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tv   Up to the Minute  CBS  February 24, 2014 3:05am-4:01am EST

3:05 am
but every day, it gets a little better. and it'll get better for you, too. your friends and your family, they just want to be there for you. you're gonna be okay, jolene. i guess i'll have to be. somebody stole my other option. (laughs) hey. hey. so, uh... so, what's all this? they're brody's journals. we confiscated them from jerry. lucky we got to them before he put them on ebay. what is this? this looks like his obituary. it is. that's not supposed to come out till tomorrow. i know. this one was written a week ago. by who? well, brody wrote it himself. it's a rehab exercise. it's supposed to make you write down everything you've done in your life and the changes you want to make.
3:06 am
does it say that he killed someone in this? no, but he does make reference to an "accident." really? "after the accident, "brody lassiter got into drugs and decided to move to miami to be an actor." i think he may have moved to evade charges. well, we, uh, looked into his history. he doesn't have any warrants or, uh, wants for him. yeah, but an accident's not a crime. so, how do you find out if something happened to a dead guy? go to the source. so, calleigh, i figured out why no one heard him screaming. subdural hematoma. he hit his head. well, that would explain why he didn't fight back. what about any older injury? anything like that? not on the body, but inside. see that? right there. ribcage? these are multiple healed fractures. when we break bones, they actually grow back thicker and stronger than before, so they show up brighter on the x-ray.
3:07 am
these are compression fractures. meaning? he was hit with something straight-on. this'll show us what. whatever it was, it was round. it was a car accident. (tires screeching) well, if there was a fatality, it will have been in the news. what exactly are we looking for? we're looking for fatal car crashes that occurred before brody moved from pennsylvania to miami. and these are all the clips from local williamsport newspapers. here's one: "tragic accident." driver was apprehended at scene and arrested. moving on. oh, here's one. nah, that car was sideswiped. that wouldn't cause steering wheel impact. okay. moving on. here we go. "local girl killed in grisly crash." "ran the car into a telephone pole, and the driver was killed."
3:08 am
yeah, brody's x rays show that he was the driver. okay. moving on. wait a minute. wait a minute. go back a second. back... okay. look at the name of the victim. diane corbett. that's right. that's the same last name as brody's assistant, eddie corbett. then maybe brody was there. maybe he just moved diane's body into the driver's seat after the car accident and took off. i think we just found our crash. we found heroin in your apartment, eddie. personal use. to take the edge off. what are you gonna do, arrest me for it? no, i'm going to arrest you for murder. what? we found heroin residue on brody's noose. i'm guessing it's a match to yours.
3:09 am
brody made a big deal about me moving out here. said he didn't know who to trust. needed his best friend around. (sighs) it was all guilt. guilty about diane. right? yeah. she was my big sister. and she died in that car accident, didn't she? i didn't even know brody was in the car. i mean, he's supposed to be my best boy and he doesn't even tell me that he was the one driving? he wanted to tell you, eddie. last night, he... he called me from the club. he told me to meet him at white sands. i-i thought he relapsed or something. because he wanted to confess to you. like it was okay now because he said it out loud? (voice breaking): i'm so sorry, bro. i wanted to tell you, but... then why didn't you? i was scared. you killed my sister? you killed her! (thudding)
3:10 am
he wasn't breathing. i didn't mean for that to happen. so you decided to make it look like suicide. that was the idea. an sed i edarcha in hbunc ooof ryoms, owu kn , for anything that co'ld'adve me it seem li roke boudy 'ld've done it hi f.msel and i found that rope. (gasping) he was still alive. yeah.
3:11 am
i freaked. i ran. just like he did ten years ago. no, no, no, no, it was different. yes, it was different, eddie. the difference is you got caught. let's go. ♪ ♪
3:12 am
(reporters clamoring) the paparazzi is loving this. best friends both turn out to blle kiers. female reporter: this brings the brody lassiter murder investigation to a close. best friend and longtime assistant eddie corbett has just been arrested. and in other celebrity news, holly reese's latest project has been greenlit. it will focus on one brave young woman's struggle with addiction. and speaking of addiction, pop singer elvina has reportedly checked herself into rehab.
3:13 am
♪ i guess it's true, everybody has a secret. some of us more than one.
3:14 am
captioning sponsored by cbs c.s.i. productions and brought to you by toyota. moving forward. choose any direction, as long as it's moving forward. captioned by media access group at wgbh
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[ mom ] time for breakfast. [ male announcer ] mary larson will never forget the fateful morning that deliciously simple made her a believer. she couldn't believe she could pronounce everything in it. ♪ and she couldn't believe her daughter chose pancakes over her phone. you're being weird! [ male announcer ] new deliciously simple from i can't believe it's not butter! with 100% taste and zero artificial preservatives. it's time to...believe. those spots are actually leftover food and detergent residue that can redeposit on your dishware during the rinse cycle. gross. jet-dry rinse agent helps wash them away so the only thing left behind is the shine.
3:39 am
jet-dry rinses away residues for a sparkling shine. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.s everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound? ohhh...ugh. geico. little help here. i need>>that's my geico digital insurance id card - gots all my pertinents on it and such. works for me. turn to the camera. >>ah, actually i think my eyes might ha... next! digital insurance id cards. just a tap away on the geico app.
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i'm a messy person. i don't like cleaning. i love my son, but he never cleans up. always leaves a trail of crumbs behind. you're going to have a problem with getting a wife. uh, yeah, i guess.
3:46 am
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3:47 am
finish power and free. sparkling clean. less harsh chemicals. save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.ould yep, everybody knows that. well, did you know the ancient pyramids were actually a mistake? uh-oh. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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a new leader is sworn in after deadly protests force theous ter of the president. but the unrest threatens to further divide an already fractured nation. capturing a kingpin. how the authorities from u.s. and mexico closed in and caught the world's most wanted drug lord. and jason collins walks into history when he makes his way onto the court, becoming the first openly gay athlete to play in a major professional sport. captioning funded by cbs this is the "cbs morning news" for monday, february 24th, 2014. good morning, everyone. thanks for joining us. i'm tanya rivero in for


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