tv Mc Laughlin Group CBS November 9, 2014 6:30am-7:01am EST
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>> from washington, the mclaughlin group, american original. for over three decades, sharpest minds, best sources, hardest talk. >> issue 1, she will aching too. >> i have heard your concerns. i have made them my own. you will be heard in washington. >> republicans will indeed be heard in washington. gop won big tuesday. they boasted majority in the u.s. house and are on track to hold proportion of seats not seen since 1947. in the u.s. senate where democrats hold the majority 53 seats to republicans 45, gop
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routed democrats from control. is sampling from crucial battleground states like north carolina where republicans scored. >> my name is tom tilis and i am the next united states senator. >> like colorado. >> time for a new way forward. >> iowa, first female senator ever in the state was elected. republican self described hog cass tray for. >> thanks to all of you. we are heading to washington. and we are going to make em squeal. >> friday a republican candidate defeated the race to income bent democrat warner. republicans won seven seats bringing it to 52, 44 and two
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independents with two races undecided, alaska and louisiana. was this a referendum of barack obama. >> that's exactly what it was. barack obama was rejected and repudiated. if he had been prime minister of great britain considering the losses he would have resigned and would be gone. they say the country told the republicans to go work with barack obama. the country said the opposite. they rewarded republicans for hammering obama repeatedly, punished democrats for working with obama. if there is any mandate it is for republicans to put forward their positive agenda based on their principles. >> the republican agenda. >> we're going to function. this gridlock and dysfunction can be ended. >> republican leaders have come up with an ambitious legislative agenda for next
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year's 114th congress. among the big ticket items are one a major overhaul of tax code, two, a ten year plan to balance the budget, three, stiff revision of affordable care act, four, approving long delayed excel oil pipeline. this mitch mcconnell promise. >> no government shut downs and no default on national debt. >> president obama says he welcomes republican initiatives but he will veto any legislation that does not conform to his agenda. when it comes to domestic policy, who is in the driver's seat? president or congress? >> congress will be initiating but the president will be a strong back seat driver. he will not sign anything that compromises or under mines affordable care act. he can probably take the keystone pipeline. it's still in litigation. let's see what happens.
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the strongest thing that came through is dissatisfaction with the way washington works. if republicans do what pat is suggesting hue to their hard line agenda they're going to throw away whatever mandate they have and democrats will be in a stronger position in 2016. there are things that the president and this congress can do, president leaves for china this weekend. a trade deal will happen. infrastructure which parties have always agreed on. i think they can get work done. frankly i think gridlock for the last four years has been so terrible i have made the pivot. bring in new faces. they're going shake it up. i think when things look worse in politics on your side sometimes there is great opportunity. i think there is opportunity for the president and the republicans. >> think this is too much of a
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concession? >> it's a recognition of reality and maneuvering to get what you can. mitch mcconnell was in washington decades before barack obama showed up and he will be here after barack obama leaves. i don't underestimate mcconnell and think he can stand up to the extreme voices. not sure about john boehner. >> cbs's exit polling show 65% of voters say the country is on the wrong track. only 44% say they approve of the job the president is doing. exit polls also show that the economy was the number one issue for 45% of the voters and 78% said they are concerned about the direction so reports washington morning update. question, should president obama reorganize his white house team to show that he gets the message? tom.
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>> i think he should shake up his team not just to show he gets the message but more to show that he can institute changes in policy because the record of the past years of his presidency have been such that people lost trust. if he gets rid of people like valerie jarrett who are narrow partism populists in the sense of white house control he can perhaps broaden perspective. president bush did this in 2006 and that allowed him to bristles advantage. he brought in robert gates. he allowed broader thinking. the current president is known for having inferior attitude and i think that is deeply problematic. he needs to broaden his perspective. i think john pedesta has been keen on pushing president to take action. i think it will be damaging.
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republicans realize going towards 2016 they have to show a different brand. mcconnell has said no more shut downs. there is representation that they know they need to rebuild the brand. >> go ahead. >> i think the issue that's going to continue in my judgment is the economy. republicans have to come forth with something that makes economic sense compared to what they have in a sense not been able to persuade obama administration to bring to the public. i think if they get a series of legislative programs that really begin to deal with issue of the economy and in particular jobs issue which is very weak i think they will be able to gain credibility. >> there is common ground john i think in some things. everybody agrees corporate tax rate at 35% is absurd. thement will have to come to the republicans and republicans give up some of the deductions
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but $2 trillion sitting over there we agree it should be brought home. what is the tax rate that could bring it home? they can use some for infrastructure. >> they could have done that earlier this year but didn't want to give the president a victory. >> got the attention. >> now the pressure is on him. >> he has to move in their direction. >> they have to move in his direction too. it takes too. there is no donald rumsfeld that this president can fire. he is not going to let valerie jarrett go. >> he should. >> maybe that's what you think. but that's not what the problem thinks. they don't have big ticket names that attract attention.
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valerie jarrett is no donald rumsfeld. >> national security team is a disaster. >> i wouldn't agree as well. she's not going anywhere either. >> economic anxiety is a top concern in tuesday's election. 214,000 jobs, healthiest in eight years. total jobs in nine straight jobs, exports fell in september widening trade definite. 6 # 0% of voters thought economy was stagnating or worsening. 60% thought economy was stagnating or worsening. 1/3 thought it was improving. lower interest rates to stimulate economic growth. average income grew 10% for the wealthiest 1/10. over the past six months
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economy has grown at 4.1%. u.s. manufacturers are expanding at the fastest pace. >> are we going to be tested on that? >> there are a lot of good numbers there but the problem is that ordinary people aren't feeling it in everyday lives. these are stagnating wages, gap between what ceo and worker makes. these are problems that existed before the president took office. the expectation was he would be able to address them. he hasn't been able to in part because congress won't let him do anything. >> an entirely different review of interpretation of economy than it might be leading people to believe. >> the economy in my judgment is a lot weaker than it looks. you have had in the last half dozen years a drop of 7% in real income. thement said people are employed but real pay is not
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going anywhere. if anything it's going down. you look at the number of jobs and where they're coming from. real unemployment is much higher than the 6.1% they talk about. it doesn't include part time workers which is 8 million people. it doesn't include he those that have given up looking. if you add those, the real unemployment is 20%. wages in the last years, family income have gone down by 7% from now to 2007. that's a huge drop. >> trade deficit running at $500 billion a year for the 40 40th straight year hollowing out american economy. republicans are talking about fast track and letting president get a new trade deal. >> it's just peanuts. a national debt of $17 trillion
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now pushing $18 trillion! >> i will have to pay it off. >> because of your generation? >> the deficit was not an issue in the election. >> no one eludes to the role of national debt in making decisions. >> on a political richter scale to 9.5, strongest earthquake recorded in chili since 1960. 0 to 9.5. >> i think it's close to a nine. republicans got numbers they didn't have since 1929. >> i put it at a seven. elect rat was -- >> eight. >> nine. i think this was an absolute earthquake in terms of american politics. >> i will climb that up to 9.5.
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can you live with that? >> i don't think it's accurate but i can live with it. >> shows what kind of character you have. don't forget mclaughlin group has its own website and watch this program or earlier programs at any time. could anything be simpler? when we come back how does wider world view outcome of the american elections?
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>> issue two, the view from abroad. what do you make of the notion that you are now a lame duck? >> so the one thing i am pretty confident about jim is i am going to be busy for the next two years. >> perhaps. but respected? perhaps not, especially on the world stage. it will be a diminished president obama who heads to china next week for a forum on asian pacific affairs according to foreign reaction to this week's mid-term elections in the u.s. it is called balancing a "humiliating defeat" for mr. obama and indication of his political impettence.
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mr. obama is full of empty rhetoric and u.s. society has grown tired of his banality. elections were called "an authentic punishment." the guardian's executive editor for opinion says foreign observers will interpret elections as the beginning of the end of the obamament see "the of europe and elsewhere will have more than half an eye on the results of tuesday's mid- term elections. they may not obsess over details of indiana's second district or the turn out in kentucky but they will get the broad message. put crudely it is this. the obamament see is over. start planning for the next one. mr. obama will become a thwarted leader, his hands tied by hostile majorities in both
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houses of congress ." then there is the view from asia "obama has become the incredible shrinking president. he is very much weakened by mid- term results. that's going to diminish him in his foreign policy. leaders in asia will now view him as a lame duck ." how much have democrats losses in mid- term elections diminish president obama's international stature. >> it has been diminished. you see the quotes but you see the basic understanding that in international politics perception drives reality. the president is perceived as a weak leader around the world whether that is fair or not. when you see statements from russians, russian parliament derision, from china, derision, from allies concerns whether it is france or iran. there is real concern about the
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damage that the president has suffered here. >> i would point out. >> let him finish. >> keep talking. >> their leaders are in worse shape than this president. they care that the economy is on even keel. everybody is still parking their money in the country and they care about foreign policy and issues. the president has been writing letters to iatola trying to work deal with iran. he has more trouble with his congress than he has with people around the world. >> did you hear what she said. >> she says how can you come to that conclusion simply because he lost the senate? he lost the government. >> he's got problems dealing with russians in ukraine. he will have problems in iraq and syria and he has republican hawkish block in u.s. congress which is going to try to force
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on him sanctions on iran before or when the deal comes and it will try to force him into a larger war which i don't think he wants in iraq and syria. >> that's what i said. he has more trouble with congress than he has with people around the world. i would point out that ronald reagan lost the senate. he got things accomplished in the last two years just as bill clinton did after losing both houses in '94. >> reagan got a nuclear deal. >> i think if you had any ability to compare bill clinton's performance and reagan's to this president then you and i are talking about two worlds. this man lost the credibility he once had not only in the country but around world. his credibility around the world wasn't good but after this he will have a very difficult time. >> hold on. i want to get somebody else in
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here. >> bill clinton was asked if he was irrelevant after losing house and senate. >> who is the winner? >> winner of this election. >> yeah. >> republican hawks. >> give me a name of one individual who was winn, control the action. >> mcconnell. >> talk to me about mcconnell. >> he may have 54 united states senators, republicans have a different agenda. there are some things they nido bam for and other things they can pass and let him veto, let obama become the obstructionist. boehner will have trouble with deals on trade deals and immigration reform. they're going to have trouble in republican caucus. >> you think mcconnell can deal with the president? >> he's got better cards. >> joe biden and mcconnell were
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able to work together. it will be interesting to see. they can work together if both sides want to. >> is mcconnell the magic name? >> he is a critical name. >> does he have the knowledge of politics. >> charisma. >> the way it works. does he have respect of his peers. >> yes. >> he is a pro and what we don't know about john boehner, tea party caucus has been doubled. >> we designed this question for you. let me get it in. is president obama a lame duck? yes or no. >> yes he is. >> that's obvious. >> yes, of course. >> i think he is. >> a lame duck? >> he is more than lame but he certainly is a duck. >> a dead duck. >> cripple. >> he is not a dead duck. >> he is going to get things done. >> the president is never without certain influence but
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he has lost certain political action. he has no ability to develop what you need to be effective. >> answer iscrippled duck. we'll be right back with predictions. >> ruptured duck. at perdue, we know fresh chicken. well, not that kind of fresh. but we do take extra steps in our farms, trucks that deliver daily and everywhere in between... ... to bring you a fresh tasting chicken. perdue. we believe in a better chicken. over the years, i have played some characters
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when treatment works best. for me, screening was simple and quick. it was no big deal, except for the huge sense of relief you feel afterwards. there are several tests that you can choose from. if you're 50 or older, you should talk to your doctor. decide which one is right for you. but take control. do everything you can to prevent colon cancer. screening saves lives. it could really save your life. well, not that kind we of fresh.h chicken. but we do take extra steps in our farms, trucks that deliver daily and everywhere in between... ... to bring you a fresh tasting chicken. perdue. we believe in a better chicken. >> predictions pat. >> both rand paul and have been forced in the congress of the united states and this is in
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the republican party. they will be at war on tougher sanctions iran and whether to go to war in iraq and syria. >> strong showing of republicans in election will swell ranks of presidential candidates. walker looks likely to be in. john kasich from ohio may be in. governor christie did well reelecting republican governors. he looks like a sure thing. i think jeb bush will also run. >> you think you can handle this? >> i will be watching hilary clinton's listening tour which will get underway next year. >> there will be a major show down in coming months between congress and president obama over relieveing sanctions in iran in the even that he signs nuclear deal. >> which way will it go? >> i think the president will win it.
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>> which way on mercedes et? >> republicans in congress. >> i am talking about the decision. >> if it is a good deal, move to sanctions. >> assume it is. >> move to sanctions but i don't think it will be a good deal. >> collapse of oil prices has had huge effect on russian economy and on the ability of mr. putin to do a lot of things he had hoped do because their economy is dependent. >> i believe sunday's elections under the leadership of the female president of the national assembly. group salutes u.s. veterans on veteran's day. bye bye.
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welcome to government contracting weekly, sponsored by aoc key solutions, inc. government contracting weekly is the only television program devoted exclusively to the competitive and dynamic world of government contracting, a world where coming in second place is not an option, but where principle-centered winning is the only approach. good morning, and welcome to government contracting weekly. i'm jim mccarthy, the owner of key solutions and the host of this show. since the average government contracting opportunity has more than six contractors competing, you know that for every winner, there are five losers. over the years, the contractors who have lost the contract competition have looked to debriefings so that hopefully they can learn some valuable lessons about the reasons why they lost.
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