tv Right This Minute CBS February 8, 2014 2:35am-3:06am EST
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. if you're searching for great videos, stop what you're doing. because we have everything you're looking for, "right this minute." friends in the middle of a street luge race. >> cruising down, twisting around. >> what happens when thing goes downhill fast. >> all caught up in a guy's
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grill, butre incdibly -- >> he survives. >> see what it takes to get him out in one piece. a woman grabs her cell phone when she sees this guy peering in her window. what she did right and he did wrong that helped cops catch him. plus, the buzzword for your shot to win an ipad mini. and a wife in the kitchen is caught in the act. now meet the husband who shot the video and find out -- >> has she ever caught you in the act? >> well, what are we talking about? >> before long, people across the world are going to have luge on the brain because, of course, the winter games are coming up. that's like wintertime luge. i'm talking about street luge in this video out of rincon, puerto rico. we're riding along with 40-year-old mike papraski and his buddy manolo. you'll see him in the green and black uniform as they're cruising down this twisty road,
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going about 50 miles per hour. that's manolo there. this is called classic luge. for dudes over 30. >> i like this because people who are 30 plus, they know about their own mortality. >> this is true. you can see that, you know, these races, these guys get really close to one another. as they go around this one turn, that's manolo getting down low, close to the ground. here comes mike. these guys are friends. and watch this moment here. >> oh! >> man olo loses control and takes out his buddy mike. they have to get their bearings and find their boards. they rallied here, got back on this thing. after this big crash, they continue the race. see manolo got the lead there. after the big crash, everybody was okay. manolo did suffer a sprained ankle, but finished the race, which is impressive. we have mike and manolo joining
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us now from puerto rico. break down what happened in this crash here. how did it go down, play by play? >> when we looked at the videotape, we actually realized we could see a big rock that actually hit his front wheel, shngiftis hi board over, which made his weight fall. >> it seems like once you fell, you immediately got back up. did you say are you all right, anything like that? >> we saw each other, i don't feel nothing. i saw he was fine too, looking for his board. i was like, let's go. i said, you all right? >> tell us about the type of gear you wear and how much that contributed to your safety in this incident? >> really important to have -- >> what was the recovery time like after hitting the pavement this hard? >> man, we're still figuring that out. we got bruises. we have been floating around in the ocean out here tryingo t get some therapy out of that. we got a race next weekend and the weekend after that, so we
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got more to come. >> hawk, fantastic birds of prey. but hawk versus car, the car is probably going to win. but not in this instance. a hawk into the grill of the car. as you can see, the hawk has survived and now the people are desperately trying to get this hawk out uninjured any more than it already is. you can see him grabbing hold of one leg, but he's trying to find the other one to make sure they don't injure it, pulling the hawk out. >> got to help. got to help. okay. pull that leg out too. >> you can see this guy, he's talking to it, he's being very calm and gentle with it. but he's trying to get out it o. >> whatever you're holding on to, you've got to let go, buddy. >> eventually he's successful. >> good for the rescuers for taking the time to do this. and for the car owner to allow them to remove the grill and damage the car to get the bird
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out. that's remarkable on both accounts. >> on a much lighter note, remember our friends with storm chasing videos. they were out in st. cloud, minnesota, filming snowy owls, not weather related, but it is subfreezing temperatures where they caught this little guy. scratches his head, shakes and then it let goes. >> oh! >> and immediately freezes. >> so he did like a crapcicle. that's gross. >> what a weird view. >> he said after the release, he looks around like did anybody see that. on the dl. >> he was caught on camera. >> that could put your eye out. frozen duque. >> right in your face. stabbed in the head. >> an owl has to go just like an
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everyday pigeon. this video is all kinds of scary, but also all kinds of awesome. >> doorbell, looking through my window. >> look at that face. that's the face of a suspected burglar and a woman inside happened to catch him on her cell phone. she heard a dude knocking at her door, she thought the guy seemed suspicious, kept ringing the doorbell, she didn't answer. she gets her camera out and then she sees this guy peering in her nwidow. but watch this. >> he saw me. he saw me. there he goes. i got him on film. i got him on -- he's running. e's ruin the ad. blue coat, black hat, white sneakers, tan pants. >> you can hear the woman with the cell phone camera is actually on the phone as she's recording this video. she's on the phone with the police. she keeps the camera on this guy as he runs away and then watch
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as this guy drives away in a getaway car. and because she kept this camera rolling, police were able to match this car to this suspect. they were able to see the license plate number. >> i can't believe he went right past her house. >> blue car, turning around. >> police identified this guy as 20-year-old darius espondi. he's been arrested for burglary before, but you know how this story is all kinds of awesome. cops caught this guy, they caught him burglarizing another house. he was in the process of trying to rob another house according to police had they captured him. as you can imagine, this guy is facing a whole slew of charges. >> not very good at this. >> saw me. >> just about time for the weekend "rtm" mini ipad giveaway. >> we'll tell you how to enter and win and give you the buzzword. >> you have to be 18 years old or older and u.s. resident to enter. >> stick around for the mini
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ipad giveaway in a little bit. just when you see it all, these two videos i got both involve trams. keep your eye on this guy here, pedestrian about to cross the street. look closely. tough to see, but that's a blue pedestrian crossing sign. the streets are all covered in snow. looks like the car stops for him. he makes a break for it. no. >> oh! >> looks like he did like a break dance move and got his legs out of there. >> good eye, steven. he did not get injured. he goes running across the street. at the last second, you see the tram is stopping. >> the snow gets him and he slips and falls. >> slips, falls on his butt. watch him real quick, he tucks his leg and rolls out of the way, just saving his legs from getting run over. that tram would have -- >> this one, i don't know when to say about this one, other than just take a look. you see up ahead there, there is a disabled vehicle right on the tram tracks. now, you heard the term couldn't care any less, these guys are
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cars stuck on the track, the tram pulls up and stops. look at what they're doing. peeing? it looks like the guy on the right was also about to pee. but the guy on the left is full stream in the middle of the intersection. his buddy is like, finish it up, shake it off , we got to move the car. >> pushing the car off the tracks should take priority over, you know, draining the vein. >> don't care about whipping it out in front of traffic in the middle of the day. a tranquil scene is mucked up by two troublemakers in a move that -- >> is part jump, part deer catapult. >> what happens when animal wrestling goes rogue. and a finely crafted car with a twist. >> this is intended for kids. >> how much it will cost you if you want the little ones riding in style. j
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not often we describe a fight video as beautiful. but we finally found one. the main two fighting are these two here. typical fight, beautiful mountain scene in the background. watch which third gear gets involved in this mess. right there. doesn't look like much. looks like maybe the deer jumped a little bit or something. but when i show you that in slow motion, watch again. it is like a part jump, part deer catapult. watch how high up this thing gets. it is like the other two teamed
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up and tossed him up in the air. >> like a jackie chan move, because you take both of them, when he came down. >> is he okay? >> he's totally fine. after this incident, it seems like after that happened, they were like, wait, whoa, wait a second, maybe we shouldn't be fighting. that was weird. it breaks up the fight for a second. they're, like, did that just happen? like a frat party. like a bunch of dudes hanging out on top of the mountain, get into a scruff and then it gets a little out ofand and everybody is like, oky, heore of that, so going to get hurt. >> beautiful background. >> gorgeous. there are deer fighting and there are no females to be seen anywhere. no females anywhere. >> the deer fight club. >> i bring you the db convertible. aston martin, for the most zerng of drivers, presented by nicholas and me of company of west london.
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an aston martin heritage dealer, nice wood wheel, leather interior, all the finest metals. does it look a little weird? it is mini. miniature. this is the aston martin db convertible jr. styled to look like the '60s aston martin, this is intended for kids, 10 years old. basically a top of the line go cart. it is exquisite. >> what? i thought this was a mini little model. you can get in this and ride around. does it have a motor or pedals? >> a gasoline engine, rear wheel drive, 46-mile-per-hour top speed, that can be limited by the parents. >> i got to ask, how much is prince george's parents going to have to pay to afford this? >> $70,000. >> what? >> i said $27,000. >> oh, $27,000.
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>> it is all hand built, custom made. this isn't stamped out on some production line. i might have a child just to buy him one of these. >> you'd buy it for yourself. youtube funny guys rhett and link are -- >> going to be blasted with every single nerf dart our kids own. >> see how the kids hit them with their best shot. >> oh, my gosh. we have the buzzword you need for your chance w ton in a ipad mini. have saved with progressive, so i get invited to quite a few family gatherings. heck, i saved judith here a fortune with discounts like safe driver, multi-car, paperless. you make a mighty fine missus, m'lady. i'm not saying mark's thrifty. let's just say, i saved him $519, and it certainly didn't go toward that ring. am i right? [ laughs ] [ dance music playing ] so visit today. i call this one "the robox."
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whwh flare-up, i start to the more i scratch, the worse it gets. nenew w gogoldld b bonond relief cream, rerelilieveveses 5 5 s symympt. gogoldld b bonond d rereala. i've got 3-alarm heartburn... fifireremaman n chchilili ? rolaids gives s yoyou u rard relief of heartburn anand d neneututraraliliz% more acid than tums. atattataboboy!y! rorolalaidids,s, t thahatw you spell relief. ononcece, , twtwicice, it's time for new seselslsune scscalp it. it wororksks a at t thte sosource with ththe e nunumbmberer oe anti-itch medicine.
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plus soothing aloe for fast relief. seselslsunun b bluluee scscalp itch. ♪ kendra is being watched by her husband aaron simpson. she's a vegetarian and has her nose deep into a book trying to come up with different things to cook and she lost herself in the song, shake the hips. >> she's good. she's got good moves. >> not like she's performing for the camera. she doesn't know it's there. >> yeah. when she turns around and notices her husband aaron simpson a u.s. sea fighter, by the way, she collapses and says, oh, man, you got me. big question everybody's asking is was it set up? is it real? so to answer that question, we have got the cameraman, "right this minute," aaron, is this
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real? >> it is absolutely real. i have several videos i've caught her. that's more why she's laughing. i always catch her doing something. we have a treadmill in the house. every once in a while i'll come in the house and she doesn't hear me come in and she's singing away, and i had to put it on, embarrass her. time to get her. >> why happened after the video stopped rolling? >> i just laughed and walked on and then i'm like i'm going to put it up on youtube. it is funny. to me it makes people smile. you hear a lot of women say, i do it all the time. the fact they commented on her dress, like, i think they were, like, sweats from 1996 or something, no makeup or anything, just -- it is fine, people say she's all done up. how would she dress so cute? you saw what she wears, i tell her, would you please wear -- dress cute. sweats and wants to be lazy, because she's a mom. that's ultimately what she is. we have two kids and they love dirty dancing. like her favorite show ever.
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so she's gotten the moment. >> what does she say about all the attention this video is getting? >> embarrassed and blown away by it. but she's been around me long enough, marar otlessrom me. >> has she ever caught you in the act? >> what are we talking about? >> fill in the blank. >> no, no. she's not as evil as i am. i'm always pulling the camera out and get the video rolling. >> oh, my god. that's b theest. that's the best. guess what rhett and link are doing? >> we're going to be blasted with every single nerf dart that our kids own. >> they're allowing them to blast them with every single nerf blaster they have. don't they look like little mini versions of them. >> i love how they're geared up. they have so much ammo all over that vest. like rambo.
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>> every nerf blaster you guys own and every single dart that you own is on this table, and on your vest here. you're going to unload it on us, while we're blindfolded. >> we have all their guns, all their darts, everything. >> i left two or three home, though. >> here is the moment where rhett and link are blindfolded. they say that's for protection. >> the best way to do it. you don't want to see what's coming at you. you don't want to see the pure joy on your kids' face as they shoot you. >> three, two, one. >> blast. >> it didn't take long for rhett to get it right in the junk. >> right in the mouth. >> i love the little kid who is sucking on his fingers not getting in on the action, but he's having fun. >> i hope that wasn't the dart stuck under the couch or the refrigerator for three weeks.
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>> oh, my god! like a bazooka. >> the little kid got in on the action, shot one of them in the chin. >> you can tell these guys are good dads, have fun with their kids. >> you're done. >> no! >> all right, everybody. time for us to give away an ipad mini. >> got to be 18 years old, be a u.s. resident and have the buzzword. >> enter on our facebook page. go to the first post on our facebook page, and tap on the mobile link. >> then enter today's buzzword, it's competition. >> go over to and click on win a mini ipad button. >> and enter for your chance to win an ipad mini. >> good luck, everybody. what does a dumb idea look like? a lot like this. >> this goes incredibly,
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horribly wrong. >> while being strapped to a wheelchair, pepper sprayed, lit on fire and pulled through a wall could never not go horribly wrong. try bayer back and body. it's bayer aspirin plus a special pain relief booster, try bayer back and body. to relieve sore backs and soothe aching muscles fast. get moving again, with bayer back and body.
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cereals bloated up like a corpse in minute. >> they want you to buy the just crunch cereal bowl. >> that's right. milk on one side, cereal on the other. and all you got to do is just dump over how much cereal you want to put on your spoon, in the milk, mix it up and eat it. >> i don't know. i eat cereal for two meals a day. i don't know you need this. who wants to dunk their cereal like it is an oreo cookie. >> i like soggy cereal. life is good, soggy as all get out. you don't get soggy the sog? >> something wrong with you two. >> enjoy always crunchy cereal with the just crunch bowl. buy it now. >> sea otter shows off the baby. ♪
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>> this is from the tor stunt crew. that guy is called meata. he's sitting in a wheelchair. they spray some kind of flammable liquid, light him on fire and they drive him through a blast and drywall. there he goes. behind the camera, they're laughing. this stunt goes incredibly horribly wrong. he doesn't make it through the wall. takes out a buddy. falls out of the wheelchair and is now on fire. nobody immediately around him with water. the first guy who was in charge of this comes running over with a bucket, but pretty much misses him. >> get him, get him. >> whoa, whoa, whoa. >> now all they can do is resort
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to basically stomping the fire out on this kid's back. he's not rolling. they have no other means of extinguishment. >> i got beer. i got beer. >> take his shirt off. >> oh, my god. >> mr. freeze had second to third degree burns on his back. but he was surprised. he's up on his feet after this stunt. they say he was fully recovered in about a month after this. >> i don't know that chicks dig that kind of stuff, you know? >> are you all right? >> that's it for us at "right this minute." we'll see you next time, everybody.
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