if she, too, is infected. she's one of hundreds of patients who received injections at the saint thomas outpatient neurosurgeonry center in nashville. >> i really didn't get into any state of fear or anything. i just sort of thought okay we're going to research this. the more i researched it, the more worried i get. >> reporter: the facility contacted more than 700 patients who had spinal steroid injections between july 30 and september 20. manner says worrying and waiting for answers is the hardest part. >> i do wish maybe they could bring patients together. we could have a physician perhaps to answer these questions and put our mind at rest. >> reporter: the main suspect in the outbreak the steroid product used in the injections. federal health officials have identified the manufacturer and issued a recall. but more cases are expected because it can take up to 28 days for the infection to
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develop. i'm ed payne for 9news now. >> maryland health officials are conducting their own investigation. they say seven different facilities use the implicated lots of that steroid between july and september. all seven have stopped using the product and they are now contacting their patients. 6:15. howard is here with our weather first. a little drizzly still in spots. some places more spritzy kind of spray out there. >> a couple of legitimate showers if you will as well. but there's going -- it's going to be moving the next couple of hours. later this morning we'll be done with the rain and this afternoon becoming partly sunny. you'll like the afternoon. you'll love tomorrow but by sunday some big changes headed this way. might for the be so nice outside. here's a look at our day planner. the bus stop forecast for you on this thursday morning. we've got the scattered showers out there. otherwise it's pretty mild. 60s and even low to mid-70s this morning with sunrise at 7:07. we have a ways to go till then. as far as our day planner is concerned, temperatures by noon
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76. should see a few breaks of sunshine by then. the afternoon 79 at 4:00. i think we'll poke up to 81. by 8:00 partly cloudy, 71 degrees, dropping into the 50s and low 60s tonight. there's the rain we've been watching this morning streaming in from the southwest. right now right over d.c. going back toward arlington and the pentagon, we've got some showers there. we've got one other shower laurel to odenton moving north to east. light sprinkles either side of this. then it picks up from accokeek into western charles county now. most of this is west of 301. it's all moving east brandywine, silver spring even will see the other shower heading your way. we have a few more showers coming out of the colonial beach and montrose area headed toward st. mary's county. this all has to work its way from west to east the next few hours. temperatures 69 in bowie. 70 at bwi and upper marlboro. out to the west we have upper 60s from sterling and leesburg
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and gaithersburg at 66, one of our cool spots. even that is not cool at all for this time of year. outside on our michael & son weather camera, cloudy skies and still really dark at this hour with light sprinkles at reagan national. 73 degrees reported on the hour with wind out of the south, southwest at 5 and humidity way up there. 88%. look at the cold stuff here. it's 30 in casper, wyoming. yellowstone in the 20s. snow flying in north dakota and montana this morning. that cooler air will be moving east and southeast over the next few days. it arrives here saturday night into sunday. in the short term we've got this moisture we're watching across georgia and south carolina. that will scoot east of us. then the cool air with the front, that could produce a shower saturday afternoon and a little wave on that front looks like it will produce quite a few showers on sunday and temperatures will struggle to get to 60 on sunday. 81 today. a much better finish than the start with some showers over the next couple of hours. tonight 50s and low 60s. tomorrow gorgeous. if you can get tomorrow off, do
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it. 82. by saturday 77. could be a shower or two in the afternoon and evenin by sunday, though, more showers. could be all right for the terps game but skins, tailgaters, be prepared for a cool, damp game. 60. a high columbus day of 62. 6:18. let's throw it over to beverly farmer with timesaver traffic. what we're dealing with now is a crash in fairfax county, a stretch of oxford road, monument drive. sky 9 has been showing us the scene. police and fire rescue on the scene with the northbound lanes or i'm sorry the southbound lanes, the west ox roadblocked. police on the scene there. if you're traveling in on 66, not annual issue. you can -- an issue. you can still get to 50. eastbound volume delays into manassas past fair oaks and 123. the pace is not too bad into falls church at this hour. waiting for the hov rules to kick in getting inside the beltway there. as you travel northbound i-95, 395 fairly typical volume delays to get toward quantico, into woodbridge and 395 heading
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up duke street. more volume there. getting up to the 14th street bridge, all your lanes are open. there's a crash in manassas. they were requesting two medevacs to liberia avenue at signal hill road. that will be tied up. if you travel 270 germantown and 118, they cleared up the crash on 118 over 270. traffic is able to get by. 270 southbound is just volume here in germantown and still lined newspaper stretches out of frederick to -- lined up in stretches out of frederick to hyattstown. good luck. it came to the nationals once they finally let teddy win. >> but before that, it's time to take another check on our question of the morning. roughly 1100 of these are started every second in this country. is it a, automobiles, b, relationships, or c, loads of laundry? >> our facebook friend ed always has something good to say or at least witty during election season. i would go with political
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arguments. >> keep the guesses coming and add your answers, too. we'll reveal the correct answer at 6:53. krystal conwell : we see a lot of problems with the...
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number of students that we have. resources. materials. things that the children need... on a day-to-day basis. anncr: question seven will help. the department of legislative services says question seven... will mean hundreds of millions of dollars... for schools...from gaming revenues that would have... gone to other states. and independent audits will guarantee the money... goes where it's supposed to. krystal conwell: i think people should vote for question... seven because i think it will be a great benefit to children.
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welcome back. your weather first. 6:23 this thursday morning. we've got a few light showers here and there this morning. they'll be gone in another couple of hours. then we'll have a decent day. nicer afternoon and a nice friday. here's your day planner. keep the rain gear handy just for the next couple of hours. by noon some sunshine starts to break out, 76. we'll become partly sunny this afternoon. highs approach 80, 81. the 6:00 temp of 75. mike and andrea, back to you. >> thanks, howard. the nationals can relax for a few days. they're off till sunday. >> that's when they'll play the winner of the national league wild card game. it's game one in either st. louis or atlanta. >> the impossible finally happened yesterday. teddy roosevelt won the president's race. this is his first official victory and the crowd went wild. in the first at-bat after
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teddy's win, ryan zimmerman celebrated with a solo home run, his 26th of the season, that tied the game at 1. two batters later is was tyler moore, rbi double to give the nats the lead. what teddy jinx. people were talking about if he won, it would be a jinx. not so much now. nationals beat the phillies 5- 1. they end the season with 98 wins, the most in franchise history. the orioles are heading to texas. they'll play the rangers tomorrow in the american league wild card game. the winner faces the yankees. baltimore fell short last night in its attempt to win the american league east. evan longoria and ryan roberts hit solo home runs in the 3rd inning for tampa bay. os lose to the rays 4-1 but the yankees won, too. the tigers first baseman won
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the triple crown mvp. he went 0-2 last night and got a standing ovation from the crowd in kansas city. it is just about 6:25. still ahead, which local political candidate is under fire for not voting in recent elections? >> we'll have more on last night's debate, including a fast check on mitt romney's tax plan. right now beverly farmer gives us a fact check on your morning commute. >> fairfax county we have issues. sky 9 showing us the scene of the crash. a medevac. southbound will be blocked at monument drive. you're watching 9news now. we'll be back with more news and traffic. stay with us.
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we're back at 6:29. this is always the place to get your weather first. here's a live look at springfield, virginia. lots of slow traffic in that area. you'll need to take some rain gear with you. mostly cloudy, 69 degrees. thanks so much for starting your thursday with us. i'm mike hydeck. i'm andrea roane. meteorologist howard bernstein is live on the weather terrace to expand on our forecast. good morning. >> good morning. light sprinkles out here. the ground is wet. the streets are wet. but it's not pouring like a couple of mornings ago. this may add a little extra time but shouldn't be anything too significant to the morning commute. here is a look at the day planner. the good news is this is only going to be around for another few hours at most. by noon some sun starts to break out western sections 76. we get to 81 for the high and come back with a temperature of 77 and partly sunny to finish out the day. this moips tur has been streaming -- moisture has been streaming in from georgia and
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the carolinas. the light showers with us, they pick up with us not so much north of town where we have the light showers going on in eastern montgomery through frederick and howard and run run. western prince george's county, right down through clinton, down 210, waldorf coming up to 301, upper marlboro, bowie headed toward you, we have some other showers start to break up west of 95 and down toward leonardtown, st. marys have a couple of heavier showers there. 81 today. i'll be back with the seven-day forecast with big changes. beverly farmer has been a busy lady. here's timesaver traffic. headed east on 66 we are getting busier as you make your way east into manassas toward centreville. the volume delays, no accidents to report 066. clearing up a crash on west ox forward road at monument drive. liberia avenue near signal hill ride an accident had tied things up. i'm told it has been moved into a parking lot but they did dispatch for two medevac helicopters. the volume still getting into
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quantico. heavy traffic across the occoquan out of woodbridge and again out of newington into springfield on the left side of the screen 395 loading up through landmark. outer loop of the beltway will slow as you make your way past college park and around to silver spring. just getting world of a crash on the northbound bw parkway northbound, north of the beltway greenbelt road. next timesaver traffic at 6:42. back to you. everyone is talking about the presidential debate this morning. as governor chris christie last week, they'll be talking about his candidate mitt romney. all the losers, all the trirve balance stuff -- trivial stuff. >> charlie rose joins us live. can't wait to see who's going to be on this morning. >> good morning. i hope you watched that debate. also this morning we'll talk about the hits and the misses and the facts from the debate. a cbs news poll of uncommitted voters shows romney won by a 2- 1 margin. we'll look at whether the faceoff was a game changing
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moment. plus this. how big bird and body language and the moderator set the tone. we'll show you how focused groups of undecided voters reacted as the debate unfolded. that and more when we see you at 7:00. >> it will be an interesting look. poor elmo and big bird. >> we know where your sentiments are. let's go now to kristin fisher in our satellite center. she has more on what the candidates said during last night's debate. >> reporter: if you wanted a real nitty gritty substantive debate, this was it. the candidates used lots of numbers. they were deep in the weeds and all the issues. and they really at times their message was almost tough to follow unless you're a really political wonk. the candidates focused entirely on domestic issues. the first 30 minutes of the debate were spent entirely talking about issue number one,
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the economy and job creation. >> over the last 30 months we've seen five million jobs in the private sector created. the auto industry has come roaring back. and housing has begun to rise. but we all know that we still got a lot of work to do. so the question here tonight is not where we've been but where we're going. governor romney has a perspective that says if we cut taxes, skew towards the wealthy and roll back regulations, that we'll be better off. i've got a different view. >> i'm concerned the path we're on has just been unsuccessful. the. has a view similar to the view he had when he ran four years ago that a bigger government, spending more, taxing more, regulating more, if you will trickle down government would work. that's not the right answer for america. >> reporter: the jobs and the economy certainly the dominant issue during the debate. the comment that lit up twitter more than anything else was a
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comment by mitt romney about how he would cut spending to pbs. the debate was hosted by pbs' jim lehrer. >> i'm sorry, jim, i'm going to stop the subsidy to pbs and other things. i like pbs, big bird and actually like you too, but i'm not going to keep spending money on things and borrow money from china to pay for it. >> reporter: this debate turned out to be the most tweeted event in u.s. history. 10.3 million tweets in total. the big bird comment you just heard generated 17,000 tweets per minute. wow. mike? >> people are apparently passionate about big bird. >> reporter: who knew people loved "sesame street" so much, right? >> no doubt. i never doubted it. >> we all grew up on "sesame street." kristin fisher live in our satellite center. every debate includes a little stretching of the truth so to speak. did mitt romney or president obama do that when they were talking about taxes? derek mcginty watched the debate with our partners at
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"u.s.a. today." take a listen. >> reporter: there was a lot to talk about regardless, a lot of facts out there, especially this $5 trillion in tax cuts. president obama says that's what romney wants to do. romney says not me. take a listen. >> governor romney's central economic plan calls for a $5 trillion toox cut on top of the -- tax cut on top of the bush tax cuts and another $2 trillion in military spending that the military hasn't asked for. >> i don't have a $5 trillion tax cut. i don't have a tax cut of the scale you're talking about. my spew is we ought to provide tax relief for people in the middle class. >> reporter: two contending points there. only one can be right. paul singer, as fact checker, political editor, "u.s.a. today," who is right? >> mitt romney does have tax cuts in his plan. the issue is it really a $5 trillion tax cut? because what he says, if it will -- it will make more revenue because it creates more jobs. those people then start paying
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taxes. so it doesn't actually cut revenues to the government. but there are cuts in the tax rate that individuals pay. i'm not sure how to count whether that is or is not a tax cut. >> bottom line, $5 trillion not $5 trillion or there is no bottom line? >> the romney-ryan plan has never specified exactly what the loopholes they will close or how the math adds up, but they say it is not a $5 trillion tax cut because it has these other residual benefits. >> our coverage at continues. get more fact checks from "u.s.a. today" right there and see how a university of maryland professor helped in gauging the instant reaction. hear more from the candidates themselves. all that and more right now on the front page of and of course we will have coverage the vice presidential candidates coming up with their debate which is one week from
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tonight. every candidate counts on every vote. the campaign of john delaney admits he made a mistake by not voting in two elections in the last six years. he's a democrat running for congress in maryland. his campaign says he didn't vote in the 2006 general election or the 2010 democratic primary. he's running against incumbent republican ross company bartlet. the bartlet campaign says this issue raises questions about delaney's trustworthiness. >> reporter: a d.c. police officer is suing to police officers and the county government. richard merit was arrested in fairmont heights last saturday and he claims the arrests officers used excessive force and committed civil rights violations. the lawsuit is seeking $3 million. our time is 6:37. in nine minutes we'll go into the kitchen. >> we can smell the success right now in the studio. you'll want to stay tuned for that. howard says we'll have a nice
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day. the showers you see now are moving out. highs in the 80s. wait till you hear about the fantastic friday and a look at the weekend ahead. keep it here. ♪
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[ harry umlaut ] hey you know what, i speak european. [ sally umlaut ] european isn't a language. i think they speak all kinds over there. nah. it's basically one language with a few variations. my cousin has a passport. uh-huh. take this fascinating muller yogurt. frut up. means "fruit up." as in creamy yogurt down below. and a delectable, aromatic layer of blended fruity, moussey, uppiness on top. frut up. as the europeans say. in their language. wow. you really are bilingual. yeah, i dated a comma in high school. [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy.
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good morning. welcome back to 9news now at 6:42 and 73 degrees. monika is out this week. i'm beverly farmer checking out your ride. had a crash we're dealing with in manassas on liberia area. right now traffic is able to squeeze by. it will cause you extra time but -- cost you extra time. pretty serious injuries. two medevacs were dispatched to the crash. getting up into quantico, heading into woodbridge out of dale city, the volume getting past the prince william parkway across the occoquan and in newington and on to 395. southbound 270 still quite slow in stretches leaving frederick to head into hyattstown and then as you leave father hurley
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boulevard. the delays will take you off and on to the beltway. there's a crash on the northbound bw parkway at greenbelt road just above the beltway. left lane is blocked. word of a crash on route 450 east of the bw parkway in prince george's county. your next timesaver traffic at 6:58. back to you. >> beverly, thank you. the forecast is improving even though traffic is going downhill in some spots. >> we've got some showers out there this morning. but they're going to be around. maybe a couple more hours. we'll get into the latter part of the morning and dry out. this afternoon we'll get into sunshine. we'll call it partly sunny. you'll like this afternoon, you'll like tonight and you're going to love tomorrow and changes come by sunday. here's a look at our bus stop forecast with scattered showers. temperatures are on the mild side again into the 60s and even 70s. our average high is 73. some areas are already there. sunrise at 7:07. today we'll start out with a couple showers this morning. then as we head toward later this morning, we'll start to dry out with sunshine starting to move in toward midday if not earlier out west. then this afternoon partly sunny, 79 by 3:00.
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we'll get to 81 with a 5:00 p.m. temperature of 77. so we finish much better than we start. moisture has been coming in from the gulf and florida the last few days. once again showers streaming. light ones across the region. west of town not really much. not sure how much of that is reaching the ground. a little bit of light shower activity in fairfax county but it's more moderate in prince george's county from bowie back toward the district line here coming in on route 50 on 214 central area. you see the showers there that are coming up. even toward upper marlboro and clinton. everything lifting northeast. odenton headed in that direction. a couple of showers in from st. mary's into calvert county. north beach, this one is headed towards you. a few more showers back in virginia north and east of richmond which have come through the northern neck and again southern maryland. so this will be the case again a couple of hours some showers and then better for the afternoon. north and west, we're in the mid- to upper 60s.
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gaithersburg 68. hagerstown 66. south and east into the low to mid-70s now with 73 in easton. 72 fredricksburg. outside on our michael & son weather camera, we see the clouds. we're 20 minutes or so from sunrise. still rather dark. 73. light sprinkles being reported at reagan national at the moment with a dew point of 70. very sticky air mass in place. got much cooler air on the way by sunday. in the short term here comes the moisture. it's all shifting eastward. in a few hours it will be east of us. then we'll get into some of this sunshine, clearing skies a little later into the afternoon. upper storm here, that's lifting northeast as well. big time changes though. it will snow maybe a foot in northwestern minnesota today. some of that colder air gets here sunday. 81 degrees today. nicer afternoon. tonight 50s and low 60s. clear to partly cloudy. tomorrow looks great 82. just going to be a really nice, nice day. by saturday 77. could be a shower or two in the afternoon and evening. sunday looks like showers, maybe even a cool rain
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develops. only about 60 for the skins game. then columbus day drying out, cool, 62 degrees. jessica, save some for us, please. >> you bet you. what he's talking about, the national taco day. time 16:46. how -- is 6:46. how about a breakfast taco. when you pour that cup of coffee, this may be what you want for breakfast. joining us with an incredible success story we've been tracking, district taco owner and your brother erik and manuel to help along the way. you're making breakfast tacos. >> that's right. we'll make them with bacon, some eggs and delicious salsas and toppings with quack mollie. >> i'll ask the gentlemen to please get us going. we want to talk about your great success. two and a half years ago osiris had a taco cart. the first day you made how many tacos? >> the first day probably made about 20 tacos. >> and now today with your two
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restaurant locations, arlington, d.c. and you still have your cart. >> yes. we're probably making about 6,000. 4,000, 5,000 tacos a day. >> unbelievable. what an amazing benefit. so we're going to use a corn tortilla here. >> this is actually the flour. for breakfast tacos, the flour tortillas are more popular than the corn. but when you're talking about regular tacos, really regional, they're corn tortillas involved, cilantro and onions. people started getting into more flour in mexico so we have a little of everything. >> let's talk about your d.c. location. i can attest to the fact that i've been there line wrapped around the block, even if it's raining outside. so how is it going so far? >> it's really busy. the d.c. location for lunch is unbelievably busy.
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we're so thankful d.c., you know, all the support they've given us. social media helps a lot, too. that's the only advertising we do. social media and that helps a lot. >> i want to break some news this morning for people at home. you've got some big news coming out. >> we have a new location coming up. we hoping. the deal is not done but we're going to hope in capitol hill. >> that's fantastic. two and a half years from not having a job to having a taco empire in the district of columbia and in arlington is fantastic. you've got some chorizo going. >> we have some chorizo. >> what else are we putting on here? >> cheese. >> fantastic. we're looking forward to eating some of this coming up on the show. of course the guacamole is unbelievable. we'll check the news when we come back. of course i'm going to eat a breakfast taco. keep it here if you're watching 9news now. let's shock him.
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he drives that road all the time. we just had a few drinks. this can't be happening. are we clear? clear. we were just buzzed. just buzzed? you didn't tell us that, sir. you're right, this isn't happening. he'll be fine. yeah, i feel good. really? no. not really. announcer: buzzed driving. maybe we should stop acting like it's no big deal.
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welcome back. your weather first. we have some showers out there, generally light ones. looks like the bulk will be passing the next couple of hours. by lunch time mostly cloudy, 76. the drive home temp looks nice at 77. today is thursday, october 4. here's a check on the news before you go. a funeral today for a herndon, virginia mother and her two sons. kathi peetderson and her -- peterson and her two sons were found dead in their home last week. police say albert peterson killed his family before taking his own life. nationals manager david johnson will be back in the dugout for the playoffs. he left yesterday's game because he had some numbness in his legs.
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tests came back negative. two dozen dogs rescued from a puppy mill are now in the district. the washington animal rescue league took in these dogs from south carolina. vets will give them a checkup and soon they'll be ready for adoption. it is 6:53. let's answer the question of the morning now. roughly 1100 of these are started every second in this country. is it a, automobiles, b, relationships, or c, loads of laundry? >> the answer is c, loads of laundry. here's jessica. >> daily deals time. here's some of my favorites from those e-mails and websites. who says there's no such thing as a free lunch. cava mezze grill is celebrating its new restaurant location by offering a free pita, bowl, salad and a drink. the location is in northwest at 4237 wisconsin avenue. the free offer is between 11:00 and 1:30 only. honesty will be giving out free
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samples of their organic drinks. how about personal training at a discount. gilt city is offering four personal training sessions with the owner of studio f3. the price $189. that's 47% off. and do you get cold at night when your honey turns down the temperature? this could be the solution. a dual climate control heated mattress pad. target's got a deal for queen. it's $74.74. that's 35% off and free shipping. if you have an offer you've seen or you're a local merchant with a deal for our viewers, i would love to hear from you on facebook. one more check on traffic and weather is next right here on 9news now.
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one more thing before we go. it's been so much fun watching teddy lose for over 520 races. if you go through u tiewb and -- u tube and see him coming in on a zip line, he's tried everything to win. yesterday he finally got a chance to win. it's fantastic. congratulations, teddy. we were worried this might jinx the possibility of them going to the playoffs but they opened up-- >> you can see the mascot come in and trip him up right there. look it there. >> when this happened, teddy was trending on twitter all over the world. after he won, it was good luck. ryan zimmerman hit a home run, tyler hit an rbi double. >> what about the signs? >> they probably had the signs
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all season. >> so much fun. do well in the playoffs. a couple of showers, the bulk along 95. beautiful tomorrow. a shower late saturday. cooler with showers on sunday. we will be 60. can't win the race to work. 395 northbound been a new crash reported in the vicinity of the pentagon, washington boulevard. they're checking for a motorcycle that may be down on 395 past washington boulevard. here the pace is good. they're checking in the area for that crash. there's a crash on northbound 95 out of dale city tying up the left side. delays out of dumfries and more heavy traffic as you come up past the prince william parkway into woodbridge into newington the pace is slowing as well. right now that's a look at your drive. back to you guys. >> tank you, beverly. cbs this morning is next with more on the debate. plus silver spring native and comedian lewis black stops by studio 57. i'll be back in 25 minutes and have a live update on the forecast. if you're not following us on twitter, why not? you should be. follow us


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