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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  November 15, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EST

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. good morning. it is thursday, november 15, 2012. welcome to cbs "this morning." angry words from the president and two republican critics over his top choice to become secretary of state. >> the fbi agent who helped jill kelley is unmasked as we learn more about his investigation that revealed david petraeus' affair. >> is it to eliminate all traffic accidents? we'll show you the brand new technology that the government wants in every car in the country. >> but we begin this morning with a look at today's eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. when they go after the u.n.
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ambassador apparently because they think she's an easy target, then they got a problem. >> president obama fires back at republican critics. >> the controversy over susan rice calling the deadly attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi spontaneous has reached a boiling point. after republicans threaten to block her possible nomination for secretary of state. >> the president thinks we are picking on people, he really does not have any idea of how serious this issue is. >> if senator mccain and senator graham and others want to go after somebody they should go after me. >> david petraeus will be on capitol hill tomorrow to testify about the september 11th attacks on the u.s. consulate in benghazi, libya. >> we now know the identity of the fbi agent who triggered the investigation into the petraeus affair. >> three people have been killed ter rockets were fired into southern israel from gaza. the first israeli deaths after the country killed a hamas military commander yesterday. >> a popular energy drink, five
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hour energy is making headlines because of a potential link to more than a dozen deaths. >> carrying three babies. >> easy feat especially when they are the heaviest trip lets on record. >> a drunken businessman on the escalators what do you have? a youtube moment. >> simply fantastic. >> all that and that matters. >> nancy pelosi asked whether she should consider stepping aside simply to make room for younger members. >> let's for a moment honor thanks a legitimate question. >> an onlynn petition to allow texas withdraw from the united states has more than 100,000 signatures. >> the signatures are from every state but texas. welcome to cbs "this
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morning." i'm charlie rose in washington. norah o'donnell is in new york. there is a lot to talk about after president obama's first white house news conference in eight months. it covered everything from the budget crisis to libya, to the david petraeus scandal. >> the president himself said that so much has happened lately people forget the election of just a week ago. nancy cordes covered the news conference. she's at the white house. nancy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the president came to the east room of the white house hoping to push his message on the fiscal cliff and he did but he also got pressed with a number of questions about his handling of foreign policy and national security and one question in particular got a rise out of him about his u.n. ambassador, susan rice. in his first full press conference since march president obama was asked about the criticism of u.n. ambassador susan rice. his likely choice to replace hillary clinton as secretary of state. >> besmerch her reputation is
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outrageous. >> reporter: rice has come under fire for stating that the september attack on an american consulate in libya appeared to be the result of a spontaneous demonstration. >> as i've said before, she made an appearance at the request of the white house in which she gave her best understanding of the intelligence that had been provide to her. if senator mccain and senator graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me. >> reporter: and that's just what senator john mccain did a short time later. he has been one of rice fiercest critics. >> first and foremost the president and commander-in-chief is most responsible and i hope the president has no illusions
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about our view of his responsibility. >> reporter: the president was asked about the calf. >> what i'm not going to do is to extend bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% that we can't afford and according to economists will have the least positive impact on our economy. a modest tax increase on the wealthy is not going to break their backs. they will still be wealthy. >> one of the most frequent criticisms we've heard over the past few years from members on both sides is you haven't done enough to reach out and build relationships. are there concrete ways that you plan to approach your relationships with congress in a second term? >> look, i think there's no doubt i can always do better. i think all of us have responsibilities to see if there's things we can improve on and i don't exempt myself from needing to do some self-reflection and see if i can improve our working relationship. >> reporter: the president also said in that press conference
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that he's eager to pursue immigration reform and climate change policy, but charlie and norah he didn't give a timetable for when we would see any initiatives out of the white house on those issues. >> nancy cordes, thank you. cbs news political reporter john dickerson is in washington with me. good morning. good to be in washington. >> up reversed roles here. you're here and norah is in new york. >> your impressions of this press conference. >> the president struck me when he said he's mindful of second term presidents that overreached. part of it was restrained but it wasn't when he took a whack at senators mccain and graham. he said he was being self-reflective about dealing with congress on one hand he's being self-reflective on the other hand he was so strong with mccain and graham, the way they feel in the white house is essentially mccain and graham are take a political shot at the president by picking on susan rice if they want to pick on
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anyone they should pick on him or the intelligence chiefs who gave her the intelligence that she was repeating. >> there's also some political considerations coming from the republican side, mitt romney yesterday had an analysis of the president's victory. >> this is something i was picking up in the interviews with romney folks right after the election and basically their argument is the president did well with minorities, african-americans, hispanic voters and young voters because he systematically basically bought them off. with young voters he offered, talked a lot about college loans and with hispanic voters having younger hispanic voters, the children of illegal immigrants give them citizenship and then with african-american voters one strategist said it was this lowering of welfare requirements. that argument was essentially the one mitt romney made with donors yesterday in a phone call and arguing basically this is how the president did it. >> and that's also paul ryan talking about turban vote. norah?
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>> that's right. and john, it was almost as if romney told supporters that obama won because he gave a chicken in every potato everybody. >> exactly. he's now back to -- this was essentially the sentiment at the heart of that secretly recorded video that came out during the campaign where he talked about the 47%, the people dependent on the government they would vote for the president because he would hand things out. romney spent several weeks trying to walk back from that statement. now he seems to be embracing it again, the idea these voters are so easily manipulated the president merely needed to dangle a thing or two in front of them and they would rush him to at the polls. the reason you would embrace this argument if you're in the romney camp is the alternative argument is that they totally misread the electorate is a more painful one to embrace. >> one question that comes out of this is this notion that nancy cordes raised, is the president clearly desirous of reaching out with good intentions to republicans, because the susan rice deal
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suggests that he's ready to fight. >> on that one he is because he's irritated. sort of at a personal level as it was explained to me. on the taxes, though, he was both kind of firm but trying to be ambiguous. clearly the president thinks you have to raise revenue somehow. you can do it one of three ways. raise taxes on those making more than $250,000. reduce loopholes or some combination thereof. he basically thinks there's no way to do it without some kind of tax increase but he's trying not to look like a bully about it. >> john dickerson, thank you very much. there are new details this morning in the camethat forced cia director david petraeus to resign. the military is taking action against the woman involved in the case and we also know the name of the fbi agent who triggered the investigation, bob orr is here in washington. bob, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie and norah. cbs news now has learned that several months ago tampa socialite jill kelley sent a
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series of emails to david petraeus complaining about the upsetting messages that kelley had received from broadwell, petraeus' mistress. kelley took those messages to a friend who was an fbi agent a key first step in exposing the whole scandal. law enforcement sources now identify that agent as 47-year-old frederick humphries. they describe humphries as a solid veteran counterterrorism agent. humphries took kel chip's complaint about harassing emails to the tampa cyber squaund a move that triggered the investigation that one covered the affair of broadwell and petraeus and led to the investigation of general john allen. at the white house the president for the first time addressed the scandal and praised petraeus. >> general petraeus had an extraordinary career. he served this country with great distinction. in iraq, in afghanistan and as head of the cia. >> reporter: the president was asked whether he was concerned
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that the fbi investigation which started in late spring was only related to him last week. >> am withholding judgment with respect to how the entire process surrounding general petraeus came up. you know, we don't have all of the information yet. >> reporter: the president also said the investigation found that no national security information had been compromised. and just this morning while on a trip in thailand defense secretary leon panetta said he doesn't see the scandal widening. >> i'm not aware of any others that could be involved in this issue at the present time. >> reporter: on capitol hill wednesday fbi director robert mueller briefed congressional intelligence leaders saying the fbi did find that broadwell who had been researching a book on petraeus may have mishandled classified information. also on wednesday the army suspended broadwell security
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clearances and the air force base rejected kelley's access to the base. officials have said emails between kelley and allen contain nothing of a sexual nature but could be embarrassing. allen has denied any wrongdoing and has not spoken publicly but his attorney did release a statement on his behalf saying he was fully cooperating with the investigations and to the kent there's certain questions on communication with general allen he plans to resolve those questions as quickly as possible. in an interview with charlie rose in washington on wednesday night the head of u.s. special operations, maintained high praise for his colleagues. >> my time serving with david petraeus and john allen are the two finest officers i've ever worked with. i'll leave it at that. >> reporter: david petraeus is
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set to testify before congress tomorrow morning. we're told the hearing will be closed. charlie, norah. >> bob orr thank you. john miller is with us. a former fbi assistant director. lots of interesting stuff to talk about first. this fbi agent number one the whistleblower what are we learning about him? >> fred humphries is an interesting figure in the fbi. he is a member of the s.w.a.t. team. he cut his teeth on the millennium bombing plot when he was a two year agent because he spoke french. but he's also got a medal, the director's award for a shootout at the air force base front gate. on that level he's known as a hard charger. what comes with that, though, according to people i spoke with, a lot of people said there's a bit of an edge to him when he was at guantanamo bay as one of the interrogators he left with a lot of bad blood, lodged
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complaints by fellow agents for the fbi to investigate. he brought in a case that he wasn't assigned to went outside of the congress as reporting that which is just forbidden. is he going to be in some kind of trouble and we don't know yet. >> another big question front page of the "wall street journal" today is about some tension between the cia director david petraeus and the head of dni that petraeus just as this stuff was about to break wanted to push back and put out his own timeline in benghazi, a different timeline than had been put out by the white house. what does this suggest? >> this is a david petraeus who comes into the cia as a military guy that everybody is looking at, he's not one of us who says i can rise to the challenge, i can defend my own agency here, i can show the troops i'll fight for him. he gets in a sandwich between
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the administration account that's a political football and going out for his agency with both barrels and in the middle of this a sex scandal interrupts that. what's interesting he wants to do it anyway. >> he may tomorrow behind closed doors with congress. final question is about was there a significant amount of classified material on paula broadwell's computers. we saw that raid this week. are we learning more she may have had more material than we thought? >> yes. i think -- maybe more than we thought. the way they got to those materials in that raid she signed a consent form to search her house. she told them what they would find and where to find them. she has a security clearance. >> that's not been revoked. >> but which has been suspended, first step toward revoking it. these are documents most likely in her job she went and downloaded or removed for her dissertation for her petraeus biography. >> in thailand this morning leon
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panetta said he has tremendous confidence in general allen. he remains on the job as the top u.s. commander in afghanistan a and clarissa ward is in kabul. >> reporter: the military here in afghanistan is keeping very tight lipped about this. we put in a request to visit one of the bases here and speak with some of the troops and we were told that that would not be possible and that the soldiers here have no public comment on such matters, that they remain focused on third mission. now we were able to speak to some officers who asked to remain anonymous and their reaction to this scandal were mixed. some said this does not affect the mission here in afghanistan, that it has no bearings whatsoever on their day-to-day operations. but one major wrote this to me. quote, we're taught to live the army values and assure our soldiers down the lowest private live as well.
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when one of the most senior ranking and well-known generals of our generation can't do it it makes it tough to make a private do it and then discipline them when they don't. for cbs "this morning," clarissa ward, kabul. >> a week of border violence along the gaza strip is escalating this morning. three israelis were killed when hamas fired dozens of rockets into israel. on israel wednesday assassinated hamas's top commander. alan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. leaders from both the west and arab world are trying to douse the flames of the latest conflict between the israelis and hamas but so far neither sign is willing to call a truce. rockets sent israeli civilians seeking cover. the rockets are poorly aimed but deadly nonetheless. a family of three died when one struck their home. they had gone on to the roof to
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watch an aerial display. about the same time as the family died more than 1,000 gaza residents took to the streets. the march the office bury ahmad jabari, killed in an air strike. the funeral was as much a gesture of defiance as it was mourning. his killing was retaliation for a series of rogt attacks launched by gaza by palestinian militants. the mini war was announced on twitter. at 6:22 local time last night the israeli defense force tweeted we recommend that no hamas operative show their face above ground. hamas responded with their own tweet. our blessed hands will reach your leaders and soldiers wherever they are. you opened hell's gates on yourselves. minutes later the israeli military tweeted a picture of the hamas leader, ahmad jabari
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eliminated. overnight a number of rockets were intercepted. those living within 25 miles of gaza were ordered to stay home. there are dire warnings this morning that the spiral of violence could get out of control leading to wider instability in an already seething region. hamas claims it has rockets capable of reaching tel aviv and the israelis believe them. israel had no interest in a war but would deal with what he called a painful blow to hamas. >> allen
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this national weather report sponsored by big lots. big savings. voters just elected dozens of people to congress for the first time. this morning they are on capitol hill ready to serve and with a
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lot to learn. >> we all have ideas, our districts have sent us and where are the bathrooms? >> we'll hear from more new members from the most diverse group of sent to congress. and the ntsb said all new cars and trucks should have collision avoiding technology. carmakers say that would add thousands of dollars to the price tag. we'll show you how the new system works and how many lives they could save on cbs "this morning." >> this portion of cbs "this morning" is sponsored by party city. nobody has more party for less. [ mother ] you can't leave the table
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citi price rewind. two four star generals involved here. several women involved. one set of twins. and a guy, a shirtless guy from the fbi. [ laughter ] and i'm -- i mean don't you miss the simplicity of the clinton years? >> got to love dave letterman. welcome back to cbs "this morning." i'm norah o'donnell in new york and charlie rose, hey you're in my chair in washington. >> i'm sitting right here. i feel the greatness of the chair. >> miss you. >> i miss you and i'll be back tomorrow. there's a sense of newness here in washington because it's or yerntsation week for the newest members of congress. chip reid is outside of the
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capitol. good morning. >> reporter: in just a few minutes the 80 or so wide eyed new members of the house of representatives will be gathering on the steps behind me for their efficiefreshman class. the halls of the u.s. capitol feel a bit like high school, returning congressmen struck with the confidence of seniors. >> good morning. >> reporter: while newly elected members seem like eager freshmen. >> on the appointment scale of one to ten where your? >> ten. it's exciting. >> reporter: there's 80 new members in the house including indiana's susan brooks. >> a lot of rules. a lot of discussion about, you know, the dose and don'ts. >> reporter: a lot of people have impression members of congress are ferried around in limos when they arrive and walk across a red carpet. what was your inthrow ducktion
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to washington like? >> my train was an hour and half late. i walked out of union station seeing a line waiting for taxies. she decided to walk more than a mile to her hotel dragging her luggage. >> a kind gentleman stopped me and said young lady your lost? i said yes, please help. >> reporter: she will be the first hindu in a congress setting records for diversity. nearly 100 women and 33 hispanics. for all the new members it's an entirely new world. >> we've all been campaigning. we all have ideas. our districts have sent us and where are the bathrooms? >> reporter: illinois congresswoman tammy duckworth has some unique challenges, a combat pilot in iraq she lost both legs when a rocket propelled grenade hit her helicopter. >> i'm learning which building is which building and where is the wheelchair entrance. all the buildings have wheelchair entrance but it's not in the same place. >> reporter: even joe kennedy
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3rd of massachusetts whose father and grandfather were congressmen and whose great uncle was president seems a bit overwhelmed. >> it's privilege and you realize the hard part is still what lies ahead. >> reporter: he couldn't be more right. now they are trying to fine bathrooms. soon they will be saving the nation from fiscal calamity. joe kennedy will be in the minority in the ucus. charlie and norah. >> chip reid thank you. time to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. the "new york times" reports on new research showing alzheimer disease may be connected to a mutated gene. it may interfere with the body's immune system allowing plaque to bummed in the brain. a new type of drug could stop the progression of the disease. the "denver post" says james holmes a suspect in the aurora mass shooting rammed his head in
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a jail cell wall. the latest in a series of suicide attempts. a judge postponed today's court hearing until next month. >> "usa today" said americans are drinking a lot of extra calories through alcohol. alcohol adds an average of 100 calorie as day to our diet. for men most of those calories come from beer. for women it's split between beer, liquor and wine. "wall street journal" says stores are bringing black friday to the internet. last year online shoppers accounted for 40% of spending during the black friday weekend. this year's stores like walmart, target and brookstone are offering the same in store promotion to web shoppers. superstorm sandy destroyed a quarter of a million vehicles. some could turn up in car lots all over the country. this morning we'll show you how to make sure you don't buy one of those by mistake. tomorrow nfl commissioner roger goodell tells us how the league is trying to stop concussions.
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. this isn't good. it looks like another east coast storm could arrive by next wednesday. which is the busiest travel day the year, yep. it could prevent millions of people visiting their relatives but there's a down side to it also. >> thanksgiving is coming. superstorm sandy didn't just destroy homes and businesses it ruined up to 250,000 cars and trucks according to the national automobile dealers association and as drivers replace those vehicles car sales and prices are going up. rebecca jarvis is here with some car buying advice after superstorm sandy. rebecca, good morning. what happened to car prices after sandy? >> we've seen a significant jump already. estimates the
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average used car price has now gone up $7 thoun $1,000. that's a very significant jump. when you think about it a quarter of a million cars are now damaged. everyone is running out the replace them and some of the damaged cars happen to be on car lots. so the actual supply of cars that was available for people to buy was also washed away. >> so people whose car has been damaged should you buy a new or used car. >> this is the question. it's actually an interesting answer because most people think if you buy a used car you'll get a better deal than if you buy a new car. but in some cases you can actually get a better deal on a new car regardless of what's happened to the cars in the hurricane. in fact there are a number of them. mdx, acure gentleman, honda, that are generally speaking less expensive new than used. >> what about the concern that some of these cars that were damaged in hurricane sandy could be refurbished and then resold.
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>> you have to watch out for them. this is something we saw after hurricane katrina after multiple walsh damages in this country. you tend to see cars make their way back out into the supply. you have to be vigilante about it. you can check for the car's vin number. there are experiences and i've talked to people who bought cars where inside the car they found two different vin numbers. that's a dead giveaway that you're dealing with a car that more than likely has been in an accident or faced water damage. go to to check these things. you can check for water in the head lights and check for corrosion. that's a dead giveaway there was sea water involved in hurricane sandy and that's a corrosive item. >> if you think i can get a refurbished car for a good deal. >> not a good deal.
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corrosion inside your engine, it will eventually prevent your engine from running. >> because of the saltwater >> sea water is corrosive and wreaks havoc on the engine among multiple other parts. if you can prevent from driving that type of car that's what you want going forward. >> does insurance cover water damage in a car? >> it's interesting because a lot of people have looked at homeowners insurance and they had issues with getting their homeowners insurance to cover water damage. with cars most comprehensive coverage actually will cover water damage as will $150 will get you comprehensive coverage. most people have it. liability insurance, however will not cover it. most people have the comprehensive plan. >> finally just for people out there, who is protecting us, you know, the consumer from buying cars that have been damaged like this that can be a real lemon. >> there are a lot of watchdogs. general motors and ford have come out and said if you buy a
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new car after your car was damaged in the hurricane we'll give you and additional $500 off your new car because we can appreciate what's happened to you and your car. now, they are certainly reputable and they are trying to make sure that the car associations themselves make sure this doesn't happen but you have to be a vigilante consumer as well. new hi-tech tools have the potential to cut traffic deaths
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in half. government regulators want to put them in every new car. we'll show you how they work and why automakers are fighting back when cbs "this morning" continues. [ man ] hello!!!! hello!!!! [ all ] ohh! that is crazy! are you kidding me? let me see! oh! what! that's insane! noooo! mr. woodson? oh hello! hello! [ whistles ] hello! [ all ] hello! [ coach ] caleb, i've got someone i want you to meet. hello. [ male announcer ] at&t. the nation's largest 4g network. covering 3,000 more 4g cities and towns than verizon. rethink possible. gives you a low national plan premium... so you can focus on what really matters. call humana at 1-800-808-4003.
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and makes you less irritable. whatever it takes, get to sears super saturday with friday preview! with 60% off sweaters for the family. this led tvfor just $119.99. and this craftsman impact wrench, for $89.99. this is how to gift. this is sears. a new report found that the average number of text messages,
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cell phone customer end in the united states has dropped from 7 haun month on average to 675 a month. it makes sense when you think about it because 20 years ago everybody sent letters. you sat down and wrote a letter and made it a few pages long. then you sent emails and notes got shorter. but then after a while that started to seem too long so we moved to text and now we're just taking the next logical step now we send nothing. we finally realized we don't have anything to say. >> the national transportation safety board usually focus on airplane accidents but the ntsb said yesterday that new cars and trucks should have the most up to date technology to avoid collisions and as mark strassman reports it could cut traffic deaths by more than half. >> reporter: air bags, seat belts and safer designs have made cars better than ever and protecting occupants from crashes. what about cars that can prevent
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cars from having an accident in the first place. avoidance technology is already on the road. like automatic braking systems. we put volvo's automatic braking system to the test. that system comes standard in this volvo xc760. the national transportation safety board wants the federal government to require automakers to make it standard equipment in all cars. along with other advanced safety technologies like blind spot monitors and lane departure warning systems. all of these kinds of systems put together can significantly reduce the number of accidents we have on our highways, there by reducing the number of injuries and fatalities as a result. >> reporter: and the insurance institute estimates the safety systems could reduce fatal highway accidents by more than half if they were installed in every new car. >> if we can reduce the
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opportunity to have an injury or fatality those lives are saved, all of those expenses of a terrible loss to the family they are eliminated. >> reporter: carmakers say standard equipment would be too expensive. one industry says braking system would cost $3,500 and consumers would have to pick up the tab. for cbs "this morning," mark strassman, atlanta. >> sounds like a good idea to me. >> i was just about to say the same thing. absolutely. i always thought that was a great idea. would probably save a lot of lives and accidents. >> do you have that on your car? >> no, i don't. i do that have that thing when you veer over the car vibrates, that lane change thing. almost there. all right. celebrity chef guy fieri is the target of a restaurant review that's so bad it's gone viral. the "new york times" ask you sk everything from the food to the
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drinks. we'll have that coming up on cbs "this morning." >> this portion of cbs "this morning" is sponsored by macy's.
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mother: this is george. he is a good little monkey and always very curious. one day george got an important letter... he's built a rocket ship to travel into space. girl: google, how far is earth to the moon? google voice response: moon is 238,900 miles... mother vo: the great moment had come... ...3...2...1. ♪ social security are just numbers thinkin a budget.d...
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well, we worked hard for those benefits. we earned them. and if washington tries to cram decisions about the future... of these programs into a last minute budget deal... we'll all pay the price. aarp is fighting to protect seniors with responsible... solutions that strengthen medicare and... social security for generations to come. we can do better than a last minute deal... that would hurt all of us.
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our finance sector is much
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safer now because wall street has removed the weakest link, man. >> the specialists and noise on the floor is being replaced by the speed and quiet efficiency of computers. >> in high frequency trading computers can move millions of shares around in minutes earning a tenth of a penny off each share. and that adds up to serious money when they finally take it down to the wall street coin star. [ laughter ] >> once the computer has a trading strategy or algorth. >> jason aldean learned a hard lesson a few weeks ago. he and his wife talk about that for the first time on cbs "this morning." ♪
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♪ it's 8:00. welcome back to cbs "this morning." temperatures rise in washington as president obama defends u.n. ambassador susan rice against republican critics. and country star jason aldean talks about the highs of being on top of the charts and the lows of being tabloid fodder. first here's a look at what's happening in the world and what we've been covering on cbs "this morning." >> if senator mccain and senator graham and others want to go after somebody they should go after me. >> the president came to the east room of the white house hoping to push his message on the fiscal cliff and he did but he also got pressed with a number of questions about his
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handling of foreign policy and national security. >> mitt romney yesterday had an analysis of the president's victory. >> basically their argument is the president did well with minorities, african-americans, hispanic voters and young voters because he systematically basically bought them off. >> petraeus is set to testify before the house intelligence committee tomorrow morning in washington over the attacks on the u.s. consulate in benghazi. >> the this fbi agent number one the whistleblower what are we learning about him. >> fred humphries is known as a bit of a hard charger. >> new high-tech tools have the potential to cut traffic deaths in half. >> all those expenses of terrible loss to family they are eliminated. >> charlie rose, hey you're in my chair in washington. >> i'm sitting right here. i feel the greatness of the chair. >> the sexiest man alive is channing tatum.
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sometimes abs are on the inside. >> i'm charlie rose in washington. gayle king and norah o'donnell is in new york. president obama is backing susan rice his choice to replace hillary clinton as secretary of state. he traded strong words yesterday with two republicans who have denounced rice's attempt to explain the attack on the american consulate in libya. >> as i've said before, she made an appearance at the request of the white house in which she gave her best understanding of the intelligence that had been provided to her. if senator mccain and senator graham and others want to go after somebody they should go after me. >> we're not picking on anybody. and i doubt if the families of these brave americans who were murdered would believe that we're quote picking on anyone
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when we are trying to find out the facts. the american people deserve to know the facts. we can't ever let this happen again. >> cbs news has obtained briefing notes that rice received on the day she first spoke about the attacks. margaret brennan is here with that story. good morning. >> we do have those speaking points that the cia gave to ambassador rice. they gave them to members of the house intelligence committee for tv appearances and this is what they say. this is a consensus from the intelligence committee. quote, available information suggests that the demonstrations in benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the u.s. embassy in cairo and involved into a direct assault. there are indications extremists participated. there's a hedge there. but the benghazi attack was not referred to as a terrorist event. however, ambassador re is a cabinet member. that means she gets daily intelligence briefings like the president does, the content of
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those are not known. republican senators say that she misled the public and that they will block her confirmation as secretary of state. the white house is saying they can get at least five republicans to join the democratic majority to get her through and confirmed if nom napted as secretary. meantime cbs has learned that the current secretary of state hillary clinton will go to the hill and answer questions from congressional investigators but she's not likely to do that until the state department's own investigation is complete, sources close to that investigation say that likely won't happen until the end of december. >> they have not yet interviewed the secretary of state. >> they have not. two months in, investigators have not cell phone the secretary or her aides. they have debriefed the five diplomatic security agents who survived and low level employees. they viewed video from the ten security cameras at the consulate that recorded the attack, the fbi has those, congress wants them. they are not likely to get them. thanks, charlie. >> norah?
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>> also at his news conference president obama talked about the camethat led david pet president to resign as cia director. he called it just one episode in an extraordinary career. >> he did not meet the standards that he felt were necessary as director of cia with respect to this personal matter that he's now dealing with his family and with his wife. >> meanwhile there's a new focus on jill kelley the socialite housewife who sparked the gage and her ties to florida's mcdill air force base. boj is following that story in tampa. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. jill kelley was known for lavish parties at her home when she hosted tampa's elite including top military leaders. now she's holed up inside, within one week the life she spent more than a decade cultivating is slipping away. jill kelley and her husband scott who was seen last night outside their home for the first
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time since the scandal broke were at the top of tampa's social scene and jill worked hard to get them there. >> my opinion that she does what she thinks is necessary to become, perceived as being important. being at the right -- being around the right people. >> reporter: barry cohen, a tampa attorney once employed kelley's sister. they are now in a legal battle. he used to attend parties at kelley's home where this photo was snapped. >> i understand that there was an effort made to infiltrate mcdale and their brass and that's what they did. >> reporter: jill kelley gained access to mcdale air force base for two years through a program for civilian volunteers. on tuesday that was revoked. she impressed foreign dick any tears in august she was named
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honorary consult for south korea in the u.s. that's now being re-evaluated. the life she started to built started to crumble now when she asked an fbi friend, frederick humphries for help. >> this is cbs news. >> reporter: no one answered his door last night but sources say he's the one who first saw six anonymous emails now believed to be from petraeus' alleged mistress, paula broadwell. the situation quickly escalated. sources tell cbs news jill kelley wanted to drop the inquiry when she learned the fbi would have access to all her emails, some of those reporte y ly flirtatious emails with general john allen which is the source of another investigation. john allen is top u.s. commander in afghanistan. through his statement he said he would cooperate with investigators and has denied any inappropriate relationship with jill kelley. friends of the kelleys who did
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not wish to speak on camera said the kelleys are a loving couple and have a strong marriage. >> thank you, manuel bojorquez. there are big changes in china. the communist party there is taking a great leap forward with new leadership. the country's future president will have his work cut out for him. bill whittaker is in beijing. bill, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. 59-year-old xi jinping is an engineer. he seems confident. he will need all his skills to lead the world's largest economy and most populace country through pearlous times. xi jinping stepped on to the world stage. his job is daungt to keep this economic powerhouse growing and the communist party in power. he inherits an economy that's slowing while citizen discontent is growing over pollution,
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corruption and the gap between rich and poor. whether he deals with these challenges through reform or repression is the big unanswered question. since the time of mao the communist party has cloaked the personal lives of chinese leaders under a veil of mystery. but in these more open times we've been able to learn more about the life of xi jinping. he has a daughter at harvard. and a famous wife. she's a member of the people's liberation army and a popular folk singer. china's new leader has an elite pedigree known here as a communist party princeling. his father fought with mao, became vice premier. but during the chaotic cultural revolution in the '60s and '70s, his father and he himself were labelled reactionaries. xi sent to the country side for re-education. after his rehabilitation he rebounded quickly.
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he ran several bustling economic zones including shanghai. as vice president he visited the united states this year, met with president obama and went to iowa where he once went on a trade mission. still, little is known about his political beliefs. >> whenever there's a new chinese leader people in the west look over from afar and say, have a natural sense of hope. they think he's just like us. the idea that he's going to come in as a liberal reformer just like people thought of his predecessor, i think is nonsense. >> reporter: now, china's leaders say this country wasn't hit by the world financial crisis because the economy here is run by the state and, charlie, norah and gayle the new president is not likely to reform that. >> all right bill whittaker. very nice job with the pronunciation of the chinese names. my son lives there and i know it's very diff
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if you are concerned about your health, a new medical study say smart phones may be smart but multitasking is dumb. it is now 8:11. i'm in trouble. it's 8:11. that story is coming up next on cbs "this morning." >> that's what we do. always. [ woman ] raise the roof! ah? raise the roof! [ male announcer ] it's our biggest toy rollback of the year. find hundreds of rollbacks on the season's hottest toys in stores now,
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. guy fieri, did i say it right? guy fieri is famous because she interviewed him. he's famous for his restaurants and food network star status. a "new york times" restaurant review may be giving him heart burn. we'll show you review that's pretty bad and explain why it could be a recipe for success.
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but right now dr. holly phillips has some new information on how multitasking can be bad for you. >> good morning. today in health watch media multitasking. it turns out smartphones may be too smart for our own good. a study finds multitasking or using your phone with other media could be harmful to your health. researchers studied the media habits of 319 college students. they looked at how often they used computers while watching tv and other media combinations and their findings macon vince you to unplug and unwind. multitaskers were more likely to be depressed. they had greater social anxiety and the results held regardless of personality types. over the past decade, media usage has increased and use is up 20% and multitasking has more than doubled raising concerns about how much we interact with
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each other on a more personal level. other data shows multitasking can slow brain speed and impair long term memory and concentration. next time you're tapping away with head phones on take a step back and reconsider. media in moderation is the newman date. i'm dr. holly phillips. >> "cbs healthwatch" sponsored by alka seltzer plus cold and cough. i took dayquil, but i still have a runny nose. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't work on runny noses. what? [ male announcer ] it doesn't have an antihistamine. really? [ male announcer ] really. alka-seltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a fast acting antihistamine to relieve your runny nose. [ sighs ] thank you! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus. ♪ oh what a relief it is! ♪ [ male announcer ] to learn more about the cold truth and save $1 visit alka-seltzer on facebook. in-wash scent boosters, here with my favorite new intern, jimmy. mmm! fresh! and it's been in the closet for 12 weeks!
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this morning a rest. rant review that came out yesterday is giving the restaurant industry a mouthful to talk about. >> as carter evans reports the target is a high-profile food network star. >> reporter: guy fieri is one of the most recognizable chefs on tv. he hosts diners, drive-ins and dives the most popular show on the food network. he has a rock star persona that leaves some fans speechless.
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>> where your from? >> i don't know. >> reporter: but at his american kitchen and bar in new york city, his newest restaurant the food is leaving critics with a bad taste in their mouths. a really bad taste. the "new york times" gave the restaurant no stars, not one. instead food critic pete wells calls it poor and serves up insults. were you struck by how very far from awesome the awesome pretzel chicken tenders are. did you try that blue drink, the one that gloss like nuclear waste. any idea why it tastes like some combination of radiator flew ud and formaldehyde. russ parsons is food editor of the "new york times." ep said the problem is guy's american kitchen isn't selling all american food. in place of a cheeseburger guy offers a black angus patty with donkey sauce. >> something he invented like donkey sauce.
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that cracked me up. would you eat something with donkey sauce? >> reporter: in this case bad food could cook up good publicity. >> how bad can a negative review be for business. >> in this case it could help. i'll probably pass by and see what it's all about. >> you want to see if that margarita tastes like radiator fluid. >> reporter: one bad review won't kill a restaurant but consistently bad food will. most customers say they won't be back for seconds. the steak was so rubbery i felt we were eating beaver tail. fieri has an answer. can't have eight restaurants and be doing it that wrong. >> so he right? we'll know in short order. for cbs "this morning" carter evans, los angeles.
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>> i'm still stuck at beaver tail. >> and donkey sauce. [ harry umlaut ] here we go.
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[ sally umlaut ] what? the five stages of muller. ah yes... stage one: suspicion. "it's a yogurt, how good can it be?" stage two: revision. "actually, this ain't bad." stage three: surprise! "look at this cool cornery thing! i love this stuff!!" stage four: desolation. "it's gone!" stage five: anticipation "i guess i could always have another"... "have you been through the five stages of muller yet?"
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"yeah, just now." [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy.
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okay. this is just bad basketball. player on this team in belgium grabbed a rebound and decided to shoot at his own basket. not only is he shooting at the wrong basket he can't make the shot. finally a teammate steps in.
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welcome to cbs "this morning." >> bartlett's familiar quotations is out with a new edition, the first in a decade. >> some people are in it for the very first time like steve jobs and barack obama. jeff glor spoke with the man who put it together. >> they have been doing this for 152 years but bartlett's say this is the most substantial revision ever and the material has changed because our world has too. >> ask not -- >> they range from the epic -- >> ask what you can do for your country. >> -- to the outrageous. >> i love the smell of napalm in the morning. >> some are better sung. ♪ >> others can hardly be read. they are the phrases that define our world all found side-by-side in one place, bartlett's familiar quotations.
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if you want a snapshot of who we are and why, this is where to look. >> a always, b, be, c closing. >> the collection of quotes was first published by john bartlett in 1805. it was then 258 pages long. >> obviously his original edition was dominated by the bible, by shakespeare. that is what has expanded tremendously. >> the complete works of elizabeth jordan. >> this is the editor of the 18th edition of bartlett's now a massive 1400 pages plus. he spent six years digesting new material, debating the old and ultimately deciding who would make the cut. >> how do you decide what goes in? >> it is a judgment call. that's what makes it different from just googling something and
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coming up with, you know, 100 different fragments that are unrelated. >> the latest edition contains 20,000 quotes, 2,500 of them new. among them more women, more international voices, and much more media. television shows, events and interviews. >> didn't like it. i didn't inhale and never tried it again. >> music. ♪ >> i'm king of the world. >> and films. >> the lines that people recognize -- >> i'm looking for my wife. >> that become the basis for conversation. this is the process by which quotes become familiar. >> you had me at hello. >> quotes also become familiar through crisis. >> the number of casualties will be more than any, any of us can bear ultimately.
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>> 9/11 has a heavy presence in the latest edition of bartlett's with words from allies as well as enemies. >> stalin is in there, hitler is in there. it's not about words that uplift and word to live by it's also the things that may have had a terrible influence. >> i'll mand as best as i can. >> or unexpected ones like these three words from "south park." >> they killed kenny. >> they killed kenny. >> they killed kenny. >> yes. >> what's the reasoning there? >> well, actually, one of my colleagues insisted on that. >> yes, yes, yes! >> in bartlett's it can be said all that count -- >> i'll have what she's having. >> is all that matters. >> the eagle has landed. >> as long as it's familiar and unforgettable. >> good night and good luck.
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>> we can just sit here and quote them all morning. >> we could. the right quote, your piece number one was beautifully done but the right quote can change your mood and change your mind. >> absolutely. you just dive into bartlett's. we have our favorites here. >> i'll go first. no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. that was eleanor roosevelt. i think that says everything. but one of my favorites that's not in the book, when people show you who they are believe them the first time. think about that for a second. >> first impression. >> one of my favorites, whatever you do or dream you can begin it, boldness has genius and power and magic in it. >> brilliant quote. my uncle tags every one of his emails with that quote. >> charlie rose -- >> no charlie. we'll post his online how about that?
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i love some of david foster wallace quotes in the book. one of those was in the piece. i also love the quote from the last lecture. you get people to help by telling the truth. being earnest i'll take an earnest person over a hip person every day because hip is short term. earnest is long term. >> and alfred einstein. it is i have no special talent, i'm only passionately curious. >> brilliant. >> very nice. >> thank you, jeff. >> sure guys. >> jason aldean is selling out stadiums across the country. this morning he talks about the next stage of his career after weathering a storm over a xag
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you expect from one of his songs -- ♪ >> jason aldean's fans are loyal and his upcoming tour dates are selling out faster than his fans can swipe a credit card. it took seven minutes to fill boston's fenway park. ♪ >> i don't do it for the business side of everything and no offense but to do interviews, that's not what i signed up for this for. i love playing music and that's what it's about. >> for cbs "this morning," manuel bojorquez, dallas. he was here.
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he's a really great guy. for what he's been through, cheater, cheater, pumpkin eaters, you never know. what about her. you never do until you're in that situation. they decided to work it out. i think that's good for them. >> i'm a big fan of his music and wish them the best. >> steven spielberg's new movie "lincoln" brings our 6th president to life. doris kearns goodwin booking brought the president to the big screen.
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things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other. that's a rule. it's true because it works. has done and always will do. >> daniel day-lewis plays the title role in the new movie "lincoln" and he's a knockout. based on the best selling book "team of rivals" by doris kearns goodwin. good morning. >> good morning. i'm glad to be here. >> this is so great to have this book released at the time of the movie. you've done a lot of biographies of presidents and you spent ten years on lincoln. why lincoln? >> i think after i finished
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franklin and eleanor roosevelt and that was such a dramatic moment the world war ii and they are such big people i can't go back to franklin pierce. lincoln is the moby dick. i was terrified when i started. how i could do anything new about him. but it was worth taking that risk to live with his character for ten years. >> i feel in the book and the movie we get to know him. i was surprised to hear about his voice because i assumed he had this big booming gregory peck voice. now for the first time you believe and many others believe daniel day-lewis got it right. >> he wanted to get those little things right. i took him to springfield for a couple of days to see the various lincoln sites and we talked about voice and walk and humor and people who knew lincoln at the time said he had a very high pitched voice and when he spoke to those big crowds the baritone voice would
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get stuck. we knew from his partner he walked like a laborer as if he had the burden on his shoulders. daniel starts walking like that months before the movie. >> he didn't want to go to the grave site i understand. >> so interesting. we planned, i planned a day's trip for him to see the house, the loft, the museum and to go to the grave and he decided i don't want to think of him dead. i under that. i could barely get to the end of the book. i felt i was losing this great man that i lived with for this long. >> part of your dna by that time. charlie rose you know a thing or two about lincoln and doris kearns goodwin. >> doris among all the qualities he had, what is it that you think most defined him? >> i think the thing that most defined him was that he had this humility but confidence.
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never arrogance. on top of that he had a sense of empathy, a sense of melancholy. his hence of humor brought shininess to his eyes. >> we don't think of him that day. we think of that steady face. >> wow he was funny. >> you write about his face. you said his features did not belong to that of a handsome man. he looked sad. i thought that was an interesting way to describe his face because of the hair? >> well no. there was something of the bone structure of his face that made him look sad, that long face. people said he could sit in a chair and feel melancholy dripping from him. but when he started to speak his legs and arms would move. he would laugh. suddenly you saw him alive. that's what daniel does in the movie. he tells stories. >> this is about lincoln and his team of rival, other people and
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he was rival with and brought into his cabinet. is there a lesson for obama now in his second term with that, with lincoln? >> even in his first term president obama tried to bring in -- hilary was the big rival at the beginning. somebody asked him early on right after he won the nomination would you really be willing to put into your cabinet a rival even if his or her style was an occasional pain in the butt. he quoted lincoln. ep said the country is in peril, strongest people i want by my side. he tried to bring in judd greg and biden. the trouble with our country it's so divided the other party feel it's a traitor to join a cabinet and even in fdr's time he brought two top republicans into his cabinet. he brought in businessmen. we got figure that out now. we're under a common problem to get this economy going again. he'll bring in who he can. >> is it true he sought you out
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to talk about lincoln. >> the interesting thing he was still running for the nomination and i had my cell phone and i picked it up and on the other end it said barack obama i just finished team of rivals and we have to talk. he wanted to talk about lincoln's emotional intelligence. he couldn't believe this man was able to forgive things that had happened in the past, he was able to surround himself with people who could argue with him. >> tor rice we have a viewer question for you because we selected your book. what was the most surprising or shock thing about a historical event or person that you discovered in your research. >> i think for me because i always pictured him as a statesman and suddenly i saw that sense of humor. somebody said to him at wouldn't point lincoln you're two faced. he said if i have two faces do you think i would be wearing this face. what shocked me he could be with jon stewart, one on one. i would never have kissed that before i lived with him. >> doris concerns goodwin thank you. that does it for us.
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bye-bye charlie we'll see you tomorrow. up next is your local news. we'll see you tomorrow on cbs "this morning." [ harry umlaut ] that's one creamy muller.
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[ sally umlaut ] it's greek-style yogurt. thick, scrumptious, and more protein than those regular yogurts. are those almonds i see in the corner thingy? caramelized almonds i think you'll find. well, who wants ordinary run-of-the-mill almonds when you could have the caramelized kind? if i was this girl, i'd caramelize my whole apartment. weird. this greek style yogurt has style. you can say that again. why thank you. this greek style yogurt has style. okay. stop saying it now. you're sending me mixed messages. [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy.
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