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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  November 7, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EST

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good morning. it is friday, november 7th, 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." a superstorm halfway across the world that could plunge nearly 250 million americans into a deep freeze. the man who claims he killed osama bin laden breaks his code of silence. now his fellow navy s.e.a.l.s are breaking theirs. plus a little girl fighting cancer steals the show during "thursday night football." first we begin with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 ses.cond >>his is going to take over all of the united states. >> millions of americans brace for a deep freeze.
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>> remnants of super typhoon nuri taking temperatures east of the rockies down to 10 to 30 degrees below average. >> congressional leaders head to the white house today. mr. obama and the republican leaders will lay out their agenda, but pthederesint is being warned not to take independent action on immigration. >> the man whoay ss he fired the shot that killed osama bin laden haas revealed himself to the "washington post." >> whether he the did or not, he's put a bull's eye on his back. >> the planeuf sdferen a accident after the tire blew out. >> a photographer isar cjacked after covering a story. >> he crashed into a gas tank. >> i'm all right. i need a big drink. >> the massive breach at home
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depot. they say 53 million e-mail addresses were stolen. >> four were injured in minnesota. a hospital patient goes berserk attacking a nurse with a large metal pipe. >> all that -- >> do you have $175 mill. >>ou y could. >> president obama host add pre-veterans day salute at the white house. >> thank you very much, mr. president. >> -- and all that matters -- >> leah still, the 4-year-old battling cancer. >> getting to see her dad play for the first time it's nothing short of inspirational. >> -- on "cbs this morning." >> i think voters sent a message there's great deal of unhappiyness about the nature of politics in washington. >> it was a major repudiation of the president who according to reports spent election night in his sweat pants drowning his sorrows in pint force one. >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" presented by toyota.
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let's go places. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." gayle king is off and cbs sports correspondent sharyn alfonsi is with us. >> thank you. >> the weather is about to hit some of the most remote parts of western alaska but that storm will hit some 250 million americans in the weeks to come. >> typhoon nuri was one of the most powerful of the year. scientists say it will upset the jet stream, driving a blast of cold air over most of the country. dean reynolds is in chicago where it will be below freezing by next week. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the coast guard is ready for nuri which is expected to strike the aleutians in alaska later day but it's the storm that could trigger the polar vortex that could be felt all the way over here in chicago and across
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much of the rest of the country in the coming days. when a storm this size threatening to deliver high winds and 50-foot waves blankets the bering sea, even those in take know tase. >> this storm is forecast to be the most severe storm that we've seen this season. we do have helicopter crews on standby. >> it's not that, it's the frigid air that may blanket the country as a result. nuri is so powerful, it's rattling the jet stream, releasing a wave of bitter cold from the midwest to the northeast. the threat of a drastic temperature drop conjures painful memories of the polar vortex when millions of americans slid, scraped, and shivered their way through a seemingly endless winter. >> it's very cold out here. >> parts of niagara falls froze
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over and parts of chicago received 80 inches of snow. the sapation department is preparing it as if it's just around the corner vchlt you ordered salt? >> yes, we have. >> how much? >> we'll be starting the season with 400 tons on the ground. we're certainly going to be ready for winter. >> reporter: now the really cold air is expected to hit in the next few days and states east of the rockies could see temperatures 10 to 30 degrees below average for this time of the year. charlie? >> thanks. michio kaku is with us. he's a physics professor at the university of new york. good morn snoogd morning. >> tell us exactly what this is. >> well, superstorm nuri packs more energy than hurricane sandy. it's headed this way and we're in the bull's eye. this weekend it's going to plow into alaska creating 50-foot waves and by midweek all hell
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breaks loose. it's going to collide with the [ screaming ] pushing arctic air down as low as perhaps florida. now, remember the polar vortex of last year? >> yes. >> this is different. there's a name for this. it's called bombogenesis. it's when the temperatures collide and there's a quick drop. >> what is the worst-case scenario? >> take out your rubber boots, mufflers, and hunker down. it could mean a deep freeze. it could mean airlines canceling flights left and right, transportation being disrupted, train schedules being disrupted, people's schedules being thrown off kilter. we're talking massive disruption with a massive peak around november 15th through november 30th and ripple through
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november. >> how long is it going to last? the rest of the month through the end. >> it peaks. expect the next few days pretty miserable weather but ripples will be with us through the end of the month. >> does that mean or winters are going to be horrific and we should just hide now? >> it means we're going have another polar vortex. get used to it. the earth is changing. it means on average we're going to see more violent swings. >> all right. professor kaku with the bombogenesis. did i say that right? we found out everything about the raid that killed osama bin laden except the names. one of them is going public. robert o'neill says he killed osama bin laden. margar margaret brennan is here.
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good morning. >> good morning. every one of the navy s.e.a.l.s inlved in the bin laden raid were sworn to secrecy. the details were considered classified information. the oscar-winning film "zero dark 30" was hollywood's version of the 2011 raid that killed the world's most wanted man, osama bin laden. in real life the operation was the work of s.e.a.l. team 6 whose identities were top secret, known only by those at the very top. but a former s.e.a.l. who claims to have fired the fatal shot has now decided to go public. >> i'm not telling any secrets, i'm not breaking any rules. >> reporter: 38-year-old robert o'neill served in iraq and afghanistan. now he shares those war stories as a motivational speaker. according to the "washington post" he decided to tell his account after meeting with families who had lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks.
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the families told me, o'neill said, it helped bring them some closure. but o'neill's decision has drawn scorn from some members of the military. former captain jerry hendricks served in the navy for 26 years. >> they are dissuaded, instructed from the beginning of their training that we do not talk. >> reporter: o'neill is not the only one to give a first-hand account. a fellow s.e.a.l. published a book about the raid under pseudonym mark owen and gave his interview to scott pelley for "60 minutes." >> it wasn't for one. >> reporter: there may now be legal consequences for both former s.e.a.l.s. top naval officers recently penned a letter to other team members with a clear message. quit talking. we do not abide willful or selfish disregard for our core
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values in return for public notoriety or financial gain. >> there's a genuine concern that i going to so reveal some of their activities that it will decrease the effectiveness of the s.e.a.l.s and, two, set them back in that they'll have to go out and create new tactics and techniques in order to be effective for the future. >> but the s.e.a.l.s who risked their lives on that raid seem to be the only ones not allowed to talk about it. both former secretaries gates and panetta published detailed books about killing obama bin laden. >> all right, margaret, thanks. this morning the white house confirms president obama sent a letter to ron's supreme leader but it had nothing to do with fighting isis. he told ayatollah ali khamenei.
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secretary of state john kerry will meet with iran's foreign minister on sunday. president obama said this week he'd rather have no deal than a bad deal. the united states this morning believes it has taken out a major terrorist threat in syria. air strikes probably killed a key bombmaker for al qaeda. some intelligence officials believe it poses a greater threat to the united states than isis. bob orr is in washington with the significance of this attack. bob, good morning. >> good morning. these air strikes certainly appear to be a significant blow against a very dangerous terrorist cell and may have disruchted plots ongoing against europe and the homeland. u.s. aircraft has taken out some of khorasan's bombmaking facilities and likely one of their most lethal operatives.
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this man, david drugeon. officials believe drugeon was riding in this car wednesday when it was destroyed by u.s. missiles fired by a reaper drone. although they have no conclusionive evidence that he's dead they say they were successful in taking out targets. the u.s. command said, quote, we're still assessing the outcome of the attacks but we have initial indications that it resulted in the intended effects by striking terrorists. b-1 bombers and f-16 aircraft destroyed a number of buildings in northwest syria believed to house the group's bombmaking and terror-training facilities. khorasan has been exploiting the lawlessness of syria to develop hard-to-detect nonmetallic bombs, explosive devices that can be smuggled aboard
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airliners, hid, in shoes, clothing, cell phones, and even human bodies. in recent months, u.s. intelligence has suggested that khorasan was inching closer to launching attacks on targets in both europe and the united states. in response, security on u.s.-bound international flights has been tightened. now, wednesday's air strikes marks the second time the u.s. has attacked khorasan inside syria since september. although they say this wave resulted in more damage than the first, they also say they would be naive to think that the khorasan has been entirely eliminated. norah? >> bob, thank you so much. they'll have a meeting with president obama today. they'll get a briefing on the fighting and ebola in west africa. nancy cordes is on capitol hill where the republicans are creating a game plan for the next two years.
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nancy, good morning. >> good morning. the republicans picked up at least 12 seats giving them the largest majority since the truman era and giving speaker boehner more power. there will no longer be stalling in the senate because his party controls that body too. >> just because we don't get everything we want doesn't mean we shouldn't. >> house speaker laid out his plan. >> e we can re-enact the keystone pipeline. >> on immigration the speaker acknowledged it's time for congress to act and warned president obama not to try to fix the problem on his own. >> i believe that if the president continues to act on his own, he's going to poison the well. if you play with matches, you take the risk of burning yourself. >> white house press secretary josh earnest said the president will move forward although he
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welcomes the new legislation. >> it's been shoveled. there's a republican majority in the senate, there's a republican majority in the house, and you can understand how it might change the political plans. >> it stalled in the house. you tried to act in the last congress and your conservative members yanked you back. >> no, no, no, no, no. >> how can you work with a president on an issue like this. >> again, i would argue with the premise of the question. what held us back last year was a flood of kids coming on the border because of the actions that the president had already taken. >> reporter: but even before that border crisis, republicans were divided over the reform. i could regale you with all of that trying to get both sides to deal with this. they were numerous. but hope springs eternal. >> conservative members worry that reform could lead to more rights for people who came to this country illegally.
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and tuesday's election only added more gop members who are to speaker boehner's right on this and other issues. sharyn? >> all right. thanks, nancy. this morning the u.s. supreme court faces new pressure to take up same-sex marriage. yesterday a federal supreme court allowed four states, ohio, michigan, kentucky, and tennessee, to continue bans on same-sex marriage. that goes against a string of court rulings. those judgments led to same-sex marriages being allowed in 32 states including washington, d.c. they'll now ask the supreme court to weigh in. air canada flight 8481 blew a tire when taking off last night from calgary. sparks flew as it landed at edmonton international. one passenger thought the plane was going to blow up. 75 people were on board. and the smallest person on the field.
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that was 4-year-old leah still. she took a break from her cancer treatment to watch her father play in the nfl for the first time since her diagnosis. jim axelrod is at paul brown stadium where last night's game was played. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the browns and the bengals may have scared off last night in "thursday night football" but there was only one star. it belongs to the 4-year-old girl who belongs to everyone in cincinnati. by the time they held a ceremony to honor leah still, by the end of the first quarter, the 4-year-old had been in cincinnati for 24 hours, long enough for a pregame tea party with her father, bengals defensive tackle, devon still, long enough to hang out with the bengals cheerleaders, long enough for her to own the place. >> thank you for my toys. >> reporter: leah, of course, is fighting cancer, stage 4
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neuroblass toma to be exact and she's captured a lot of hearts in the process. well, she and her dad to be precise. devon still is not just a professional football player. he's a model for all dads who have to summon strength for their kids. >> are you ready to get this cancer about you? let's do it. fist bump. >> the bengals have been a strong support for the stills, signing devon to the practice squad after being cut from franing camp so he can keep his health insurance and then selling replicas of his 75 jersey, 50,000 of them with the money going to pediatric cancer. >> we're thrilled to present a check to aid in the fight of pediatric cancer. >> reporter: last night leah was on hand to receive a check for the children's pediatric hospital. 65,000 people stood and cheered leah. it was the very first time since
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her diagnosis she watched her dad play in an nfl game. >> i didn't know she had this in her. you know, you never think that your child will face a battle like this, but the strength that my daughter has shourch me, the courage that she's shown me is nothing short of inspirational. >> reporter: leah's tumor was removed six weeks ago. doctors took her chances of beating the cancer at 50/50. she starts kimmo in philadelphia on tuesday and her father will fly with her there tomorrow. >> jim, great story. thank you so much. love leah. leah strong. we're pulling for he. >> we should all get 75 jerseys. that's my new favorite player right there. >> my new favorite player indeed. a shooting suspect turns on a tv cameraman. what the
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americans fighting the ebola
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epidemic in west africa. and ahead, "60 minutes" looks at health care workers and the disease that's killed thousands. the news is back in the morning on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by nationwide insurance. ♪ nationwide is on your side doesn't take a holiday. but add brand new belongings from nationwide and we'll replace stolen or destroyed items with brand-new versions. making sure every season is the season of giving. just another way we put members first. join the nation ♪ nationwide is on your side
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fourteen years ago, i insisted on buying our first prius. because like toyota, we both know there's a way to do things, and a way to do things even better. the prius. toyota, let's go places. you know how fast you were going? about 55. where you headed at such an appropriate speed? across the country to enhance the nation's most reliable 4g lte network. how's it working for ya? better than ever. how'd you do it? added cell sites. increased capacity. and your point is... so you can download music, games, and directions for the road when you need them. who's this guy? oh that's charlie. you ever put pepper spray on your burrito? i like it spicy but not like uggggh spicy. he always like this? you have no idea. at&t. the nation's most reliable 4g lte network.
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♪ i don't think so. >> i miss the '80s. this is an 1989 workout video paired with taylor swift's "shake it off." it seems to fit. >> especially since it's titled 1989. look at the enthusiasm of those men. >> there's nothing not to love. >> it makes me happy. >> that was a good decade, charlie, wasn't it? >> it was a great decade. >> sharyn, you had bangs like that too. >> yes. those were my bangs.
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i can smell the aqua net and i love pantyhose to the gym. it makes perfect sense i think you should buy a pair of those for jeff. >> michio kaku is talking about mufflers. who has a muffler. >> we're having too much fun. coming up this half hour, a cameraman wanted a shot without getting shot. how it turns into a carjacking. we'll show you what happens when the camera kept rolling. >> plus, how a used car dealer helped solve a high-profile kidnapping case. police use technology we auld know about, but does it come at a cost to privacy? that's ahead. fbi director james comey wrote a letter to "the new york times." he defended the agency's decision to create a fake "associated press" story. as you may have remembered we told you last week the fbi doctored an ap article.
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it helped catch a suspect after a bombing threat at washington state in 2000 comey now says a person impersonated one as well but they were acting legally. also "the new york times" reports that takata knew about the problem with air bags years ago. they conducted secret air bag tests a decade ago and they found cracks. workers were ordered to destroy the data. bloomberg says 50 million e-mail addresses were sold during a data breach at home depot. this was the same cyber attack in which credit cards were accessed. they used passwords from a home depot supplier to gain access. home depot said the e-mail addresses did not include sensitive personal information. the "new zealand herald"
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dropped murder charges for the drummer of the rock band ac/dc. yesterday police charged phil rudd with attempting to hire a hit man but prosecutors say there's not enough evidence to proceed. he still faces charges of threatening to kill. and "the wall street journal" says the postal service is adding sunday deliveries during the holidays. it will begin november 17th and will run through christmas. if you want standard mail to arrive, it is december 15th. the deadline for priority mail is december 20th. dallas will be able to declare itself free of ebola by the end of the day. it's been 21 days since the last person came in con tack with the disease there. the hospital workers have not shown any symptoms. meanwhile a new health care system opens tomorrow in monrovia, liberia. it's claimed almost 5,000 lines. >> on assignment for "60
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minutes" lara logan goes inside another treatment center in liberia. it's success employ prevented workers from catching the virus. here's a preview of her report. >> reporter: it's a one-disease hospital with 50 beds and a staff of nearly 200. run by american doctor prana pranav mistry. >> we have a lot of cleaning supplies taken into the high risk zone. so this is where we dry our boots, you know. basically everything after it's been heavily chlorinate and washed and driened, this when clean up ebola and continue to use it. >> reporter: since they opened in mid-september, they've treated more than 200 patients, and so far none of their staff have been infected. coin taners of chlorine and taps for hand washing mark the divisions between every section. patients in the concerned water
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who feel strong enough sit outside. most are hidden from view in their room. separated from the suspected ward by an orange fence. no one can enter these areas without layers of protection. and on their way out, staff are hosed down in the decontamination zone. >> we're in an area of football-field-sized plot. cut down the forest. everything is blue or gravel and it smells like chlorine. you've come to another planet. >> reporter: dr. colin bucks has been on duty here every week for the past four months. at home he's a university nation at stab ford university hospital. >> the world, if it chooses and people say step up, i think this is very containable. >> and if they don't? >> i think we make our own bed, you know. but that's why i urge, you know,
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people to say, this is my responsibility, i have a global citizen responsibility to do this. and if you want to say a patriotic responsibility to keep america safe, yeah. people go off to war to keep us safe. people should fight this crisis with the same sense of responsibility. on sunday's "60 minutes" see how the medical workers themselves are keeping from contracting the disease. four nurses are recovering this morning after a vicious attack by a patient captured on camera. it happened sunday at minneapolis hospital. he use a metal bar to beat the nurses. they have cuts and bruises. one nurse has a collapsed lung. he was tackled outside and remains in custody. they stumble on an exclusive interview. he was lucky to survive.
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the interview took a bad turn when the suspect aimed a gun at the cameraman and stole his car. as charlie d'agata shows us, the camera never stopped rolling. >> reporter: it began when a man jumped off his harley-davidson and flagged down cameraman peter steer who was on his way to cover a domestic dispute. with blood on his hands, the biker said he wanted to confess to injuring a woman at a nearby home. steer called the police, but before they could respond, the suspect snapped. at the camera, the armed man sped off in the cameraman's van. >> don't be silly. don't be silly. he was more than willing at first, you know, to go quietly, but i suppose something twitched in his mind, now i'll do it in a big way. >> reporter: this dash cam
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caught what happened next. he veered into a gas station and crashed into a gas tank. probably dazed but seemingly uninjured, he approached a customer. >> he walked up to miss purposefully, looked me in the eyes and asked me for a cigarette lighter. >> the suspect kind of gave chase on foot with police in hot pursuit. >> he moved pretty much straight out into the gas puddles and anything could have happened from there. you could hear gas leaking. >> the ordeal finally ended with the suspect being taken into custody. as for the man who captured the story of his career, he remembered rule number one, keep that camera rolling. >> for a cameraman, it was the sort of stuff that you sort of dream of, i guess, you know. so, yeah, i'm fine. i'm fine. i just need a big drink. >> for "cbs this morning," i'm
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charlie d'agata. >> nothing like being in the down under. i need a big drink. >> how cool. >> it's interesting to see it happen in real life. it's more compelling than a real movie. >> and consoling. more and more car dealerships are using gps to help track vehicles. how it could have possibly saved a life. that's next on "cbs this morning." ♪ people with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. if you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga. it's a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. with one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. and, although it's not a weight-loss
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their destination but a violent kidnapping in pennsylvania shows how the device can also lead law enforcement to you. jericka duncan is in philadelphia with new development this morning. jericka, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, sharyn. this was definitely a great ending for carlesha friedman gaither. she was reunited with family members on wednesday after being snatched off a philadelphia
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street over the weekend. police say some things that freeland-gaither did helps investigators find her. they also say technology played a big role in bringing this case to a close. vary lance video caught the moment when 22-year-old carlesh freeland ghaither this was abducted. she suffered only minor injuries. police say the investigation led to this man, 37-year-old delvin barnes, who is now in police custody. >> this could be a case study on how everything fell right into place. >> reporter: one tool that helped it fall into place was a simple gps tracking device like this one put in barnes' car. it led police to the suspect in maryland. a camera captured the dealership's name on the ford taurus. they reached out to the dealership and found out they had equipped the car with a gps because barnes had posed a risk due to bad credit. 70% of so-called buy here/pay
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here dealerships install tracking devices on every vehicle they involve. this man owns an auto financing company in arizona. >> it allows us to give somebody a loan because we know where the car is at at all times. >> reporter: barnes used freeland-gaither's bank card in maryland helping to pinpoint her whereabouts and police say gaither left her cell phone at the abduction scene allowing authorities to find her. >> we felt like we were getting closer. we had our fingers crossed and we were hoping it was going to pan out and it was a big part of panning out. >> reporter: freeland-gaither's mother said the police kept their promise to find carlesha. >> they kept telling me, i'm bringing your daughter home. he kept saying it. and he brought my baby home. >>hank you. >> he brought her right home. >> reporter: does the capture come at a cost of privacy. it can be purchased in t buriede
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contract. >> people think they're following you like a zbik brother, where you go. it doesn't happen that way. they're typically used as a last resort, basically an insurance >> reporter: as for barnes, he was extradited from maryland to virginia where there he is facing charges of attempted murder and assault in a separate case. and fbi officials say charges are pending for the case here in philadelphia. norah? >> all right, jericka. thank you. i think this technology is fascinating. how many spouses are using it on their other half. and i know some parents who have put them on their teenagers' cars as well. >> i notice you said spouses. >> well, some men may put it on their wives' carsnd some women put it on their husbands' cars, you know? no privacy. chicago's jackie robinson west all-stars get v.i.p. treatment at the white house. look at this.
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rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. chicago's jackie robinson west all-stars got presidential treatment. the little league champs touring the white house. they met the president and the first lady and now bill plante caught up with two players. >> how does this compare with all of the other honors that you guys have had over the last few weeks? >> you come to the white house and you talk to the president privately like you're the main focus in the white house and you get to tour the white house. that makes you feel like you're really important. >> i think it's cool. i don't know what to say. >> what was it like going back to school this year after the summer that you had? >> it was wild.
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>> i love it. >> i know. he's got more to say. >> that bow tie is everything. >> and passion and charisma. the president told the kids yesterday to keep up the good work. all right. "face the nation" has interviewed every president since eisenhower. ahead, we're going to talk to bob schieffer about some of the broadcast's most unforgettable moments as we celebrate its 60th anniversary. looking for one of these? yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family.
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it is friday, november 7th, 2014. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead including staying power of "face the nation." bob schieffer previews his interview with president obama and looks back at 60 years of the broadcast. but first here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> say eofast the rockies could see temperatures 10 to 30 degrees below average for this time of the year. up>> serstorm nuri this weekend is going to plow into alaska. then by medweek, all hell breaks loose. >> every one of the 23 navy s.e.a.l.s who executed the bin laden raid was sworn to secrecy.
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>> very likely one of the group's most lethal operatives. >> the conservative ermembs yanked you back. >> no, no, no, no. >> how can you work with the president on an issue like this. >> no. >> a terrifying emergency landing left three people hurt in alberta. sparks flew as it landed at calgary international. >> the night belonged to a 4-year-old girl who's become everyone's child in cincinnati. >> this is a 1989 workout video to taylor swift's song from "1989." >> disney's "star wars" is going to be called "star wars:the fourth awakening." >> they're going to make "toy story 4." this one is called "toy story 4." >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" presented by toe ta. let's go places.
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i'm charlie rose along with norah o'donnell and sharyn alfonsi. gayle king is off. they're warning him. do not do anything on immigration without us. the president repeated this week that he will not wait for congress to act. >> we will hear from president obama this surchld nday on "fac nation" which is celebrated its 60th anniversary today. and chief correspondent bob schieffer has been the correspondent for the last 14 years. bob schieffer is with us from washington. bob, good morning. an oval office interview with the president, his first since this election. do you think he's headed for a showdown with congress? >> well, that's what we're going to talk to him about. can i just say one thing, norah? thank you very much for emphasizing i haven't been on "face the nation" for 60 years. some people think i have. >> 23 years, though. not a bad run, bob. not a bad run. >> one sunday at a time.
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>> what do you think the key questions are for the president? >> well, i think the key questions are can you get along with congress, can you find a way to make these last two years of your term significant? can you get anything done. you know, for so long, norah, congress, washington, in general, it's just been about congress and washington in general. they seem to have divorced themselves from the rhett of the country. the purpose of government is to improve the lives of citizens, and i'm going to ask him how he plans to get things back on track, how he is going to reach out to the republicans if indeed he is. he says he wants to. there are questions i think in this interview i think about last night, these are some of the easiest -- this is one of the easiest interviews to prepare for because all of the questions are so obvious. they're right there on the table. we'll do what we always do, try to ask about the news. >> bob, dwlou thing he'll respond to this question that was put forward by the speaker
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of the house, that if, in fact, he goes alone on immigration, he'll get burned? >> i think he'll probably take the speaker at his word. mitch mcconnell says about the same thing. what he has said is that he will take this executive action before the end of the year. there's actually some legislation that's already been passed over in the house that they could get right on it if they wanted to. i think he -- i think without saying so, he's going to give congress at least a little time to do something before he acts. but i think he's holding that out. look, if you don't do something, then i am going to take this executive action. that's going to be the big question between now and the end of the year as to whether they can come together on that. >> bob, i know also airing on "face the nation" and sunday morning is your interview with former president george w. bush which you shot in dallas at the bush library where there's a replica of the oval office where
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he talked about writing a biography of his father. let's take a listen. >> now, this is where you put lincoln. is that where presidents usually put their -- >> exactly. >> does that say -- >> you know, i had a conflict about the most influential president. i say 41 hangs in my heart, 16 on the wall. i studied a lot about lincoln when i was president. read a lot of lincoln biographies. it was an unusual experience to be reading history and making history. >> i know that you love to read biographies. >> exactly. >> and now you're a biographer. >> i am one -- i are one. i don't think people undergeorge h.w. bush. i don't think they understand how successful he was as a president and what an amazing person he was. and so i wrote it. i wasn't going to publish it until after he passed away and my instinct said that was the
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rye thing to do and then i changed my mind. i decided to write this love letter to him. >> bob, i see the bushspeak is still going strong. what did you learn? >> i'll tell you one thing. this is a biography -- he told me he didn't mean to be objective. there's no way he could be objective. this is a guy who really loved his father. >> there you go. >> and he talks about what it meant to have him as a father. he talked about how he had influenced him all through his life. it is a very sweet book and whether you're a republican or a democrat, it's not so much about politics as it is just about their relationship and this unique experience of he's the president and yet his father was also the president. it's really a terrific read if i do say so. he also talks and we'll talk to him in the interview, about some
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of the decisions he made about iraq, about going into iraq, very interesting detail he gave me. he said he was surprised that sue dam h saddam hussein didn't listen to him when he told him. he said saddam simply didn't believe him and told fbi agents that after he was captured. he also talked to him -- we'd done something a little different on this. we'd done a story for sunday morning and we'll use about half of the interview on sunday morning. and then we'll have part 2 later on "face the nation." on that part of it, he talks about whether he thinks his brother jeb is going to run for president and what he thinks about that and what if jeb does run, what part he'll take in the
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campaign. >> interesting, bob. and, you know, so much history always made on "face the nation." and we got a look, 60 years now. there have been some amazing moments. jan crawford has them all lined up for you. take a look at this. >> "face the nation." >> reporter: it launched in the '50s. it started with the biggest story, joe mccarthy on the eve of his censor as president. 60 years later "face the nation" looks different but its approach is unchanged. find the key players, ask them the questions americans want to know. >> "face the nation" with chief washington correspondent bob schieffer. >> reporter: there have been eight moderators, but for 23 years shiver has been the face of "face the nation." >> implicit in that -- >> the newsmaker who's been on the most, arizona senator john mccain. >> i can't tell you whether bob schiffer is a democrat,
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libertarian, or vegetarian. he asks straight questions and tough questions and he's fair. >> reporter: going back to dwight eisenhower, "face" has interviewed everyone. some were testy. >> if you can say that, how can so many reputable professionals keep pressing along with this? >> that's your characterization, not mine. >> reporter: looking back at the show's over 3,000 broadcasts, you can see history being made. >> we feel that the time has come for a full-scale assault on the system of segregation in alabama. >> oh, yes, i believe in blame that we ought to have a schooled system that the people of alabama want to have. >> reporter: there were world leaders. khrushchev interviewed from the kremlin and margaret thatcher. lesley stahl, the first female moderator known for her persistent questioning. >> you can ask the question in a
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hundred different ways and you will still get the same answer. >> but since 1951 they've followed the take no bull approach of shiver. >> is that the best you can do? this thing seems to be a disaster. >> reporter: speech writer peggy noon nan is a continuing contributor. >> his essential question is always it seems to me what the heck is going on, can you explain to me what's going on. that is very bob schieffer to me and it's sort of bob being a surrogate for the american people. >> reporter: and that's why we all keep watching. >> thank you for watching "face the nation." >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," jan crawford, washington. >> bob, there's a reason that you're number one. and when anybody sits in that chair as norah and i have, you're aware of the standards you have set and they're very high and we congratulate you on those many years that you've sat in the chair. >> that's very, very nice of you to say, charlie.
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and let me just say, i'm the luckiest guy ever because this is the best job you could possibly have. i love it. >> no one does it better, bob. >> good luck on your interview with the president today. we'll be watching on sunday. thanks, bob. >> thank you. >> as i mentioned, tune in sunday. it's president obama's first interview since the midterm elections. you can watch more of bob's conversation with him and george w. bush on "face the nation" on sunday morning right here on cbs. ahead on "cbs this morning," carlos santana sounds off about his roots and his music. his journey from a humble
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>> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 sponsored by benefiber, the clearly healthy five. . coming up, find out why a 90-year-old man could face jail
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time for serving food to the less fortunate. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." and this monster cannot claim he did not know better because he was doing all of this out of a church kitchen. so clearly he knows what jesus said to matthew, you gave me something to eat, i was thirsty and -- look out. the cops are here. hide the loaves and the fishes. [ jen garner ] what skincare brand is so effective... so trusted... so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand. now that'aus bel.tifu neutrogena®. ♪ neutrogena®.
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if you're queasy, this is not going to help. look at this. a crosswind, gusts reached up to 30 miles an hour. the jet landed safely but at least 70 other flights were canceled. >> a lot of flying drinks on that, i would imagine. police are not impressed by one chef's cooking in ft. lauderdale. 90-year-old arnold abbott fed the homeless for 20 years but this week police ticketed him for breaking a new law. vicente arenas is in ft. lauderdale with the culinary crime. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, sharyn. it was at this world war ii park that he defied police. they were watching his every
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month but he kept feeding the homeless. 90-year-old arnold abbott is a folk hero. he's famous here for feeding the homeless, something he and his organization, love they neighbor, have been doing for more than 20 years. >> what makes you want to do this? >> i believe in the brotherhood of man and the brotherhood of god, it's as simple as that. i believe i am my brother's keeper, love thy neighbor as myself. >> reporter: not everyone one a fan of the chef's good deeds. after the last plate was served. police pulled him away, fingerprinted him and cited him at a hot spot on the beach. >> i'm trying to make it possible to feed the homeless. >> it's the second time in a week abbott's run into trouble. at a city park on sunday police shut down his food line all together. a new ordinance adopted by ft.
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lauderdale city commission now makes it illegal to feed people in certain public places. it came after citizens and tourist were complaining. >> some of it was deterring others. it pro e provided for public places and parks for homeless feedings and not allowing others to enjoy those parks. >> reporter: he says the homeless can still be fed but only in designated areas. it's an argument that abbott's not buying. >> i will argue. they're not going to eliminate this tough old guy. i'm a codger. >> reporter: now he's saying he'll fight for the right to feed the homeless and he plans to do that once again this weekend. >> are you kidding me is the only thing i can say. >> that's awful. that's absolutely awful. someone who has been providing public service to the homeless. >> he's 90 years old and a world
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war ii vet. really you're going to mess with him because he's feeding the homeless? insanity. insanity. well, vicente, thanks, anyway. we're looking back to the way, way back for the secret to help. that's coming up. >> reporter: for a growing number of people, eating and exercises the way our ancestors did is the way to health and happiness. >> i think it's important to learn from our past. >> reporter: i'm john blackstone. we'll look at all things paleo coming up on "cbs this morning." for those kept awake by pain the night is anything but good. introducing new aleve pm. the first one with a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour strength of aleve for pain relief that can last until the am. now you can have a good night and a... good morning! new aleve pm for a better am.
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if you watch cbs tonight, you might be thinking you're seeing "cbs this morning." tonight ott "blue blood," you'll see our crew. watch for norah o'donnell. the new york commissioner will be played by tom selleck. >> under your watch there's been a sig namt decline under your watch. they're now saying this is the safest big city in america. what do you attribute that to? >> well, norah, it's been a trained approach. more officers in high crime areas making arrests and of course following cases to their conclusion. >> you can catch the full episode of "true blood" at 10:00, 9:00 central. >> she's looking good. >> you know i love you, charlie.
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but tom
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take a look at this. a very cute boston bruins fan gets fist bumps from the players after the pregame, norah, at the t.d. garden. the first bump was a little too hard but he shakes it off and he hung in there tuesday getting bumps from the other players as they came off the ice. you've got to be careful with a fist bump. >> move that stick to the other side. >> look how great he is. >> oh, man, is he cute. well, welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, fitness fanatics are talking about a diet evolution in reverse. they're going back to the stone age for healthier living. why the paleo's lifestyle is
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booming in popularity. plus carlos santana opens up about his childhood in mexico, the first time he heard the electric guitar, and making peace from his past. michelle miller is in the toyota green room with that story. that's ahead. the atlantic says the key to happiness may be your age and where you live. a new study finds americans' happiness find as "u" curve. it dips in the middle age but recovers in the olden gauge. americans are not typical. many other countries, affluence and happiness decline with age. >> time says if you're close to an american apparel or dunkin' donuts, your district went democrat. if you live near a cracker barrel on long jong silver, your district probably went republican. zuckerberg says he wears a
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grey t-shirt because he doesn't feel he's doing his job if he spends energy deciding what to wear. he said the movie "the social network" about facebook's early years was hurtful. what began as a paleo diet has evolved into cavemen. it will help us lose weight and feel healthier. john blackstone shows us about the pay lee oh lifestyle. >> everyone ready. >> reporter: at popular cross-fit gyms the emphasis is getting more exercise with less equipment. workouts that can be done anywhere. now imagine cross-fit in the ainge of the caveman. the website calls this the workout the world forgot. exercising much like our predecessors in the paleo electricityic era might have done. robb wolf, the author of "the
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paleo solution." >> what's the importance? >> it's fun. you do it in a group effort you get a little bit of that tribe community. >> they've always been into fitness. their garage is now an exercise room for the whole family but they were not impressed when they first heard about paleo five years ago. >> i started downloading articles from the web and showing them to michelle and we both laughed over them, thought they were ridiculous. >> reporter: but then henry gave the lifestyle a try. >> and when he started telling & me, i don't know, if whole grains are the best for us and maybe saturated fat isn't such a bad idea and red meat might be good for you, i thought he was banana. >> michelle, a pharmacist by profsion had no intentions of adopts caveman cuisine but noticed the change in her husband. >> he felt so much better, he had so much energy and gained a
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six-pack and i decided to give it a try. >> as soon as she converted to paleo, out went the junk food in the house and now i have no choice. >> reporter: michelle began posting paleo recipes online. her blog now anks 1,000 views a day. with a cookbook and an app -- >> i put up recipes that are paleo-friendly. >> what is that? >> to me the caveman is just a mascot but i think it's important to learn from our past, kind of finding out what works for you. >> reporter: the caveman diet consists largely of grass fed meat, fish, wild foods, vegetab vegetables, processed foods, sugar, grains, and dairy are to be avoided. >> where it comes into conflict is recommends lots of red meat. >> he says you really can't
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replicate a stone age diet. >> thinks like strawberries and blueberries and pistachios and almonds all didn't exist in the paleo electricityic time. things like yogurt. so i think today's diet is spew peer yore to the paleo electricityic diet. >> it's spawned an industry. even foods like paleo pancakes and cereal, perfect for cave children. >> when they're in my house, i feed them my food. but when they're out in the wild, i make them -- >> out in the wild -- >> out in the wild, i let them make their own decisions. >> for the caveman sunrise marks the start of the day, sunset, the time to rest to get closer to that natural sleep pattern mirk shell wears goggles when using the computer at night to
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reduce the number of rays that disrupt sleep. while the health style of pail leo movements are improving it clearly helped man survive the stone age. >> if something were to happen i could pick up my two kids and run out of the house and if something were to happen to henry i could dead lift him. >> you're stronger? >> yeah. that's probably why i have this website. i've become an evangelist for it. >> it should be note thad the life of a caveman was 35 years. but then just surviving was a lot more challenging than for modern paleos. for "cbs this morning" john blackstone. >> i wonder what those amber things do for your sex life. >> i think you should try it. >> they're amazing. i i'm all for healthier. i think that's great. >> no pasta, no wine, forget it. >> they didn't have wine --
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>> coming up, carlos santana unplugged. >> forget it. >> once in a while it's important to validate your system because if you don't, then you become sour and scary and angry. it's okay. it's actually healthy to look in the mirror and say, man, i'm delicious, i'm fine, you know? >>
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♪ me and you, a holiday rendezvous ♪ ghirardelli squares peppermint bark. rich chocolate layers and festive peppermint. a ghirardelli original. ♪ a little reward for all the things you do ♪ get them before they disappear.
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he has been call one of the greatest guitarists of all time. he just revealed a new memoir with a universal tone. michelle miller sat down for an intimate conversation with a musician. michelle? >> that's right. i learned how to salsa. carlos santana writes in his book that his painful memories from his childhood in mexico came with it. a classic mexican sound had given way to a proud mexican man who's now finding inspiration in his roots. ♪ >> reporter: when carlos santana plays, it's his heart you hear. >> that would be like praying.
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cursing is ♪ >> reporter: the bluesy latin rock musician barely sings. instead he speaks through his notes, the melody, the rif. >> i love melting cynical people's hearts. people are like cement. i dare you to make me like you. >> reporter: in tijuana, mexico, the journey to melting hearts began unexpectedly with the violin. >> i never liked the sound or the smell or the feel of it. >> reporter: carlos's father jose came from a long line of professional folk musicians and was determined to pass on the family tradition. >> oh, that cute little mexican. >> you used to play with your dad. >> yeah. >> what was that like? >> scary. i always was scared to play with my dad because i knew i could
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never be add good. >> reporter: life at home with his six siblings and mother josefina was heard. there was fighting over money and other women. sometimes it got violent. all left scars he would have to overcome. >> i found out that i have in me the inner strength to say basta. >> so you were able to say basta, no more. >> no more. >> no more to the trauma of witnessing domestic violence in your family. >> or creating it. >> reporter: carlos only began creating his singular sound when he put down the vie lip and his mother introduced him to the electric guitar. >> as soon as i heard that sound, for me it was like a revelation. i recognized immediately. i said, that's me. that's me. >> reporter: and the love of the american blues was born. >> i can grab any guitar and
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make it sound like a woman. >> like a woman. >> mm-hmm. >> what does a woman sound like. >> divine, of course. >> wow. >> reporter: when he came to america in the early '60s, he put together a band and started living the rock and roll lifestyle, drugs include. santana arrived on the national scene with a legendary performance at woodstock. decades of superstardom and musical experimentation eventually led santana to the nine-time grammy-winning album "supernatural." ♪ >> reporter: and over 100 million records sold. but while he achieved worldwide fame, back in mexico, the press was not so positive. what did they say? >> why don't you play mexican music. i said, well, why don't you.
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on one hand they adore that i represent the country worldwide. on the other hand they can't stand that they can't control me. >> he's fully embraced his heritage with the release of his latest album. what drew you back to mexico? >> to the real, the food, the colors, the textures, the sound. i need to connect more and more with those roots. ♪ >> reporter: with a nod to the mariachi music he learned asia his father's side, he marked the milestone in mexico with a concert special featuring some of today's biggest latin stars. at 67 he says he's a man at peace, a husband, a father, a
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grateful son, and now a storyteller. >> this book is dedicated to my dearest mother for her power, patience, tenacity, unshakeable faith, and total conviction. your prayers worked. ♪ we could have had it all ♪ >> wow. that was one hot interview. >> yeah. >> sounds like a woman. >> that man could talk, didn't he? >> he did. he did. freedom and success. >> thanks, michelle. we'll be back with the ♪ ♪
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great to have you with us. >> good to be here. >> that does it for us. for news any time, any where log on to cbsn at take a look back at the week that was. >> it's time to turn this country around. >> there is nothing we can't achieve. >> it is time for a new way forward. >> thank you, new hampshire! >> they almost ran the table. >> we won. >> and they didn't just win what was supposed to be close races. they won big. >> we took the hill. >> the president and republican leaders are talking compromise. >> i would enjoy having some kentucky bur bun with mitch mcconn ell. >> i was thinking about all those people i had helped i would be feeling really good this morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> the president is about to come out with executive actions that may anger the republican controlled senate. what kind of olive branch is
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that? >> to the eye. >> never good. >> ray rice is appealing the ruling on of a former federal judge. >> he told me he'd bring my daughter home. he brought my daughter home. >> he's a vicious predator. >> taylor swift's decision to pull out of spotify puts a spotlight on how even the biggest artists maximize their earnings. >> high above the desert here that the crash came apart. >> for the 800 people wait gog to space. >> after the race gordon con frolked his rivalle. it turned into a brawl. >> it commemorated the first world war. the war that was to end all wars but doesn't. the desperate half-court shot went in. he's got himself a new truck. >> the technical term for that is "help me, jesus." >> we're all in our places with bright shiny faces, aren't we, charlie. >> the news is back in the morning.
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>> it's back. it's back. the news is back. let's go. >> we live with this every day. we live with this. >> let's do it. >> this is a highwater mark of showbiz. are you going to prepare for the last show or wing it like the last 6,000. >> is that the best you could do? this thing seems to be a disaster. >> his point was -- >> thank you, charlie. >> we all have a right in the free country to ignore the point to get to exactly what we want to. >> you're exactly right. >> let me ask you a cups of specifics. the republicans -- >> do i have to write all these down, major? >> is it possible? >> charlie, you push me too hard. i don't know, i don't know. >> major, conceivably i could just cancel my meeting on friday because i've heardering from you. >> this is a 1989 aerobics workout video. that was a great decade, wasn't it, charlie? >> it was a great decade. >> major works me, man. >> i wonder when your invitation
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to the white house is coming. you might now be the 159 person hz
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be a weekender and book weekeyour stay at hampton.
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merry christmas! thanks but this gift, it's kind of half-fast. what's wrong? we still have cable internet, so our uploads are half the speed of our downloads. so i'll be half-fast when i share my photos. and i'll do a half-fast job updating my blog. wait, is everything under this tree half-fast? who wants eggnog? don't settle for half fast cable internet. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch. uploads as fast as downloads. get a fios triple play online for this great price and a $400 visa prepaid card with a 2-year agreement. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v
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be >> 3, 2, 1. >> it's if happen weag are covering it. >> rob lowe, and the controversy of the direct tv commercial. >> shady blder. >> he's in hot water. >> can you show me the lavatory. >> a tv star takes us inside of her home and you won't believe what we found. >> w atchevery day for more chances to win the million dollar healthy home! ♪ [ applause ] ♪ ♪ tor or, doc gimme the news ♪ [ applause ] ♪ >> hello, and welcome to our friday news feed. the 80s rat pack is making headlines this week, rob lowe's direct tv commercial is raising eyebrows and controvers. >> take a look.


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