tv This Week in Defense CBS December 1, 2013 8:00am-8:31am EST
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welcome to this week in defense news. canada and the united states have agreed to greater cooperation in the pacific. we will talk to the chief of canada's armed forces. first, what the deal to freeze iran's nuclear program means for international security. the six-month deal with iran brokered by the five u.n. security council members aims to cripple economic sanctions. they counter the talks are the
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only way to halt an iran that is months away from getting the bomb. joining us matt kranig a former dod advisor. welcome to the program. matt, let me start with you. is it a good deal? >> for years iran's nuclear program has been advancing getting closer to the nuclear weapons breakout capability. this freezes their program in place. that's a good thing. critics point out it leaves far too much of iran's nuclear program in place for comfort and that's true. so over the next six months is what we are going to do is negotiate a more comprehensive deal with iran that would have the effect of rolling that progress back. in short, now comes the hard part. >> there is concern that some of them as soon as they put new
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sanctions in place could torpedo it. others are talking about imposing sanctions that could pick out afterwards. >> there is a lot of talk about passing sanctions now, as you point out. at the end of the day i don't think lawmakers will go through it. i think they understand if they do it would scuttle the deal. even if they don't like the deal they understand that the alternatives, including possible military action, are probably worse. i think they will continue to talk about passing sanctions. that's probably a good thing. it keeps the pressure on. it reminds iran we have other options. if the deal falls through for other reasons i think at that point congress will slap on tougher sections. >> would a military strike forestall, benjamin netanyahu put that on the table. >> no, you could never stop the problem. >> and unleash other unintended
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consequences? >> yes. >> netanyahu, who has blasd this deal, coasted up to the president of iran. he visited with russia before the deal was struck to try to stop it. is he isolated? >> let's look backward and forward. there is a history of iranian actions that are rather hostile. i mean, trying to assassinate a saudi diplomat in a restaurant in washington, d.c. is one of the more recent activities. so the history of the regime is extremely hostile. so you have to lend some legitmacy to israeli concerns because they are right there. especially in light of iranian rhetoric. a range of hostilities between iran and israel. i think looking forward, netanyahu has no choice but to see how it plays out. if iran comports to the parameters of the agreement, i think he will let it play out.
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if they don't and the p5 plus one decide not to put sanctions back into place and other measures, i think you will see israel feel increasingly cornered. >> do you sense that -- let me move to ot topic of how the countries in the region are seeing this. you just got about a saudi arabia and turkey. those countries are frustrated with u.s. policy. tell us why they are so angry and what the administration needs to do about it. >> see in this the context of the competition between saudi arabia and iran. they see this as a part of a pattern. the u.s. withdraws from iraq and afghanistan. syria, where there is a long time of inaction and then the about face by the obama administration on military action, egypt where they see they did not support mubarak
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more forcely. the middle east thinks, you know, what about us? and i think it's a very dangerous neighborhood. and so the pattern that the saudis and their gulf allies see is one of increasingly stringent circumstances that they feel they are dealing with alone. >> and what does the administration need to do about it? >> the administration needs to redouble their engagement. if they are pivoting to asia, they also need to pivot to the middle east. the united states is very important security interests. obama himself needs to personally engage with the leaders and the entire u.s. government needs to reassure and make sure that they understand we have their back. >> gentlemen, thanks for joining us. we appreciate it. coming up, the chief of canada's armed forces. you are watching this week in defense news.
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nana. hoooaah! alright nana! 4 million members. 4 million stories. navy federal credit union. chuck hagel and rob nicholson signed the u.s., canada, pacific nation documents. i caught up with general tom lawson at the halifax international security forum last week. zat cooperative framework that got signed looks at asia- pacific as an area we have had all kinds of overlap in. it determines where we'll overlap, where we'll separate activities and how we can best meet anyhoo man terian response
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efforts that may happen in the first. we have a similar type framework for central america and also for the caribbean. this is an extension of those kinds of agreements. >> what do you see as the strategic future of the relationship? i mean, norad is one of those incredibly unique relationships where canadians and americans are holding the secure of the entire northern hemisphere. what is the strategic future of cooperation between the two counties? >> gets to go be strong. it has to be. we are two great friends and we are off on an area of the world where we're covering the mass and much of it at least in north america, and a perfect example of how we can do that so well collegiately. the only bi-national agreement in the world between two militaries. splits our responsibilities in a way that we have shared responsibility for all of the
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airspace. we do that so well joining tanker and fighter operations as required. i think we will see more of that kind of thing as we go forward. >> canada has been involved in afghanistan since the beginning of the operation. you guys are training there that lasts until march 2014. a lot of the nations are debating what happens 2015 and beyond. what residual presence do you expect to see in afghanistan? >> post 2014 we will have no military representation in afghanistan. however, foreign affairs and financial support will continue at quite an impressive level. >> when you are looking at what the lessons learned from this operation are there are a lot of folks who obviously will draw control lessons and the importance of counter insurgency. what are some of the lessons you are drawing forward that have to be maintained as canada looks at a post-afghanistan future? >> you know, being together with the united states and our close allies in nato has had a
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focusing affect. we have been very, very serious in what we do and drawn hundreds of lessons across the army and air force. we have had sailors in theater, as well. we have taken lessons. not only national lessons but those that aid in interoperational ability. it's going to be key to make sure we practice those things and advance them through training and operations to come. >> are there any particular counter insurgency lessons that you think need to be maintained? it's a very expensive skill set to build up. it has involved a lot of these sorts of skills. is there anything you have to do to improve them? >> counter insurgency is a special set of skills. what we're doing is looking forward, like most militaries now, and say will the next operation include counter insurgency or what skills do
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we need to be developing across all three services and our special operations? i think we need to generalize our readiness across all capabilities. >> secretary hagel at his keynote address here unveiled the new american arctic strategy. obviously, the arctic is important to you. >> we have a lot of it. >> you have a lot of it. the u.s. has a lot of it. denmark has a piece of it. russia has a piece of it as well. talk to us a little bit about how the american strategy and the canadian approach to the arctic are going to work together in looking at this region as climate change makes it more navigable and there will be more trade and business up there. >> as it becomes more navigable, more trade will be heading up there. i think the key thing is really the arctic is a pressure release point for all militaries. the eight nations of the arctic council see themselves as being cooperative in approach to the safety of those operating up there and traveling through the
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area. so as a him we see ourselves in a support role to civilian authorities who will have to deal with those things. that has been the focus of all of our efforts together with our great friends in the american military. >> canada embarked on a military modernization program. we have seen new ships, you know, new air systems. at the end of the day you everybody is facing budget pressures and you are no expectation. how do you prioritize and what are sort of going to be the priority things that you are going to shield and where are capabilities and systems that you may have to trade up? >> you are right. we grew over the last 20 years with a lot of new equipment. aircraft, armeddered vehicles and ships. so with the declining resources pretty much across the western world we are under many of the same constraints as the american forces. and the government of canada
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has just recently announced they are going to take a look at canada first defense strategy with an idea of not constraining it or taking it down in size, but in fact looking forward to new capabilities and new areas that we should probably be investing in. so we will be look at what capabilities and capacities we can make to what levels while reinvesting in some of the more important growing areas like cybersecurity and space operations to support security and intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance. >> your predecessor is the head of the space agency. so you have a little bit of an in there. >> a great friend there. >> exactly. >> you flew one of your career fighter pilot. you flew the f104. there is another lockheed aircraft. the jsf that you have been a founding partner on as well. there has been questions about whether that is going to go into service in canada. what's your view? >> i don't know. what we see certainly is a
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commitment by the government that is extant to replace the cf18 in coming years, probably around the 2025 area, and that whole project is being looked at now amongst all of the aircraft that could potentially fill that role i know that it will be one of those contending for that. i sit back confident in the knowledge that the government will ensure we are provided the equipment we need to look after those duties. >> there has been a lot of financial uncertainty in washington. obviously, the guys in the pentagon are struggling with that. you are one of america's closest alleys. you are our neighbor. how does that uncertainty affect you up here? >> you have been dealing with some very significant cuts and most of them have been transparent to us. we are so intertwined for training and operations. we find our american friends to be tremendous allies.
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we know you are constrained in areas and going forward we may see that this affects us more. but to date it has had no affect on the level of security that we provide both in aerospace and maritime approaches for the protection of north america and for training it continues to pace as well. so we'll see going ahead if those become more restrained. to date most of it has been transparent. >> suburb, thanks very much for joining us. >> up next, a dutch defense minister on her nation's plans for afghanistan. ñzçzçzç m.
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the netherlands is among 40 allies deployed to afghanistan helping train the afghan police and operating dutch fighters. with 2014 a critical year for allied forces and potentially the last, i asked the defense minister whether and to what extent dutch forces will be engaged in afghanistan after march 2014. >> we are still engaged in afghanistan. we are still flying to support the allies. post 2014 is difficult to say. we didn't make a decision yet. we will see. the operation is still on its way. it will come to us early 2014, i guess. and then i will have to go back to our parliament together with my colleague the minister of foreign affairs. we will have to see. post-2014 will be about to
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train, to assist, to advise. it's important to make sure that all the efforts we put into afghanistan are also sustainable for the longer term. so i consider it important that we do not just leave afghanistan, but it's also a very sensitive issue in the netherlands after all these years. so i have to be careful. we didn't make a decision yet. i guess it's important -- i am not guessing. i am convinced it's important that nato keeps its presence a bit longer. >> what are some of the threats that you are looking the at for the netherlands forward? what are sort of the threats that you think the netherlands should be focusing on for the future? >> you know, new a days i would say that -- nowadays i would say that uncertainty is very important feature in the international relations. it's very difficult to be very specific about the current but
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also the emerging threats. but we have to be prepared. africa is very close to our boarder, southern borders of europe, and there is a lot of -- things are happening in the region. so we definitely are looking into that. >> you are going to be engaged in the mission as well? >> yes. but we also engaged in the piracy in somalia. it's important that we -- without going into the specifics, we have to be prepared for everything. so, you know, yeah. >> that's also one of the reasons why you guys are making a lot of investment. you were a founding joint strike fighter partner. there are more and more countries coming aboard. japan has come aboard. looks like korea is going to be headed in that direction. you are also just recently
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purchased four aircraft from the united states. what kind of capability is this going to give dutch forces over the future? >> the f-35 was extremely important after 12 years of political debate back home, we finally were able to make -- to take the decision. we will buy 37 at least because it's within the current budget tear framework. you know , europe is getting hit by the financial and economic crisis -- >> washington is being hit by financial economics as well >> so it's not too easy at the month. but if you take a look at our f-16s for 30, 40 years -- >> you were a founding partner on that program as well. >> exactly, and they did an excellent job and i am convinced that the f-35 will do the same and will be with us for another, 40 years. it's important if we have our troops on the ground that we have the air support, that we have the reson sense, that we have the intelligence, that we have everything available to make sure that our people can
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perform in safe conditions. >> what are some of the other cooperative programs you want to strike with washington? because you guys have a been a close partner to washington for decades. >> it's important to continue and to have the innovation in our armed forces and, therefore, i think it's crucial to cooperate not only within europe but also with our partners in the u.s. >> there has been a concern voiced by some in europe as well as the united states that because of u.s. focus on asia there is a reduction in focus on europe. do you get that sense? >> no, secretary hagel, he is a very reliable partner within nato and the alliance is doing excellent work. but we have to be awake. clearly, there is a shift in the balance of power ongoing. new actors are gaining influence without a doubt and that will set our solidarity as well. for nato it's important that we
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keep nato strong and to keep nato strong it's important that europe gets its act together and enhances its ability to act. we have an overreliance on the united states. that's not a secret. secretary hagel rightly pointed out that europe will have to enhance its ability to act in order to make thar that nato will continue to be as strong as it was over the past tech aid. >> is that possible given the budget cuts we are seeing across europe? france reduced spending. u.k. reduced spending. you have had spending challenges as well? >> we had some spending challenges indeed, without a doubt. at the same time even with the budgets becoming a bit smaller europe, you know, all the european countries are spending quite a lot. we have the united states. that's the big spend he. but as number two, it's europe. so if the european names are finally able to work together and we have a more capable, a
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more coherent european union in the field of defense security that will add to the trans atlantic bond. >> what do you think nato should be focusing on as we look into the future? >> my god, for many reasons we should continue to invest in security and crisis management and defense. there are so many threats all over the world that we cannot really sit back and relax. we cannot turn our back to the fires somewhere else in other regions. >> great. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> coming up my notebook. ♪
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get the mercedes-benz on your wish list at the winter event going on now -- but hurry, the offer ends soon. [ santa ] ho, ho, ho! [ male announcer ] lease the 2014 glk350 for $419 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. that the preliminary deal negotiated by the five u.n. security council members plus germany to halt iran's program is a good one. it suspends the rapidly advancing atomic bomb program and opens nuclear facilities to unprecedented international inspection in turn for a modest easing of sanctions. negotiate he is hope the taste of relief over the next six months will convince iran to trade its program for a permanent end of sanctions. supporters say it's the only way to stop iran as it will soon have all it needs to build a bomb. if it fails sanctions would return in foreclosures and all somes back on the table. critics say it reserves the
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right to attack iran in the the future to stop the program. most experts con an attack would delay iran's efforts. iran's new leader was elected to improve his nation's economy. but they have lied and any lasting deal must be verifiable. by enacting new sanctions now it would kill the deal. it can help by implying tougher sanctions in the future. thanks for joining us for this week in defense news. a special thanks to the canadian and dutch armed forces. have a great week. plan
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welcome to biocentury this week. >> your trusted source for biotechnology information and analysis. biocentury this week. starting from the first dose of pencil in, harmful bacteria have been evolving resistance to antibiotics. pharmaceutical companies developed a stream of new drugs. but over the last two decades two trends have combined to create a public health crisis.
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overuse of antibiotics. surgery, transplantation and chemotherapy are more dangerous. new drugs are urgently needed. no single federal agency is in charge of combating resistance. lack of coordination and at accountability may be a part of the problem. in previous shows we have spoken with senior fda officials, members of congress and biotech companies. today we will interview the head of the federal agency responsible for coordinating the nation's response. >> dr. tom frieden joins us from the centers for disease control in atlanta, georgia. dr. frieden, how big is the problem of antibiotics resistance? >> we're seeing a big increase in antimicrobial resistance. we put
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