tv Right This Minute CBS February 15, 2014 1:35am-2:06am EST
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>> i am something down. >> how a momma with his cub tells him to quit staring. a steer's head is above the snow but -- >> the rest of his body buried. >> what gave his buddies time to get him out. >> a drifter makes it hard to imagine -- >> that somebody could do something even dumber. >> how one guy managed to doñ plus, the buzzword for your shot at an ipad mini. and one cool family who knows how to party. >> let's see aunt florence make an appearance. >> how they turned a sad occasion into a reason to rejoice. >> it's the south bronx, what do you expect? some unexpected animal behavior caught on camera. first out of the kruger national park in south africa. some tourists had their cameras rolling and noticed a young male lion on the side of the road. you see that male lion eyeing something down. >> oh. >> that is a lion newith a cub
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directly behind her and watch this momma spring into action. >> here's the thing in the male's lion's defense he was just, like, standing there looking in that direction, maybe he was thinking what a lovely day it is down here and she attacked him. >> she's come across too many male lion, she knows better. she's not each going to wait for him to make a move. >> and another thing she dominated him, like, he had to skip walk because i don't think i'm going to have a little lion buffet tonight. >> it's impressive to see her force. and then she goes back to her cub. this next video an unexpected relationship caught on camera. this is in the united kingdom at
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the nun eaton wildlife sanctuary, that fella in the navy blue jacket is jeff and that's his pal dawn. if you look real closely that is not a dog, it's a fox. get a little belly rubble. she's just wagging her tail. seems to be thrilled to see jeff, even giving jeff little killses li kisses, right in the mouth. in most instances this wildlife sanctuary would rehabilitate animals and release them back in the wild but they can't do that with dawn because she's so tame she's almost petlike so they're going to keep her. we got trouble right off the bat in this video out of slovakia, see a group of skiers out there and right away, what do you see? >> big old avalanche. >> an avalanche. but watch there's something in that avalanche, it looks like a big red air bag. we know what this is, this is an avalanche backpack in case skiers find themselveas cught up
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in an avalanche kind of like a big air bag. >> sit attached to aperson? >> they are out with aroup and th is s in a hurry to get his gear out and goes to his bag and gets his shovelab shovelable. the inflatable device is like a neck brace it's around his head, his head is above the surface but the rest of his body buried. >> snow is packed around you and you can't move. >> this takes quite a while because this video that we're watching is sped up. other guys coming in lending a hand. the guy gives a thumbs-up right there and they are starting to make progress but even still look where his legs are and think his skis are still attached. it's not easy where he can lift his legs out because he's got his skis that are buried, too. the urgency is there even though he can breathe his buddies try to get him out of this tomb of snow. >> got to be crushing on your chest. >> now you can see how big the inflatable device, it goes around his neck and almost down
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to his waist. >> and it would create a big cell around your head if you were completely covered. >> an air hole. >> right here you can eventually see him stand up. all is well. no injuries. >> fantastic. >> in these conditions and the brand-new snow it's important to be prepared, you're glad the guy this thing. >> it will save your life. two videos here that are going to make you say err, err. this first one is inside a buddhist temple and surveillance cameras caught these kids go into the temple to steal dough nas donations to be used to help sick children. >> these guys don't believe any kind of karma. >> they apparently ended up taking that money and they went to a nearby arcade to play grand ftthet auo. >> you are kidding? they stole from a buddhist temple to play grand theft auto.
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>> err. err. >> the kids were identified. they triedto pull the stunt on a different place but they were caught and were detained and will likely be tried. at group of cats up to no good here in russia. this statue that you see here is the statue at the hermitage center, they were trying to climb on it to take the picture but the weight of the guy that climbed on it was too much and the statue ended up breaking. you do see that they all fled. >> err. >> err. >> if anything these two videos teach us you are always on camera. you might think you're sneaking around and being real cool, but someone is watching somewhere. >> you are absolutely right about that. because a security guard was watching. they immediately followed them and detained two of the guys involved. >> err! >> err! all right, everybody, it's the end of the week so let's give away an ipad mini.
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>> we've got the friday buzzword and we'll tell you how to enter to win. >> you have to be 18 years old and a u.s. resident to enter. >> snd by, it's the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway coming up. here we are in saudi arabia where they just love to drift on public roads and put everybody else around them in danger. >> whoo! >> back and forth in these full-size sedans, sometimes toyotas, sometimes hyundais and according to some reports many times these cars are rental cars so that could be also why they just don't care what they're doing. i mean, they're going off the road dipping their tires into the dirt, kicking up dirt. there are clearly other people on the road and they're weaving in and out and just throwing these cars violently. >> the weird thing is the other people on the road seem used to it. >> you're right. i was looking to people to panic and hit their brakes and swerve. i think they think, well, i
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better not make any sudden moves because that will screw everything up. now, after you watch that it's really hard to imagine that something could do something even dumber, but this, guys, this could be one of the stupidest things we've ever seen, here's a guy doing a handstand on the roof of his car. there's nobody else in the car. that's his car. he set up his own smartphone to capture himself doing this stunt. why? so he could post it online. >> should we give him a perfect ten for actually executing that stunt because he did do it? >> i guess he did do it. he didn't hurt himself. he didn't hurt his car or anybody else, yeah, but concerned witnesses nearby called police and thought that this was extremely dangerous. the police agreed with those witnesses and this guy was arrested. he could face up to three years in prison. >> wow. >> wow. >> well, not safe, but still pretty impressive. it's a new trend that has
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your pet playing dress-up. >> fake eyelashes on your pets, yes. >> the fetching way they're striking a pose. >> this dog does look rather lovely. and this rock climber must have nerves of steel because -- >> he climbs without ropes. >> see how he makes his way up a mountain with nothing but his isklls. latte or au lait? sunny or bubbly?
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i have to say i don't know that you guys are ready for this and i do warn once you see this you can't unsee it. ta-dah. >> oh, no. >> what? >> no. >> fake eyelashes on your pets. yes, it is believe this trend started in japan. here is one that looks -- it's sad. >> it's just for the picture, they do it so they can take the picture really quick and they take it off. >> i don't know. >> let's hope so. >> forward for eyelashes you kind of do have to glue them on, you can't just place it. but this one you can tell is just placed on the eyebrow. >> the dog does look rather lovely. >> she's quite fetching. >> she looks like a cartoon character. >> here's a pomeranian. >> different expressions with the eyelashes. >> this tweet of this cute pomeranian has been tweeted and it's retweeted thousands of times. >> what cat is going to sit around for that? >> this is a craze but i actually feel really bad about
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it. >> it's unnecessary. >> the dog is expressive. >> they are adorable already. >> if it's for the picture, you know, you put them on for one second and take the picture because people do weirder things for a dog for a picture, hope they are not living their lives like this with dumb eyelashes. please don't try this. don't try this. it's easy to understand, went up the giant face without a rope and if he falls, he dies. >> my opinion this guy is the true man of steel. man of steel nerves. his name is alex honald and he's a world famous rock climber, most notably known for his free soloing, meaning he climbs without ropes. the stuff he does is really insane. this video chronicles his climb of the shining path, it's in mexico. alex and his buddies initially get on this route with ropes and harnesses, traditional climbing
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but they're only doing that to clean this route. >> all it takes is to grab one small hole and it pops off the wall and you fall to your death. when i was cleaning the wall for alex, cleaning every little thing. anything that looked loose or any piece of dirt i was trying to clean it off the wall because i obviously want my buddy to live. >> once they have got it all sussed out, it's time for alex to climb. he's got 2,500 feet to go before he reaches the summit. the shots of him on this vertical space with nothing but his skill it's beyond words. alex made this climb 2,500 feet in just over three hours successfully in the middle of january. the guy's superhuman. this video went viral three years ago and never slowed down.
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so, what are they up to now? >> they definitely have a special bond. there's no doubt about it. next "right this minute." and still to come. a surfer gets knocked around then his go pro gets knocked off. >> now, you see this thing just bouncing around on the bottom of the indian ocean. >> the long journey down to the depths. plus, this family knows how to let loose. >> oh, oh! >> but it's actually kind of hard to believe this was the somber moment. >> how they turned a sad situation into a fun celebration. and we'll reveal the friday buzzword you need for your chance to win an ipad mini.
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i've got 3-alarm heartburn... fifireremaman n chchilili ? rolaids gives yoyou u rarapd relief of heartburn anand d neneututraraliliz% more acid than tums. atattataboboy!y! rorolalaidids,s, t thahatw you spell relief. ononcece, , twtwicice, it's time for new seselslsune scscalalp . it worksks a at t ththee sosoururce with
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ththe e nunumbmberer oe ananti-itch medicine. plus soothing aloe for fast relief. seselslsunun b bluluee scscalalp itch. as far as family get-togethers go, family parties, i think i want to party with the browns. i think all of you will want to, too. watch this. >> oh! oh! >> it's a full-on dance party, old, young, everybody getting in on the act here. this is in the bronx. this was this past december but it's actually kind of hard to believe this was a somber moment. this was actually after two deaths in the family. the older generation of the browns seven brothers and seven sisters and queenny and uncle eddie they were living in the same nursing home and they both passed away within the same week.
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>> oh. >> oh. >> so this was sort of the little reception after the funeral, but that guy you see in the hat there that's uncle caesar, uncle caesar said, do you know what, that's it. we're not going to be sad about this. he said, my older brother would want us to dance right now. he'd want us to have a big party, so have a big party is exactly what they did. >> yo, yo! >> it looked like two of the older uncles there are ready to have a dance-off. but the best part we see aunt florence make an appearance. >> oh. oh. >> she's got a walker! >> hold on a second, wait a second. film that! she's getting into the middle of this thing. it's a big party. >> it just always goes back to laughter is the best medicine. there's no better cure for this moment of sadness than just going out and having a good time and honoring those people in your family that lived such a good life. >> hey, hey! >> behind the camera is j. somerville these are his aunts and uncles in the dance party right here and he's joining us "right this minute" via skype, he works for cairo one of our
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stations, very awesome to have you on the show, jay, thank you so much. how did this party start? >> it started right after the funeral, they had a big reception-type area and everybody was kind of down and my uncle caesar in there, he just got up, they were playing "hold on to your love ♪ ♪ everybody started having a great time and the fears went to smiles. >> after the camera stopped rolling, did the dancing continue? >> it went on to almost 1:00 at night. it was the south bronx, what do you expect? it's something my uncle eddie would have appreciated. >> aunt florence, what did it do to her mood? is she not using a walker anymore? >> it was crazy. because i turned around and all of a sudden she started walking. oh, oh, there goes aunt florence. everybody just goes crazy. i got the camera and everybody started dancing. it was the best time because she was really upset, you know, losing her sister and her brother and then just to have that moment of inspiration
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really helped her out and everybody was in a great mood. it was the best experience i've had in a long time. >> yay! ♪ what's it feel like to be a seashonell b them ottoof the seashore? kind of like this. you see a surfer with a go pro on his board and he gets knocked around by a wave, but his go pro has gotten knocked loose. now you see this thing just pouncing aroue inbouncing aroun indian ocean up against the reefs below. we got this video from juking video and the guys that posted this video have sped it up. this is over the course of 20 minutes this go pro getting washed over, raked over the reefs. >> sounds like they put it in the garbage disposal. >> yeah. they realize once that camera
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was gone it was pretty much ingog to take a miracle to find it and one of the guys ran back and got snorkeling 54 and that's when the true search began. it took them about 20 minutes and they really thought they had no chance of finding this, last-ditch effort, finally, the unbelievable happened. >> oh, whoa. >> yes. >> a great sot of him, too. >> it did. of all the moments for this camera to finally point up to the surface, it captures the second where this guy approaches on his body board. notices the red flashing record light on the go pro and guess? it the old thumbs-up. he grabbed the camera. went back to the beach and saw his buddy walking down the beach with his head down and gave him his camera back. we're ending the week with the great "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. >> remember, you got to be 18 years old to enter and you must be a u.s. resident and you must have the friday buzzword. >> you enter on our facebook page and go to the first post on
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the facebook page and tap on the mobile link. >> the friday buzzword because it is valentine's day it's -- >> kiss? >> kiss. >> get on over to and click on the ipad mini button. >> and enter friday's buzzword kiss k-i-s-s-for your chance to win an ipad mini. >> good luck, everybody. they're the family that makes viral hits and now they're back -- >> to tell us how they really feel about snow days. ♪ school is closed and the kids start staying home ♪ >> why a day off for the kids is still a day on for the parents. >> whee!
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recently went to india and said it was just amazing the connection she had with some elephants. while she was at elephant junction and here you see them hanging out with a 35-year-old elephant. at this place they say you can interact with them. you can go for walks with them. you can even hang around and help bathe them and this is what they are doing giving this guy a bath. as you can see, you can climb up on this elephant and the connection she felt as she felt the ears flapping she said was just incredible. >> oh! >> whoa. >> as was the shower it gave her. >> yeah, it's hot out. here you go. >> well, she says at the elephant junction, you know, this is a place where you can really interact with them and it's very beautiful. it's very soothing and she said it was just kind of a magical time for her, the whole trip but especially this. >> oh, man. >> and he does it more than
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once. do you know what, maybe i need to cool you off just a little bit more. first we saw them in their christmas jammies. then they taught us about how not trendy husbands really are, now the holderness family is back to tell us how they really feel about snow days. ♪ today i wake up with a sigh ♪ i feel like bob costas left eye ♪ ♪ but they're jumping up and down ♪ >> there's snowfall on the ground! ♪ school is closed the kids start staying home ♪ ♪ before the coffee even gets poured ♪ ♪ they are dressed and waiting right by the door ♪ >> oh, man. w wt ♪ are planning something i >> mommy, dad, move yourbutt! ♪ the kids are staying home >> it's a good thing for everybody because if you do have kids they don't get to go to school. you don't get to go to work.
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what's not to like? >> well, you are in charge of going out and manning the sleigh riding. that's your job now. >> so much better than being in a cubicle, no? ♪ 7:00 a.m. we're sledding down the driveway through the grass ♪ ♪ 8:00 a.m. the neighbor screams ♪ >> the sledding is way too fast. >> i love the neighbor. >> she appears in every one. she's awesome. ♪ we're heading back outside aga again whee ♪ ♪ my 4-year-old has to pee and he doesn't want to use the toilet ♪ ♪ because going inside would spoil it so he makes a yellow puddle on the snow ♪ >> has fun nor bfor boys? >> the great thing is we've seen him rap. ♪ this is the first time we're actually hearing him sing. he and his wife both sing. ♪ school is closed again start yistang home ♪ >> sloppy joe. >> that's it for "rtm." we'll see you next.
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