tv CBS This Morning CBS November 9, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EST
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. good morning. it is friday, november 9, 2012. welcome to cbs "this morning." president obama makes his case today on what needs to to be done to head off the looming budget crisis. while republicans focus on what went wrong inside mitt romney's campaign. we'll talk with former secretary of state condoleezza rice. >> frustration gross in the northeast. new york begins to ration gas and thousands still remain in the dark. >> but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> we're not going over the cliff. we're determined not to go over the cliff. >> nerves rattled in washington
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and on wall street. over a looming fiscal crisis. >> steep budget cuts and tax increases that will kick in on january 1st unless congress and the president reach a deal. >> raising tax rates is not acceptable and frankly couldn't even pass the house. >> today president obama is expected to deliver his first remarks on his agenda since election night. noomb snowboard everybody is talking about the fiscal cliff. i would talk about the fiscal cliff if i knew what it was. >> can't get through friday with this amount of gas. >> parts of new york rationing gas in the wake of superstorm sandy. extreme weather is here to change. climate change is a reality. >> the judge sentenced jared loughner to life in sentencing in a mass shooting. >> it was intense when he walked in the room. gabby said for her the biggest emotion was sadness. >> seven navy s.e.a.l.s have been punished for disclosing
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classified information to the maker of a video game. >> a deer crashed into a plate glass window. >> what did you do to make the deer angry? >> maybe our hours weren't long enough. >> all that -- >> do you see anything in porn that attracts you at all? >> no, pat. >> -- and all that matters. >> the president was speaking to campaign workers and got very emotional. >> i'm very proud of all of you and -- >> cbs "this morning." >> some changes are expected in the obama administration. secretary of state hillary clinton is likely to step down. when he heard about it bill clinton said that's great give he had a heads up when she's on her way home. welcome to cbs "this morning." norah o'donnell is off. we'll hear from president obama today for the first time since election night.
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he'll focus on the government's potential fiscal crisis. >> the white house says he'll talk about the economy and reducing the federal deficit. nancy cordes is at the white house. nancy, what is the president trying to accomplish here? >> reporter: i think in part what he wants to do is prevent the republican house speaker john boehner from setting the agenda, establishing the ground rules when it comes to negotiations over the fiscal cliff. this mix of spending cuts and tax increases that's going to kick in at the end the year. so after returning to the white house victorious you'll hear the president argue today as he did so many times on the campaign trail that household income over $250,000 a year should revert to those higher clinton era tax rates. white house aides say his victory tuesday night is a sign that the american people feel the same way so they have no intention of backing down on that issue no matter how many republicans disagree. beyond that the white house hasn't said how they plan to handle negotiations over the
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fiscal cliff. they have been regrouping, the president held some meetings with top aides yesterday about it and democrats on capitol hill tell me they are just waiting to hear how the white house wants to move for. there's nothing they can do until they hear from this white house. gayle and charlie we got a stark reminder yesterday of how high the stakes are. the nonparity son congressional budget office said if those spending cuts and tax increases associated with the fiscal cliff are allowed to kick in the unemployment rate in 2013 will rise from 7.9% now to 9.1% within a year. nancy, thank you. also in washington, john dickerson. john, good morning. is the white house correct to read the election mandate that the country wants to see taxes raised on those who earn more than $250,000 a year. >> that's certainly what the exit polls showed us. there was support among those
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polled for the president's position. the thing is, the president has had lots of support for that position going back months and months. after the 2010 congressional election when republicans won in that wave election, that was still where the public was. so having the public behind him has not helped the president in previous negotiations but of course things have changed now. >> what do you think the mood is for compromise. we've listened to speaker boehner, the president will make his case today. is there generally a mood that enough of this dysfunction, let's get things done and let's compromise as long as we don't cross over our principles? >> yeah. i think there is a mood for compromise. the question is -- it will be interesting to watch the theater. remember in 2010 during the lame duck period after the election there was -- they got some work done. and for negotiation to work both sides will probably start very far away. the question is will each leave the other a pathway so that they
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can get to a compromise? and so one thing is quite difficult is for republicans to vote for a tax increase for those over 250,000. that's where things will start. the question is how does it get worked out behind-the-scenes. in 2010 the president, a lot of liberals were angry with the president because it looked like he lost by allowing an extension of the bush era tax cuts that we're talking about all over again. what the president did he won an extension of the payroll tax cut, won an extension of unemployment benefits. it was a deal in the end that had a lot of things in it for liberals to like. that's how we have to find a way to solve this problem. >> john hang on a moment. president obama spoke to his campaign staffers in chicago before he returned to the white house. that tape released yesterday by his campaign shows a rare level of emotion from the president. >> even before last night's results i felt that the work that i had done in running for office had come full circle.
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because you guys -- i'm really proud of that. i'm really proud of all of you. and -- [ applause ] >> jan crawford who covered mitt romney's campaign said emotions are running just as high for the republicans. jan, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. you know president obama's campaign has been predicting the victory and he did he won this race decisively. but the romney campaign and romney himself they never saw it coming. they had faced this expectations on different assessments on turnout and in the end they were just flat out wrong and you know what? those are the kind of losses that hurt the most.
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with romney, paul ryan and their families on stage election night to concede what was evident was the emotion. >> like so many of you, paul and i have left everything on the field. we have given our all to this campaign. >> reporter: when the votes were counted what also was evident they were playing on a different field. the loss caught the romney campaign by surprise. but the most emotional difficult was thinking until the last minute they were going to win. >> the romney people looked at a model for turnout that was less accurate than the model for turnout that the obama people decided. >> reporter: romney's campaign expected the number of minority voters to be closer to the 2004 election. instead the number of minorities voting in 2012 were like the numbers in 2008 when a wave of minority support elected the nation's first black president. >> romney's companies were
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pioneers of shipping u.s. jobs overseas. >> reporter: so what happened? over the summer the campaign committed what may have been its most critical error not responding to an onslaught of negative ads by president obama that personally and effectively targeted romney ceo of bain capital foreclosing companies. >> i come from the old school that a political attack unanswered is a political attack admitted. >> reporter: along the way there were other strategic missteps. the campaign didn't take seriously romney's foreign trips which had its share of gaffes and did little to bolster his image as a world leader. and after months of bain attacks it lacked adherence at the republican convention. the most enduring image wasn't of romney but of clint eastwood talking to an empty chair. another thing the campaign was expecting. they thought they would get more turnout than john mccain did in 2008. they thought republicans would turn out to vote in larger numbers. that didn't happen.
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they got 2 million fewer votes than john mccain. everything they looked at didn't turn out right. even in their strategy. romney got momentum after that first debate people got excited on the right. that was a huge opportunity for him. but he really didn't capitalize on that with any kind of message. then he was just playing it too safe. critics say and we think about sports. almost like he was playing defense in football except he never had the lead. playing defense when he was behind. >> we go back to john dickerson. john, of all the mistakes that are now being analyzed what was the biggest mistake and also isn't it always in the end the candidate not the strategy? >> well, you know, we're in the recriminations and finger pointing stage so the list of mistakes and the claims are pretty long here. i think you're fundamentally right. this is a candidate who seemed out of place with both himself and his party, and that he seems to have been where it all
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settles down. these mistakes that jan talked about in misreading the polls they bought their own spin fun talked to the obama campaign they were incredibly conservative which is why in ohio on election night they were feeling great about 45 minutes before the state was called because they had been so conservative that when things started -- when results started to come in and they were better than they ever hoped they started to feel elated. the romney campaign seems to have gone the other way. they decided they wouldn't believe the public polls. they believed their own spin. that's what kept them in the dark. >> john dickerson, thanks. we'll have live coverage of president obama's remarks later today. he's expected to speak at 1:00 p.m. western time. >> several navy s.e.a.l.s including one who killed osama bin laden has been disciplined. >> the navy says thoses s.e.a.l.s revealed classified information. john miller is here. what is going on here? >> well, this is actually an
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outgrowth of the mark owens story. we remember mark owens with the navy s.e.a.l. who wrote the book "no easy day" about being on the bin laden raid. as they looked into his deal, the money, whether he violated the nondisclosure agreements he signed what they ended up learning is that 11 navy s.e.a.l.s had been brought in allegedly by owen into this deal with a video company for the production of medal of honor war fighter which is a navy s.e.a.l.s based video game. according to our source there were notification to their commanding officer, no waivers signed, none of the boxes had been checked. seven of them have letters of reprimand which is a nonjudicial finding but a career killer. >> how do i know, john, if i'm a gamer and playing this game if i'm looking at classified information or look at a good
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move? how do i know that in. >> you don't but when they frame this game as this game was put together by former navy s.e.a.l.s and active duty navy s.e.a.l.s based on real navy s.e.a.l. tactics let's stretch that. if you're a terrorist or somali pirate you're looking attack ticks, techniques and procedures. what do real warriors do. what tricks do they use. how do they work. if you played that video game enough based on real navy s.e.a.l.s knowledge you could learn to counter some of those ttps. >> is mark owens in trouble? >> so mark owens is already in trouble. to the extent he's not a s.e.a.l. any more there's not much they can do to him. to the extent he signed two nondisclosure agreements like these other s.e.a.l.s who are in this hot water, they sent him a letter saying we may try to seize all that money because when you sign that deal you assign that known the government. we're still waiting to see what happens next.
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>> people are saying that all this good publicity is actually very bad for the s.e.a.l.s because back in the day we didn't know who the navy s.e.a.l.s were or what they did. >> nobody heard of legendary navy team s.e.a.l. 6. this is too much of a good thing. you do a movie like "medal of valor" which was approved by the navy. that they consider a great recruiting tool. a s.e.a.l. himself who runs special ops said if i didn't see john wayne in "the green beret" i wouldn't have gone to special force. when people do this on their own, not telling the commanding officer and not allowing the navy to exercise any judgment on this, this is where they are running into the facebook generation, used to living out loud, used to talking as individuals, it's all about me and there's a conflict. >> and captain biglow's movie is
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still to come. >> yes. it will still stir controversy. >> gas rationing started this morning in new york city and on long island nearly two weeks after superstorm sandy after this week's nor'easter frustrations growing for thousands of sandy's victims. mark strassman is in oceanport, new jersey. mark, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. behind me is one of fema's two tent cities in new jersey, 750 emergency workers and about 60 storm victims. but there are hundreds of thousands of people waking up in their own cold homes this morning 11 days after sandy hit this coastline. in wintry somerset county, northern new jersey, utility crews are days away from restoring everyone's power. wednesday's nor'easter was a setback across the disaster zone. adela bolet just got her electricity back on monday. >> it was a relief. >> reporter: but that relief didn't last long.
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>> all of a sudden poof. and there we are back in the middle ages. >> reporter: in new york andrew cuomo blasted the power company that serves long island complaining it mismanaged the crisis. >> part of it is just the management and the performance, which has been unacceptable and they failed, they have failed the consumers. >> reporter: sandy's destruction left thousands of people homeless for the foreseeable future. fema estimates 101,000 people in new york and new jersey qualify for hotel subsidies. 66,000 qualify for help renting a new home or fixing a damaged ones. >> i can't build apartments right now. in the next week. so we're going to get them as close to their homes as we can get them. i can't wave a magic wand to create housing. >> reporter: sandy devastated new jersey communities like seaside and long beach island. later today some seaside
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residents will be allowed back in their thunderstorms survey damage and as mandated at a town hall meeting retrieve no more than two suitcases of belongings per house. most of the storm victims living in these tents are elderly or disabled. about 20 large tents heated biogen rateors. there are laundry facilities and hot meals and gayle and charlie for now this is the only home they have. >> thank you mark strassman. former congresswoman gabrielle giffords stared at the man who shot her as he was sentenced to life in prison on wednesday. it was the first time since the shooting that she's been face to face with jared loughner. her husband mark kelly said to him in court you may have put a bull jet in her head but you haven't put a dent in her spirit. loughner said nothing when the judge ordered him to seven life sentences. a plea bargain spared loughner the death
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>> time to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. the "the washington post" says a warplane from iran fired on an american drone last week. a pentagon spokesman said the drone was over the persian gulf not in iranian airspace. the unarmed drone was not hit and returned safely to space. >> the news journal at wilmington, delaware said energy drinks may be the problem if you have trouble to sleep. those who drink three or more energy drinks a day had trouble sleeping at night and were more likely to be drowsy during the day. >> "usa today" says is buying another travel website, the deal is worth $1.8 billion. one expert calls the idea a bombshell signalling changes in how travellers buy plane tickets and rent hotel rooms and cars. >> the "wall street journal" says sales at mcdonald's are down for the first time in nine years. analysts say the fast food giant is suffering because fewer people can afford to eat out especially younger people hit
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exit polls show republicans losing support from minority voters as they become a larger share of the total vote. we'll ask former secretary of state condoleezza rice this morning how her party can turn that around and what president obama needs to do? >> and it's time for open enrollment. thousands of companies are asking employees to choose next year's benefits. we'll show you five things you need to know to make the right choice and save the most money on cbs "this morning."
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this is sweet. president obama's photo of him hugging michelle has become the most retweeted photo of all time. take a look at this photo. if you're wondering what the least retweeted photo of all time is. here you go. it's karl rove. >> nobody looks good in a speedo. can we just say that. can we agree? nobody looks good. >> welcome back to cbs "this morning." there was talk this year that mitt romney should consider information secretary of state condoleezza rice as a running mate. she told us in june that wasn't going to happen. secretary rice is here for her first interview since the election. your party is undergoing some kind of refocus and reconsideration of what it has to do.
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you are an esteemed president bush of the republican party. you're a single african-american woman of great accomplishment. what's your recommendation. >> clearly as people look at this and to the analysis we'll know more. right now for me the most powerful argument is that the changing demographics in the country really necessitates an even bigger tent for the republican party. i also think that many of the things for which the party stands are broadly popular with the american people, fiscal responsibility, a chance to educate your children in the way that you think best. the possibility of strong national defense. these are all things that can unite us. but when you look at the come position of the electorate, clearly we are losing important segments of that electorate and what we have to do is to appeal to those people not as identity groups but understanding that if
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you can get the identity issue out of the way then you can appeal on the broader issues that all americans share concerns for. interior you prepared to participate in that dialogue within your party. >> absolutely. i started that participation at the convention. i said in that speech that i thought, for instance, immigration was a key to not just the demographics of the election but to who we are as americans. that's the argument we ought to be making. >> will that be the spirit of the negotiations taking place in washington over the fiscal crisis? >> i hope so because we have to get the fiscal crisis behind us. we got to stop taking on debt that we cannot payback and that we'll leave for our children. these are critically important issues and it's important because the united states of america is not just some country. it's an extraordinary country that has extraordinary responsibilities in the world. we have to be strong at home so we can lead abroad. >> do you think your party just has been misunderstood? you talk about all the good
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qualities. but people don't seem to get that in the electorate. do you think they just don't understand it? >> let's remember it was still a close election in the popular vote and the electoral college has a tendency to make the victory larger in the electoral college than in the popular vote. on the immigration issue which turned out to be very important and some issues about women too, some mixed messages were sent. and when you send mixed messages through the narrow funnels that is the media spotlight sometimes people hear only one side. >> two areas in your expertise, arab spring and assad interview if they come in here will have enormous consequences. what should the world do >> we wait ad long time in syria. i hope now that the election is over the administration is going to act more forcefully. >> doing what?
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>> we wasted 18 months in the u.n. trying to get the russians to go along with assad's overthrow, they were never going to do it. >> don't spend energy on that taken another route. >> at a certain point it was a mistake. the regional powers turkey, saudi arabia, others get the opposition together, try to get a program, a framework for a future syria that can include all syrians because what happens when the situation turns this violent as it has on the ground with assad and his brutality, it tends to empower the worst elements in the opposition. that's why you're seeing a violent opposition, that's why you're seeing al qaeda mixed in, and so you have to get a hold of this very quickly because you can see we're at risk of a regional conflict out of syria not just one that is confined to syria. >> there's also the benghazi
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investigation. have we all been too quick to criticize this because we don't know the facts or are the obvious lessons and mistakes that the obama administration made in handling and responding to the question? >> well, i believe we do have to step back but there are three major issues. the first is what was the situation on the ground prior to the attack and was security adequate given the british had left, given the red cross had left. that's what the accountability review board as secretary clinton has talked about under tom pickering, a fine officer that's what they will do. secondly what happened in that eight, nine hour stretch. was there adequate response to what was clearly an unfolding disaster on the ground? i think the intelligence committees of the congress will be the place to look at that. finally we have shifting stories, sometimes that happens, frankly. because you're getting different sources of information. i myself have been in the situation in which i got
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different intelligence estimates at different times. but those first two, what was the situation on the ground and was security adequate and what was the response, that we need to understand in some depth because that then speaks to what we need to do in the future. >> china is electing a new leadership as well. what's the possibility there? where do you think that country is going? >> i think the chinese, new chinese leadership has a real task ahead of them. they have essentially based their legitimacy on prosperity. they raised 400 million out of poverty. clearly china is an economic power. but the political system is trailing behind, it's getting creaky, they scandal around not just misconduct. that was about a potential leader who had a different political view who was, indeed, corrupt, but was pushing the party leadership. i think you see a lot of
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discontent. there were 180,000 riots in china, mostly over the last couple of years, mostly a peasant who loses his land to a developer and local political leader. that political system is creaky. if they are smart they will reform so while they have legitimacy based on prosperity they can get to consent. >> hillary clinton said she's not coming back for secretary of state. if you got a call from the white house asking you to serve, what would you say? >> i'm going support my president, but i'm going to stay at stamford. they have plenty of people that worked with president obama. >> would you consider it? >> no. i've had my time. george schultz is a great buddy and former secretary of state said being secretary of state is the greatest job in government. he was right. but i've done it. i love being a professor. >> there's gossip around pallo all to you spend most of your time on the golf course. >> that's gossip but i live five
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minutes from the gossip >> you're a new member at augusta national. >> yes. >> what's your handicap >> between 13 and 14. >> how long have you been playing >> i picked up a golf club in 2005. while secretary of state. i've been playing seriously since 2009. >> good for you. >> i drive the ball pretty well. i putt pretty well. everything else in between is an adventure. >> they say there's nothing like hitting the ball. that's what i've heard.
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taco bell is going to start selling nachos and chicken nuggets wrapped in a tortilla. in other words thank god we'll keep obama care. >> millions of workers are now making next year's open enrollment decisions choosing their health insurance and other benefits. >> jack otter says you can save a lot of money if you do it right. he's here with five things you need to know, starting with a
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high deductible plan. >> one theory on how to push down health care costs, people had to depart with their own money they would be much smarter shoppers. so these high deductible plans mean everything up to $1,200 for an individual, $2400 for a family is out of your pocket to help you pay for that. you set up what's called a health savings account, pre-tax money goes straight from your paycheck into this account and companies will often match it. that's a lot of money. but, again, the idea is you'll be more careful with it because you know that money can stay there and grow over time. almost like a roth ira for medical expenses. no taxes going in, no taxes going out. for young healthy people it's a good idea. you know your medical bills won't be very high. you have this thing to fall back on this high deductible plan. leave the money in there. my advice, let it in there for 30, 40 years when you retire fidelity is expecting you'll
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have about a quarter million dollars worth of health care costs. let it grow. invest in stocks and cds and then for people in their 40s and 50s, i'm not as crazy. the bottom line for the individual is you'll end up paying more. >> 40s and 50s, that leaves us out dear. >> flexible spending accounts, i love. it works on the fact that any time you and i want to buy something if we want to pay a buck we have to make a buck 20 or more. that avoid the problem. the money goes straight from your paycheck into this account and you earn a dollar, you pay a dollar to your doctor. like 25% off your doctor's bill. now you have to estimate what next year's 2013 doctor bills will be this year. you can put up to $2,500 into it. let's say you want to do $100 a
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month. oil spend $1,200. i get a little credit card type thing that i swipe and use at the doctor's office and the one catch that is a pain for me but if i was better organized, you have to send your receipts into this company to prove you did spend it on doctor's bills. >> that's a good deal. signing up for transit and parking plans. >> just like the health care but this is commuter. so, if you take the train to work you can set aside up to $125 a month. if you park at the train station or at the office up to $240 a month. again this is all pre-tax money. so if you maxed out, drove the car or train spent $240 in train fare you would save over $1,000 in tax. >> dependent care. >> this is the biggest savings. i do this for our children who you guys know and love. >> yes. >> $5,000 you can set aside pre-tax. it goes straight from your
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paycheck into this account. you never see it until you pay for your child care with it. now it has to be real child care. can't be sort of mom coming over and helping out. not that isn't real but it has to be on the books. you're paying a nursery school, a nanny. get the receipts. this is a big deal. for $5,000 of child care you might have to earn $6,000 or $7,000 but now just the five. >> you can save money by being healthier. what exactly do you mean and how does that work? >> once again, people are thinking about how can we reduce these health care costs. one way would be if people weren't overweight, if they didn't smoke, if they exercised once in a while that sort of thing. companies are giving employees incentives to get healthier. some people, some companies will pitch in up to $1,000 towards your premiums which is a pretty good savings if you go through
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these process. maybe it's a screening to get your cholesterol tested. test your bmi, your body mass index in some cases for people who join smoking cessation programs. cbs does it where you earn points and if you earn enough points they knock money off your health care costs. this process of open enrollment i don't like it. it's pain. you have to remember passwords. if you think of it instead i can save $2, $3 $4,000 off my tax bill. >> we'll be right back right after the break. you're watching cbs "this morning." ready or not, here i come!
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get up to 50% off appliance super buys. this is savings out of this world. this is sears. it was a murder case that shocked a town in washington state. who killed 17-year-old mackenzie cowell. >> the evidence led to a student but a video revealed the actual killer. we'll show you what "48 hours" found. ♪ ♪ grown in america. picked and packed at the peak of ripeness. the same essential nutrients as fresh. del monte. bursting with life.
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♪ it's 8:00 a.m. welcome back to cbs "this morning." president obama focuses on the budget crisis with a post-election message to republicans in congress. and is it possible to make new york city storm proof? we'll show you how one leading scientist would try to do it. first here's a look at what's happening in the world and what we've been covering on cbs "this morning." >> what he wants to do is prevent the republican house speak john boehner from setting the agenda. >> meeting with president obama for the first time since election night. focus on the government's potential fiscal crisis.
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>> both sides will start very far away. the question will each leave the other a pathway so they can get to a compromise. >> president obama spock to his campaign staffers in chicago and showed a rare level of emotion from the president. >> i'm proud of all of you and -- [ applause ] >> the romney campaign and romney himself never saw it coming. those are the kind of losses that hurt the most. >> the changing demographics in the country really necessitates an even bigger test for the republican party. >> gas rationing started this morning in new york city and on long island. >> frustrations growing for thousands of sandy's victim. >> there we are back in the middle ages. >> there's gossip that you spend most of your time on golf courses. >> if congress does nothing u.s. can go off a so-called fiscal cliff. i heard a lot of questions what do you mean what if we do
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nothing? >> i'm charlie rose with gayle king. norah o'donnell. president obama speaks out today for the first time since his re-election peak about the fiscal crisis. >> the president is expected to lay out his expectations with his negotiations with congress. nancy cordes is at the white house. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. typically after a president wins re-election he'll come out and do a big news conference. that is not what this is. president obama will not be taking questions. we hope that that will happen next week but in the meantime i think the white house started to notice that the republican house speaker john boehner had come out to speak about the fiscal cliff on wednesday. he's going to speak about it again today and the white house realized that the president needed to come out and stake his territory, lay the ground work for these negotiations as well. so what he's going to argue today we expect is that the american people voted on tuesday night not just for him but for the things that he has been
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fighting for such as allowing household income over $250,000 a year to revert to those higher clinton era tax rates. he said this is an easy and reasonable way to reduce the deficits. republicans completely disagree and speaker bone engineer said again yesterday this would hurt job creators. we got some very interesting news yesterday from the nonpartisan congressional budget office the number crunches up on capitol hill. they said allowing the bush tax cuts to expire just for those top earners would only constrain economic growth next year by one tenth of 1%. a very small impact. the cbo also predicted if the white house and congress do nothing about this problem all these spending cuts and tax increases that kick in are going to drive the unemployment rate up next year to 9.1%. >> nancy cordes thank you pap new generation of the bush family is getting into the family. george p. bush has filed paper work to run for statewide run
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office in texas. his grand father and father was president. george p. bush is a navy veteran who runs a consulting firm. he said he plans to get into politics. he's not revealed what office he's pursuing in texas. past couple of weeks have been filled with politics and some pretty good jokes. here's some of the highlights from late night tv. >> apparently all you have to do is show up in a nice suit, give free health care, save the auto industry and kill bin laden and that old girl will put out. >> on tuesday night mitt romney published his victory website by mistake. republicans called it an embarrassing error while big bird called it the scariest two minutes of my life. >> presidential elections are never about voting who gets to run naked through the white house in the middle of the night. i'm looking at you eisenhower. >> i always wonder what the day after the election is like for the candidate who loses. he gets so close to becoming the
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most powerful person in the world and just like that you wake up and you're hoping to get a call from "dancing with the stars." >> of course florida is still being counted. folks i'm still hanging in there. >> still counting votes even though the election is no longer in doubt and the people who cast them are no longer living. >> since i really wanted to be president. i was going to create 12 million jobs. >> look, look. buck up. you created one job, since it was for me. >> very funny. you got me. i can laugh at myself. ha. >> this is a bad sign this morning the stock market plunged over 300 points. you know why? romney pulled his money out. thank you. i'm out of here. good-bye. i'm taking my money. >> all i can say there's been so many instances this week where it's a "saturday night live" skit waiting to happen. i already set my tivo. what will they do now? what will they joke about now?
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>> comedy has been damages from superstorm sandy could total $50 billion with a b. what can new york do to fight off the next giant storm? renowned scientist michio kaku has some answers when cbs "this morning" continues. a big lunch doesn't mean a big price. start with a savory soup or a fresh salad.
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you know here in the tri-state area we're still dealing with the aftermath of hurricane sandy. things got so bad that people in brooklyn were forced to live like they were in the 19th-century instead of just dressing like it. just when we thought that the worst was over we got hit again. >> a new nor'easter is slamming
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new york and new jersey. >> a brutal nor'easter. >> nor'easter. >> yes a nor'easter, a storm so powerful it can wipe out a region's supply of ts and hs. >> superstorm sandy showed us how vulnerable new york can be to storm surge with sea levels rising. there are fears it could happen again. >> professor michio kaku from the city of university of new york says the city can defend himself. he's the author of the "new york times" best seller "physics of the future." you told us the other day that this can happen again. so is there a way that new york can storm proof itself? >> well the bad news is that new york city is a sitting duck for another hurricane from hell. the good news is that there is a solution. these are called storm surge barriers. realize that tokyo, st. petersburg russia have storm
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surge barriers but they are pricey. >> where could they be built? >> realize that new york city is like a funnel. if you have a gigantic storm coming in from the atlantic it's power is concentrated as it goes past sandy point where it can savage staten island, inundate wall street and a second surge can come in from the east river. so we need a barrier that gives us a comprehensive protection against this kind of storm surge. >> how much it would cost? >> well we're talking about the fact that each of these barriers could cost a billion. the whole thing would cost 10 billion even $15 billion. >> show us how it wosrks. >> there's three choke points where you could stop a storm surge. here around arctic hill.
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next near the verrazano-narrows bridge and the next one is here. if you want the cadillac you want to put one between sandy hook and the rockaways. that would cost on the order of $6 billion. >> sthalt money well spent >> think of it as an insurance policy because the whole package could go over $10 billion. but hey that's church change compared to the 80 billion that katrina cost and the 50 billion that sandy may cost. >> is there a down side >> there as a down side. you're on the other side of the barrier sorry about that. reflective waves, waves that reflect actually have the same amount of energy and could savage the neighboring areas. not to mention the fact that the shoal fronts are not protected. long island, the jersey shore, put sand replenishment there because the storm barrier cannot extend 100 miles. that's not possible. >> if they dime you and asked
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for your recommendation you would say yes? >> i would say immediately we have to set up a study group to seriously look. >> study group make peoples eyes glaze over. >> this is for real. we're talking about people's lives, businesses, the economy of the area. look, new york city is dragging its tail. other cities have bit the bullet. other cities already have storm surge barriers. look at london. st. petersburg. >> what about american cities? >> even in america, new orleans, providence, rhode island, stamford, connecticut. stamford, connecticut was shielded from the brunt of the storm because it invested in a storm surge barrier. >> why can't the entire coast be protected. >> simply too long. sand repolicemenishment is what florida is doing because of course the economy of florida is tied to sand. and the lifestyle. they are willing to spend on order of $100 million per year. >> sunday is veterans day, a
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veteran of the iraq war will share a note his younger self. coming up next on cbs "this morning". >> this portion of cbs "this morning" is sponsored by macy's. [ elizabeth ] i like to drink orange juice but the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down, and you can't grow your enamel back. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel, because it helps to strengthen the enamel. and i believe it's doing a good job.
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2.5 million americans served in iraq and afghanistan wars. we asked alex horton to write a note to self. >> to my 21-year-old self on the eve of war. i know you have a lot on your mind right now. let me tell you a few thing before you take that burden to iraq. you're sitting in kuwait drinking a warm o'doul for your
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21st birthday. you have to keep calm with that first bullet cracking over your head. you're worried about making a mistake and get somebody killed. you'll be fine. your training will kick in. you'll watch your platoon's back and for the rest of your life they will have yours. some of your brothers will die out there. it's part of combat and life itself. i don't want to tell you who is going to be killed. i want you to cherish every moment you have together. ♪ with a soldier's eyes let their presence linger. remember what their laugh sounds like. remember what their dreams were. some day you will have to live life for them. you're going to be in iraq for
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15 long months. it will take the rest of your life to come home. remember mom talking about grandpa everything issues 40 years after the korean war. he had it much worse than you. you'll see many of the same things he did. that's the strange thing about war. it never changes. it will never leave the air. ♪ nothing i can say can prepare you for life back in the states. running water and supermarkets will feel likes luxuries when you come home. the warm touch of a woman will feel so good it's almost embarrassing. your senses will betray you. bars will suffocate you. loud noises in the night will launch you out of bed. it is up to you whether it's a points of strength or a point of
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weakness. despite some challenges the army and war will give you more than you think. you know when i said the guys in the platoon will always be there for you? they are your best friends now. what's about to happen up north will forge something greater than friendship even greater than love. you'll be linked to them forever. keep them in mind when they call. you need to lean on them when no one else understands. this might be the most important lesson of all. remember to enjoy the gift of life your fallen comrades have given you. slow down once in a while. see what the world looks like without a rifle in your hands. ♪ you don't know it yet but some
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day you you' day you'll be looking for peace and you'll find it. >> alex horton. so beautifully said. when they give statistics about war and the troops and those are human beings behind those numbers and alex horton brought that to life. >> a reminder the most authentic voices can come from people who are not famous. >> his line in that peace, war never changes gave me goose bumps. alex horton, that was very special. two years ago a teenage girl disappeared in washington state after her body was found a classmate was accused of killing her. we'll see what "48 hours" learned about this controversial case on cbs "this morning." your local news is coming up right after the break.
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welcome back to cbs "this morning." police in central washington thought they had their man in the murder of a high school senior. then a new witness stepped forward with information that threatened to blow this case wide-open. tomorrow night on "48 hours" peter van zandt reports. >> mackenzie cowell of wenatchee, washington was bright, beautiful and full of life. the senior had a keen interest in fashion and the performing arts. and she took courses at a local beauty school.
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>> mackenzie was a very energetic and motivated person. she had a schedule that was so full that i don't know how she even did it. >> reporter: on a clear and child february day in 2009 mackenzie simply disappeared. >> mackenzie cowell is a student here. it's 3:00. she leaves out this for right here. and she walks over to her car. she gets in. she drives out. she's never seen alive again. >> reporter: four days after she disappeared her body was found along the bank of the columbia river. suspect after suspect was checked out until christopher scott wilson was arrested. wilson's family hired world famous seattle defense attorney john henry brown. he once represented ted bundy and now defending robert bales. in the mid-'90s he came to
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wenatchee when score of adults were charged with skills sexual abuse. he succeeded in having some of those cases dropped or overturned. >> it was completely false. made up. what's become known as the wenatchee witch-hunt. >> there's more they tricks with john. >> reporter: gary reason was the prosecutor then going up against john henry browne in the child sex abuse. >> mr. browne likes cases that are high visibility. >> reporter: the two attorneys were ready to present their cases to the judge and jury. gary reason had strong dna evidence. but john henry browne had a strong card to play, a witness who claims she saw mackenzie strangled on videotape by someone else. >> have to watch somebody be tortured like they did to her. and kill her and laughed about it.
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>> reporter: the outcome was a courtroom drama that no one expected. >> so what's going on? >> this is what i love about "48 hours" case when it ends with, it ends with a drama that no one expect preponderance of the evidence "48 hours" has been working in this case for over two years. >> more than two years. and it's an extraordinary story. this twist that you saw at the end of this piece brings some high drama into this case. >> what happens when a world renowned attorney like john henry browne who is larger-than-life comes to a town like wenatchee, washington? >> he literally is larger-than-life. he's 6'6". he has a shock of hair. he looks like a rock star. with the investigators they weren't inat the my dated but the prosecutors who browne had defeated before was quite nervous going up against him. that's part of the drama that occurs at the end of this case which shocks the investigators, shocks the family involved in all of this.
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and it's what john henry browne does to a court case. >> i love the line in the piece where he says he likes to take high-profile cases. >> he's in afghanistan as we speak now doing that article 32 hearing. >> so what led them in the beginning to chris wilson >> they got a call from a man who was in jail, a man who had been convicted of exposing himself who said you should take a look at this guy. i think he's a bad dude. and he's interested in serial killers, he's got a bizarre tattoo. take a look at him. at this point -- >> this is from a guy exposing himself. >> right. not exactly a credible witness but cops at this point had been working months and months on this case. and so they said why not let's check this guy out. >> so it began. there's a twist at the end. i love it. thank you. good to see you. you can see peter's full report," secrets of the river"
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superstorm sandy forced thousands of new york city restaurants to shut their doors. sales fell up to 50% last week. >> danny meyer is here. he runs 16 restaurants in the new york area. >> how does it affect the restaurant business? >> it was pretty devastating. i have to say for a good week or so probably half of new york's restaurants couldn't open at
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all. what that means is an notorious amount of staff members who rely day-to-day on their income had to stay at home and/or fight like crazy to get to work. >> what was the difference in those that stayed open and those that didn't stay open. was it simply power? >> power. the answer is power, power, power, 100% of the time. >> how did you adjust? >> well what we did in our case is that those restaurants that could get open immediately did everything yeoman like that they could. we were able to open eight places mostly shake shacks, also the modern. almost immediately the next day. and we shifted. we took staff members who couldn't work and asked if they could walk across bridges whatever they could do get uptown. >> we had a professor on earlier in the hour who had great demonstrations how this will happen again. when you hear that what do you think as a restaurant business that's town town in those areas? >> well the downtown restaurants
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of ours in battery park city believe it or not were unscathed. i couldn't believe it with all you saw in the news. we were able to get north end grill, shake shack and smock grill in battery city open almost within 36 hours. >> wasn't battery park evacuated. >> they were evacuated but they were on the brooklyn grid so they didn't lose power. power was the issue. as soon as you lost power which we did in eight of our restaurants you couldn't keep food. so we threw out ten tons of food. >> no way to deliver that to homeless or anybody? >> the problem is you can't get food to the area. as long as the food temperature has gone down below a safe point you can't give it to anybody. it was a crime. >> what's this lesson for you. >> the biggest lesson for us was one of communication and we're going to have to come up with all kinds of back ways to communicate. our internet was down because our office was without power for
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a week. our telephone system was down. we're going to have to find some type of a cloud system as a back up. i was running our restaurant basically out of the bathroom of a gym that has power from a cell phone because it was the only place that i could actually get cell service. that's laughable. >> do you think many restaurants will be put out of business because of this storm >> i'm afraid some may. but i also want to say we learned 9/11 that the new york restaurant community is as resilient as a community as you can imagine. they are also a people that have huge hearts. if you imagine the self-selected folks that take care of people day after day in restaurants unbelievable. >> what's hard about that, the notion of this, there were restaurants that might have had a chance and were on the margin and the storm kicked them over so they didn't have the possibility to fight for another day. >> i'm concerned about that. because even if you're well
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insured which we think we are the amount of fine print that you see in terms of business interruption insurance is absolutely remarkable. so i'm concerned about that and of course every restaurant has a ripple effect to lots and lots of people. the people that work there, the farmers who grow the food, the delivery people. the linen people. the garbage people. the florists. >> it affects so many people. if you were in a restaurant that was hard hit would you rebuild knowing it could possibly happen again. i'm fascinated by people who say yep i'm coming back. your one of those? >> i think so. i think we would. i think we as i said were very lucky. only one of our businesses took flooding, 10 million gallons of water in our union square events catering kitchen and we're -- we did what it took. we got generators outside and pump water outside.
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there were fish in the base meth. >> i'm pick during you in the bathroom running things. i got it. thank you danny meyer. >> tomorrow on cbs "this morning" rock star peter frampton will be here to talk about his life and career and perform 2005 his classics from his legendary album "frampton comes alive" including "show me the way." still to come we know what president lincoln looked like but i bet you didn't know what he sounded like until recently. we'll show you how daniel day-lewis found his voice. that's coming up next on cbs "this morning."
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abraham lincoln as a italian with a booming voice. in the new movie "lincoln" the audience will see that familiar image but they will hear something else as seth doane reports. >> the blood it takes to hold this union together. >> reporter: to brother a word from lincoln himself scores of actorses have portrayed our 16th president on film and television over the years although they all strive to look the part using ample photographic evidence, none of them ever knew if they were able to capture the true voice of one of america's greatest orators. >> he died long before audio recording was possible so we have no hints about what he really sound like except in the reminiscence of his contemporaries. >> reporter: harold holzer has studied that written record. in his view the actors have mostly gotten it wrong. >> it is for us the living rather to be dedicated here.
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>> too deep, gregory peck. >> trouble is when men start taking the law into their own hands -- >> henry fonda sounds like henry fonda. it's nebraska it's not indiana or kentucky. >> god knows i never wanted this conflict. >> none of these actors maybe with the exception of holbrooke ever really worked on the accent. >> reporter: until now. >> things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other. >> reporter: in steven spielberg new film "lincoln," daniel day-lewis takes on lincoln's character. >> the most frequent things we read are that he had a nasal voice, a high voice but that somehow floated over large crowds. >> fear stepped out on the world stage now.
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>> reporter: the oscar-winning actor settled on a high pitch almost scratchy tone very different from the deep booming quality that audiences expected from pop culture. >> four score and seven minutes ago. >> reporter: no one expected daniel lewis to channel bill and ted but some audiences are surprised by his voice. at a "time" magazine panel discussion last month he tried to explain where it came from. >> you look for the clues as within any aspect of the work you search for the clues and there were plenty of them. for me if i'm very lucky, i begin to hear a voice. not in the supernatural sense but my inner ear and then the work begins to reproduce that sound. >> i think it's extraordinary. i think it's uncanny and it's chilling and i wish we could have somebody come back from the 1860s and say that's the guy.
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>> i have said to myself -- >> day-lewis is famous for disappearing in his role from a wongly imprisoned irish man to a gang leader to a california oil baron. he said finding the voice is always a vital part of his process. >> i'm better digging holes in the ground than making speeches. >> i began to hear a voice that as i grew closer to the man, seemed to give me the full expression of his character. >> reporter: with lincoln that expression is winning over movie goers. far more demanding than film critics. >> we wish we could hear him and this is about as close as we'll ever come. >> reporter: for cbs "this morning," seth doane, new york. >> wonderful piece. and secondly i can never get enough lincoln dmip. now everybody wants to read the book and see the movie. daniel day-lewis, it makes the hairs on the back of your neck
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stand up whips see he's from another country. extraordinary. extraordinary movie. the movie is based in part based on the book "team of rivals." it's published busy monday and shuster which is a division of cbs and our featured book for cbs "this morning" read. the author is doris kearns goodwin. she will join us on the web this monday. she will discuss the book, her consulting for the film, she will talk to you. and call in to talk to her. you can find out more on cbs "this morning".com to find out how you can join the wfrgs with the great doris kearns goodwin on monday. >> i talked to her about this. she was on this set. she went while they were filming and they were anxious to talk to her about lincoln but she went to see their lincoln. it's extraordinary movie. this is a weekend of very good movies coming out. >> yes. "lincoln" is opening up. >> "skyfall" is opening up. >> that does it for us as we
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leave you. let's take a look back at the week that was. have a great weekend. watch some of the things that were part of this week as we show you this video. >> this election is over. the nation chose another leader. so ann and i join with you to earnestly pray for them and this great nation. >> president obama win as second term. >> sweeping almost every battleground state. >> mitt romney waited until after midnight to concede the race. >> romney picked up the phone and called the president. >> the president did very well because he had a good ground game and did well with hispanic voters. >> his percentage was down from four years ago but plenty to win. . >> what does that stay? >> the population gop can't do this badly. >> this party can't win unless you do better among hispanics. >> we got to have candidates that connect with that community
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in a real and genuine way. >> women too. that's not a little group. >> president obama won handedly four years ago and won again strongly last night. >> historic day for women in the united states senate. >> can republicans contain control of the house of representatives? who would have to deal with the most immediate problem the fiscal cliff. >> possible package of tax increases and spending cuts set to go into effect at the end of this year. >> i'm willing to negotiate any time. >> i have no confidence whatsoever in this congress. >> we're ready to be led. >> it's the president's job. designee won't change who he is but he can change how he goes about his business. >> they are calling this the suckerpunch storm. >> is there any good weather news? >> you know for one i would like to talk to you charlie and not having something swirling behind me. it's almost out of new york and almost out of new england. >> oop for business this weekend. >> i like a discounted rate.
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>> one for you. >> thank you. >> her name is -- >> that was emblematic what all of us at cbs is trying to do now chase you. >> j.b. >> grabbed the jewelry and watches. >> something bad is about to happen here. >> basically put a wedding together in a day. >> we love that story. charlie is such a romantic. >> we're not as divided as our politics suggest. >> the election is open. >> we can fight. >> that's the one thing we should take heart from people lining up until 1:30 in the morning. >> we were made more than a collection of red states and blue states. >> we got to get together. >> they want unity. >> he's displaying what the real game of life is all about and his players are learning from that too. >> take the rest of your life to come home. some day you'll be looking for
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peace and you'll find it. >> we'll continue to move forward and remind the world why it is that we live in the greatest nation on e sunday morning on "biocentury this week", the elections are over, but politics isn't. congress and the president return as the fiscal cliff clock is ticking. watch "biocentury this week" sunday at
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