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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  November 25, 2013 7:00am-9:01am EST

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weather wise temps this morning teens and 20s. upper 30s to near 40. cold tonight with temperatures for the 49ers-redskins game. rain and snow showers wednesday. a cold, windy thanksgiving. monika? all of these commuters stuck on the beltway need to take a detour right here for brussel sprouts because look. it looks like this from college park into silver spring. the early crash is gone. >> we should give them pecan pie. >> we're starting our holiday season eating healthfully though. we have the brussel sprouts. >> squash. >> cbs this morning is next talking about reinventing the commercials. >> michele miller is going to talk about companies
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are promoting their products. >> we thank chef thomas. >> happy thanksgiving, you all. >> we'll be back in 25 minutes with weather and traffic. >> wusa9 or our facebook fan page. stay warm and watch out for the rain. tomorrow will be a tough one. >> go skins, everybody. captioning funded by cbs good morning. 25th,
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2013. welcome to "cbs this morning". millions of americans face a thanksgiving travel mess. we'll take you to where a massive storm system is already hitting. the white house defends its nuclear deal with iran and eric cantor call as it dangerous. he's with us this morning. plus a break ythrough for airlines that could help you if a your liquids on board. >> but first your world in 90 seconds. >> this is alaska. >> pre-season storm plows across the country. >> mother nature not cooperating. a good portion of the country getting hit. he>> t system also blamed for the deaths of eight. >> hundreds of flights canceled. >> there is a growing rift
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between the united st nuclear d. >> in exchange, iran gets apeasing of many sanctions. >> this is a historic mie.stak >> virgin american flight managed to land, but the pilot had to declare an emergency. >> to fans hospitalize after the readers/titans game. >> apparent lly a good isamarit tried to convince her not to jump. >> amtrak train derailed. injuries are said to be minor. >> miley cyrus made sure that her performance will be an internet sensation. >> all that -- >> the hugger games sequel shattered records. $161 million will. >> watch andy reid.shattered re. $161 million will. >> watch andy reid.
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>> we finish in a tie. >> and all that matters -- >> the beef industry is celebrating an exciting diy,over a new cut of steak. it could be a cash cow for restaurants. >> i'm the bull. where is this on me? >> -- on c"cbs this morning". >> patriots send it into overtime. >> congratulations on the win. >> this morning's eye opener is presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning". good morning, norah. >> good morning to you. >> more than #43 millions are expected to travel over thanksgivingand many of you will run into severe weather on the way. parts of texas, oklahoma and arkansas are seeing rain, sleet and freezing rain this morning. the wet weather will spread
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across the south tomorrow and there will be snow and ice in the midwest. and on the day before thanksgiving, the storm will affect nearly all of the east coast. >> and this storm is already being blamed for at least eight deaths in the west. icy roads in oklahoma sent this suv rolling in to a ditch. and parts of new mexico are waking up with more than a foot of snow on the ground this morning. and new snow also fell in colorado overnight. but texas could see the biggest travel disruptions today and our anna werner is in dallas. good morning. >> reporter: good morning norah and charlie. the temperatures here have stayed just above freezing. so most of what they have seen right here in the city of dallas has been rain. but there is icing in the outlying areas where temperatures are just a little bit lower. we've also seen some scattered p power outages. in amarillo, a snow and freezing rain led to hazardous driving conditions there. icy roadwaysse and
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snow coated midland, texas where public safety officials cautioned drivers, even told them take sleeping bags and blankets with them in their cars because of the falling temperatures. and as the snow moves farther west, drivers throughout the dallas/ft. worth area are dealing with wet road, rain on the verge of freezing, salt and sand trucks were out in force trying to prevent some of the dangerous road conditions that we have seen out west. also at the dallas/ft. worth airport, hundreds of flights were canceled for today in fact, about a third of the airport's daily departures. they're trying to stave off any problems. there were also a lot of flights canceled credit. and of course since dallas/ft. worth is a hub and connector for flights going east and west, you'll definitely want to check if you're getting on a plane today to see what effect that could have on your travel. so a lot of people really taking
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precautions here in this area of the country. and they should. >> all right, anna, thank you. and eric fisher is chief meteorologist at our boston station wbv. he's watg as it moves east. good morning. >> norah, charlie, good morning to you you both. this will be mostly a big rainmaker for a big part of the country. the rain spreading to houston. there you see the icy mix. this will start to move eastward over the next couple of days. in the yellow, 1 to 3 inches of total rainfall. atlanta and charlotte which have big connections, so a trickle gown effe down effect can be an issue. wednesday, right up the east coast, mainly rainfall, but across we were new yorstern new pennsylvania, heavy snowfall. i suppose the only saving greas thanksgiving morning. back to you. hundreds of beingamtrak
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passengers are strapped in south carolina. two are hospitalized with minor injuries. "crescent" was traveling when it jumped the tracks. 7 out of 9 cars derailed. some passengers staying warm in the heated cafe car after part of the train lost power. amtrak is working to get those passengers on buses to their destination. and this morning world oil prices are falling after this weekend's land mark deal with iran. supporters predict the agreement could lead to the end of that country's nuclear weapons program. critics say it lets iran off the hook too saysl leasily. there were a series of secret meetings over the last several months. margaret brennan is traveling with secretary of state john kerry and she's outside london's houses of parliament. good om here in london. secretary of state kerry flew here to consult with the british foreign minister just hours after they pulled an all nighter
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to broker this will diplomatic breakthrough. it puts new employmelimits, but lasts for six months. it was a rock star welcome home for iran's negotiating team sunday night. for this crowd, the nuclear talks were a victory. but the sentiment mopping law make among lawmakers in the united states was wary. >> they are see spiking the ball in the end zone. >> reporter: in an interview immediately after the deal,spik in the end zone. >> reporter: in an interview immediately after the deal, second of state kerry defended the agreement. >> we will not be able to have greater inspection, greater knowledge, greater restraint. that will expand the amount of time it would take for them to break out and create a nuclear weapon. >> reporter: as part of the interim deal, iran agreed to destroy its stockpile of weapons grade uranium, restrict its production of nuclear fuel and
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give inspec to spetorespectors . in exchaexchange, iran will get billion in financial relief. sanctions on autos, gold and chemicals will also, lifted. benjamin netanyahu was quick to criticize saying this relief would allow iran to get closer to making a bomb. >> we cannot and will not allow a regime that calls for the destruction of islam to obtain the means to achieve in goal. >> reporter: sunday president obama tried to ally the prime minister's concerns and said the two would result closely to make sure iran com 34r50is. secretary kerry emphasized iran has just six months to back up its words with actions. are you skeptical that iran will actually comply with the deal they just signed? program, that there have been secret facilities. that's why we don't take anything at face value. >> reporter: this deal is a confidence building measure. it buys time to broker a more
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complete agreement that addresses things like destroying all of iran's nuclear fuel and giving access to all of either facilities. basically the hard part is just beginning. >> margaret, thank you. eric cantor is the man responsible for bringing any additional sanctions to a vote in the house. he calls this deal a mistake. congressman cantor is in rich mopp mond, virginia. congressman, good morning. >> good morning. >> you heard the secretary of state say this is good because it expands the time that iran will have capacity to make a nuclear weapon, there is more inspection and some restriction 20% will have to be changed. why isn't that a good deal to freeze things and delay? >> charlie, i think this deal, this interim deal with iran, is in fact dangerous. it is a deal which brings iran closer to becoming a nuclear
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power. this deal that has been negotiated by the secretary of state frankly falls well short of the u.n. security council resolution which called for no sanctions relief until iran suspended its enrichment of uranium. and we see in this deal language despite protests to the contraicontrar contrary, language which says that iran will have some type of right to enrich. as of yet in the language of the deal still to be dwefined. this is all contrary to the not which is to insist that we shouldn't pursue a policy of containment, that we should in fact insist that a country which has deceived the world, a country which has defied u.n. security council resolutions
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complaint be tru can't be trusted. we went them to irreversibly dismantle their stockpiles and not continue enrichment. this deal falls short on all fronts. >> congressman, for the first time in a decade, we have halted iran's nuclear program. there is a freeze. also for the first time, there will be daily inspections, unprecedented inspections of the facilities. can you say that is positive, that development? >> first of all, since wheno we trust iran. iran has demonstrated again and again it believe that the attitude should be mistrust and verify. and what this agreement does is it just allows iran to continue with all that it has in terms of centrifuges. it doesn't require any dismantling. it allows for the enrichment up
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to 5% which used to be something that we wouldn't stand for. iran could once again turn around tomorrow and throw away this. and the problem is that -- >> sir, is part of the deal -- but as part of the deal -- it's not the final deal as you're talking about and i know there is a great deal of mistrust out there. but i wonder why there is not some acknowledgement that an interim step could lead to a bigger deal. why is that not somewhat positive? >> there are two things that are wrong here. one is we have now let the door open to sanctions going o sanc taken years and years of progress for them to build and to be able to apply the kind of pressure that it did. and what we see also is there is no requirement that we comply with the u.n. security council
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resolution which the international community have united behind which says we need to keep the pressure on iran up it suspends its nuclear activity and it suspends its enrichment activity and we know in this agreement there is no requirement for iran to dismantle its plutonium reactor, no requirement for to dismantle its enrichment facilities. so we have a real cost to us as we are now opening the door to the weakening of international sapgss th s th sanctions that have been in place. >> so your alternative is keep the sanctions on and if iran is close to a nuclear capacity, then launch aattack? >> charlie, i don't buy into this what i believe is a false choice between war or policy of appeasement. i just don't. i think that we could have our influence diplomatically, economically, could continue to build the pressure so we can
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protect our interests and our allies' interests. all we have to do is listen to our allies who are most proximate to the threat, israel, arab allies, who have been saying all along that any kind of deal with this regime in iran is not worth the paper it's written on, that it's very, very dangerous for us to allow iran to now have the ability to claim it has a right to enrich which is contrary to all the u.n. security council activities of late and which we know -- congress has said is unacceptab unacceptable. >> eraieric cantor, thank you f joining us. officials in connecticut will release a report today on the sandy hook school shooting. it may answer questions about the attack. elaine quijano is in newtown, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, it was on december 14th last year that adam lanza killed
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20 children and six women at sandy hook elementary school. today's long a wait report will summarize what the lead investigator in the case has learned so far. the summary is expected to contain a clear time line from that morning with a focus on the police response. >> caller is indicating that she thinks someone is shooting in the building. >> reporter: but officials including connecticut senator richard blumenthal say they don't expect to be a full account of that day and it's unlikely to provide future recommendations. >> i think that we can always learn from every incident and i think there will be an effort in the report to draw some lessons re n if there are no specific it better. >> reporter: specifics about the shooting including 911 calls and personal testimonies are expected to be part of a much longer police report, thousands of pages long. some state officials have fought against releasing those details out of concern for the victims' families. earlier this year, the
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connecticut legislature passed a l proceed hib bitting the release of certain videos and documents. there will always be one great unknown. >> i would love to know why. but i think that's a question that is never going to be answered. and i don't expect that to be in the police report. we'll never know what went on in that shooter's mind. >> reporter: now, also today, a hearing is scheduled on whether those 911 tapes should be released to the public. charlie, norah. >> thank you. the family of an 85-year-old california man held in north korea is making a new appeal relatives sat down with john blackstone. >> said he was having a wonderful time. >> everything was going so well. >> reporter: as merrill newman's wife lee and son jeff look through postcards he sent from north korea, his detention seems more puzzling.
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by the time the cards arrived, he was missing. as a veteran of the korean war, newman had long wapnted to see the country again, something veterans have done without incident. >> there is no history of 85-year-old grandfather getting pulled off a plane and not being permitted to come home. it's just completely unprecedented. >> reporter: over the past important, the family has had regular discussions with the state department, but there is still no indication why newman is being held. have you thought about going over there? >> mom's ready to fly to beijing and paddle a boat across. >> i said i would sit in the re away and do something. but the important thing we think is to do the right thing and we're not exactly sure what that is. >> reporter: lee and merrill met at stanford university soon after he returned from the war. she knew he loved the water. sfw >> he waptsed to give me as a
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wedding gift a wet suit and i opted for a string of pearls. >> reporter: the family has september medications for his heart condition, but they don't know that he's received them. they have no idea under what conditions he's being held. >> and that comes into you frequently during my day. that he is alone. >> reporter: as a family tradition at thanksgiving, jeff and his father together prepare the turkey. >> he really needs to be at the head of the table for our holidays. that's what we're hoping. >> reporter: for cbs this morning, john
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this national weather report sponsored by target. what is your kind of holiday? inside the takedown of a mobster. steve kroft with new details about a "60 minutes" report on the 16 year search for james whitey bulger. >> i did ask him, aren't you relieved that you don't have to
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look over your shoulder anymore and it's come to an end? and he said are you [ bleep ] nuts. >> pope francis goes public with what may be the bones of the original pope. a mystery surrounding st. peter going back to 64 a.d.. >> plus the airline security measure that leads to costly decisions. >> i've literally seen people crying as their $300 or $400 bottle of alcohol is dumped in the disposal bin. >> the american company behind a high tech solution that could rewrite the rules. the new is back this morning. stay tune for your local news. >> this national weather report sponsored by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. uh-huh. i know this hasn't always been easy for you. and i'm really happy that you're in my life too. ♪ it's just like yours, mom! [ jane ] behind every open heart is a story.
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now that's real love. it's holiday time, and no fruit is as versatile as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why were declaring it the unofficial official fruit of the holidays! the fig's gonna be so bummed. [ laughs ] for holiday tips and recipes, go to ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex tissues help stop moisture better than the leading competitor. save yourself from an awkward situation. don't get caught without kleenex tissues. and now try our new lotion tissues. they're more soothing than ever.
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our new lotion tissues. the neighbors are really gifing out... get ready for triple doorbuster deals -- starting thursday at 6am then again at 7pm. and friday at 6am. kmart. get in. get more christmas. [ male announcer ] when you feel good, no one is immune. emergen-c has more vitamin c than 10 oranges plus other antioxidants and electrolytes to help you come down with a serious case of healthy. emergen-c. making healthy contagious.
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by a fluke play. >> and it touches a bronco. and the patriots come up with the ball of all things. >> that cloued tallowed new eng kick the winning field goal. at halftime, they trailed 24-0. a lot of people ended up going to bed and then the patriots beat the broncos 34-31. tom brady a happy man this morning. >> and bob kraft, too. welcome back to cbs this morning oig. coming up, a milestone at the vatican. remains that may belong to the
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very first pope are shown to the world for the very first time. we'll look at the mystery surrounding st. peter. plus it could change the rules for airline security. how an american company is using new technology to tell the differ between safe liquids and the ones that pose a real leeal threat. steve kroft went inside the nbi 16 year man hunt for whitey bulger. the srnlg he sacertain ended in monica. >> they went by the aliases charlie and carol until the fbi got a tip. the agent set up a rose with their land lord and it ended one of the most embarrassing episodes in the bureau's history. >> reporter: he said he wouldn't knock on the door because there was a note posted stressly asking people not to bother them. carroll had told neighbors
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charlie was showing signs ofdy mention kra. so he devised a ruz involving the storage locker in the garage. >> had the name gasko. >> reporter: he had the manager see if anything was missing. carol said her husband would be right down. >> guns out, fbi, don't move? >> gave the words, hey, fbi, get your hands up. hands went up right away. and then at that moment, we told him get down on his knees and he gave us -- yeah, he gave us and i ain't getting down on my fing knees. didn't want to get his pants dirty. wearing white and seeing the oil on the ground. >> reporter: even at 81, this was a man used to being in control. >> i asked him to identify himself and that didn't go over well. he asked me to fing identified myself which i did. and i asked him and i said are you whitey bulger.
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he said yes. just about that moment, someone catches my attention from a few feet away by the elevator shaft. >> reporter: it was janice goodwin from the third floor. >> i said excuse me, i think i can help you, this map has dementia, so if he's acting oddly, you know, that cou lde through my mind is i just arrested an 81-year-old man with alzheimer's who thinks he's whitey bulger. what is he going to tell me next, he's elvis. i said do me a favor, this woman says you have alzheimer's. he said don't listen to her, she's fing nuts. >> reporter: he signed a search warrant. >> he said that's the first time i sign that had name in a long tile. >> was there a feeling of resignation? >> i don't think he had it. i said aren't you relieved that you don't have to look over your shoulder anymore?
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he said are you fing nuts. >> good fing morning. a lot of fings in that clip. >> so what surprised you about this? he did or did not think that he was going to get caught in the end but he gabecame number one e most wanted list. >> i think that's when things started to change. he became much more reclusive and the fbi believes it's because he knew that when osama bin laden was killed and he moved up to number one, then the whole game changed. and he had been on america's most wanted something like 23 times and they had never really come close or gotten how many tips about him. >> is he talking about what happened to himself? >> he talked to the fbi and they said he was very talkative, he had been cooped up with his wife
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for 16 years, he was happy to talk to somebody about almost anything. >> you point out that they th k think -- he'd forgotten in some ways how to be a criminal, and that's why eventually he got caught. >> and guess is he was probably groggy because he didn't have any outlet to get rid of all the hostilities that he had. before he could just go out and kill somebody. but he was so obsessed with not violating the law and not drawing any attention to himself. >> and fascinating that the way they actually got to him was his girlfriend catherine greig discovering what? >> the pictures. they started looking and checking with doctors because they had heard she'd had plastic surgery and breast implants. and they had serial numbers. and they thought if she had died, it would turn up she would
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an jane doe some place and they got these plastic surgery pictures. >> so snees prisolic she's in p years. what is it that interests you about him? >> i thought just the 16 years on the lamb. he had 16 years to tell his story. what i wanted to know was how did you do it. and he was very clever. and the fbi said he was not your normal fugitive. for one thing, he was very smart. he found he would befriend these people, alcoholics mostly, he'd look for people that looked like him and he made himself look like james lawler, grew a beard and he got law lettler to sell his i.d.. whitey put him up in a hotel for a number of years because he had his social security card, driver's license and all these things that whitey might need to move around town. >> did he have a lot of money with him. >> >> they say about $800,000.
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and he said -- he asked -- i said how much do you have. he said i believe $800,000. really, that much? that's more than i thought i had. should have been here a couple year ago. >> incredible reporting. steve krof g thank you. and at the vatican, a first for the faithful. bones believed to be those of st. peter displayed publicly for the first time. pope francis held the remains at sunday service. alan plen pizzey is in rome. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the bones were found after -- during an 11 year excavation under the st. peter's basilica that began in 1939. there were clues to some graffiti in ancient greek interpreted as "peter is here." the mass at which they were displayed for the first time marked the end of the year of the faith. one reason her kept hidden for so long is and ongoing debate
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over whether or not the bones really are st. peter's. sign tifrk tescientific tested the bone fragmentses showed only that they belonged to a robust man who died in his 60s.1968, p had bean i hen identified in a believe to be convincing. the man considered to be the first pope was crucified in the year 64 a.d. on the site where the basilica now stands. sven rating his relics is an part of the faith.rating his ret of the faith. >> were worship god. we honor the saints. and that's what veneration is. >> reporter: pope francis clutched the box in an almost loving embrace when he prayed over them during the service. the examples and style of the 266th pope have increased church attendance and even impressed
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thon catholics like mary of stafford, virginia. >> eels more in tune of what i think christianity should be which is to be more giving and less selfish. >> reporter: the fact that the crowd swelled after the mass for a chance to see popes appeal. and it's not just ordinary people who are lining up to see him. so, too, are politician, the latest russian president putin. according to local press reports, he's brought along 11 cabinet ministers, 50 cars and 50 journalists. and a breakthrough in airline security is coming out of a lab. >> reporter: i'm terrell brown. an american company has developed a guys that can scan liquids for explosives. how this could ease the airline travel experience coming up on "cbs this morning". [ female announcer ] right when you feel a cold sore,
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starting thursday at 6am then again at 7pm. and friday at 6am. kmart. get in. get more christmas.
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it has been seven years since a major change in airline security, but some dwa become a thing of the past because of an american-made scanning device. terrell brown is with us. >> an ohio based company has developed a you new type of liquid scanner that works fast enough to serve the world's busiest airports without compromising security. at this research park, scientists have staged an explosion that could occur on board an airplane. the explosive is a clear liquid that coukocould easily be mista for wear. why do this? >> liquids are readily available. currently our airports prevent these from going on to the
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planes in these quantities, but it's a huge inconvenience to the traveling public. >> reporter: data from the experiment is used by scientists at battelle, the research group based in columbus, ohio. here they produce one of thed a in the world, the portable machine can detect liquid explosives in a matter of secon seconds. how sdoes it work? >> we place the bottle on the sensor and within two to three seconds, we get a result. we can cocan do the same kind o with a flammable liquid. in this case we have kerosene. two seconds, get an alarm. >> reporter: the need for the technology goes back to 2006 when british authorities foiled a terrorist plot to blow up airliners. in response, strict limits were placed on the amount of liquids air travelers could carry. >> i've literally seen people crying as their $300 or $400
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bottle of alcohol is dumped into the it disposal win. >> reporter: to make sure they collected data on thousands of every day items. cocktail sauce isn't an explosive. what are you testing? >> these are all things that could commonly be carried through by the public. and we need tone su ensure that am does not alarm on these. >> reporter: it's already being phased in at several european airports.does not alarm on thes. >> reporter: it's already being phased in at several european airports. >> if new explosives are discovered or new mixtures are created, the system can be updated. >> reporter: so far it has not been approved for use in the united states, but in a statement to cbs news, the tsa said that the relaxation of limitations on liquid, aerosols and gels in carry-on bags remain
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s a long term goal. over 100 units are shipped to airports each month, offering air travelers some relief while maintaining a level of securit >> the information really is there to make them safer, make travel safer. and allow them to more conveniently do their travel. >> the ls-10 is now being installed at several major airports including london heathrow. officials there hope to have them fully operational by the end of january when new rules
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a deadly winter storm is heading east this morning. will it interfere with your thanksgiving? we'll ask peter greenberg about who needs to worry and when. that's ahead right here on "cbs this morning". [ female announcer ] let betty do the measuring and get a head start on delicious homemade cookies. visit for fun holiday ideas. betty crocker cookie mix. just pour,
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here's what it looked like in our control room this morning. we posted this to our vine we'll show you how vine is turning short videos in to big hit and how madison avenue is getting in to the act. [ laughter ]
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good morning, gayle. welcome back to cbs this morning. a dangerous storm threatens to cause a thanksgiving travel nightmare, so peter greenberg is here with advice for people on the move as the storm pushes east. and it's not just the president whose approval rating is falling. frank lunts says voters are down on america's future. and belly porter says he's playing the role of a lifetime in kinky boots. he remembers a tougher time when he turned his back on broadway. but first, here is a look at today's eye opener at 8:00. hundreds of flights were canceled for toay. >> wereath will spread across the south and snow and ice in the midwest. >> only saving grace, it is all gone by thanksgiving this morning. >> it puts new limits on iran's nuclear program, but it only lasts for six months. >> since when do we trust again
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again it cannot be trusted. >> today's long awaited report will summarize what the lead investigator in the case has learned so far. >> inside the takedown of a mobster. >> he gave us is i'm not getting down on my fing knees. didn't want to get his pants dirty. >> pope francis goes public with what may be the bones of the original pope. >> an ohio based company has developed a new type of liquid scanner to serve the world's busiest airports. >> if new explosives are discovered or created, the system can be updated. >> i said, aren't you relieved that you don't have to look over your shoulder anymore? he said are you fing nuts? >> a lot of fing in that clip.
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i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. three days before thanksgiving, there is apparel lizing storm threat. the system that dwumped heavy snow and ice on parts of the west is heading across texas and the deep south. >> so far the bad weather is blamed for eight deaths and it's expected to cause serious travel problems between now and thursday. eric fisher is chief meteorologist at our boston station wbv. eric, good morning. >> good morning to you. good more thning, every. watching nasty weather in a big travel week. freezing rain is falling to start off the delay dallas. across parts of arkansas and western mississippi and tennessee, watching the icy travel. heavy rain totals. charlotte is a big connect airport, that will be an issue. and wednesday all along the east coast, pretty quick mover. if this was farther east, weed
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be talking all snow. but the snow potential looks heaviest western new york, we were pennsylvania, parts of ohio. that heavy wet snow always a risk because it clings to the limbs, could bring power lines down. highest chance of that happening is just along the border of canada. but the winds still around. as we watch the balloons go through new york, the wind definitely going to be an issue. >> thank you, eric fisher. many flights have already been canceled today. peter greenberg is here to tell 43 million american what is to expect when they hit the road for thanksgiving. good morning to you. i feel badly because so many people plan all year for this particular travel. i wish the news was better. what are you most concerned about? >> look what happened yesterday at dfw, 700 canceled because of ice conditions and that storm is moving east and north. not a good situation. anytime even in good weather the wednesday before thanks giving
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is a suicidal day to travel. planes trains and automobiles celebrated that day. so now you have a perfect storm between weather, more people flying on fewer flights and higher airfares. >> which is a great movie, i really do like that movie. >> that's right. and true. >> so let me ask you, if you're traveling on wednesday or this thanksgiving holiday, what do you do, how do you call to see 23 your flig if your flight is on time? online can be slow. >> you want to have a conversation with the airline, but it's the question you ask. you don't say is my flight on time, because they will interpret that to say is it scheduled to leave on time. what you want to do is say you can tell me the aircraft number assigned to my flight. and you say where is that tail number. tail number is in belize and you're in boston, you're not going to chicago. now you know ahead of time. >> what about some of the online
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apps, can that help you? >> flight tracker, a great delay and cancellation page. but airlines are getting hit. they are not necessarily updating their website as fast as facebook and twitter. >> you will call and they will say it's leaving on time. i've been standing at the desk and they tell you you it's leaving on time. >> don't look at the departure board. it hasn't told the truth since 1947. look at it for only one piece of information, the gate you're supposed to leave from. then go immediately to the rifles boarifl arrivals board. if nothing is arriving up tuesday, why would you go to the gate? get on the phone and have that conversation. but should you actually have that conversation today. because a lot of the airlines are beginning to even waive all the cancellation and penalty fees ahead of team, doing preemptive deals that are helpful for you. and they're encouraging you to actually leave a day earlier, and they will even give you a bonus. >> yeah, if they will let you have the day off on tuesday 37. >> a lot of people might have
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the day off on wednesday because of weather. >> thank good for private planes. just kidding. >> ladies and gentlemen, the elitist have spoken. oh, my gosh. there it is. >> so relatable. but i so agree, charles. >> oh, god, here it comes. >> you also say you shouldn't check your bags. but if you're a bag packer, you don't have any option. >> if you think you may not get -- you're liking that, aren't you, charlie? good he havedoes he have a priv wlaen to catch? >> no, that was a joke. the historic agreement with iran over its nuclear program faces new challenges this morning. the six month deal was struck between iran, the u.s. and five other world powers. iran agrees to halt its higher grade enrichment of uranium and will allow inspectors from the international atomic energy agency daily access. >> in exchange iran will get up to $7 billion in sanction relief.
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but israel's prime minister says the deal threat against his country. >> i know that many share the concern of israel especially in the region. and will is a reason for this. for years the international community has demanded that iran cease all uranium enrichment. now for the first time, the international community has formally consented that iran continue its enrichments of uranium. >> major garrett is at the white house. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the white house knows the israeli government led by netanyahu is very concerned about this deal and it all goes to enrich chmenenrichment. what they were doing was enriching an invisible way. the white house now leaves it has a method by which it can go in and enspec asee what they'res a method by which it can go in see what they're up to.
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but the israeli concerns remain. and that's why yesterday president obama called netanyahu and said the israeli government would be brought into the next phase of gonegotiations in orde to achieve a final comprehensive deal to eliminate all fears the white house hopes of iran obtaining a nuclear web. in fphase one, white house decided to side with the european partners. the president knew israel for all sorts of reasons could not agree to this phase one partial deal with iran because they simply don't trust the iranian government. what the white house decided was getting those inspectors in, getting limits on enrichment would be better than no deal at all. even so, on capitol hill, republicans want to push for harder sanctions faster. senate democrats have said they will keep that as an option if iran didn't comply with the nuclear deal. the president believes that's the best lever to have, give
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iran sixinec spespectors in. and if they don't comply, toughen them with sanctions. even so, republicans believe this is a bad deal, they're siding with israel. the white house believes it is a durable first start and will wait to see if iran will deal with the united states, russia and china to put a final pact together in the next six months. >> all right, major garrett, thanks. president obama is in the west this morning, his trip includes politics and four fund-raisers today. last night he attend two events in seattle for the democratic party. this morning the president heads to san francisco where he will deliver a speech pushing immigration reform. tonight he will travel to los angeles. tomorrow he visits the dream works studio to talk about his economic agenda. miley cyrus has a lot of people talking this morning. in los angeles last night, she closed the american music awards by ball.
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just tin timberlake won three. >> and taylor swift landed the most awards. fans voted her artist of the year. >> this validates that if you voted for this, that we are heartbroken the same way and we fall in love the same way and we're happy the same way. and the fact that you listen to my music means that we're on the same page and i'm 23 and i have no idea what's going to happen to me in my life, but i figure if you decided on something as wonderful as this, then we're pretty much in it together, aren't we. i love you. >> i love you, too. third time taylor swift he were that had honor. the other performances last night, jennifer lopez did a dedication to celia cruise. she changed costumes three times on air. it was a good show. >> i fell asleep early, but i'll go back and look charlie? i'm positithinking i might put direction on my ipod.
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it is now
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in 1964, ringo starr came face to face with a car full of beatles fans. he got their picture and nearly half a century later, the fans havenother treat to brag about. that's ahead on "cbs this mornin morning". oand then we'll go over here. four different places? suggestion. i'll be in the car. get over 20 of the hottest gifts
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backed by our 1 hour in stock guarantee. the first place to go. walmart [ video game sounds ] whoa! campbell's has super mario soup. m'm. gotcha! [ video game sound ] awww. m'm! m'm! good! and better is so easy withrning you cabenefiber.o something better for yourself. [ video game sound ] awww. fiber that's taste-free, grit-free and dissolves completely. so you can feel free to add it to anything. and feel better about doing it. better it with benefiber. your bristles are so slim! [ slimsoft ] my floss-tip™ bristles are up to 17x slimmer than other toothbrushes. they easily clean between teeth and along the gumline. colgate® slimsoft™.7x slimmer than other toothbrushes. floss-tip™ bristles for a deep clean. i get out a lot... except when it's too cold. like the last three weekends. asthma doesn't affect my job... you missed the meeting again last week!
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it doesn't affect my family. your coughing woke me up again. i wish you'd take me to the park. i don't use my rescue inhaler a lot... depends on what you mean by a lot. coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at, then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma.
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on this very busy monday, here is a six second look at how
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we get ready to bring you the 8:00 hour. we'll show you how millions of people are making their own short videos, why some have raking in the kaucash. that's coming up next ons of " morning" sponsored by macy's. [ laughter ] he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ he loves me! that's right.
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[ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop! whoa.! everyone loves pillsbury grands! showtime. agh! there's me! there's me! there's me! boom. ohhhh!
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no! you don't even get football. [ male announcer ] when you've got 100% fiber optic fios, you get it. america's fastest, most reliable internet. it's the ultimate for downloading, streaming, and chatting. [ joe ] it's locked up one on one. you have that guy all over the football field. thanks, joe. if the running backs don't start picking up the blitz, the quarterback is going to have a long night. is that your sister? look, are you trying to take my job? maybe.
8:20 am
[ male announcer ] now's the time to give yourself the ultimate holiday gift! upgrade your entertainment with the fios triple play for this amazing price online -- just $79.99 a month guaranteed for the first year, plus get a $300 holiday bonus with a 2-year agreement. this is the year to get 100% fiber optic fios. america's fastest, most reliable internet, and unbeatable tv picture quality. when you're away from home. so upgrade to fios now and get an amazing deal that's great for your holiday budget. hurry and visit today. technology that lets you play with the big boys. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's powerful. at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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the vine app allows you to make six second long videos advertisers and users are now cashing in. took about six seconds just to say that. michelle miller is with us. is just six seconds began as a challenge for the users of vine. now the app is helping make entrepreneurs of artists who found a way to connect with a generation that has so little time to spare. in this small production studio, megan is directing a commercial custom made for the smallest of screens. one touch at a time. >> i didn't think i would ever be using a phone to take a photograph. so to think that i'm making videos on a phone and making money is bizarre to me. >> reporter: this campaign for lowes will run just six saids.
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the standard duration of the short films found on the vine app. >> short formadvertising is rig. >> reporter: she was a full-time fashion photographer when she discovered vine shortly after it launched last nuar so far more than 40 billion people use vine featuring everything from the world's fastest man to the president riding a bike. >> part of the job at the beginning was everyone has the same set of prem ors. we all have to abide by the same goals. six seconds, no editing. >> reporter: her videos were soon among vine's most watched. attracting or 300,000 followers and the attention of bbdo, an ad agency who helped connect her with big brand names. collaborations soon came with fortune 500 companies from nike
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and ebay to dole cha adole cha . >> i think it'st's cool. so more than anything, i want to give it a cool factor or beauty factor. >> reporter: one of her line's was runner up at the tribeca film festival first ever vine competition. evidence that the super short film has found an audience who now prefer information and entertainment with brevity. >> we have to react to innovation because it's happening so quickly. >> reporter: gary scouts talent. >> i don't p think we should ju peg it on the up and coming generations. old people have shrinking spans,
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at well. >> reporter: a boom, but well below the budget of the ads produced for television. >> vine will cost in the thousands and tense of thousands. television crcommeials are a little more than that. >> hold your attention? >> right now it's holding every moment of my attention. >> let's hope so. she creates vines for more than 40 large corporations and has earned up to $25,000 for just one of them. and while the vine may be just six seconds in length, if can take up to 14 hours to produce. >> great story. thank you. and you can see everything we're posting on our vine account, just go to the app and find our user name "cbs this morning". >> aren't you amazed at how much they with put in six saided
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seconds? very effective. he was arising zçzçztó.h. gregg
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black friday pricing starts now! you'll save up to 40% off appliances, electronics, furniture and more. 60 inch led tvs are just $599. get $1400 dollars off this samsung french door refrigerator samsung steam washers and dryers are only $599 each. plus, samsung 32 inch led tvs are just $229. and samsung galaxy tablets $159 while supplies last. black friday pricing starts right now at h.h. gregg. welcome back to "cbs this
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morning". coming up, tony award winner billy porter plays lola in kinky boot's. a story of overcoming adversity. jamie wax is in our green room and we'll meet him in a second. he talks with poerter about walking away from fame. >> time for this morning's headlines. "wall street journal" says new york state is cracking down on texasing drivers. troopers are patrolling in 32 unmarked suvs. tickets can bring fines of up to $200. "new york times" says hollywood movie story r studio is expanding it foot print into television. that's the company behind the butler. harvey weinstein says he wants to create a tv operation as powerful as its film unit.
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"los angeles times" says the new movie "the hunger games: catching fire" burned the competition. lo the weeken weekend. the sequel starring jennifer lawyer reps torence took in abo million over the weekend. "usa today" looks at a group of beatles fans. they reunited with ringo starr. in 1964, starr snapped a photo of a car full of teens on a new york city highway. in october, starr told us about the picture and wanting to find out who posed. >> they came to the airport i believe now to see us. and guess what? they really saw us. and we saw them. they all put the windows down and, hey, i've got my camera, i'll take them. >> the mystery teens soon came forward. they attend theed starr's concert in vegas. britain's guardian says mick
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jagger will be a great grandfather. his granddaughter expects for give birth early next year. children and four grandchildren. and the "daily mail" looks at research on productivity. it finds people are most alert and efficient just after 10:00 a.m. on mondays. we are the least productive at 4:00 p.m. on tuesdays. so we have another hour and a half for to really kick in. >> i believe that. president obama maybe has questions about what he has to be thankful for that thanksgiving when it comes to public opinion. this month the cbs news poll put his approval rating at 37%. a 9% drop from october. it's his lowest cbs news survey results since he took office. and americans view of the country is also falling. in october, cbs news analysts and republican strategists gathered a focus group in
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washington. >> how many of you are better off today than your parents were when they were your age is th? so almost everybody. how many truly believe that your kids or the next generation will be better off than you when they get to be your age? only five of you. how old are you? and you don't think the next generation will have it better than you? how can you be so young and so pessimistic? >> well, i see what money is doing to politics. and if we keep going down this road, it's not going to be good for anybody. it's only going to be good for the elite. >> but thank god i've lived long enough to see the pend pendulum swing. it's about over as far as it's
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going to go. and then the peopleend pendulum swing. it's about over as far as it's going to go. and then the peoplend pendulum swing. it's about over as far as it's going to go. and then the peopled pendulum swing. and then the people pendulum swing.pendulum it back. >> will your grandkids be better off than you when they get to be your age? >> i don't think they will. i'm afraid that this country is going so far to the left that there is not going to be any swing back to the center are or even a little to the right. i'm afraid of what i'm seeing happening in health care.or even a little to the right. i'm afraid of what i'm seeing happening in health care.or even a little to the right. i'm afraid of what i'm seeing happening in health care.or even a little to the right. i'm afraid of what i'm seeing happening in health care.or even a little to the right. i'm afraid of what i'm seeing i'm afraid what's going on with the which i -- >> this is america. every generation has found a way out of it. every generation has complained about the past and done something special. think of the technology you have. think of the ability to reach out -- i can't believe this negativity. >> i actually think what's going on is that there is a lack of pride being established in this generation coming along. i'm a retired schoolteacher.
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in schools they're teaching what's wrong with us, what is wrong with america. that's what they're emphasizing, instead of what's right abou th? >> because it's the truth. >> it's the truth? >> we aren't perfect creatures. we have a country that has these myths of social mobility and equality and those things are not as true as they were in my father's time. in our country we're more likely to stay in the economic strata we're born into than in our european countries. >> that is way too neurotic. america is a great country with lots of opportunities. when i was a teen, i was working concrete. i was going to school nights. i mean, it's a matter of reaching in yourself and being something. i think america still has it. why the change in attitude? >> it used to be the dream was defined by freedom and opportunity and now people relate money to it.
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money can't buy you love, money can't buy you happiness. there is a sense that the country has turned in a direction thate lost our abilitt it and it just makes us really, really morose. >> did you get the sense it was bigger than politics? >> i felt that and we did a study for each american dream and we asked them a question about the american dream. 72% of americans now think that the american dream is beyond our reach. 72%. that's a majority of every segment of society. so whether you're 18 or 80 years old, you're looking at the country and saying our best days are behind us. >> i just don't find anything new in this. people have been saying these kinds of things, they're worried that the life that their kids will not be as good as their life, young people staying home longer and living with their parents longer. we know people talk about a lack of sense that the next generation will have it as easy. that's not new, is in the last?
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>> new over the last say five years or so. >> sure, over the last five years. >> but no one is talking about it or doing thinking about it. the government shutdown said to all americans that washington is not listening and is out of control. >> but is that new that washington is not listening? >> and an 8% job approval rating for congress, barack obama at an all-time low? >> that's based on health carry and different things is very different. >> we think republicans are broken, kms are broken. democrats are broken, hollywood is broken. we don't trust the news. >> but i'm telling you we've known this. >> but if you lose trust and confidence and you don't invest in the future, you don't actual character -- >> recommendation after recommendation after recommendation, we have to invest in the future because we know for this country to be k3e
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difference, it has to do more in research and education. it has to do more in terms of innovation. but at the same time, the qualities that enable us to do that are still there. >> but we don't do it and that's whole issue. there was a way back in the kennedy and in ronald reagan and even bill clinton where we could come together as a country. we can' we can't now do anything together. we can't even agree on this together. that you complaint put people in a room and have a simple conversation like we're having right now. we didn't show the edits in there when those people took offer on each other, they were complete strangers and within 15 minutes, they were yelling. >> why dpidn't you show that? >> because i don't edit your show. everything. >> and i agree debate is exactly the kind of conversation you and i are having now. you and i can sit here and talk about this and figure out where
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we agree and where we disagree. >> but viewers don't get this in other networks and other places. where is the place where we all come to school, the town hall where we all come together to have this conversation? it doesn't sxes. it doesn't exist in the capitals, in the white house. >> here's where i see you and i having the conversation. i agree with everything that you found here. i'm just saying it's not new and it ought to be a mandate to do something. >> that's why this organization is like each american dream, organizations that say it doesn't matter what politics you have, what income you are. you have to have the the opportunity and you have to reach for the stars. charlie, if we fix education, if we fix civility and we want once again restore the genuine opportunity, we won't have arguments. we'll have consensus. whole purpose of e. this. >> should we leave it there that you two have agreed on that? >> only thing we've agreed on this morning. that and private planes are a good way to travel.
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>> are you upset with frank? >> no, of course not. >> it was an interesting conversation. >> i just believe this is the kind of dialogue that we need to have and not lose faith in what makes us unique. >> thank you, fran. it is go frank, it is good to see you. we'll meet the actor behind [ female announcer ] the day
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hellmann's and holiday leftovers become irresistibly creamy turkey casserole. real delicious hellmann's. bring out the hellmann's. bring out the best. if others can strip this paper, imagine how harsh they can be to your skin. oh my gosh. [ female announcer ] dove is different. its breakthrough formula changes everything. dove. this is care.
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for any stage performer making to broadway is the ultimate goal. one star reached his dream, gave it up and got back again. jamie wax is our newest cbs contributor. welcome. >> good morning. thanks. in the current broadway season,
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there is no show hotter than kinky boots and no performance more electrifying than billy porter as lola. but his journey is a drama of its open. ♪ actor billy porter will tell you the part of lola in kingky boot's is the role of his life. >> this particular character, this particular human being and how it's resonating is just -- it's mind blowing. ♪ >> reporter: kingky bo ing kink is a comeback tale. so is porter's story. the talent has always been there. he started singing in church as a small child. by the mid '90s, he'd won star search search, gotten a record deal and stealing the show in the broadway revival of grease.
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from the outside, billy porter appeared to be soaring. you're at the height of success and you walked away from it. >> i did. i did. >> was there a moment you can trace back to where you said i'm done with this? >> there was several. one of them was being in the revival of grease. i became a clown. you know, i wore orange rubber successful actor. he quit the business. >> it's the disconnect from the humanity that i had a problem with. >> reporter: he began to teach and to write. he went on what he call as journey for truth. it's a fight porter had waged before growing up gay in a deabsolutely religious community in pittsburgh.
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his mother never stopped supporting her son. >> i love you unconditionally. >> reporter: the support and love of porter's mother and sister never failed. even during the difficult years when it seemed certain that awful his success was in the past. what with were your lowest times? >> i had to file bankruptcy. and that really, really weighed on my spirit.>> i had to file b. and that really, really weighed on my spirit. >> reporter: at his darkest hmr husband who stepped into help. >> they kept me single handedly out of -- kept me afloat for a very long time. >> paid your bills because they believed in you? >> yes. >> very humbling to have that kind of support. >> yeah. >> what does that do to you now when you look back on that time?
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>> it's grace. you know, god has plans for you and dreams for you that you can't ever imagine having for yourself. ♪ >> reporter: enter kinky boots and that role he seems destined to play. 113 years after he left broadway, billy porter was back. billy porter.3 years after he l, billy porter was back. billy porter. and this pastup, billy porter reached g tth tony for best lea actor in a musical. giving him the opportunity to thank susie dietz and especially his mother. >> your willing fls wls to embr that which you don't understand is a tell plat that the world can benefit from employing. >> 13 years away. you come back, land the role of a lifetime. win the tony. is there a moment where you took a breath and said it's okay?
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>> i'm not really good at breaths. i'm learning. i'm a work in progress. so i would say i am -- i am working towards breathing, yes. >> and just to put this in perspective for you, kinky boot's is billy porter's fifth broadway show, but first one in 13 years. that's how long he was away. >> incredible to find this role. >> shows youowne person can make a difference having somebody who cares about you. and you wonder how many other really talented people can't get work. >> his career was guiding him as compared to vice versa. >> susie saw things in help that
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him that he didn't see in himself. >> thank you so much and welcome. you're watch
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[ male announcer ] when you've got 100% fiber optic fios, you get it. america's fastest, most reliable internet. it's the ultimate for downloading, streaming, and chatting. [ joe ] it's locked up one on one. you have that guy all over the football field. thanks, joe. if the running backs don't start picking up the blitz, the quarterback is going to have a long night. is that your sister? look, are you trying to take my job? maybe. [ male announcer ] now's the time to give yourself the ultimate holiday gift! upgrade your entertainment with the fios triple play
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for this amazing price online -- just $79.99 a month guaranteed for the first year, plus get a $300 holiday bonus with a 2-year agreement. this is the year to get 100% fiber optic fios. america's fastest, most reliable internet, and unbeatable tv picture quality. and now you can take your fios entertainment with you when you're away from home. so upgrade to fios now and get an amazing deal that's great for your holiday budget. hurry and visit today. technology that lets you play with the big boys. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's powerful. at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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that does it for us. up next, your local news. we'll see you tomorrow right here on "cbs this morning". ózç
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