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tv   9 News Now at 5pm  CBS  December 5, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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>> reporter: one of the victims now described by police simply as an adult male, the other identified as 14-year-old elizer reyes who lives down the block from the crime scene. the 14-year-old reyes was pronounced dead later at a local hospital. the other victim is said to be now in stable condition. >> i guess there was blood on his shirt because they left some of his clothes there. >> reporter: police say it was a gang-related drive-by shooting and that reyes and the two people with whom he was walking down the street were targeted. despite the shooting this morning residents say it's a good neighborhood and that violence is extremely rare. >> it's shocking. it's never any problems in this neighborhood. >> reporter: should you have any information about the person or people responsible for the shooting, you're asked to call crime solvers at 1-866- 411-tips. live in lewisdale, matt jablow, 9 news now. a drive-thru atm blows up
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in fredericksburg, virginia, this morning at the virginia credit union on gordon shelton boulevard. luckily nobody was hurt, but it forced evacuation of nearby apartments. the bomb squad spent hours combing the area this afternoon. investigators are studying bank security video trying to find a suspect. the atm was damaged, but it's still working. the clock just keeps right on ticking, 27 days to go until the country could go off that fiscal cliff and unfortunately for all of us both sides seem to be digging in their heels while insisting they do want a deal. if they can't find some compromise before the end of this year, taxes will go up for everybody and some massive spending cuts will kick in. president obama has rejected the latest profile bit republicans because it does not include a -- proposal by the republicans because it does not include a tax hike on the wealthy americans offering instead to close some tax loopholes, danielle nottingham with the latest from capitol hill. >> reporter: house members left the capitol in the middle
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of the fiscal fight not due back until next week, but house speaker john boehner is staying behind ready to sit down with the president. >> we can't sit here and negotiate with ourselves. >> reporter: president obama is rejecting the republican proposal because it does not raise taxes on households making over $250,000 a year. the gop is offering to close tax loopholes and limit deductions instead. >> revenues we're putting on the table will come from, guess who, the rich. >> reporter: house republicans say if bush era tax cuts aren't extended for everyone, it will hurt the economy and they invited small business owners here to capitol hill to make their point. max olson opened an insurance company this year and is concerned he won't be able to add employees. >> if you add their payroll plus an extra tax amount, then i might not be able to hire them because of it. >> reporter: president obama pressed his case tuesday with ceos of some of the country's largest companies. >> and i'm here to tell you
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that nobody wants to get this done more than me. >> reporter: the president says he wants to raise tax rates on just about everyone in the room to balance the budget. >> we're not insisting on rates just out of spite or out of any kind of partisan bickering, but rather because we need to raise a certain amount of revenue. >> reporter: the president said once republicans put rate hikes on the table, the two sides could find compromise. danielle nottingham, cbs news, washington. >> if you want to track the developments in all the conversations and negotiations, we've made it easy for you to keep track of the fiscal cliff. log onto and click on fiscal cliff. it is a tax originally designed to make sure that the wealthy folks pay at least some tax, but the middle class could feel even more pain if we go off that fiscal cliff because the alternative minimum tax which was passed in 1969 to catch a small number of families that pay no taxes, if we go over the cliff, it could
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impact one in five taxpayers. >> the average amount they say for each family is 3,500 per year. that would be 300 a month, but that's a lot of money. what are you going to give up? >> if the budget deal is not done, the amt tax could apply to individuals making just $34,000 a year and joint filers earning $45,000 in 2013. that's another 28 million households and a lot of deduction goes away as well. turns out you can't say whatever you want on the internet. a judge ordered a fairfax county woman to take down parts of her nasty review of her contractor and she may yet face hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages. bruce leshan is live in fairfax with the details. bruce. >> reporter: yeah, anita, jane perez hired an old high school classmate to help her fix up her townhome here, but when things went wrong, jane perez like a lot of us went online. what she said, she suggested
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that christopher dietz was a con man, maybe a thief. today dietz fighting back and winning. >> to finally be winning on principles and knowing that good people do prevail, it's very, very happy. >> reporter: contractor christopher dietz crowing outside the courthouse after winning a preliminary injunction against a former customer who wrote a series of scathing online reviews. >> what she put up there were pure lies and stated as fact. so that damage can never be undone, but we can certainly stop future damage. >> reporter: jane perez says she never imagined her reviews on yelp and angie's list would land her in court facing thousands of dollars in legal fees and potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages for defamation. she'd hired dietz to install refinish floors and fix some light switches, but when things went south, she wrote that dietz had damaged her home and hinted that he had stolen
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her jewelry. the judge ordered her to take down any allegations of thievery and to stop claiming she'd won another lawsuit against dietz on the merits. her lawyer says there is a warning here for all of us. >> be very careful. it appears at least in virginia you have to watch very carefully what you say and what you opine. >> reporter: but the judge did not order perez to change a bunch of other nasty things in her review. >> that he charged for work that had not been done and that the workmanship was very poor. >> i stand by the work that i did. >> reporter: now experts suspect that the number of these kinds of lawsuits is still pretty small, but online reputation is so important to restaurants, to dentists, to doctors, to contractors that we may well see more of these.
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it's a question internet free speech versus reputation and profit. >> you're right, bruce. when you google somebody, sometimes it's their reputation on one of these sites that calm first, but doesn't everybody take the re-- comes up first, but doesn't everybody take the reviews with a little grain of salt? >> reporter: you never know. they tend to be all over the board and you never know who is writing them. it could be the business owner themself or a competitor, but clearly this reputation business is super important these days. dietz says that he may have lost nearly a million dollars just because of this one review. >> all right, bruce leshan, food for thought. thank you. well, a rough start to the holiday season for thousands of workers at citigroup. they apparently won't be working there much longer. the company announced today it's cutting 11,000 jobs worldwide, about 4% of the staff. the bank's new ceo made the announcement as the company tries to recover from that
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financial crisis. and is it the picture the world just can't stop talking about and yesterday morning's new york post front page showing a man hanging ontie subway ledge moments before being -- onto a subway ledge moments before being hit and killed by the train. now cops say they believe they've arrested the man who pushed the victim down onto the tracks who was caught tuesday by an off duty cop. the man who took the picture took 49 pictures including the one that made the front page. >> it all happened so fast. i don't know what i could have done more ear than jump onto the tracks -- other than jump onto the tracks and try to save him. but i'm not strong enough to lift a body off the tracks. >> the pictures will likely be used by the prosecutors to build their case against davis. springfield mall as we know it will soon be a thing of the past except for the main anchor
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stores. the old mall is being demolished. as peggy fox reports, big plans are being put in place. >> reporter: the demolition of springfield mall has been a long time coming. it far outlived its heyday in the 1970s and '80s when it was so fancy prince charles and princess diana played a visit, but now you're more likely to find gang members than royalty. >> this was a place that went went downhill and it was heartbreaking for the people in springfield, especially me who had great memories. >> reporter: like most of us who grew up here, springfield mall was our mall. i had several birthday parties right here at ferrell's ice cream. i got my first job at the gap. so to see springfield mall falling to disrepair for so many years was sad. the problem was that the owners didn't renovate to keep up with all the other malls in the
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area. after mega developer bornado bought the mall in 2006 the recession hit and he defaulted. now with refinancing underway vornado is moving forward with a $200 million transformation. >> it's really amazing we've been able to move forward given the economy. >> reporter: the anchor stores, target, macy's and j.c. penney's will stay put, but most of the old structure is coming down. a new grand entrance will go up where the old garfinkle's was. >> springfield mall was cutting edge at one point and when this reopens, springfield town center will be cutting edge again and will bring a lot of the quality retail that we've lacked for a number of years and more importantly for me we'll bring back the citizen pride. >> reporter: in springfield, peggy fox, 9 news now. >> the new springfield town center is scheduled for completion at the end of 2014. later phase will include a
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hotel, residential units and even some rec facilities. what began as a deadly hit and run is now a full blown murder investigation. the surviving victim says he and his brother were struck by a car in gaithersburg that just as they were riding in it moments before. delia goncalves has more. >> reporter: in the darkness it was a hit and run, two brothers struck, one dead, but as detectives dig deeper, they discovered their victim was murdered. >> montgomery county's major investigation section with the collision reconstruction unit are investigating this as a homicide. >> reporter: police find the suspect's car blocks away abandoned and heavily damaged. in the light of day more details emerge. the 54-year-old male survivor tells police he and his 34-year- old brother hitched a ride from folks in the black honda civic. they were dropped off and while the men were walking in the 200
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block of west diamond, the same car came barreling down the road hitting them and killing the 34-year-old. >> i haven't seen anything like this walking to work. it was a surprise. i was curious what was going on. it sounds terrible. >> reporter: the investigation shut down several blocks around west diamond avenue for eight hours. the avalon school was closed for the day. >> i saw the body over there, but it's kind of scary. i'll tell you that. >> reporter: as police await the medical exam their, they continue to question the survive -- examiner, they continue to question the survivor and scour the areas for clues that could lead them to the driver of this car, the suspect and their murder. still ahead on 9 news the suspected online predator busted with a young girl. at 5:30 we'll show you how to keep your child safe while surfing the net. >> we lost 10 or 12 degrees today compared to yesterday.
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we're not done yet. we'll tell you how cold it's going to get tonight and tomorrow and look ahead to the weekend, big ravens/redskins game. >> plus royally pranked, a radio dj pulls one over on a nurse tending to the pregnant duchess of cambridge. >> right after the break remembering jazz legend dave brubeck. ha never encnteredch a bning .
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you may not know this man, but you've almost certainly heard that song you just heard. jazz pianist and composer dave brubeck died of heart failure today. he was on his way to a cardiologist appointment. the song you just heard was a snippet of take five from the iconic album time-out. dave brubeck was 91 years old and would have been 92 tomorrow. how the heck does this happen? a radio station host pretends to be queen elizabeth and gets personal info out of kate middleton's nurse? tonight the hospital treating the duchess says we're sorry. here's the story from london. >> reporter: the duchess of cambridge got a hospital visit from her sister pippa and brothers james. they arrived a day after a
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caller pretending to be the queen got through to kate's nurse. >> hello, good morning. >> hello there. could i please speak to kate, please, my granddaughter? >> reporter: the australian dj's pulling the prank fooled their way past the operator and then tricked kate's nurse as well. she revealed that the duchess who is being treated for severe morning sickness had not thrown up during her shift. >> she's been getting some fluids to rehydrate her because she was quite dehydrated when she came in. >> reporter: the nurse said kate was sleeping despite being in a strange bed. a second dj pretending to be prince charles replied well, it's no palace, is it? >> when can you take me to the hospital, charles? >> when will be all right to come down and see her? maybe in the morning or something if that's okay. >> i would suggest any time after 9:00 would be suit act. >> reporter: the hospital director has said he deplores the foolish prank and promised to investigate the breakdown in phone security. the call went on for several minutes complete with the
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queen's fake dog barking in the background. the radio hosts from the australian station apologized for the hoax. they said they thought they'd be disconnected as soon as the nurse heard their terrible accents. >> they were pretty bad, the accents. guys, okay. the hospital provided care to the royal family 70 years and deeply regrets giving out private details about the duchess. >> you know what? that's monty python is what that was. come on now. as we count down the days to christmas, santa is going through thousands of letters trying to fill as many wishes as he, can but santa can't get to every letter. >> that's right. that's why the u.s. postal service runs operation santa where it asks you to help the big guy out. you can adopt a child or family and help make this a merry christmas for them. over the next three weeks we'll be sharing portions from some of those letters from our area
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such as this one. >> dear santa, i'm writing to you because i'm a single mother of three. i lost my job in august after working as a government contractor for the last eight years. we have lost our place and right now my income is very low. so i'm writing to you, is an that, just to ask if you can please bring my kids something for christmas. fyi, we stay with my aunt. if you would like to help families like this, pick up a letter from the main post office on brentwood road in northwest d.c. they'll have all the information you need to help make this a christmas local families can remember. >> something really worth doing. >> yes, it is. i was just in the newsroom and someone walked -- >> yes? hello? >> here we go again. >> is chris there? i was just in the news radio, okay, and someone handed me this. this is a brick widow spider. >> oh -- a black widow spider. >> what? >> oh, yes. >> can we zoom in on him.
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>> it's almost dead. just kidding. there you go. >> oh, boy. >> can you see that? it's moving. topper. >> no. it's not alive. >> here's the deal. i just tweeted this out. you can follow me at topper's weather. it hasn't been cold yet, so if you're moving wood around, got to be careful. this was found under a crawlspace in shady side in maryland. >> that's a little rough. >> hello, has kate ever seen a black widow spider? this is the queen. >> we need the weather forecast now. coming up at 6:00 i'm going to talk about something that's always kind of interested me in the holiday season. i'll ask you to participate through my twitter is all i'm going say at 6:00. let's start with a live look outside, rapidly running out of time, our live weather cam brought to you by michael and son, nice shot of the kennedy center. okay, we lost 10 or 12 degrees, but it's a slow transition back to reality.
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we're still 55, dew point is in the 20s. yesterday the dew points were in the 40s. it will be much colder drier air mass tonight, winds out of the northwest at 12 and pressure now rising. winds are gusting to 18 in gaithersburg, 21 miles per hour in manassas and still gusting to 31 in hagerstown, good news, bad news kind of. winds subside tonight but that well how temperatures to fall lower. 51 in rockville, bethesda, 46 already in gaithersburg, low 50s in vienna and fairfax, 53 college park, 52 bowie and 53 in waldorf. so colder but not for long. you'll need a cold tonight and sunglasses again tomorrow, a little milder friday and warmer over the weekend. that warmth will come at a cost, however. for tonight clear skies, colder, a one to two blanket night, lows 28 to 36, winds northwest at 10 and by morning mostly sunny and cold, yeah, coat required. bundle up the kids at bus stop,
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20s and 30s to start. thankfully not much wind, winds out of the north at 10 and by afternoon mostly sunny and chilly, a little below average, highs 45 to 49 and winds east, southeast at 10. next three days our 9 weather alerts remain green which is good news, doesn't mean -- you still got to walk with a coat, chilly on thursday, 47. clouds come in friday, milder, 52, cannot rule out a seahawks but a pretty decent day and yes -- a shower, but a pretty decent day and yes, milder and warmer saturday with partly cloudy to sunny skies. a shower possible going into sunday. the ravens come to fedex, shower possible, shouldn't be a factor for the game and still 60. 64 monday, showers and rain and back to reality a little bit, upper 40s on tuesday and low 50s on wednesday. >> derek, back to you. >> oh, it's the queen. still ahead on 9 news one city takes a bold stance on
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distracted driving. you won't believe what residents are not allowed to do now. >> and rover says move over. these pooches put the pedal to the metal, oh, yeah. it just gets better around here, folks. first the queen, now driving dogs.
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we have some new tricks for some old dogs in new zealand. a charity has taught these guys how to drive just to show how smart they are. the training began with simple movements. they used mock gears and then the dogs got in a real car with a trainer beside them. i know, it looks crazy, right? but now the animals can start. see how she's commanding him? they can steer and everything. i don't know how they do a red light. >> my dog just hangs out the window, wow. >> that is something. over the last few years 39 states including washington d.c. have enacted laws banning texting while driving. >> now one city says you better put down that burger as well. a new law in south carolina prohibits eating and driving, putting on makeup while driving also can get you in trouble. fines are as high as 100 bucks. coming up on 9 news a big
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change in recommended treatment post breast cancer, information all women should know in our health alert. >> plus the national tree lighting ceremony is tomorrow on the national mall and there are many new changes. coming up i'll tell you more about them and they include a stunning new view. >> right after the break protecting your kids it wasike a d rash...
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them beat breast cancer for good. right now women are prescribed the drug tamoxifen for five years after they're finished with treatment to dampen the effects of estrogen which could fuel breast cancers coming back. now research from the university of oxford say women who stayed on the drug much less than five were less likely to have a return of the disease or to die. >> i think this will have an effect. i think longer tamoxifen will feel safer for all of us. >> doctors behind the study say even women who finished tamoxifen years ago may want to consider going back on it and should talk to their doctors. have you ever had common symptoms like a cough that won't go away or lingering pain and weren't sure if you needed to see a doctor or head to the e.r.? if you have smartphone, the free i-triage mobile app could give you guidance. it allows people to type in
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somes. the app won't make a diagnosis, but it will show whether a hospital emergency department, urgent care center or retail clinic might be the best choice and where to find one. i-triage also stores medical records and can help you make an appointment at the nearest medical facility. the creators say it could be very handy as folks travel over the holidays. barack obama hasn't begun his second term and there may already be a frontrunner in the 2016 race for president. a washington post abc news poll finds that 57% of all americans would back a hillary clinton candidacy that. survey shows 66% of women would support clinton compared to 49% of men. is nasa spacing out? a new report by the national academy of science says the agency has no solid plan for the future. that report blames the president for the lack of direction, but it goes on to say nasa has not done enough to accomplish the obama administration's goal of sending astronauts to an astroid.
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a former nasa scientist says he's never seen the agency so utterly unfocused. the holidays are finally here and one of the fixtures of the season happens tomorrow night. erica grow with a preview of the lighting of the national christmas tree. >> the first lady and tree will be where? >> reporter: the national park foundation is ready to give you a tree lighting ceremony you won't soon forget. the national tree is brand-new just planted in october and it's been prepped for tomorrow's spectacular display from top to bottom. >> we work on it all year long and now is crunch time. this is the 90th anniversary of the tree lighting. we'll have over 20,000 people here tomorrow night watching a live show. >> and the first lady of the united states of america. >> reporter: the stage is set for a spectacular live show which is going to be hosted by neil patrick harris from the cbs show how i met your mother. song writing legend james
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taylor and pop rock band the fray are just a couple of the performers. the lineup changes every year so there's a different sound than in years passed, but there's also a different look this. year's layout is totally new. the white house now serves as a beautiful back drop as the first family is lighting the national tree. if you aren't one of the lucky ticket holders thursday night, there's still plenty of reasons to head down to the mall throughout the month. daily performances, beautiful decorations and free visits with santa to keep the family entertained. >> they'll find an entire christmas village, 57 trees, one for each state and the territories and the district of columbia. we have railroads going on around the tree and presents. >> what is left is that christmas pathway of peace which are the 56 state and territorial trees. the stage remains. we actually have daily musical programs. >> reporter: since it's presented by the national park service all events are free and open to the public.
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erica grow, 9 news. >> tune in tomorrow to 9 news at 5 p.m. when we'll have live coverage of the national tree lighting ceremony. julia king, a 7th grade teacher at the edgewood middle campus, got a huge surprise and a check today. >> miss king was named teacher of the year for the district of columbia. >> your teacher has been named teacher of the year. [ cheering and applause ] >> mayor gray and a host of school and city leaders showed up and announced in her charter school class. they were there to make that announce. late this afternoon. julia king's 7th graders scored highest among charter and public school students on recent tests. 100% of the kids were proficient or advanced in math, 90% were proficient or advanced in reading. >> the objective is that they try their best and work really hard as a team every single day. every single child can be successful and i'm very much driven by that mindset. >> you can feel her enthusiasm.
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julia king is grade wait of george washington and -- a graduate of george washington and dominican university. she was presented with a proclamation from the mayor and a $5,000 check to go along with the teacher of the year honor. still ahead picking out the best tablet for your kids this holiday season. >> a little colder tonight, nothing crazy, though. we'll show you temperatures. we lost about 10 degrees from yesterday, but look at oakland 32 and 43 in cumberland, colder air is on the way and a look ahead to the weekend forecast. >> don't forget we are always on at stay with us. we'll be right back.
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you haven't seen slept. i had to force myself to eat something. i'm just like sick to my stomach. >> that's the father of a once missing 13-year-old girl from pennsylvania found here in washington with a 20-year-old man she met online. the girl is okay, but the man was arrested and charged with corruption of a minor. >> kristin fisher has more on how you can keep your kids safe from internet predators. >> reporter: 13-year-old savanna marie macmullet gave
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her parents the scare of their lives. she'd been missing since monday afternoon when she met up with a 20-year-old man she allegedly met on facebook, ashley ryan hareford from virginia. >> we're pleased to report that savanna marie macmullet was also found say. >> reporter: they were finally found last night here at union station. police had gotten a tip that the two boarded a bus in philadelphia, a mega bus, and when they got here the u.s. marshals were waiting for them. when donna rice hears stories like this, the first thing she thinks is -- >> this is 100% preventible. >> reporter: donna is president and ceo of enough is enough. the last 20 years its mission has been to make the internet safer for kids and donna says it all starts with educating their parents. >> twitch parents how these predators groom -- we teach parents how these predators gain their trust. >> reporter: in this case savanna had created a secret facebook page to communicate
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with hareford, a tactic donna has seen far too convect frequently and the dangers only increase -- too frequently and the dangers only increase over the holidays. >> the ipods have parental controls built into them. so turning on a filter, turning on monitoring devices, letting your kids know that that's part of your job, not just to be a good parent, but to be a good cyber parent. >> reporter: in washington kristin fisher, 9 news now. >> if you are planning to get your child a wireless enabled device, you should also get for yourself enough's enough internet safety 101 tool kit. we'll show you how to get your hands on that at our website more on this digital trend, grown-ups can't seem to go anywhere without their tablets these days and many don't want to share with kids. this year you'll find a lot more tablets made just for kids and our consumer reporter lesli foster says they are far from
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just kids play. >> reporter: these colorful tablets are made for kids, but they have some real grownup features. >> this year we're seeing tablets with real android operating systems and features like wi-fi and expandable memory. these tablets are not just toys. >> reporter: consumer reports evaluated five tablets designed for kids priced between 150 and $200. testers checked lots of features including display quality and some screens were hard to view from an angle. battery life was measured by tapping the screen to keep it awake until the batteries ran down. a team of experts, about a dozen young children, played games, read books and created artwork on the tablets. they even told us how easy the tablets are to turn on and which activities are fun. >> i like taking pictures because it was really fun. >> i liked a lot of the games like angry birds. >> reporter: these tablets all come loaded with child friendly games and learning activities
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and not surprisingly the kids liked the games best. for bookworms the me tablet from oregon scientific has the clearest display screen and you can limit internet access. parental controls are on all of the tablets. the most expensive for younger kids are the meep, curio and the knobby 2. >> some have internet filters and on some tab healths parents can limit time on-- tablets parents can limit time online. >> reporter: the knobby 2 for 200-dollar was liked the best with a friend -- $200 was liked the best with a friendly interface. consumer reports say some grownup tablets have parental constrictions, too on the galaxy nexus, the kindle nook and on the barnes & noble fire models. it's a picture that could be captioned with the haunt question why didn't anyone help this guy? >> your favorite anchor people with some possible answers. we're just saying. that's coming up after the break.
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we are just saying with anita and lesli who was able to join us before she headed out on special assignment and, of course, jc, the secret is out. this part of the snow is on tape.
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everybody talking about the tragedy in new york city. we all know that. a guy struck and killed by a subway car after he was pushed out onto the track. now this is the photo from the new york post. it shows him just seconds before he was run over and killed, but take a look. nobody on the platform seems to be reaching out to help him and turns out he was on the track more than a minute and nobody reached out to help. so everybody wants to know how come nobody helped this guy? >> i don't see anybody on the platform in that photo. >> not one person. >> that's nearby. i don't see anybody. i'm sure there were people, but i don't see them in that photo and can you imagine seeing someone down in the pit of a subway and a train's coming? people go through shock. >> we talked about that yesterday about the fact there was nobody down there. i suppose we all think we would do, something but perhaps in a situation like that you're so shocked you can't believe what's happening, you're almost stuck in time. i think we all want to believe if there was somebody there and we were on the platform, we
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would do our part, but maybe we don't know. >> what about the guy taking the picture? he's a news guy. >> he wasn't close. now there were witnesses who said there was an altercation between the guy who ended up down there and another man. it got very violent and ugly. there was fighting going backen and forth and then the final push that landed that man on the tracks. people were more focused on what happened before and may have been somewhat shocked by all this. there was a fight going on. people may have been backing away from that when this happened. >> but this is not the first time we've seen people not step in when somebody needed help. i think it's a pattern. let us turn now to the murder suicide involving kansas city chief jovan belcher. one reporter now is asking if sports pundits are blaming everything but belcher after he's one who killed his girl friend and later turned the gun on himself. for example, bob costas blamed gun control. other sports writers suggested maybe football injuries or concussions had something to do
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with it. do we try to clean up or explain away the wrongdoings of people just because they're sports stars? >> i think there's two things at play here. sometimes yes, we do. there is research going on about repeated concussions, traumatic brain injury, not just in our football players, but in our soldiers who come back and have explosive episodes. so that's one thing, but you also have a pattern again and again in this country of men taking out their violence and anger against women who are their loved ones, taking their lives and no matter what's going on you cannot executes individual who took that life and left a baby -- excuse the individual who took that life and left a baby without parents. >> the team knew about this because they were counseling this couple. there were other people who saw things happening. i saw a statistic that just boggled my mind that, more than three women die at the hands of their intimate partner every day. so cassandra perkins was not the only woman who died this day. >> this young 3-month-old baby
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is left without a mother and a father. her mother was killed by her father. i mean when you look at the ramifications that this child has to face in the future, it touches all of our hearts, very sad. >> i think the thing to keep in mind as well is how horrific as the fact is there's a lot of domestic violence. most of the time the perpetrator doesn't kill themselves and i think that's the thing that makes people wonder what the heck is going on there and i think maybe that has something to do with it. we got to move on. it seems that your nose knows when you're lying, much lighter sun. if it doesn't grow like pinocchios, a study says the temperature around your nose and inner corner of your eyes actually gets warmer when you tell a lie. you may not have any heat detection devices in your aircrafts but people do have ways of knowing when you're lying are don't this, lesli? >> they do. i'm struggling to fine the value in this science.
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you -- find the value in this science. you lied to me and i have to touch your nose? i guess for me, i can tell if they don't look me in the eye, two, if they're blinking a lot and three, if they're kind of moving their mouth. >> i don't intend to touch anybody's nose. i go with what i think. >> i will not say which child, but one of my children, his, okay that, narrows it down to two and three, his ears turn bright red when he lies and he has gotten caught many a time by the ears. >> for some reason that just didn't work for my mom. i don't know why exactly that didn't work out. here's one that's important. love apparently like egg salad has a short shelf life according to the new york times op ed piece. researchers actually studied married couples that had been together 15 years and found wedded bliss lasted only about two years before wearing off. the thing that's weird notice is didn't we already know this? -- weird to me is didn't we
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already know this? we know the passion does not last. >> i disagreement there are many couples who have been married for many years and they are passionately in love. they do the same things today that they did 20, 30 years ago. >> who are these people? i don't believe you. >> well, i don't know. >> i don't know anybody like that. >> somewhere out there. marriage is hard work and once you get passed the primal part of the beginning that sort of evolves into the substantive love you still have to work at it. that means date night or whoever else. what's interesting is it's true. you kind of get wrapped up in the lives of your children and this article says once the kids go off to school you start to rediscover yourself. i guess the point is to kind of keep discovering things along the way. >> 1 point the therapist made in this article was if people do exciting stuff that's outside their norm, don't just go to the same restaurant on the same night, do something out of your comfort zone, people who do that can find new and exciting things about our partner, but it is work. it's not the same as meeting
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someone brand-new. if we have that expectation, we'll be disappointed. >> but i think love changes through the year. you know, the initial love is different from the mature love that you grow into. so you can't expect a relationship that's been going on for 10 or 15 or 20 years to have that same kind of passion. >> the same sizzle. >> sizzle, that's right. >> you're going to end up a lonely person if you're chasing that kind of love every single day and you need that kind of variety and think you need to change partners all the time. you'll be old and alone. >> on that note we turn to topper shutt. well, thank you. my wife is still waiting for me to mature. our live weather cam brought to you by michael and son, we can handle 55, dew points in the 20s, winds north at 12, pressure rising. these winds subside later tonight but still gusting to 20
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at both frederick and gaithersburg and 31 mile-per- hour gust in hagerstown and 21 mile-per-hour gusts in manassas. it's going to fall fast now, 50 in bethesda and rockville, 49 in vienna, 50 in fairfax. the next three days our 9 weather alerts all green, chilly tomorrow, 47 but mostly sunny, cool friday, maybe a bit milder, shower possible, low 50s and then milder saturday with shaws, 63. next seven days we'll have to trade the mild temperatures for the few showers on sunday, should not impact the game. you can watch the game here on channel 9, still 60 on sunday despite clouds and showers are then rain and showers monday 64 and colder tuesday back in the 40s and sunshine next wednesday with highs in the low 50s. >> showers. >> yeah. >> what do you want, snow? >> don't want that, okay. turns out you can't say whatever you want on the
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internet. coming up, the possible punishment for a fairfax county woman who wrote a nasty review of her contractor. >> reporter: moms holding teddy bears walking the halls of this house office building. i'll tell you why am cog up. >> up next a lot more than beltway -- why coming up. >> up next a lot more than beltway breaking rights on the line, going inside both locker rooms when we come back.
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sip and now 9 sports with kristen berset -- and now 9 sports with kristen berset. >> it's a bit of a short week for the redskins, but they're hoping to ride the momentum after monday's big win. the battle beltway, the baltimore ravens make the short trip to landover, first the fifth time these two teams have met for the season. >> reporter: the 6-since redskins are on the bubble something of big in the nfc
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east. with a 3-1 division record this game is just one more step on the way to their playoff hopes. the 9-3 baltimore ravens are coming off staging loss to their rivals, the steelers, and they have an injury plagued defense. so this i-95 match-up is shaping up to be something fun and the players know it. >> we know it's one of those teams that share the same area almost and the fans you have split, half ravens half redskins. so it's one of those things that the fans probably get up for more than the players. >> we've got enough rivalries. we're definitely not taking any more applications for rivalries. they got a whole conference over there when i was with them. pittsburgh is one of the biggest, cincinnati, patriots. i don't think they're looking for another rival. >> i guess it's a rivalry in a sense obviously. they're in our backyard. we see them now the d.c. a lot. they see us out, but it's never that fierce of a rivalry.
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we don't play these guys enough to actually want to hate them. >> we're going to have our hands full with robert griffin and those athletes with santana moss and garcon, man. >> being in the area you get a little more news. so we've been following from far and very impressed. >> reporter: the ravens own a 3-1 series record, but the redskins or a winning streak. may the best team win. >> remember you can watch sunday's redskins/ravens showdown right here at wusa9. kickoff is set for 1 p.m. and then stay tuned for complete game wrapup and analysis. the game on crew will be live from fedex field. you know, after watching them monday, derek, this is going to be a really good game. >> it is going to be a good game. monday night folks were singing hail to the redskins as they
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walked out of fedex field. i've been there for games like that. i would love to have it happen again on sunday. >> this would be a big win for them heading into the rest of the season. this is 9 news now. >> the clock, it's ticking, only 27 days more for washington to keep the nation from going over the fiscal cliff and there is still no sign of break the stalemate. the house of representatives is in recess until next week, but speaker john boehner says he's staying behind ready to sit down for face to face negotiations with president obama. so far the key players are not talking and listen to this. congressional aides say they aren't even communicating by phone or e-mail. the president is rejecting the latest republican proposal because it does not raise taxes on households making more than $250,000 a year. the gop wants the bush era tax cuts extended for everybody and is instead offering to close tax loopholes and limit deductions. >> the revenues we're putting on


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