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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  October 1, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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in 17 years. 800,000 federal workers will be furloughed. >> the house, the senate and the white house could not agree on a proposal. >> we're hoping to get through. >> house republicans did not want to pass the budget deal until the delay was made to obama care. >> they're so fixated on embarrassing our president they've lost their mind. >> the dow jones industrials lost 128 points. new york police revealing shocking video, a motorcycle rider surrounding an suv after a biker is rear ended. pulling the driver out of the suv and beating him. uc-berkeley, a power outage led to evacuations. >> in the pacific northwest, more rain outside of olympia. ef-1 tornado. a police cruiser's dash cam
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captured amazing heroism. >> all that -- >> and in the park -- do you doubt me? >> no. >> a mascot owning up to a bet he lost. >> and "all that mattered" -- >> republicans are pointing the finger at democrats. >> now is the time for the president to leave. >> democrats are pointing the finger to republicans. >> stand up for your country! >> and americans are pointing the middle finger to both of them. [ laughter ] >> congress failed to reach an agreement on a new spending bill and now it looks like a good chance that the government will shut down or in other words. [ sound ] [ applause ] >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" is presented by >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" is presented by toyota, let's go places. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." good morning, norah. >> good morning to you, charlie. well it really happened. >> for the first time in 17 years much of the federal government is shut down.
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congress failed to agree to new funding for a midnight deadline. that means about 800,000 workers will be off the job this morning. veterans' disability claims will not be decided. the wic program for women and children may be shut down. >> however services will be provided. the post office will stay open and mail will be delivered. social security checks will go out as ushl, ual, so will medic and medicare. we go to nancy cordes on capitol hill. good morning. >> good morning. i wish i could say we're closer to a resolution today than we were yesterday. but i can't. congress was here all night long. there was plenty of shouting. plenty of finger-pointing but no dealmaking. >> mr. speaker, it is now midnight, and the great government of the united states is now closed. >> reporter: -- when the clock
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struck 12:00 -- the house and senate were still locked in a debate even as a memo went out from the white house destructing them to plans of an orderly shut down do to absence of appropriations. >> do you stand with your country? do you stand for your country? or do you want to take it down this evening? >> reporter: just before 1:00 a.m., the house passed its fourth attempt to form the government. this would delay the onset of individual mandate requiring all americans to get insurance. and it calls for negotiation of obama care between lawmakers between the house and senate. >> i would hope that the senate would accept our offer to get a conference and discuss this so we can resolve this for the american people. >> they've lost their minds. >> reporter: senate majority leader harry reid said he won't agree to any talks unless house republicans fund the government first. no strings attached. >> we will not relitigate or
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negotiate the health care debate. at the point of a gun. >> it shows that the majority of americans don't want to see the government shut down over obama care. how can you think that the americans would accept that? >> well, they have obama care. >> reporter: the president reached out to the four top congressional leaders late monday but there were no breakthroughs. >> i talked to the president earlier tonight. i'm not going to negotiate. i'm not going to negotiate. we're not going to do this. well, i would say to the president, this is not about me. and it's not about republicans here in congress. it's about fairness for the american people. >> reporter: mr. obama had a different take. >> you don't get -- extract a ransom for doing your job. for doing what you're supposed to be doing anyway. >> members of congress are among the few federal workers that
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will continue to get paid during a shutdown. some of them have said they will donate that pay to charity. but what is truly amazing about this situation right now, charlie and norah, is that the bills they are fighting over don't fund the government for a year like they're supposed to. they fund the government for six to ten weeks so even if they find a way out of this impasse, we could be back in it before we know it. >> incredible, nancy cordes, thank you. in a recorded statement president obama spoke to members of the military overnight about the shutdown. >> those of you in uniform will remain on your normal duty status. congress has passed and i'm signing into law legislation that you make sure you get your paychecks on time and will continue to work on any impact this has on you and your families. >>ed president said in his words deserve better than the dysfunction we're seeing in congress. major garrett is at the white house. good morning. >> good morning charlie and
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norah. the shutdown is real so is the formal rollout of the president's health care law. the white house says it simply will not negotiate with house republicans over the health care law because they don't want to begin a process where that law is slowly carved up in exchange for keeping the government open for six weeks, ten weeks, or whatever term the house republicans seek to negotiate. do that that white house aides argue would be to give republicans what they couldn't win in last year's election or when they sougt to overturn the united states state supreme court. the politics stack up president obama's approval rating is 44% to 45%. congress' approval rating is dramatically lower, 10% to 15%. so nobody looks good right now. even though lower level aides are not here, the president will nonetheless have a ceremony to open the health care law with americans who will benefit from
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its options. interestingly, the health care law does not shut down because it's funded from something separate from day-to-day operations, that's something that president brvg fought for in 2010, perhaps fearing a day like this would come. any awe poll shows 72% of americans do not approve of shutting down the government to try and block the affordable care act. john dickerson is in washington. john, good morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> how what? >> well, we see who can withstand the pain. so there are already government workers who are feeling the pain or at least the uncertainty about how long this is going to last. but then the two political parties here will have to see how the pain comes in. that poll you just cited puts a lot more pressure on republicans. polls have consistently shown while people are unhappy with the affordable care act, they are more unhappy about this idea of putting it together with the government shutdown. trying to use the shutdown to exact concessions out of the
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democrats and the president. so there's more pressure on republicans. and how will that pressure be felt? will people get angry, will the economy start to tumble? then the question is, the problem with these shutdowns, the longer they go on, the worse the problem. because then if there's an agreement at the end or john boehner decides to go with that clean mechanism from the senate, his conservatives will say, wait, we went through all of this and that's all we got at the end? >> so, john what is the republican strategy? >> well, there's been a hunt for one for the last weeks. john boehner has been trying to do two things. manage one and manage a conservative. he's not been able to do that. we'll have to see. one of the challenges for republicans is maintaining unity. is having everybody blame the senate for not negotiating. not deciding to come together with the conference committee. the problem with that is, you have a number of republicans on the record now saying this is a
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disaster to shut down the government over a debate of obama care. and if there's not that unity of message, the public fears that. >> and it will have more serious ramifications many believe? >> that's right. we're about two weeks away from a debt limit problem. and that is economically far more cats strock than the shutdown effects we're going to start feeling right now. there is is a combination of these two things, and a lot of people on the hill, republicans on the hill, think basically what's happening, john boehner is allowing the conservatives to get what they want. because they knows when it comes to the debt level fight he's going to have to give in. republicans can't give up to the brink on that. of course there are a lot of republicans that say, no, we're going to take you to the brink on the debt limit too. >> thank you. health insurance exchanges opened today. and millions of americans without coverage can buy it
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online at about 50 million americans are uninsured. some will face a $95 penalty if they choose not to sign up. jan crawford is at a health clinic in waldorf, maryland. good morning. >> good morning, norah, good morning, charlie. this is is it. despite all the wrangling, day one, here we're. like clinics here and across the country, they are making a huge effort to try and get people enrolled. they've got about 40 people coming in for appointments. they told us over the past two months alone they reached out to 4,600 people to try to tell them about this new law. a law that's been years in the making. >> reporter: it started as a freshman congressman. there was a brutal battle in congress before it got to the president's desk. and a supreme court fight over its constitutionality. some six years after it all began, today, the health care
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law goes in effect for americans like gregory campbell. >> this really means a lot for me to actually sign up for health care and receive coverage that i've been denied in the past due to a preexisting condition. >> reporter: campbell has high blood pressure. >> i'm excited to shop for something that's going to make a tremendous impact on my day-to-day life. >> reporter: the health care law remains unpopular. it's never gotten support from the majority of americans. and a new poll show only 12% of uninsured know today is the day they can start signing up for health care exchanges. that's a big deal for obama care, did you know that? >> no. >> reporter: did you care? >> no, not really. >> i'm not sure exactly what's going on. they're going to vote it in or out? something like that. >> do you know about obama care? >> not enough. >> reporter: uninsured americans who sign up before december 15th will get health coverage
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starting january 1st. the new year is also when insurance companies can no longer deny coverage for anyone with a preexisting condition. and medicare expands to cover individuals earning less than $14,000 a year. do you currently have health insurance? >> no. >> reporter: at gregory campbell's health clinic, they're going all out to educate the public. >> we've been to different outreach in the community. we've been to farmers' markets. we've been to health fairs. we've been to any event we could get into we've been sharing information. >> there are still problems, the administration acknowledges there are glitches in that online signup system. all of that is components they'll use to show this law is unworkable. now to a new disaster in colorado. five people are dead after a massive rock slide. they were hit by boulders the size of cars. it happened twes of denver, monday. manuel bojorquez is in nathrop.
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good morning. >> good morning, one survivor is in the hospital this morning but the bodies of five others remain buried in a canyon along this command post. no one knows how long recovery efforts will take. what they do know, this tragedy unfolded in an instant. >> reporter: the rock slide struck monday morning in a popular hiking area about 2 1/2 hours southwest of denver. >> got a call at 11:00 this morning fray hiker above the falls. she was hiking up there at the time. witnessed a large rockfall, lockslide, off the hill above her. >> reporter: emergency responders were able to rescue 13-year-old gracie johnson and airlift her to children's hospital near denver. doctors there are not revealing details of her condition. but the local sheriff is saying she suffered a broken leg and is expected to recover. others weren't as fortunate. >> the coroner went to the scene and confirmed there are five
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dead people at the scene. >> reporter: authorities say the slide included boulders the size of cars. and the ground is still unstable. they had to suspend recovery efforts overnight. >> when we had rescuers go in the area, we had to get them out of there because the slope was sliding and there were rocks coming down while they were in there. >> reporter: the coroner is not releasing the names of other victims. but officials say gracie johnson were hiking with family members. her parents are both coaches at the local high school. last night, community members gathered to pray for gracie and mourn the five who died. the cause of the collapse is unclear this morning. but the county's undersheriff says colorado's recent heavy rains may have contributed. charlie and norah. >> manuel bojorquez, thank you. and students at the university of california berkeley are allowed back in their dorm rooms after an explosion. yesterday's blast struck from an underground electrical vault. it hurt four people.
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authorities say copper wife theft may be to blame. and in chicago, trying to solve a mystery. they want to know how a commuter train traveled half a mile with no one aboard early yesterday. as dean reynolds reports it slammed head on with another train filled with passengers. >> reporter: from the look of it, the consequences of this crash could have been a lot worse. a westbound commuter train was stationary at a suburban station 15 miles from downtown chicago. when just before 8:00 a.m., an estbound train plowed into it going 20 miles an hour. >> we don't know what the circumstances are that led to this train to begin moving on the path that it did. it should not have done so. and the question of why is what we're looking at right now. >> reporter: there were approximately 40 people on the standing train. almost all of them were injured, and while none were seriously hurt they were certainly shaken. cathy bowes and her fiance were
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on board. >> nobody knows what happened. it's when they hit. >> everybody was there, saying you got to take the train, it's safer. it's not. it's not. >> reporter: videos obtained by investigators reportedly show no one on the eastbound train when it hit. no passengers. no conductor. no one. >> there were two switches that ideally should have stopped the train. we do have fail safe in place, however they didn't function the way they should in this particular case. >> reporter: officials say there are no signs of a break-in and it call it baffling because it takes two keys to start the train one to enter the booth and the other to start the engine. >> i've never seen a train start by itself. >> reporter: investigators for the national transportation safety board are now on the site looking at the signals, the mechanics and the operations of the rail line known generically
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here as the "l." this morning, we're learning more about the victims of a fiery plane crash at the santa monica in california. a cceo is presumed dead. the ntsb investigation is expected to be slowed by the government shutdown that began overnight. time to show you this morning's headlines. "the washington post" said prime minister benjamin netanyahu warned president obama not to be fooled by iran. netanyahu says iran must fully dismantle its nuclear program if it's serious about ending its standoff over nuclear ambitions. "the new york times" says an faa panel is recommending that fliers be allowed to use electronic devices for reading, music or games while taking off or landing. but restrictions would remain on text messages, web browsing and
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e-mail after the door is closed. phone calls would still be banned. "usa today" looks at walmart's new effort to catch up with amazon. today unveiling a massive new warehouse dedicated to filling orders. morning 1 million square feet. projetta will be used to fight early stage breast cancer. doctors hope it will shrink tumors and prevent it from spreading. the los angeles times said it's taking back ipads it gave to students as part of a billion-dollar initiative but high school students hacked security measures to limit web browsing. >> and look at this, a rare tornado touching down in seattle monday. the twister brought winds of 110 miles an hour traveling for about an hour. it tore roofs off of buildings. dozens of car windows were blown
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a new york city highway turns into the wild west. bikers corner and assault a husband and father in his suv. what one of the bikers tells cbs news about the moment leading up to this video. and plus john miller and how police are trying to track down the attackers. plus, the story of hillary clinton sounds like it's made for tv. so why did plans for two specials get dumped? >> the news is back here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. >> announcer: "cbs this morning" sponsored by mercedes-benz and the all new cla. ♪ nice car. sure is. make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. [ thunder crashes, tires squeal ]
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♪ if you watched the news at all today, you know that we are on the verge of a government shutdown. even during the president's speech today you could almost sense that a shutdown was going to happen. >> congress needs to keep our government open, needs to pay our bills on time and every, ever train to -- my hope and anticipation is that in the 11th hour once again, that congress will choose to do the right thing and the house of representatives in particular will do the right thing. [ laughter ] >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this hour, taliban attack left two marines dead and fighter jets on fire last year. american generals are being held responsible. we'll see how the pentagon is taking extraordinary action. plus, you may be seeing a lot of hillary clinton in the years ahead. but a fair of television projects about the former from
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supporters and critics at the republican national committee. that's ahead. a stunning case of road rage is captured on video, a man and his family surrounded by a gang of mother cyclists then a high-speed chase and confrontation. michelle miller is with us. >> good morning, this morning, the video already has 1 million views online. it's a frightening seen on one of manhattan's busiest roads. one of the bikers claims the pictures don't tell the whole story. >> reporter: it happened on the streets of new york city but it looks more like something out of a video game. one biker tells cbs news it started when the black range rover clipped a cyclist and didn't stop. he said that's why the bikers surrounding surrounded the suv forcing it to a standstill. >> the individual in the car
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striking one of the motorcyclist and that one ultimately ends up with a broken leg. >> reporter: according to police things quickly got out of hand. one biker took this video. you can see the suv take off plowing into at least two bikers as it speeds down a highway. inside, a man, his wife and their child. one of them runs up and opens the door. the suv speeds off again, appearing to knock down another biker and the chase continues until traffic forces the range rove tore stop. >> one of the bikers, he got off his bike. he started attacking the person, in the range rover with his helmet. breaking his windows. after they got him out the car, they beat him up. >> he's taken out of the car, he is assaulted. he's received stitches, treated and released. >> reporter: police say they're investigating. so far, there have been no
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arrests in the case. >> i think a lot of people are questioning how can something like this happen in the middle of the day. broad daylight, and no one really take action to stop it. >> yeah. >> where were the police? >> a couple of people were calling 911 because these bikers were at a rally and traveling down the west side highway enforce, en masse, a couple of the drivers were so concerned because they said there were so many of them, they had called 911. >> thank you, michelle. >> our senior correspondent john miller say former deputy new york city police commissioner. he joins us from overseas on the phone. john, how could something like this happen. where were the police? >> well, i think the police had engaged in this fairly early with a series of checkpoints coming into the city at bridges and tunnels where they stopped
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numbers of these motorcycles, actually confiscated motorcycles so on. part of the reason this never reached its full potential of mass gathering of motorcycles is because of the enforcement action. during that stretch where you see the chase, the police weren't there. one of the things about this motorcycle event was, by its very nature was highly mobile. >> so, john, where is the police investigation? >> well it has three main prongs. after this -- after this assault took place. they did a lot of enforcement actions just stopping motorcycles on traffic violations and, frankly, to ask them where they were and what they'd seen. we saw a lot of that on the west side highway following this. but the obvious place to turn is the videotape. you've got motorcycles in it without plates. but you certainly have the person who posted it. which brings us to the third prong.
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you've got the social media aspect. these are not rebels without a cause. you've got rebels without a clue here. they managed to commit a crime and assault posted on videotape. and that videotape is going to be a key piece of evidence. also, in operation crew cut, they'll look at the social media conversations unfolding about this. and they will identify participants that way, too. so they have a lot more to go on in this case than they would had this been a random assault. and they'll explore all of that. >> obviously, there's no for this kind of violence. do they believe they picked this person out or do they believe some incident precipitated it? >> there is some discussion about whether some earlier perceived incident in traffic that happened further down the west side highway, the part that's not captured on that videotape. but, charlie, this is a growing problem. if you talk to the people on the roads of new york. they'll say that this large
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groups of motorcycles tend to go speeding by and then slow down and then almost deliberately intimidate motorists. and this is something that the nypd is aware of. but again, they're highly mobile. you can stop one of them but you can't stop all of them. so it's something that i think the department after this incident is going to have to look at a wider approach to. >> john miller, thank you. two marine generals out of a job this morning. they were forced out after failing to defend a major base in south afghanistan. as kelly kobco cobiella reports. >> reporter: it left two marines dead and destroyed more than $100 million in military jets and other equipment. i interviewed the top marine commander on base a month later.
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do you know how they got through all of the defenses? >> i can tell you exactly how they got in. there's really no mystery to it. there were no suicide bombers. there were no tunnels. it's a tool about this big and it cuts wire. >> reporter: that's it, a wire cutter? >> that's it. that's it. that's how they get in. >> reporter: on monday the major general and the top aviation officer at the time major greg sturdivant were asked to retire for not exercising the level of judgment expected to protect them. they went after jets and attack helicopters. the taliban released video days later showing insurgents training for the assault. military investigators show the major was focused solely on threats from within and did not protect the perimeter. >> guard towers with guards in
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them, we have more sophisticated surveillance equipment. but it can't see everywhere all the time. >> reporter: british forces were in charge of security at camp bastion. the four-month investigation found the tower closest to the attack was unmanned that night. the marine commandant said both generals were extraordinary officers with distinguished careers. but said marines can never place complete reliance for their own safety in the hands of other another. lieutenant commander christopher raible died defending the base along with sergeant bradley atwell. for "cbs this morning." i'm kelly cobiella in honden. and hillary clinton doesn't normally bring both ends of the political spectrum together. but you'll see why republicans and democrats may be responsible for getting the plug pulled on two tv projects for her. and tomorrow, we talk to
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condoleezza rice and facebook executive sheryl sandberg. that's tomorrow on "cbs this morning." if you're living with chronic migraine, your life is a game of chance. but what if the odds could be in your favor? botox® is an fda-approved treatment that significantly reduces headache days for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. it's proven to actually prevent headache days. and it's injected by a doctor once every 3 months. the effects of botox® (onabotulinumtoxina) may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't take botox® if you have a skin infection.
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♪ ho ho ho i was honored to serve as governor of virginia. we brought folks together in richmond to focus on creating jobs and getting results. that's the virginia way. and that's why i'm backing terry mcauliffe for governor. terry won't let ideological battles get in the way of making progress. terry will work with democrats, republicans, and independents to create jobs and move virginia forward.
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it's important for virginia that we elect terry mcauliffe as our governor. i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. ♪ do you care that the government's shutting down? well, yes. >> i thought that they were shut down. [ laughter ] >> down in washington, they're going to close the smithsonian museum. so if you had tickets forget. they're going to close the smithsonian museum. they're going to close the aaron space museum. they're closing the hillary clinton pantsuit museum. speaking of hillary clinton, two panels focusing on secretary of state hillary clinton are over before it even started. a miniseries on the possible 2016 contender was suddenly
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called off monday. chip reid is in washington. chip, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, norah and charlie. it was cnn that was working on a documentary about hillary clinton and nbc was working on a miniseries. when the two projects were announced the response from republicans was ferocious. but in the end, at least one of the projects was killed by pressure from the clinton camp because they feared it would portray here in a negative light. os kerr winner charles ferguson was the filmmaker behind the plan on hillary clinton. he not cnn made the decision to kill the project. >> he decided it wasn't possible. he wasn't getting access that he hoped to put together a good film. >> reporter: "the new york times" reporter amy chozick spoke to ferguson on monday. >> it was that the clinton side had put too much pressure on the sources reaching out to that were all saying no.
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his impression was they were saying no because of pressure exerted by the clintons. >> reporter: on the same day cnn and ferguson threw in the towel, so did nbc. actress diane lane was set to star as the former first lady. nbc did not give a reason for canceling the series. both projects were announced over the summer and the backlash was immediate from the networks' news divisions -- >> and it will make life more difficult. i think there's no doubt about it. >> reporter: -- and from the republican party. >> i think it's unfair rp back in august, reince priebus said it was a thinly veiled attempt. he held off from hosting a primary debate. >> this is what they wanted to do promoting one person that might be running for president. you're not going to be hosting
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debates and deposing the candidates running for president 2016 on the republican side of the aisle. >> reporter: now that cnn and nbc have canceled their projects. the republican party said they will consider letting them host the republican debate. norah and charlie, all a spokesman from the clinton camp would say is there are a few things worse for a spy than being outed.
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it happened to cia agent valerie plame a decade ago. she's in the toyota greenroom. we'll talk about her new career, nsa scandal, iran and more. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." ♪ i see you you see me ♪ ♪
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weekend, but it from someone's mouth. daly hit the ball clean and everyone enjoyed the show. >> wow. >> that's just -- that's a bad idea. do not try that at home. >> if you like your teeth. >> your nose, your face. >> i've seen daly stuff a couple balls in in a sand trap. you know what they say, though, drive for show. all right. this morning -- >> work on your short game. this morning, fans are still talking about the end of "breaking bad" creator vince gilligan will be right here in studio 57. charlie and gayle are so excited. we'll tell you why we haven't seen the last of the show's most popular characters. there's more ahead still on "cbs this morning." ♪ hit me with your best shot why
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paying ourselves to do what we love? "i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad." these are birth control pills. more than half of american women use them at some point in their lives but ken cuccinelli sponsored a bill that could have made common forms of birth control illegal, including the pill. cuccinelli was one of only five senators to support this "potentially radical intrusion into domestic, family and individual decision-making" why is ken cuccinelli interfering in our private lives? he's focused on his own agenda. not us.
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♪ good morning, charlie. good morning, gayle. good morning, everybody. it is 8:00 a.m., welcome back to "cbs this morning." congress won't make a budget deal so much of the federal government is shut down. find out what's open, what's closed and how it will affect you. and ex-cia agent valerie plame right here in studio 57. she's written a new novel. but how much of the book is really about her own story. and "breaking bad" creator vince gilligan is here with us. he'll talk about pressure to find the right endings. but first here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> well, i wish i could say we're closer to a resolution today than we were yesterday, but i can't. >> for the first time in 17 years much of the federal government is shut down. >> one of the challenges for republicans is maintaining unity. you have a number of republicans on the record now saying this is a disaster to shut down the
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government. >> the white house says it simply will not negotiate with house republicans over the health care law because they don't want to begin a process with that law. it's slowly carved up. despite all that wrangling on capitol hill, it's day one for obama care. >> no one knows exactly how long recovery efforts will take. what they do know is this tragedy unfolded in an instant. it's a frightening scene on one of manhattan's busiest roads but one of the bikers claims the pictures don't tell the whole story. >> in the end, at least one of the projects was killed by project from the clinton camp because they feared it would portray her in a negative light. >> he decided it just wasn't possible. he wasn't getting the access that he hoped to put together a good film. >> how is the zombie movie doing? >> how is that going? >> the movie about the islamist captured. >> i thought it was a zombie film with net flik. >> it's actually called
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"chilling o'reilly." i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. much of the federal government is closed this morning for the first time since 1996. about 800,000 public employees are going on furlough after congress failed to pass a spending bill. all disability claims for military veterans are now on hold. nutrition aid for women and children may have to stop. all national parks are closed and many government websites are down. a number of offices will stay open, including the u.s. postal service. an payments will continue for social security, medicare, and medicaid. nancy cordes is on capitol hill with the latest on it. nancy, good morning to you. >> good morning, gayle, charlie and norah. well, the two sites fought until 1:00 in the morning and threw in the towel. and we are at a complete standstill right now. there are no negotiations going on. and the problem is that the two sides now feel that the stakes may be too high for them to back
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down. >> mr. speaker, it is now midnight and the great government of the united states is now closed. >> reporter: when the clock struck 12:00, the house and senate were still locked in debate, even as a memo went out from the white house to all federal agencies struggling them to exit the plans for the federal shutdown. >> do you stand for your country? or do you want to take it down this evening? >> reporter: just before 1:00 a.m., the house passed its fourth attempt to fund the government while weakening the president's health care law. senate majority leader harry reid said he won't agree to any talks until house republicans fund the government first. no strings attach. >> we will not relitigate a health care debate at the point of a gun. >> reporter: the president reached out to four congressional leaders but there were no breakthroughs. >> i talked to the president earlier tonight. i'm not going to negotiate.
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i'm not going to negotiate. we're not going to do this. well, i would say to the president, this is not about me. and it's not about republicans here in it's about fairness to the american people. >> reporter: mr. obama had a different take. >> you don't extract a ransom for doing your job. for doing what you're supposed to be doing anyway. >> so the question now is the prospect of hundreds of thousands of americans on furlough wasn't enough to break the log jam, what will be? i just spoke to the number two democrat in the senate, dick duri durbin, he said he expects leaders will have to get in a room today and talk this out but so far, nothing scheduled. the shut down will throw a wlench in the gears to the growing economy, experts say it depends on how long it will last. anthony mason sheer with us. good morning. how long will we see the impact?
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>> it depends how long this will last. most americans won't feel it unless you planned to vacation at yosemite or go to the smithsonian. you won't feel it. the social security checks are still coming. that's the important stuff. mail is still going to be delivered. but if this goes into a second week, things will start to change. i think the real pressure will come from the market if it senses this is going on longer than it thought. >> if you look at the numbers, though, the dow fell more and there was a longer impact on the economy from the debt limit fight rather than a government shutdown? >> right. that's the real scary part of this if we get to that and you don't have a resolution you could have real panic. that brings into account the financial markets. that's the treasury market. if, for example, we stop paying our bills, that's when it happens. >> when is that? >> the middle of the month. the 17th. there's wiggle room in there but the real scary part of this,
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what wall street is afraid of, if we don't extend the debt ceiling then you could have real chaos in treasury markets. that's the gold standard of the world. everybody trusts u.s. treasuries, if you can't trust them then you have financial problems. >> and the president says he's not going to negotiate? >> he said he won't negotiate. we've been driving along this cliff road a number of times. i think what's happened is, wall street is thinking we know how this road goes. it doesn't mean there's still say risk. it doesn't mean you still can't go over the side. it's really scary if we get to that debt limit. >> i do feel we've heard this song before. as we sit here today, what should the american average sitting at home watching this, what do i need to be concerned about? >> what i'm concerned about, what the ultimate game plan from certain republicans in congress. because it's not clear whether they're just sort of playing with this one-week shootarounddown of the government. or they're looking for something bigger. because everybody is looking at this, this is the first battle in a wider war.
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and the real war is the debt ceiling. and that's the scariest part of the whole thing. economics. >> real question of the credibility of the united states? >> exactly. and if that comes into doubt, then you could cause chaos in financial markets around the entire world. >> anthony, thank you. and the shutdown won't delay this morning's launch of a key part of the president's health care law. uninsured americans can now begin signing up for health care coverage. the obama administration hopes to enroll 7 million people in the first year. jan crawford is at a health care clinic in waldorf, maryland. good morning. >> good morning, this is day one at this clinic in america, like hundreds across the country, a huge effort is under way to try to get people enrolled in the affordable care act. according to new gallup polling, 2 out of 3 uninsured americans plan to get insurance rather than pay a fine. those americans will get health coverage starting january 1st.
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the new year is also when insurance companies can no longer deny coverage for anyone with a preexisting condition. and medicate expands to cover individuals who are getting less than $14,000 a year. now, a lot of americans still are not familiar with these new exchanges. and that's the reason why some federal officials are saying enrollment is getting off to a slow start. now, administration officials also admit that they expect glitches in this online signup system that they've got going today. the spanish version, of course, not working yet. so you can expect those examples, charlie, norah, gayle, to be pointed out by the opponents when they say that this law is just unworkable. >> jan crawford, thank you. a health story in asia also getting tongs this morning. it involves a breakthrough in fertility treatments. a woman in japan with a rare condition that caused her ovaries to shut down in her 20s gave birth to a healthy baby boy last december. doctors removed part of the
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women's ovaries stimulating to grow eggs and reimplanting the tissue. it technique could help women who are infertile after cancer treatments or those middle-aged. pope francis said he briefly considered not accepting his election as pope. the revelation comes as he began a three-day meeting with cardinals around the world on reforminging church. too many popes have been n narcissistics. emotional support for a family of an ohio family student killed in a car crash last month. maria tiberi was honored. after last week's game against wisconsin the team lined up one by one and stopped to give him a hug. that's nice. >> that's very nice.
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>> to lose a child like that and see the team honor him in that most fans and tv critics loved the final "breaking bad" episode. yes, we did. the creator vince gilligan, if there were other endings and what his next show. and "all that mattered" on this date 50 years ago.
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his famous hit broke a famous record. do you remember who did it? the answer is next on "cbs this morning." served on a toasted pretzel roll, our new bacon avocado chicken sandwich comes with fries and your choice of soup or salad. it's just one of chili's delicious lunch break combos. more life happens here. more than 50 times a day? so brighten your smile a healthy way with listerine® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only rinse that makes your teeth two shades whiter and two times stronger. ♪ listerine® whitening... power to your mouth. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box.
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♪ "all that mattered" 52 years ago today. new york yankee slugger roger merritt hit his 60th home run.
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he broke one of the most cherished records in all of sport you babe ruth. he set the record in 1961 against the boston sox. his record stood for 37 years. mark mac choir and sammy sosa broke it 1988. >> it's not the same. >> that's right. >> things have changed since then. >> substance -- >> yeah, just a little something-something. from home plate to the pitcher's mound, we'll show you how a modern-day player is making baseball history thanks to a reality tv show in india. how does that work? you're watching "cbs this morning." we'll be right back. >> announcer: "cbs this morning" sponsored by mercedes-benz and the all new cla. make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it.
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than any other behind the counter liquid gel.
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>> the baseball playoffs begin tonight and the pittsburgh pirates are finally in after 20 losing seasons. that is the longest losing streak in american sports. mark strassmann looks at one of the team's most unusual prospects. >> this is a dream right there. >> reporter: rinku singh has an all-american dream, to play in the major leagues one day for the pittsburgh pirates. but how he got this far is one of the most improbable stories in baseball. j.b. bernstein is say sports marketing agent with marquee clients like barry bonds and barry sanders. in 2008 he created a reality show about baseball called "million dollar arm." >> the goal is to find somebody who has raw talent to come back to the united states and be the best baseball player. >> the battle starts to buildup.
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>> reporter: that's right, the show was in india. home to 1.3 billion people. problem was, few of them had ever heard of baseball. think of "american idol" if the contestants had never heard of singing. >> so we put baseball in kids' hands and the radar guns out there and tried to find the kids that could throw the hardest, to prove one of the add damages which is give me a kid who throws hard and i'll teach imeverything else. >> reporter: in 2008, 34,000 indians tried out in four cities to make it to qualifying. >> with that many people you get a crazy cast coming through. so many balls were gone. into the streets, wide, left, high. and so, yeah, you saw a lot of wild pitches. >> reporter: then comes the big moment everybody was waiting for. rinku singh, a tall, left-handed javelin thrower only looked crazy. >> he got up there and posed like a flamingo. and stood there for almost 40 seconds just holding the ball.
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in a million years, you never would have expected him to throw that hard. >> reporter: singh won the show and $100,000. he became the richest man in his small village. what did you know about baseball? >> no clue. no clue. what's a strike, what's a ball. you know. this is all -- >> reporter: brand new. >> brand new. >> reporter: he flew to los angeles where he had to learn english, american culture and baseball. >> i had no idea where to put my foot, instead of putting it here, i stood anywhere. >> reporter: but the pirates liked his raw talent and sirened him to a minor league contract in 2008. >> one pitch at a time. >> reporter: pitching coach miguel bonilla. >> not tried to do too much. kept everything simple. it was very good. he was smart, he learned quick and he wanted to grow up. >> reporter: in 2009, singh became the first indian to appear in a minor league game. and the first indian pitcher to win one. every season, he has improved
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and often excelled. >> come back with the fastball. you got a split. split slider. >> reporter: his fastball is major league fast. 92 miles per hour. but he's also a baseball savvy enough now to know that most minor leaguers never make the big club. >> if i want to keep constantly doing what i'm doing right now and just believing in myself and believinging in my work ethic, believing from i'm coming from, it's going to happen one day. >> reporter: singh's success has opened the eyes of major league baseball which is now actively scouting in india. for "cbs this morning," mark strassmann, bradenton, florida. >> classic story. hard work will get you there. >> i believe in singh. i love how he's got the lingo now. >> yes. good luck to him. ahead, we've got former cia officer valerie
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i want you coming up from the right hand side.
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technology that lets you rise to greatness. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities
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♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, "breaking bad" creator vince gilligan is in studio 57. take that victory lap, vince gilligan. now that it's over, we'll see if he had other plans. and we'll have a look at what he's got cooking for tv fans down the road. plus a man driving into history more than 3 million miles on his volvo. that's enough to circle the globe mourned 100 times. mo rocca shows us what keeps him and the car going. that's ahead. and she's the most recognized female spy ever to walk the halls of the cia, but valerie plame's career was cut short. her identity was leaked to the media. first what brought plame in from the cold. >> reporter: for nearly 20
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years, valerie plame worked under the confer of darkness serving as the covert cia agent. in retaliation for her husband, former ambassador joe wilsons editorial that questioned the evidence of chemical weapons of mass destruction, used to justify the iraq war. >> i worked on behalf of national security of our country, on behalf of the people of the united states, until my name and true affiliation were exposed in the national media on july 14th, 2003. >> reporter: her picture was flashed all over newspapers and magazines including this profile in "vanity fair." thrust into the spotlight, plame's career was over. in 2007, she released her memoir entitled "fair game" and spoke with "60 minutes" about her time with the cia and her confidence being revealed. >> i can tell you all the intelligence services in the world that morning were running
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my name through their databases to see did anybody by this name come in the country. when? did we know anything about it? where did she stay? >> reporter: since then plame and her husband have quietly retreated and led their private lives. valerie plame is now the co-author of a spy novel called "blowback." good morning. how much of what you learned in the cia is part of this fiction, this spy novel? >> it's a book of novel. i interpreted expertise in nuclear counterproliferation. and i shot spy craft. and i tried to bring everything, places i've been, people i've met and put it into "blowback." >> i got the impression you wanted a realistic portrayal, quite often we hear about guns and sex with female agents nothing wrong with that. >> they're great.
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>> i would imagine they're great tools, valerie. >> but not together. >> i got the impression you can trying to show something else. true? >> absolutely. vanessa pierson who has the initials v.p., well, you're right, whenever i've seen female operations officers from the cia portrayed no matter where it is, books, movies, i roll my eyes. they're really paper dolls. they're overly sexualized. overly physical. they're cartoon officers. i wanted to a an ops officer -- >> which means what? >> an operations officer. >> no, realistically, in your mind that means? >> in my mind shows that the job is lonely. loves her job. trying to figure out and navigate all of that. because it really is kind of a crazy career which maybe you don't realize until you're away from it. >> what did you think of the
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character in "zero dark thirty." >> that was a composite character, jessica chastain. first of all, she was not an ops officer. she was only analyst. not in the field. and the thing that i found disappointing they made it look like it was, for dramatic purposes, one person who is pursuing this. and i'm all for a courageous and strong woman who perseveres, but it was really the work of dozens over years that finally led to bin laden. >> and just to get on this, you wanted to have an accurate port trail of a cia ops officer in your book. what about homeland, claire danes probably one of the most compelling characters i think in television, other than walter white in "breaking bad" but yet she's so smart but she's also crazy. >> she's literally crazy. exactly. she's a wonderful actress and
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she brings to that everything she's got, and it's great tv, but it's not realistic. and i tried very hard in "blowback" everything with trade craft. everything how you communicate clandestinely. very accurate, veryrealistic. when i see for instance, cell phones in the cia headquarters -- ahh, not really. >> yeah. what is the most important thing that an operator in the field needs to have other than intelligence? >> curiosity. >> like you. >> yeah. >> right, it's a story. >> yeah. >> and sometimes, it's quiet people that you're speaking to. you're pulling them out. people understand when you're genuinely interested in what they have to say. who they are. >> what do you think of the nsa scandal today, though, when we talk about how much the government is looking in on what
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we're saying, how they're operating? does that ring true to you? >> well, i find it astounding, there is this tension, of course, between security and privacy. but as we know from the story that broke this summer and as it continues to develop, the breadth and the extent of the nsa -- the revelations of surveillance on us is really something. it seemed there was a collective shug schrug when this first came out, oh, not a terrorist, i don't care. we're accustomed so tommy retailers knowing exactly what we want. there was sort of this, oh, what's the big deal? well, the big deal is, this is why it matters because if you have an overzealous prosecutor or a senator frank church said back in 1975, listen, this is an abyss from which we cannot return. when the government has that much information, that much power, the potential for misuse is enormous. >> scary.
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>> and the timeliness of your book, too, talking about what's going none iran and how it's manifesting and in your book, you must have doing the hulu with that? >> quietly. >> very timely. >> my experience, in the cia, a lot of it focused on proliferation, whether terrorists or rogue operators. >> ever interview in the national security field says the ultimate fear is terrorists. >> yes, that nexus, the spread of nuclear technology and the increase in terrorism making that the number one security threat that we have. >> "blowback" goes on sale when -- >> october 1st. today. vince gilligan is in our toyota greenroom. we'll pick apart sunday's finale
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of "breaking
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♪ 2008, that song sounds very familiar. vince gilligan set out on a mission to turn a mild-mannered high school chemistry teach entire a murderer kingpin. that idea became "breaking bad" and some critics call it the best television show ever. >> "breaking bad" won this year emmy for outstanding drama. a record 10.3 million people watched the finale sunday night. vince gilligan, we welcome you here. we're pleased to you have. >> thank you so much. >> everybody seems to love one line in the finale, it is "i did it for me." >> yes. >> you wrote the line? >> and i think it was a long
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overdue bit of honesty from mr. white. i think he was doing it for him all along. and he finally copped to it, which i know it's very important to have in that final episode. >> charlie coyier said the head of ame said the only thing that you asked was to end it on your own terms which you did that. what did you do at the end of that script? did you take a drink, did you cry, did you lay down? >> well, in the end, i wrote the end, usually the end it says "the end" at the end, this says "end of series." that last program, i do admit i teared up a bit. it was a emotional. it could be the last time i was ever going to write that character. >> did you have alternative endings? >> we had a lot of alternative endings. not in the scripting stage. the most important and hardest
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part of the writing process at least the way we did it on the show was breaking the story. the six wonderful writers i had and my writers sit around in a room for hours and hours on end, breaking the story. figuring out, putting it on index cards. so in that process, we had a lot of alternate -- we had every permutation and possibility. how did the charlie rose idea come up? >> well, we all love mr. rose. >> how was his performance, would you say? >> fantastic. i think it's the best person we could have picked to play charlie rose. >> it was pivotal to the story line that's what's really cool about it. that charlie rose interview really set up a whole different set of events. >> absolutely. >> jonathhnathan banks said wor
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on the show was as good as it gets. i want to be inside your brain, i want to know your thought process. really, where this all came from for you. >> yes. >> and when did you break bad? >> yeah, when did you break bad? >> at first i thought, is he twisted? is he a little crazy? what's wrong with him. but now i just think you're brilliant. >> you're very sweet. i appreciate that. in hindsight, sometimes, we don't know why we do them until we deconstruct later. i think it's really a story of fear, living with fear, learning to live without it. and the story about mid-life crisis, i was about to turn 40 when i came up with this story six or seven years ago. i was thinking in those terms. i was thinking what is it to face the middle of your life. have you done enough with your life thus far. and so all of those thoughts and
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fears perhaps informed mr. white, as i was constructing them. >> you have an exciting new project coming up. >> yes, working now for -- >> what are you going to do? >> it's a script i wrote 11 years ago ago called "battle creek." and it should be a lot of fun. and i'm working with the excellent david shore who created "house" the excellent tv show "house" for so many years. he's going to be point man on it and do a great job. >> you may not have this thought. but i mean, there is this notion that life will never, ever be as good as it was in "breaking bad." >> oh, yeah. >> that somehow magic came together and you created something. >> it was lightning in a bottle. i try to give myself that pep talk every day now. i will say, it's okay. you can go on from here.
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it doesn't have -- >> life after "breaking bad." >> it's never going to be as good as this was but that's okay. >> we like lightning here at cbs. i want you to help me with this spoiler alert. i'm getting hammered on twitter because i talked about it. i think after it airs it's fair game. where do you stand on that? >> i think you're right. it's a tricky world where people let these things pile up and then they watch them. but, you know, it's tricky because if it's in the public eye, we're talking about it, how do you not spoil things. if everyone's in a different spot, they just have to hear that i'm coming on. >> yeah. >> you stand with gayle. we stand with gayle. >> i do, too. >> you there go. >> i might need a letter from you. >> vince gilligan, thank you so much. up next, mo rocca takes us
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on the ultimate road trip. plus, he tells us about the season premiere of his cooking and when you get up -- can i play? no! you don't even get football. [ male announcer ] when you've got 100% fiber optic fios, you get it. america's fastest, most reliable internet. it's the ultimate for downloading, streaming, and chatting. -- that guy all over the football field. thanks, joe. if the running backs don't start picking up the blitz, the quarterback is going to have a long night. is that your sister? look, are you trying to take my job? maybe.
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technology that lets you play with the big boys. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's powerful. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. technology that lets you play with the big boys. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities "i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad." these are birth control pills. more than half of american women use them at some point in their lives but ken cuccinelli sponsored a bill that could have made common forms of birth control illegal, including the pill. cuccinelli was one of only five senators to support this "potentially radical intrusion into domestic, family and individual decision-making" why is ken cuccinelli interfering in our private lives? he's focused on his own agenda. not us.
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the average car on the road is about ten years old but one man has logged four decades behind the wheel of his 1966 volvo and he is not done yet. mo rocca spent sometime in the passenger seat of the vehicle that's broken the guinness book of world records. >> lbj was president. >> june 30, 1956 was a warm day. orr depicted here as a young hipster in this car commercial, irv gordon and his volvo set a course 37 years ago. something told you that this car was the one?
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>> i just love driving it. i liked the way it looked. i like the way it drove. i still liked the way it looks i still like the way it drives. >> reporter: gordon paid $1,050 for his volvo, $50 less than his salary as a science teacher. >> four more payments and it's mine. >> reporter: and would you ever sell it now? >> sure, it's for sell. a dollar a mile takes the car home. >> reporter: before you reach for that checkbook, you should know today's going price would be over $3 million. that's how many miles gordon has logged in his trusty volvo, the most miles driven in one car by anyone on the planet. how would you describe your relationship on the road with this car, is it like a marriage? >> it's better than a marriage, it never talks back. >> reporter: okay, well, how much work has she had done? >> very little. i've had to rebuild the engine
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twice. still has the original radio. >> reporter: the original radio. the odometer in gordon's volume voluntary has rack up the number of miles it would take to drive long island 2,142 times to circumnavigate the globe 126 times. or if there were a road to get there, take 12 1/2 trips to the moon. you've made some pretty impulsive trips in this car. >> they're all impulsive. >> reporter: what's the one you think would most surprise people? >> i remember a number of years ago, i went to work and there was a copy of "the new york times" at work. and they did an article on a new diamond that opened in san francisco. the whole family we drove out to san francisco. >> reporter: how were the eggs? >> i don't think we had eggs. i got there for dinner. >> reporter: was it worth the ride? >> yeah, sure, it's always worth the ride. >> reporter: that your motto, it's always worth the ride? >> it's always worth the ride. you want to go for a ride?
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>> reporter: i thought you'd never ask. and irv gordon will always find an excuse to get behind the wheel. i'm kind of hungry. i hear there's a good diner in seattle. >> oh, no problem. >> in long island -- yeah, absolutely wonderful. the only city he hasn't been to is hawaii. if he build a bridge, he'll drive there. >> well, that car could have gone to seattle. when i saw 3 million i thought it was a typo. i thought it was 300,000 miles. so you also have a cooking show? >> yeah. >> my grand mother's ravioli is the name of the show. >> yes, i'm learning to play golf from a 96-year-old grandfather. to foxtrot from a portuguese grandmother and i learned to jujitsu from a japanese grandmother. >> you have branched out?
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>> yeah, mac 'n' cheese. we also made sweet potato pie. sure, a lot of different kind of grandparents. we have our first gay grandparents this season. two grandfathers teaching me classic gay cuisine. >> what is classic gay cuisine? >> a lot of dessert. lots of peach schnapps. >> i like that. it's really more than cooking. you're talking about traditions of the people. it's so great. >> absolutely. these people really open up in the kitchen. i love hearing the life stories. it's great to be with grandparents, people who are at a point in their lives they say what's on their mind and don't care what people think. >> thank you. that does it for us, your local news is up next. se
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[ engine revs, tires squeal ] [ male announcer ] since we began, mercedes-benz has pioneered many breakthroughs. ♪ breakthroughs in design... breakthroughs in safety... in engineering... and technology. and now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. introducing the cla. starting at $29,900. ♪
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>> if you can see inside the cells in your body you'd find your gene and they determine your eye color to how you respond to germs but if the dna code is scrambled or broken, your genes can mutate. sometimes causing harm or even threatening your life. they are the secret keepers of your health but would really want to know the secrets your genes keep especially if it's bad news. >> today on "the doctors." >> information you never heard before about angelina's decision to undergo a double ma stek tommy. >> she did know for quite some time and she was deliberate in the decision. >> women and men getting tested for the cancer gene. >> when you know the result of a test like this what are you going to do with it.


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