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tv   Right This Minute  CBS  July 12, 2014 3:37am-4:01am EDT

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it matters. what do you think it would be like to teach? chances are you have no idea. teachers today are breaking down obstacles. finding innovative ways to instill old lessons. proving that greatness can be found in everyday places. and that you don't need to be famous to be unforgettable. that's what it's like to teach. that a mother wouldn't chase after her to get her children? >> she was busted. the woman was just kind of like, oh, sorry. didn't seem to be even affected by what she had done or that she had gotten caught. >> dale said the woman is still at larnl.
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police haven't caught her wret. he says she thinks a couple of people from the group that she was apparently with have been apprehended. a man spots something in his window well and realizes a newborn fawn fell in there. a mom waited patiently to get her baby back. >> a tiny baby. >> a weather watcher is disappointed. >> i can never catch the lighting. only the thunder. >> why you have to be careful what you wish for. toto y youou...... ththey're momorere t thahana pet so protect them, with k9k9 advantix ll itit's's b broroadad s spepm protection kills fleas, ticksks a andd mosquitoes too. k9k9 a advdvanantitix l fofor r ththe e loloveve o g
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at first glance this looks like this man todd is just going to go check on his bushes. >> daily activity. >> just check on your bushes. >> on this day there was more to the story. as todd gets closer, you see that he is actually going to go behind the bushes. if you notice, there's a window well right there, and in that well is something that needs to be rescued. he climbs down in there, leans over, and you hear a cry from within there. you won't believe what looks like a brand new newborn fawn. >> that's a tiny baby. >> mama comes into frame to make sure her baby is okay. >> oh, that's so adorable. mom was justwaiting. >> but now, fawn is
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actually walking away. doesn't look like it's injured. that's why you think that maybe it's brand new because it's still a little wobbly on its feet. >> good thing mom wasn't freaking out. mom didn't charge anybody. mom realized they're trying to help me out here. proo before she knew, it she was reunited with her baby. the satisfying be careful what you wish for because you definitely might get it in video form. somebody film aing storm from their backyard. >> i can never catch the lightning. only the thunder. >> i can never catch the lightning only the thunder. hmm. stinks. what's coming next? >> it's loo someone dropped a bomb. it's bright in her backyard, and right on cue she says -- >> never mind. >> no kidding.
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>> time to go inside. that's like the fifth time i watched that. it made me jump that time because that came out of nowhere. >> there's no precursor or rumble. mother nature heard that and said, okay, you want to see something cool? mama and her kid enjoy snuggle time. ♪ it's a drag. what do you do? try to pass the time. the guy from betty z production youtube channel missed their flight when they were leaving the convention. now they're stuck at dallas-fort
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worth airport. >> that's the last flight of the day? >> they were there overnight. nobody in the airport. they were pretty much left free to goof around. it's time to make a video about nine ways to pass time in an airport. chair race. >> is it weird they just leave you there? i think it's funny that everybody just goes and says, well, we'll see you tomorrow. >> you're on your own. >> people mover sprint. >> you always look at that people mover -- i can run up. >> sleeping in odd places. >> that's disgusting. >> i like this one. airport sledding. slide down an escalator, side panel, you know? >> that's fun. >> it's funny. >> this they call military training, scooting underneath the benches. slo that's kind of gross. fuzz and fuzz bunnies. >> funky floor on the airport. >> never seen a yoga studio, but they helped themselves to yoga
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mats. settle down. calm themselves. >> that's an interesting pose. >> the shoe shine chairs. giving you guys ideas next time you are stranded in an airport. >> gosh, any of this, even if it's a not a good idea, it's better than the painful bore dom when you are stuck at an airport. >> the bar is eventually closed, you know? >> this is a surprise. it's her boyfriend who takes it to the next level. >> wow. >> plus. >> all your favorite foods. >> see how things get awkward at teporelli's birthday bash. sfwloob in the afternoon, and that's my goal. >> the song is weird. bubut t heher r knkneeee p pa. that's two more pills. ththe e evevenenining'g's s eves laughter, joy, and more pain... whwhenen j jamamieie s saya.
3:46 am
whwhatat's's t thahat t lilikeks today? yeah... i i cacan n tatakeke 2 2 a aley relief. realallyly, , anand.d.. anand d ththatat's's i. ththisis i is s kakaththl. fofor r mymy a artrthrhrititiw choose aleve. get all day ararththrirititis n relief with an easy-open cap.
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our stuff! okay, people, you know the drill. - canned foods only, guys! - ♪ sometimes you got to give and not receive ♪ ♪ sometimes you got to live what you believe ♪ ♪ open your arms, 'cause that's where it starts ♪ ♪ right here with you and with me ♪ ♪ what the world needs now is love... ♪ ( josh speaks ) ♪ a little help from up above, fit to make... ♪ a message from the foundation for a better life. >> closed captioning provided by --
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freshen breath, and controled ds plaque and tartar. fofor r a a frfracactitionon o f greenies. nonow w ththatat's's v vetetiqi!
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>> this is a surprise party for britney. she's 26 years old, diagnosed with breast cancer. she's about to go into surgery, so her friends and family decided to throw a surprise presurgery party for her where everybody could wish her well. >> you are going to beat cancer, and can't wait to see your new [ bleep ] when you are done. >> positive. looking at the bright side of what's about to happen. >> you're going to get through this because you don't have a choice. >> britney arrives to the party. that's a young, young cancer diagnosis. >> i wonder if she regrets not wearing -- >> she stands out. she is clearly the special girl at the party. >> her boyfriend sneaks away changing into a pink shirt and a pink tie, but what is he holding? >> wow. >> that is a box, and inside the box ag rin because he is about to propose. what an awesome guy.
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he is going to help her through the fight, loves her through thick and thin, and what better way to confirm it than this. right before she goes into surgery -- he spots her. they're all giving her gifts, and then he says take her away. she figured out what's going to happen because she starts crying. gets down on one knee, and she, of course, says yes. >> no better way to set her up to go into surgery than with just a ton of love and getting back, for sure. >> apparently she's doing great in recovery. >> if you are a medicine student and your professor says i'm taking a lass for a fishing trip. you say heck, yeah, man. of course, i'm going to go on there this trip. that was the case here. they were taken on a shark trip by their professor. they're off the coast of sako in york county, maine, and they're out there trying to see what they can reel in. they reel in something pretty
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big. a sizable shark, right? cool catch. they got an unexpected visitor. >> oh, my god. sfwroo the larger shark comes in and takes a bite out of that shark's stomach piercing the skin and then as the shark is wrighting around in pain here, you can see like some organs and stuff kind of just -- disemboweled his buddy. >> i didn't know sharks ate each other. >> oh, man. >> now, from the fwroes to i got to say the weirdest, strangest, craziest 1st birthday party i have ever seen. ♪ happy birthday ♪ pepperoni was born on july 3rd ♪ ♪ in the afternoon >> but the song is weird. it's kind of fun to watch the lizard eat all this stuff.
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>> that's what is skenning kink. >> can you see how big this thing is. >> it really does. >> yeah, right. >> this guy is really into his skink. >> yeah, well. happy birthday, pepperoni. i hope you liked your song. it was unique and just for you. it's a prank so simple. yet, so perfect. they run into the middle of the road, and they grab an invisible road. >> see how people fall for nothing.
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>> you wouldn't think that pizza would be a preferred snack for a shark, but you wouldn't believe this shark goes for the pizza. watch this. out in the water a piece of pizza floating in the water, and soon enoin the shark come up to surface right about here. do you see that? >> huge piece of pizza. >> well, sharks have big appetites. i fwot to say, this shark has to work on his target practice because he kind of misses. >> oh. >> watch this. and he comes up. he gets close. and he misses it completely. that freaked me out.
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>> i got freaked out that maybe i wasn't seeing what i was supposed to see and it was a goof. wow. >> really she fooled you that much, huh? baby mouse snacks on a flower. ♪ some of the best pranks are so simple, so well executed. this ki the buf best prank on the internet right now. you got two guys in white jumpsuits. they run into the middle of the
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road, and they grab an invisible rope. this is all about the acting. this is all about the execution, and you notice there was a car coming. >> the car honks at them, is then watch what they do. they tie the invisible rope arouhe two cones. then they take off. zoob the special power of suggestion. >> tell me this car stopped and waits. >> the driver gets out to deal with this rope. he is so angry. they all split. >> he watches the kids. there are so many priceless reactions in this video. >> everyone stopped, but the greatest thick is they'll lift the rope off. the car is like, oh, thanks. i'll go under. >> they did it to bikers and motorist where's, watch the
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biker. he kwauts down and goes under it. >> oh, my god. >> wow. >> but then when people say i'm just going to go through this rope, the guys play that off really beautifully too. >> so great stwloosh that is ridiculous. >> love it. that's it for us here on "right this minute." that's it for us here on "right this minute." see you next time, everybody. alright, you ready for some baseball trivia? let's do it. what year produced the most no-hit games in the big leagues? 7 no hitters in 1990. [bell rings] wow! that's right. now a question that's not trivial. how many children will witness bullying this year? ummm...
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[buzzer] the answer: 3 out of 4. 75%? wow. that's right. how many of them will say something? announcer: kids want to help, but don't know how. teach them how to stop bullying and be more than a bystander at and now, okay, you're outside and you're safe, but what do you do now? and that's where the red cross came in. we ran out of the house just wearing our pajamas. at that point, just to even have a toothbrush that i could call my own was so important, you know, it just makes you feel like a person again. ♪
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>> man: brought to you by... gmc trucks and s.u.v.s. >> norm: a lot has been happening at our project house since the last time we were here. our homeowner, rashida ferdinand, has continued to make a lot of decisions to make the job move along, such as picking paint colors, plumbing fixtures, and even cabinets. and our general contractor, carl hithe, has kept the construction moving along. the framing for the camel back and side porches is done, we have a brand-new roof, which means we're watertight and ready for mechanicals. so let's see what richard has in mind.


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