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tv   Right This Minute  CBS  March 7, 2014 1:37am-2:08am EST

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hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman if you love great videos from the web before they go viral, we've got them "right this minute."
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there is no way to miss a truck -- >> as it was pulling out. >> oh, no! >> see how everyone survived a terrible crash and the incriminating clue caught on dash cam. if you stand still, i'll come help you. >> a cop spots a deer with christmas lights -- >> wrapped around its neck. >> what it took to gain a deer's trust and set it free. >> okay, buddy. hidden camera captures a man abusing a puppy, but don't worry. >> there is a very happy ending here. >> how a neighbor ratted out the big creep on the block. oh, my gosh! >> and a father gets into position for his snowmobiler son because -- >> he's going to jump over dad. >> now meet the brave man who admits to some second thoughts. >> then realized what i was doing. i have video proof that distracted driving is dangerous driving. this is dash cam footage from
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the kinora bypass in canada. behind the wheel of this truck with the dash cam is ralph ireland and his wife is in the passenger's seat. they're driving along. there's beautiful scenery passing by them. a very clear road. a very beautiful day. this couple were on their way from winnipeg to sioux okout, there's a roadffo the rht truck trailer coming up to this intersection. >> oh, no! >> good grief! >> dude, that guy didn't even stop he, like, rolled right through that stop and right out in front of that guy. >> it did appear that he pulled out right in front of that guy. that's a distracted driver. let me show you a photo of this driver. you'll notice that the driver is clearly on his cell phone. i'm going to go back to the video for a second because this was a violent crash. i want you to know that both the driver and his wife were okay. we hear them talking after this crash. i also want you to hear a third voice coming up to the window of
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the wrecked truck. >> you okay? >> oh, my god. but i'm all right. >> ralph and his wife completely shaken up. you could hear it in their voices. she says, i'm hurt, but i'm okay. >> are you okay? it was totally my fault. >> the driver of the truck who was talking on the cell phone. he comes up to the window and says are you okay? it's totally my fault. and police agree it was totally his fault and they used the dash cam footage to figure it out, he's been charged with failure to yield to traffic on a through highway and this are continuing to investigate this crash. >> accidents happen, that's why they are called accidents. it's thankful, though, nobody got hurt. all right, little guy. it's okay. it's okay. if you'd stand still, i'll come help you. >> the person talking is hudson, new york, police kevin sweet and he's sweet in more than name only. that little deer has a little problem. it's got christmas lights wrapped around its neck.
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>> wait for christmas lights, too, maybe clean them up. >> this little deer got stuck and officer sweet was off-duty, went to visit his mom and found the deer and decided he'd help out. he talked to lance wheeler about it. >> what did you think and do? >> immediately i knew the deer was in distress tried to run away because it was wrapped around his neck and leg at the same time. >> as you can see here the deer kind of backs away, wait a minute, man, what are you up to? >> it's okay. easy. easy, buddy. easy buddy. >> look how tight the lights are around his neck. >> he's a little guy, too. he's a fuzzy deer. >> he does whip out the knife. >> right there. >> so, the deer actually stays put as he begins to cut the lights off. >> it looks like one of those net lights, too, you know, the kind they throw over a bush. it's basically like a wire net for this animal. >> eventually the deer does stand up but it's still giving him the doe eyes, like, hey,
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thanks, man i really appreciate it. >> at the end as i walked up the hill and after i got it off and it was standing there it looked at me for a minute and kind of looked liked what just happened? >> here's the thing he said he didn't leave the deer without anything to eat he put some apples out there and he said an hour later the apples were gone. he is sweet, mr. sweet. >> >> this one will make your skin crawl and punch your computer screen out of england. leon backhouse in his yard with a 2-month-old bull terrier puppy, what you are about to see is disgusting. the dog comes out of the house and you can hear the dog is whimpering, it's hiding behind in this corner. but keep watching. throws the puppy. this video was filmed by a neighbor who heard the dog's cries and was concerned. he's kicking the dog. throwing the dog around. picking the dog up. at one point even slams the dog in the door and listen to the reaction of the person filming. >> oh, my god. >> this attack went on for one
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hour in this guy's yard. insanely disgusting abuse by this guy. well, backhouse has pled guilty to unnecessary suffering to an animal. he's spending 80 days in jail. is now banned from owning a pet for seven years which i kind of think is a light punishment. his lawyer says this man is severely depressed and he was angry when the dog pooped on the rug inside which is what puppies do when they are not trained. he stepped in the mess and he got upset but there's a happy ending. first off, look how cute this little dog is. he is an angel. he was shaken and bruised after this incident and he's been adopted by an rspca inspector. they named him dudley. little dudley will be okay. backhouse says he has no excuses. watching the video in the courtroom when they played it back, he did get upset, he said he hates himself over this. he is suffering from some sort of issue and hopefully he can get help because there's no excuses for this treatment. >> it's good the neighbor
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recorded this despite how difficult it was to let this man do it to the poor puppy because that was obviously pivotal making sure the guy got what he deserved. >> good job by the neighbor is right. keen-eyed border police noticed a guy struggling with his suitcase in the border town of malia in north africa. when they went to approach the guy he tried to run away with his ultraheavy bag. the border patrol officers got even more suspicious so they opened up the bag to find this guy. >> no! >> no way. >> a 19-year-old moroccan man, desperate to cross the border stuffed himself inside this suitcase. >> can you imagine that kind of desperation wanting to be in a different place so much and wanting to be out of the situation you are in that you would fold yourself up in a suitcase and risk anything to get across the bord, it's something none of us can imagine. >> who knows what it's like in
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there. >> knows how long he was in that thing, imagine cramping up. that's the interesting part, how long was he in there for 15 minutes or five hours who knows. >> who knows. >> tough situation. both men were arrested both men we arrested. it's an unexpected accident when a sled starts -- >> sliding right in front of these vehicles. >> oh, no! >> oh! >> how a quick stop made for a lucky escape. and jack veil pulls a prank on some patients -- >> who had just undergone a colonoscopy. >> whoa, whoa, whoa. >> see what that is inside there. >> what is that? did somebody put it in my butt. this is kevin. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪
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yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪
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this is the home of a man known as felipe girais, people say he's the real life indiana jones. he lives without alligators. >> roaming around his house? >> he has two alligators, one named allie and one named gator that just wander around his home. felipe has a wonderful story behind this video. he grew up in madagascar and he dedicated his young life to helping animals, helping protect animals, animals that may have ended up becoming endangered. once he moved to france he built this home and decided that he was going to continue his
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passion, continue his love for animals and he shares this home not only with alligators but snakes, tarantulas, frogs, scorpions and in case you are wondering he has the proper permit and licensing in order to care for these animals. >> the one way he's not like indiana jones this guy likes snakes. >> true. >> you go to this dude's house for coffee and cookie and you walk in and there's an alligator sitting right there, they seem tame but who knows when that thing wants a taste of your ankle. >> people have questioned when they see this video it seems like there are zebra skins and hanging on his walls. he's spent a lot of his time fighting against poachers and these are reminders of all different stories of how he couldn't protect these animals, to stay passionate and keep fighting the good fight. >> i like this guy. i can't imagine what it smells like in there. >> no. we're used to seeing all kinds of russian dash cam
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videos, but this one is guaranteed to make you cringe. this driver is driving around, there's a building to the drive's left and just as it approaches keep an eye to the other side of that wall. >> oh, no! >> oh. >> why would you let go? got to be an accident. >> out of nowhere a child in a stroller, a sled stroller, is on its own sliding right in front of these vehicles. >> oh, man. >> it manages to stop abruptly. sends the child flying. fortunately no injuries because he wasn't driving very fast. and it turns out that grandma that you see now chasing after the baby lost control of the sled and must have let go for just a second before she knew it, it was gone sliding beyond her reach. >> so, hopefully the stroller took most of the impact if you are saying the kid isn't hurt. i got another uniquely russian video that you don't normally see. guy walking down the street. comes across this scene.
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three grown men wrestling with a giant oversized teddy bear. they're trying to jam it into the back of this small car. it's just hysterical. >> they're trying to get it in the car? >> yes. >> where did the bear come from? it's not like they are at the fair. how did the bear get to this spot? where did the bear come from? >> they are successful. look. they managed to shove this thing. >> wow. >> where are the dudes going to be? how are they going to drive? where are they going to fit? colon cancer largely preventable when detected early, but how do you raise awareness, you get jack veil to prank some patients who had just undergone a colonoscopy. >> i'll pose as a post-op supervisor for colonoscopy screening patients after anesthesia and have fun with the patients. >> wow, wow, wow, wow.
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>> people signed the waiver and agreed to have the video shown because it does raise awareness but it does it in a funny way. >> this is an extra. do you know what that is? a pack of collector's card that have been sealed since the '70s. >> what do you mean? >> in the colon area. >> mine? >> yeah. >> this guy is a little confused like my colon area. >> where was it, like, somebody put it in my butt? >> this woman, she was told she had keys. >> oh and he has it in a bag with, like, dirty water. >> you got to be kidding me. >> you can't think of anything -- >> these aren't even my keys. >> back to the playing card guy. >> you found those cards? where? in my -- >> colon area. >> my colon. >> i love this guy. i think he's still under the effects of the drugs way more thanome of the other people. yeah.e you jokin
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>> he has a message at the end for everybody. >> you probably don't have an iphone in your colon but you might have something a lot more serious, colon cancer is one of the few cancers that is preventable when detected early. learn how to get screened and share this video with roinle ev you love because it could save someone's life. they say francis looks like a cartoon character. >> has a message for all the haters. >> i'm not all that fat. and still to come the camera's rolling to watch a hawk attack. >> it will show you how it grabs its food in midair. >> see the spectacular catch in superslow-mo. >> plus -- >> this will be insane. >> dad lies down for a snowmobiler to jump over. >> dad's going to get the shock. >> see how he puts his fear aside to capture the action.
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ononcece, , twtwicice, it's time for new seselslsune scscalalp . it worksks a at t ththee sosoururce with ththe e nunumbmberer oe ananti-itch medicine. plus soothing aloe for fast relief. seselslsunun b bluluee scscalalp itch. right there. oh! makes me crazy. [ [ mamalele a annnnouounc] relief starts now. gold d bobondnd extra strength medicated lotion hahas s a a popowewerfrfululr to relieve all day. ggolold d bobondnd.. it's always fun when dad gets to act like a kid again. behind the camera is evan. now, dad is russell. russell and evan are hanging out and they have a pretty crazy idea for dad to do here. >> you got to capture it just like that. >> he has to run over there pretty quick. >> yeah, i know. >> go, go, go, go, this will be insa insane. >> they are hatching their plan and film it like this and make sure you go quick.
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dad is going to lay down here and you are noticing some tracks. >> oh. >> a snowmobiler in the area, kayden, 15 years old and he's an upand coming snowmobiler racer and he's going to jump over dad. >> but does he know that dad's going to lay down? >> they are all in on it and dad is going to get the shot. >> you're crazy. >> yeah, you should be! i can't believe you. >> oh, no. >> oh! >> and there he goes. perfect. >> it's shule perfect. in that moment russell became an even bigger hero to his son. >> and now you want to see the footage. >> the clips that russell got down there. and there it is. >> that was sick! >> actually we'll make this story more special dad and son recently had to spend the past five years apart from each on other because of a divorce, this is the first weekend together dad moved back to wyoming to be closer to evan, he wanted to
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teach evan to shoot and edit video and what better way to do it than having fun and have a snowmobiler jump over dad. we've got the brave dad russell joining us "right this minute." we're glad you are alive first of all. >> i am, too. >> how did you hatch this plan? >> this was actually hatched by kayden, the snowmobiler and i just instantly thought, wow, this would be cool to do in front of my son with him filming and when i laid down i then realized what i was doing to be honest with you and it was definitely a scary moment, but i knew kayden would be able to jump over it, because i'd been watching him and it was an easy stunt. >> what did it feel like? did you feel the breeze? did you feel like it was going to skim off the top of your nose? >> i didn't feel anything at all. the snowmobile made its turn around the track and i didn't hear anything for a while and i got a little bit scared and all of a sudden it came like a railroad train. >> so, what's the consensus about how your first weekend together went after so much time? >> when you are separated for such a long period of time, you have to try to kind of feel him
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out to find out what will he want to do. and i figured he'd love the camera. well, he loved it. you could see how excited he was in the video, so it turned out to be a great weekend. >> ha ha ha ha! it's beautiful to behold the majesty and wonder of a hawk in action but put a hawk with a slow-mo camera and you get to see something pretty incredible. that's what they did with bbc worldwide and they got a hawk and show you how it grabs its food in midair. they got some meat attached to a balloon and they got the camera rolling. >> yeah, it's pretty awesome. wow. >> oh, man. >> now, that's a shot for you. >> meat's not flying away. it's sti gotol the ba hoon with t balloon. still got the balloon and still got some of the meat. >> it got it. we go from majesty, well, let's cue the benny hill music.
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♪ what we have is the richmond center, a baby goes walking in circles or walking in squares. >> and goats are the weirdest animals. hopping around all strange and doing weird stuff like this. they are like lemmings. >> they are good climbers and they go around this thing. and they are just walking around like it's nothing. you see a couple over here on the side, like, we are not joining in on this but the rest of them are, like, let's walk. >> the woman who posted this said this is an example why it's so darn hard to get anything done because you can sit there and watch the cuteness all day. they're called baby metal and their new video is a viral hit. >> it's, like, weird, cool, a little freaky. strange. and interesting. >> why if you haven't heard of them, you will. ♪ introducing finish power & free.
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powered by hydrogen peroxide action to give you a sparkling clean with less harsh chemicals. because these are not just glasses. they're what your family drinks from. finish power and free. sparkling clean. less harsh chemicals. save them. woolite detergents clean your jeans and won't torture your tanks. so clothes look like new even after 20 washes.
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if you've ever visited venice beach, california, it's not unusual to run into different people, strange people, this person from bro tv is asking people awkward questions? >> can i have this? >> no. >> can i have this? do you mind if i have this? >> on the prank meter it's not a knee slapper and it's not terribly funny. >> i give it two of ten. >> but the entertainment value is not lost here. >> can i have that? >> have what? >> that. >> what's wrong with you, man? >> i have a really small wiener.
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>> no, i -- my girlfriend thinks i need a bigger one. it's just really small, man. >> wow. >> and he begins to threaten -- >> and he's scaring the chihuahua. >> do that. i think you should go for it, homey. >> you go ask for stuff from people. >> go for it, homey. chocolate. ♪ >> i guarantee you've never seen a girl group like this one before. ♪ >> these girls are known as baby metal, they are a girl group from japan and this particular song is called give me
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chocolate. >> oh. >> they found, like, this pop group thing going on but they somehow made a hybrid between that and hardcore metal. >> yeah. like a death metal sound. >> yeah! >> and the flashing lights and they're in black and red dresses but then they are saying, oh, i love you. they sound like children. >> they're getting a lot of attention. the video went viral as soon as they posted it. >> i wanted to hate this but i actually really like it. i think it's awesome. look at the crowd, the people. they're going nuts. >> and believe it or not the girls only came together in 2011 and before that they knew nothing about metal rock. the lead singer her name is sue metal, she's 16 years old and the other two girls next to her are known as the screamers and that's mao metal she's 14. >> that explains the voices, then, because they sound like children. they are children. >> it's, like, weird, cool, a little freaky, strange, and interesting. >> yep. >> all together. that's it for "right this minute."
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we'll see you next time, everybody.
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