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tv   CBS Evening News  CBS  February 23, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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>> 13 feet. he must make it to extend the match. whatever happens, this has been a huge boost for his confidence. he has been rock solid all day. he fought back from being down in previous matches. he beat ernie els early this morning. he can take great pride in walking away with a runner-up finish if this does not go in. this has been well played. what a putt from victor dubuisson. he had to hole it. and he has.
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disappointment for jason day. he hit such a great putt himself but he heads to the 18th one up. looking for a victory in the world golf championship accenture match play. what a putt. perfect speed. well, you have to expect that your opponent will make the putt. you have to live by that rule. he takes that walk down the path to the 18th tee. jim and nick, i thought it would end there. i couldn't see either guy making a birdie but that was a remarkable three from victor dubuisson. jim: incredible. now it is just a one up lead for day. a couple of the hrves alves jason pulled off on the second side, the one at 11 and of course the one at 15. he had to make about a 0-footer too. therwise, who knows.
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dubuisson tough a slow start and then rallying. nick: absolutely. he must be running on fumes right now. not sleeping last night. this is pure determination now. incredible opportunity. can he pull out one more hole and more than likely the way that jason is playing he will have to birdie the 18th to get that tie in the match. e has the honor. seriously well fought game today. my goodness. jim: yes, it has been. there is a look at the 18th, the upper middle part of your screen and that bunker. >> yeah. jim: right there in the middle. you saw both ernie and rickie drive it to the right of it.
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nick: slightly less pressure for them. playing for third prize. trying to play for the championship, these guys are happier hitting the driver but i would not be surprised if they ay it up short of that bunker. in fact victor already grabbed the 3-wood head cover. looking forward to hitting 300 yards right in front of that bunker. >> where the tee markers are for this, it is just about 300 to that bunker. ick: yeah. you have to feel safe that you can hit a nice, full, free flowing swing with no fears of running out. >> he can do that with this club.
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airway wood. nick: stops his body and fires is arms through. >> that is a long way back. >> flag is right on the front, david. priority has been on that short grass for that front hole location. the shy, quiet man. he just keeps his emotions and ven his breathing. jim: an iron chosen. >> he will go with the 2-iron. that is a good play. jim: he hasn't played this hole
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since thursday. nick: i bet if he knew how far victors is back he could have one with 3-wood. > it is not a problem. it is up there fine. 260 plus. 190 yards left to the hole. jim: the championship match has made it to the 18th.
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jim: quite a journey. nick: over my 32nd hour. nick: my goodness, the workers. they have done an unbelievable job this week. jim: they do every week. nick: this week has been a long one. jim: it is our fifth consecutive eek on the west coast swing. bet you did not think it would make it to the 18th. nick: i really didn't. victor was struggling. and he has played his way back into it. jason has kept himself in it as well. both of them will be looking back and scratching their heads.
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but we would all be guessing who would have and could have and should have won this. jim: for those just joining us just past the top of the hour his is the championship match. we are outside of tucson. jim nantz and sir nick faldo and the crew here. jason day, 11th ranked in the world. 26-year-old australian taking on the 23-year-old victor dubuisson. absolutely roaring through the rankings in the last four months. >> jason day will be the first to play. i have him about three yards fartherer to play than victor. both players are a long way back. 195 for jason. nick: well, take 10% off of that nd call it 20 yards.
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75. >> the good thing is that they have a little bit of a backboard behind the hole. as long as he does not hit it seven or eight yards long. if he hits it five yard it is long it will come back to the hole. nick: which way is the breeze going? >> virtually none right now. >> ok. nick: with the gray skies it is not quite so fiery. there is a chance he can stick it on that front section. >> this is the club he has used almost all day long from the 190-195-yard range. it is a 6-iron and it should be a good club for him.
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nick: extra zip. ritting his teeth. i thought so. jim: he thought that was a lot of club. nick: i did. jim: how hard is that to get down in two? nick: oh, one of them. you have to touch it to the top of the hill and it has to fall over the weight of the golf ball. that is 1.62 ounces. jim: dwight howard about victor, david? nick: a little over 190 yards. steven is. a tiny draw. just the same as the 17th hole. same shot. same swing.
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ouch. nick: that's it. jim: what a time for a tug. nick: did it make the sand? nick: that is half a chance. lim chances now. what am i saying? jason is the back. he could easily make a five. jim: that front hole location, avid, it is very narrow. just the slightest pull that we saw there. there are consequences. but as you said that is no guarantee that there is a four coming from jason. nick: no. jim: that is as far as a doable up ask down as the sand right here. i think that is a high percentage. nick: yeah. he has enough room to work with. it will be a nasty slicing bunker shot and it will feed to the right.
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>> he can use the contours to feed the ball back to the hole. jason, contours are not going to e friendly to him. nick: shot link says he nearly has a 70-footer. jim: one of those match play situations. nick: that helps. if victor hit his bunker shot out, stiff, gimmie you are on the top of the hill thinking -putts to win. it is all about getting to the
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crest of that hill and just letting it tip over. >> he can go either way actually. >> it is like the read the guys had this morning. we were reading it as a big right to left and ernie hit a breaking left to right putt. >> i am wondering whose shot it is. i believe it will be jason. >> i believe jason. he is 70 feet from the hole. victor must be about 40 feet. >> the problem for jason if he goes right and if the slope is closer to the hole it will come off quicker. he could look at trying to get in that way. i know that this slopes in here.
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so i thought that this would go left to right. most of the ones we had through the week have come down off of this point here heading that way. >> can he go straight down the middle? it looks close. >> does it? >> i would add a little bit of break for safety. mainly because of the start. might be as little as three feet or something. >> his biggest concern is to control the speed. i think he can do that better off of the left side. coming off of the right side the slope is more severe and closer to the hole. >> yeah. i agree with that. e is looking left. jim: the statistics on tour say 2% of the time, 1 out of 50 it drops. we know it is highly unlikely.
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if that was the case here, the match would be over. nick: that would be a great way to finish it. jim: it would. nick: but it would also take it tone dead. if you do hit it firm it will not break. just up the hill. jim: there she goes. nick: steamrolling, my goodness. he tread brilliantly.
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>> that is a good 10 feet by. nick: read it perfectly. couldn't risk hitting it too soft and leaving it up there. that would have been a total disaster. jim: well david, set us up with this bunker play. >> there is only one way i see that he could hit this to where he could get it dead and that is to take it almost to the far side of the green about 15 feet high and threat almost die right there and let it come straight own the fall line. good luck with that. his problem is that it will want to kick to the right. he does not want it to pick up any speed. if it kicks to the right it will start going downhill on him. it is not undoable. nick: no. i think that he has it. he can definitely match or maybe just better jason's 10-footer.
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jim: his coach said he believes he has as good of a short game as anyone in the world. and they will tell you he has olden hands, the french golf federation. >> boy, i did not see that one coming. he actually played that on purpose. nick: yep. golden touch. >> that is amaze to get that type of spin on that. jim: an uphill three-footer which will not be conceded. maybe four feet let's call it. but day will have the putt now to win it. what a superb play this was by dubuisson. nick: that is all that he had to work with. jim: this really gives you an idea of it. nick: just in the corner of a
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tiny upslope. just lean to the left in there nd he used it. now jason day has to really clear his mind because i andnitely think that 6-iron being this pumped up with drenaline was the wrong one. jim: well, we talked about the 15th. e buried the putt. how exquisite he has been with putts of about this length all week long. everything has been center cut. now have you the championship right in your hands with one stroke. nick: left edge, firm. go. go.
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go. go. my goodness. i feel for these golfers. jim: you want a little more pressure? now dubuisson has to stand over a four-footer to send it to an extra hole. and perhaps beyond. he knew it too. nick: i knew it. i knew it. just grips your hands ractionally too tight. he had a three up lead on this second side, two up with two to play and now this is to square the match and send it to a 19th hole. what an up and down. n we go.
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they will head to the first tee.
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>> this is an update for cbs news. the brief february that you is ending. bitter cold weather returns to two-thirds of the country this week. in ukraine a top opposition leader assumed presidential powers following the flight of the president to eastern ukraine near the russian border. russia withdrew its ambassador and the u.s. warned russia military intervention would be a grave mistake. the u.s. finished second in the overall medal count behind russia's 33.
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jim: the mentalist and the good wife. and our friends from metlife and snoopy 2 have had a very productive, outstanding week for us providing all of our aerial coverage of all of our matches since wednesday. it takes 63 matches to decide a champion. here was the 64th match. rickie made a birdie 3 to edge out ernie els for third. but here we go with this amazing comeback story continuing for ictor dubuisson.
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if it goes beyond this hole it will move over to the ninth and then the 10th. nick: a little 5-wood, something like that. >> remember he started this match by hitting it in the right desert, taking an unplayable. jim: he did the same thing this morning. nick: he has a much better rhythm now. jim: this used to be a 36-hole championship final. and it is the first time that the championship match has gone to extended play since the first on in 1999 when jeff mag art the second extra hole, the 38th hole chipped in to defeat andrew mcguy. >> move.
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everybody. move. there are people in the desert in the way. they are trying to get them out of the way because they are right on jason's line. jim: peter, where do you think jason's mind is right now? nick: he has to get himself collected and not let this interruption get to him. 2-iron is a good club for him. he knows if he puts a good swing on it, he has to control his own destiny and thoughts and emotions. this is where it has been difficult for him in major championships. nick: this does not help. >> right now he is getting rustrated. jim: back to hitting an iron off of the tee.
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>> get yourself collected. get your heart beat back down again and go about your business. nick: get a good picture. see the ball flight. and believe. >> he likes it. ick: which he did. jim: oh, yeah. that is a rifle shot deep. looks like about 15-20 past dubuisson. a championship match going overtime.
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jim: we are on the 19th hole of the title match. day and dubuisson are all square with day, he squandered a two up lead with two holes to play and here is what happened at 17. victor had to make it or the match was over and he found the left edge of the cup. hen at 18.a nick: this is a fabulous touch. to pick a spot under that sort of pressure and hit it.
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jim: put still day would have a putt to close it out here and it but nter of the hole short. nick: yeah. he has a lot to clear in his mind. dubuisson had to knock it in from four feet and he did it just like it was a little practice putt. all of the ease and the tension that was out there having a good time with it. just three up was jason after the 12th hole. remember this? we were talking about it before. two down through three. against mcdowell, came back and won in the semi-finals. he was three down through four against ernie this morning. and he really did not hit a
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solid shot and came back and won it. three down here. two down through 16. a man who certainly has put golf on his back in france, a country that has taken on a tremendous amount of responsibility already having been awarded the 2018 ryder cup and trying to develop young talent through their french golf federation. boy have they found someone right here to carry the banner. nick: what you need is a hero. sorry, david. what you need is a hero, isn't it? jim: indeed if he can pull this off. jim: he is not happy with it. it is miles over. nick: he is done.
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he is ruined. my goodness. now it is really important that jason day knows exactly where it is. you are allowed to ask the official where that ball is. because i would want to know. and it would influence what i am going to do now. i have a wedge in my hand. jim: that was a 7-iron. nick: wow. well, that was crazy. these guys are pumped and they have been hitting everything miles. jim: we have seen players hit wedges in here, including fowler and els. this is nothing more than a wedge. nick: green is rock hard. land it on in the middle of the green. that is perfect.


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