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tv   60 Minutes  CBS  September 28, 2014 7:00pm-8:02pm EDT

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captioning funded by cbs and ford >> mr. president. >> good to see you. >> great to see you again. >> kroft: we met president obama in the diplomatic reception room at the white house at the end of a long and momentous week. as you hear tonight, we had a conversation that ranged from the american economy to the u.s.-led fight on isis and other terror networks. it looks like once again we are leading the operation. we are carrying -- >> steve, there's always the case. that's always the case. america leads. we are the indispensable nation. we have capacity no one else has. our military is the best in the history of the world. and when trouble comes up anywhere in the world, they
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don't call beijing. they don't call moscow. they call us. >> logan: it's the biggest story on wall street. alibaba, the chinese internet giant, went public to become one of the most valuable companies in the world, and it's all the vision of this man, jack ma. >> if you want to invest in us, we believe customer number one, employee number two, shareholder number three. if they don't want the buy it, that's fine. if they regret, sell us. >> logan: in the u.s., the shareholder is usually first. >> yeah. and i think they're wrong. >> i'm steve kroft. >> i'm lesley stahl. >> i'm bob simon. >> i'm lara logan. >> i'm bill whitaker. >> i'm scott pelley. those stories tonight on "60 minutes." right here.
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>> kroft: last week was a long and momentous one in the presidency of barack obama. on monday, he began a bombing campaign with members of an international coalition against isis and other terrorist targets in syria, while continuing air strikes in northern iraq. on wednesday, he addressed the
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united nations and laid out his case in the strongest terms for international action against muslim extremists. by thursday, his anti-isis coalition had grown to more than 60 members, ranging from the saudis, jordanians, emiratis and europeans who flew missions, to the irish and swedes who wrote checks, to the bulgarians and egyptians who wished us well. on friday, he was back in the white house where he met us in the diplomatic reception room for a conversation that ranged from terror networks to the american economy. a lot of things going on in the world right now. a lot of them bad. you run into people on the street and they say the world is falling apart. you got syria. you've got iraq. you've got ukraine. you've got ebola. is this the most difficult period of your presidency, the biggest challenge of your presidency, this period we're in right now? >> president obama: it's a significant period. but if you think about what i
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walked into when i came into office, we had not only two wars still active, but we also had a world financial system which was becoming unraveling. and we were losing 800,000 jobs a month. so, you know, we've had challenges before. and we've overcome them. that's not to downplay the serious challenges that we do face right now, mostly internationally. >> kroft: you spent most of your time in office trying to get the united states out of military entanglements. and last year at the united nations, you noted that we were out of iraq and unwinding our position in-in afghanistan. and this year, it... and in your state of the union message, you said, i quote, "america must move off of permanent war footing." but it feels once again like we are on one. >> president obama: well, i distinguished, steve, between counterterrorism and the sort of occupying armies that characterized the iraq and afghan war. that's very different from us
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having 150,000 troops in iraq on the ground or 60,000 in afghanistan. >> kroft: are you saying that this is not really a war? >> president obama: well, what i'm saying is that we are assisting iraq in a very real battle that's taking place on their soil, with their troops. but we are providing air support. and it is in our interest to do that because isil represents sort of a hybrid of not just the terrorist network, but one with territorial ambitions, and some of the strategy and tactics of an army. this is not america against isil, this is america leading the international community to assist a country with whom we have a security partnership with, to make sure that they are able to take care of their business. >> kroft: two years ago, in the... in the white house, in this building, you told me... you talked about al qaeda being decimated. you talked about al qaeda being
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back on its heels. two years later, you've got al qaeda affiliates and al qaeda offshoots controlling huge chunks of both iraq and syria. and you have militant... militias, islamic radical militias in control of libya. >> president obama: if you'll recall, steve, you had an international network in al qaeda between afghanistan and pakistan, headed by bin laden. and that structure we have rendered ineffective. but what i also said-- and this was two years ago and a year ago-- is that you have regional groups with regional ambitions and territorial ambitions. and what also has not changed is the kind of violent, ideologically driven extremism that has taken root in too much of the muslim world. and this week in my speech to the united nations general assembly, i made very clear we are not at war against islam.
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islam is a religion that preaches peace and the overwhelming majority of muslims are peaceful. but in the muslim world right now, there is a cancer that has grown for too long that suggests that it is acceptable to kill innocent people who worship a different god. and that kind of extremism, unfortunately, means that we're gonna see for some time the possibility that in a whole bunch of different countries, radical groups may spring up, particularly in countries that are still relatively fragile, where you had sectarian tensions, where you don't have a strong state security apparatus. that's why what we have to do is rather than play whack-a-mole and send u.s. troops wherever this occurs, we have to build strong partnerships. we have to get the international community to recognize this is a problem. we've got to get arab and muslim
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leaders to say very clearly, "these folks do not represent us. they do not represent islam" and to speak out forcefully against them. >> kroft: i understand all the caveats about these regional groups. but this is... this is what, an army of 40,000 people, according to some of the military estimates i heard the other day, very well-trained, very motivated. >> president obama: well, part of it was that... >> kroft: what... how did this get... how did they... how did they end up where they are in control of so much territory? was that a complete surprise to you? >> president obama: well, i think our head of the intelligence community, jim clapper, has acknowledged that i think they underestimated what had been taking place in syria. >> kroft: i mean, he-he didn't say that... just say that, "we underestimated isil. he said, "we overestimated the ability and the will of our allies, the iraqi army, to fight."
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>> president obama: that's true. that's absolutely true. and i... and... and... >> kroft: and these are the people that we're now expecting to carry on the fight. >> president obama: well, here's what happened in iraq. when we left, we had left them a democracy that was intact, a military that was well-equipped, and the ability then to chart their own course. and that opportunity was squandered over the course of five years or so because the prime minister, maliki, was much more interested in consolidating his shia base and very suspicious of the sunnis and the kurds, who make up the other two thirds of the country. so what you... what you did not see was a government that had built a sense of national unity. and if you don't have... >> kroft: or an army. >> president obama: an army that feels committed to the nation as opposed to a particular sect.
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now the good news is that the new prime minister, abadi, who i met with this week, so far at least has sent all the right signals. and that's why it goes back to what i said before, steve, we can't do this for them. we cannot do this for them, because it's not just a military problem, it is a political problem. and if we make the mistake of simply sending u.s. troops back in, we can maintain peace for a while. but unless there is a change in how, not just iraq, but countries like syria and some of the other countries in the region, think about what political accommodation means, think about what tolerance means. >> kroft: and you think we can teach them that? >> president obama: well, i think there's going to be a generational challenge. i don't think that this is something that's going to happen overnight. they have now created an environment in which young men
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are more concerned whether they're shia or sunni rather than whether they are getting a good education or whether they are able to, you know, have a good job. many of them are poor. many of them are illiterate and are therefore more subject to these kinds of ideological appeals. and, you know, the beginning of the solution for the entire middle east is going to be a transformation in how these countries teach their youth. what our military operations can do is to just check and roll back these networks as they appear and make sure that the time in space is provided for a new way of doing things to begin to take root. but it's gonna take some time.
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and in the meantime, what i can... >> kroft: you're saying... you're saying buy them time so they can get their act together? >> president obama: yeah, but in the meantime, it's not just buy them time, it's also making sure that americans are protected, that our allies are protected. >> kroft: you've acknowledged or you said that the iraqi government, the new iraqi government is making great progress or making some... >> president obama: some progress. >> kroft: ...progress... >> president obama: i wouldn't say great yet. >> kroft: they have a new prime minister. they have a new administration. what it's not produced is any sort of enthusiasm or much enthusiasm on the part of the disaffected sunni majority. >> president obama: it's going to take... it's going to take time. >> kroft: they're not... they're not... they haven't... they're not lining up to go and join the iraqi army. >> president obama: well, look, the mistrust has been built up over time. his instincts are right. whether he can pull it off is something that is going to be a great challenge. and we've got to give him all the support that we can in this process. the good news is that you have
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an unprecedented international coalition that is serious about this. not only do we have arab states participating in air strikes for the first time in a very long time and being very serious about their commitment but you've got the united kingdom, you've got france, belgium. >> kroft: i think everybody applauds the efforts that you've made and the size of the coalition that has been assembled. but most of them are... most of them are... have contri... are contributing money or training or policing the borders, not getting particularly close to the... to the contact. it looks like once again we are leading the operation. we are carrying... >> president obama: steve, that's always the case. that's always the case. america leads. we-we are the indispensable nation. we have capacity no one else has. our military is the best in the history of the world. and when trouble comes up anywhere in the world, they
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don't call beijing, they don't call moscow, they call us. that's the deal. >> kroft: i mean, it looks like we are doing 90%. >> president obama: steve, there is not an iss... when there's a typhoon in the philippines, take a look at who's helping the philippines deal with that situation. when there's an earthquake in haiti, take a look at who's leading the charge and making sure haiti can rebuild. that's how we... that-that's how we roll. and that's what makes this america. >> kroft: but you've said that we are not going to be the shiite air force. we're not gonna be the kurdistan air force. i'm not gonna be the iraqi air force. but, in effect, with the allies, that's what we have become. we have become the iraqi air force. >> president obama: with the allies, with their ground troops, and if we do our job
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right and the iraqis fight, then over time our role can slow down and taper off. and their role reasserts itself. but all that depends, steve. and i'm... nobody's clearer than i am about this. that the iraqis have to be willing to fight. and they have to be willing to fight in a nonsectarian way-- shia, sunni, and kurd alongside each other against this cancer in their midst. >> kroft: what happens if the iraqis don't fight or can't fight? >> president obama: well... >> kroft: what's the endgame? >> president obama: i'm not going to speculate on failure at the moment. we're just getting started. let's see how they do. i think that right now, we've got a campaign plan that has a strong chance for success in iraq. i think syria is a more challenging situation. syria is more challenging because the u.s. has few viable allies on the ground there.
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the regime of bashir al assad is fighting isis but the u.s. wants assad deposed for committing horrific crimes against his own people and other opposition groups like the al nusra front and a terrorist cell called khorasan, which was plotting attacks against europe, and are both affiliated with al qaeda. the coalition is hoping to train 5,000 moderate syrian fighters in saudi arabia. >> kroft: is there a moderate syrian opposition? >> president obama: there is. but right now, it doesn't control much territory. it has been squeezed between isil on the one hand and the assad regime on the other. >> kroft: these are the people that you said, the farmers, the doctors, the pharmacists, who stood no chance of overthrowing the government. >> president obama: well keep in mind two years ago, that was absolutely true. this is in response to the mythology that's evolved that somehow if we had given those folks some guns two-and-a-half years ago, that syria would be
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fine. and the point that i made then, which is absolutely true, is that for us to just start arming inexperienced fighters who we hadn't vetted, so we didn't know and couldn't sort out very well who's potentially isil or al nusra member and who is somebody that we're going to work with. for us to just go blind on that would have been counterproductive and would not have helped the situation. but we also would have committed us to a much more significant role inside of syria. >> kroft: you said that we need to get rid of assad. and while we saying... while we're saying we have to get rid of assad, we are also bombing and trying to take out some of the... his most threatening opponents and-and the... >> president obama: i recognize the... i recognize... >> kroft: and the beneficiary of
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this is assad. >> president obama: i recognize the contradiction in a contradic... contradictory land and a contradictory circumstance. we are... we are not going to stabilize syria under the rule of assad, because the sunni areas inside of syria view assad as having carried out terrible atrocities. the world has seen them. hundreds of thousands of people have been killed. millions have been displaced. so for a long-term political settlement, for syria to remain unified, it is not possible that assad presides over that entire process. on the other hand, in terms of immediate threats to the united
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states, isil, khorasan group, those folks could kill americans. and so... >> kroft: they're more important than assad at this point. that's what you're saying. >> president obama: what i'm saying is that they're all connected, but there's a more immediate concern that has to be dealt with. >> kroft: you know, you've said no american group... no americans... no american boots on the ground. no combat troops on the ground. we've got 1,600 troops there. >> president obama: we do. >> kroft: some of them are going to be out... embedded with iraqi units. >> president obama: well, they're in harm's way in the sense that any time they're in war theatre, it's dangerous. so i don't want to downplay the fact that they're in a war environment and there are hostile forces on the other side. but... >> kroft: and they participated in combat operations. >> president obama: well, there's a difference between them advising and assisting iraqis who are fighting versus a situation in which we got our marines and our soldiers out there taking shots and shooting back. >> kroft: when we come back,
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president obama looks at america's troubled relationship with russia, his own economic record and his party's prospects in the mid-term elections. we've heard that over 4 hundred million vacation days go unused every year. that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard. they're paid vacation days. if you guys agreed to travel more we'll all do better in school. we'll have a better understanding of other cultures. i will learn to parler français.
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>> kroft: the air war against isis terrorists in syria and iraq isn't the only international crisis facing president obama. there is the ebola outbreak in west africa, to which he has
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committed up to 3,000 u.s. troops and mobilized an air transport system to help contain the epidemic, which threatens to infect 1.4 million people by early next year. and then, there's the continuing confrontation with russia over its incursions into the ukraine. it's created a faceoff with russian president vladimir putin that has sent relations between the united states and russia into a state of tension not seen in decades. we have a very complicated situation going on right now between nato and russia. what's your relationship with president putin? do you have a personal relationship? >> president obama: well, i've always had a business-like relationship with him and it's blunt and it's firm. and what i've said from the outset is that russian aggression, violating the sovereignty and territorial
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integrity of a smaller or weaker country, violates international norms and is contrary to all the progress that's been made in creating a peaceful and prosperous europe after world war ii and then after the cold war period. and, you know, the good news is, because of american leadership, we have been able to impose a cost on mr. putin. we've put together sanctions that have hurt their economy, that have given them cause. we now are in a situation in which a ceasefire has been brokered. it is still tentative between the ukrainian separatists, russia and ukraine. there was an agreement announced today that, in fact, russian gas would still be sold to ukraine so that they're not going to freeze this winter. there is the possibility of a political solution. none of that would have happened, though, unless we took a firm line that what russia did
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was wrong. and then still leave them the possibility of taking a different path. and that's always been my relationship with putin and the russian people. what i... you are a great country with incredible talent and incredible traditions. and if you focus on your engineering talent and your mathematical talents and growing your economy, then by definition, russia's gonna be a great power in this world. >> kroft: do you think... do you think there's any chance of going... of a military confrontation between nato and russia and ukraine? >> president obama: no, i don't think there's going to be a military confrontation between nato and russia, although we have worked very hard to reassure our nato allies on the front lines, including some smaller baltic states like estonia, where i visited before the nato summit in wales, that article five of the nato treaty means what it says.
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we come to the aid and assistance, so if you mess with the nato country, then there will be a military confrontation. and putin understands that. but i do think there's a possibility of russia moving in a better direction. unfortunately, what's happened is that putin, who i think was caught off-guard initially with the protest inside of ukraine and improvised to try to figure out how he was going to keep ukraine in his orbit as you state propaganda inside of russia to whip up national sentiment, it's been good for his poll numbers. been very bad for his economy and it's bad for russia's future. and part of what i've said to him privately and what i've said publicly is, you know, that's a blind alley for you. go back to trying to abide by international norms and it'll be better for the russian people and it'll certainly be better for europe. we're not looking for confrontation, but we're gonna be very firm about the principles at stake.
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>> kroft: all of this going on less than six weeks before midterm congressional elections that promise to be in part a referendum on his leadership. right now public opinion polls show a majority of americans disapprove of his handling of foreign policy and the economy. you've got midterm elections coming up. are you going to get shellacked? >> president obama: ( laughs ) well... >> kroft: or do you think that... i mean, do you... are you optimistic? what are the issues and what... what are you going to tell the american people? >> president obama: here's what i'm going to tell the american people. when i came into office, our economy was in crisis. we had unemployment up at 10%, its now down to 6.1. we've had the longest run of uninterrupted private sector job growth in our history. we have seen deficits cut by more than half. corporate balance sheets are probably the best they've been
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in the last several decades. we are producing more energy than we had before. we are producing more clean energy than we ever had before. i can put my record against any leader around the world in terms of digging ourselves out of a terrible, almost unprecedented financial crisis. ronald reagan used to ask the question, "are you better off than you were four years ago?" in this case, are you better off than you were in six? and the answer is, the country is definitely better off than we were when i came into offce, but now we have to make... >> kroft: do you think people will feel that? >> president obama: they don't feel it. and the reason they don't feel it is because incomes and wages are not going up. there are solutions to that. if we raise the minimum wage, if we make sure women are getting paid the same as men for doing the same work, if we are rebuilding our infrastructure, if we're doing more to invest in job training so people are able to get the jobs that are out there right now, because manufacturing's coming back to this country. not just the auto industry that
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we've saved, but you're starting to see reinvestment here in the united states. businesses around the world are saying for the first time in a long time, "the place to invest isn't in china, it's the united states." >> kroft: do you think you can hold the senate? >> president obama: yes, i do. >> kroft: you think you can sell this? >> president obama: you know what? >> kroft: you think you can-can convince people that they're doing fine economically? >> president obama: hopefully, they get a chance to hear the argument, because all i'm doing is presenting the facts. >> welcome to the cbs sports update presented by pacific life. i'm james brown. with george from around the nfl today, the ravens roll as steve smith scores twice to burn carolina. vincent jackson scores with seven seconds left as the bucs stun the steelers. aaron rodgers shreds the bears with four touchdown passes. the colts coast with andrew luck. ryan tannenhill and miami hand oakland its tenth straight loss.
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>> logan: by now, you've probably heard of alibaba, the chinese internet giant that's able to reach millions upon millions of previously unreachable chinese consumers. the company went public this month on the new york stock exchange and became one of the most valuable companies in the world, and alibaba is just getting started. everything about the alibaba story is unconventional, beginning with its founder, jack ma, who gained global celebrity status these past ten days as his image became ubiquitous on business news channels and media outlets across america.
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we got to know jack ma before the onslaught, beginning over a year ago in china, where he talked with us about his relationship with the chinese government, and his unorthodox business philosophy which, surprisingly, gives shareholders almost no say over how he runs the company. >> jack ma: if you want to invest in us, we believe customer number one, employee number two, shareholder number three. if they don't want to buy that, that's fine. if they regret, they can sell us. >> logan: in the u.s., the shareholder is usually first. >> ma: yeah, and i think they were wrong. the shareholder, good, i respect them. but they're the third. because you've... take care of the customer, take care of the employees, shareholder taken care of. >> logan: ma's unconventional view didn't stop wall street from pouring $25 billion into his company, now listed on the new york stock exchange as "baba".
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it's an internet shopping behemoth, a collection of online marketplaces where buyers and sellers connect to do business. most of the company's money comes from advertising and small transaction fees. on its most popular web site, taobao, users talk to each other, barter, and engage in a way that doesn't happen on american e-commerce web sites. and alibaba says there are close to a billion products for sale on their sites. if i'm buying a house, i can do everything from find an architect to buying doorknobs to furnishing the entire thing from start to finish. what else? >> ma: yeah, you can buy anything... as long as it's legal. anything. >> logan: five, six years ago, you weren't even making a profit. in fact, in 2002, you made one dollar in profit. and today, you make how much? >> ma: billions. >> logan: billions of dollars. >> ma: yeah. yeah. >> logan: it's now the biggest
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e-commerce firm in the world, dwarfing the combined sales of amazon and ebay. and alibaba has helped create hundreds of millions of internet consumers, a whole new social class in communist china-- people who never had access to modern commerce before jack ma came along. and now you have 500 million registered users? >> ma: yes, yes. it's only, only, a little bit more than 40% of china population, and we need more. we have over 100 million people visiting the site, shopping every day, and it's just the beginning. >> logan: a hundred million people every day? >> logan: when jack ma dreamed up alibaba in 1999, the online world looked nothing like it does today. the most popular search engine was yahoo, not google. there were no ipods, iphones, or ipads.
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only four out of ten american homes ha and the worldwide web barely reached all the way to china, where retail stores were rare outside the big cities. for most of the country, there was no such thing as package delivery or credit cards. the only way to buy anything was face-to-face and in cash. >> ma: when we started the e-commerce, nobody believed that china would have e-commerce because people believed on "guang-shi," face-to-face and all kinds of network in traditional ways. there's no trust system in china. >> logan: he had to overcome centuries of tradition by showing chinese buyers and sellers that they could trust alibaba with their money in this new virtual world. he did it by guaranteeing the transactions, and creating his own payment system, an escrow account where alibaba holds the buyers' money until the goods are delivered.
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>> ma: every day, we finish more than 30 million transactions. and that means that there... you are buying things from somebody you have never seen. you are giving products to the person you have never met. and there are some guys you never know that he's going to take your products to that place, to that person. i... i want to tell the people that the trust is there, and... >> logan: because it's all about trust. >> ma: it's all about the trust. >> logan: now, anyone, rich or poor, with access to the internet and something to sell can connect with hundreds of millions of potential customers on one of ma's web sites. ordinary people in china, who never had a way to do business with each other before, today have a stake in the online world. that idea was revolutionary. it created millions of jobs, and made jack ma a hero to millions of chinese. so this is your old stomping
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ground, right? >> ma: yeah. >> logan: we met jack ma in hangzhou, an ancient city in southeastern china famous for its beauty. this is where he grew up poor in the 1960s, during the chaos of mao tse dong's cultural revolution, when the country was cut off from the west. then, in 1972, richard nixon came to his hometown. it was the first visit by a u.s. president to communist china, and the city became a mecca for foreign tourists. through them, 12-year-old jack got his first glimpse of a world beyond china. >> ma: the name "jack" was given by an american tourist. >> logan: he told us how he taught himself english, walking up to foreigners and offering free tours in exchange for free lessons. unlike many successful chinese entrepreneurs, jack ma never
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studied in the u.s. he also had no status, money or connections. the only other way to get ahead in china was education, and he failed the college entrance exam, twice. >> ma: my parents do not want me to take examinations again. >> logan: because they didn't want you to fail again. >> ma: they... they believe i would fail again. >> logan: how did that affect you? >> ma: that's a good question. nobody ever asked me that before. that really affect me a lot. i failed for the first time, and then i ask for looking for jobs. i went to interview jobs for about ten or 15 times, and all reject by people. >> logan: why did everyone reject you? >> ma: i was not that... the standard that normal people like. >> logan: because you were small? >> ma: normal, i was small... >> logan: and skinny? >> ma: skinny, not handsome, and the way i talk. and they... they probably just don't like it. >> logan: ma made it into college on his third try and
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became an english teacher. with no computing or engineering background, he's an unlikely tech titan, but he says he was captivated by the internet from the moment he first saw it in 1995 when he came to the u.s. as a translator. >> ma: i never touch keyboard before. i never using computer before. and i say, "what is internet?" he say, "jack, you know, search whatever you want on the internet." i say, "how can i search? what does search mean?" he said, "just type." i say, "i don't want to type." ( laughs ) "computers so expensive in china, i don't want to destroy it." he said, "it's not a bomb. just type." so, i typed the first word called "beer." at that time, very slow, come on the american beer, japan beer, and the german beer, but not china beers. so, i was curious. and i type, "china." no "china." no data. came back to hangzhou with one dollar in my pocket, scared, worried.
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and i came back and i said, "i want to do something called internet." >> logan: his first two ventures failed. four years later, he convinced some friends and former students, most of whom had never used the internet, to invest in him and his vision for alibaba. with just over $50,000 in seed money, alibaba was born. today, the company is valued at $231 billion, and is headquartered in hangzhou on a sprawling state-of-the-art campus that rivals any in silicon valley. ma's personal fortune makes him the richest man in china and one of the most influential. it's impossible to run a business on alibaba's scale without official blessing. you were quoted saying, "when you have millions of small companies using your site, and billions of dollars in transactions every day, the government cares." so, what do they care about? >> ma: they care that i can
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stabilize the country. i tell the government, if people have no jobs, you are in trouble. government will be in trouble. my job is to help more people have jobs. >> logan: so, usually, when >> logan: so, usually, when people succeed in china, they either have connections-- political connections-- or they're... come from a wealthy family. you had neither. >> ma: no. >> logan: and you've done this without interference from the government? >> ma: well, i never got a one cent from the government. i got... never got a one cent from china banks. so i'm very independent. >> logan: that was true when alibaba began, and most of its capital still comes from abroad. but mo recently, some of its smaller investors have included institutions with ties to china's ruling elite. alibaba has also benefited from chinese government policies that
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make it difficult for foreign competitors to operate there. ma explained how he walks a fine line with beijing. >> ma: i have a very strict talk to my team-- never, ever do business with government. in love them; don't marry them. so, we never do projects for government. if they come to us and say, "jack, can you help with this?" good, i will introduce friends to you who are interested in doing that. or if you wanted me to do it, i do it free for you. just what... next time, don't come to me again. don't. because of that, we keep very good rel... love relationship with the government. >> logan: when we pressed ma, he acknowledged there are times he has to bow to chinese authorities. though he was surprisingly frank about a subject that is also sensitive among u.s. internet companies, including google, facebook, and yahoo.
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you gather more information on chinese citizens than anyone else in the country. >> ma: you mean me. >> logan: yes. >> ma: yeah. >> logan: so when the chinese government comes knocking on your door, asking for that information, how do you handle that? what do you do? >> ma: okay. we have a very strict process working with the government. if they want to do it, it's related with the national security, we'll work together. any country, any citizen, anywhere, you have to work. i believe google has to with the national security of the u.s.a. facebook has to do it. alibaba would definitely have to do it. >> logan: what worries some investors is the possibility that china could take control of the company and all of its assets at any time. and then there's alibaba's unusual corporate structure, which puts all the power in the hands of jack ma and a small group of insiders. >> first of all, i want you to put on these glasses.
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>> logan: but there's another side of him that's little known outside of china, where he's a celebrity. a cult of ma reaches across the country and inspires almost fanatical loyalty among his employees and their families, who record his spes echeand quote his sayings. >> ma: ( singing ) >> logan: here he is, dressed as a punk rocker performing for an enthusiastic audience of 20,000 alibaba workers at a company anniversary celebration. >> ma: ♪ you are so beautiful to me... >> logan: the chairman ma show is now playing here in the u.s., bringing with it the potential of hundreds of millions of chinese consumers for products made in america. so, this is not jack ma's american invasion. this is not "google, amazon, ebay-- be afraid." >> ma: yeah, we come to help, not invade. ( laughs )
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for example, bring the u.s.'s small business come to china. this is something that we can do better, because we have 100 million buyers today, every day. we don't know-- three years, 300 million? >> magic tricks, masemts. you've never sn an executive like this. go to
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>> whitaker: now an update on the africa mercy hospital ship scott pelley first reported on last year.
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the africa mercy has been bringing 21st century medical care to some of the world's poorest countries along the west coast of africa. >> pelley: she can be described in the usual dimensions of a ship-- 500 feet in length, eight decks, a crew of 450. or you can reckon africa mercy as a hospital-- 90 nurses, 15 doctors, 78 beds and six operating rooms. the idea for all of this set sail back in 1978, when don stephens of texas started a charity that he calls mercy ships. >> pelley: so how did you find this ship? >> stephens: we found her in denmark. she was a rail ferry. >> pelley: africa mercy replaced three earlier vessels. and stephens says that over 35 years, hundreds of thousands of patients have been aboard his ships. >> whitaker: but even the africa mercy wasn't equipped to deal with the ebola epidemic this summer.
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the outbreak kept the world's largest civilian hospital ship in port in the canary islands and forced its largely volunteer crew of doctors and nurses to cancel scheduled surgical calls in guinea where ebola started. instead, it is now en route around the cape of good hope, bound for patients on the island nation of madagascar, off the coast of east africa. i'm bill whitaker. we'll be back next week with another edition of 60 minutes. take and... aflac! and a gentle wavelike motion... aahhh- ahhhhhh. liberate your spine, ahhh-ahhhhhh aflac! and reach, toes blossoming... not that great at yoga. yeah, but when i slipped a disk he paid my claim in just four days. ahh! four days? yep. find out how fast aflac can pay you, at
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captioning funded by cbs and ford captioned by media access group at wgbh
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previously on madam secretary... well, this can't be good. the secretary of state's plane just went down over the atlantic. i want you to step in. step into what? secretary of state. probably should've brought my own staff. probably. but you know what, their boss had just died. i couldn't just clean house like that. it's an encoded text. saying what? it's from george. vincent marsh's plane crash was not an accident. be careful, bess. this is me not being a politician. trust me. you'd better be right about this. i go the president to sign off. how could you do that without my knowledge? by blatantly circumnavigating your authority. what's wrong? george is dead. that wasn't an accident. i know. woman: uh, sweetie, will you bring this in, please? thank you. that's wrong.
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it is not! fine. leave it. what's the answer? (laughs) you suck at math. hey! don't say "suck." make him stop bothering me! stop bothering your sister. i was helping. (gunshots nearby) (woman screams) okay. stay here. (men shouting, gunshots nearby) (crowd chanting in arabic) (automatic gunfire) (chanting continues) (chanting continues) (automatic gunfire) (crowd cheering) (horn honking) (crowd chanting) (men shouting)


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