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tv   9 News Now at 6pm  CBS  October 12, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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results. this is 9 news now. folks, i'd like to tell you a little story. once upon a time back in 2005 the nationals were unpacking from canada where they had come from montreal. >> welcome to nationals park. >> 3-2 and a drive hit deep to left field. looking up way back. >> reporter: all right, but now this is years later and the nats have come a long way from those early days and things are a lot different, a lot better. we're looking at a playoff situation here tonight, game five of the series here in washington d.c. of course, we know about the miracle win from one night ago. i'm derek mcginty at nationals park in southeast where tonight the nationals will either end or extend their season. after winning game four in dramatic style last night, that
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walkoff homer from jayson werth, the nats face the cardinals, the world champions, i might add, in a decisive game five. first pitch 8:37, but the gates just opened up a few minutes ago and the fans are already pouring in. they are worked up, excited, dolled up in their nats gear. we go too ken molestina live outside center field -- to ken molestina live outside center field gates with more on all that excitement. ken. >> reporter: natitude is all over the place right now. the gates just opened up 6:00, these fans filing into the stadium. you can see just how excited they are for this game five. they've been waiting out here for hours bearing the cold chilly weather, but things are getting exciting over here and these fans finally getting ready to go inside the stadium, a couple hours till game time. listen to what some fans said earlier when we talked to them. >> i'm pumped for game five and we're going to take it all the way to the world series. i have confidence we're going to get it this year. >> i'm just fired up.
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i'm just ready for the game to start. >> when they hit the home run, we bought tickets as fast as we could. >> i've been feign since 2005. i've seen them -- a fan since 2005. i've seen them come full circle, a good people to be behind. >> reporter: back out live another look at the gates. they just opened at 6:00. these crowds are starting to file in. that home run hit by werth last night, that excitement still carrying over into today. you can see the fans excited everybody ready to see this game five. the rally towels they're giving away at the gates here, this is what it's about, nat feud, hashtag natitude. these are the rail -- natitude, hashtag natitude. these are the rally towels they'll be giving away. if i, can i want to give you a quick shameless promotion. follow me on twitter at ken wusa9. i'll be here with these lucky faunas got tickets to be inside
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the stayed -- fans that got tickets to be inside the stadium. not everyone was so lucky. we'll go to peggy fox with that part of our coverage. >> reporter: nats fans who are used to come down to the stadium and buying their tickets game day were in for a surprise today. if they didn't show up very early, they weren't only out of luck, but hit with stker shock. >> i bought a couple hat. my wife and i really wanted 1 with the postseason logo on it. >> reporter: that $45 postseason hat was nice, but what he really wanted was a couple tickets. by the time he got here they were sold out of everything but flee hundred plus suite tickets. he plans to -- 300 plus suite tickets. he plans to go on stubhub. >> i won't go over 100. >> reporter: shanp is looking for a scalper -- shanna is
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looking for a scalper. how much do you think you'll have to pay? >> 3 to 400. >> reporter: do you have a cutoff? >> i'll have to talk to my husband about. that. >> reporter: you have to get two? >> i have to get two. >> reporter: how high are you going to go? >> 200. those in the nose eed section. >> reporter: the scalper's price could change by the hour depending how many tickets are left on stubhub. >> how much do the good ones cost? >> about 1,000 some. >> i wouldn't buy tickets from a scalp ernieway. >> reporter: d.c. police arrested seven people for scalping tickets last night and cops will be out looking for more scalpers tonight. if you're caught scalping, you can face up to a $300 fine and 90 days in jail. >> reporter: now i'm going to share a secret with you. a few minutes ago they're doing their batting practice over there. one of these just sort of frommed over here. i've got it. -- rolled over here. i've got it. don't tell anybody. they might make me give it back. in the meantime if you're
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coming out here tonight, the big question is do you need a blanket or parka or a couple of electric warmers? top, what's the story? >> maybe not the electric devices, but i think a hat and gloves is a good idea and dress in layers. let's start with the big game forecast. if you get another ball, derek, i have dibs on that. dress for the 40s and 50s tonight. it's going to be clear and breezy throughout the game, not as windy as it has been, northerly winds at 13. again upper 40s to low 50s and with a little breeze that can feel kind of cool. we've expanded or they -- the frost advisories to include the -- or they expanded the frost advisories to include the district and prince george's unty. a big temperature swing headed our way. >> reporter: one last night from the ballpark, metro which had been planning to do some of that wonderful track work that they like to do that makes everything go so smoothly, they
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are postponing that this evening. they will suspend it all. it was supposed to start tonight until after the game ends. now it's not going until the crowds are out of there and gone home, so some good news for folks who are taking metro down to the park. if you're driving, already the traffic is probably a little rough out there. you probably do want to take metro. so should be able to get home without any problems with that. i'll send it back to you in the studio. >> all right, derek. stay warm. a coat would help you if you have one of those out there with you. >> reporter: a hat would actually probably do better. >> and some gloves, too. we'll see you in a bit. still to come tonight two suspects in a brutal beating on capitol hill make their first appearances in court. >> but first the day after the debate, a look at whether vice presidential and presidential -- where the vice presidential and presidential candidates spent their day. we'll be back.
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one day after their only debate the vice presidential candidates are hitting the campaign trail. vice president joe biden and his wife jill appeared at a rally in lacrosse, wisconsin today. he stressed how devastating he believes the republican ticket's budget plan would be for the middle class. right now mitt romney and paul ryan are wrapping up a campaign appearance in
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lancaster, pennsylvania. earlier in the day romney was in richmond for a rally of his own and asked the crowd if they think they're better off today than four years ago. >> with one out of six people living in poverty, with half our kids coming out of college not able to get a job or a college level job, this campaign has been focusing on saving -- his campaign has been focusing on saving big bird. my campaign is going to focus on saving the american family and getting good jobs and rising income together. >> president obama did not have any campaign appearances earlier today and tonight he's scheduled to head out to dinner with winners of a fundraising push for his reelection bid. if you plan on voting in maryland, d.c. or virginia in the upcoming november election and have not registered to vote yet, you better get going. in virginia you only have until monday. tuesday is the deadline in maryland and in d.c. your only option at this point is to register in person at the election board headquarters, but you have only until friday,
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october 19th, to do that. for more information on voter registration go to our website and look under our campaign 2012 tab. still ahead tonight a followup on a story we've been tracking for you about a teenager attacked while speaking out about bullying.
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a followup tonight on the brutal beating that left a capitol hill man in the hospital. today a judge ordered two suspects held without bail in the beating and armed robbery of thomas maslin. that judge said he could find no circumstances under which it would be safe to release sunny kuti and tommy branch back into society before the trial. today criminal charges were filed against the maryland teen accused of attacking a classmate during a news interview about bullying. >> reporter: i'm scott broom in brunswick, maryland, where a 15-year-old boy has been charged as a juvenile with second degree assault after an alleged attack caught on videotape during a tv interview about bullying. the video shows two kids approach and then 15-year-old preston deener being chased after allegedly being assaulted by one of the boys while
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standing for an interview with whag television. deener spoke with 9news shortly after the alleged assault. >> then he hit me in the head. >> reporter: the tv attack happened as deener took his complaints about bullying public after being suspended october 3rd from brunswick high school for fighting. everybody picks on him? >> a lot of people. >> they're putting too much attention on preston because he's not the only person getting bullied. >> reporter: deener is getting all kinds of support on facebook. tonight his family and supporters will host him at an alternative homecoming dance. at brunswick high school, scott broom, 9 news now. tonight the nation's largest muslim civil liberties group is answering back with a message after anti-muslim ads went up at four metro stations this week. metro did not want to put up the signs, but a judge ruled that violated the group's freedom of speech. a similar thing occurred in new york and surae chinn tells us how one group is fighting back. >> i'm a muslim myself and
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that's not what islam is. about. >> reporter: some people have already defaced those anti- muslim signs that equate muslim radicals with savages. a washington examiner picture shows a woman using post-its to cover up the hate message. >> i was so angry. >> reporter: when you step off the train at some metro stations, these are the signs that you see. it was one-sided, but now c.a.r.e. has evened the playing field. >> this is the first manufacture ads. >> reporter: the council on -- first of many ads. >> reporter: the council on american islamic relations is putting up three banners at metro stations to counter the anti-muslim ads. >> we take these hate messages very seriously and they need to be countered through collective american efforts to reject islam phobia. >> it's a good statement. >> reporter: do you agree with that? >> yeah. >> reporter: show forgiveness, speak for justice and avoid the ignorant is a passage straight
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from the qur'an. >> i think it's very humble and shows humility. they're not lashing back at it. they're not saying anything too violent. that's appropriate. >> reporter: c.a.r.e. says the ads are hurtful and creates a climate of fear at a time when mosques are being targeted, shot ad, burned and vandalized. diane pepper was inspired on her train ride today. she made her own sign saying all human beings are created in the image of god. >> i did think about taking my gum and sticking this up on the side. >> i haven't gone as far as civil disobedience. >> reporter: surae chinn, 9 news now. >> the counter ads go up next week and will stay there for about a month. c.a.r.e. says it has the backing of nearly 130 organizations from all religions. the federal judge who ordered metro to display the signs said she understood the safety concerns in light of violence overseas in reaction to an online video and said metro could have considered alternatives such as placing
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the ads in a less visible spot on the platform. wherever you go tonight, you will need to bundle up. >> players are always good. you can take them off if you feel overdressed. i would try to overdress tonight, 40s and 50s if you're headed to high school football or the nats game. good news sits dry. bad news sits breezy -- is it's dry. bad news is it's breezy. high 67 today and temps falling now, 58 downtown, dew point falling again. at 5:00 it was 39 and then it was 34. now it's 32 which is again a good indication of how cold it can get tonight when the winds diminish. winds now northerly at 16, but they'll die out after midnight. pressure rising 30.31 inches of mercury, a good day to set your barometer. 53 in vienna, 54 in great falls, 53 in fairfax, 55 in burke, 54 in bethesda, but 55 heading up into rockville and 54 in gaithersburg. one of the warmest spots, 57 in
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college park and 56 in bowie. the winds are still a factor gusting to 30 downtown, 18 mile- per-hour wind gusts up in frederick and a 20 mile-per- hour wind gust in hagerstown. notice the arrows due northerly winds which will bring in colder air and drier air. that's the key. cover your plants tonight. dress for the 40s and 50s if you're headed outful cool but nice tomorrow. in fact, tomorrow is -- out. cool but nice tomorrow. in fact, tomorrow is like today, a couple degrees warmer and no wind. breezy and warm sunday, warm and unsettled monday, but the warm temps will make up for the showers monday. clear and colder tonight, frost or freeze possible, winds diminishing late 30 to 42. we're looking at temperatures, college park maybe low to mid- 30s, 33, 34, but rockville 32, 31 gaithersburg, reston, 32 fairfax and sterling, 30 in leesburg. down toward brandywine and la
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plata upper 30s should do it. you're not under an advisory. the frost advisory has been expanded to include the district and prince george's county, freeze warnings to the north and west and frost advisories do cover culpeper and fredericksburg as well. tomorrow morning sunny with a cold and/or frosty start. grab a jacket, 30s and 40s, winds easterly at 10. mostly sunny and cool but nice. you'll need shades. of, highs between 60 and 65. next three days code green and why not? very nice saturday 62, warmer sunday 75, some showers monday but 76. i don't think we'll see any complaints in our e-mail. next seven days looking at temperatures going down a little bit but not crazy cool really. after the showers monday back to the mid-60s on tuesday. then they go back up to about 70 on wednesday, low 70s thursday and better chance for showers thursday night and into friday. >> all right. everybody who is heading out knows they need to bundle up, although there probably will be a lot of body heat at nationals
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park tonight. >> jumping around. hey, dave. >> reporter: what's going on guys? i don't know where the body meet is. it ain't here because it's cold. the guys are on the field looking to add another chapter to what's already been an amazing summer. can they do it? it's part of a big baseball weekend and really an amazing sports weekend. it's all come up in sports next.
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now 9 sports with dave owens. >> reporter: welcome back to nats park, everybody. well, in a matter of hours this crowd is going to be treated to something it's never seen before, game five, baseball in october, wow. whoever thought we'd be saying that? the winner, they move on. the blueser, they're cleaning out lockers. -- the loser, they're cleaning out lockers. how we got here simply amazing. you've seen it by now. jayson werth, this amazing walkoff home run. that sent natitude nation into a straight frenzy. this ride has been amazing and manager davey johnson says it's been rewarding to watch his young club go through it. >> this has been more rewarding and more fun to see this club do the things i know they're capable of doing and it's good
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to see them get the experience of the big stage here in postseason in front of packed crowds and with all kinds of questions flying at them. >> reporter: game time coming up at 8:37. that's just one half of a big baseball weekend here in the d.c./baltimore area. meanwhile up in new york it's 1-0 yankees leading the orioles now in the 5th inning. we'll keep you updated on that. now on to football, great news from ashburn, robert griffin, iii going through another day battling back from the concussion. he looks good, feels good. we'll see if he's going to may this weekend. right now he's questionable on the injury report, questionable, yeah, right. we think he'll be playing on sunday. now can he and will he present himself as in slide, mr. griffin. you got to slide. griffin took this menacing looking hit last sunday against the falcons. that knocked him out of the 3rd quarter. now, of course, he's a tough guy. he's also a smart guy.
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he says he's got to protect himself better. >> these things that happen to us, getting hurt, getting hit in the head, that affects us down the road. i got to make sure i limit that. at some point all players and all fans stop becoming players and fans. we become people. so people care. i got to make sure i keep myself safe. time to announce our usa today high school sports game of the week. more than 17,000 of you voted, that's great. bethesda/chevy chase at wooten will headline our coverage tonight. for all you hockey fans it's another reminder of a season going, going, hopefully not gone. tonight would have been the season opener for the caps. the two sides players and owners continue to hammer out issues during this lockout, revenue sharing, free agency and drug testing are the big issues. ladies, before we send it back to you the crowd beginning to file in at nats park. it's going to be a special night, 8:37 your first pitch,
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nats/cardinals game five, all the marbles. any other cliches i can come up with? we'll see. how about bye bye. i'll send it back to you. >> that sounds good. the lady and the gent will take it back. you have just 24 hours left to try to win yourself a nice rg3 jersey. go to our facebook page, like it, wusa9. that enters you in the drawing. you have until tomorrow night at 7:00 to enter. we'll announce the winners tomorrow night at 7:00 on game on right here on wusa9. >> how cool would that be? >> that would be very, very cool. that is it for us. the cbs evening news is coming up next. anita is in for derek at 7:00 with our area's only local newscast. topper will have the forecast, keep you bundled up, tell you about that freeze warning and as always is always on. go nats. >> go nats. >> go skins. >> go o's! >> have a great weekend.
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i'm anita brikman with this health alert and some surprising news about organic foods that are often more pricey. a review of hundreds of studies by stanford university found organics are no safer or nutritious than conventionally grown food. they did find nonorganic foods and vegetables are more likely to have pesticide residue but not at unsafe levels.
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