tv CBS This Morning CBS October 9, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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good morning. it is tuesday, october th, 2012. welcome to "cbs this morning." a new poll shows mitt romney now leads the presidential race after a 12-point turnaround in just one week. sentencing day for jerry hughes, who still insists he's innocent. you'll hear his words from behind bars. a sky diver gets ready to fr free 22 miles at the speed of sound. and ben affleck is here in studio 57. we begin with today's eye opener. your world in 90 seconds. in my heart, i know i did not do these alleged disgusting acts. >> jerry hughes proclaims his
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peninsula ahead of today's sentencing. >> the former penn state assistant football coach was convicted in june of molesting ten boys over 15 years. >> he denies the abuse, blames the victims, but claims his love for his wife. >> they can take away my life. they can make me out as a monster. they can treat me as a monster, but they can't take away my heart. hope is not a strategy. >> governor romney offering his severest critique yet of what he called the president's leading from behind. >> president obama is losing by one point. >> the united states is within striking distance of its missiles. >> 23 miles above roswell, new mexico, felix hopes to become the first man to break the speed of sound in a free fall. >> at the end of the day, if something goes wrong, i have to feel for it. >> amateur bullfighters, their bravery was conceded only by
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their alcohol consumption. >> in belgium, a professional soccer player crashed his car into a store. one man got hurt. >> this is not a game of tag. this man is actually trying to get away from a very angry stag at a london park. >> and the series is tied at a game apiece. game over. cardinals even the series. >> the last movie you cried at. "expendables 2"? >> sexiest woman alive. >> here's hoping for you next year. >> over 23 million unemployed. when they saw the 7.8, every economist was shocked. or "cbs this morning." >> cooking the books? 7.8% unemployment? captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." new polls a showing a bounce for
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mitt romney. a pew poll shows mitt romney ahead of president obama ahead of likely voters. the same poll showed the president leadings by eight points before the debate. >> quite a turn. this morning the obama campaign is attacking romney with a new tv ad after the republican criticized the president's foreign policy. jan crawford, good morning. >> reporter: the corner stone of mitt romney's campaign has been the economy. he's argued the president's policies just aren't working. yesterday he made a similar argument on foreign policy saying the president is passive and just basically sitting around waiting for world events to happen. late last night in california, though, the president fired back. at a fundraiser in san francisco, president obama highlighted what he sees as some of his foreign policy accomplishments. but the president, now down in the polls and struggling to recover from his lackluster debate, is firing yet another attack against romney.
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>> as long as i'm commander in chief, we will sustain the strongest military the world's ever known. >> reporter: but the president now down in the polls and struggling to recover from his lackluster debate is firing yet another attack against romney, this one over cuts to pbs with a new tv ad satirically comparing big bird to financial criminals. >> the evil genius who towered over them, one man has the guts to speak his name. >> big bird. big bird. >> it's me, big bird. >> reporter: romney now has momentum and yesterday delivered a major foreign policy speech, saying president obama is too hands-off and passive in handling situations around the globe. >> it is our responsibility and the responsibility of the president to use america's greatest power to shape history. not to lead from behind. leaving our destiny at the mercy of events. >> reporter: romney's focus was the middle east, though he offered only a few new policy details or specific differences between his plans and that of
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the president. in syria, he said the u.s. should help facilitate arming the rebellion against syrian president bashar al-assad and he said the president's restrained relationship between benjamin netanyahu has emboldened adversaries like iran. romney offered a different take on the palestinian conflict. monday he indicated he would work to resolve it. >> finally, i'll recommit america to the goal of a democratic prosperous palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with the jewish state of israel. >> reporter: now, romney's got momentum, but there's another thing he's got, and that is enthusiasm among his supporters. in that pew poll that you mentioned, norah, listen to this statistic. back in june and july, among romney's supporters, it was in the 30s of people who strongly supported him. now today, that number of strongly support is 67%.
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rudy giuliani ran for the republican nomination in 2008 and is a supporter of governor romney. pleased to have you, mr. mayor. >> charlie, good to be with you. >> when you look at this foreign policy speech, there were lots of criticisms of president obama, but few specifics as jan just pointed out, about whether he would do something really different in terms of putting arms in syria or troops on the ground. and b, with respect to israel, did not say we will go to war with israel if they decide to go to war against iran. >> that's what you expect in a presidential campaign. what you expect are the general themes. it would be a different approach. it would be an approach of leading from the front rather than leading behind. i'll give you one example that was important to me. it was disgraceful when president obama let them down, that could have been the beginning of a persian spring in iran. it was disgraceful. >> what would he have done?
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given verbal support? what would president romney have done with respect to that? in poland.president reagan did what a president reagan did in the czech republic. president obama seems to have missed that. he comes into these things late. his own administration describes him as leading by following. i wrote a book on leadership. you can't lead by following. if you're following, you're following. that's what we see in syria. that's what we saw in libya. that's what we saw in egypt. now we see tremendous confusion on the part of this administration about what's really going on in the middle east. you look at libya, it's a scandal. what happened with libya is an absolute scandal of the biggest proportions. i think only because the campaign is going on is it being held back. so the white house, it seems to me, knew that there was real danger to that ambassador. not only didn't they provide the security, it sounds to me like they reduced the security, which is astounding. i'm not sure that's true, but one congressman told me that. if that's true, that's really
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astounding. >> you saw madeleine albright yesterday call romney's speech full of platitude and free of substance. >> well, i'm sure the former democratic secretary of state would say that. the reality is it set out a very strong approach for america being a leader. it talked about america being more assertive. it gave three or four differences. if it went too far in the other direction, they would say governor romney was undercutting the commander in chief. >> well, he said he didn't want to come across to be compared with president bush, former president bush. >> well, he isn't president bush and he isn't president obama. it's a different approach. is it totally different on every respect? no. president obama hasn't been a failure in every respect. but there are certain things he did in foreign policy that i respect very much. >> when you saw the numbers, you were surprised. is there something going on in the romney campaign other than this debate, in which they decided to tack to the center. they decided to be more
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moderate. >> i think the debate was enormously important for governor romney. it sounds strange to say this because he's been around for such a long time. it was his introduction to the american people as a presidential candidate. up until then, he was a candidate within the republican party. but the rest of the country really didn't pay much attention to him. now he got a chance and it was very impressive. >> but is he moving to the center? >> i don't think he's moving to the cent. i think he's always been pretty much where he is. it's a question of where you emphasize. >> so he's always been a moderate and the campaign that he ran in the primary, if it gave an appearance otherwise -- >> to me, governor romney has always been a very sensible businessman who is going to make sensible decisions. i think ideology is important to him but i don't think ideology overwhelms him. some people come into politics out of an ideological background. maybe the academic environment or as a writer. or some people come out of a practical background. he comes out of a practical business background. the reason i like him as
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president is this is what we need right now. we need a practical man. i think president obama is overwhelmed by too much ideology too often. can't see his way through it. i think he has an unrealistic view of the islamic extremist movement. i think it's almost like a fantasy world about it. >> all right, mayor rudy giuliani, good to see you. thank you so much. this morning, jerry hughes is saying in his own words that he didn't do it. armen keteyian is in bellefonte, pennsylvania, where a judge is about to sentence the former penn state assistant football coach. armen, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. today is judgment day for jerry hughes. his sentencing coming a bit more than three months after he was convicted of 45 counts of sexually abusing ten young boys. sandusky is expected to do what he did not do at his trial, to stand up and profess his innocence. but last night in yet another bizarre twist to this case, he preempted himself with a
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three-minute audio statement from jail that aired on a penn state student run radio station. >> they can take away my life. they can make me out as a monster. they can treat me as a monster, but they can't take away my heart. in my heart, i know i did not do these alleged disgusting acts. my wife has been my only sex partner and that was after marriage. >> reporter: in addition, sandusky blame whad amounted to a conspiracy against him. >> the young man started everything, joined by a well orchestrated effort of the media, investigators, the system, penn state, psychologists, penn state, civil attorneys and other accusers. he won. >> reporter: he also went on to suggest that his experience could help other children. >> some vulnerable children who could be abused might not be as a result of all the publicity. that would be nice, but i'm not sure about it. i would cherish the opportunity to become a candle for others as they have been a light for me. >> reporter: the 68-year-old sandusky faces more than 400
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years in prison. a source close to the case tells cbs news that sandusky is now discussing plans to write a book about what he calls his ordeal. yet state law makes it highly unlikely that he would ever profit from it. charlie, norah? president obama's top counterterrorism advisers reportedly meeting with libyan officials in tripoli. they will discuss last month's attack in benghazi. sheryl atkinson has more of her interview with a key witness that will testify in a congressional hearing tomorrow morning. >> reporter: lieutenant colonel andy woodheaded an elite security team until it was pulled out one month before the benghazi attack, an attack that claimed the life of christopher stevens and three others. how well did you know ambassador stevens? >> eventually wevery well. we lived and worked on a
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residence compound, ate breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner with him when he wasn't at diplomatic functions. >> reporter: wood says ambassador stevens was eager to connect with libyans 600 miles away in benghazi, one of the first cities to declare itself free from gadhafi's rule, but it was still a dangerous place. >> i do know there was an al qaeda demonstration in benghazi in june. they had a parade down the street. they raised their flag on one of the county buildings there. >> reporter: isn't that sort of a red flag for the security situation, that you have al qaeda supporters rallying in the streets of benghazi in june of 2012? >> yes, that was another indicator to watch, to be aware of, and to try and compensate for as well. >> reporter: wood says ambassador stevens and his staff repeatedly asked for more security, but instead got less. when stevens visited benghazi on september 11, wood's group and three security teams had all
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been sent home. so your team pulls out of libya and a month later, you get this terrible news. what had happened in benghazi? >> i had heard about it in the evening that there had been an attack on the compound and i heard there was a fatality. >> reporter: your friend. >> yes. i took it pretty hard. he was a great boss. and a great man to know. >> reporter: colonel wood was in benghazi and assisted when the uk ambassador was attacked in june. he said some of the security team would have been with ambassador stevens on september 11 if they had been allowed to stay in libya. the state department counters by saying their rotation ended and their departure had no impact on security which was "maintained at a constant level of capability." >> and you'll be covering those hearings today. we also have new information this morning on efforts to avoid the so called fiscal cliff. if congress cannot make a budget
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deal by the new year, tax increases and spending cuts will automatically kick in, and some economists predict that would lead to a new recession. bill plante is in washington with the latest. >> reporter: cbs news has learned that a select group of u.s. senators, who call themselves the gang of eight, will meet the next three days at mount vernon, the home of george washington. they are four republicans and four democrats who are trying to put together some ideas for a framework of revenue increases and budget cuts that both parties could agree to. we've learned that alan simpson, the chairman of a bipartisan commission, is also expected to attend that meeting. a recent report says that if the nation were to go off the so called fiscal cliff, that could impact 88% of u.s. taxpayers. and that their taxes would go up by an average of $3,500 a year.
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last week we talked with a well respected economist and one member of the gang of eight. both of them said that there is a strong chance that congress will not come to an agreement by january. if that happens, there will be some tax increases and some budget cuts which may go into effect, or congress may find a way to push the decision into the first months of the new year. but either way, you can expect pressure to build from the public and the markets trying to force congress to do something. the international monetary fund is warning another global recession could be on the way. the imf says the risk of a worldwide slowdown is alarmingly high. germany's chancellor is holding financial talks this morning with the prime minister of greece. mark phillips is in athens where security is tight for today's big meeting. mark, good morning. >> reporter: good morning from a very noisy, very anxious, but so far peaceful athens this morning, where, as you say,
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german chancellor angela merkel has arrived for her first visit to greece since the financial crisis forced the greek economy over the edge here. she arrived at the airport to the usual trappings of a state visit. smiles, handshakes, anthems, that kind of thing. but this will be a very tense and a very serious five or six hours that she spends here. huge crowds have gathered all over athens in anticipation of this visit. some seeking to protest her arrival here. there was a very telling scene of a bunch of protesters riding military vehicles, waving nazi flags as they drove through a crowd of protesters here. merkel is here basically to talk to the greek government about what it's doing to try to reduce its debt, to pave the way for
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yet another set of international money, the next installment of $16 billion or so, which greece need to keep from going bankrupt, is due next month. merkel is in support for the measures that have taken place here, measures that have made a lot of people very angry. so quiet here so far. not quiet, but peaceful here so far, but it's going to be an eventful day. time now to show you some of this morning it's headlines from around the globe. "the washington post" reports on a new poll showing 20% of americans have no religious affiliation. the pew research center says that number was just 8% in 1990. and for the first time, fewer than half of americans identify themselves as protestants. north korea says it can hit the united states mainland with a missile. accoing to britain's "guardian." it's unclear if that claim is accurate. of course, highly doubtful. the announcement follows a missile deal between the u.s. and south korea. north korea claims that a
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conspiracy to ignore a war. "usa today" says an experimental alzheimer's therapy slows down the disease in mild cases. researchers say it is the first step in finding a treatment. britain's telegraph says supporters of julian assange are being ordered to pay a court $150,000. in june, assange skipped bail to seek asylum inside ecuador's embassy in london. if his backers don't pay up within a month, they could face jail time. "the seattle times" says twood has apologized for not winning any matches last month. the american team collapsed on the final day, losing to europe. woods said "we held a great lead and couldn't manage to win from a perfect position going into sunday. that was
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felix baumgartner is ready to take a fall from space. >> i'm going to accelerate so fast that i'm going to break the speed of sound. >> this morning we're watching this daredevil on an adventure that could break the sound barrier and could also break him. and billy beane missed the playoffs for five years, but he didn't mess with his system. now the general manager played by brad pitt in "moneyball" has rebuilt the oakland a's on the lowest budge net the majors, and we'll see how he did it on "cbs this morning." [ male announcer ] now at subway.
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first, there's the name. "sesame street." >> yes? >> got an awful middle eastern connotation to it. >> and you would suggest? >> well, patriot street. >> so patriot street wouldn't teach kids to share? >> it would simply put that sharing in context. >> would you share your food with someone? >> yes. >> but that would create a culture of dependency. >> i'll give it to them. >> you're taking away their motivation to earn that food for themselves. did you not read that capopy of "atlas shrugged" i loaned you? >> welcome back to "cbs this
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morning." felix baumgartner is called fear lis felix, though some people might describe him with a different adjective, this morning if conditions allow it, the austrian daredevil will attempt the highest, fastest free fall ever. >> his goal is to break the speed of sound on his way down. if he makes it, i think charlie wants to be the next one. >> first we want to find out how risky it is. >> mark strassman is at the launch site in roswell, new mexico. this is a serious thing. >> good morning. a very serious thing. a guy jumping from 120,000 feet is a dangerous business. right now, though, there is a weather delay. the issue is some high winds, about 800 feet, that make the launch too dangerous, at least for now. assuming those winds calm down, they will inflate the mammoth balloon in the field right behind me for this historic leap of faith. >> the biggest worry is that we forget about something. it's all about these little details. >> reporter: for the last five
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years, felix baumgartner and his team have planned and trained for this morning's jump. the 43-year-old austrian sky diver and base jumper will launch himself from out of this world. a free fall dive from earth's stratosphere, 23 miles above new mexico. >> right now i'm really confident in my team, confident in my management, and last but not least, i'm confident in myself. >> reporter: baumgartner will plunge further and fall faster than anybody in history. describe the red bull jump. what is it? >> within the first 30 seconds, 'm going to accelerate so fast that i'm going to break the speed of sound. >> reporter: break the speed of sound the first time ever for a person. >> yes, without aircraft, in free fall as a human person. >> reporter: baumgartner will rise in a capsule lifted by a helium balloon that's 55 stories tall at liftoff. three times bigger than any balloon ever used in the man flight. the assent will take two and a half hours.
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he'll jump from 120,000 feet or higher, a virtual vacuum. there's almost no air, water, or wind. the temperature will be minus 70 degrees. within 35 second, his top speed is expected to approach 700 miles per hour. mach 1. >> mach 1.0. >> shock waves are a concern. >> reporter: dr. jonathan clark, the mission's medical director, has monitored his practice jumps. the most recent in july was from 97 feet, 18 miles above earth. his top speed, 536 miles per hour. >> and felix has landed safely back to earth. >> reporter: today's leap will be further, faster, uncharted territory for a human in free fall. >> we're going to be higher, leaner air, less dense air, easier to get fast, quick. so i don't anticipate that we'll have a problem, but we don't know until you actually do it. >> reporter: baumgartner is trying to break the record set
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by this jump in august 1960. air force captain joe kigginger leapt from an open air gondola basket. he proved in the early years in the space race that humans could withstand the rigors of a high altitude environment. kigginger is now 84 and has spent the last four years training baumgartner for today's jump. >> i know exactly how he's feeling and what he's going through. >> you couldn't just train anyone to do this, obviously. >> no, you could not. >> how unusual is it? >> it's unusual to find someone with the talents and skills that felix has. very unusual. he's the perfect person to do this jump. >> reporter: baumgartner's leap could set four records. the highest manned balloon flight, the highest free fall, the first supersonic speed in free fall, and the longest time spent in free fall, between five and six minutes. >> a are you a little bit, understandably, nervous about that? >> oh, yeah, because at the very end of the day, if something
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goes wrong, i have to pay for it. >> reporter: whenever he does jump, if all goes well, he will come back to earth about 15 minutes after he jumps. the last 5,000 feet under a parachute. and with today's winds, assuming they can launch today, he would land about 35 miles to the east of where he's going to lift off right over there. >> so given this weather dlaela how long of a window do they have? >> reporter: it'a bit of a time consuming process to inflate the balloon with helium. they need about 90 minutes, so by noon eastern, that's sort of when the window closes, and if they don't get up today, they'll try again tomorrow. >> mark, thank you very much. "moneyball" is on the money again. billy beane and the oakland athletics are back in the baseball playoffs. he'll tell us why he never had doubts, even after five losing seasons. you're watching "cbs this morning." hungry for the best?
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depression hurts. major league baseball is the american league, the baltimore orioles beat the new york yankees 3-2 last night. first baseman chris davis drove in two runs for the orioles, and that series is tied at one game apiece. >> in the national league playoffs, the washington nationals have tied their series with the st. louis cardinals. the cards hit four home runs monday to win game two 12-4. >> the division playoffs continue tonight, and jim axelrod is here with a story of one team's unexpected return to the postseason play. jim, good to see you this morning. >> reporter: good morning, norah. the oakland a's are back in the bay area to take on the detroit
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tigers. the a's are down two games to none in this best of five playoff series. but they've already beat some long odds to be in the postseason at all. they are the poorest team in major league baseball. with a roster stocked with rookies and low paid veterans pulled off the junk heap. the oakland a's were pegged to finish last in their division. instead -- >> ball game! >> they finished first. >> most people i think predicted not only that we would lose 100, maybe 110. so this has been satisfying. >> reporter: if what general manager billy beane has done sounds like a hollywood story, well, it already was. >> the problem we're trying to solve is that there are rich teams and there are poor teams. then there's 50 feet of crap, and then there's us. >> reporter: brad pitt played beane in "moneyball," based on a best-selling book, it's a david and goliath tale of a gm with a small budget for salaries, outthinking everyone else using a statistical formula to find
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winners among baseball's discards. you have to find undervalued players. >> we essentially have to have players whose performance is better than what we're paying them. >> reporter: beane's calculations led the a's to the playoffs five times between 2000 and 2006. that made many teams in baseball rethink how to stock their rosters and begin copying the a's blueprint. then the a's went five straight seasons without a winning record. at any point in the last five years were you thinking to yourself i may have lost my edge? ror no. i think during the time period you were talking about, people wanted us to cry uncle. like oh, you've got to change. >> reporter: beane didn't change. unaffected by criticism that for all his money ball success, he's never won a world series. >> i've never looked at my professional career as a validation of my life. >> reporter: no hole in the resume. >> no, i don't look at it that way. i know the answer you're supposed to give but i can
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honestly tell you that's not the case. >> it's easy to buy a ferrari and take it to the racetrack. >> would you agree with me there's not a lot of ferraris out there? >> 100%. there's not a lot ott all. >> a lot of toyotas that get good mileage. >> exactly. >> reporter: baseball is a game guided by tradition. beane's reliance on data instead of going from the gut seeking a group of players with good chemistry flew in the face of conventional baseball wisdom. >> we've got to think differently. >> i happen to believe chemistry is all a product of ultimately wins creates good chemistry. good business numbers create office chemistry. so i think ultimately chemistry is a by-product of success in any field, whether it's a baseball team. >> as opposed to the other way around, success is a product of chemistry. >> yes. >> reporter: the a's won 94 times this year with a $55 million payroll. the yankees spent nearly $200 million, and for all that money,
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they got just one more win. billy beane is now living a real life sequel. >> i don't remember the early years. those are great years that i have to go back and read about them because i was so intense during that period. i was young, very young myself. and i don't think i really appreciated that winning is really hard. >> reporter: this time around, billy beane is enjoying all the fun that comes with winning. the only thing better than a hollywood ending is when it's real life. >> very interesting guy. he doesn't define himself by wins. >> it was remarkable, wasn't it? how often do you hear a major league gm say it's not just about winning? >> but he does say winning creates chemistry. >> yeah. again, he's very interested in the business underpinnings of all of this stuff. he is not interested in anything other than being judged over 162 games. that's how he defines success. three-game series, five-game series, seven-game playoff
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series. he says it's fun, he loves it, but it's too random to be making any sort of determination about his system's success. >> how does he explain that he had five tough years? >> he actually would say that wasn't a bad performance on his part, relative to what he was given to work with, performing the way they did was actually, again, measuring success. measuring it differently than just about every other major league franchise would. >> that's great. it's a good story about life in general, using statistics and also defining success. >> fascinating. >> great
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for a decade, doctors and patients have argued about acupuncture. does it really work? we'll show you what a major new study found, that's on "cbs this morning." right here at table 6, zach canton's dad gave him a pep talk about asking out the cutest girl in algebra. the metcalfe brothers had a staring contest to see who'd get the last bite of dessert. four old roommates debated whether asia was or wasn't the greatest '80s supergroup ever. and a surprise birthday party caught amanda sullivan totally off-guard. all over delicious entrees like new smoky chipotle chicken fajitas from our $20 dinner for two. chili's -- more life happens here.
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but i'm still stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] it doesn't have a decongestant. no way. [ male announcer ] sorry. alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fast-acting decongestant to relieve your stuffy nose. thanks. [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus. ♪ oh what a relief it is! [ male announcer ] try new alka-seltzer plus severe allergy to treat allergy symptoms plus sinus congestion and pain. not quite knowing what the next phase was going to be, you know, because you been, you know, this is what you had been doing. you know, working, working, working, working, working, working. and now you're talking about, well you know, i won't be, and i get the chance to spend more time with my wife and my kids. it's my world. that's my world. ♪
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christopher columbus back in 1492 happened upon north america by mistake. he was trying to find india. he was using the apple maps app. not only didn't he find india, he was 13,000 miles off. india is only 5,000 miles from spain. it's 18,000 miles away from us here. so what did columbus do? he saw land on the horizon, he turned to his crew and said there it is, india, i found it. and then he called everyone who lived here indians. he was an idiot. columbus was an idiot. and today we honor him. [ laughter ] >> some people would disagree with that, whether he was an idiot or not. >> both of us would disagree. >> exactly, but very funny. the hit sitcom "cheers" -- >> there's the music. >> love it. it is 30 years old this year. we'll take you to an verse danny dinner in bempls.
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>> it was the first reunion since 1993. we'll hear from this. >> first, it's time for this morning's "health watch" with dr. holly phillips. >> good morning. in today's "health watch", points for acupuncture. millions of americans swear by acupuncture for pain relief, but evidence that it really works has been hard to come by until now. a new study headed by researchers at memorial sloan kettering cancer center and funded by the national institute of health found the treatment can be effective in reducing chronic pain. scientists reviewed 29 rigorous studies involving nearly 18,000 people. the review took a global team nearly six years. they compared acupuncture with usual care, like over-the-counter pain relievers as well as sham acupuncture treatments in which needles aren't fully inserted. the end result, about half of the patients who received real acupuncture reported improvements compared with about 30% of patients ho did not have
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acupuncture. results are not due to the placebo effect. although the procedure still has its skeptics, its safety is well established in the hands of trained and licensed professionals. so if you're in pain, ask your doctor about acupuncture. it might just be right for you. i'm dr. holly phillips. begin. tomato, obviously. haha. there's more than that though, there's a kick to it. wahlalalalallala! smooth, but crisp. it's kind of like drinking a food that's a drink, or a drink that's a food, woooooh! [ male announcer ] taste it and describe the indescribable. could've had a v8. you'd think i want to stay away from it at night. truth is, i like to stay connected with friends. but all that screen time can really dry me out. so i use visine. aah. it revives me, so i can get poked, winked, and -- ooh -- party all night long. only visine has hydroblend -- a unique blend of three moisturizers that soothe, restore, and protect to keep me comfortable for up to 10 hours.
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pirate party, here i co-- uh, honey? visine with hydroblend. find it in these visine products. but kate -- still looks like...kate. nice'n easy with colorblend technology gives expert highlights and lowlights. for color that's true to you. i don't know how she does it. with nice'n easy, all they see is you. with nice'n easy, twe asked real dads tors cput them to the test. can our diapers last through a long milk-induced slumber? see for yourself... how, only huggies diapers have leak lock for up to 12 hours of protection.
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i need all the help i can get. i tell them, "come straight to the table." i say, "it's breakfast time, not playtime." "there's fruit, milk and i'm putting a little nutella on your whole-wheat toast." funny, that last part gets through. [ male announcer ] serving nutella is quick and easy. its great taste comes from a unique combination of simple ingredients like hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. okay, plates in the sink, grab your backpacks -- [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good.
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it's 8:00 a.m. welcome back to "cbs this morning." jerry hugh jerry sandusky goes to court to find out if he will spend his life behind barcelona. and the cast of "cheers." first here's what we've been covering here on "cbs this morning." >> i don't think we can afford four more years like the last four years. >> new polls are showing a bigger bounce for governor mitt romney after last week's presidential debate. >> romney's got momentum, but there's another thing he's got and that is enthusiasm among his supporters. >> his own administration describes him as leading by following. i wrote a book on leadership.
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that's an oxymoron. >> today is judgment day for jerry sandusky, his sentencing coming a bit more than three months after he was convicted of 45 counts of sexually abusing ten young boys. >> sandusky is saying in his own words that he didn't do it. >> in my heart, i know that i did not do these alleged disgusting acts. >> i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. jerry sandusky will speak at his sentencing hearing, so will some of the victims. armen keteyian is at the courthouse in bellefonte, pennsylvania. armen, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie. good morning, gayle. good morning, norah. jerry sandusky has y to arrive here at the courthouse in bellefonte, pennsylvania, but last night in a three-minute audiotape made from jail, he professed his innocence. and in an unusual twist of logic, offered himself up as an
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inspiration to children. >> they can take away my life, they can make me out as a monster, they can treat me as a monster, but they can't take away my heart. in my heart, i know i did not do these alleged disgusting acts. my wife has been my only sex partner and that was after marriage. some vulnerable children who could be abused might not be as a result of all the publicity. that would be nice, but i'm not sure about it. i would cherish the opportunity to become a candle for others as they have been a light for me. >> reporter: at least three of sandusky's victims are expected to address the court. one in person and one-two in statements read by the prosecution. sandusky is also expected to speak. he faces some 400 years in prison. charlie? >> all right, armen, thank you. president obama and governor mitt romney campaign in the critical state of ohio today. romney's going to try and capitalize on a big swing in the polls after last week's debate. this morning a national pew
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research poll of likely voters shows romney leads the president 49% to 45%. in the same poll last month, president obama led 51% to 43%. >> we face real challenges right now. but they're not greater than we're able to overcome. as long as we have leaders that will take us on the path that will restore america's strength and vitality, i'll bring us back. i will get us back on track. i will keep america strong with strong values and strong homes. i'll make sure we rebuild our economy. we've put people to work and i'll make sure we have a the strongest military in the history of the world. we'll keep the military second to none. >> last night san francisco, the president told supporters his record on international affairs is strong. >> every brave american who wears the uniform of this country should know that as listening as i'm commander in chief, we will sustain the strongest military the world's
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ever known, and when our troops take off their uniforms, we will serve them as well as they have served us. >> the obama campaign has a new ad this morning criticizing romney's promise to cut public tv funding and big bird. gas prices are still at a record high in california. an average of $4.67 a gallon. prices went up so fast last week that governor jerry brown called the situation an emergency. fuel industry analyst david hack et says the pain at the pump will fade quickly. >> retail prices went up about 56 cents a gallon last week. record-setting levels. and a record rate of increase. i predict that retail prices will come off as fast as they went up. and so by -- within a week, they'll be back down to levels that we saw -- let's call it monday a week ago. >> wholesale gas prices are
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falling around the country because more gas is becoming available. two years ago, an american named david hartley disappeared while jet skiing on a lake along the texas-mexico border. this morning, a high ranking member of a mexican drug cartel is accused of killing him. >> reporter: salvador alfonso martinez escobedo, also known as "the squirrel," is a leader of the notorious zetas drug cartel, now under arrest for multiple crimes, including the murder of david. two years after her husband's death, tiffany young-hartley is still looking for answers. >> today obviously came a shock. what is his link to david? does he know where david's body is? does he know where the remains are? >> reporter: on the day david hartley was killed, couple had crossed over to the mexican side of falcon lake on jet ski where is tiffany claims they came under fire and david was shot in the head. tiffany says she tried to rescue
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her husband but was forced to flee, pursued by the gunmen in speedbo speedboats. hartley's body was never recovered as mexican and american authorities battle each other and at times tiffany for more information. >> all we know is the mexico authorities have captured somebody who possibly had something to do with david's murder. and also the other murders along the border in mass graves. >> reporter: martinez has also been linked to the brutal decapitation just two weeks later of the mexican police commander investigating the case. but authorities suspect martinez is the mastermind of much more, including two separate prison breaks in mexico, freeing more than 280 prisoners and the massacre of as many as 72 migrant workers and another 50 murders by his own hand. >> tiffany young-hartley says bringing her husband's body back to colorado is now her family's
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top priority. a new report finds old prescription drugs still work even years after their expiration date. the study found some medications had high levels of active ingredients up to 40 years later. two of those long lasting drugs are codeine and tylenol. researchers say consumers will save money if drug makers extend those expiration dates. >> i just threw away a bottle from 2009. should i go digging in the trash to get it? it's still good! >> i always wonder about that. >> you've been using its since 2009? >> no, it was just sitting around. i was doing some charlie. now i'm thinking i should go back and get it. >> i too wonder. like vitamins or tylenol, whether those things expire or not. >> now you know. prince william and his wife, they are back at work this week for the first time since that topless photo scandal has died down. this morning, william and kate are opening england's new national soccer training center. william is the honorary president of the football association, which runs english soccer. >> very nice.
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>> i love how they handle it. they just keep right on going. and don't mess with a deer during mating season. a man got caught -- can't wait to see the video -- between two angry males in a london park. last week. so one of the stags decided to show off his stuff by taking on the human. the man used a tree to protect himself and then he claimed to safety. he was later rescued by police. i'm thinking whether that deer was mating or not mating, i'm going to leave mr. man alone. >> i'm thinking that man was
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30 years after we first met sam and diane, the cast of "cheers" raised a glass or two. at a reunion over the weekend, we'll take you behind the scenes with "entertainment tonight" when "cbs this morning" continues. [ male announcer ] the best blueberries, red raspberries, and blackberries from the northwest a rich and delicious array of flavors. found here in smucker's orchard's finest preserves. the best fruit from the best places.
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common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. it helps to have people around you... they say, you're much bigger than this. and you are. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. and you are. clusters of pustules, pimples. i had this shingle rash right next to my spine. the soreness was excruciating. it was impossible to even think about dancing. when you're dancing, your partner is holding you. so, his hand would have been right in the spot that i had the shingles. no tango. no rhumba. you can't be touched. for more of the inside story, visit
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>> i'm very emotional about it. the last time my dad was watching golf was the ryder cup two years ago. and losing again. i cry a lot. >> last movie you cried at. >> "expendables 2" with arnold. [ laughter ] he's very talented. >> he is so great. >> we like bubba. >> very, very much. >> my kids are always asking about his pink driver. >> when he said he cried at "expendables 2" i think a lot of people cried about arnold. 40 million people tuned in for the final episode of "cheers" in 1993. they got together for an anniversary dinner 30 years after "cheers" went on the air. nancy o'dell got to hang out with some very familiar names. hey, norm. >> cheers!
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♪ sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name ♪ >> the cast reunited, and where better to do it than a bar? >> sorry, we're closed. >> cheers closed its doors after 11 seasons, but everyone still knows their names. sam. diane. rebecca. lilleth. cliff. and of course, norm. do you guys think that "cheers" was the best sitcom that ever existed on television? >> yeah. >> that's an embarrassing question. is my camera close? yes. >> over 11 seasons, the show earned 28 emmys, four of them for best comedy. by the end of its run, an amazing 26 million viewers were still tuning in. >> i never met an intelligent woman that i'd want to date. >> on behalf of the intelligent
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women around the world, may i just say whew. >> it's funny. >> it's so funny. >> it is funny. my friends make me laugh. >> two reasons, one, we were pretty good. two, i'm totally forgetful. >> i put a b for baby on the days when i'm likely to conceive. the days when we should make love. >> that's funny, i actually put an f. >> f? >> for fertile. what did you think i meant? >> ted is the most generous actor i've ever worked with ever. >> because? >> because you had every right to be the cockiest -- you know, make people do what you wanted them to do. >> i tried. >> it's bizarre to be together and totally natural at the same time. >> it's so great. >> where we left off. ♪ where everybody knows your name and they're always glad you
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came ♪ >> for "entertainment tonight" on "cbs this morning," nancy o'dell, beverly hills. >> i remember that show. did you watch? were you watchers? >> yes. >> i liked it. >> my fave was woody. >> was that your favorite? >> yes. mine would have been norm. i loved that show. and then we saw rhea perlman there. it was just announced yesterday that she and her husband danny devito are separating after 30 years. no reason was given for the separation, but when i hear stories like that, it makes me so sad. you never know what's going on behind closed doors, but i hate to see any marriage breakup. >> agreed. >> nancy o'dell will be with us tomorrow. you can see more of the "cheers" reunion all this week on "entertainment tonight," check your local listings, as they say. >> and gayle, look who's here. ben affleck is coming up. there he is in our green room here in studio 57. he says the story behind "argo" is almost too incredible to
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believe. we'll talk about that new movie with this director, producer, and star on "cbs this morning." i love my extrabucks rewards, and right now, they're doubling! so, when i shop -- i earn twice as much with double extrabucks rewards. that's two times the rewards! yeah, that's what double is. i know. i was agreeing with you. it's two times. act fast and sign up at for double quarterly extrabucks rewards. don't miss getting double quarterly extrabucks rewards. i love 'em!
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whoa, look at these guys. wow. jack, they are beautiful. >> you don't have one of these as a pet? [ applause ] is this important? >> no. i don't know what to say now. >> what does that look like to you? >> what does that look like? >> dave doesn't even know what that is. >> that's a new york city rat. that's what that is. >> okay, okay. there, there. no, no. >> dave, move.
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>> vinny? is that what you said? the wart hog's name is vinny. >> a wart hog. >> two great reasons david is great, those two reactions. new york city rat and i don't know what to say. >> i do want to know what that animal was. >> it looked like an ant eater, didn't it? >> i don't know what it was. new york city rat is funnier. ben affleck says his new movie "argo" is a nail biting thriller, a comedy, a cia spy movie and a hostage drama and many critics are calling it his best directing job yet. we agree. >> this morning we'll talk with ben about the film and show you some of his other work helping people in central africa. your local news is next.
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good evening. in teheran tonight, the american embassy is in the hands of several hundred iranian students who took control after a three-hour skirmish with u.s. marines. they are holding hostages. one report says as many as 100, most of them american, and are demanding that the exiled shah of iran now undergoing cancer treatment at a new york hospital be returned to stand trial. >> welcome back to "cbs this mornin" that is ed bradley in 1979 reporting on the first night on the iran hostage crisis. militants took over the u.s. embassy, capturing 52 americans. they were held for more than 14 months. >> however, six other americans escaped to the canadian embassy in teheran. the new movie "argo" tells the true story of the cia rescue mission carried out by a team pretending to be a canadian film
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crew. >> what are our chances? >> our chances are good. >> good? well, what's the number value of good? 30% chance of being publicly executed? >> the objection was to normal cover identities? >> they'll sniff us out recordless. >> they accused him of being an american at the airport. they held him for an hour. >> we don't know what the held movie people do. >> that's why i'm here. i'm going to help you. i'll be with you the whole way. >> oscar winner ben affleck is the director of "argo," and he also stars in the movie. welcome. >> thank you so much for having me. >> there th is a thriller. it's a comedy. it's a cia history story of a cia success. you not only are putting together all those things, you're the actor, too. what's the most difficult thing for doing all this? >> well, i think there's a couple of things. in a story telling perspective, as you say, this had a lot of balls in the air, so i was
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trying to synthesize comedy and this kind of nail biting thriller and this cia story and keeping the integrity of the true story underneath it, as well as just trying to concentrate on the performance and trying to focus on where the camera goes. my brain bandwidth is pretty narrow. >> but you saw it from others, like warren beatty and others? >> i did. warren beatty, kevin costner, george clooney, all who said there's a temptation to just do ten takes of you, ten takes of you, when it gets to my stuff, just do one stuff and move on. but you'll have no material and cut yourself out of the movie, in fact. >> it's one of the few movies -- i have to say, ben, i've never seen a movie like that. i walked out of the theater -- norah and i saw it yesterday with a group of people. one moment i thought i needed some adult diapers. and the other time i was laughing. i've never been to a movie that balances the two so very well -- you know what i mean, norah.
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>> oftentimes they do these mcdonald's crossovers. we could do a depends crossover. >> because you really did take us there. i really felt the fear in the theater watching the movie. >> thank you. well, it's a credit to the actors who played the six house guests. what i did beforehand was made them all live together and i made them live together in their wardrobe, in the dressed set with '70s newspapers and magazines, really an old vcr that was this big. >> the tv. >> did they know the people who were the real people? >> they didn't know one another at all. after living together for a while, they came out feeling like they knew what it was like to be hunkered down, to feel claustrophobic. and that really worked. that was their improvisation, i think, lent a sense of claustrophobia and fear. >> you want gayle king at any of your movie premieres. i've never had so much fun at a movie. when they finally got out of iran, gayle was like yes!
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she was cheering from the back. >> i said why isn't this audience cheering? they're all sitting there very polite. >> you saw it with like three people, though. >> no, we saw with it 20, but they were all being very polite. >> well, that's the media. >> gayle makes a great point, that we were gripped by the movie. emotionally we felt the ups and downs of the movie. the other great thing is you tell a piece of history that many people know so little about. a lot of us know about the 52 american hostages that were there for more than 400 days, but you tell the story that was only just recently declassified, right? >> indeed. it was declassified in 1997 by president clinton and george clooney bought it and wrote a screen play and it took a long time. one of the things that i love about it is that it's a genuine american success story. we have had a lot of things that haven't gone our way. and i think folks feel that and they feel a little bit of that disappointment, and this is something that was involving american ingenuity, cooperation with the canadian government, so you had that international
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level. but we got this thing right and it feels enormously good to me. and it's a tribute to our state department diplomats who are serving overseas in great danger, as we've seen, and our clandestine folks who have no credit, no recognition. i got to meet a lot of folks like that from the state department. and i was really moved. it's a pretty extraordinary form of service. >> what you have also is really interesting casting with alan arkin and john goodman. give us the sense of what this story is about for people who might not have read "argo." >> there's part of it that is really, really funny. i know that sounds weird, but when they go to hollywood and try to set up this movie, it's sort of absurd, how you set up a fake sci-fi b movie. so they go to this slightly out of it semilegendary producer who is full of bombs and on the one hand we roll our eyes at him because he says ridiculous things, but on the other hand, he's incredibly appealing.
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can only be played by alan arkin. and john goodman plays a guy that had an ongoing relationship with the cia building masks and disguises for them to get people out of sticky situation. they came up with this idea of a fake movie using a fake script and they had to do a fake variety shoot for it. it is genuinely funny. >> it sounded so crazy, and the look was so authentic. you had, shall i say, a little bee gees look going on. >> i did. i had a barry gibb, andy gibb -- >> i expected you to break into "staying alive" at any moment. >> what was that process going for you? >> halfway through, the tabloid said i was trying to be justin bieber. at the hes of my daughters. my daughters don't know who justin bieber is yet, so just came down. >> like 4, 5. >> exactly. a big fan of justin bieber's, but i was not trying to emulate his haircut. it was tough to get it to the
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point -- it was a bad midpoint there, but once i got it, i thought i was kind of a kurt russell in "escape from new york" vibe. >> what happened to the character who played the cia agent? >> he participated in the research, he's been with us the whole time. his name is tony mendez. he's in the movie in a cameo. i said tony, i want you to do a cameo because he talked about how he would leave his family behind at dulles airport. he said how about my wife's there too? terrific. >> you can see his picture there. a sunday morning piece about him. >> he said how about my wife's sister? how about my kids? terrific. how about my brother and his kids? it turned into a tour bus of mendezs. he's an american hero. >> for a while there, the canadians did not tell about the cia role. what changed to make that -- >> indeed. well, initially the canadians
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couldn't talk about it, were asked not to talk about it because they say if the cia were involved, they were afraid there would be reprisals against the hostages still in the embassy. then it became classified and it was sort of left that way. everyone thought it was sort of for the best. as time went by -- and granted, it's still the same regime in iran and the same thorny political issues. with time, a lot of the stuff just gets declassified naturally because they review it and say this is no real security risk anymore. although many of the folks were still in the foreign service who had been kidnapped, held hostage. so they declassified it and slowly it started to come out. so a story that we had thought was just the canadians for 30 years, now we get to see the american side. we're grateful to the canadians and everything that they've done. but this is through the eyes of this american hero. >> this movie comes out at a time when iran is still on the front pages. it is part of this presidential debate. you actually start the movie with a little bit of the history
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of iran talking about the shah. why did you choose to do that? >> first of all, i didn't want the movie to just start with random bearded maniacs at the walls of the u.s. embassy, because a, i thought that was a misrepresentative of some way. b, i thought that the audience would have a better viewing experience if it were con textualized. part of overthrowing a democratically elected leader and installing a shah who was pro-western, which we liked, but we also overlooked some of his negative attributes like political oppression, which was an interesting parallel to mubarak. so there were some thematic parallels, i just didn't anticipate how it would feel like history was literally repeeting itself. >> we could go on about the movie because it looks like there's archival footage. i can't stress enough how great the movie is. but there's other things to talk about, if you don't mind. >> please.
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>> we're going to take a break. it was described as ferociously entertaining. doesn't that sort of nail it for you? tony mendez says you got it right. >> that is the ultimate praise from tony. i do think it's entertaining and i hope folks see it. >> i'm going to do my part. >> you are. >> i'm going to do my part. ben is going to stick with us. >> i'm telling you, isn't she great? >> give me a b, give me an e, give me an n. we're going to take a look at what ben is doing a long way from home right after the break. >> the big question is why congo? >> i mean, i guess the simplest answer is that it's one of the most distressed and troubled parts of the world over the last 15 years.
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director, producer and star of the new movie "argo." we want to show you now another one of his interests, one that seth doane was able to witness firsthand. >> ben invited us to come on a whirlwind trip to africa. there we got to see another side of this actor as he made his ninth visit to part of the world that generally gets very little attention. we were along on the journey with this celebrity better known for being in the spotlight than his role in this shadowy conflict ridden land. >> there was this huge amount of suffering. i realized it wasn't getting any attention. that's what got me invested. >> reporter: thousands of miles from any hollywood studio, ben affleck is using his celebrity wattage to shine a light on the democratic republic of congo, where as a result of armed conflict, civil war and fighting among rogue militias, more than three million people have died
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since 1998. >> i was reading and i just sort of stumbled upon some of these statistics and i was struck not only by the numbers, but by the fact that i hadn't heard about it. >> reporter: in 2010, affleck founded a charity called eastern congo initiative, or eci. its mission is to raise awareness and generate funding for community based aid groups here. earlier this year, affleck and a delegation that included philanthropists, reviewed projects, met with potential partners, and tried to drum up donor support. one group they visited distributes high frequency radios to warn rural communities of possible militia attacks. affleck heard horror stories from kids abducted by the notorious lord's resistance army, or lra. some too scared to let us show their faces. >> you say the lra killed your father, killed your mother, killed other relatives. how was it to be forced to stay
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with them? tra i had bad thoughts, she whispers. i don't know how to explain it. what were you thinking while they were talking? >> watching them talk in hushed tones, just trying to summon up the bravery to talk about their ordeal and thinking about what a healthy 16-year-old girl should be doing with her life. >> reporter: one of the most important parts of this work, affleck insists, is to not just doll out money, but to find ways to encourage people to help themselves. cacao, which is turned into chocolate, thrives here. so affleck's group supported farmer training and connected farmers with cacao buyers like seattle chocolate maker joe winny. his theo chocolate has committed to buy at least 250 tons of congo cacao. >> there are security guard around us there have been attacks recently, this is a
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tough place to do business. >> it is, but it's also a place that really needs this kind of business. >> this isn't even really aid. this is free market. this is investment. >> reporter: affleck hopes he can use his celebrity as a sort of currency, to engage investors and it seems it's not just the rural farmers who benefit. >> as i got a little bit older, i thought what kind of a life can i lead to make my children proud of me? that could be an example for my kids. it wasn't just making movies. >> you talk a bit about it here, but give us a sense of what it is about congo that brings you there when there are a lot of places that need attention. >> there are indeed, there are a lot of places that are struggling. what moved me, i thought this is about the place that is struggling the most. i mean, in all the metrics of failed states and so on, it ranks way up there. but when i went there, i found places where there was complete
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impunity, where some places where two out of three women have been raped, where one in five children didn't live to the age of 5 years old, and that moved me as a husband and a father. you have preventable disease. and you have a place where a lot of this violence is preventable by just helping support the security sector and that's why i do advocacy also with the state department and testifying in congress. to say let's assist them in forming a more robust military and a just military so they can enforce the law. >> nick christoph in "the new york times" has chronicled the gender-based crime against women. congo, as you just said, is the epicenter of that. >> that's absolutely true. nick's done a good job. i was one of the producers on his movie "reporter." he's the reason i first got involved in the congo because i started reading about his travels and the atrocities that he's seen and some of the warlords that he's met. i went back, interviewed some of the same people and traveled
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around to what i thought was the conflict matrix. >> what happens when ben affleck hits the ground? >> it gets a lot more attention. it gets networks to go and spend time talking about the drc. it gets these guys engaged, and it gets people to pay attention. he talks about -- or we talk about in the piece really using that celebrity as a currency to get people to take note. >> i'm now thinking about congo and chocolate. i never put those together. >> let me tell you, you saw the coco that was being manufactured. you saw how it was brought up to these international standards. we hooked them up with theo chocolate, who does a great job. we now have our first congo bar. the great thi is it's not aid. we're going to help you get to a place where you manufacture on the open market so you can sell your product, so you have an ongoing business where people can actually make money through their own work and don't have to
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worry about the sense of i'm being given money. it's the eci congo chocolate bar available on the internet now. i think it will be at whole foods and other places. and you're all welcome to try this. >> you know, ben affleck, you make a point of staying out of the tabloids, but there's two great stories about you. i don't know if i should start with wonder sperm -- help me out here, ben. i didn't just make that up. >> i want to hear you keep going. >> your wife jennifer garner said about you -- >> she did. and it's so funny because i'm usually the one that says inappropriate things on television and has to go home and apologize. and i got this sheepish sort of -- i kind of said you have wonder sperm. i was like you said what? >> she was talking about you. >> just having that -- >> knowing you have a little boy. >> is that what the red sox need, wonder sperm? >> they need wonder something, my friend. it may not be printable for your
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show. >> the other story is that you apparently hit a car or something and you left a note on the windshield. >> i did. well, i was driving, had my kids in the car, and for whatever reason, there were a bunch more paparazzi than there usually were. i was thinking they shouldn't be running red lights. and i heard -- i was like someone threw something at my car. and my mirror was turned in. i was like nobody threw anything. there's no choice. i pulled over -- >> but you did the right thing. so many people don't, ben. >> i hate to break this up, guys. >> that's the only point i would make. >> thank you, ben. >> thanks for having me. i really appreciate it. october 12th. >> you're watching "cbs this morning."
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