tv CBS This Morning CBS January 29, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EST
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captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is tuesday, january 29, 2013. welcome to "cbs this morning." president obama heads west to back the immigration deal, and we'll show you what americans think in a new cbs news poll. only on "cbs this morning," a soldier wounded in afghanistan talks about his combat video that's been seen by millions. the boy scouts' n on gays could be history. and we'll show you why if you're a good driver you might be getting a bad deal on car insurance. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> it is something that he has spoken about.
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he has made clear his commitment to act on this early in his second term. and he is acting on it. >> president obama to make his pitch for immigration reform. >> today the president unveiling his own immigration proposals in las vegas. yesterday the group of eight senators proposing a new and wide-ranging plan for immigration reform. >> we have to work to never again face a problem with a large number of people in this country illegally. in espanol, vamiyos. >> opposition leaders have rejected a call. talks aimed at ending days of violence. >> the $50.5 billion relief bill for the victims of superstorm sandy is on its way to president obama's desk. the senate approved the aid bill yesterday. >> the boy scouts of america announced plans to reverse a national ban on gay scouts and leader. >> it was something that in this
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day and age is not right. >> there is a search underway off the coast of italy for a u.s. fighter plane that has gone missing. the f-16 -- >> massachusetts democrat senator john kerry could be approved as the next secretary of state by the end of the day. >> all that -- >> one of the perks of winning a championship, meeting the president of the united states. >> tiger woods with the win in his first tournament of the season. [ applause ] >> that is embarrassing. >> and all that matters -- >> very classy, very refined video entitled "go [ bleep ] yourself." >> good luck on charlie rose, that's what i'm going to say to you. >> on "cbs this morning." >> iran's government says it launched a monkey into space and graduate back to earth. >> this is the alleged iranian space monkey. i'm thinking he didn't volunteer for the mission.
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welcome to "cbs this morning." today could be a pivotal moment in the lives of 1 million people living in sfrae-- in secrecy. a cbs news poll shows a slim majority, 51%, think illegal immigrants working in the united states should be able to stay and apply for citizenship. >> the white house and bipartisan groups in congress are hoping to capitalize on that feeling. bill plante is at the white house. bill, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, nora, charlie. that's right, president obama promised immigration reform four years ago, but he couldn't deliver. now the white house has an immigration bill ready to go. but they may not need it. that's because of the bipartisan effort by eight senators which pretty much gives the president what he wants. and today in las gas, the president will endorse that senate effort because it has a path to citizenship for those who are here illegally. president obama's speech in las vegas today has been long planned. but when the bipartisan group of senators announced a deal the
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president could live with on monday, the white house decided to endorse their plan, hoping to speed its passage. >> this is a big deal. this is an important development. this is in keeping with the principles the president has been espousing for a long time. >> reporter: the most recent effort to get a comprehensive immigration plan passed led by president george w. bush failed in 2007. the new plan looks to both sides like good electoral politics. >> we believe this will be the year congress finally gets it done. >> reporter: that's because in the 2012 election, hispanics voted 71% for the esident. and he wants to reward them. at the same time, republicans feel the need to court them. >> we realize that there are many issues in which we think we are in agreement with our hispanic citizens. but this is a pre-eminent issue with those citizens. >> reporter: the plan would grant temporary legal status to most of the 11 million illegal immigrants if they pass a criminal background check, pay a fine and back taxes, and learn
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english. they would then get in line behind those who have already gone through the legal steps. the plan also calls for increased border security and a tougher visa process. despite the bipartisanship of the so-called gang of eight, there are still hurdles in the senate. in mccain's republican caucus, some fear that the bill amounts to de facto amnesty. >> no one should expect the members of the senate are just going to rubber stamp what a group have met and decided. >> reporter: conservatives like fox news commentator sean hannety were strongly opposed to the 2007 attempt on the grounds that a path to citizenship amounted to amnesty. this time talking to one of the republican authors of the plan, he seemed more open to listening. >> i will say this, it's the most thoughtful proposal that i have heard, and you've explained it better than anybody. but the devil will be in the details. to me, i agree with you that if they don't secure the border first, there's no point.
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>> reporter: there's no guarantee that this will pass the senate let alone the house where the political calculus is very different. many house members have few hispanic constituents in their districts. even so, there's also been a group meeting in the house quietly to work on their own plan. so the president today in las vegas will make the first speech in a campaign to get immigration reform accomplished quickly while he still can. nora, charlie? >> bill plante, thanks. arizona senator john mccain is a long-time advocate of immigration reform. he tried to enact his own plan in 2006, and he's one of the architects of this new deal. senator, good morning. >> good morning. >> what do you say to those in your party and on talk radio that when you look closely this is simply amnesty? >> well, i hope they do look closely because border enforcement and border security is a prerequisite. and obviously that makes sense since we don't want to have a repeat again some years from now of another group of people
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coming to this country illegally. so that's a precondition. we can do it, we have the technology, and we have the capabilities. second of all, people who have not committed a crime here or done something wrong will have a legal status, but they will not be able to have citizenship until they line up behind those who came here legally to get a green card on a path to citizenship. they'll pay fines, they'll pay back taxes, they will have to meet a lot of criteria. i hope that as more americans see this proposal that they will understand that we cannot have forever 11 million people living in the shadows in this country. >> senator, buzz feed is reporting this morning that the president today in las vegas will say that same sex couples should be included in this immigration reform. is that in the senate proposal, and if not, why not? >> well, it's not. it's something that, frankly, is
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not of paramount importance at this time. we'll have to look at it. we'll have to gauge how the majority of congress feels. that, to me, is a red flag that, frankly, we will address in time. we need to get broad consensus over on our proposal to start with. and there are a number of very difficult issues we have to resolve. and as the critics said, we have to go to the floor of the senate, we have to debate, we have to amend. and we look forward to working with republicans and democrats on both sides of the aisle and the president. >> let me ask you about the plan that says a path to citizenship is contingent upon securing our border first. some worry that may take years in order to secure our border. how will you decide what is secure enough? >> we will have a commission made up of the most knowledgeable people including border state governors and other experts who will make
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recommendations. the final decision will be made by the secretary of homeland security. the israelis just erected 440 some miles of secure fence along their border. the technology we have today with surveillance capability and detection capability and enormous technology advances that have been made, i have no doubt that if we put the right resources into it, we will be able to have a secure border. >> but there's also former governor jeb bush who wrote in an op-ed that "trying to secure the border before moving toward broader reform is," in his judgment, "shortsighted and self-defeating." >> well, all i can say is that the people who live in the southern part of my state deserve the same security that you have in your studios, and they don't. most of the drugs coming across the arizona/make border today come across the arizona border,
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that come into our country, come across the arizona border. people's homes are invaded. their land is crossed by people who will are drug smugglers and ppeople smugglers. coyotes who put people in drop houses and treat them in the most ferocious fashion. it's a humanitarian issue as well as an issue that we have to control the drugs that are flowing into our country. the think the people who live in the southern part of my state deserve the same security that you have in your studio. >> senator, good to see you. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. and the senate is expected to confirm massachusetts senator john kerry today as secretary of state, succeeding hillary clinton who steps down friday. margaret brennan has the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you and to charlie. and john kerry may be approved as the next secretary of state by this afternoon. he could be sworn in to office by the end of the week. the job of being america's top diplomat is nonpartisan. so senator kerry must resign his massachusetts senate seat
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effective friday. there are a few technicalities before the transition. today the senate foreign relations committee which oversee the state department has to vote on the nomination. but members know kerry. he served on the committee for almost 30 years. and not a single one of the 16 members is expected to vote against him. so once they approve the full senate, can then confirm him within hours. he really didn't voice any departures from secretary clinton's views during his four-hour-long hearing last week. >> margaret, is secretary clinton -- as secretary clinton leaves office, i understand she got somewhat of a gift from president obama. >> reporter: you could call it that. a group of president obama's top political donors helped pay off some of the leftover bills from her 2008 unsuccessful bid for the presidency. this is according to campaign disclosure reports filed last week. as you know, as secretary of state she was forbidden from political fundraising. >> do we know the kinds of changes that senator kerry will
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want to make when he becomes secretary of state kerry, either in terms of policy or personnel? >> reporter: it's not clear on the personnel front. there are still people waiting to hear what they'll do for a living when they show up at work monday in terms of the career foreign service folks. his inner circle is still unannounced at this point. but what we do know is on the foreign policy front, he really, to borrow a phrase from him, there is no daylight when it comes to secretary clinton's views and secretary-designate kerry's views on libya or virtually any other part of foreign policy. it was interesting, though, that he emphasized in his views economic policy is foreign policy. so he's going to focus on that a lot. >> margaret brennan, thank you. an international meeting in paris yesterday focused on the civil war in syria. delegates from more than 50 nations were there including the u.s. ambassador to syria, robert ford. this award is in paris -- clarissa ward is in paris and talked with ambassador ford. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie and nora, from a very
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wet and windy paris. ambassador ford was here yesterday to attend meetings between the syrian opposition and its international backers. this comes on the heels of an announcement from the white house that the u.s. will give a further $10 million in humanitarian aid to the syrian people. yesterday the syrian opposition saying the time is for action and not for words. but in an interviewer with cbs news, ambassador ford was adamant that the u.s. will not intervene directly in syria even if this conflict drags on. so are we willing to wait another two years and another 60,000 dead? >> i don't know how long it will take. we obviously, deeply regret the violence that this regime has inflicted on the people -- >> reporter: but are we doing enough to stop it? >> in a situation like this we have to work on multiple fronts. as i mentioned, we're isolating the regime, weakening the regime. we're setting the opposition up so it's ready to play its role.
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and spent over $200 million in humanitarian assistance to help people stay alive through this tragedy. i've worked in the middle east for 30 years. i don't think i've ever seen people as courageous, facing the nasty, brutal dictatorships as i've seen these syrians. i also know from time and places like iraq that americans can try to help on the margins, but ultimately we have to let these societies find their own ways forward. the americans can't fix this problem. syrians have to fix this problem. >> reporter: the ambassador also said that the u.s. is working very closely with the syrian political opposition trying to help it organize itself better. essentially the u.s. strategy really focused on trying to help syrians prepare for the time after the regime falls. and the problem with that, syrian activists say, is in the meantime this brutal dictat dictatorship continues to kill its own people. >> great interviewer. clarissa ward, thank you.
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and residents of one of the world's most fabled and mysterious cities are celebrating. troops from france and mali are in control of timbuktu, driving out islamic rebels tied to al qaeda. legendary north african trading post fell into rebel hands nearly a year ago. officials say as the rebels left they set fire to a library full of priceless, ancient manuscripts. police in brazil are talking to four people after the world's deadliest nightclub fire in more than a decade. thousands of people marched in a vigil last night honoring the 231 victims of sunday's fire. police say the nightclub that burned had no fire alarm, no sprinklers, no fire extinguishers, and only one exit. reports say the men being held are two co-owners of the club and two members of the band blamed for starting the fire. and it's been a boy scout policy for decades. one even upheld by the supreme court. now the national organization is reconsidering its controversial ban on gay members. jan crawford is here with the story. jan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, nora. good morning, charlie.
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this would be a big change for an organization that just this past summer reaffirmed that policy. but cbs news has confirmed they could make that change in the position as early as next week. >> 52,000 boy scouts at their national jamboree -- >> reporter: with a past defined by a 100-year history, the boy scouts are facing a change that could alter its future. a change some members welcome. >> we're all excited and thrilled. >> reporter: richard meyerdirk is a member of a maryland troop that posted a message saying "we will not discriminate based on sexual orientation." the boy scouts ordered it removed. >> we just want to stand up and keep the momentum going so they do the right thing and change their membership policy. >> reporter: more than a million people have signed petitions protesting the scouts' anti-gay policy. corporate sponsors like u.p.s. and merck have stopped financial contributions. but some conservatives remain staunchly opposed to change. in a statement the family research council said "if the
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board capitulates to the bullying of homosexual activists, the boy scouts' legacy of producing great leaders will become yet another kawesch tee of moral -- casualty of moral compromise." if the policy is changed, local troops would decide whether to admit gay members. >> finally the leadership is starting to listen to the voices of its members. >> reporter: in 2000, evan wolfson argued and won a supreme court case challenging the ban. >> a lot has changed in america since the 5-4 ruling in 2000. the military used to discriminate against gay people serving our country. the military no longer discriminates. americans didn't understand why gay people needed the freedom to marry. now nine states plus the district of columbia have gay couples sharing in the freedom to marry. >> reporter: now wolfson and other gay rights advocates say the changes have come about in the last decade because society's attitude toward gays also has changed and that young people in particular have no
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tolerance for discrimination against gays. and charlie and nora, that group of young people, they don't understand, wolfson and others say, why anyone would discriminate. >> jan, thank you very much. time to show you some of the headlines from around the globe. britain's "telegraph" says egypt's military chief is warning the political unrest in his country could lead to the collapse of the state. some 60 people have been killed in the most recent protests. thursday marked the second anniversary of the uprising that forced hosni mubarak from power. the "los angeles times" says that earthquake experts in california are calling for an advanced earthquake warning system. it would cost $80 million, use sensors underground, and be the first of its kind in the united states. the "washington post" says a former army soldier injured in a bombing in iraq has received a rare double arm transplant. 26-year-old brennan marrocco is a service men from the wars of iraq and afghanistan that survived losing both arms and legs. he's said to be doing well after the surgery last month. >> that was my favorite story in
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the papers today. i wish him well. what an amazing thing that they're trying to help our soldiers as he's a quadruple amputee and they've got new arms for him. we wish him the best. from staten island, around here. and then this story, "usa today" says tiger woods cruised to victory at torrey pines. it's his seventh win at the farmers insurance open. he finished at 14 under par with a 72 in the final round winning his 75th career title by four shots. >> some say tiger's back. "the new york times" says the new york transportation department's removing all "don't honk" signs from city streets. officials say most people ignore the warnings anyway. >> that's probably true. especially in new york. >> i hate it. hate honking. >>
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afghanistan. an american soldier wounded in a fire-fight. >> i'm hit! [ gunfire ] >> i'm hit! >> not once in my life have i ever cried out like that. and -- ever. >> why then? >> i thought i was going die. >> now that soldier sharing the life and death story only on "cbs this morning." good drivers are supposed to get a break on their car insurance, but a new study has some surprises. and as new orleans gets ready, so are we. we'll show you our setup for the super bowl and take you down for a preview of the big party right here on "cbs this morning." weight watchers online worked for us.
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the white house called "60 minutes" and said the president and the secretary would like to be on the show together. steve croft is doing the interviewer. and the first question -- >> why did you want to do this together, a joint interview? ♪ [ laughter ] >> reporter: thank you very much. >> all right. [ laughter ] >> that's the rest of the story. welcome back to "cbs this
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morning." what does war look like from a soldier's point of view? tens of millions of youtube viewers know thanks to a video taken in afghanistan that's gone viral. >> that's right. barry petersen spoke to the man who took the video and got shot in the process on an interview you'll see only on "cbs this morning." i'm hit! [ gunfire ] >> reporter: it has become one of the most viewed three minutes of war video ever. >> i'm hit! >> reporter: 23 million hits on youtube. a battle with taliban forces in afghanistan seen through the helmet camera of pfc ted daniels. >> hey! i'm moving down! >> reporter: it started when he purposely moved into the open, drawing fire on himself to protect the seven men in his unit. >> yo! tactically i agree it was not a sound thing to do. you know, but i also remember murphy's law of combat -- if it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid. >> reporter: then a taliban bullet hit part of his gun.
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it flew out of his hand. >> i'm hit! i'm hit! it was almost like if you took an aluminum baseball bat and hit a metal pole with it. that's what my hand felt like. i was actually afraid at first to look down at my hand. i wanted to make sure i still had all my fingers and everything else. >> reporter: daniels reached for his rifle. enemy bullet exploded on the rocks. >> oh! >> reporter: sending fragments into his arm. you said you were embarrassed. why? >> yeah. >> reporter: that you yelled, that you're hit? you're hit. >> yeah. that was a vulnerable moment for me right there. i kind of pride myself on being a tough guy. not once in my life have i ever cried out like that. ever. >> reporter: why then? >> i was scared. >> reporter: his arm was peppered and bleeding, but he managed to get his rifle back. by then, other men in the unit
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were also firing at the taliban. there the video stops. his camera battery goes dead. but then comes a harrowing run down the hill to rejoin his unit when the bullet came even closer. >> a round had hit the corner of my eye protection. they blew right off of my face. and i had another round skip off the side of my kevlar helmet. >> reporter: as to how the world got to see daniels' video, a mistake. he uploaded it to what he thought was a private channel on youtube. another youtube user, funker530, who collects war videos, saw it and asked if he could post it as part of his documentary of combat footage. daniels said yes. that's when the video went viral. >> i contacted him through facebook. i found him on facebook. and i said, listen, can you please take this video down, it's going to end up bringing heat on me. it's not something that i really want. please remove it. never got a reply.
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>> reporter: and it's still out there? >> still there. >> reporter: so really you didn't really intend for the rest of us to see that. >> no, i did not. >> reporter: did you make a mistake when you uploaded it or -- >> obviously now i think i did. >> reporter: daniels said he violated no rules in taking the video. his commander did not specifically bar soldiers from making videos as other commanders have done. the pentagon discourages the release of videos, in part so as not to give the taliban any tactical information or propaganda tools. as for daniels, the important thing was how the battle that day ended. >> we made it. we made it. you know, we all made it out. and you know, we all made it to fight another day. it felt good. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," barry petersen ft. carson, colorado.
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>> one more example of how technology shows us what war is really like. >> right. and how much interest there is in what's going on in afghanistan. that 23 million times that video has been viewed. something from the front lines. a rare glimpse of what they go through. >> absolutely. a new report claims good drivers are paying more for car insurance than bad drivers. we'll show you why. tomorrow, oscar nominee bradley cooper will talk with us. he's talking about the hit "silver linings playbook" and the role he wants next -- lance armstrong. you're watching "cbs this morning." ( birds chirping )
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in driver's ed? a good driving record means lower car insurance rates. a new study claims insurers often charge safe drivers more than those who have been in accidents. bob hunter is director of insurance for the consumer federation of america which conducted the story. bob, good morning. >> good morning. how are you? >> good. all right, your study seems to fly in the face of common sense. explain. >> we've been studying low-income america and the trouble they're having affording car insurance. one of the reasons we started looking at it is how do they price. we were finding that low-income people with low-income jobs and -- and less education were being charged more than even people with auto accidents that have higher income jobs and more education. and so we tested it in 12 cities with the five leading riders and found that 2/3 of the time the person with no -- no accident was paying more, sometimes as much as $2,000 more than the person with the accident. and that -- so that was -- we
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confirmed what we were seeing in -- by a study. >> how did you do the test, bob? >> we actually went on the web sites of the five leading companies in 12 cities. we put in the test. we put two women with identical driving histories except one had an accident, one didn't. the one with the accident was an executive living on a certain block that had this accident but also was married and -- and owned her own home. the other woman that we were testing was single, renting, and had a low-paying job and less education. and the -- we found that the prices for the woman without the accident was always higher, 60% of the time was higher. not always. there was one company that didn't do that. but the four other companies did. >> bob, so the american
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insurance institute had this to say in response to your study. they said this, "the consumer federation of america's report draws overly broad conclusions based on a tiny and unrepresentative sample of insurance policies." how do you respond to that? >> well, first of all, it's not true. we've -- the reason we found it is we've done three other studies, and we saw that all over the country in low-income zip codes, high-income zip codes. so we did this particular study to confirm what we found all over the country. so we -- we are sure that this is a true study, that the impact of factors like education, occupation, credit score, things like that are more important than your driving record for a lot of people. >> so what should be done? >> we've asked -- we're particularly concerned about low-income people who are having difficulty affording what the state requires them to purchase. and we're pointing to california
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that has a low-income plan. if you're a good driver in california with low income, you can get a very low price. the highest price in that particular plan is $350 in los angeles. we're asking the other states to look and see, what are your low-income people paying. are they paying too much because of these factors that the american public has rejected as -- in research we did as unfair? these unfair, non-driving factors are driving up the rates more than accidents and tickets. are these rates unaffordable, and is that why up to 1/3 of the lower income americans have no
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a new study shows snoring can be far more dangerous than you think. we'll talk to a sleep expert. that's next on "cbs this morning." [ female announcer ] this test paper behaves like the surface of your skin. now watch what soap does to it. ♪ if soap breaks down this paper, just imagine what it's doing to your skin. soap strips your skin. dove is different. ♪ with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove doesn't strip your skin like soap. ♪
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for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. the wild weather continues in australia. look at the seafoam continuing to blanket the shoreline. people are walking around in the white mess. scientists say it's not a good idea because it may contain sewage. how pleasant. good morning, everyone. welcome back to "cbs this morning." >> a new study warns snoring can pose serious health risks. dr. carol ash is director of sleep medicine at meridian health in new jersey. welcome. >> good morning, charlie and nora. >> what's interesting is that you say that it can be as dangerous as smoking or high cholesterol, things that we think of as the worst thing you can do to yourself? >> yeah. charlie, at meridian health we always ask about snoring. what this study is showing is what many of us in the sleep
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community knew. snoring is causing thickening of the wall of the carotid artery. that thickening is an indicator of cardiovascular risk. this suggests that snoring is associated with the adverse outcomes that we previously said was associated with sleep apnea, a more serious breathing disorder. heart attack, stroke, and early dementia are a few things you're seeing. >> what causes snoring? >> what happens, when you go to sleep at night the muscles relax in the throat. that's normal. happens to all of us. as it narrows, the air will be turbulent. that causes vibration of tissues. that's what snoring is. if it collapses all the way, that's an apnea. >> and who snores? >> you know, men and women, believe it or not. it's more prevalent than people think. 40% to 60% of people. it's not just a bad habit. we assume, you know, just tell your bed partner if they would be considerate and roll over and stop snoring we could solve this. it is a problem. there are easy solutions.
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and not only cardiovascular risk, it affects sexual relationships. you can't have sexual relationships or at least it's complicated if you're in separate bedrooms. it is a problem, and there's some simple solutions. there's saline that you could use if you have nasal congestion to reduce the inflammation. just rolling over to your side will solve it, propping yourself up with pillows. or getting more sleep simply. >> and weight loss, you said. >> weight loss, exactly. not a lot of weight loss, 10 to 15% of your present body weight may be all you need. >> you say that with this study, too, it shows you think that physicians are ignoring how serious snoring is as a health risk. >> across the board as a society, we do not understand the significance and importance of sleep. and think about it, this is breathing. so you're going to sleep at night, your airway's becoming compromised. that really puts a stress on your body. many don't ask questions about sleep half the time. >> a lot of people may be hearing this for the first time and saying, wow, my spouse or
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partner snores, what should i do? >> some of the simple things i mentioned, staying on your side, losing weight, not working -- you need to reach out to a sleep specialist and get an evaluation. there may be simple over-the-counter things they can suggest. or you may need to go for a sleep study or surgical und intervention for some. >> thank you. the nation's longest running dog show is in for some changes. we'll show what it means for the owners of certain breeds ahead on "cbs this morning." >> aw. p? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus presents the cold truth. i have the flu... i took theraflu, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] truth is theraflu doesn't treat your cough. what? [ male announcer ] it doesn't have a cough suppressant.
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great. [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus severe cold and flu fights your worst flu symptoms, plus that cough with a fast acting cough suppressant. [ sighs ] thanks!... [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus. ♪ oh what a relief it is! ♪ [ male announcer ] to learn more about the cold truth and save $1 visit alka-seltzer on facebook. try our new southwestern mac and cheese with grilled chicken, served with soup or salad. chili's lunch combos. starting at 6 bucks. more life happens here. [ rock music blaring ] and after we get sarah some headphones, it'll be perfect. honey... thank you for making our home his home.
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our home is his home. [ jane ] behind every open heart is a story. tell yours with my open hearts collection at kay jewelers, the number one jewelry store in america. there are millions of reasons to give one, but the message is always the same. keep your heart open... and love will always find its way in. ♪ every kiss begins with kay she can't always move the way she wants. now you can. with stayfree ultra thins. flexible layers move with your body while thermocontrol wicks moisture away. keep moving. stayfree. while thermocontrol wicks moisture away. you're doing great, honey. why is that guy honking at me? introducing huggies mommy answers. the best advice in one place. from the brand new moms trust.
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maybmaybe you can'; when you have migraines with fifteen or more headache days a month, you miss out on your life. you may have chronic migraine. go to to find a headache specialist. and don't live a maybe life. i've been using crest pro-health for a week. my dentist said it was gonna help transform my mouth. [ male announcer ] go pro. for a clean that's up to four times better, try these crest pro-health products together. [ sara ] i've been using crest pro-health. so feels different. [ male announcer ] crest pro-health protects not just some, but all these areas dentists check most. my mouth feels healthier. it feels cleaner. i think my dentist is gonna see the difference. [ male announcer ] go pro with crest pro-health. i don't think i'll ever go back to another product. see.
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great food, great music, great jazz. >> and a great staff. that's where we'll be. >> look at that. new orleans, here we come. >> look at that. new orleans, here we come. >> your local news is next. (woman) 3 days of walking to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful we gotta sell the car. where would we even start? get the car. hi howard. get in.
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good morning, everybody. it is 8:00 a.m. welcome back to "cbs this morning." immigration reform goes on the fast track. we'll show you why americans' feelings about illegal immigrants are changing. and we're getting excited, super bowl xlvii is this sunday. we'll show you what's happening now in new orleans and give you a look at one super bowl ad people will be talking about on monday. first, here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. the president today in las vegas will make the first speech in a campaign to get immigration reform accomplished quickly. >> today could be a pivotal moment in the lives of 11
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million people living in secrecy. >> people who have not committed a crime here or done something wrong will have a legal status, but they will not be able to have citizenship until they line up behind those who came here legally. >> john kerry may be approved as the next secretary of state by this afternoon. he could be spoern -- sworn into office by the end of the week. >> it's been a boy scout policy for decades, even upheld by the supreme court. now the national organization is reconsidering its controversial ban on gay members. >> young people in particular have no tolerance for discrimination against gays. >> what does war look like from a soldier's point of view? tens of millions of youtube viewers now know thanks to a video taken in afghanistan -- >> i'm hit! [ gunfire ] >> not once in my life have i ever cried out like that. ever. >> why then? >> i thought i was going to die. >> in australia, look at this. seafoam continues blanketing the shoreline. people walking around in the white mess.
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scientists say it's not a good idea because it may contain sewage. how pleasant. >> the ceo of barnes&noble said that because of the internet they're being forced to close up to 1/3 of their stores. he said good luck using the bathroom at [ laughter ] i'm charlie rose with gayle king and nora o'donnell. the president pushes immigration reform during a visit to las vegas. >> a cbs news poll shows 51% favor allowing illegal immigrants working in this country to stay and possibly become citizens. that compares to 37% back in 2011. bill plante is at the white house. >> reporter: good morning. when president obama speaks today in las vegas, he will endorse the bipartisan efforts of eight senators to reform immigration. the white house has its own immigration proposal but is willing to go with the senate proposal primarily because it includes a path to citizenship for the 11 million people who are here illegally.
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hispanics voted 71% for president obama last november. now he wants to reward them, and republicans want to court them. and even some of the most vocal opponent of the last attempt at reform now seem willing to listen. so the president's speech today in las vegas is just the beginning. he will campaign actively to get this accomplished. for "cbs this morning," this is bill plante at the white house. congress has agreed on more than $50 billion in relief for the victims of superstorm sandy. the senate approved the bill yesterday, two weeks after it was passed in the house and three months after the disaster. the bill includes $16 billion in housing and urban development grants. president obama says he'll sign it. more than a month after the deadly newtown shooting, a hearing was held in hartford, connecticut, to look at tighter gun control laws. neil heslin, who lost his 6-year-old son jesse, gave emotional testimony. but he was interrupted by gun
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rights supporters. >> he was high son. he was my buddy. he was might have best friend. and i never thought i'd be here speaking like this, asking for changes. why anybody in this room needs to have an -- one of these assault-style weapons or military weapons or high-capacity clips. and not one person can answer that question. [ background talking ] >> monday's hearing offered the first public testimony by the families of those killed at sandy hook. signs that read "sale" are coming back to jcpenney a year after the chain gave up on sales and promised lower prices all year long. now the ceo says too many
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shoppers went elsewhere, so he's bringing the sales signs back. i think psychologically people need to see the word "sale" even if it's a lower price. you need to know you're getting a good deal. >> i know you like a good deal. >> i do. >> i do, too. a new study says there's a good connection between when you eat and weight loss. researchers from brigham and women's hospital in boston looked at 420 overweight people in spain who took part in a weight loss program. those who ate their big meal of the day after 3:00 p.m. lost much less weight than those who ate earlier. late eaters were also at higher risk for diabetes. i've known this for a long time. you should try and eat before 6:00 if you can. >> now it says eat your big meal before 3:00. where are you taking us, charlie? where shall we go? i'm game. >> as you know, i eat a big meal for breakfast. you have seen me eat. >> good thing. >> yeah. >> a good thing. president obama honored the nba champion miami heat yesterday at the white house. the president thanked the heat for its work with the military. dwyane wade gave mr. obama a jersey, and lebron james, who was clearly excited to be there,
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gave the president an autographed ball. >> we're in the white house. [ laughter ] >> i mean, coach -- the pres said it's real casual. we're kids from chicago and dallas, texas, and michigan and ohio, and -- >> south dakota. >> south dakota! [ laughter ] >> miami. i mean, we -- we in the white house right now. this is like -- hey. mom, i made it. [ laughter ] >> yes, you did. that was lebron. always goes back to mom. mom, i made it. >> that was great. >> very happy. and another top athlete made a huge splash. garrett mcnamara was seen yesterday riding a massive wave in portugal said to be up to 100-feet high. wow. if confirmed, it would break the world record he already set for the biggest wave ever surfed. that was 78 feet. look at that, guys. >> that is incredible. >> wow. >> all right. >> i'll pass. >> yeah. exactly.
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>> you? >> charlie, would you want to -- >> no. >> charlie likes daredevil stuff. >> not that. >> good. it's almost time for us to head south to new orleans. but mo rocca beat us out the doorment man, oh man. we'll see what he's finding when "cbs this morning" continues. i have never encountered such a burning sensation...
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that i just love to do every single day. ♪ it's the way i've made my living for over 30 years. ♪ every time we leave the dock, it's an adventure. the one thing people might not realize when they're going into mcdonald's and they order the filet-o-fish sandwich... this is wild fish. this is where the alaskan pollock starts. it's just that simple. [ tylenol bottle ] me too! and nasal congestion. [ tissue box ] he said nasal congestion. yeah...i heard him. [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn't. and some people found that a little bit strong. but as soon as they tasted blonde roast, boy they were on board. ♪
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the music, super bowl week in the big easy. both teams are now in new orleans after the baltimore ravens arrived yesterday afternoon. and this is jackson square which has been transformed into cbs super bowl park. can't wait to get there. we're two days away from kicking off our live coverage in the crescent city. i'm a super bowl virgin. i've never been to one before. i'm excited to go. >> super bowl virj assassin. >> yes. >> i am -- virj gin. >> yes. >> i am, too. mo rocca took one for the team and headed down early. what's going on? what have you got in front of you? >> it's exciting. i'm observing super bowl tuesday here with coffee. it's blended with chickory and beignets. and a local -- beignets, like a doughnut. a french pastry. when you eat it, you're not supposed to inhale because it's like a sandstorm if you do that. it is -- there's a lot on top here. but it's delicious. this is a typical super bowl
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tuesday observance. >> and so mo, what are you doing there? >> well, i got here early -- cbs generally sends me early to secure the location, to build the set. this entire square is a set. and to place all the 192 cameras that are just in this cafe alone. and so that's what i'm doing. and i'll be here for the rest of my life. >> do you have any special plans, any advice before we come down to join you? i love a beignet. >> reporter: well, you should definitely have a lot of beignets. you should eat po boys. you should basically starve yourself for several days before you come down here. that's the best preparation you can do. >> mo, i hear you're going to interviewer the players. you're going to be interviewing the players. is that correct? >> reporter: that's correct. i'm going to talk to the ravens and the 49ers. right? >> when you talk to ray lewis, i have a little advice. you say yes, sir, mr. lewis. >> reporter: what is that?
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what is the advice that -- okay,ying pass th-- i'll pass t along. advice on retirement? is he going to be going into assisted living next year? one thing i noticed when i -- i noticed when i looked over the rosters of the players that ray lewis' number is 52. there's also a 52 on the other team. that must be terribly confuse figure you're the quarterback throwing the ball. which 52 do you throw it to? >> mo, are you a football fan? >> reporter: absolutely, i adore it completely. no, it will be great. this is -- the expense, honestly, is killing me about what's going to happen on game day. is beyonce going to be to see do the halftime show live, or is she going to lip-sync it? >> beyonce's going to be great. this is the first time i've ever heard a man say, "football, i adore it." thank you. i'll see you tomorrow. we'll be there. we're coming down. remember, you can watch the ravens and 49ers in super bowl xlvii this sunday night here on good old cbs.
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we'll be in new orleans on thursday, friday, and saturday, too, as "cbs this morning" comes to you fom jackson square. new orleans. and many of us love watching the super bowl just for the commercials, too. we'll show you one of the ads and the ceo who's betting it will make you hungry. "cbs this morning" continues.
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[ singing in spanish ] >> nicely done, taco bell. that's a look at the new taco bell commercial airing in sunday's super bowl. it's not the only way the chain is trying to get your attention. greg creed joins us, ceo of taco bell. nice to see you again. you've been here before. are you concerned about airing it early, that it may diminish the impact on super bowl sunday? obviously you're not because you're letting us see it. why aren't you concerned is a better question. >> no. i think social media's all about sharing. i think the opportunity to share -- last night we shared it with our 150,000 employees. already this morning they're sharing it with their friends. we've got ten million facebook friends. they're already showing it. i think if you live in a social world, it's all about sharing. and what we love is to not only share it and have people share it. i think you're going to find come the game, people are -- stop, you got to watch the taco bell ad. >> you did not advertise in the last two super bowls. why this year? >> i think we had a great year last year. we turned 50.
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celebrate our 50th anniversary. we launched new products, treatows loco -- doritos loco taco. and we launched a tag line and thought it was a great time to celebrate living life. >> how many times will this run during the super bowl? >> tell run once. it's a 60-second commercial, run once -- i think at the end of the second quarter. >> yeah. what did that cost? >> these are inexpensive, aren't they? >> very inexpensive. >> i mean, like a million dollars, $4 million or -- >> you should never discuss price. >> yeah. >> but it's -- no -- >> go ahead, ray. >> more than four. no, it's -- you know what, it's great value because it is -- >> why is it great value? >> because there's two reasons -- taco bell fans love two things. they love sport. this is obviously the sporting event of the season, probably of the same -- and they love music. we've combined our love of music in a sporting event. that brings it together for us. >> where are you from? >> from australia. >> i love the accent.
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you know we're a nation of fatty mcfat fats, that said the doritos taco was the most popular. i plead guilty, love it, love it, love. it but you have healthy items on the menu. how do you reconcile the two? >> you have to offer choice. what we offer is choice. we have detroits on tacos -- doritos tacos, the fresco line. you can get two chicken soft tacos for nine grams of fat and 340 calories. you can get vegetarian items. i think good brands offer choice, and wu let you make what choice you want to make. >> i love that you know the content. >> let's talk about the doritos loco taco. that is quite a concept. essentially putting a taco in a detroit oh. i know it's -- detroit oh. i know that's t's been the best launch. what do you say about the customers that like those tacos? >> yeah. i love it. it came about -- >> it's usually a younger set, right? >> it is a younger set. >> a younger set.
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>> we started working with frito-lay a number of years. for our 50th anniversary, we wanted to celebrate the taco. and you know, there had been no innovation in tacos. and we sat down with frito-lay, they own doritos, great partner. two years later we launched the doritos loco taco, probably one of the biggest launch we've had. >> doritos breath not good. what can you do about that? >> we've got cool ranch. that's coming -- that's my tease. cool ranch is coming, as well. >> the kinds of things you sell at taco bell, the fastest growing fast food there is? what's growing fast in your business? >> there's two things, one is the doritos tacos which if you think it's the plain original taco, and the cantina bell. we've had more women come to taco bell on the basis of the cantina line. thank you very much for having me. >> good luck with the ad. >> thank you. >> thank you. the westminster dog show is a place to find champion dogs. guess what, this year they've got two new additions. we'll introduce you next.
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(woman) 3 days of walking to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. whoo! you walk with friends, you meet new friends, and you keep those friendships. it was such a beautiful experience. (woman) ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ undeniable (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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visit to register or to request more information today. ♪ burning like a fire ♪ building up from deep inside it was 3 days of pure joy. susan g. komen's investments in early detection and treatment have helped reduce breast cancer mortality in the u.s. by 33% since 1990. help us continue serving the millions of women and men with breast cancer who still need us every day. register for the 3-day now. (woman) it's just been an amazing, amazing journey. i love these people. ♪ and it's beautiful
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did show! >> little dogs. >> fussy dogs. >> fussy dogs and quiet dogs. >> dog show! >> i'm sitting next to my special dog friend, mr. bojia bojangles who is actually a girl. i gave her a boy's name because i'm playing a trick on her. >> mr. bojangles. >> will forle? >> yes. -- will ferrell? >> yes. >> that classic moment from "saturday night live." we'll be talking about the world's best-knowning to show in a bit. welcome back to "cbs this morning". also coming up this half-hour, have you heard of the exit strategies from the wars? what about an exit strategy from
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life? a new article by lee woodruff reveals a pact that she's made with her sisters in case they get alzheimer's. she's in the green room getting ready to tell us about that. and how much do you know about the war of 1812? two centuries later, mo rocca reveals surprising facts about this largely forgotten conflict. first, it's time to show you this morning's headlines from around the globe. "the new york times" says biotech companies are lobbying to limit generic competition with their very profitable drugs. the drugs now cost patients tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. the generics are much cheaper. the companies say they're worry good safety. "the telegraph" says women with heart disease may be three times more likely to develop neurological problems like dementia. the mayo clinic study was published in the journal "neurology." problems include language, judgment, and problem solving but not memory loss. "usa today" says 13 states are considering increasing the
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minimum wage. in nine other states automatic hikes took effect on january 1. opponents say the increases could hurt workers when businesses cut staff to save money. >> and the "wall street journal" says students are going to mcdonald's to use high-speed internet for their homework. it's happening in smaller rural towns where it's either hard to get web access or it's just too expensive for some families. federal officials call the gap a challenge for education. the famous westminster kennel club dog show is next month. you'll be seeing changes in the 137th annual competition. the club's david frye joins us. good morning. >> thank you. good morning. us 187 breeds and - >> what are these new breeds? >> well -- >> i understand you brought some? >> we have some here. new members of your cast for today. >> yes. >> the treeing walker coonhound is one in the group. >> the left-hand side. >> the left-hand side. on the right-hand side -- >> what are their names?
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>> meg and tang. and we have our russell terriers that are for the first time coming to westminster. we say new breeds all time, but they're not new. they've been around for a while. it just took a while to get recognized by the akc. >> what's the criteria to determine a new breed worthy enough to join the now? the american kennel club has three basic rules. one is that there be enough of them in the country. that they have a good geographic distribution. and that they have a parent club that's sort of watching over them, making sure that they're going about their business the right way. >> i want to talk about this dog. this is the treeing walker coonhound. it's a relative of an english fox hound. how does it get its name? >> well, treeing is because that's what it does to its prey. the raccoons, they chase raccoons -- he knows you're talking about him. >> yeah. >> they chase raccoons up the tree for the hunters. the walker part is named after the walker family. they had a role in developing the breed. the coonhound, they were raccoon hunters. >> what does it take to win? >> first of all, they have to be
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a great specimen of their breed. secondly, it comes down to showmanship at the end. we have seven great dogs, the winner at the end. one has to have the charisma, showmanship, all on the ground they stand over. and to be best in show -- >> what's the difference between winners who are male and winners who are male? -- winners who are female and winners who are female? how many? >> about 2-1 males over females. sorry. >> ah. >> we don't like that. >> you know, the females -- we need to get them into the breeding program. dog shows are about identifying superior breeding stock for the next healthy, happy generations. so the females have to kind of drop out of the show world. the males could still be helping reproduce some without having to drop out. >> how does -- how does your life change when you're a champion? is it like an oscar winner where the scripts start pouring in? do they get special requests? >> it winner becomes america's dog for the next year. you know, we go a world media tour the next day where we -- >> next year what happens? >> we bring three of them back this year for a charity event.
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uno and malachi and hickory, the three of our previous winners are going to be in town. mostly they're just living their life out at the farm or wherever they are. in their family homes, having a great time. >> this is a one-answer question. what's the breed that's won most often? >> the wire fox terrier. >> there you go. >> terriers dominate our show. great dogs. >> good to see you. thank you very much. >> thanks for having us. and when lance armstrong finally admitted taking performance enhancing drugs, it probably didn't surprise viewers of "60 minutes." the broadcast has reported on his career and allegations for more than a decade. "60 minutes overtime" takes us behind the scenes to look at how the armstrong camp tried to influence that coverage. 13 years ago, "60 minutes" aired its first story lance armstrong, called miracle man. and miraculous it was. a cancer survivor wins the tour de france and gives hope to just
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about everybody. [ cheers ] >> i wonder if you think we helped create this great myth? >> we did. we absolutely helped create the myth. >> reporter: cbs news chairman jeff fagar, was the executive produce or that story. >> we wanted to believe it. who didn't? it was an unbelievably inspirational story. but we were duped. >> reporter: back then almost everyone was duped by armstrong's claim that he rode a clean race to the top. but "60 minutes" stayed on the story. over the next 13 years, the team would produce four investigative reports that exposed armstrong's lies. >> we have learned -- >> what's remarkable about our relationship with lance armstrong is that it's taken a 180-degree turn. >> reporter: producer michael rudestki worked behind the scenes for years to convince armstrong to answer growing allegations. >> the first conversation he was charming and kind of
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intoxicating. i told him how much i admired the thanks he'd accomplished, but there were questions that remained. >> reporter: in the next conversation, armstrong's tone changed. >> and he said, you know, we better be careful what we say because he's never doped in his life. >> reporter: their last phone call was even more direct. >> he just outright threatened us if we moved forward with the story and told me that -- that there was going to be hell to pay for me personally. >> reporter: what do you say to that? >> when someone threatens you, generally you're on to something. >> reporter: what "60 minutes" was on to was a grand doping and cover-up scheme. lance armstrong never did agree to a second interviewer with "6 minutes." but michael rudduski got the next best thing. armstrong's former teammate. >> you saw lance armstrong inject epo? >> yeah. like we all did.
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>> right after our broadcast aired we got a letter to jeff a fagar that says, "in the cold light of morning, your job was extraordinarily shoddy or a vicious hit and run job." we couldn't release it until morning. >> reporter: but it had been released to the press. >> in the morning lance armstrong was demanding an on-air apology from "60 minutes." >> we will never apologize. we stand by our story. we're proud of our reporting. >> reporter: seems like controlling the narrative. >> they did it here. >> reporter: 60 minutes" followed up with another story. this time he got the interviewer with the man who would ultimately bring armstrong down. travis tygart runs a small watchdog agency that investigated armstrong for years. >> this was a fight for the soul of sport. >> you look for people like travis tygart in the world because he sheds light all by
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himself on something that is a serious problem. i think he's an american hero. he alone is the reason lance armstrong had to come clean. >> reporter: and finally in a talk show confession, lance armstrong admitted he'd been lying all along. >> what i think was really troublesome is that he was only the partial -- it was only the partial truth which is why we're still on the story. it's a partial confession. it's not over. i think he'd like to think it's over, but it's not. >> i assume he means by that that it's not over that there may be more things to come or more cases of discussion about -- from people who may feel that they have been wronged. >> yeah. and i think lance armstrong seems to say that there's more for him to say, too. jeff fa g ar's right. the story's not over. for anybody to accuse "60 minutes" of shoddy reporting, you sort of lose a little bit of credibility with that. >> right. as michael said, once he started to threaten, that's when a good
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people are living longer these days, but that can also mean growing challenges taking care of our parents. nearly 5.5 million americans now have alzheimer's disease. that number could jump to 16 million by the year 2050. 2050. families with a history of & alzheimer's struggle with enormously difficult decisions. "cbs this morning" contributor lee woodruff write about her own family in the new issue of "more" magazine. lee is here along with cbs news legal analyst, jeff ford, joins us at the table. good to see you both.
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lee, clearly you're very close to your sisters. you describe them as your bones, your best friends, your confidante. the three of you made a pact. what is it? >> we have. watching our dad with alzheimer's, we've decided this is not the way we want to go in a lingering way where we're not sure what's going on. we have decided we'll try to figure out where the line is, recognizing that's really hard. and we've got the cocktail for how we might just sort of go to sleep and maybe not wake up. >> what is that cocktail? >> you might need to read the magazine. you want me to tell you? >> yes. >> i had to call my friend who was a physician who -- i told him i was writing a novel because -- you know, there are legal issues here, as well. >> how will you know when it's time? >> see, that's the issue. how do you know where the line is? i think as you get older, jack and i were talking about this, you probably push the line. we acknowledged that completely. we may pass the line. we may not make this happen. but what's important is having the conversation about end-of-life issues. that was the point of the article. our parents' generation didn't want to talk about it.
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>> yeah. >> jack, you previously served on the board of the national alzheimer's -- >> advisory board. >> so what are the legal issues involved here if someone contemplates these end-of-life plans? >> what's difficult here, nora, is these emotional issues that we're talking about here don't necessarily intersect with the legal constraints here. the law has differentiated between end-of-life situations and quality of life situations. and it hasn't really embraced either of them in terms of the notion of assisted suicide. that's what you're talking about. with regard to end-of-life situations, you have three states in this country that have stepped forward, two by legislation, one by court decision, and said we will allow physician-assisted suicide, but limitations. within six months of dying essentially. what hasn't been embraced is the notion of, all right, how do we deal with quality of life deterioration. and the law has not accepted in any way, shape, or form somebody stepping in and helping out
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somebody else to end their life because their quality of life has deteriorated so dramatically. that is an area that the law doesn't provide any assistance. >> so gray. it's different for everybody. you know, that's part -- >> and difficult. difficult for everybody. >> and that's part of what my sisters and i are talking about. what -- where was dad when he passed that line, and -- and, you know, of course complicit i not easy but teaching us to appreciate the time we have left. >> jack, you have this in your family history, too. are you concerned? is this something you thought about doing? >> my wife's side of the family, my mother-in-law, my wife's mother suffered and died from alzheimer's. grandmother. o that side of the family. and my wife and i have gotten involved in it because of that. we've had conversation. and the important thing, as lee said, you have to have conversations with other family members. have everybody have some understanding of what you're looking for and hoping for when you get to those stages of your life. they're very difficult conversations to have.
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war of 1812, you know it's that war that's wedged between the revolutionary war and the civil war. and you know that we won it, right? well, if you go up north to canada, they say that they won it. and honestly, i didn't even know that canada was in it. every year on louisiana's battlefield, the battle of new orleans is commemorated. many view the american victory here as the end to the war of 1812, a sprawling three-year conflict that once and for all freed the u.s. from the shackles of great britain. the british had been interfering with american trade. months before this battle, the british burned down the white house. >> fire! >> reporter: but the stars and stripes would survive the perilous fight at the battle of baltimore inspiring francis scott key to write "the star spangled banner." ♪ o say can you see >> reporter: so the british were the ones who started this all,
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right? we were under attack essentially? >> we awe ourselves as that. -- we saw ourselves as that. some senators were looking for an excuse to invade canada. they're saying, well, the british seizing american ships, sailors, that gives us a right to declare war. let's go to war and take the british colonies of canada. >> reporter: we invaded canada? our oh, so nice neighbor to the north? how come i didn't learn that in school? i always was taught the war of 1812 is about the "the star spangled banner" and about americans defending ourselves against the british. >> i think one reason we don't study much about the war of 1812 is we did not succeed in taking canada. so no one wants to hear about that. it's sandwiched in between the revolutionary war which had huge figures like george washington. then the civil war which is -- a larger thing. >> reporter: the war of 1812 is like the jan brady. the awkward middle child of the three wars. historians often call the war of 1812 america's forgotten war. but across the border in
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ontario, canada, well, they've got a different take. thousands are gathered here today to watch a re-enactment of the battle of queenston heights which, as everyone knows, was one of the most important battles in the war of 1812. really it was. just ask any canadian. what are school kids in canada taught about the war of 1812? >> that it was a canadian victory. we fought off the american invaders. ultimately it resulted in saving canada and creating our own canadian identity. >> reporter: okay. level with me, ranger vince. how much of this was about grabbing canada? >> that depends who you ask. the perception is we won the war of 1812 hands down. however, if you go to canada, the perception is the canadians and the british beat the americans in the war of 1812. >> reporter: in 1812, the pongz of canada included -- population of canada included many americans who left after the revolution. one of canada's national heroes is american-born laura seacord.
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she trekked through the night to warn the british about the imminent american invasion. yes, she's canada's paula revere. in the end, both countries say they won the war. a kind of win-win. from an american to a canadian, happy anniversary. >> thank you very much. glad to have you here. just don't issue any proclamations. >> reporter: i promise not to invade you. >> good. thank you very much. >> reporter: and that's the latest on the war of 1812. and i promise to keep you posted on any late breaking developments in this conflict. >> mo, we all have one question -- what about the beard and not the beard? >> reporter: it was a very long shoot. [ laughter ] >> that sort of says it all. listen, i don't doubt anything that ranger vince has to say, mo. if you need more questions or information, he's got it for you. >> reporter: seriously, he is your fantasy high school history teacher. this guy knows everything. he's amazing.
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