tv CBS This Morning CBS August 26, 2014 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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♪ good morning. it's tuesday, august 26th, 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." president obama moves closer to air strikes in syria. why it may not be enough to destroy the terror group isis. warren buffett makes a big bet on burger king's merger plans. but this morning, a u.s. senator says you should eat elsewhere. plus nancy o'dell with the big emmy winner and billy crystal's emotional tribute to robin williams.
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>> but we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> it's been reportedt tha the u.s. has begun reconnaissance strikes over syria. >> the pentagon with the fight against isis. >> syria is warning the white house that air strikes without its content will be considered an actf o aggression. freed american hostage curtis has been reunited with family. >> everybody has been so supportive. >> 18-year-old michael brown was laid to rest. ergathating a church in st. louis to pay their final respects to the slain teen. >> michael n'brows blood is crying from the ground. in napa, california after the earthquake -- >> it's estimated $1 billion in damage. >> where's the bathr oomkey? >> sorry, i gotta have it. >> all right. >> with great send off with the "breaking bad" series. >> to anna gunn, my television
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wife, i love you, especially those scenes in bed. [ laughter ] >> and the emmy goes going to the kolberg report. >> i changed my name to colberg. >> some people in boston are staying out of the water after a shark was caught on water. >> all that -- >> jones up, oh, yeah, got it! trying to turn, and he got that, too! he's out. >> two of first, quote, liquid. pot, we're all just made of molecules. >> and "all that mattered" -- >> burger king is with tim hortons. moving to canada where corporate tax rates are much lower. >> and here's what happened when they made the announcement some toronto. >> on "cbs this morning" -- >> why is matthew mcconaughey nominated for a television award.
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how many of those speeches are we supposed to sit through. i mean, all right, all right, all right already. [ laughter ] >> announcer: "cbs this morning" is sponsored by toyota, let's go >> announcer: "cbs this morning" is sponsored by toyota, let's go places. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." an anthony mason is here. united states is taking serious steps towards air strikes on isis forces inside syria. president obama is ordering u.s. reconnaissance strikes over that country. >> the president is not approving any air strikes yet and syria's government says it needs to know about any attacks ahead of time. david martin is at the pentagon where officials are planning for possible action. >> reporter: good morning, these reconnaissance flights will be flown by money manned and unmanned aircraft, looking for targets inside syria. this is the first step toward launching air strikes against isis in syria.
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isis is based in a remote part of northeastern syria where u.s. officials say there would be little threat of american warplanes being shot down by syrian air defenses. plans being drafted by the pentagon would use strikes by both manned and unmanned aircraft, in an attempt to disrupt isis operations and kill its senior leaders. the planning began in earnest, following last week's execution of journalist james foley. defense secretary hagel called isis an imminent threat to every interest we have. and joint chiefs chairman general martin dempsey said the group has an apocalyptic end of days strategic vision which will eventually have to be defeated. president obama has not yet made a decision, but his spokesman suggests that isis could not count on syria remaining a sanctuary. >> the president has already demonstrated a willness where necessary to use force to
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protect the people regardless of borders. >> reporter: until now, isis has been aimed at forces in iraq. they have installed across northern iraq but left the center of power in syria untouched. air strikes on the syrian side of the border could disrupt but not defeat isis. that would require sending in troops on the ground. a move president obama has ruled out for both iraq and syria. in iraq, the u.s. is arming iraqi and kurdish ground troops and will perhaps send in more advisers to help take back territory seized by isis. in syria, the administration has requested $500 million from congress to train and equip local fighters to go after isis. but officials admit those are long-range plans at best. you mentioned the syrian government is demanding that all flights over its territory be coordinated with it. well, pentagon officials say that is not likely to happen. anthony. >> david, thank you. this morning, peter theo
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curtis' parents say they're overjoyed by his release. the american journalist was captured in syria nearly two years ago. curtis was freed sunday by an extremist group competing with isis for control of that war-torn country. his father says the search had been like, quote, hunting for bats in a dark black cave. >> you can't communicate with them. and you don't know what's going on. and it's just nothing is happening that you can, you know, it's terrible. as if there was a huge weight lifted from my shoulders. >> and we've had tremendous support from people that we know. people that we didn't know before. that we now know. and all sorts of people behind the scenes that we may never know their names but we're really grateful. >> curtis' father said their son will be brought back to the u.s. when he's ready to travel. israel attacked two of the tallest buildings on the gaza
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strip overnight. some set off huge explosions one attack leveled a 15-story high-rise. another was severely damaged. warnings were issued but more than 20 people were wounded 'two others died in another air strike. these attacks follow a day of heavy rocket fire on israel. a fight over leg room forced a united airlines flight to make an unscheduled landing. it happened on a trip in newark, new jersey to denver. a passenger refused to remove a so-called knee defending device. it stopped the passenger from in front of him from moving her seat. the flight continued to denver without the two. the knee defender was created to combat shrinking leg room. it attaches to your tray table. the faa leaves it up to the carriers if carriers can use
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them. >> how can that end well. we heard the passenger in the front threw water on the guy in the back to say move that thing. not a good situation. it was all good for "breaking bad" this morning after the emmy awards. the tv drama won the top prize plus acting awards. nancy o'dell, host of "entertainment tonight" she was there for the big event. she's in los angeles bright and early. nancy, good to see you. hey, on a brand-new set, luke good. >> thank you very much, gayle. i'm excited and a little tired but what a great show at the emmys last night. it had everything we watched tv for, laughs, tears, expense. for the cast of "breaking bad" whose series finale was last year, it's time to say thank you and good bide. >> reporter: "breaking bad" end its drive tour taking ohm the
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emmy for best acting series. he offered an emotional thank you to the co-stars and fellow winners. anna gann and aaron paul. >> my dear friend aaron paul, i love you so much. you were with me all the way on i appreciate that. >> reporter: but cranston he's equally adept at comedy telling julia louis-dreyfus they co-stars in a new episodes. >> we actually had a kissing scene together. >> reporter: and he found a way to remind her over her career in "veep." >> yeah, he was on "seinfeld" yes. [ laughter ] >> reporter: the emmys are traditionally held on a sunday but were moved to a monday this year, partly to avoid a conflict with the mtv video music award. >> that's right, mtv still has awsh videos even
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though they no longer show music videos. that's like network tv holding an awards show and giving all the trophies to cable and ne netflix [ laughter ] . >> reporter: well, despite the digs from seth meyers, network brought home the cold. >> through good fortune, i stand up here tonight. >> reporter: jim parsons picked up his fourth best actor in a comedy theory for "big bang theory" and allison janie for mom. and giuliana marjulianna margul. >> you don't see any of the tv film. >> reporter: and it was also a night to celebrate the comic genius of robin williams. longtime friend billy crystal did the honors. >> i spent many happy hours with
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robin on stage. the brilliance was astounding. >> the emmy goes to -- >> reporter: while jon hamm lost to bryan cranston, he didn't go home empty-handed. he got a shoutout from weird al yankovic. ♪ jon hamm never won an emmy >> and still don draper now an iconic tv character. and iconic tv show "modern family" won for best show. and as talk for "orange is the new black" putting itself up in a comedy series instead of a drama. that may have hurt it. "orange is the new black" was actually shut out. i'm going have backstage interviews with all the winners
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coming up at 8:00 and on tonight on "entertainment tonight" where as eye said, we're debuting our brand-new set which i think is fabulous. what better thing to cover tonight than the emmys with the new set. back to you. >> glass table with white chairs. where have we seen that look before? >> it's a beautiful set on "cbs this morning." it works for you, it can work here. >> that's very sharp. >> yes. >> nancy, thank you. in our next half hour, we'll share more of billy crystal's emmy contribute to robin williams. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." the earthquake that shook more than california on sunday may have cost $1 billion in damage. the shock of the 6.0 quake is still setting in. this morning, this new video is from a baby monitor. the baby's okay. you can see how the jolt rattles
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the crib. >> he just rolls right over and falls back to sleep. i love it. here's new video of a music store getting rocked by the earthquake. john blackstone is in napa where people continue to assess the damage. good morning. >> reporter: it's disrupted two industries the wine industry and tourism. but officials here are suggesting that napa valley is still very much open for business. while there's some 500 wineries here, only about a dozen were damaged. engineers assessing the damage put red tags on buildings too dangerous to enter. in napa office building, greg keller got a red tag. he was counting on rental income from the building to support his retirement. >> we're going take a hit and hoping fema will come through and we'll get money out of it to help get through this. >> reporter: schools in napa
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will be closed for a second day today as classroom cleanup continues. engineers finished inspecting two-thirds of the city schools and have found no structural damage. the principal of irene snow school. >> thank goodness it happened in the middle of the night. if people were here a lot more zach could have hatched. >> reporter: many here or still recovering. >> it was a very violent jerk. the power went off. i fell and something knocked me down and hit me in the head. >> reporter: she might have benefited from the early earthquake warning system that sounded an alert at the university of california berkeley. >> it's ten seconds before the ground shakes. that's the idea. we want to send this out to people's cell phones so that way they can take cover. >> reporter: there's good news about the 13-year-old boy who the most badly injured victim in this earthquake nicholas dillon
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was crushed from the bricks of his criminalny at home. it's been updated from serious to fair. another night the city of ferguson remained free from protests despite calls for justice on the streets. the unarmed teenager was shot í and killed more than two weeks ago by a police officer. darren wilson is his name. vladimir duthiers is in ferguson where the community is still healing. vlad, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. thousands of mourners gathered at the temple missionary church in fergusson to pay respects to michael brown. some at the pulpit calling for justice, others calling for calm. ♪ >> reporter: the family of michael brown jr. what the support of thousands as they
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laid to rest the shooting victim. mourners included spike lee, reverend jesse jackson. >> michael brown's blood is crying from the ground. crying for vengeance. crying for justice. we're not anti-police. we respect police. but those police that are wrong need to be dealt with just like those in our community are wrong need to be dealt with. >> reporter: supporters have donated over $250,000 for living and funeral expenses to the brown family. but many here have come to the aid of officer wilson donating $400,000 to a legal defense fund. >> we wanted him to know we're on his side. there is a side out there that is rooting for him and the rule of law. >> reporter: the protests which
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brought life to a standstill for many here in ferguson has subsided in recent days. and many people are anxious for life to return to normal. kids are finally able to start their school year monday which was postponed for 11 days due to the unrest. >> excellent. it's not even about her not being here. it's about her going back tole school and, you know, seeing her new teacher. her friends. >> grand jury will continue to hear evidence on wednesday to determine if officer wilson will face any charges. anthony. >> vlad, thanks. former virginia governor bob mcdonnell has spent 18 hours on the witness stand so far. his testimony continues this morning as the corruption trial against he and his wife goes into day 22. nancy cordes is in washington with more. nancy, good morning. >> good morning. and the sprgs going to try to keep poking holes in one of mcdonnell's central claims which is that he couldn't have conspired with his wife to accept gifts because the two
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were barely on speaking terms most of the time he was in office. >> reporter: under cross-examination, mcdonnell was forced to admit he and his supposedly estranged wife went on 18 vacations together over 22 months while they were in the governor's mansion. assistant u.s. attorney michael dry also showed a picture of the two holding hands as they headed into court. implying that the couple's estrangement say ruse to avoid a conspiracy charge. dry also worked to dismantle the former governor's claim that it was his wife, not him, who solicited most of the gifts from virginia businessman johnny williams. the prosecutor showed evidence that governor mcdonnell himself accepted golf trips, a vacation and a $50,000 loan from williams that had no required monthly payments. governor mcdonnell who seemed nervous under tough questioning said he initially thought a rolex williams gave him was a fake but the gifts were appropriate, because he didn't
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do anything for williams' nutritional supplement business in exchange. but the prosecutor noted that six minutes after you e-mailed jonnie williams to ask for money, you e-mailed a top adviser to say please see me about anatabloc studies at the university of virginia. and he brought up at the 's man governor's wife planned and that he attended that was designed launch one of williams' new products. mcdonnell claimed he wasn't aware of the events purpose. but the attorney pointed out there were bottles of the supplement at every table. and he showed a picture of the former governor holding a bottle of the pills himself at another event in 2011. the prosecution is trying to argue that mcdonnell had a habit of seeking out freebies. one example we heard yesterday, we learned that the governor's staff prepared briefing binders listing donors who would let him play golf for a reduced price or for no money at all. gayle. >> all right, nancy.
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the summer of sharks is not over yet. >> ahead, the great white threat that forced beachgoers out of the water. >> the news is back in the morning right here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. we'll be right back. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by hershey's kisses chocolates. delightfully delicious one of a kind kisses. save big on your back to school list.
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♪ think about commuter confusion, drivers heading towards washington encountered some squiggly lines on interstate 66 monday. temporary striping pulled away from the asphalt and caused a mess. there were no accidents. drivers had to slow down. road crews were out early this morning. and all the lines are now straight again. >> that could be confusing. welcome back to "cbs this morning." charlie and norah are off. sharyn alfonsi at the table and anthony and i are still here. the volcano trapped underice
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that has a global energy source under war. michio kaku is here with us today. we'll look at the eruption and the disaster that left millions distraught. plus the moment that everybody was talking about. last night's emmys. how billy crystal remembers his good friend. "the new york times" looks at new findings and the veterans affairs health scandal. the watchdog for the v.a. says there's no link between the deaths of 40 veterans at phoenix and delayed care at va centers. including secret waiting lists to cover up delays in care. "usa today" says the national security agency built a search engine like google to share digital records with other government departments. that's according to a websited call the intercept.
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the icreach database had 850 billion records of e-mails, phone calls and cell phone location. 100,000 employees have access to the information. the baltimore sun has the world health organization is calling for a crackdown on electronic cigarettes. in a report issued today the w.h.o. issued tight regulations of e-cigarettes and their contents. it wants a ban on indoor use and advertising and says to minors. the seattle times says amazon is paying nearly $1 billion for the popular gaming site twitch. twitch allows gamers to stream and follow wide video games of games mreeg played. amazon is paying $970 million in cash. and "the wall street journal" says warren buffett is backing burger king's plan to buy tim hortons, the coffee and doughnut chain. but its holding company berkshire hathaway is expected to provide one-of the finance.
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berkshire hathaway already owns dairy queen. wall street is welcoming that, sales of burger king and tim hortons soared nearly 20% on monday. but main street and some in washington are fuming about the fast food giant's move to canada. jan crawford is just outside washington. jan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, by moving its headquarters from miami to canada, burger king would be relocating in a country with a lower tax rate. that is a practice that's becoming increasingly popular with u.s. businesses and more and more unpop with washington which sees it as a sneaky way for companies to take advantage of a tax loophole. even talk of moving, the home of the whopper to canada was enough to get burger king customers fired up. hours after confirming the company was looking to take over coffee and doughnut chain tim hortons, burger king's facebook
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page was flooded with messages from people threatening to boycott. >> this is one of the very few companies where consumers can very easily vote with their walls. a wager that almost every american companies know what they make and their brand. >> reporter: the giant confirmed a possible merger in a statement sunday night saying the combined company would generate $22 billion in sales worldwide. but a deal could also mean big tax savings on foreign incomes. the u.s. has the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world at about 35%. the federal tax rate in canada is closer to 15%. although legal, the practice known as a tax inversion has faced repeat criticism from president obama. >> that sticks you with the tab because if they're not paying their fair share and stashing their money offshore. you don't have that option. it ain't right. not only is it not right. it ain't right.
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>> reporter: democratic senator sherrod brown from ohio shared that outrage monday saying burger king's decision to aban don't united states means consumers should turn to wendy's old-fashioned hamburgers or white castle sliders. burger king isn't the first american company to face a backlash. earlier this month, walgreens ditched plans to move its headquarters to europe after an onslaught of negative publicity. since 2012 at least 21 american companies have announce order completed similar deals. most involved health care companies until now. >> what we're starting to see is industry creep. while other industries outside of health care are looking at tax diversions and saying, hey, wait, look at burger king. they did it, we can do it, too. >> reporter: tax rates aren't the only drop in the merger. it could also help burger king take a bigger bite, so to speak, out of the breakfast wars. tim hortons plans to sell eight
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out of every ten cusp of coffee sold in canada. iceland continues to prepare for a possible volcano eruption. volcano buried deep under a glacier is rumbling to life. 3,000 tremors mother minute will-v led to earthquakes. you may another, an ash cloud nine miles high. the plume spread across europe granting 100,000 flights stranding 8 million travelers and costing airlines nearly $2 billion. cbs contributor michio kaku is a civics professor at the university of new york. professor, always good to see you. how concerned should we be? >> this could be the volcano from hell. >> okay. >> how do you feel about it? >> you got our attention. >> to quote yogi berra, it's deja vu all over again. remember the paralysis of four
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years ago? with millions of passengers being stranded. with the threat of airplanes falling from the sky. we have a renewed threat. and just this morning, a 5.4 earthquake rumbled across the glacier. so scientists are worried an earthquake could be happening maybe in the next few days, we don't know for sure. >> why would this eruption be more dangerous than others? >> you see this is not an ordinary volume contacanic erup. we you magma that could punch through glacier, freezing causing glassified pebbles to arise. that gets in the engine and chews up the gears, chews up the blades. so this ash coming out is not a typical ash, that's why ice volcanos are much more dangerous than ordinary volcanos. >> the level at first was red. and now it's been reduced to orange. how do they decide what the
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level threat is going to be? >> well, over the weekend, they had 3,000 quakes. tremors all the time. so it went to red alert. eruption is imminent. magma hasn't reached the surface yet that's why we've been backed down from red to orange. remember, it could even be a dud. sometimes, the magma never does reach the surface. but we're not taking any chances this time. >> professor michio kaku, i'm rooting for the dud, thank you very much. a massachusetts beach is expected to be open today after a great white shark sighting forced swimmers from the water. officials closed ducksbury beach. jim armstrong from our station wb bchl wbbz shows us the trend. >> reporter: a state police helicopter spotted the 14-foot
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great white shark and immediately ordered swimmers out of the water. it was less than a 100 yards from the shoreline. >> i was a little scared. we never saw a dorisel fin or anything. >> reporter: crowds moved out of the water. luckily no one was hurt. after the sighting, a few people made light of the situation, writing this famous jaws quote in the sand. >> you're going need a bigger boat. >> reporter: in reality, shark sightings have been somewhat of a tourist attraction. a recent study found that great whites are making a come back because of conservation effort and a key source of food for ocean predators.
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>> i don't know, i don't think i'd view great whites as a tourism -- >> no, depends on if you're on the beach. >> i'm thinking words you don't want to hear, that's a big white ahead, billy crystal celebrates robin williams at the emmys like a member of the family. >> an uncle of mine said, i came to america after world war ii and i hitchhiked. and robin said i waited until there was a 747 and a kosher meal. >> bah-dum. that's next on "cbs this morning." [ male announcer ] introducing vicks qlearquil allergy morning, hank. what a day, huh? hey! morning, hank. [ male announcer ] for people who don't have allergies everyday, just on allergy days. [ sneezes ] [ groaning ] [ male announcer ] new qlearquil. the powerfully effective, take it only when you need it,
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words." >> we made it. hard. >> reporter: billy crystal and robin williams were friends for more than two decades it was is not just a show business relationship. >> he was the greatest friend you could ever imagine. supportive, protective, loving. it's very hard to talk about him in the past because he was so present in all of our lives. for almost 40 years, he was the brightest star in the comedy galaxy. >> reporter: he became famous playing an alien on television. ♪ >> reporter: and had an energy that seemed to come from another planet. >> forget the vinyl, look inside. look at the unit. look! >> i used to think if i could just put a saddle on him and stay on for eight seconds i would be okay. he would come to all of our great family functions, weddings, bar mitzvahs, that
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kind of thing. he would sit with my older immigrant relatives like he was one of the guys. one guy said i came to america after world war ii and i hitchhiked. and robin said i waited until i had a 747 and a kosher meal. >> reporter: billy crystal and robin williams shared big laughs on the big screen back in 1997 in the film "father's day." they also shared a concern for others. along with whoopi goldberg they were long time host of "comic relief." their charity shows raised $80 million from everything from the homeless to victims of hurricane katrina. on monday, in front of the biggest stars in hollywood crystal said robin williams will forever shine above them. >> and the glow will be so bright it will warm your heart.
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it will make your eyes glisten and you'll think to yourself, robin williams, what a concept. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," ben tracy, los angeles. >> what a concept. >> don't you just love the last nine. i think it's so poignant and loving. >> i wonder if robin williams had any idea how people would respond to his death. >> how much he'd be loved. >> and how much people would still be talking about him. >> so beautifully done. that had to be tough. well, a usc could miss out on most of his senior season. a jump from a balcony left him
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california quarterback was at a family party saturday. his 7-year-old nephew fell into the pool. the boy can't swim. shaw leapt from a second-floor balcony. he sprained both ankles when he landed but managed to get to the pool and save the child. shaw will get back to the field. >> what year is he? >> senior year. >> doesn't sound like he hesitated. forget room service or long-distance calls, hotels are charging you for kits and charging you to use the gym. ahead on "cbs this morning."
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♪ it's tuesday, august 26th, 2014. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more news ahead including the prime time emmy awards. "e.t.'s" nancy o'dell reveals what the winners called her backstage. but first here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> lease reconnaissance flights will be flown looking for starts inside syria. >> peter curtis' parents say they're overjoyed by his rease.
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>> huge weight lifted from my shoulders. >> the cast of breaking bad with a wonderful sendoff. >>nd a i have gratitude for everything that's happened. >> officials are stressing that napa valley itis sll very much open for business. >> thousands of mourners gathered at the temple missionary baptist church to pay respects to the michael brown family. >> taxes aren't the only problem. >> iceland continues to prepare for a volcano eruption. >> how serious could this be? >> this could be the volcano from hell. >> the team from south korea they won the world series. they defeated chicago. but i've got to say, give them credit, the cubs put up a heck of a fight. >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 is presented by panera bread. >> i'm gayle king with anthony
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mason and sharyn alfonsi. now that you know our names, charlie and norah are off. the pentagon has the go-ahead to ply reconnaissance missions over syria but president obama is not ready to attack isis groups there. >> and it controls large areas of that country and iraq. the u.s. started planning potential air strikes after isis took credit for murdering american journalist james foley last week. >> we have some incredible audio this morning. police are questioning an 82-year-old man in sydney, australia. he's accused of attacking the pilot in midflight. the man allegedly tried to grab controls of the small four-seater plane. the pilot can be heard struggling. pan, pan, pan, bravo -- my passengers -- >> foxtrot papa.
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>> we -- whoa -- my passenger is trying to -- >> he was 82. the 23-year-old pilot landed the plane in the a field. his company praised his excellent landing skills. no word on what triggered the drama. an update on the story we've been following, california's governor signed a bill monday requiring kill switches on cell phones. california is the first state to make it mandatory beginning in july. more than 3 million phones were stolen last year in the u.s. inspectors continue to mark buildings as too unsafe and unstable after sunday's 6.0 earthquake in northern california. people from napa to san francisco to sacramento felt the shaking. earlier, they thought it caused $1 billion in damage and hours of lost sleep. the company jawbone makes a
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device to monitors sleep. 93% within 15 miles woke up from the jolt at 3:20 am. 45% stayed up. and 55% of people got up. and the overuse of anti-bacterials for the rise in food allergies. scientists at the university of chicago identified a specific bacteria, clostridia. researchers say antibiotics like hand soap strip our bodies of national defenses. they say probiotics could be the answer to destroying the bacteria. up 50%. tv actors, producers and fans celebrated the prime time emmys last night in los angeles.
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our good friend, nancy o'dell, it was a long night for her. she's host of "entertainment tonight." she's a good sport. nancy, "breaking bad" fans are thrilled with the victories last night. were people surprised they're still getting all the accolades. >> i don't know if they're surprised for sentimental reasons that show is going off the air and everybody thought it would sweep it and did. and just one in the drama category. and as you said, gayle, it's a new set. i do love your set. that's quite flattering to say we kind of have a similar set. all emmy coverage tonight on "entertainment tonight" from the news sets. we're very excited about that. let's talk about the excitement created by the emmys. it's so hard to predict winners, but i can tell you the talk of the town before the emmys was how shows on netflix and cable
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would edge it out but instead it was a night of surprise. >> how does it feel? >> it's really nice. >> reporter: most weren't predicting this one, juliana for the "good wife." she took home her first emmy back in 1995 for "e.r." >> compare this day to this day. >> i'm glad where i am now. >> you ary. >> i am. >> reporter: and it was also a big night for another emmy. >> this is an amazing honor. thank you, number x,si let's go. >> reporter: allison janney picked up best supporting actress. >> you did something really brave. you decided at this point to take your clothes off. >> are you is asking me to take my clothes off? >> well it would make for good
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ratings. the dress is gorgeous. >> thank you. how did you decide i'm okay with this? >> well, you know, i wouldn't have been, but i had started a regime of -- >> reporter: you think with six emmys, the acceptance speech would be no sweat for alison, but wrong. >> i never write anything down. >> reporter: during her speech, julianna gave a special shout out to a -- >> i miss you every day, what were you thinking? >> what were you thinking? >> that came out. i wasn't going to say that. but then i started getting nervous. and i thought, seriously, mine was the shorterest speech of anyone. and then i saw his sweet face and i missed him so much. >> as we all do. one of the things jewuliana tol me backstage, she feels women in
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tv have come a long ways but there's many roles for women. and she said -- and jessica lange took home an emmy for that. kathy bates beat out julia roberts in that category. she can do some bragging. lots of shows and on the emmy red carpet, julia, matthew mcconaughey. a lot from television. >> what was the tribute like billy crystal to robin williams? i can't imagine what it was like in person. >> so, it was absolutely wonderful. i don't think they could have chosen a more perfect person to dot tribute. billy crystal is one of the best hosts in history. and what a good friend he was for robin and all they did for
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charity together. for him to do that, someone who truly loved robin, it was remarkable to see. he did all the perfect things. he made us laugh, he made us cry. exactly what robin williams did. a very touching tribute. >> and nancy, you mentioned the red carpet there, there were big stars there who won? >> oh, my gosh, i think it was a very classy red carpet. one of my favorites was julia louis-dreyfus absolutely gorgeous in a carolina herrera gown. i lot she looked fantastic. julia roberts was bold in a short dress. it had a v-neckline, a little daring because it was short in the neckline. and she was nadomited, of course. and one of my other favorites, halle berry. >> me, too. >> always stunning. >> come on -- >> you could put a bag over her.
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>> exactly. and look at that dress. that dustyy pink. it was so sexy as well. >> and nancy, luyou looked good too. >> you're very kind. you just don't stand next to halle berry. that's what you do. >> i remember when she was here, she said she was having a bad hair day. i'm thinking that's your bad hair day? >> she pretty much wakes up like that. tune in to see the show in full tonight, gayle, i expect you to, okay? >> the best imitation -- >> imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. >> in a minute, i'm going to be sleeping here. they're going to need to wipe it off. >> nancy and "entertainment tonight" will bring you a
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ahead, norah o'donnell, she is fearless. she challenges serena williams on and off the court. >> this is a good rally we have going on here. >> oh, yeah. i'm waiting for you to miss. >> okay. >> look at you. >> you're trying to put pressure on me. >> go norah. conversation with the leading lady of tennis. that's coming up on "cbs this morning."
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greeted at the airport by fans and media. they took the national championship but fell to south korea. a parade is tomorrow honoring the team overwhelmed by all the attention. >> reporter: what's the first thing you're going to do when you get home? >> ah, go to sleep maybe. >> the squad also returned to their ballpark in four weeks. the parade in chicago will be capped with a rally at millennium park. >> i love how that city is celebrating that team. >> me, too. they need something to celebrate in chicago. it's great. would you pay 30 bucks to skip the check-in line at your hotel? >> no. >> peter greenberg's in our toyota green room with the extreme way hotels are doing more than just nickel and diming you. and sometimes, you don't have a choice, gayle king. that's next on "cbs this morning."
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beforehand shows up at the designated spot with your own tables, over chairs and own meals. yes, it requires to you wear white. you have to bring white tables and chairs. the picture is so pretty. >> i wonder if they serve red wine, you can imagine. >> lovely, but a lot of work for dinner. when it comes to thieves, hotels are becoming more like airlines. a new study says hotels will take in $2.25 billion from surcharges. that's nearly double a decade ago. cbs news travel editor peter greenberg is here with how to avoid the charges. we're talking fees, self-parking fees, mandatory bellman fees even if you don't use him. what is going on? >> the rates get you into the room, but they're not competitive on value. this is a lot of money we're
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talking about in this nyu study. they're doing everything we think they're doing, like wi-fi, we've all been seeing that. or the bottles of water in the room that you know you can buy a case what they charge you for one bottle. you mentioned the mandatory bellman fee. didn't need the bellman. next morning, the door was under my door. there was the bill for the room, the bill, the tax, and then a $10 fee for bellman fee. >> does it get to the bellman? >> no, they don't get any of it. if you're getting $10 a night for everybody in the hotel, that's additional $4,000 a night. >> how much is that? >> conventional bills it's becoming more and more common because they build it into the fee but they don't tell you. but it's failure to disclose. if you're reserving a hotel room and you're getting a great rate. that should be the beginning of
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the conversation, not the end. you need to ask, you can throw in free parking, free wi-fi, let kids eat for free. if you don't at the end, it gets tacked on. >> a $50 club sandwich with a $15 service charge that doesn't get to the waiter. you can't argue this, a checkout is what you're aing? >> actually, you can. if they fail to disclose you can do this. what most people do, we're all guilty of this. we check out in the morning, we race to the hotel. we don't really check our bill. the night before you check out go to the front desk and say, hey, can i see my bill. that's when you dispute. if they fail to disclose you have rights. you dispute the charge with your credit card company. >> i'm going to say peter greenberg said -- >> you can. by the way, there's a $10 charge for that. she's the old number one ever, serena williams we're
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to prove a point about internet speeds, we slowed down an up escalator this is crazy like i don't get it, this one is working ladies, shouldn't up be as fast as down? yeah. shouldn't internet speeds match as well? yes. do your socks match? my socks match. do your eyeballs match? yes. cable does not match the speeds. makes you want to go mad. erggggh. only verizon fios comes with speed match. upload speeds as fast as your download speeds. join now at verizon.
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so i'm trying hellmann's with olive oil. let's see what happens. that's not hellmann's on your sandwiches. it's hellmann's with olive oil. whaddaya want, a parade? [ laughter ] bring 'em over here. c'mon. they'll wanna eat it rightgonna away.od [ laughter ] and country crock stirs in easily, to give mashed potatoes that rich buttery flavor your family loves, everytime.
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welcome to crock country. ♪ ooh. >> that's alec baldwin. >> yeah, alec baldwin of all people. >> you never know who you'll see at the u.s. open or what they might have to do. that was alec baldwin, of course, playing ball boy at arthur ashe stadium. notice who is sitting behind him and who he saved from that tennis ball. >> listen, he was so smooth on it. he-t bounced high up.
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alec took it with one little grab. >> you didn't reach for it, gayle. >> no, i knew alec had it. >> how did he do it as a former boy boy, anthony mason. >> you were a ball boy? >> as a youth i was a ball boy. welcome back to "cbs this morning." we've got tennis on the brain here. ahead in this half hour, norah and serena williams hit the court at the open. plus, an app for your appetite. meet the young hungry designers behind push for pizza. their one-touch syst come to your door step with just a click. my kind of service. that's ahead. and right now it's time to show you some of the morning's headlines. "the washington post" tells us about a special nail polish that could detect date rape drugs in your drink. you put your finger in your
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drink and if it's tainted it will change color. the counterculture burning man festival. it turned the black rock desert into a muddy mess. better weather, though, is expected today. the "los angeles times" looks at the most expensive comic book ever. the original superman sold for $3.2 million on ebay. it's about 1 of 100 copies still around. as we showed you, this year's u.s. open is under way in new york city. the top-ranked veteran woman in tennis serena williams takes the court this evening. she faces fellow american taylor to townsend. >> reporter: when we caught up
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with reigning champ serena williams she was calm, cool and confident. >> you won the last grand slam open. do you see yourself take home the trophy this year? >> reporter: it would be really amazing. it's such a tough field this year. i don't know. i do know it would be an unbelievable feeling. >> reporter: williams is seeking an impressive third straight title at this year's open. but it's in no way a guaranteed win. >> the worst ever defeat. >> reporter: considering she failed to reach even the quarterfinals in any grand slam this year. >> she's not gotten a serve into court. just last month, shocked fans watched as williams seemed to lose hand/eye coordination in a wimbledon doubles match alongside her sister venus. one of the best servers in the game double-faulted four times before voluntarily pulling out of the competition. she said later it was all due to a viral illness but the tennis community seemed skeptical.
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did you find out what the virus was? >> no, i mean -- i couldn't really -- there was no real answer to that. i couldn't really find out exactly what it was which is one thing that was a little frustrating. but at the same time was -- i was really, really, really sick. >> reporter: really sick? >> no bueno. at all. >> reporter: you feel better now? >> yes, i'm much better now. i've been better since then. i took a lot of time off after that. and i -- actually i didn't leave the bed after that for about a week and a half. >> reporter: a week and a half? >> yeah, but now, literally -- but then, i was able to recover after that. >> reporter: and a thing of recent victories has proven she's squarely back in fighting shape. >> or like this. >> reporter: while taking a time to teach a clinic to local children here in queens, she
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seemed excited to be once again seeded number one in this year's open. what does it take to be the world's greatest? >> oh, my goodness. just working hard. really just enjoying myself. for me, more so than any other sport, you have to enjoy it. >> reporter: as serena prepares to defend her women's championship, the men's division seems to be up in the air with last year's winner rafael nadal pulling out due to a wrist injury. rafael nadal your good friend pulled out of the tournament. you have talked to him? >> i haven't spoken to him. obviously, i wish him well. he's so competitive. and he's so amazing. >> reporter: why do you call him your fellow booty brother. >> we can all figure that out. >> reporter: at age 32, awos th
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mastered 150. you need to make sure joel gets his vocabulary up. that's helpful. if you give him long papers, it's not going to work. let's be smart about what we're doing. let's make we get teachers behind it. everything we do we developed with teachers and student. we play-tested. we tried out. we learned so much that way. that's why i believe this belief that there's something magic about technology is a misbelief. >> there's a study out that if you read something on a device you're less likely to remember it than reading a book. how do you know students are gettinatg wh they're retaininging? >> very simple. you give them quick assessments. one of the things we've done, we found when they read, they retain less. we took this guy chad boldsman who starred in james brown and jackie robinson. he did a readi
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some als ice bucket challenger shows that even the best intentions don't always go as planned. we now why justin's parents called himself whoopsy growing. you joe kim, the bucket hit him. some made the mistakes of unwilling participants while others should have used a smaller bucket. and one that send the comedian's wig flying, exposing more than she bargained for. wig flying, exposing more than she bargained for. donations are now at $80 million
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