tv CBS This Morning CBS November 8, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EST
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it is thursday, november 8, 2012. welcome to cbs "this morning." snow, rain, icy winds and rising water, a new storm batters the northeast, slowing the recovery from superstorm sandy. >> it's back to work tor president obama. he and congressional leaders promise to work together to prevent a budget crisis but wall street isn't buying it. >> how looking in mirror could provide clues to your risk for heart sease. >> but with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. . >> second storm made your life
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miserable. >> new misery for the northeast as a post-sandy storm slams the region. >> 60 mile-per-hour winds, wintry mix coastal flooding. >> causing 100,000 new power outages. >> it gets frustrated. it eats away from you. finally you see the light at the end of the tunnel and now we're starting all over again. >> finally got that forecast that i got last night i'm waiting for the locusts and pestilence next. >> worries about the fiscal cliff are affecting stocks around the world. >> president obama telephoned top congressional leaders urging more bipartisan cooperation. >> mr. president, this is your moment. we're ready to be led. not as democrats or republicans, but as americans. >> i want to work together but i want everyone to also understand you can't push us around. >> today gabrielle giffords and her husband will be in tucson in
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a courtroom when the man who shot her sentenced. >> they drove their motorcycle straight into a shopping center. >> a youngster turns on her dad. >> all that -- >> a news poll of the most over rated coach in the nfl. >> excuse me. >> and all that matters -- >> we're still waiting for the results to come in from florida. >> please don't pick on florida >> -- on cbs this morning. >> you're not allowed to campaign within 100 feet of a polling station. but i found countless signs telling me to vote for some guy called aki. welcome to cbs "this morning." a powerful nor'easter is bringing new trouble for tens of
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thousands of superstorm sandy victims. so far the new storm has knocked out electricity to at least 60,000 homes and businesses in the new york city area. many of them had just got entheir power restored. >> the winter storm brought rain, strong winds and several inches of snow region. airlines cancelled nearly 1600 flights and highways and train routes were also disrupted and families shivered in homes. ben, how is everybody doing? >> reporter: well, norah you can see this is the last thing that people needed. the streets in tuckerton flood again, front yards flood. as nor'easters go this wouldn't be a big deal. but for a couple of days people were able to come back to this neighborhood to save what they could, tearing out carpets, ripping down walls. that has now been put on hold.
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one woman said this second storm feels like a second punch to the gut. when the nor'easter slammed into the jersey shore wind and rain quickly turned into a whiteout as temperatures plummeted into the low 30s. volunteers handed out blankets for those with no heat. >> just won't end now. unfortunate want it to be over. >> reporter: in snow covered belmar a generate oris running nick's one light and computer. he's gone ten days without power. he's using his oven to heat his house. >> at some point you want to go sleep at night and you don't want to be frozen so, you know, you leave it on and you roll the dice. >> reporter: on wednesday coastal towns raced to shore up their battered beaches building temporary dunes to keep the ocean away. low-lying areas were emptied, evacuated ahead of the storm. mayors along the coast vowed
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this suckerpunch storm would be a brief pause in the cleanup. >> it's not going to slow us down from the progress we made, recovering from hurricane sandy. >> reporter: yet the nor'easter is expected to slow efforts to restore power to the more than 300,000 still in the dark. power lines are now coated in ice and snow. crews are working 16 hour days but can't repair lines in winds more than 40 miles per hour. with his trademark humor, new jersey governor chris christie wondered what else could hit his state. >> i'm waiting for the locusts and pestilence next. >> reporter: the good news is the weather is supposed to clear up, the nor'easter has moved out of this area and they are expected some sun here later today. so as soon as this water gets off the streets and out of people's yards they will let people back in here to begin this long recovery process that people have ahead of them. >> thank goodness for that.
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cbs news hurricane consultant david bernard our chief meteorologist from miami station wfor. where do things stand? >> reporter: things are improving. let's look at the latest radar and satellite picture. you can see the back edge of the snow flurries right there. it's all notifying the east. it's still nasty around the cape and in boston getting strong winds this morning. look at these snow totals. greenwich, connecticut, six inches. 4 1/2 inches in central park. newark six inches of snow. parts of new jersey, two communities freehold and manchester around a foot of snow has occurred. really incredible considering the time of year. so far today our highest wind gusts in new york city is 36. notice we still have gusts at martha's vineyard at 60 miles per hour. that's where the worst weather is. overall it gradually will move out by tonight and tomorrow
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morning. >> is there any good weather news? >> you know for once i would like to talk to you and not have something twirling behind me. there is good news. more the weekend much warmer, temperatures might be above-normal and you'll see something we see a lot here, sunshine. >> the nor'easter turned airline schedules upside down again across the united states. mark strassman made it to laguardia airport. good morning. >> reporter: i pulled in here yesterday afternoon ahead of the storm and right through the whiteout that was on its way here and american, united airlines, deltax all the airlines got ahead of this storm by noon yesterday they cancelled hundreds of flights in the northeast, new york in particular for the second major storm in ten days. there were more than 1700 flights cancelled yesterday, 600 plus into new york's three major airports. new york took 40% of the hit. 600 flights plus have been cancelled for today. one-third into new york.
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here is good news for a change. arlgs are waiving change fees for disrupted travellers. now operation centers at delta and other airlines had a rough couple of flights. 20,000 flights cancelled last week because of sandy which killed the airlines quarterly profits. the airlines cancelled flights earlier for a couple of reasons to avoid turning airports in to shelters for stranded travellers and to get back up to speed as fast as possible. sandy disrupted air travel for four days. this storm's impact will be much less. it's already for the most part out of new york and almost out of new england so a full flight schedule will resume as early as later this afternoon, tomorrow morning at the latest. >> that's good news. what happens if you were on a cancelled flight or a cancelled flight today. what do you do? >> reporter: call the airlines and try to get them to rebook. the representatives will be overwhelmed by the other callers who had cancelled flights. best bet is to go online, see if you can do it yourself.
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often much faster. >> now to politics where the focus is turning from the election to the fast approaching fiscal cliff. congressional leaders from both parties started actually talking on wednesday. bill plante is at the white house. bill, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. imagine that. washington has been holding its breath waiting to see who would have to deal with its most immediate problem the fiscal cliff. once it became clear the principal actors began weighing in there were phone calls from the president to congressional leaders and among the major players in congress. the president returned to the white house wednesday night as to the reality of governing in a bitterly divided washington. but one day after the election -- >> compromise is not a dirty word. i'm willing to negotiate any time on any issue. >> reporter: a spirit of cooperation was suddenly in the air. >> mr. president, this is your moment. we want you to succeed. >> reporter: good news for a president with an ambitious agenda, one he laid out tuesday
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night after winning a second term. >> reducing our deficit. reforming our tax code. fixing our immigration system. freeing ourselves from foreign oil. >> reporter: but up first the so-called fiscal cliff a toxic combination of spending cuts and tax increase that kicks in at the beginning of next year. a perfect storm that endangers a fragile economy. yesterday the speaker of the house laid out his path. if democrats agree to entitlement cuts republicans are open to do revenues and what he calls tax reform. >> we're willing to accept new revenue under the right conditions. what matters is where the increased revenue comes from and what type of reform comes with it. >> reporter: but boehner shut down the idea of targeting increasing taxes on the rich. the top democrat in senate implied any compromise would need to include the president's plan. >> there was a message sent to us by the american people based
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on the campaign. that is people making all this money have to contribute a little bit more. >> reporter: exit polls from tuesday show voters side with the president on the tax issue. 47% of voters said that taxes should increase for people make being more than $250,000 a year. 13% said they should increase for everyone. the administration and sources say there's speculation and they won't confirm it but likely to be a meeting between the president and congressional leaders soon maybe even next week. >> bill, thank you very much. the fiscal cliff was one of the issues behind wednesday's selloff. the dow jones industrials lost 313 points. worst day the year, the index fell below 13,000 for the first time in two months. rebecca jarvis is watching the countdown to the fiscal cliff for us. good morning. >> good morning. this is become like debt ceiling
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debate 2.0. the clock is ticking. investors are looking ahead to what a possible package of tax increase and spending cuts could mean to the economic recovery. >> if you total up all of the things that will happen on january 1st, all the tax increase, all the spending cuts, everything, it actually totals up to $728 billion in calendar year 2013. >> the numbers are staggering. the average american family will pay between $2,000 and $3,000 in additional taxes. 1,200 government programs will see cuts. and unemployment is expected to climb back above 9%. >> it's very, very likely we suffer a very deep recession and i don't think that's the way we want to go here. >> the fiscal cliff is as much about politics as it is about economics. >> as a member of the budget committee identify worked with and met with other senators, democrats and republicans to try and figure out some path forward but bluntly our challenge is
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leadership. >> democratic senator chris coons of delaware has been working on the issue for more than a year. >> why would anything be different now after an election where everything has remained the same? >> that's the core question is why should the markets believe, why should families believe? because we have to. we don't have a choice. >> the alternative means more turbulence. >> until investors and business people can construct a clear narrative with respect to how president obama and the house republicans are going to nail this thing down there's going lot of uncertainty, a lot of fear and we're not going anywhere. >> i'm sure it's going to be messier and harder than i would like. that's the nature of a real compromise. everybody ends up unhappy. >> does everyone believe it will be the catastrophe that is projected. >> yes and no. yes in that right now businesses hate the uncertainty. so does the stock market. so that catastrophe scenario as much as it might not be an
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armageddon one we're in a recovery, very fragile. businesses are stalling at this very moment in time. i hear it from ceos every day, senator coons hears that in his state. every single day that this decision doesn't get made a business doesn't know how to plan for the future. that weighs on stocks, that weighs on how people pay for our debt in this country and it weighs on companies and the decisions to employ more people. >> it's not just the spending cuts but tax increases not just for individuals but what about businesses? >> businesses will see the increases as well and there's a demand problem. when you see an increase in taxes as an individual you're not spending. unfortunately we're at a demand scenario in this country where demand has been weakened by the recovery. the more that taxes, for example, are taken out of pocket they can't go towards things that would create jobs home owners to. >> john boehner drew a line yesterday no tax increases for small businesses.
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very interesting. more than 120 million americans voted for president this year but a much smaller group of people are deciding the next government of china. leaders around the world are wondering what's going on so bill whittaker is in beijing for that story. recover every ten years the reins of power here in china pass to a new generation. the transition is tightly choreographed behind closed doors. unlike the u.s. the chinese people don't have a stay, but they are making their voices heard just the same. everything about the 18th party congress is big. 2,000 delegates. the communist elite carry enormous weight and pride and hopes for the future. but increasingly the hopes of 1.3 billion people clashed with
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one party state. by some estimates there's 500 protests in china every day, over corruption. last week huge protests over the expansion of a petro chemical plant. communist officials said it was good for the economy. 10,000 angry citizens said it was bad for their health. >> so where were you in the crowd? >> 35-year-old xu xinglong was in the middle of it. he shot this video on his cell phone. >> translator: the airplane quality has deteriorated for years he said. it's not just air quality but food and water. his daughter he says is always sick. his wife always sneezing. the pollution we suffer is too severe. he told us the people are not known to protest but they can't take this any more. >> you're not afraid? he told us he doesn't worry. remarkable considering this is how china's government dealt with protesters on tiananmen square 23 years ago.
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>> do you think the leaders are listening? >> translator: i hope so. >> he said citizens should have a right to say no to the government. vowing to public pressure the officials decided to halt the expansion of that plant. now today outgoing president said growing gap between rich and poor and growing corruption could lead to growing social unrest and that he said could threaten the power of the communist party. norah. >> so interesting. bill whittaker, thank you. as those chinese leaders met in private some average citizens got a taste of how we choose our leaders here in america. the u.s. embassy in beijing holds an election party every four years and the guests are encouraged to cast ballots in a mock election and watch the real returns on tv. their choice turned out to be the same as america's, president obama. we're showing a little bit how it's done. >> this is exciting stuff what's going on over there. a billion people in china, they
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don't do this but every eight years. time to show you some of this morning's headlines around the globe. gabrielle giffords is expected to attend today's sentencing of jared loughner. under his plea deal loughner will get life in prison without parole. >> the "new york post" reports governor andrew cuomo fired his chief of emergency management. he asked clean up crews to remove trees from his own property after superstorm sandy. >> the "wall street journal" says existing home prices are up 7.6% from a year ago. it is the largest year to year growth since 2006. cities include phoenix, las vegas and miami. they saw the biggest rebounds. >> the "new york times" the marine corps is beginning a marketing campaign to diversify it's officer ranks.
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ads will feature minorities and women actively engaged in their home communities as well as leading other marines. >> "usa today" says walmart leased its black friday promos. it will offer a $75 gift card with the purchase of an ipad 2. others is a tv for $148 and blu-ray dvd player for $38. >> you know what to get me
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this national weather report sponsored by macy's. it was one of the most powerful images from hurricane sandy, water rushing in to a new york city tunnel at the height of the storm. this morning jeff glor takes us there to see how they are getting it ready for traffic. and indianapolis colts players shave their heads to support their coach as he returns after cancer treatment.
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>> you guys understand it. i understand it. >> we'll check on chuck pagano's condition and talk about the colts with james brown of "the nfl today on cbs" this morning. >> this portion of cbs "this morning" is sponsored by hershey's. what makes a hershey's bar pure? pure delicious hershey's chocolate. so when you take hershey's chocolate and add bubbles, it deliciously melts the moment you take a bite. hershey's air delight. it just might make you melt.
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♪ what happened? what changed? >> we're now in a turnout model that is totally different than we've ever had. blacks are now 13% of the vote, not 11. latinos are 10, not 8. the previous numbers were the '04 model and i thought things would return to that. >> thought the minorities who voted in 2008 would have disappeared by now. i thought maybe they would return to their home planets, or reach their expiration date and dissolve into whatever minorities are made of or something. but turns out they still exist in the human form.
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>> anybody who is watching this election should have known the demographics would be a key part of this election. >> comedians would have a field day. >> that's right. welcome back to cbs "this morning." this new storm approached new york city wednesday crews kept working on other problems that are plaguing this city's major thruways. jeff glor has a close up look, right? >> he looks at unwatering flooding tunnel at the tip of lower manhattan. it's a massive job. jeff, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. the brooklyn battery tunnel is one of the most historic stretches in america. opened in 1950, it has never seen anything like this. this is what it looks like when 60 million gallons of water goes where it doesn't belong. sandy's surge flooded two miles of the brooklyn battery, the longest continuous traffic tunnel in north america, typically responsible for 45,000
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vehicles a day since last monday it has handled none. to see how it's getting fixed we board a boat for governor's island off of manhattan's southern tip as the coast guard, army corps of engineers and new york transit workers fought through another storm, this week's nor'easter. >> this latest storm doesn't make things easier on you >> no. that's a concern for us all. what that could do could bring more water into the area. additionally the high winds is a concern. >> reporter: when we arrived, it didn't take long to see water still rushing out. all of it getting pumped from deep underground. is this facility engineer. >> one of the biggest challenges in pumping water out that's seven stories deep? >> the pressure loss access, electric cal power, restoring power. >> reporter: each of these tubes can clear 2,000 gallons a
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minute. powered by punches using these four diesel generators. >> they drop the pumps into the water from here and from here it's 150 feet down. >> reporter: to see just how much gravity they are up against, engineers took us all the day down. the only access point, a darkened stairwell that sandy knocked out power to. when we reached the historic tunnel it was empty and eerie. water is gone from here but the floor of the tunnel is covered with mud and debris. the water that remains is under the water or just above it. you can see the ceiling above us was still leaking. but even when the water is gone the job is far from over. mounds of mud, sand and garbage need to be cleared, electric cal systems need to dry out. which is why he's not putting an estimate on when this famed
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roadway will finally reopen. what have you learned from this process? >> we have to start looking at ways to help prevent it from happening again. take action. >> when you talk about things that can prevents this in the future, you mean seawall. >> seawalls. barriers. gates at the tunnel. we have to start looking into that. >> otherwise it happens all over again. >> hopefully it won't happen for another hundred years from now but know it happens. >> that describes what it was like down there. what was it like four to be down there? >> like being in a post-apocalyptic movie disaster. it's muddy. doesn't smell nice. they are dealing without power. you're dealing with rodents. it's a massive job. >> what will they do to prevent flooding in the future. >> that's one of the big questions right now. there seems to be lot of
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discussion about possibly putting up barriers around the city but the lowest estimates on what those barriers cost come in around $10 billion. massively expensive enterprise. >> what about structural damages to the tunnel. >> that's one of the reasons why they are not rushing it right now because it's not just the water it's the electrical systems. so they are trying to get the water out then clean the mud out and then make sure the systems are working. >> so nobody knows how long it will take. >> no. i tried to pin them down multiple times and they will not say when they think it will be back open. >> thank you, jeff. sometimes the best moments in sports happen off the field. it's happening right now with the indianapolis colts and their coach, chuck pagano. we'll look at that with nfl today's john brown. >> tomorrow we'll talk with condoleezza rice. she will join us right here on cbs "this morning."
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♪ hear that, charlie? check out number 6, her name is sam gordon. she's 9 years old and a football star in the make. her pee-wee highlight reel has gone viral. she scored 35 touchdowns this season and gained more than 1900 yards. she's also made 65 tackles on defense. love it. welcome back to cbs "this morning" opinion. >> can't imagine a story you would love more. >> whether or not you're a football fan, indianapolis colts are hard to ignore right now. the team is winning while its new head coach is fighting cancer. players are showing support on and off the field. >> reporter: the indianapolis colts were expected to pull up lame this season without their veteran quarterback peyton manning many picked the colts to be one of the worst in the
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league. but the team with the horse shoe logo have luck on its side. literally. andrew luck is the colts rookie quarterback and helped bring the team a 5-3 record, good enough for second place in the division and right in the playoff hunt. so when their head coach chuck pagano came into the locker room sunday it's no wonderer he got applause but it wasn't just for the team's victory on the field it was for his victory off it. >> i got circumstances. you guys understand it. i understand it. >> reporter: he didn't have to say the word cancer. his physical appearance made it clear that he already wage ad vicious battle. chuck pagano was diagnosed with leukemia. as the seen kicked off so did his chemotherapy treatments. >> you ready? let's do it. >> reporter: so this week in solidarity with their ailing coach dozens of his players had their heads shaved as smooths a
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pigskin. a no hair club with true distinction. >> you bald, we're bald. >> doing this together, right. all for chuck. >> reporter: out of all the encouraging words chuck pagano could have used for his team -- >> you're on your champions and well on your way. >> reporter: none were greater than these three. >> hard to beat. >> reporter: his cancer is what he says he's beaten. for now it's in remission. >> i'm living. see two more daughters get married, dance at their weddings, and then hoist that lombardi several times i'm dancing at two more wedding's hoisting that trophy together. >> reporter: rarely has a team high five meant quite so much.
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for cbs "this morning," lee cowen in los angeles. a powerful story. james brown host of "the nfl today" on cbs sports is with us. good morning. talk about this. you know what's happening with this remarkable story. >> the best story in the national football league so far this season. look, that speech -- coaches give great locker room speeches. that was from the heart. it was sincere and emotional and the team has been riding that very nicely throughout this season. again, emotion does play an important part in sports and it can inspire you and fire you up for a short period of time. but more than that, this indianapolis colts team is one that's been put together nicely with a great group of guys who reflect character and integrity, what a great story this has been so far. >> i love they are calling it chuck strong and using that and shaving their heads in
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solidarity. others have done that in the past, shave to be brave. how much of the colts success is attributed to the emotion of this situation or got a really good team this year? >> norah, i think it's a combination of trust me most pre-season pundits didn't think this team would win more than between four and six games so they've already surprised quite a few people. their number one draft pick andrew luck a sensational pro ready quarterback, great work ethic. also let me step back and give credit where it belongs. the owner who blew up this team, toughest decision was letting peyton mango after 14 years who represented the city, that was a tough decision. he changed coaches, he changed front office people, he made the right moves and had the right people in place right now to carry them through and is playing very well. >> is andrew luck rookie the year? >> you know what? he's got some tough competition. guy here in washington, rg iii is in that same conversation as well but andrew luck is
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everything they thought he would be and he's playing exceedingly well. >> do you think the colts can play in the playoffs, neighbor super bowl? >> yes they are in the conversation. i know my colleague at the nfl today hates saying this if the season were to end today they are in, absolutely. >> boy, this is a story that touches your heart to see a coach realize his dream to be there and thoen walk into a took tor's office and say i got bad news and at the same time, internalize it and share it went have the team has got to affect his attitude about his disease. >> and modelling by example, what it means to be strong in the face of adversity and the players. look we often talk about sports being such a microcosm of society at large, how to overcome difficult, persevere until the game is over. his players are learning from
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that. >> great to see you. we love having you on. >> norah before i leave you showed that midget football, that's what we're doing chasing you, you're out running everybody on the field. >> whoa, j.b. i love you, man. charlie, you got some competition now. i'm going to g >> losing vice presidential candidates don't usually go on
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a mural of president obama watching over voters for hours at one polling place in a school. only after complaints was it partially covered up. >> yes. because voters are very susceptible to whatever they see on high school walls. which is why in 2008 new hampshire voted in governor jeremy plus andy 4ever. >> a winter storm dumped half a foot of snow. >> we'll go back to the coast to visit a community facing second round of flooding and devastation. you're watching cbs "this morning." this portion of cbs "this morning" is sponsored by
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♪ it is 8:00. welcome back to cbs "this morning." a major new storm hits the northeast giving superstorm sandy victims a second blast of misery. and a new study says your risk for heart disease could be as plain as the look on your face. we'll ask a leading doctor about that. but first here's a look at what's happening in the world and what we've been covering on cbs "this morning." it won't end now. just want it to be over. >> a powerful nor'easter is bringing new trouble for tens of thousands of superstorm sandy victims. >> this is the last thing people needed. >> airlines cancelled nearly
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1600 flights. >> flight schedules will resume as early as later this afternoon, tomorrow morning at the latest. >> so this is turning from the election to the fast approaching fiscal cliff. this is become like debt ceiling debate 2.0 right now with the clock ticking. >> i'm sure it's going messier and harder than i would like, that's the nature of a real compromise. is that everybody ends up unhappy. >> the brooklyn battery tunnel has never seen anything like this. >> hopefully it won't happen for another hundred years from now. >> is there any good weather news >> for once i would like to talk to you and not have something swirling behind me. >> check out number 6, her name is sam gordon. that's right. i said her. she's 9 years old and a football star in the making. >> that was emblematic what all of us at cbs is doing chasing you because you're outrunning everybody on the peeled. >> oh, j.b., i love you, man.
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charlie, you got some competition now. i want j.b. up here. >> i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. what can i say when j.b. puts it that way. >> got to kick it up. >> you are something, girl! a major storm in the east is knocking down superstorm sandy victims just as they had been getting up, 60,000 homes and businesses have lost power because of this nor'easter. >> this storm brought rain, strong winds and snow to region. i want caused severe travel problems. airlines cancelled nearly 2300 flights in the new york city borough of staten island police urged people to evacuate flood prone areas and seth doane is in staten island this morning. seth, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you norah. staten islanders had just started to pick up the pieces following sandy and then this. another storm only slowing
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relief efforts. >> residents should evacuate to higher ground. severe flooding could occur. >> reporter: the nypd didn't take any chance with this storm and the already ravaged coastal communities of staten island. police are not forcing residents to leave this area but they are making them aware of the threat, encouraging them to leave. wet snow mixed with wind gust from the nor'easter and blaftd these flood prone neighborhoods devastated by sandy. dave weaver helped his friend clean up before snow set in. >> second storm just made life miserable and now people have to worry about heat and not dying and, you know, surviving. you know, it's definitely really the icing on the cake. >> this second storm is? >> yes. >> watch your back! >> reporter: the aid distribution site in nearby miller field was bustling before
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the storm but not because aid was being handed out. bill hind helped pack up supplies. >> people came this morning for assistance and we've been able to grant it to them but we have to get away from the storm. we have to get ahead of it. we have a lot of food we have to put in trailers. everything has to be put away today. >> reporter: we asked new york governor andrew cuomo about the nor'easter. >> any storm now is a problem, right? a strong gust of wind is a problem for a lot of these communities right now they are so fragile. so we have to worry about that. then we're going to turn towards the long term recovery. >> reporter: around 60,000 people who lost their electricity thanks to sandy were knocked in the dark again because of this storm. and one of the other real concerns with storm coming after sandy is the damage to coastal communities, and areas that barrier places that use freezing drizzle text these coastal communities. take a look at what sandy
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deposit in the marsh behind me, a house. >> thank you, seth doane. the pictures tell a story. cbs news hurricane consultant david bernard is the chief meteorologist at our miami station cbs 4. he's watching the latest on the storm. david what's going on with the storm right now? >> as we can see from staten island and seth's location, things are improving in the new york city area. the center of the nor'easter is now just south of the cape near nantucket right here. that's where the lowest pressure is. where the strongest winds are. notice the precipitation is coming from the west to the east. gradual improvement today. winds have contributed to additional power outages. peak wind gusts from midnight have come way down in the new york city area, hartford had a gust of 31. stronger gusts are towards providence and martha's vineyard and had wind gusts of 61 miles per hour. guys, i made this especially for you. this is high temperatures for saturday, good news on the way,
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a warming southwest wind and you're probably going to be pushing temperatures into the 60s by the time we get into saturday and also sunday and i know everybody wants to hear that and some dry weather. >> david bernard thank you. leaders in washington are vowing to deal with the fiscal crisis, higher taxes and spending cuts that kick in new year if congress doesn't act. president obama called congressional leaders before he returned to washington last night. >> earlier house speaker john boehner said republicans are open to new tax revenues under the right conditions. boehner said republicans would be willing to accept new taxes if, if the president is willing to reduce spending. however boehner rejected any new tax that specifically target the rich. after senator john mccain lost the 2008 presidential race much of the republican spotlight landed on his vice presidential pick sarah palin. now our observers are wondering if the same thing will happen to mitt romney's running mate paul ryan. chip reid is in jamesville, wisconsin for us with that story.
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chip, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, norah. paul ryan is spending some down time with his family here in his home town of jamesville, wisconsin before heading back to washington and, yes, he'll be heading back to washington because while he lost the vice presidential bid he was overwhelmingly re-elected by the people of this district to his seat in congress and now just two days after election day talking political circles is turning to paul ryan's political future. for mitt romney losing the presidential campaign likely means the end of the political road. but for paul ryan defeat could lead to a new beginning. >> i don't know if he covered himself with glory but i think he met a certain test that has led to speculation that ryan at just 42 is on the short list for the republican presidential nomination in 2016. a list that includes florida's senator marco rubio and new jersey governor chris christie. and because ryan will continue as chairman of the house budget
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committee his prominence and power will only grow as he goes toe to toe with the president in the coming months and years of spending and taxes. >> i think democrats and republicans will look to him as a voice and maybe even the most powerful voice for congressional republicans. >> reporter: the campaign did have some political down sides for ryan. critics panned his convention speech, some on the right felt his conservatism was often straight jacketed by romney's advisers and the limits of his political power were laid bare when the republican ticket lost ryan's home state of wisconsin by a surprising seven points. but some who know ryan well have seen him respond to adversity before and it only makes him stronger. george style was a law partner of ryan's father who died of a heart attack when ryan was just 16. styles said the tragedy inspired ryan to achieve.
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it is ingrained in ryan's character. >> he's had adversity in life and he knows how to handle it and recover it from and i have no doubt that's what will happen here. he'll go on and be every bit as successful and more successful than he has been in the past. >> reporter: there's suggestions ryan's wife janet is uncomfortable on the political stage and some say his three young children code is courage him from another run. and another challenge in running for president four years from now is that the republican field is expected to be jam packed with rubio, christie, maybe jeb bush plus all those other republicans who are still kicking themselves for not running this time. charlie, gayle and norah. >> thank you, chip reid. take a look at this video that could have come from hollywood. a motorcycle gang caught on surveillance cameras on tuesday. they are riding in to a london shopping center, three people went inside a jewelry store with axes and bats. they smashed the displace.
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grabbed the jewelries and watches. went out the same way they came in. still on the loose tonight. it's not a good thing when somebody comes on a motorcycle with an axe. that's a clue something bad >> you might not see a connection between heart disease and your eyelids or your ear lo lobes, but they may reveal if you're at risk at heart disease.
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try this... bayer? this isn't just a headache. trust me, this is new bayer migraine. [ male announcer ] it's the power of aspirin plus more in a triple action formula to relieve your tough migraines. new bayer migraine formula. in a triple action formula to relieve your tough migraines. you won't run into deals this big just anywhere. roll into the sears veteran's day appliance event. get up to 50% off appliance super buys. this is savings out of this world. this is sears.
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in today's health watch facing heart disease a new study presented to the american heart association shows common signs of ageing can provide important information about your health. >> dr. lori mosca of presbyterian-columbia university medical center is here to tell us about what your face may reveal about your heart. most people don't think there's a connection. what did the study show? >> a study showed there's four signs, externally that you can look for that increase your risk of heart disease. and those include a male pattern of baldness. receding hairline or baldness at the top of the head. class diagonal crease in the ear lobe. finally, yellow deposits around the eye, fatty deposits. these external visible signs of ageing are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. >> they tell you what specifically? >> i think it's important to
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realize that these don't cause heart disease but are indicators. so we look do i have these signs. >> how much of these signs are simply indicative of growing older? >> that's a really good question. signs of ageing like having wrinkles or gray hair. in the study were not associated with having increased heart disease. if you have these signs, somebody else of the same age that doesn't have them then they are indicative of ageing inside our bodies. >> because i think charlie raises a good point what's the difference between i just look old for my age and i'm just an old person and this is how i look and you're saying there's internal things we should be looking for too. >> that's right. these point to problems going on inside that's more invisible. the risk factors for heart disease that we want to look to
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see if we have if we have these external signs are factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and smoking. any one of those four risk factors and most americans, by the way, have these risk factors. >> here's what i'm hearing you say. these things cause heart attacks and what they do cause these kinds of facial conditions. >> that's an interesting point. it is a causal relationship or just an association. it turn out, for example, male pattern baldness is associated with hormonal changes, genetic factors that might also increase risk for heart disease. diagonal ear lobe crease, for example, is associated with reduce reduce elasticity. deposits around the eyes is soeshd with be a normal
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cholesterol. >> any gender differences? >> not really. these seem to be robust for both men and women. >> what can we do? i hear it's a matter of lifestyle. >> yes. >> do you think that's true? >> i do think it's true. i think the common denominator for most risk factors for heart disease is lifestyle, lifestyle, lifestyle. if we can keep our blood brush controlled, not smoke, maintain a healthy weight can go a long way to reduce the number one killer. >> sleep late. >> i don't know if you can do anything if your hair is starting to go. >> again, we can do a lot about positive lifestyle choice. that's a key message here. florida is famous for great breaches and strange elections. we'll can author and cloumist carl hiassen what's going on in his sunshine state on cbs "this morning."
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>> "cbs healthwatch" sponsored by campbell's healthy request. it's amazing what soup can do. campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do. ic [ male announcer ] sounds good. went home and fed her family.
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you win an election there's nothing better. you lose an election there's nothing worse. and republicans some are taking it hard. clint eastwood has spent the entire day -- [ laughter ] -- buying drins for an empty bar stool. >> i started laughing before you knew what the bottom line was. >> you just interviewed clint eastwood. >> david letterman. david letterman important the kennedy center honors. he's one of the recipients. it's a high honor for him and he was great.
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>> in case you hadn't heard president obama defeated mitt romney. we know this for sure despite fact that the returns from florida still have not been counted. [ laughter ] some people had to wait five or six hours to vote there. what goes on in florida. they had four years to fix that. and four years before that. we have to make sure florida never gets the olympic. >> florida. wow. >> no hanging chads this time but as you heard the presidential race in florida is again too close to call. we haven't called it yet. unlike 2000 the final outcome does not decide who wins. >> long time "miami herald"
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columnist carl hiassen is here to talk about the florida vote. his best selling novel is called "chomp." what is it with florida as kimmel said? >> we're in a state of euphoria because it didn't come down to us. we all live in dread of another repeat of bush versus gore. i don't know. i don't have an explanation. we can't seem to figure out how to count a ballot. and this could go on for years before we know how florida went in the election. >> talk about the 2000 election, 2004 or 2012? >> they should just leave that space on the electoral map, just leave us blank all the time. that would be the best thing they can do for florida. >> i can't imagine because of the circumstances that governor romney will demand a recount. >> i mean unless he want as vacation down here which the
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weather is pretty nice. that would be a good reason. no other reason to do it. we specialize in prolonging everything. >> carl, why do you think there's so many election issues in florida? why does it seem they just can't get it right, in your opinion? as someone who lives there and loves your place so much? >> basically it's because it's a freak show, and it's sort of 24 hour freak show. we're used to this. we don't expect anything to go well or to go smoothly. earlier they cutback the number of early voting days from 14 to eight. this was set up. you could see this coming. then when they appealed to the governor during the course of the early voting to extend i want he said no. so you could see the crash. all of us were fully braced for this. we knew it wouldn't go smoothly. >> i'm glad you brought up early voting because as my colleague knows i'm obsessed with it. that was part of it. the governor shrunk it to one week instead of two weeks so
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that compressed the amount of people when they could vote. i was struck by this, the mayor of miami-dade said part of the problem was poor planning and lack of resources. >> imagine that. >> it's not like this was a storm. everybody knew the date was coming for four years. who is responsible for the poor planning? >> well, you know, in 2000 it was palm beach county. there were problems in broward county as well. they should move it around. next time it will be the panhandle. we moved the incompetence from one part of the state to another for variety. there's no excuse. no apology. we're grateful the future of the republic did not depend on us. >> talk about that hispanic population, not only in florida but around the country because it's not a monolith. >> it isn't. florida is a microcosm for the rest of the country.
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we're very diverse and very divided like the rest of the country and even the hispanic community is very diverse, and you just can't waltz in and have a couple of campaign. you went to florida, said nothing about castro and went on your way if you were a politician. that's how you campaign. it's much more complicated than that. the republicans missed the boat. they fell short here. >> what is it do you think, carl, that the obama campaign understood that the romney campaign did not? >> i think that there are people who vote who are not old middle aged angry white guys. i think the obama campaign picked up on that pretty quickly that there's a lot of young people. there are a lot of diverse populations. you saw how eager everybody was to vote. that's the one thing i think was we should take heart from. people lining up until 1:30 in the morning to cast a ballot. it's pretty extraordinary.
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>> i get teary eyed when i see people waiting in line and yelling waiting to vote. it concerns me that this country it's that hard to vote in this country. i mean it shouldn't happen that way in florida. i think it raises real question about our democracy. this is a really serious issue. >> on the other hand it shows how much people want to vote and express their privilege to vote. >> this is not a new thing with florida. this went to the supreme court in 2000 and 12 years later florida is still having this problem. >> we'll get there. >> it's about florida's voting apparatus. >> what are they doing about it? what are they doing to change it? what your hearing? >> absolutely nothing. they are holding meetings and giving press conferences. here's the thing our motto down here is better late than never so i think at some point this week they will call florida probably for obama looking at the numbers right now. and life will go on and it's
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short of a disorganized way as it always does. >> whoa you're not writing your playing golf or fishing or what are you doing? usually fishing. i don't play much golf. i'm usually hiding out somewhere. there's still enough beautiful places in florida that you can get away from some of this craziness. we have beautiful weather today and a lot of people living up your way wish they were here. >> carl hiassen great to see you. >> humor is in tact. >> samoa deling if mitt romney won the same percentage of the hispanic vote as george w. bush, obviously he would be president of the united states. >> last night's nor'easter was part two of a one-two punch. we'll ask the ceo of cesar's how atlantic city and the
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president of all of them now? look romney won all that red stuff. why don't we elect our president on square footage. romney won big states, whole damn south, louisiana. but, but here's the deal. of the nine key swing states obama won eight. i mean how -- even pennsylvania. despite the fact that after a week of hurricane sandy, thousands of amish remain without power. [ laughter ] >> superstorm sandy made landfall near atlantic city, new jersey ten days ago. resort city is struggling to get back on its feet. >> casinos were closed for nearly a week and that affected dozens of lower cal businesses. ceo of cesars is here with us.
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his company owns several luxury properties. so how dual make out and what's the latest today for you all? >> the properties in the resort area of atlantic city made out quite well. unfortunately a number of our employees suffered like their neighbors in this storm and are putting their lives back together and, of course, business in atlantic city has been affected for square substantially in the wake of the storm since our re-opening on friday. >> you keep hearing the boardwalk, how much? >> very substantially. gaming activity and hotel activity is down more than 50% since we re-opened on friday compared to what we anticipated i want to be. boardwalk in our area was not affected. the boardwalk surrounding our areas held up just fine. our properties sustained scarcely any damage. what you saw on television was in peripheral areas. >> people don't know you're really opened for business that atlantic city made out? >> we went through hurricane katrina with our property in new orleans. unfortunately one consequence of the tremendous coverage that's
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provided at these events people tend to think that's not where i first imagine going for vacation activity or leisure activity. that's unfortunately a really bad counter intuitive result because the folks that work in these areas need the visitors. this area need the revitalization of people coming to see us and that's what we're lacking right now. >> what's the status of the gaming business today because we all read about what's happening in other places far from the united states. >> well it's mixed in the following way. there's a greater liberalization of gaming as what i describe as a normalization of gaming as a routine luxury activity and that's a good thing for our industry and for a company like mine. the largest market for gaming is now macau which is larger than all commercial gaming. >> is there a decline in las vegas and atlantic city because of that? >> no. that hasn't happened. macau market is driven by
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chinese and hong kong and taiwan and hasn't affected our business. >> just expanded the business. >> enormously. >> how do you bounce back from something like this? >> first, we need to get across the message that atlantic city is open for business and the experience you've always enjoyed here is available to you this weekend. come see us. come see your friend and help support the revitalizationrevit. we're making our properties available. we have employees whose homes were damaged living in the hotels. we have red cross in our hotels. we have all sorts of outreach programs. compensation programs. hearth programs anything we can do to support anyone. >> is gaming expanding on the east coast? >> rather dramatically. >> this election include a big referendum in maryland that will bring gaming to washington metropolitan area. we're building a facility in baltimore. we want to build one in boston.
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gaming has spread up and down the mid-atlantic and east coast. >> each state is approving this by votes in the legislature. >> constitutional amendment or referendum or votes in the legislature. >> what does your company do? it's a fine line to say come on down atlantic city when you look on the news and so many other people are still suffering, still trying to recover in that area. how do you walk that fine line to say come but we're very sensitive to people who are still suffering. >> we are. we want to do everything we can to reach out twhors suffering and make our resources available to them. we recognize that revitalization in a disaster affected area has to come through economic activity. we need visitors and people coming to eat and reside with us and enjoy entertainment and all the things that bring back the circumstances of our employees and their neighbors. >> how does cesars compare to other casinos? >> i'm quite positive. >> i you know are. when you look at it because
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there's so many too choose from -- >> right. two different things. first the brand we carry. cesars is a very well-respected luxury brand that's been in the business a long time and i think people know what it stands for in terms of luxury and experience. but also we offer these facilities all around the world so that visitors to our facilities are known to us and taken care of across a big network. that experience is unique. >> when do you think you'll be back in business fully engaged? >> i would like to think we'll be back reasonably shortly. what concerns me is a lot of the group and convention business has cancelled here in the near end period like we experienced in the wake of hurricane katrina. if i can encourage any one actor to come to atlantic city to come back and help revitalize the area. hopefully we'll be back in that position after the holidays. >> good to see you. >> discountled rates? >> discounted rates.
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>> i like discounted rates. thank you very much. tourists going to london beware. 100 tradition is in danger of disappearing. >> one of the most iconic images in britain but it may be the end of the road for london's black cab. i'm in london and we'll have that story coming up on cbs "this morning."
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building and skid ago cross the parking lot. welcome back to cbs "this morning." >> 2009 of the world's great cities even the taxies are famous, new york city has its yellow cabs and in london they are black. those black cabs and their customers are facing a dark future as charlie d'agata found out. charlie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, norah. for starters london's black cabs are getting old. mayor is forges oldest once off the streets. the problem is the companies that make these old-fashioned cabs is on the verge of bankruptcy, so at the moment they face extinction. they've been on the streets of the capital since, well since before cars. black cabs make london london as much maybe more than those other timeless british icons. red phone boxes. double-decker buses. big ben. if you had been visiting london in the days of sherlock holmes and charles dickens at the end of the 1800s you would have gotten into a carriage, a horse
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drawn cart and these cabs are a direct descendant of that. but it maybe the end of that long line. the company that makes black cabs is on the verge of going bust unless someone can bail it out. after four years of heavy financial losses and recent recall of cabs manufacturers are in trouble. john rowley has been driving cabs for a lifetime. he's driven by pride. >> every day is a challenge. dealing with the public. you got to be a diplomat and ambassador. >> i imagine a tour guide. >> yes. yes. >> reporter: that means memorizing every street in central thrown and knowing how to get there, every black cabbie has to pass a four year course
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called the knowledge. >> that's all up there. just a lot of maps in your head. >> reporter: way back in the day soldiers returning from world war ii were offered that training for free. they learned the streets on the street on two wheels before four. >> 1,000 pupils passed their cabbie test and joined the 5,000 strong band of london taxi drivers. >> reporter: not a lot changed except there's 21,000 cabs on thrown streets. stepping into one is like stepping back in time. >> is there a certain part of london you prefer? >> not really. i'm happy to go anywhere as long as there's somebody in the back. >> reporter: he prefers a body and says he always has to be up for a chat whatever may be on his passenger's mind. >> you become a therapist. >> in a way. i've heard so many stories about their personal lives, you know.
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we hear things, you know. hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. but sometimes you do hear things that you don't want to hear, you know. but never repeat it. >> reporter: he says he does try to steer clear of some bumpy roads. >> never talk about religion or politics, you know. stay clear of that. last thing you want to get involved in. or the economy or the prime minister or the president or whatever, you know. >> reporter: best to talk about the weather, i suppose? >> yeah. that could be short-lived, that subject. >> reporter: what nobody wants to talk about or even think about is the end of the london black cab as the british all know and love. >> as long as i've been coming to london i've been getting into one of those. paying a lot of money but loving it. >> reporter: they are a luxury. one of the most expensive cabs
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in the world. on average three times what you would pay in new york city and just to give you and idea the cab ride to that story is 45 minutes in rush hour traffic ended up costing us 60 pounds plus a tip well over $100. >> thanks, charlie d'agata. you had a great driver. really liked him a lot. >> he can write about religion and politics. aren't some things universal. >> can you imagine four year course called the knowledge. >> seems like a could idea they can transport. >> exactly. >> they really are -- there's something charming about london cabs. that does it for us. up next your local news. we'll see you tomorrow on cbs "this morning" with more weather stories, political stories and all the news we can present. see you then.
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