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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  November 8, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EST

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notice on a region already slammed by hurricane sandy. >> i'm waiting for the locusts and pestilence next. >> president obama returns to washington with a new challenge, bringing together democrats and republicans. and hispanic voters hold the key to victory. a record number of latinos turn out to vote, the majority supporting president obama. demand it at the ballot box. this is the "cbs morning
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news" for thursday, november 8, 2012. good morning. good to be with you. i'm terrell brown. this morning a lot of be folks in the northeast are asking how much more can we take? barely more than a week after superstorm sandy an unusually early winter storm is hitting the region with a nasty mix of rain, snow and gusty winds. the storm moved up the coast overnight disrupting roads and air travel and causing more trouble for an already fragile system. from 60,000 customers who just had their power restored lost it again. teresa garcia is in rockaway beach, new york. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, terrell. look it or not, ready or not, people in this tri-state region are pretty storm weary but they had to power through a nor'easter that brought a lot of snow, windy conditions, slushy and miserable out there. this is actually a snowstorm
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that's proving to be on track to break records for snowfall in november, for example in central park about four inches fell. here at rockaway beach on the boardwalk, definitely more than three. and all this snow is basically going to make those clean up efforts after superstorm sandy that much more difficult for those neighborhoods hard hit. high winds and heavy snow whipped the boardwalk in rockaway beach in queens, new york. that's where tom ford lives. he was told to evacuate his badly damaged home before the winter storm hit but he's not budging. >> i got too much invested. >> reporter: he said he'll weather this storm like the last one. >> share some food. get some heat. >> reporter: towns up and down the coast are scrambling to redirect resource from cleaning up to shoring up. belmar, new jersey is rebuilding sand dunes on the beach and the pumps clearing out floodwaters will keep running around the
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clock. >> i want to be aggressive about protecting our community. >> reporter: meteorologists say the snow is both a blessing and a curse. the snow is less likely to contribute to flooding but more likely to take down tree limbs which means more power outages. >> great, watching tv. >> reporter: joe and his family have been without power for ten days. they got it back yesterday only to lose it a few hours later when the snow started falling. >> i had a sense i would lose power. >> reporter: for millions of people already living without power the thought of more nights in the dark is tough. >> it's exhausting. it's exhausting to exist. >> reporter: an army of power workers is already in the northeast because of sandy. officials say they are working around the clock. and in and around the rockaway beach neighborhood we have seen plenty of power trucks working on getting that power back up. in the meantime those who decided to tough it out, luckily
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there were 1,000 portable heaters delivered to this community and some surrounding ones so that has helped out a little. >> i know you were out in that neighborhood, in that area yesterday as the storm first moved through. are conditions out there better or worse this morning? >> reporter: absolutely better, terrell. if you were talking to me several hours ago it was kind of a white out just driving snow. so conditions have definitely cleared up. i think we passed the brunt of this nor'easter. the thing is you have piles of snow, slushy conditions making everything that just more soaked when people are trying to pull out debris they had in their house that was flooded. you have piles of debris on these streets coupled with snow on top. it makes tough moving around. overall it seems to have passed the strength of it. of course traffic. >> recovery continues. teresa garcia out in new york. thank you so much. the nor'easter is sending a shiver through the nation's trips system. between yesterday and today more
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than 1700 flights arriving and departing at new york's three major airports have been cancelled. david bernard chief meteorologist from our miami station wfor has the latest on the form's path. >> reporter: the nor'easter may be historic for parts of new england. we're continuing to see very heavy snowfall falling anywhere from parts of the jersey shore through new york, connecticut and as far to the east as massachusetts. some may make it into portions of vermont and new hampshire during the day. now when we look at where the storm will likely be going, it appears that by 7:00 a.m. the snow should begin to slacken off in new jersey, also the new york city metropolitan area, really messy around boston but during the day the low will begin to lift out to the north and east and everything will begin to clear from the west to the east. so hopefully all the travel problems that are ensuing those will get better and the planes should be able to land and take off once again with more
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regularity once we get further into the day. i'm david bernard. president obama is back at the white house this morning following his re-election victory on tuesday night. the pressure is on to forge an agreement with republicans. >> reporter: president obama and the first family returned to the white house wednesday evening, in his words more determined about the work that lies ahead. the president laid out part of a second term agenda in his victory speech tuesday night. >> rhee ducing our deficit, reforming our tax code, fixing our immigration system, freeing ourselves from foreign oil. >> reporter: earlier the president embraced staffers at his campaign headquarters in chicago. he acknowledged he has to bring the country together after a costly and bruising campaign. >> whether i earned your vote or
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not, i have listened to you. >> reporter: and the gop listened too. house speaker john boehner promised i had party is willing to get down to business. >> the republican majority here in the house stands ready to work with you to do what's best for our country. >> reporter: both side will be put to the test almost immediately. the president and congress will have to work together to overcome the looming fiscal cliff. that would involve automatic drastic spending cuts and tax increase at the end the year if no deal is reached. both sides are indicating a give and take. >> we're willing to accept new revenue under the right conditions. what matters is where the increased revenue comes from and what type of reform comes with it. >> it's better to dance than to fight. it's better to work together. >> reporter: and voters are counting on it. cbs moneywatch time now on a thursday. worries about the fiscal cliff
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are already affecting stocks around the world. erica ferrari with more on that. >> reporter: asian markets tufbled over worries about the looming budget crisis here in the u.s. the nikkei lost 1.5%. hong conditioning's hang seng fell 2%. the uncertainty of a divided government sent stocks plunging on wall street. the dow had its worst day the year falling nearly 313 points to finish below 13,000 for the first time since early august. nasdaq gave up 74 points. and this morning greek lawmakers narrowly passed a new round of austerity measures in an effort to secure new bail out funds. protesters opposed to the measure battled with police outside of parliament. some tried to enter the parliament building. the greek prime minister said without the bailout the government will run out of money this month. and if you plan to fly on the
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thanksgiving holiday expect busy airports, packed planes and expensive fares. an airline trade group expects 4 million travellers to fly on the holiday weekend. up slightly from last year. ticket prices are also up 4% and planes are expected to be close to 90% full. and terrell, the world's largest retailer walmart is kicking off it's holiday shopping season earlier. at 8:00 p.m. thanksgiving day. the traditional holiday shopping begins the day after known as black friday. some deals include a 32 inch tv for $148 and video games for ten bucks. >> coming up on the morning news a powerful and growing voting bloc that was crucial to barack obama's election victory. this is the morning news. nutcracking, gift stacking, yellowing. mistletoe'ing, ho ho ho'ing, yellowing.
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historic turnout by latino voters played a key role in re-electing president obama. 10% of the electorate is hispanic and this year more than 70% voted for the president. almost 27% chose mitt romney. ana warner has the importance on the latino vote. >> reporter: at a nonpartisan latino group volunteers worked the phones to get hispanics to the polls. >> today i want to you give it your all. >> reporter: out reach efforts helped president obama beat mitt romney among hispanic voters 3-1 in nevada costing the republicans the white house. >> they think about us almost like a second thought. we need to have the hispanic vote. >> reporter: las vegas businessman, a republican for 40 years says many in his party need to learn to reach out too and to soften their stance on immigration such as on programs to give illegal immigrants permission to work if they were brought to the u.s. as children.
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right now it stands do you believe that there are enough republicans who really believe in compromising -- >> i believe it. >> reporter: you believe it right now? >> right. if i don't believe it then i won't be able to be a republican. >> reporter: in florida, colorado and nevada the percentage of the electorate that is hispanic has increased 1 percentage point or more in the last four years. by 2016 at least 2 million more latinos will be yebl vote to. the obama campaign went out of its way to reach hispanics. airing ads like these. it's that sensitivity that mario said was missing from the romney campaign. >> we are trying to be taken seriously. today we showed we demand it at the ballot box. they can't ignore us. we're here. we're voting.
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we're paying attention. >> reporter: now that national association of latino officials tells us that every 30 seconds in this country a latino citizen turns 18 years of age. and that adds some 50,000 new potential voters in the latino community every single month. ana werner, cbs news, las vegas, nevada. >> even though program won the electoral vote and popular vote in tuesday's election there's still one state that superin the air. the race too close to call in florida right now, the president has a lead of about 47,000 votes, if he wins florida he would add 29 electoral votes to his tally. another closely watched race in florida hasn't been decided. alan west a favor of the tea party is trailing patrick murphy by 2,500 votes. west claims there were voting irregularities and want as recounts. up next your thursday morning winter and the indianapolis colts bring out the clippers to
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support their ailing coach.
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online outfit piccolo headphones buy now broadway show megapixels place to sleep little roadster war and peace deep sea diving ninja app hipster glasses 5% cash back sign up to get 5% everywhere online through december. only from discover. . here's a look at the weather in some cities around the country. morning showers in new york, 44 degrees. sunshine in miami, 71. same deal in chicago 52 degrees. mostly sunny in dallas, 78 and sun in l.a., 68 degrees. let's check your national forecast. the nor'easter is still hammering much of new england, some areas could get as much as ten inches of snow.
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a storm is taking shape in the northwest. blizzard conditions are possible in parts of montana and mostly dry and sunny in the midwest and south. in sports this morning drama in sacramento as the kings squeak by the winless pistons. sacramento rookie thomas robinson gets ejected in the fourth after hitting another player. that's a nasty elbow to the throat. the clock running out brandon knight nails the three to get pistons within three. 105-103. the heat scored finesse with good solid passing and lebron james lit up the board with 20 points. teammate dwayne wade had the quick moves putting in 22. they pull away in the second half 103-73. the heat now 4-0 at home for the first time in franchise history. and a show of solidarity for indianapolis colts head coach, a dozen players shaved their heads
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after tuesday's practice to show support for their ailing coach. he has cancer and is bald from treatment. his doctors say he's in complete remission and should be back on the sidelines by the end of the season. that's how you do it, guys, right there. when we come back, voting for higher taxes, the costly fight in california over a measure aimed at raising taxes to prevent deep cuts to the state's education system. this is the "cbs morning news." a big lunch doesn't mean a big price. start with a savory soup or a fresh salad. then choose a texas toast half sandwich, like our classic turkey, served with fries, all for just 6 bucks at chili's. the latest coffee machine from nespresso. modular. intuitive. combines espresso and fresh milk. the new u. nespresso. what else? available at these fine retailers. nespresso. what else? want longer, stronger lashes?
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here's a look at the weather in some cities around the country. in d.c. clearing 52. sunshine tolerant 60. sunny in st. louis 56. same thing in denver 63 and passing showers in seattle, 48 degrees. educators are celebrating in california today after voters passed proposition 30 tuesday.
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it increases the state's sales tax and raises taxes on the rich. college students will be spared another round of tuition increases and as john blackstone tells us this morning younger students will avoid a much shorter school year. >> let's raise our taxes for our kids, for our schools, for our california dream. >> reporter: california's governor jerry brown celebrate ad victory he spent most of the past year fighting for, convincing voters to raise taxes to avoid $6 billion in budget cuts. mostly to education. part of it is a tax increase for those earning over $250,000, but all californians will be hit by a quarter cent sales tax increase. anti-tax groups raised $53 million to defeat the proposition. >> prop 30 makes our sales tax the highest in the nation. >> reporter: $11 million was funneled throughout of state groups that don't have to reveal their donors.
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california's election watchdog calls it money laundering. teachers unions donated $16 million of the 69 million raised to advocate for the ballot measure. >> our particular schools are champions. >> reporter: joe carlson is co-principal of this high school. before the vote his school district was drawing up plans to slash $35 million from its budget on top of the $330 million it cut since 2008. music, arts and athletics were on the chopping block. the school year would have been shortened by three weeks. >> this is an investment. it's an investment in the future of our state. we'll have a lot more productive citizens if we invest in education. >> reporter: if there's a lesson for other states to raise taxes it may be this. governor brown said voters agreed to the tax increase only because his budget included spending cuts of $20 billion. >> coming up after your local news on cbs "this morning," live
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reports on the new snowstorm that's adding misery to the east. i'm terrell brown in new york, this is the "cbs morning news." [ male announcer ] at jcp, we're into the i jeans attitude. it's what you put on when you're going out. feel better every day in i jeans by buffalo. at truly low prices. only at jcp.
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good morning and welcome to 9news now, today is thursday, november 8th. i'm andrea roane. >> and i'm mike hydeck. we're almost there. it is thursday, good morning monika samtani. >> thank goodness. >> i know, she has traffic momentarily. mr. howard bernstein, boy we got some snow up north like the family members up north.
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i hear we did great. >> connecticut, new jersey, new england, 10, 12 inches in a couple of spots. around here we officially had a trace of snow yesterday at national. a couple of flurries. so yes. it's verified. >> it's still snowing in the northeast. >> oh, yeah in parts of connecticut and new england right now. around here we had a few sprinkles and couple of flurries and that's ate and that's okay -- it and that's okay. the day planner this morning. starting out with some clouds and even an isolated sprinkle east and southeast of town for the next couple of hours but the sun will return by midday. a windy cool day. highs between 50 and 55 degrees. this storm system something else, this nor'easter here is just cranking off the coast. little tough to see due to the banner but this thing almost has what looks like an eye trying to form in it. incredible storm and you can see the snows that are falling here across connecticut, western and central long island. looks like things are finally starting to pull away from jersey but locally around here a couple of very isolated
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sprinkles we're watching, dunkirk south to prince frederick and also on the lower eastern shore. that's about it. everything is drifting to the south. in calvert county a sprinkle here. other than that, just the clouds and the chill. down to 34 in hagerstown. 45 fredericksburg but with the precip the light showers and temperatures in the upper 30s in southern maryland and cambridge. up between 50 and 55. it's 4:27. here comes monika with timesaver traffic. thursday morning is very quiet. i'm happy to say let's just hope it stays that way. good morning everybody. the beltway north of town looking great college park into silver spring. and into bethesda as well. all lanes are open. no issues on 270. which is where we'll go live right now on the southbound side and here's father hurley boulevard coming down from jermantown down to the point where the lanes divide. all of the lanes are open. same story on 355 great seneca highway. no problems right now from the north. back to the maps this time heading out west in from the dulles toll road at 66.
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again no issues, there was some construction overnight on the outer loop at route 7 in tysons corner and that should be clearing shortly as well. really not causing much of a problem the volumes are so light. and on the northbound side of i- 95 a live look here. and all lanes are open here as well. dale city all the way to the beltway. i'll be back with more traffic at 4:39. andrea? thanks. 60,000 people who lost power during sandy and then got it back are once again in the dark. a nor'easter blew into new jersey and new york wednesday bringing rain and heavy wet snow. several tree limbs and electrical wires were brought down. >> just exhausting for the people. more than 198,000 customers are without power just on long island. the number of commuter trains also stopped during this, teresa garcia has more. >> reporter: high winds and heavy snow whipped the boardwalk in rockaway beach in queens, new york. that's where tom ford lives. he was told to evacuate his sandy damaged home before the winter storm hit but he's not
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budging. >> i got too much invested in it. >> reporter: he says he'll weather this storm like he did the last one with a little help. >> share some food on -- neighbors come back and get some heat from the fire. >> reporter: towns up and down the coast are scrambling to redirect resources from cleaning up to shoring up. bell mar, new jersey is rebuilding sand dunes on the beach and the pumps will keep running around the clock that are clearing out flood waters. >> we want to be aggressive about protecting our community. >> reporter: meteorologists say the snow is both a blessing and a curse. the snow is less likely to contribute to flooding, but it's more likely to take down tree limbs which means more power outages. >> it's great. watching tv. >> reporter: joe and his family have been without power for ten days. they got it back yesterday only to lose it a few hours later when the snow started falling. >> i had a sense i go we're


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