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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  February 12, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EST

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good morning. it is tuesday, february 12, 2013. welcome to "cbs this morning." breaking news overnight, north korea shows its teeth yet again with a new nuclear test. only on "cbs this morning," former vice president dick cheney blasts and compliment president obama. who will be the next pope? and a nightmare at sea. thousands trapped in deplorable conditions aboard a stranded cruise liner. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> this was not at all a surprise. >> the only real question was when. >> north korea defies the world
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with a third nuclear test. >> the miniaturized nuclear device. >> triggered a mild earthquake and even prompted the u.n. security council to call an emergency meeting for later this morning. >> president obama has joined international condemnation calling it a highly provacative act. >> the manhunt continues for a cop. >> video shows dorner two days before the killing spree buying scuba gear. >> police searched a hotel in mexico last night. no evidence was dorner was found. >> tonight president obama delivers his first state of the union address of his second term. >> i'm very, very concerned about what i see happening, charlie. >> you think that this president is weakening america? >> i do. >> speculation this morning over who will lead the catholic church now that pope benedict xvi has announced his historic resignation. >> a pretty dramatic change. it means he'll go from wearing a robe all day to wearing a robe all day. >> "top gear" has shown a video
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of a helicopter racing a cobra with a disastrous ending. >> the end of the mardi gras season. >> i like it very much. >> all that -- >> the westminster dog show is back. >> keep mice from overrunning their mistresses' boudoirs. >> that's interesting. >> top ten questions on the application to become a swimsuit model. >> how does brent musburger describe you? >> and all that matters -- >> awarded the medal for courageous action. his son stole the show playing peek-a-boo. >> colin is not as shy as clint. >> on "cbs this morning." >> lightning struck the vatican just hours after pope benedict would be announ-- pope benedict announced his resignation. >> what will the pope do? he could become the most distinguished walmart greeter of all time.
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, wi welcome to "cbs this morning." nae north korea held its third nuclear test. >> president obama will in fact discuss the nuclear test during his state of the union address tonight. the president will say it merely isolates north korea even more. now the north says it tested a lighter, miniaturized nuclear device underground at its northeastern test site. margaret brennan is in washington. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, nora and charlie. president obama is calling the test a highly provacative act. he condemned it in a statement overnight saying north korea's nuclear weapons and ballistic missile program constitutes a threat to u.s. national security and to international peace and security. north korea has been warning for weeks that it was about to test its nuclear arsenal. on tuesday morning, it exploded
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a bomb in a facility one kilometer underground near the same location of its nuclear test in 2006 and 2009. >> there is concern that they could come up with a delivery system for their nuclear weapons. >> reporter: last week the u.s. and south korean navies launched military drills in the region as a show of force. north korea's test demonstrates a significant split from its main patron, china. recently beijing warned leader kim jong-un against any weapons tests. >> they've said publicly that there would be real consequences for north korea. what those consequences are we have to see, but i suspect it's going to be more than an angry lettered. >> reporter: china is one of the few countries supporting north korea's fragile economy and could respond by cutting financial aid. this latest test may provide evidence of the strength of north korea's nuclear arsenal. >> if this is a uranium
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enrichment test, it means they have lapped the iranians on this. and we will not have a good handle on how much of this material they have. >> reporter: u.s. officials say there are indications that north korea is preparing for a second test, this time of a missile. we'll be monitoring that. overnight, several world leader condemned north korea's action, and the u.n. security council will be meeting. they're expected to have support for tough sanctions. >> thank you, margaret. with us now, senior white house adviser, valerie jarrett. good morning, valerie. >> good morning, nora. good morning, charlie. >> good morning. >> the news this morning is that north korea has had a third nuclear test. the president in his statement said this was a highly provacative act that warranted swift and credible action. what will the president say tonight about reducing nuclear weapons? >> well, we'll stay tuned tonight to hear how he responds to that. you're right, it was highly
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provacative. it violates numerous resolutions, it's a threat to the region, a threat to the united states, it's a threat to the international peace and security. we're heartened to see that the u.n. security council will be meeting this morning at 9:00. >> how will the united states respond? >> well, let's see how that meeting goes. it's not just about the united states's response. there will be an international, firm response to that. so let's let the committee meet this morning and then we'll see what the next steps are after that. >> okay, let me turn to the state of the union. you are perhaps other than the first lady the person closest to the president in the white house. and more and more people are saying what "the new york times" said this morning. "as the president prepared to outline his second-term agenda, it is clear from personal accounts as well as his public acts like his bold inaugural address that he's shown assertiveness, self-possession, even cockiness that contrasts with a caution, compromise, and reserve that he showed for much of his first term." >> well, i think that certainly after four years he's had a lot
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of experience. his confidence has grown. but his objective is the same. since day one he's been focused on building the middle class from the middle out as opposed to the top down. growing our economy, making sure that we are a magnet here in the united states for jobs and for manufacturing. making sure that as we develop those jobs that our folks are equipped with the stills they need to perform those jobs, and making sure that if you work hard that you have a good living. i think those basic values are american principles. they're american values. and you'll see that the theme tonight is consistent with his theme of the inaugural where if you really work hard and everybody gets a fair shot, everybody gets a fair shake. everybody plays by the same set of rules. and that if we do that together, our nation will be stronger. >> let me talk about appointments for the new second term team. dick cheney, the former vice president, very critical saying it's a second-rate team in the national security arena, and it simply reflects the president and a weakening of america.
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>> well, obviously i disagree with that. i think it's no surprise that we would pick different people than perhaps would have been selected under prior administration. the presiden has picked an outstanding team. given our challenges ahead, we call on congress to confirm them as soon as possible so that we can move forward. we have challenges, but we also have opportunities. i think the president deserves to have a team swiftly confirmed so we can get about the business of defending our country, moving our country forward, building that middle class that i talked about. >> we have seen resignation including, for example, the secretary of energy. the question still is when will we see those major women appointed to top-level cabinet positions whether it's justice or something else? >> well, the attorney general intends to stay. the president just appointed sally jewell to the department of interior last week. he'll be filling out his cabinet in the coming weeks. i think when he's finished, you will see it is a cabinet that
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reflects the diversity of our country. not just the cabinet but sub-cabinet and one that he believes will put america first but the middle class first, help those who want to move into the middle class, and move our country forward. we're very optimistic, charlie, about the future. and it's time to get going now. >> valerie jarrett, good to see you. thank you for joining us. >> thanks, nora. thanks, charlie. former vice president dick cheney's condemning and praising president obama in a wide-ranging interview you'll only see on "cbs this morning." cheney has criticized the president's choice of national security advisers for his second term. we began by asking about an issue that is front and center on capitol hill, mr. obama's use of drones in the war on terror. >> i think it's a good program, and i don't disagree with the basic policy that the obama administration has pursued in that regard. >> therefore, the idea of taking out in yemen an american citizen who had threatened america was
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just fine with dick cheney? >> yes -- >> by dwoen attarone attack? >> yes. >> should there be checks and balances in terms of that? >> i think when we hire the president of the united states, he gets to live in the big house, makes all that money, he is getting paid to make difficult, difficult decisions. >> you talked about the obama team was second rate. what did you mean? >> well, i think -- i'm very, very concerned about what i see happening, charlie, in the national security arena. i think the administration's policies are terribly flawed. i think that the president's performance by my standards in the international arena, middle east and so forth, is worse than many of my friends and colleagues, being his domestic policies. >> the problem with the president and his policies, or is it with chuck hagel, john brennan, john kerry? >> that's all the president. the president picks the people
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that he put around him, too. with respect to chuck hagel and brennan, defense and cia, just in the last week their performance in front of the committees that have to confirm them has been pretty poor. that's, you know, not my judgment. that's the judgment, as well, of senators on both sides of the aisle. my guess is if you look at what the president's motives are for picking chuck headachel l-- chu hagel, he wants the republican to be the foil for what he wants to do with the defense department which will do serious damage to the department. it looks to me that the president has made choices in part based on people who won't argue with him. >> we'll have much more of that interview ahead. the former vice president will talk about the use of water boarding and his relationship with former president george w. bush. 24 hours after the bombshell announcement that pope benedict is resigning, the focus now turns to choosing his successor. benedict is the first pope in six centuries to step down. his last day is february 28. and this morning there are new
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reports about the pope's health. allen pizzay is in vat cal city. dow corning. >> reporter: good morning. a vatican spokesman reviewed that benedict has been wearing a pacemaker for some time and had an operation to replace the battery only three months ago. how much his declining health and the strain of dealing with the leaks and sex abuse scandals is open to speculation. vatican insiders say only a few of his closest aides knew in advance. with his brief announcement in latin, benedict set a modern precedent that ensures his successors can follow the same both. as one put it, he broke a taboo. catholics around the world reacted with surprise, some sadness, but overall there was a sense that benedict had done the right thing for himself and the church. >> it is an act of humility for the pope to realize that he can no longer physically and mentally discharge the duties of his office.
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>> reporter: even as benedict's legacy is being debated, the struggle for succession has begun behind the scenes. [ cheers ] >> reporter: latin americans feel their time has come, and there are several strong candidates including cardinal leandro sandri of argentina. the region is home to 42% of the world's catholics, and the church needs a bulwark against gains making by even evangelical christians. africa has the fastest growing catholic population. cardinal peter turkson, who is only 64, tops many lists to be the first black pope. the strongest european candidate may be italian cardinal scola. there's a front-runner in north america, mark willet. cardinal timothy dolan of new york would be a popular choice. benedict's last public appearance, major public appearance will be to provide over the ash wednesday ceremonies. he cannot take part in a
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conclave to choose his successor but his influence will be felt in a battle seen between liberals and conservatives to chart the future of the church a lot sooner than any of them expected to have to do. >> allen pizzey, thank you. cardinal donald whirl is the archbishop of washington. good morning. >> good morning. >> help us understand what's taking place now. are there factionsin the -- factions within the church, geographical divides? how will the selection of a new pope come about? >> well, at the heart of the process is going to be as you know gathering all the knds for the con -- cardinals for the conclave. when that is announced they'll come together in rome. there's a whole way in which this moves forward. prayer is a big, big part of it. and the openness of spirit. we say that with a certain conviction because in the past we recognized how that has
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played out. who would have thought, who would have thought all those years ago that the cardinal -- cardinal would have been elected pope. i think in conclave there will be a great openness of listening to the holy spirit. >> is there lobbying that goes on? >> during the conclave itself there isn't because there's a silence that pervades the entire conclave. obviously beforehand there will be discussion among the cardinals about the qualities of different cardinals. i not that's natural. you want to know as much as you can about the people around you before you start casting your ballot. >> cardinal, i mean, everything we've ever read about the selection of a pope suggests that there are people who look at the election and the kind of person who may be pope having to do with their own agenda for the church and that there is in-fighting, there is lobby, there is ambition, there is a sense of destiny for the church. >> i think that's one way of looking at it. but that may be looking at it
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from outside the conclave. i think inside the conclave we're going to see something very different. i think we're going to see an openness to where does the church need to be going. what are the ways in which we focus on the spiritual mission of the church. how do we move the church into this 21st century so that it is a voice for peace, a voice for justice, a voice for love in a world that so much needs that. >> when you talk about moving the church into the future, does the church need to change some of its views as membership is declining? does it need to reach out more? >> i think the church is always reaching out, but the reaching out is to bring people to the gospel. the task of the church is to take the received message. the received revelation, the teaching, the gospel, and pass it on. our task is to make it attractive, to make it something that people understand and are willing to embrace. our task is never to change what
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our lord has said. >> thank you very much, cardinal donald whirl. now to the continuing manhunts for former lapd officer christopher dorner. first-degree murder charge were filed against him yesterday for the ambush-style killing of a police officer. he's also wanted in two other murders. john miller is former head of the major crimes division of the lapd. good morning. >> good morning. >> there is this story that he may have headed to mexico. >> so that's based on the u.s. marshal's affidavit to a federal judge. it could be a -- there could be a couple of things going on. one, they could believe he fled to mexico. two, they could be establishing his -- the probable cause to believe he might have fled to mexico or another state. that's what they need to actually show a judge to get an unlawful flight to avoid prosecution or a ufap warrant as we call it in the federal government so they can get in the case. >> there's a million-dollar reward. i mean, that's highly unusual. that's a lot of money out there. i understand they're getting a lot of tips. do they think they're good
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leads? >> you know, they got a lot of tips. so far none of them have been dorner. no police department outside the federal government has ever put up a million-dollar reward for a suspect. but it's certainly having the desired effect which is whoever wasn't looking for him before is now. >> but there's also this -- chief says they'll reopen the case. he's saying that for purposes other than simply reopening the case because this has gone way beyond some case or some grievance he had before. >> well, i think one thing he's doing is he's giving dorner a test. i mean, dorner's manifesto says, "i need to get my reputation back, and i didn't lie, and i shouldn't have been fired. but if i get justice, the killing stops." i think if the department takes a step of we'll take a second look at the case, if he is a man of his word, then the killing has to stop. the other thing that came up yesterday is, in all the roll calls in lapd station houses in the afternoon, they said, don't get tunnel vision that this guy is in a car. we have pictures of him from his facebook page on motorcycles and hanging out with guys on
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motorcycles. make sure you're look at that guy with the helmet where you can't see his face who might be right next to you. >> all right. >> and this is a guy with skills in the area that he's operating in. >> multiple. >> thank you, john. time to show some of the headlines from around the globe. the "washington post" says the pentagon is expanding benefits to same-sex couples. the additional benefits include access to basic facilities and groups as well as joint assignments. they do not include health care for same-sex spouses or housing privileges. an apparent revenge killing after a dui crash. a texas man accused of murder, accused of shooting and killing a driver while drunk. the alleged shooter killed the two young boys outside the car helping their dad when he was hit. "wall street journal" reports that people receiving discount phone service have not proven they're eligible for the program. last year the government spent more than $2 billion to provide phones to americans with low incomes. "the new york times" says mice may fall short when it comes to being test subjects for
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human diseases. a new study finds evidence that tests using mice may be totally misleading from major killers including burns and trauma. it could mean billions of dollars have been wasted chasing fa
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former vice president dick chney says enhanced interrogation works, and it should still be an option. what do we call it had many people think it ought to be called -- torture? >> it's not. >> he tells us why he believes president obama's policies are putting the united states at risk. and the carnival cruise ship stranded for days in the gulf of mexico. passengers say it is a nightmare. we'll hear what they're saying about the conditions on board on "cbs this morning." when it comes to getting my family to eat breakfast,
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the vatican is already holding auditions to see who might be the next pope. we have one of those auditions. it's going on -- take a look. ♪ [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> exactly. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning," everyone. >> it is like we're looking at this at politics, who's up, who's down, how are they going to decide, all the stuff we see in the political campaign. >> yeah. but they keep it quiet as cardinal whirl was telling us. he said it's about prayer, but i think there's lobbying behind
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the scenes. only on "cbs this morning," more now from my interviewer with former vice president dick cheney. in his eight years in office he was at the center of vigorous debate over foreign policy and penhanced interrogation. we discussed the criticism. bush administration's record. the obama administration if they were listening to you now, as they -- >> i doubt it. >> they would say, you know what, one of our foreign policy successes is, it was a terrible attitude toward the united states because of iraq. we've had to rebuild confidence in the united states. that was the legacy of the bush administration. >> and the question is? >> what do you say to that? >> well -- >> he claimed that as a single lar foreign policy achievement. >> i think the president came to power with a world view that's different. >> how?
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>> the sense that he wanted to reduce u.s. influence in the world, wanted to take us down a peg, that he felt -- >> he hasn't said that he wants to reduce u.s. influence in the world. >> no, but -- >> never have i heard him say i want to reduce the u.s. influence in the world. >> you never heard him call himself a liberal before the election. >> everything that comes out of you today is a legitimate patriotic sense of where you think america is going. you think this president is weakening america. >> i do. >> he's making us vulnerable in the future. >> yes. >> unless somebody stops it, we're going to be at a place that we have never been before. certainly since the end of world war ii. >> yes. i believe that's a very accurate statement you just made. >> and when you look at the policies, you know, i suggested that there was an anti-american attitude after -- at the time that you handed over and the president handed over power
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toward the united states. do you accept that? >> i'm sure that there are people in the world who didn't like us then, but we -- >> we shouldn't care about that? >> if you're going to be the leader, if you're going to make those difficult decisions, if you're going to be the sort of the court of last resort dealing with the proliferation of nuclear weapons, for example, then you're going to take heat. there will be people who fundamentally disagree with us. that's okay. there's nothing wrong with that. but it is very important that they respect us. >> define enhanced interrogation. >> it was a specific set of techniques that were used, applied to detainees. every single one of those used it on our own people in training. >> including water boarding? >> including water boarding. >> to this day, you have no regret about the use of water boarding in enhanced interrogation? >> absolutely not -- >> let me make a couple of points that you made before.
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number one, this comes from people like john mccain and others, you know, who very much oppose enhanced interrogation. and he has some experience as obviously he does. and other people, a, because of american values, even stan mcchrystal said this. >> i read his book. it's a good book. >> okay. do you agree with his position? when you say enhanced interrogation, why don't we call it what many believe it ought to be called, torture? >> because it's not. >> what's the difference? >> the difference is we went through a long, difficult, and labored process with the justice department before we started the enhanced interrogation programs. >> tell us where the red line is. do we got approval for the programs that did go, that they were "not torture." and we got signed off by the president of the united states, by the entire national security council, briefing on all of those programs. >> but we stopped water boarding. >> we did. >> because? >> because there was so much flack over it. >> but if it was getting such good results -- >> it got good results.
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>> but there are still people at guantanamo -- >> yeah. at this stage -- >> why stop? >> they haven't captured anybody for a long time. and it was stopped partly because of all the controversy that developed out of it. >> so you think water boarding today ought to be part of the toolbox of things you use when american national security is at stake? >> absolutely. >> so if in fact in a circumstance like that there are few limits as to what you can do -- >> well, that -- >> the idea. >> what happened on 9/11 was, instead of treating terrorist attacks as a law enforcement problem which is what we've done up to that point, all of a sudden we've got 3,000 dead americans. and it was our job to make certain it didn't happen again. >> but there is this -- stan mcchrystal says it's about values, too, american values. >> the question you have to answer is how many people are you willing to let die so that you don't offend your values.
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>> you know washington and you know the bush administration on part of the vice president is a very hard line. >> he has not changed a bit. yeah. i think there's -- look, it's controversial. there are still people who say there's no proof that water boarding ever resulted in any intelligence that could have been used to stop future attacks. that's a debate that certainly goes on. >> and the debate over whether it was effective in coming to some sense of where osama bin laden was. >> right. exactly. >> which has come in -- >> how did this help? >> it's -- it helped. friends said they had never seen him as the old dick cheney is back. there's a story about brent scowcroft who was very critical of him and said the man i see in the white house is not the dick cheney that i knew. there was a reunion of -- for gerald ford, and they both worked for. and scowcroft said dick cheney,
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it's the old dick cheney. >> okay, what's his answer to -- about criticizing the administration? bush, the president he served under, has remained silent, not criticized obama at all? >> his attitude is that i owe it to the public discourse to say what i think. >> okay. thanks. good interviewer. look forward to seeing more of that in the 8:00 hour. also, we're hearing horror stories from those aboard a stranded cruise ship. we'll show you what's next for the carnival "triumph" drifting off the coast of mexico ahead on "cbs this morning." tomorrow, reaction to president obama's state of the union address. we'll have vice president joe biden, senator marco rubio, and congressman paul ryan in his first morning show interviewer since the election. that's tomorrow on "cbs this morning." i've discovered gold.
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leftover food, sweltering temperatures, no toilets, that's the scene described from the carnival cruise ship "triumph." it's been stranded in the gulf of mexico since power was cut. peter greenberg is in mexico city with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i got to tell you, the ship is in not good shape in terms of the comforts on board. no imminent danger of sea-worthiness problems. when the fire started, the fire suppression system on the ship really worked well. what it does is it completely floods the engine compartment with chemicals that starve the fire. so the good news is the fire is out. that's what the captain was worried about the most. fire at sea. no fire danger. go ahead -- >> i think most people are worried about what's happening to the passengers, not the ship. clearly that's going to have to be towed to port. people are fighting over food and toilets. how deplorable are the conditions? >> you've got no electricity, no ventilation, no air
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conditioning, no refrigeration. the waste management system is powered by electrical, as well. you know what that means in terms of the toilets. if you're on an inside middle cabin, you've taken your mattress out on the deck, you're sleeping outside. it's not a pretty picture at all. here's the other thing, how long will it take? they're average being three knots, 4.5 miles an hour. it will take until thursday to get to mobile, alabama. what you have here is sort of like the makings of a floating biohazard heading into alabama. >> good morning, everybody. a floating biohazard. carnival released a statement saying, "we're terribly sorry for the inconvenience, discomfort, and frustration our guests are feeling. wye know they expected a fantastic vacation, and clearly that is not what they received." is this a p.r. disaster, and what are they doing for the passengers? >> in the past i have to tell you, they've compounded their problems at some cruise lines by offering the passengers a 20% discount on their next cruise.
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that didn't fly. in this situation, carnival stepped up, they're giving the passengers a full refund. they're giving the passengers a full refund of everything they spent on the ship other than the gift shop and casino. then they've got a logistic problem. once that ship gets to mobile, alabama, how do you fly 3,100 passengers home from an airport that's only served by regional jets? an interesting challenge. >> is there an open bar? >> there better be.
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a new study finds some hospitals charge ten times as much as others for the same operation. we'll talk with a doctor about how you can get the best price for medical care. that's next on "cbs this morning." ♪ [ male announcer ] were you more interesting in your twenties, or now? when you were starting out? or after a few decades working in some well-worn character? experience makes you wiser for the wear. and now come the richer possibilities. [ children laughing ] aarp. an ally for real possibilities. find tools and resources at
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fat tuesday. that's new orleans right there. health care may not be cheap, but a new report reveals a staggering difference in the cost of medical procedures depending on where you go for treatment. dr. kavita patel is an intern at johns hopkins university and joins us now. tell us exactly what the study found. people are going to hear this and say, "what?" >> right, we looked at the cost of a common procedure, hip replacement. we asked how much it would be for a simple, uncomplicated hip replacement. the results were soaring. the costs can -- sobering. the costs can vary from $11,000 to over $125,000. >> why this disparity? >> so health care costs vary depending where you live, where you go for your care, and who you see to deliver your care. this is exactly what we're
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seeing in the difference in pricing. >> if you need a hip replacement, what do you do because of the variance in prices? >> well, a couple of things. one, if you have insurance, the first thing i would recommend is contacting your insurance company because as we've heard from the hospitals and places that i even work at, everything kepds depends on what the relationship and what your insurance company has agreed to pay for for that procedure. >> when you look at the disparity in prices, you say is this why health care costs are out of control? >> it's one of the reasons. another reason is that even when we pay a certain amount of money, we don't know what we're getting for that money. it could be bad quality, good quality. we don't even know. >> what's the percentage of success with these operations? >> they have a high percentage of success, charlie. they actually -- people with hip replacements do very well. the question that i think a lot of people should ask when they're getting the hip replacement or thinking about it is what is my surgeon's
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percentage of complications, how many times has the surgeon had a problem with an infection of a hip replacement. >> how do you find out the information? >> there are several web sites that are being -- the government and the administration has done to help this. but it's better to just ask and -- >> special t's interesting what -- it's interesting what you say on cost and selection, the incumbency is on the patient. >> it is. this is the most sobering part, as well. the burden is left to us to try to figure it out. when i take care of patients and they ask me about costs, honestly sometimes what the cost is. >> i know the study was just on hip replacements. >> right. >> i imagine this may span a lot of different kinds of surgeries. >> absolutely. there's been a long tradition of looking at cost of care, of common hospital primaries, that the dartmouth atlas has been doing over the years. they found the exact same kind of variation in cost and pricing. >> dr. patel, thank you. >> thank you for having me. vice president dick cheney says he offered to quit three times during the bush
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presidency. he'll talk about his relationship with the former president only on "cbs this morning." mine was earned in djibouti, africa, 2004. the battle of bataan, 1942. [ all ] fort benning, georgia, in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto-insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. for those nights when it's more than a bad dream, be ready. for the times you need to double-check the temperature on the thermometer, be ready. for high fever, nothing works faster or lasts longer. be ready with children's motrin.
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and...thank you. [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good. you say you're not interfering, but haven't interfering by all accounts.
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are you ever overwhelmed by your legacy? one of the questions that comes up from a place like haiti, there are pledges and there are promises. but how much of that gets
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good morning you to, it's 8:00. welcome back to "cbs this morning." the u.s., the u.n., china, and russia are condemning north korea's latest nuclear test. we'll show you what president obama says during the state of the union. and lightning strikes the vatican hours after pope benedict's shocking announcement. we'll see what the cardinals may be looking for when they choose a new pope. first, here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> president obama is calling the test a highly provacative act. >> north korea's defied the world yet again. the country confirms this morning it conducted its third
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nuclear weapons test. >> destabilizing for the region, it's a threat to the united states. it's a threat to the international peace and security. >> the president came to power with a world view that's different. >> afterwards i heard him say i want to reduce u.s. influence in the world. >> you never heard him call call himself a liberal before the election. >> the vatican spokesman revealed that benedict has been wearing a pacemaker for some time and had an operation to replace the battery only three months ago. >> how will this selection of a new pope come about? >> we're going to see an openness to where does the church need to be going. how do we move the church into the 21st century. >> i understand they're getting a lot of tips. do they think they're good leads? >> they've got a lot of tips. so far, none of them have been dorner. no police department outside of the federal government has put up a million-dollar reward for a suspect. >> we're hearing horror stories this morning from those aboard a stranded cruise ship. >> no electricity, no ventilation, no air
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conditioning, no refrigeration. what you have here is sort of like the makings of a floating biohazard. >> good morning, everyone, a floating biohazard . is there an open bar? floating biohazard . is there an open bar? >> there better be. captioning funded by cbs i'm charlie rose with gayle king and nora o'donnell. north korea conducted its third nuclear test this morning. the u.n. security council will meet to discuss the issue. the minority said it detonated a lighter miniaturized nuclear test. >> the test defies an u.n. order to shut down nuclear activities. north korea is promising what it calls measures of greater intensity. president obama is calling the test high low provacative. and -- highly provacative. and the president said the nuclear weapon and ballistic missile program constitutes a threat to u.s. and international security. cbs news is reporting that the president will discuss north korea's nuclear test during the state of the union address. a vatican spokesman revealed
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new details this morning about the pope's health. the news comes a day after benedict's surprise announcement of his resignation. allen pizzey's in vatican city with more on what's leading the phone step down. >> reporter: declining health may have been a major f facintroducing pope benedict xvi's decision to step down. he's been wearing a pacemaker for several years and had an operation barely three months ago to change the battery. add that to the strain of dealing with the sex abuse scandal and it took a toll. another thing that came out, last august the pope ordered work to begin on renovating an old can vent building any -- convent building at vatican city where he's going to live. his last major public performance will be ash wednesday. he cannot take part in the conclave, however. that has to be done by the cardinal without his influence at all. >> monsignor fig uerido joins us
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from vatican city. good morning. >> good morning. good afternoon from rome. >> are you there in rome. yes. >> good afternoon indeed. >> yes. and what's going on there now? the vatican? >> yesterday took us by great surprise. we were shocked with the announcement. so in a real sense, we can say that the future of the church is in the hearts and minds of catholics and non-catholics around the world. it's an exciting time for the church, an exciting time to be in rome. we're full of anticipation for what's going to be happening. >> there's some that suggest that there's also a contest within the church. one is about geography. the other is about smaller church, more doctrinaire, and a larger expanding church reaching out to members. >> yes, charlie. you know, the college of cardinals now is really made up of a diverse group of people.
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61 i believe from europe. there's 19 from latin america, 14 from north america, split between asia and africa. geographically, yes, diversity. i think the pope himself has wanted to go out geographically encouraging new cardinals from a wide range of countries to come in. we're always going to have doctrinal issues. those who want to stay with the second vatican council, those who want to go back before the second vatican council. at the end of the day this is the point of having a conclave. that we discuss the issues and that the cardinals agree this is the man to take the church forward in the present time which pope benedict himself said yesterday in his statement pressing times, pressing questions, with rapid changes. so we need a new man for the times -- this is why it's such an important and exciting time. >> this makes up the largest catholic population.
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i hear many latin americans saying this is our time. how likely is that, do you think? >> i think that every single cardinal has a possibility. we have been surprised now twice over. first with a pope from poland. a great pope, pope john paul, and pope benedict xvi, also great pope from germany. both were surprises. certainly in latin america there are enormous challenges and enormous opportunities. large numbers of the faithful who are deserting the church. we need to bring them back. in fact, pope benedict had a trip scheduled to brazil this summer for world youth day. that's going to be a significant moment. certainly the cardinals will be looking to north latin america, too, as one of the candidates. >> quickly monsignor, i don't know if you see the photo of lightning striking st. peter's just 24 hours after the announcement. was this some sort of sign? >> well, certainly -- i live just a couple of minutes here. i saw it myself. i'm a witness. and i think the holy -- god himself was saying to us, these
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are going to be exciting times for the church. i am with you, i am present with you, and did not be afraid to go forward and make the right and the best decision for the church and indeed for the world. >> that's what thought when you saw the sflieng. >> yeah. i was some -- lightning? >> yeah. i was somewhat afraid. it's spectacular. in rome, it is spectacular. brought back image of the veil of the temple being torn in two because something important is about to happen. we shouldn't be afraid of that because when god is present really we can be full of hope and full of confidence that something important, great is going to happen for the church and for the world. let's go ahead. let's move forward. pope benedict xvi got a sign from god himself. >> all right. >> monsignor figueiredo, good to have you in the afternoon from rome. thank you. >> wonderful to be with you. thank you. more with my interview with
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former vice president dick cheney. an interview you will see only on "cbs this morning." cheney served for two terms with president george w. bush. he says their relationship has changed over the years. someone said to me about your relationship with president bush 43, cordial? >> yes. >> friendly? >> yes. >> yeah. but distant. >> we're -- it's not -- it was mostly a professional relationship is the way i would describe it. i didn't play golf. he played golf. so, you know, we -- we still talk frequently on the telephone. >> there's a conception -- i'm asking this -- that in the second term you were less influential. >> uh-huh. >> leading up finally to the disagreement over -- is that a fair statement? >> i think i probably had more
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influence in the first term. i think my experience was more relevant in the first term. the second term, obviously, he had put in his time. i offered at midterm, halfway through, to step down if he wanted to get somebody else. i always believed the president ought to have that ability. i went to him three times and said, "mr. president, you need to know if you want to make a change here, if you think you can get somebody who can do good work for you or if i'm carrying too much baggage, i'm not going stand in your way. i'm out of here." first two times he didn't take me seriously. third time he did, he thought about it and said, "no, dick, you're my guy." >> hear more including the former vice president talking about his heart transplant by going to our web site, president obama's awarded the medal of honor. the nation's highest military honor, to former staff sergeant clinton romesha. he prevented a u.s. outpost in afghanistan from being overrun by taliban fighters in 2009
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after being hit by shrapnel from a rocket-propelled grenade. >> "we weren't going to be beat that day," clint said. "we were not going to back down in the face of diversity like that. we were just gone -- just going to win, that simple." god bless you, clint romesha, and all of your team. god bless all who serve and god bless the united states of america. [ applause ] >> eight american servicemen died in that fire-fight. one of the most intense in the afghan war. in a lighter moment before the ceremony, romesha's 1-year-old son, that would be colin, stole some hearts. he jumped on stage and played peek-a-boo behind the president's podium before being escorted off to his mother's arms. >> by a marine. >> you go take him, mom. not many people can say they played peek-a-boo at the white house behind the president's
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podium. >> adorable look up in the sky. it's not a bird. it's not even a plane. >> reporter: had can carry 66 tons yet is lighter than air? you're looking at it. find out about the big plans for the biggest air ship ever coming up on "cbs this morning." the farmers' market.
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and we're here to help make that happen. try it free at turbotax dot com.
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authorities in your area have been informed that the bodies of the dead are rising from their graves and attacking
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the living. follow the messages on screen that will be updated as information becomes available. >> hackers broke into the emergency alert system of a montana television station. so you see they broadcast a warning about zombies rising from the grave. at least four people called police to see if it was true. who thought that was funny? >> yeah. weird. >> i don't know. all right. the road to retirement is filled with surprises. "money" magazine has recovered some of them. we'll show you the secrets the retiring on your own terms next on "cbs this morning." hey, there's a photo booth. come on! okay. ♪ okay, we gotta time this just right. okay. ready... mm-hmm. ♪ happy valentine's day. [ female announcer ] time it just right for valentine's day and save 30% on these diamond fashions
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from kay jewelers. just one more reason kay is the number one jewelry store in america. ready... [ camera flash ] ♪ every kiss begins with kay and less saturated fat? it's eb. eggland's best eggs. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. it's eb. five days later, i had a massive heart attack. bayer aspirin was the first thing the emts gave me. now, i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ woman ] learn from my story.
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in a tough economy, retirement can seem like a pipe
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dream. but the now cover story in "money" magazine reveals the six secrets of retirement and offers advice on how to act now. money senior writer donna rosato is with us. welcome. >> thank you, good morning. >> what is the advice, how can you secure your job until retirement age? >> well, a lot of folks think their plan for retirement, if they don't have enough, is just to work longer. in fact, there was a recent study by transamerica that said more than half of people 50 and older said that they would retire at 65 or later. but the reality is most people don't even make it to 65. the median retirement age is 62. what you want to do is make sure you're constantly focusing on showing how valuable you are at work. that means showing that you -- you're constantly learning, that you're taking on new responsibilities. and another thing that we advise people is find a champion. someone who's going to be singing your praises when there are job cuts or promotions or, you know, layoffs. >> find a way to make yourself indispensable i always say. >> exactly.
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>> when it comes to retirement and how much money do you need, how much do you need to lead a good life, how much do you need to lead a comfortable life when it comes to retiring? >> that's the question everyone has. how much do i need to save. we have a specific number for that. 16.6% of your annual income. the reason it's so specific is there was a research, detailed research out of american college which trains financial planners. and they studied marketing conditions going back to the 19th century to figure out how much is a safe savings level that would help you sustain your preretirement income and post retirement income. it was 16.6% of your annual income. >> to keep you living to the manner in which you've become accustomed. >> that's right. that does include employer matches. what you want to do is the average person who participates in a 401(k) only puts in about 8% to 10%. that's not enough. you want to make sure you're doing more than maxing out your 401(k), saving in other taxable accounts like iras. then you can get there. >> we talked about that yesterday. >> yeah. i was thinking, what payments
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should be prioritized? >> well, a lot of people think when they get into retirement, i'm going to pay off that mortgage. certainly gives you peace of mind. but in today's low interest rate environment, it may not actually make the most sense. if you're paying less than 4% on your mortgage, if you can -- you can take that money and put it into retirement investing, you could make even conservatively 4%, 6%. that may be a smarter way to spend that savings. >> okay. what if i'm in debt? how do i deal with the debt issues and save for retirement? >> here's something that might be a little controversial. but you don't want to enter retirement with a lot of high priced debt. what we're talking about are credit cards, maybe student loans that you took on for your kids or auto loans. you want to pay that off. you might be paying 8%, 10%, 12% on. that here's the controversial part -- maybe for a while you want to step back your retirement savings and put this money into paying down that debt. if you're paying 12% on debt that's going sap your retirement. nay off as soon as you can. >> donna rosato.
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thank you. from saving your money to saving your strength. a ceo of an energy project explains why you might be more productive just by taking it easy. she'll explain how that works. easy. she'll explain how that works. you easy. she'll explain how that works. this is dylan right here, this is dylan, and this is his big brother hayden. dylan's only five, but he's already been through two surgeries for brain tumors. and he just went through his second round of chemo. and this is their mother, dawn, who runs this loving and happy home. she too struggled with tumors. but that doesn't slow her down. her love of family comes first. their dad, phil, works two jobs, repairing copiers, and on weekends delivering newspapers. but the bills keep piling up, and the heating bill gets pushed off. when you learn about their difficulties, it just breaks your heart. when we asked the biggest oil companies to help families in need,
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only citgo, the people of venezuela, and president hugo chavez responded. thanks to them, citizens energy is able to deliver millions of gallons of fuel to families just like the berios. i'm joe kennedy. if you need help staying warm, call me at 1-877-joe-4-oil. because no one should be left out in the cold!
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here to show us why afternoon naps and longer vacations can help give you a life reboot. like how tony schwartz is thinking there. >> all right. plus, it's not just another blimp. we'll take you on a ride to see why new thinking and new technology could mean the return of air ships. that's all ahead. right now it's time to show this morning's headlines. "the new york times" says the rising cost of health care is slowing and that helping it ease the deficit. the congressional budget office now estimates hundreds of billions of dollars have been
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cut from the cost of medicare and medicaid. overall, health care spending is at its lowest rate in decades. the "washington post" looks at state of the union squatters. they are the lawmakers who wait hours to stake out one of the coveted aisle seats in the house chamber. being in that spot can mean some high-profile television face time when greeting the president. the "wall street journal" says gum chewing is falling out of favor. gum makers are looking to win customers back. they're shrinking gum packages to fit in the pockets of jeans and are trying new flavors like orange cream pop and wild berry remix which i think might be part of the problem. i like just the traditional flavors. "the financial times" says that spain's parliament is expected to declare bullfighting a protected national cultural pastime. the move today is expected to raise tensions in spanish regions where the sport is banned. we would all like to be more productive.
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tony schwartz says he knows the key. he's the founder and ceo of the energy project which teaches people how to reach their full potential. don't we all want some of that? hello to you, tony schwartz. >> thank you. >> i'm confuse good one of your suggestions. you say the best way to get more done is to do less. how did does that work? >> it's a paradigm shift from thinking that spending more hours in a day is going to get you to the end you want to recognizing that it's actually how much energy you bring to the hours you work. so that if you are really energized when you're working, you're really working, when you're renewing and recoverying, something most people don't know these days, you're rebooting. >> how can we be more productive? >> by aligning with the body's rhythms. by moving rhythmically between spending and renewing energy, which is what the body is meant to do. and when you -- as i said, when you're working, you're 100% focused or at least you're finding opportunities during the day. and you're weather you're not,
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you're valuing -- and when you're not, you're valuing renewal. are you being more focused on it. >> this resonates with me. naps are the key to my ability, you know, to be fresh and hopefully productive. naps. >> without question. you know, charlie, and given the life you have, i would imagine that you wouldn't be here without them. but in the 30-minute nap and during a workday, you should never take more than that. you'll fall into the deeper stages of sleep. >> never more than 30 minutes? >> never more than 30 minutes. in a 30-minute nap you can recover enough energy to bring as much as you would get from a full night of sleep for the subsequent oner to hours after that -- one or two hours after that nap. they're incredibly powerful and equally undervalued. >> i took a nap at 8:00, 8:00 to 8:30, so i would be fresh to prepare for the next day. >> without question. and if we can get organizations like -- the energy project is out there trying to get companies like apple and google and coke and genentech, a range
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of progressive thinking companies to adopt practices which is a tremendous shift from focusing on the idea that you wanted to get more out of team recognizing that the best way to do it is to invest more in them. meeting their needs. >> hurst has a nap room, i worry if i go in i won't come out. you talk about working in 90-minute intervals. >> a spectacular -- i've been talking about this subject with charlie rose since 1995. it's a spectacular way to, again, align with the rhythm of the body. the body moves from high arousal into fatigue every 90 minutes. if you work in that way, what you do at the end of 90 minutes, you recover and renew, and you're treated go back into the fray at the end of those 90 -- of the rest after the 90 mints. >> some women may be saying this sountsds like it's easy -- this sounds like it's easy for men. it's harder for women to do that. >> because you've got to put yourself back together afterward or women just have a hardy time
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napping? i never heard that before. >> do they? >> no. i don't believe there's any sort of physiological evidence that women have a harder time. >> i know more men that nap than women. i've had women tell me, you know, i wish i could do it. >> yeah. >> absolutely. >> i'm one of those women. >> you know, what's extraordinary is i wrote this piece on sunday in "the new york times." you know, relax, you'll be more productive. it's a measure of and a window into the despair and the exhaustion people are feeling that 48 hours later that's still the most e-mailed article on "the new york times." it's amazing. >> and was one of the -- one of the most important things you say about being productive is ritual. everybody who says that, establish a ritual of when you're working, when you're napping, when you're exercising. >> if you can schedule whatever the activity -- the more you have to think about something, the less likely you are to do. the more you ritualize it, the more you put it at a specific time, and n a specific place on, specific days, the more likely are you to repeat it. if you have to think about
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something, you're in a lot of trouble. >> yeah. >> somebody once said about exercise, it should be like breathing. you know, you should do it automatically. >> all the things that you don't have to think about to get done you should automate in your life. >> you don't have the issue of sex here, do you? >> this is interesting. i'm told never to talk about sex, religion, and politics in ll the work i do with organizations tell me. >> all right. >> we generally ask that on this show. >> it's rhythmic. that's the farthest i'll ever go. >> okay. >> rrhythmic. got it. >> not the first word that comes to mind for me. >> all right. >> wow! >> we're veering off. this is scary. >> my fault, sorry. >> thanks for asking. >> i am curious about the word, but i'll move along. >> thank you, good to have you here. >> good to see you, tony. there was a time when it was common for air ships and blimps to fill the skies of america and europe. changed with one simple word --
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hindenburg. more than 75 years later, bill whitaker shows where air ships could be taking off again. i've never seen anything that looked like this. there isn't one. this is the only one in the world. >> reporter: it looks like a big balloon. but engineer tim kenny with worldwide aros of tustin, california, calls this the evolution of air transport. >> you can carry it inside? >> yes, the payload would be lifted from the bottom of the vehicle and stowed inside the vehicle. >> reporter: it's called the aeroscraft. the 2270-foot-long, 100-foot-tall prototype of the actual air ship. that will be twice as big, designed to lift tons of cargo. >> this here is a scaled down version of our 66-ton vehicle. >> reporter: 66 tons. >> 66 tons. >> reporter: that's a big payload. >> 66 tons of payslowed a massive payload. >> reporter: harkable not just for what it can carry but where. >> there is no place this vehicle can't go. we can go anywhere there's no
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ports, no runways, it could be the rain forest. it could be the arctic. we can land on snow, ice, water. >> reporter: all at speeds putting traditional truck or ship cargo carriers to shame. 100 miles per hour from new york to los angeles, little more than a day. air ships seem so practical some wonder why they ever went away in the first place. air ships first graced the skies back in the 1920s and '30s as surveillance platforms, cargo carriers, even passenger luxury liners. that all came to a tragic end in may, 1937. >> terrible. this is one of the worst catastrophes in the world. >> reporter: it's believed a spark ignited the volatile hydrogen gas that kept the hindenburg afloat. 36 people perished. hindenburg afloat. 36 people perished. so did the future of airships. >> i think the future of hindenburg is there. >> reporter: igor pasternak
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wants to erase the image. he's designer and ceo of aeroscraft. his creation is lifted by nonflammable, lighter than air helium. it's not just bigger than earlier airships but far saf safsafe -- far safer, he says. he's not alone. dozens of companies are working on next-generation airships. lockheed martin designed this to haul heavy equipment to remote parts of the globe. but the aerospace company couldn't find funding to mass produce it. >> we're very close. probably closer than we've ever been since airships started being operated to building something that the commercial world can use. >> reporter: aviation analyst graham warwick says the only funder with deep pockets and technical know-how to get new airships off the ground is the u.s. military. last august, the army and aviation giant northrop grumman took to the skies with this $517 million aircraft designed as a surveillance platform, loaded with cameras.
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with the afghan war winding down, it now sits in a hangar. its further funding in doubt. >> one of the concerns is that the military will lose interest before the commercial world can pick it up. this is the gondola. >> reporter: the aeroscraft got off the ground with just $35 million from the military. but engineer tim kenny is convinced it will stay afloat because of its unique technology. >> this will control everything. so if i want to put the payload on, i just push a button, and it automatically will adjust the vehicle speed >> it will be lighter if we add the payload or become heavier if we remove the payload. >> reporter: that means no need for ground crews, long mooring ropes. it stays stable in high winds. >> we're ready to go. >> reporter: tim kenny took us for a short ride. i hear the engines, but i don't feel a thing. >> no. it's so smooth. you're floating. just like sitting in a balloon. >> reporter: 30 feet off the hangar floor and into the record
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books. have you taken it up this high before? >> no. a first. >> no. a first. you're the first one. >> reporter: all right. the aeroscraft is waiting for faa approval to take a test flight outside the hangar. then this california crew is betting the sky's the limit. for "cbs this morning," bill whitaker, tustin, california. >> nicely done, bill. he's a near mythical figure in the world of organized crime. a new book reveals the inside look of whitey bulger's life. we'll talk to one of the authors and former fbi insider john miller coming up.
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i'm sure by now you know i got an informer in my outfit. cop.
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the police department -- i'm not sure. >> jesus christ. you sure it's not the fbi? >> yeah. ain't the fbi. >> that is jack nicholson in "the departed" playing a mob boss loosely based on whitey bulger. bulger ruled south boston for decades before spending 16 years on the run. he was finally captured in 2011. a new book reveals bulger's violent life and his ties to the fbi. it is called "whitey bulger: america's most wanted gangster." and the manhunt that brought him to just. we're here with kevin coe, co-author, and john miller, a former fbi assistant director. good morning. >> good morning. >> the trial's coming up. you believe that whitey wants to make this what? >> he wants to change the narrative. to this point, everybody's told his story for him including us. what he wants is to refute two points. he says he was never an
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informant for the fbi. he says he never killed the two women whose murders are among the 19 he's charged with. those are the two things he most wants to refute. you say it's about getting even. he's not even going to get acquitted you say. >> there's no way that guy's going to walk out of prison. but i think he feels like this is his last chance. as he calls it, the big show. he didn't go out in a blaze of al gory in santa monica. he wants to go out in a blaze of glory in the courtroom. >> how could he be an fbi informant and kill people while he's an fbi informant? >> you might want to ask the fbi that. >> i'm looking at the fbi insider. how could that be, john miller? >> i think he wasn't just an informant. whitey bulger was this rare class of what they categorize as top echelon informants. these are informants who are supposed to have extraordinary
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access. when you sign the deal you say you won't commit crimes, if you do, you'll tell the fbi. this gets lost because there's a long trail of paper between the handler of that informant, in this case, a corrupt agent named john connelly. fbi headquarters and the department of justice. i think what the handler says with a wink and a nod to the top echelon informant doesn't get all the way back there. now, others would argue that, you know, headquarters had to be blind not to understand it. >> well, it's the old line, too, that you never should have the local wise guy being worked by the local cop. >> yeah. >> in this case, it -- it's -- >> they had rape. >> yeah. i mean -- they had a relationship. >> yeah. i mean they went back. the people who were supervising this relationship, they'd -- the fbi transfers people in every three or four years. john connelly could sell this to any guy who came in from out of town. they didn't understand boston to begin with.
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they certainly didn't understand southy. >> john bulger, right, his brother claiming that fbi agents who supplied information to him gave him immunity. what do we know about that? >> i think this is -- this is a fascinating crux here because his claim is going to be that i was never an informant. which then raises the question, then why did they give you immunity. right? >> how is he going to have it both ways? >> well, he's trying to have it both ways. i think he's trying to create confusion out there more than anything. the statement that you're talking about, nora, what he was saying with his brother during a visit to the jail, at first it seemed crazy. i always say that whitey's crazy like a fox. so he's got something up his sleeve. >> that's what interests me. i mean, whether jack nicholson captured him in terms of his personality or not. >> well, i think whitey would look at that and say i was never that out of shape. that was really -- he was a vain guy. still to this day doing 155 pushups in his jail cell at 83 years of age. >> and how mean was he?
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>> well, i think the record speaks for itself. i mean, this is the other thing -- my co-author, shelly murphy and i really tried to capture for lack of a better term the humanity of who this guy -- i think he's been a one or two hi- two-dimensional character for all these years. he's a guy of incredible contradictions. he aspired to the ozzy and hair yet lifestyles. he was out doing crime at day. then at night he would insist on being home at 5:00 or 6:00 for i sit down meal with his paramour and her children. >> and telling them to do the right thing. >> don't be me. stay in school. study hard. save your money. stay in shape. don't hang around with bad people. they're like, huh? i mean, that's the contradiction. this is a guy that is charged with incredibly cruel violence, shooting people in the head. when they had to put a dog down in louisiana, he couldn't look. he wept. he's a guy that seems to have
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more feelings for animals -- >> did he think that he would ever be caught? >> i don't think he did. >> why was he called whitey? >> because as a kid he was a tow head. >> blonde hair. >> yeah. >> how was he able to be the master manipulator who managed to have the mafia on this set of puppet strings, the fbi on that set of puppet strings, and control over the neighborhood? >> well, the guy is charismatic, john. i think anybody who's powerful or good at what they do, whether it's politics, the law, tv, it's -- are you charismatsic d. people like you. kevin weeks, his protege said -- >> charlie, you could be running -- >> kevin weeks said to us, if whitey wanted you to like him, you would like him. and he would not give up until you liked him. >> i was fascinating. i thought, god, i wouldn't mind meeting him. >> now, one -- >> we can arrange that. >> thank you, kevin. thank you. we've got to go. i was fascinated by him.
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thank you. "whitey bulger" on sale now. tomorrow, we're talking with carry underwood -- carrie underwood. she brought home grammy gold. that's tomorrow. this is "cbs this morning."
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this has been a fun day. >> i know. no two days are ever the same. for me the best was the monsignor talking about that lightning bolt. that it was from -- >> a sign from god himself. and here's the video of it. incredible. happened just hours after the pope resigned. >> and then from pope benedict to dick cheney. >> yes. >> valerie jarrett. tony schwartz on how to be more
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productive. >> all of us need more naps. that's the rule. the takeaway from today. that does it for us. up next, your local ne
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