tv CBS This Morning CBS January 1, 2015 7:00am-9:01am EST
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good morning and happy new year. it is thursday january 1st 2015. omwelce to "cbs this morning." big change is coming to washington in the new year. the new reality for president obamnda a the new congress. plus some of our favorite stories of the past year including rare access to an nfl road trip. how 56 players and 16,000 pounds of gear make it to game day. and wynton marsalis plays to the world. but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds.
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revelers around the world. >> happy celebrations all around the globe. >> they filled times square to watch the ball drop. >> you can rip it out if you really want to. oh rks okay. i apologize. the search for the black box is again being hampered. >>ave been killed. >> crippling cold weather is taking over many parts of the country on the new year's day. some in the southwest are digging out from snow. ouetsid of the rose bowl strong tentwinds tdurne tents into the air. j >>eb bush could be cinlearg his plate for a presidential run. he's quitting his membership on
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many corporate and not-for-profit boards. >> taylor swift. >> all that -- >> >> and all that matters -- >> playoffs just a few hours away. rose bowl followed by alabama taking on ohio state. >> if you've got a coat you're going to be ready. >> -- on them. >> you ain't never caught a rabbit. you ain't no friend of mine ♪ >> announcer: this morning's eye opener presented by toyota. let's go places. captioning funded by cbs happy new year and welcome to "cbs this morning." we're ready for 2015 aren't we? >> yes. a new year, yeah. >> i didn't do any resolutions. what about you? what about you? >> i always make resolutions. >> share.
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>> i just get badder and badder. >> what's your resolution norah? >> i have a couple. >> all right. we're done with that. >> let her share. >> we're going to tease ahead and talk about our resolutions later in the show. >> you didn't say what yours was. >> later in the show. >> later in the show. >> before we get to our resolutions let's get to the news desk for a check of the morning headlines. >> good morning. no amount of cold could stop millions from welcoming in 2015 in style. at least a million people crowded into new york's times square to see the famous ball drop. this morning cleanup is under way to clear 50 tons of trash from the streets. and it's a bitterly cold start to the new year in many parts of the country. in denver temperatures dropped do the single digits. windchills made it feel much
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worse. parts of arizona saw a rare snowfall, and a massive winter storm brought strong winds and heavy rain to california. the bad weather killed at least two people. and this morning divers in indonesia are waiting for the weather to clear before they continue the search. it could take weeks throw indicate the plane's black boxes. allen pizzey reports from surabaya. >> reporter: four simple coffins arrived at the airport. the military hop guard lent some dignity, but a break in the weather that might have made search and recovery easier lasted only for a few hours. another body was brought to the search and rescue command center along with personal items belonging to passengers including handbags and a suitcase. it's in relatively shallow water making the plane and its black
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boxes accessible to divers. mysteriously, there have been no telltale pings from the black boxes to give a clue what-to-whatwhat-to-as to what happened for "cbs this morning" i'm allen pizzey in surabaya indonesia. chinese authorities are looking at what led to a stampede after new year's eve celebrations. state media said many of the dead and injured were students. witnesses say people running after coupons that looked like money may have triggered the rush. and a court in egypt today ordered a retrial for three journalists working for al jazeera. the appeals court cancels jail sentences for the three men. they will remain in custody, though until a new trial is held. the journalists were accused of aiding in the muslim brotherhood
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and publishing false about egypt. bush resigned from all of his corporate and nonprofit board memberships yesterday. his aides say it's part of bush's exploration of a white house bid. today's rose bowl may be one of the coldest ever. crews are finishing floats in pasadena. most people are dressing in warm
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change is coming to washington in 2015. republicans will control the house and senate for the first time in eight years. they will have their largest e than 75 years. outgoing congress managed to agree on a spending bill to keep the government running but a recent pew survey suggests americans are not cheerful about the future. only 20% believe president obama and republican leaders will make significant progress on the
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country's biggest problems. 2015 will also be the year for presidential hopes and dreams. former governor jeb bush is the first to say he's interested in running for the white house. with us our political director john dickerson, political correspondent nancy cordes and peggy noon nanannoonan columnistcolumn columnist. happy new year. >> happy new year. >> i think we've got a couple of big clues on how things are going to go down. first of all the republicans who don't control the house and senate yet are feeling their oats. they slipped in a few big priorities at the last minute and democrats had a choice to make. they came down to two camps. you had one camp who said look we don't love this but it's going to get worse, we have to take this deal. you have other democrats like nancy pelosi saying no we've
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got to to take a stand because it's only going to get worse for us in the new year and we have to show we have limits and we won't get pushed around. in the end, that white house and the wing of the democratic party won, but i think you can see going forward it's not going to be republicans against the democrats but you're going to have two camps deciding on what the issues. >> so what is it. >> they want corporate and individual tax reform. leader mcconnell, the republican who will be heading up the president and the senate say they want to work together on trade. the big question is can they because at the same time that everyone is singing cue baya and saying they want to work together republicans have a whole host of issues that they're going to work on now that they control all of congress. >> one of the questions is how everybody's going to be able to handle the inevitable clashes. can people operate and deal with
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the spending bill. there's a lot of anger, speeches and drama but can they still do business. the other track will be chaos. there's going to be bill after bill which the president will then vito and will people be able to handle that kind of fighting back and forth or will it get shut down? >> kumbaya is such a catchy diddy until you get sick of it in camp. but this is the first time. do you think it's going to match his strategy or change his approach? >> well, we'll see. this month in 2015 so many interesting things are going to happen, but one is in late january, a state of the union from the president of the united states who for the first time in six years has seen his attitude in relation to his congress change. he was always winner guy and they were kind of loser guy. he is now on losing strain guy
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and they're winning strain guy. you ask, how does that affect his tone? how does that affect his approach? when he says as all presidents do, we have to all work together will he be meaning it and will speaker john boehner by nodded like yes? one of the things that was the most interesting last month is it seemed like the old days. the president was on the phone with the congressmen, twisting his ample and the speaker was doing this. and republicans were talking to democrats. i tell you it was like the old days. i love it. >> some of the democrats are picking up the phone and saying who, because they hadn't heard from the president in so many years. >> nothing focuses the mind like a hanging. so there won't be that and there won't be a hanging there
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in the new year. >> is there something the president can learn from a bad year and is he willing to change? >> that's the question. every two years i thought, the president is going to absorb a lot from this one, he's going to change his ways. has never changed hiss way. we'll see if 2014 was enough of a sock in the jaw to make him reconsider. >> you all have sources. what are you hearing john? >> here's what we're seeing. the president is trying to dance with the ones that brung we saw undocumented workers. the minorities that were his coalition. he's doing a lot through the environmental protection agency through his executive order, to speak to the ones who saw him. you see him trying to do as much as he possibly can. every time he does that which is part of the legacy he irritated the republicans.
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one of the things we'll look for in the beginning of the year is how much are republicans going go right after him on this immigration move. how much will they stop everything and make that a big fight? if that fight continues it boxes it out. >> just as we're starting to hear many of these from the democrat and republican side saying, hey, i'm thinking about running the. we're going to be focusing on who's going to be running for president. >> you have so many members of congress who are considering running, and they're going to be looking to assert themselves going up against their own leadership time and time again. you've got rand paul, ted cruz. they're going to be saying i'm not a creature of washington. so when you've got party leadership trying to establish one track and then you've got a
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whole bunch of members. we don't agree with that we should go this other way, it makes things very tricky. >> on the democratic side, presidents usually struggle against the lame duck label. barack obama, his aides will tell you, the way he cements his legacy is if a democrat gets elected. he will have to get up at some point and put on the lame duck suit because he has to get out of her way, and he'll have to do that of his own volition because he thinks that his legacy is cemented by her re-election. and that's a tricky thing your president will have to do. but if he's out there making news, at some point the news he makes detracts from her candidacy. >> one last question. if the president is intent on adding to his legacy wrrks might he try to find that?
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and what might he do? >> i say tax reform. >> that could be huge. >> very charging and requires so much trust from both sides. you're really jumping off a cliff there when you talk about loopholes. you have to know the other side is going to jump with you. both sides have been saying it for years. they know the tax code makes it incredibly competitive. >> it's a huge issue. you can get both parties on it. if it went to the president, he did not veto he signed it. it would be huge, i think. >> what are they in foreign policy? >> i doeshlg know that -- actually iran may be the biggest one. there used to be a consensus a lom time ago. any deal the president gets from
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the right, the immediate claim is going to be he sold out to the iranians. it will be another debate not necessarily a clear legacy item. >> it will be interesting to see how it clears out. they say history will show a didn't side of barack obama. >> i have to end it there. thank you, john thank you, nancy, thank you peggy. >> happy new year. >> you look good after a late night out. >> thank you. >> thank you. the latest number shows three months in a row of declining revenue. ben tracy shows us how the city is once again reinventing itself to try to win big in this new year. >> reporter: this construction site on the las vegas strip is not for a casino. it's for a concert arena and a multi-million-dollar park. it's a place to take a stroll when you're no longer on a roll. >> it's outdoor space. that's what we're accomplishing
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here. >> reporter: his company is building the projects between its new york new york and monte carlo hotels. they've also turned the fronts of their casinos into friendly pedestrian hangouts. when you started your career, did you ever think you'd be this focused on outdoor dining and parks? >> no. the answer is no. the casino design of 20 years was all inward facing. you wanted to keep them sucked in and that's what they're doing now. >> reporter: on the other end of the strip, caesar built link, the tallest observation wheel in the world. it's called high row ler. all of this is to keep vegas relevant especially with the younger generations. you're more likely to find them dancing in state of the art nightclubs or singing rather than playing grabs.
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>> so you don't care if people come for the weekend and don't gamble a dollar? >> i'm completely agnostic. dollar is a dollar. >> reporter: the city west coasted 40 million visitors last year. their average age dropped from 50 in 2009 to 20.40.8 in 2014. even the bellagio is dancing to the beat. >> the younger generations want to be part of something. >> david schwartz is the director firefighter gaming research at unlv. he said they're likely to spend
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more money on booze than bets. >> they used to spend the time going to see frank sinatra and playing grabs. now you go to the nightclub, take a selfie, put it up on facebook and then see a show. >> in 2013 it accounted for just try to increase the odds that they're gamen't. slot machines are being rebranded with new movie and tv titles david chang is chief marketing officer for gamblit. are used to playing games for free on their phones so gambling is not the draw. >> the guam is a game in and of itself.
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>>ive keeps says mill lebials don't like slot machines. >> why are they zwent slot machines? >> older people. >> older people. >> reporter: vegas is betting the house that this younger generation will continue to flock to sin city. for "cbs this morning," ben tracy, las vegas. >> so las vegas is changing. >> yeah, it's changing. >> you do what you have to do. >> itz really does seem like they're trying to offer something to everybody. >> that one thing always stays true. you know what happens in vegas. >> stays in vegas. us what what does it take to move an entire football team with their equipment? ahead, jan crawford takes us behind the scenes of a choreographed ride. and wynton marsalis. he's taking a memphis street
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dance to new heights performing one one of it. plus the fish have a blast. take a lied on the salmon canon. you're watching "cbs this morning." the taste of light and fit greek non fat yogurt gives you the power to help make temptation shrink away! light and fit greek. with irresistible flavors like strawberry cheesecake never have 80 calories tasted so satisfying! light and fit greek. taste the power of satisfaction. ♪ dannon ♪ what makes thermacare different? two words:he it als. how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing.
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let's review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. the proof that it heals is you. at chili's, fresh is now. and now we've got fresh mex bowls. it's a big bowl of delicious paired with soup or salad. now on our lunch combo menu, starting at six bucks. ch ili's -- fresh is happening now. saving and smiling... that's how i start the year... with tons of stuff on rollback clearance and more at walmart. ... and that really puts a smile on my face. thousands of items on rollback and clearance in store and online. here's our new trainer ensure active heart health. i maximize good stuff, like my potassium and phytosterols which may help lower cholesterol. new ensure active heart health
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supports your heart and body so you stay active and strong. ensure, take life in. [thinking] started my camry. drove to her wedding. did not forever hold my peace. [laughing] wow! the bold new camry. one bold choice leads to another. toyota. let's go places. let me get this straight... [ female voice ] yes? lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100% real milk. no discomfort.
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hey! i found my true love, livin' in a sweet dream. what matters most should always come first. that's why whole grain is first in every general mills big g cereal. and why we never use high fructose corn syrup. general mills. goodness first. i have a cold with terrible chest congestion. i better take something. theraflu severe cold doesn't treat chest congestion. really? new alka-seltzer plus day powder rushes relief to your worst cold symptoms plus chest congestion. [breath of relief] oh, what a relief it is. i love the holidays! but after all the shopping cooking and heavy foods... sometimes i feel bloated or gassy with rumbling uncomfortable.
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i feel less motivated and sluggish. it's time to start the year off right with the activia challenge! enjoying activia twice a day for four weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas discomfort and rumbling. and if your tummy smiles you can start the year off right. try the activia challenge. it works or it's free. ♪ dannon! ♪
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welcome back to "cbs this morning" on this new year's day. coming up in this half hour he was born in a small town but joran mellencamp made it big. he shares a turning point more than 60 years in the making. that's ahead. the nfl playoffs begin saturday. one team face as huge logistical challenge. jan crawford traveled with the tampa bay buccaneers this past season. she got a rare access to a road trip. >> touchdown vincent jackson! >> reporter: when the tampa bay buccaneers came from behind to beat the pittsburgh steelers with less than a few seconds, their team manager took only a
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second to celebrate. >> as soon as the clock hit zero, i'm s out a text to everybody letting everybody know the game is over at x time and buss are rolling in 60 seconds after that. >> reporter: the action behind the scenes here in pittsburgh is months in the making. planning that starting back home in tampa. that's critical said bucs' coo on the field. >> you want to take the travel and the whole process off of their plate so they can concentrate on what they're paid to do, and that's win football games. >> everything is geared toward the players like setting up the practice facility instead of the airport and transporting all that gear. >> we sent 16,000 pounds of equipment. >> 16,000 pounds. >> correct. we basically take a little built of everything from this room and bring it with us.
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>> this room is equipment manager jim sorenson's domain. most of it gets packed up and shipped for every roadgame. >> most players will have a new pair of shoes and backup shoes packed for tomorrow just in case. >> so you've got to take two boxes of shoes for every player. >> basically, yes. >> this is a size 18 shoe. >> oh my god. wow, that's like my -- look at that shoe. when it's time to go everything is planned down to the minute. from the equipment truck to the departure and the police escorted ride to the airport. >> buses are rolling, thank you. >> reporter: now comes the hand-off. charter coordinator and his team at united airlines. >> we get everything push off the gate and go. >> reporter: so how important is timing?
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>> timing is everything. >> reporter: but it's not the only thing. how do you get a 300-pound lineman, you know into a coach seat? they're pretty carefully. >> very carefully. >> reporter: defensive tackle gerald mccoy has earned his seat in first class along with all the other linesmen. it's new coach lovie smith's sending a message about the important men on the front line. >> everything we do says that, but you want to acknowledge it with this also. so sitting up in first class lets them know that they're first-class guys. >> reporter: once the plan is in the air, larry, warren and his crew take over the food. >> this is a lot of food. >> they've already started working out. when they get on the plane, they're hungry. >> the entire meal is planned by
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the nutritionists. >> you have stake r chicken, salad, the dessert is frozen fruit bars and skinny cow ice cream. >> you want to make sure they're prepared for the game tomorrow. we don't want to overdo the sugar intake. >> reporter: when the team lands in pittsburgh, the players head to their hotel. jim sorenson collects the cargo and immediately drives to heinz field, the venue for the next day's game. >> we go from the airport to the stadium and basically set up the locker room unpack all the player bags into their locker, which is their helmets, their shoulder pads their shoes, their gloves. we'll also hang the jerseys and pants just to make sure we didn't forget anything. >> reporter: ironically the team behind the team the least stressful moments come when the players take the field but that
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calm ends at halftime when they pack it all up to bring back home which brings us to the final play which set off celebrations back at the airport and set in motion the countdown clock for the departure from pittsburgh. >> the game is over at 4:45. scheduled to depart in 60 minutes. >> reporter: what took months to plan wraps up in just over an hour. and the most amazing fact of all, they basically do it every other weekend. >> i mean that's incredible. every other weekend sfwhoo it's a story you couldn't forget about. you know they're there, you see them on television and don't think about how they got there. >> assume they pack their little bag and take their shuttle. >> as a man who has to pack three kids stuff, we say we're
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poly packhorse. this gives new meaning to polly pack course. >> recreational marijuana became legal in colorado. that's become a problem. people are overdosing on what looks like a regular snack. john blackstone looks at how they're trying to take a risk out of a recommend mountain high. >> inter from chocolate chip cupcakes to chips. >> it's granola, gummy bears, cereal lotion lip gloss, i mean you name it it's in it. >> diane a member of smart colorado which works to spreenlt young people from using marijuana. >> they can be sitting on a cab it and a child would know it's in it. >> is there a way to do that? >> the challenge lies in marketing the right way that a
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smald child could understand it. that's really difficult. >> goose suarte has been part of it. here food packages are label more like medicine. >> if i take this out it would look like an ice cream bar. >> yes it would look like what it is yes. >> under the new rules, it will be smaller. other soda and marijuana infused liquids must be in containering that must clearly serving size. >> who could ever thought would be inject or fuszed with highly posed marin i'm going to keep hope alive and not do it. coming up john mellencamp
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and get cash back for 20 percent of the msrp. that's over four thousand two hundred fifty dollars on this cruze lt. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. john mellencamp released his newest album called "plain spoken." he had a life-changing experience. he talked with anthony mason about a unique reunion that made him look at things in a new light. ♪ >> reporter: "troubled man" is the lead single of john mel. camp camp mellencamp's new album.
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his trouble began at birth. for most of 63 years the singer knew little about the surgery he had as a newborn. >> i didn't know i had the operation until kid i was about 9 or 10 said what was the big scar on the back of your neck. i went home and asked my parents and they said don't worry about it. you had an operation when you were born. >> reporter: in september at the riley hospital in indianapolis he met the doctor the neurosurgeon who performed the life-saving operation in 1961. >> he remembered it because i was the first one he'd ever done. >> reporter: spina bifida is a birkts defect that causes an opening of the spinal columbia that can sometimes allow the spinal cord to grow or extend outside the body. the hospital still has the records of mellencamp's surgery. this is the back of your head. >> this is the crown of my hair right here. >> reporter: including this image of 9-day-old john mel p
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camp. >> that's my ear and that's my neck and that's my neck. so this thing was the side of a man's fist. i'm 62 years old. i saw for the first time the growth on the back of my neck and i was like why didn't you guys shown me this earlier so i could see how lucky i am to be here. >> what was it like to see that for the first time? >> it was like finding out that your parents weren't your parents. i mean it was really an epiphany moment for me, you know. you can't thank the guy enough. >> by rights you should be dead. >> oh, sure yeah. >> reporter: in 1951 john melon mellencamp was one of three babies at riley with spina bifida. >> they did three operations. one died on the table. another girl lived i think till she was 14 and then she died. and then me. they had basically cut my head off from here to hear laid it
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open, cut that thing off, and put all the nerves into my spine. >> reporter: doctor jaimeberger's highly risky procedure took 18 hours. >> he charged my parent as dollar. >> a dollar. >> yeah a dollar. >> because? >> because i was a guinea pig. >> does that change the way you see yourself in any way? >> yeah, it does. >> reporter: the singer remembered walking down a new york street in the 1980s t height of his success, when he was stopped by an older woman. >> and she said do you know how many angels around you? >> i said what? >> she said you're covered with protection. now looking back on her saying that and seeing what i've seen, maybe i believe it.
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>> wow. a lot of songs in that i would think. >> well, i think there's already been a lot of songs. i didn't know it. didn't know where they were coming from. ♪ >> reporter: mellencamp and the doctor who saved him 63 years ago sat together for about an hour. >> and basically he talked about faith because i had very little faith in anything. he just kept grabbing my hand and saying john, you need to find faith. >> it's so lucky you got to see him. >> i'm trying to take his advice to heart. >> you are. >> trying to find faith in something. >> that's an amazing story. >> it really was. >> extraordinary story. you know anthony mason said he went in going to interview john
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melonlencamp not knowing that that whole story was going to come out. >> the best surprise in an interview. >> you said it hap with bradley cooper. you said he was wearing his shoes. you said, what do you mean his shoes? sure enough you panned down to his shoes he was wearing and they were chris kyle's shoes. >> he wore them in the movie and kept wearing them. >> you have to listen. >> you have to listen and be in the moment. that's right. speaking of effort you have to give salmon a shot. >> are you in the moment? >> i am in the
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>> he also tells us why he almost passed up the chance to play "batman." our studio 57 conversation ahead on "cbs this morning." whend useat the first sign. without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and pr otect healthy cells. you could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. learn how abreva starts to work immediately at don't tough it out knock it out, fast. with abreva. losing your chex mix too easily? deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. with a variety of tastes and textures
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead, including new technology in making fish fly. how the salmon cannon can help protect the species, but first here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> at least a million people crowded into new york's times square to see the famous ball drop. >> coao st ttcoas it's below average everywhere you look. >> divers are waiting for the weather to clear before they se arch for fli ght8501. >> mcconnell will be heading up the senate. the president and he w tanto work together. the question is can they. >> the big design is awe inward facing and that's the opposite of what we're doing now. >> the opposite is changing. >> the one thing always stays true. you know what happens in vegas stays in vegas.
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>> 16,000 pounds of equipment. >> 16,000 pounds right. >> i just assumed they packed their little bag. >> like a duffel bag. >> yes like the rest of us. >> he just kept grabbing my hand and saying john you have to have faith. i'm trying to take what he said to heart. >> you are. >> trying to find faith in something. >> welcome to "cbs this morning." >> whoo-hoo. >> we'reready for 2015. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. happy new year. >> and we really mean it. >> yes. 2015. >> boy. >> you know, when you're a little kid, they say time flies. it really does fly, don't you think? >> absolutely. >> seems like we were just here. january '15. >> it has. >> i'm excited. >> i'm waiting to hear resolutions. >> i still don't have one.
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>> i have some suggestions. >> okay. do i need a long pad, charlie, or just a little piece of paper? >> just a little piece. >> we have a lot to get to. first let's head to the news desk for a check of the headlines. >> good morning and happy new year to you. i'm anne-marie green. people around the world are enjoying their first day in 2015. new york's famous ball drop drew more than a million people. fireworks shot off seattle's space needle when the clock hit midnight on the west coast. people in london watched the show as the famous city ferris wheel and many gathered in dubai to see the world's tallest building ring in the new year. nasty weather is greeting the country. meanwhile a massive winter storm hit california. high surf forced boats to break free. winds flung tents and there's
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snow in areas where people aren't used to. >> i've never seen it in my life. this is a lot of snow. >> this is a lot more than i've seen. >> not even the las vegas desert could escape the snow. flurries were falling yesterday. temperatures have been around the freezing mark. most of the country is seeing temperatures below normal this morning. the new year's demonstrations did not stop around the country. overnight there were rallies in the san francisco bay area. in boston, dozens established a die-in at the baurn public library. and in st. louis several protesters were arrested when the protests turned violent. the rough weather is holding up the search for the missing air flight of 8501. it crashed five days ago in the java sea but the wreckage has not been found.
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eight bodies have been recovered. rough waters may have shifted the wreckage. investigators say it could be a week before the black box is recovered. >> the most important thing is to find the area of the main wreck at first and then within that wreckage we should be able to find the black box. >> so far there have been no pings detected from the data recorders. in china a deadly stampede during new year's eve celebrations. at least 36 people died in the disaster on shanghai's historic waterfront just before midnight. it may have started when people started to grab coupons that looked like money. they were thrown from a building. >> narths are closed after completeing another wrong run for stocks. for the year the dow was up 17%. the s&p 500 rose 11%.
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the pacific northwest is known for its salmon. they migrate from the ocean into rivers. eventually they spawn on gravel beds upstream. but on one waterway near the border of washington state and oregon, ben tracy shows us how the fish are hitching a ride. >> reporter: this is not your average salmon spawning season on the washougal river. >> it's interesting to say the least. >> reporter: thanks to this machine. >> the whoosh you know. >> reporter: these salmon are in for the ride of their lives. >> oh, yeah.
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real fun to watch. >> reporter: it does have an official name. >> it is the whoosh fish transport system. >> reporter: but you could also simply call it a pretty sweet piece of technology known as the salmon cannon. >> we started with trout and ta la pia and worked our way up to salmon. it's the sound of the object traveling in the tube. >> reporter: the contraption took just 20 minutes to set up. it moves salmon from this holding pen through a pressurized tube and with the help of a little water, five seconds later, they reach a truck 150 feet away. >> it's the different thing to see fish flied up a tube like that. >> greg is with the department of fish and wildlife. until now workers used these bin
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and a forklift to do the job. a process that was tougher on them and the salmon. >> we had to do that three to four times until the truck was filled and then we'd have to do it all over again. >> reporter: the salmon cannon gets it done in half the time with a loss less labor and no danger to the fish. >> tell us how you do this. >> i've got the hattry buck here. >> reporter: originally it was designed to move apples from tree to truck in less time without bruising them and one day the company wondered could they make fish fly. >> when you realized this thing could move fish through the way it does, what was the reaction of your team? >> we laughed at first and then we thought that this really has the potential for addressing some of the very serious issues
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that we face here in the pacific northwest northwest. >> reporter: manmade dams and rivers have kept some species from their spawning grounds for decades. some dans are now being destroyed. but on other rinks it could be the salmon cannon to the rescue. >> instead of trucking the fish around the dam, they would shoot them up and over the dam. >> even easier than shooting fish out of a barrel. so if they made a human sized one of these things, would you take a rield? >> absolutely. >> you'd lose yourself. >> sure. >> in the meantime it's the fish having all the fun. for "cbs this morning," ben tracy in washington state. >> extraordinary. >> oh, boy. it's one more example of how important discoveries come almost as an offshoot of something else. >> like the app. >> the thing is when it goes in that cannon it doesn't look like something good is going to
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happy. it's good it comes out. >> you wouldn't like the idea of being in a chute to go somewhere. >> that's right. it's good to know something good is happening on the over end. >> queen of the salmon. >> exactly right. >> >>. ahead, an artist who defies convention takes his act to the world stage. wynton marsalis with the latest musical offering from memphis next on "cbs this morning." patented sonic technology with up to 27% more brush movements. get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season.
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if you think about traditional street performers, you might not imagine them darchsing with the legendary new york city ballet but cbs correspondent wynton marsalis did. he introduced us to dancer who does exactly that. ♪ >> reporter: when charles "little buck" riley performs it's as if he's gliding on
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water. jookin' is his dance. >> it's a freestyle dance. it's the influenced by your imagination. >> reporter: recently buck as he's known has been wowing audiences across the globe. he's performed with madonna at the spo bowl. in gap ads, in musical videos. and as a member of the cirque du soleil michael jackson show. he learned to jook on the streets of memphis where the dance was born. and just five years ago was entertaining crowds on the streets of l.a. to make ends meet. >> you don't want to be in a dance studio with a bunch. we really love the whole organic
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feel of the dance. i believe that's what made it what it was, made people feel it because it was organic, you know. >> reporter: give me a good rhythm. ♪ >> reporter: like many dancers, jookin' is defined by a few fundamental moves, but it's improvising that makes it sing. >> i want you to show me what you would add to it. >> it's all in between, everything in between is all me. >> so show me. ♪ >> what does it take to be an innovator? >> man, just a vivid imagination imagination, drive, and passion for what you do. when you have all those, you're just driven to make up new things. >> reporter: it's that imagination and drive that separated buck from other dancers early on.
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in high school, a dedicated teacher encouraged him to take ballet classes to gain strength and form. it was there she issued him a jookin' challenge. >> she said, i want you to try something, buck. i want you to do what you do but try this muchlt she put in this c.d. and it was the swan. >> a few minutes later he improvised this song by the french come poser "the swan." >> it just got an amazing reaction from the kids that were there. all you heard was wow, ooh. >> reporter: three years later new york city ballet principal dancers were impressed by it. they orchestrated with yo-yo ma.
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>> he opened up his cello case. imjust came out. in that moment we just made magic happen. >> reporter: unbeknownst to them famed director spike jonze was there. he recorded the collaboration on his phone and posted the video online. it went viral, and everything changed. >> it was great. it was -- everything was fast-paced, you know. my career just sped up so much. i was always busy. through it all he's challenged the perceptions and stereotypes of hip-hop dance. he's performed hids swan dance to everywhere from beijing to colorado where he was the artist in residence at the international dance festival. >> i don't just necessarily limit myself to a certain genre of music either.
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music can be a limitation. a lot of people just dance to rap music. iminfluenced by all songs, period. >> reporter: he took the memphis street dance to the pin of art when he went to the new york stock exchange ballet. one more step. >> i love a dance so beautiful it didn't deserve to be in the category like jazz ballet and modern. on point and in few swing, lil buck continues to make waves throughout the dance community and luckily for the rest of us h haes no intentions of stepping down any time soon. >> the two of them together, oh me gosh. that's extraordinary. >> it's like he doesn't have muscles in his body. i like the point of the story that a teacher once again comes through and says why don't you
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try this and it leads to that. >> all right. he's won acclaim on both sides of the camera. ahead, we hear from ben affleck about one of 2014's biggest movies "gone girl." you're watching "cbs this morning." the taste of light and fit greek non fat yogurt gives you the power to help make temptation shrink away! light and fit greek. with irresistible flavors like strawberry cheesecake never have 80 calories tasted so satisfying!
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resolution. >> plan, prepare and hope for surprises. >> i know. ite niece to be surprised in a good way. like what bill murray said to you once be alert and available. hat. >> and norah? >> i'm going to have a little concert for you guys. i have been practicing the piano as i said in my last new year's resolution and ill i'm going to run another half marathon but in a different pace. >> good for you. >> are you playing chop sticks? >> i've been working on "somewhere over the rainbow." i'm working on the right i have to work on the left hand.
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>> dick clark's rockin' new year's eve? ryan seacrest. it was amazing. >> good stuff. ben affleck, hollywood's legend. he scored big at the box office in 2014 with "gone girl." it's up for four golden globes this month. the two-time oscar winner stopped by the studio in september. >> i read the book. i saw the movie. love them both. david fincher is in the hall way. one of the reasons he was cast is because of your grin. what was it because the grin comes at a very creepy time in the movie. how did your smile do? >> i was never sure which smile he meant. he was obsessed with this idea that the relationship between how the media shows us and what's going on with us and that this nice guy who's sort of a people pleaser that we think is nice is accused of murdering his wife and he's standing in front of the missing poster and he goes, smile, he kind of smiles and then i realize i shouldn't be smiling and that that image
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is used to kind of condemn him. >> i think you said you don't feel personally connected to nick dunn. definitely i was looking at a version of myself i didn't recognize through the prism of the media. >> wouldn't hold myself out there as the only guy who's experienced this. many folks know who do this work know this. i have felt as though in looking at versions of myself throughout the career you go out and do something and see the way it gets covered or by tabloids who want to sensationalize it or make you look unduly bad and you say, this bears no relation ship to who i am. it's like watching a soap opera, saying lines in a part i don't want. so i used that sense of frustration and kind of helplessness and irritation to connect with a guy who's obviously on a whole other level which is being accused of murder and who can't control that and if you don't act sort of the right way in these cases, you
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tend to get judged. >> yeah. people jump to conclusions. >> it's a great story line with a twist in it. but also it's a great story about a marriage too, right? about the complexities of people's marriages. >> i think that's really what the movie is about or most interestingly about. there's a plot, who done it a thrill eric what happened next, but at itself heart. the thing that's the most interesting is in the phase of i don't know if you want to call it courtship, seduction, dating we tend to show our partners a side of ourselves that they might find the most attractive and they do the same with us and whether it's because you get tired of holding up thatweight or you get mair and close the door, the mask comes off and you find out who you're really with. >> what did jennifer learn about that from you? >> i think i was definitely -- i got lucky in that capacity. the person i married was almost better than what i thought. i'm not sure.
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you'd have to ask her what she thought of me. but, you know, it's luckily -- neither one of us has been accused of murder. >> and that's ghoingt to happen. >> i can tell you what she thought of you in "batman." i know you're filming it now. she said you're in the best shape you've ever been and i'm enjoying all of it. >> kboshgosh. that's very pornographic of my wife. >> i heard one who said when they heard you were "batman," and he said, no do you say i'll show you or does it give you pause? >> one thing, i'm older than what people expected the batman person to be. i don't take it personally. at 42 you expect batman to be 25 and quite a little bit more rock 'em sock 'em kind of -- this is a guy a little more at the end of his texter. in all the movies i even done combined i've never had so much
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enthusiasm for a role. people come up and say i can't wait, i'm so excited. obviously there's plenty of negativity. this is sort of a sign how media works these days. fans interact. "gone girl" there were a lot of expectations. none of it is meaningful to be totally honest. what's meaningful is you've got to go out and do your job. if it works people will say it. if it doesn't work they'll say so. >> directing anding atting where do you look to the future? take what interests you? >> i look to the future to work with directors that i think are interesting as a director. working with david fincher was something that was an opportunity that appeals to me because i thought this was a guy that -- your big fear is you were going to work really hard, do something you're proud of and not see it in the movie. you're thinking they're going to go, wait a minute. with a guy like david you anticipate it being better than you hoped for which in this case
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i think it is some of those are the directors i want to work with and being an actor has afforded me the opportunity to be a little more selective. to do the fincher movie and take my time directing, i'm in a really optimal place. >> are you a better actor because you've acted some? >> absolutely. being a director you see more from actors. you see what works, you see what doesn't. you see how actors tend to try to sell things, to push and how photographically -- how so much of the story is doing the work and some of my work is very minimalist and i've improved great deal. and casting as well. >> interesting man. >> and the movie's good too. the movie's good. >> we'll be watching. >> he's proving he can do it now. >> and up for an oscar after the golden globe. >> yeah. to see if he'll get nominated. >> he won last year. >> yes, he did. coming up the people you
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