tv CBS This Morning CBS January 23, 2015 7:00am-9:01am EST
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good morning. it is friday, january 23rd 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning". deflection and denial. the patriots coach and quarterback claim ignorance in the ball deflation scandal, but some former players aren't buying it. a disneyland measles outbreak spreads to six states. we'll talk to the nation's top disease doctor on the anti-vaccine movement. plus the exclusive where an executive lived a secret life before his mysterious death. but we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> he almost seems like a kid
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that got his hands on the cookie jar. >> i hate to say it. they looked like a couple of con artists. >> dy bra said hedi .dn't who did? who did? who did? >> the drama continues. >> braid ya and bill belichick both say they didn't let the air out of a football. >> i have no knowledge of anything. i'm very comfortable saying at th. dynobo didit as far as i know. >> a powerfulto srm making its way to the east ascot. >> saudi arabia's king abdullah passed away yesterday. his half brother has already been declared saudi arabia's new king. >> president obama will not meet with benjamin netanyahu when he comes to washington next month. >> meanwhile the republicans insist they will not raise taxes on the wealthiest americans. >> the president wants to increase taxes because he wants to increase washington spending. >> i t'llake that as a dead. >> dead. real dead. >> he met with mitt romney.
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>> the fisherman was swept off that boat. the crews laliteravly sing their lives. >> all that -- >> auburn and women's basketball and it's a fight. >> -- and all that matters. >> pleased to meet you. >> president obama sat down with three intewsrviehr tee youtube stars. i have green lipsticks, one for your first wife. >> do you know something i don't? >> -- on "cbs this morning." >> i do go suit. i do it on people's choice awards and stuff. >> why not this? >> this is not an honor. >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" presented by toyota. let's go places. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." charlie rose is on -- overseas on assignment we'll check in with him later. right now jeff glor is with us.
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jeff, good morning. >> good to be back. leaders of the new england patriots they don't nigh why the balls were underinflated. tom brady said he didn't alter the ball in any way and coach belichick says he has nothing do with the balls. >> but there's a lot of skepticism. anna werner is in foxborough, massachusetts massachusetts, with more. >> reporter: on monday tom brady kind of laughed off accusations of wrongdoing but yesterday during questioning he was much more somber. >> i've always played within the rules. i would never do anything to break the rules. >> reporter: tom brady said he had nothing do with 11 underdeflated balls reportedly used during sunday's game. are you comfortable within yourself that nobody on sunday on the patriots' side did anything wrong? >> i have no knowledge of
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anything. i have no knowledge of any -- >> are you comfortable that nobody did anything wrong? >> yeah i'm very comfortable saying that. >> reporter: brady says he likes his footballs inflated 12.5 pounds per square-inch, the minimum, and he picks his balls out before the game. >> i don't want anyone touching them, rubbing them, putting any air in taking any air out. to me those balls are perfect and for me that's what i expect when i show up on the field. >> reporter: brady claims he didn't notice anything different in the second half when the referees p inflated to the proper levels. former quarterback mark brunell was dubious. >> i don't believe there's an equipment manager in the nfl on his own initiative would deflate a ball without a starting quarterback's approval. i just didn't believe what tom brady had to say. >> reporter: before brady's press conference former
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cowboy's troy aikman told dallas radio station -- >> it's obvious tom brady had something to do with this. for the balls to have been deflated, that doesn't happen unless the quarterback wants it to happen. >> reporter: but warren moon a former quarterback, i thinks brady's telling the truth. >> reporter: bill belichick said prior to this week he didn't even know about the specifics of selecting game balls. >> in my entire coaching career i have never talked to any player, staff member about football's air pressure. >> reporter: now brady told us as of yesterday at that point the nfl had not contacted him about its investigation. he also said that he knows a lot of people are going to be skeptical of him. he said, well they're entitled
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to their opinions. he said he's focused on beating the seahawks in super bowl xlix. gayle? >> there's lots of opinions out there today. everyone's got one. a columnist wrote i am neither enraged or surprised by any issues. i'm more or less numb. >> good morning, mr. numb. this is the thing. a lot of people looked at the news conference with both the coach and the quarterback saying finally we're going to get some answers, we're going to get some answers and they both went, i don't know nothing about nothing. where do you go from there? >> there's so much. first of all a couple of things. if they didn't know anything they could have been like ray rice, we don't know. there's no accountability. this comes from the top all the way from the owner to the coach to the quarterback. and the other thing is we keep
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looking at -- >> you say top like bob kraft top? >> the commissioner. from the commissioner to the owners to the coach. this whole idea of deniability, nobody knows, we didn't get to the bottom we didn't see, we don't know. until something embarrassing comes out and they're embarrass embarrassed -- the fact is what are they doing now? what goodell is doing now, how can we make it look like we're doing something withouting are doing anything? how can we do something and notng? it's probably going to be if there's anything done okay we're going to give you a fine -- okay a million dollarnd let it go at that. i mean as opposed to we're going to suspend -- we're going to suspend belichick for the game you know i mean some real serious punishment. >> on the subject of at least looking like you're going to do something, whether it's a meaningful conversation or not how is it possible from four
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days removed at the beginning of this controversy, nobody talked to tom brady about what happened or may have happened? >> it gets back to they didn't want to know this stuff, just like they didn't want to know about ray rice. stuff. it's incredible. you're doing an investigation and you're not talking to the main protagonist. but what i think is genius about this we would be talking about going to the super bowl asset seahawks and how great a comeback russell wilson is. it's now as if seattle never played that game. so now new england comes into the super bowl with this sort of momentum, and not that again, new england planned it, but they just keep winning. they just -- they -- you know, the bad -- the bad guys never really get punished. >> but is it a good momentum when so many think you might have been a cheater, cheater
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pumpkin eater? >> there are going to be record numbers at the super bowl watching the super bowl. it's not going to make a moral accident at all. >> sports and controversy go hand in hand and they sure help the ratings. >> absolutely. >> bill rhoden thank you so much. this morning new england is bracing for what may be the biggest storm of the season. it's a mix of icy snow and rain in parts of the south. parts of texas saw about 3 inches of rain. wind snapped trees and power lines. meteorologist danielle niles of wbz shows us our next target. good morning. >> good morning, jeff and everybody. we're tracking it across the southeast right now. torrential rains. aside from how much energy and moisture this has, it's going to work northern to the eastern seaboard. it will spread boo southern new england. you notice away from the coastline it's snow heavy rain and a change over as cold air wraps in around the back side of the storm. i wouldn't be surprised to see
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localized amounts in the florida panhandle and southern georgia through the afternoon and evening. snowfall amounts, it's not a blockbuster storm but there will be treacherous travel with a swath of 3 to 6 inches with locally higher amounts and isolated outages with the wet pasty nature of the snow. back to you. >> thank you danielle. the measles outbreak at disneyland continues to spread. it's grown to 75 confirmed cases in six states. at least 54 has been traced back resort. at least six were not vaccinated. more than 30 quarantined in their homes this morning. this is how serious this is. they may have been exposed to a child with measles at an oakland hospital. dr. anthony fauci is with us. he joins us from bethesda maryland. good morning. >> good morning.
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>> 5015 years ago measles was gone. how serious is this? >> first of all it's one of the most highly effective vaccines we have against any virus or microbe, and it is safe number one. number two measles is one of the top two most contagious infectious viruses that we know of. so you have a highly infect use virus and you have an extraordinarily effective vaccine and the idea of not vaccinating your children and putting them at risk for what can be a serious disease, measles is not an insignificant disease and there can be some serious complications from it. so it really is a shame that children are not allowed to get vaccinated by their parents. that is too bad. >> complications like what dr. fauci, and why would people be
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resistant since it's so safe and really can do the job it's intended to do? >> the complications can be as irrelevant as diarrhea to pneumonia and even some deaths. prior to the vaccinations in this country we had about 5,000 cases with many serious complications and 500 deaths. now, the idea of not vaccinating a child is the misperception that the risk of the vaccine is refore you don't want to expose your child to the risk of the vaccine. that's not good for your child and that's not good for the community either. so it's really -- it's unfortunate that that is going on, that people have that misperception about vaccines. >> researchers have found that these vaccines live in clusters and in one particular case in california where a parent can fill out an exempt form and a doctor can sign off. are we making it too easy? >> you know i don't know if i
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could comment on that except to say that you do see clusters in community. of course, people resonate with each other and they talk with each other and they temd to group together people of the same frame of mind and reinforce what they know even though what they're doing is really something that is not based on any scientific evidence at all. in fact, all of the scientific data that we've collected over a long period of time from multiple organizations indicate that the measles vaccine is safe and all of these connections to thinks like autism and things like that are just not true. >> all right. dr. anthony fauci, thank you very much for your time this morning. >> two japanese men held by isis face a new threat this morning. militants posted an online warning along with a clock and say the countdown has begun to kill the hostages. the message comes as a deadline for a $200 million ransom passed this morning. the mother of one of the captors made an emotional appeal for her son's life. she said he's not an enemy of
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isis and begs his release. the government of that u.s. ally collapsed. president hadi and his prime minister and the cabinet all stepped down yesterday. hadi supported u.s. in its fight against al qaeda in yemen. there's new concern about the future of the middle east after the death of saudi arabia's king abdullah. they're promising no major policy changes. president obama said in a statement the closeness and strength of the partnership between our two countries is part of king abdullah's legacy. may god grant him peace. margaret brennan is at the state department on how abdullah's death might affect the state department. good morning. >> good morning. king abdullah will be laid to rest in an unmarked spot.
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while he will be remembered as an absolute ruler, he was always a cautious reformer. abdullah abdullah, the sixth king of saudi arabia, died on thursday. state tv announced his passing. soon after, thousands gathered at one of the kingdom's holy sites to mourn his loss. abdullah spent almost a decade on the throne as ruler of the world's largest oil exporter custodian of the two hostiest sites in islam and an extremely close alliance with the united states. a relationship that was strained but soon repaired after the 9/11 terror attacks after it was unveiled that 15 of the 19 were saudi arabia citizens. he's known for his hands-off policy in syria but he did send
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saudi pilots to fight isis alongside the u.s. even amid turmoil, expect a smooth transition. >> the family wants to ensure stability. they're going to be concerned with first and foremost is consolidating the continuity of the state. >> abdullah's half brother sal salman will assume the role of the kingdom. among those things he granted women the ability to vote in local elections and opened up some job and education abilities. he did fall short of a promise to allow them to drive. but regardless of who runs this kingdom, it's oil for security that links u.s. and saudi arabia. jeff? >> margaret bran anennan, thanks. jeff gordon said this season
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will be his last as a full-time driver. elaine quijano has more. >> jeff gordon said he knew this year would be his last but that did not make the decision any easier. the 43-year-old said he cried when he told his children yesterday and got emotional again when he broke the news to his team before telling the world. for more than two decades jeff gordon has been the man behind the wheel of number 24 racking up 92 career victories including four championships, but now the nascar superstar who ranks third in all-time race wins says it's time to hit the brakes. >> this is certainly something i've been thinking about for years. i always said i wanted to step away on my own terms if possible. >> a clean-cut california native, the 43-year-old helped transform racing beyond its southern roots, elevating nascar
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to a national obsession. >> jeff gordon became the poster boy for nascar and as nascar grew, he fit the image of what nascar wanted to do. he was not only popular but was polarizing and marketable to the even tire country. >> marketable on and off the track, hosting "saturday night live" and serving as a popular pitchman. gordon's announcement comes after one of his best seasons in years. >> jeff gordon may have a flat tire. >> reporter: one that also saw him knocked out of contention for the championship following a collision with driver brad keselowski that led to an all-out one. a number of factors contributed to his decision including a recurring back condition. >> the back pain played a role.
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>> reporter: still he stopped short of calling it a retirement. >> retirement means sitting in a rocking chair and sitting on the front porch. that's not me. i plan on working. i'm going actually have to go get a real job now. >> reporter: gordon intends to remain involved with hendrick motorsports of which he's an equity owner. for now he beginning his 20th season. >> elaine thanks so much. ahead, prns andrew publicly address allext
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petsmart, inspired by pets. brands at petsmart! select fancy feast® & meow mix® wet cat food are only 50 cents! and select friskies® wet food is only 45 cents! petsmart®. at chili's, fresh is now. now chicken smoked in-house, and no more waiting for the check. new smoked chicken quesadillas on chili's lunch combo menu, starting at 6 bucks. fresh is happening now. [ female announcer ] when you're serious about fighting wrinkles, turn to roc® retinol correxion®. one week fine lines appear to fade. one month deep wrinkles look smoother. after one year, skin looks ageless. high performance skincare™ only from roc®. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults.
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the controversy surrounding the new england patriots and underdeflated balls is now called deflategate which means my wife will have to use a different term to describe my honeymoon. so tom brady had a press conference and he basebally gave the same answer over and over again. >> everybody wants to know what happening. i don't know what happened. i don't know what happened. i'm not sure. i'm not sure. i don't know. i don't know. >> he doesn't know anything. >> it's not the first time the have been accused of cheating. for example, there's the time they widened their own goalpost. there's the time they replaced one of their linesmen with a grizzly bear. four people were killed. and one time they put bill cosby in charge of their gatorade. that's right. >> do you think "saturday night live" will do anything with this on saturday?
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>> maybe. >> i'll set my recorder now. >> there's some new ad makers jeff was saying who -- >> about balls and some variety. >> people are working overtime. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour the investigation into the death of a top argentine prosecutor takes a new turn today. why the country's president now implies it was an attempt to smear her name in a terrorist coverup scandal involving !#iran. how small companies are involved in payoffs for big super bowl commercials. learn how one small company is using its entire $1 million ad budget for the super bowl. that's ahead. sheldon silver the long time state assembly speaker was arrested yesterday. he's accused of taking nearly $4 million in bribes and kickbacks. the charges carry up to 100
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years in prison. "usa today" says a record number of firearms were discovered in travelers' carry-on bags at airports last year. that's a report released by homeland security. they discover more travelers with guns at airports every year. last year agents found more than 2,200 firearms and most of them were loaded and when people are stopped, they say, i forgot it was in there. >> that's scary. "the new york times" report os an plan for a big change for 529 college plans that helps them save money for college. under a new proposal money withdrawn from the accounts will no longer be tax-free. it would apply only to new contributions. some experts say some 529 plans disproportionally affect those who can save for college. prince andrew denies all allegations of having sex with
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an american teenager years ago. the fact that the royal said anything surprised many. mark phillips is in london with how this move affects the image of buckingham palace. mark good morning. >> reporter: good morning. prince andrew may only be fifth in line for the throne but he's first in lurid newspaper headlines these days. take a 17-year-old girl take a prince with a suspect friend throw in a lawyers, and it's a pretty explosive cocktail. they look chummy enough in the picture, but what virginia roberts says happened prince andrew says didn't. in andrew's name buckingham palace has already issued a series of unprecedented denials that he had had sex with the teenage roberts while she was still a minor, and now at the world economic summit in davos, swids switzerland, where the business and elite were he held a
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conference. >> first of all, for the record, i want to refer to the events that have taken place in the last few weeks, and i just wish to reiterate and to reaffirm the statements which have already been made on my behalf by buckingham palace. my focus is on my work. >> reporter: the prince rea carefully from a script. it's a very touchy subject, an illegal minefield. lawyers have filed papers in a u.s. court alleging that virginia roberts has procure relationships with several men including prince andrew by the financier and convicted sex offender and prince offriend of prince andrew jeffrey epstein. >> making a denial about quite lure rid sex allegations against
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him, we haven't seen that in a very long time. >> at least andrew has company. u.s. lawyer alan dershowitz is also named in the document and denies any wrongdoing. >> if she's made up any story about one person and i know she's made up about me she could make up stories about other. >> andrew's ex-why has also come to his defense, but all of this has not made the damage go away. >> they were thinking they were looking to another royal baby and this is all happening. it's pretty horrendous. >> the accuser, virginia roberts, has filed new court papers in sh she's denied the prince's denial. she's been asked to com interview, but nobody here is holding their breath. >> thank you so much. a mysterious death we reported earlier has turned into argentina's worst political
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scandal in years. the country's president is at the center of it. there are huge protesting sparking in argentina now. good morning. >> good morning. he was found dead in his buenos aires apartment on sunday an apparent suicide. well the very next day he had been set to deliver damning evidence in the case of a 1994 bombing of a jewish center implicating the country's president in a coverup. amid those growing political pressures the president is now admitting his death may not have been a suicide after all. thousands of argentinians many holding signs of sol dard saying i am nishan took to the streets demanding a full investigation of the prosecutor alberto nishan. he was found with a fatal gunshot to his head but without any gun powder on his hand. the president originally
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dismissed his death as a suicide, but on thursday in a letter posted to her website kirschhner said they killed him. they needed him alive and then twhanlted him dead. >> i think what the president finds herself in is an incredibly difficult political decision hard one to defend and that explains her vacillating >> reporter: nishan's death affecting her credible. he was the lead prosecutor in the case of a jewish center car bombing in 194 that left 85 dead. he long blamed iran for the attack. he died the day before he was set to reveal critical evidence much of which came from secret wiretaps. it implicated kirshner and her top aides in a deal to shield
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iranians from prosecution allegedly for oil and trade deals. the argentinian government will now have to juggle three high-profile investigations. the 1994 bombing, the alleged political coverup, and now the death of alberto nishan. >> that's the big question. who will take over. he was the senior prosecutor in prosecuting this case. >> polls show 79% believe he was murder and 82% say his allegations against the government were caret cal. >> i remember -- thank you, michelle -- when we talked earlier this week that doesn't sound right it's good to see there's going to be manufacture more of an investigation. coming up the patriots and seahawks are not the only ones hoping to gain on sunday. >> a glue company is spending
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its $1 million budget on super bowl sunday but will it pay off? that's next on "cbs this morning." i want...regularity. i want good digestive health. i just don't want to have to think about regularity. natural benefiber helps support digestive health...and maintain...that word. you know what it tastes like in water? water! except this water makes you feel great. benefiber. now in stick packs.
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when you ache and haven't slept... you're not you. tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol®. is that your mom? hi sweety here you go thanks my mom freezes my danimals squeezables and puts it in my lunchbox in the morning. just freeze it, thaw it and it's ready by lunch new danimals squeezables lowfat yogurt. squeeze more fun into your kid's lunch. mmm dannon.
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you're giving me a complex. >> you've got to eat breakfast. eat breakfast. >> ooh-la. >> holler. >> dude, pick up that penny. >> i wasn't loved as a baby. >> come on. hug daddy. i love my gopher. >> wait. not ready. i'm going to die. >> who am i seeing? who am i seeing? vivian. she just saw me. go, go go. >> better get down going to dance, my friend. >> it's the annual bad lip reading. it's like the greatest youtube thing of the year every year. >> so these guys put it
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together. they must be really really good because they take your lips and put different things in it that match it that make no sense. >> you've got to watch this. it's awesome. >> there's vivian, go, go, go. i believe that one. >> i like pickles -- >> nine days until the super bowl. americans will illegally gamble $3.8 billion on the matchup but gigi stone is here. good morning. >> good morning, jeff. it's a glue company called loctite. with an estimated 184 million people expected to watch the big game, these companies think it's worth making a high stakes bet. the most iconic super bowl ads in recent years have left an indelible mark on our brans.
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but until now, they've never cost this much. a single 30-second spot runs $4.5 million. and it's not just pepsi and budweiser. this year unknown companies are betting the farm trying to get their brand name out there. which building web sooirkts mophie extends phone batteries and loctite, a 52-year-old glue company based in west ohio spending its entire $1 mull 1$1 1$1 million budget. >> we speerpding more than what we invested for the total of last year. an ad firm convinced them it would make loctite a household name. the man behind super bowl ads for cadillac and coke. >> it is a major investment, a
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one-time shot, however, as we looked at that we said look at what this company's done for years and years and years of investing money and not getting your return, so why not put yours on the biggest stage with the best work and it's not the risk of doing it. it's the risk of not doing it. >> when you look at a company like etrade or godaddy, those were relatively small companies when they started advertising on the super bowl but now they're giants. >> the '80s call. they want their store back. >> it hasn't worked for everyone. last year an ad for radioshack reinforced the idea that it was. >> these days the real success of the super bowl ad of course has a lot do with how much is shareded on social media. the most shared one of all time
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♪♪ ♪all day and all of the night - the kinks♪ ♪all day and all of the night - the kinks♪ yoplait. with a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. it is so good all the time. a university of michigan fraternity is suspended after damage was done to a ski resort. students destroyed the resort even bringing down ceiling
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tiles. ahead, some responsible for youtube videos like this. >> all right. >> from choking on cinnamon to interviewing the president. what does the white house hope to accomplish. we'll talk about it next. ♪ a rather happy place ♪ ♪ i'm singin', i'm singin' ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ ♪ i found a happy place ♪ [ female announcer ] with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts, skim milk, and cocoa there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy. what makes thermacare different? two words: it s.heal how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let's review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. the proof that it heals is you. introducing dance-all-you-want bladder leak protection. only always discreet
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good morning. it is friday january 23rd 2015, and welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead, including the patriots and those deflated footballs. explanations raising new questions and paying off for a team sponsor, but first here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> are you comfortable within yourself that nobody on sunday on the patriots' side did anything wrong? >> i have no knowledge of anyt. hing >> i diddon't anything. i didn't do anything. nobody did anything. the balls, they justef ddlate themselves. >> how can we make it look like we're doing something withouting are gdoin ytan. hing >> torrential rain, thunderstorms, northward up the eastern seaboard arriving into th d-e miatlantic this evening. >> you have an extraordinary vaccine. the idea of not vaccinating your il chdren really is a shame. >> king abdullah will be laid to
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rest in an unmarked desert grash next to past kings. >> take a 17-year-old girl take a prince with a suspect friend, throw in the lawyers, and it's a pretty explosive controversy. >> is super bowl. you can vote on anything. there's a proposition that says how many times will michaels and collinsworth say deflated ball. >> oh, my goodness, yeah. >> i'm gayle king with norah o'donnell and jeff glor. thank you, randi. the new england patriots are talking about their 11 underdeflated footballs used in sunday's afc championship game. they say they don't believe what the patriots are saying. >> quarterback tom brady insisted he had nothing to do with it.
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>> i didn't alter the ball in any way. i have a process that i go through before every game where i go in and i pick the balls that i want to -- the footballs that i want to use for the game. our equipment guys do great job of breaking the balls in. you know they have a process that they go through. when i pick those footballs out, at that point, you know to me they're perfect, and that's what i expect when i show up on the field. >> and nfl commissioner roger goodell has yet to comment. patriots' coach bill belichick said he knew nothing about the balls until after the game. during his interview conference he said i have no explanation for what happened six different times. brady said can "i don't know" 12 times in 30 minutes. while they were talking flex ball kept popped up on the screen behind them. flexball became the top trending
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hashtags on twitter. according to one estimate it gave them a $3 million boost. >> how many high fives do you think they were doing? they were doing the hula. to be continued for sure. the republican race for the white house may be expanding this morning. an aide for senator marco rubio tells cbs news the florida republican is taking the first steps to run for president. the senator has hire add new fund-raiser and the aide says rubio will visit more states next month. this morning the white house is trying a new way of winning support from younger voters. president obama gave attention to three youtube stars. bill plante spoke to two of the popular social media stars. he's at the white house. bill, this is a new one. >> reporter: this is a new one. good morning. among them, hank green, glozell, and bethany mota have almost 20 million subscribers on youtube,
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and the quirky videos they post have had hundreds of millions of views, but it doesn't usually feature politics, let alone the president of the united states. >> hello, kansas. >> reporter: presidents always want to get their message out to. do it back in the day, they used radio and then tv. >> good afternoon. >> reporter: but the obama administration wanted to do something different. so they invited -- >> hello, this is glozell. is everything okay? >> reporter: glozell green. famous for trying to eat a ladle full of cinnamon and for taking a dip in a tub full of milk and cereal. >> i like funny stuff and i like nerdy stuff. >> reporter: and hank green who's made videos with his brother since 2007. >> i'm john green. >> and i'm hang green and we're the blog brothers on youtube. >> reporter: and bethany mota. just 19 years old and already a
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fashion icon. with more instagram followers than vogue, marie clear, and cosmopolitan e questions were substantive, education, policing drones and why people should bother with politics. >> you don't want to be the person that says okay whatever you guys want to do aisle just do that. you want to express your voice and your values and what you care about. that's what politics is. >> reporter: their followers provided questions, not all of them serious. >> they wanted me to have him put on green lipstick. >> some were angry. >> i got some who said how does it feel to be a pawn in the machine. >> reporter: green said it's important to get young people lved in the political process. >> we gave them a voice today. >> yeah. i really want this generation to feel more like they are part of america. >> reporter: and what did it do for the white house? >> they got extra followers. millions and millions of people
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are now more intune with what's going on in the white house. >> they thing thi new outreach is a savvy move for the president. >> he's certainly going to have young people not ask him tough questions that scott pelley would ask him and that's attractive for a public official. >> you know, as more and more people cut their cable cords and the average age of news viewers go up this white house will do what every white house i have covered has tried to do and that is look for ways to speak directly to the public without having to go through the media filter. and technology gives them more and more way deposit. gayle? >> it's a very interesting tactic. we first met glozell -- remember the als challenge and the wig fell off? that was glozell green. >> i had no idea they had green lipstick.
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than 1.3 millionion times but his online crusade also turned up a surprise in his own prior minnesota lake hope. susan littlefield talks to the family in an interview you'll only see on "cbs this morning." >> if you're not smiling, you're doing it wrong. >> reporter: she's the youngest of five children in her family. her parents adopted her when she was 3. she's grown into a devoted athlete. >> these are my medals from the very first time i played until recently. >> reporter: and a bit of a daddy's girl. dee dee says that their multi-racial family sometimes gets them stares but nothing like what happened on new year's eve. >> i looked at my phone, and there was just a random video saying that i was an "n" word and a slut. >> reporter: some teens she barely knew sent her a snapchat which disappeared after they're
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played. when her father was told he was able to catch one of them on video. can knudsen filed a police report but didn't want to press charges. he did want to talk to the parents of the ninth graders who snapped the snapchat. after a conversation he put it on youtube. the response he received from the father of the teens who sent it. >> this voice mail back from him. >> i guess [ bleep ]. >> ultimately it's the parents who have got to stop this behavior, and he clearly told me that it was acceptable in his house. >> but it also brought to light an issue in his own home. a day after his video was released his daughter made a snapchat video of her own using the same racial slur. >> why did you say the "n" word after what happened?
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>> i was excited and not paying attention to what i was saying but i did use it in a different meaning. >> i am very very disappointed that my daughter at first did not learn from this experience. >> reporter: can knudsen said they're starting a support group to share with other parent as what they learned but the person he hopes to reach the most is the dad who sent him the offensive offensive message. >> i'd love to be able to have a discussion with him about how it made me feel as a father to hear those words. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," susan elizabeth littlefield, prior lake minnesota. >> i wish people would. treat each other like that. >> what kind of father sends a message like that or makes a phone call like that honestly? >> it's such an important story on so many different levels. it raises a lot of issues, the fact that the little girl said it after it was said to her even though she said it was said in a different way.
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really it's not okay under any circumstance. you hear id in songs. i've got to get that message out. i love what mr. can knudsen is doing. you can see where the kids got it too. i'm talking the bullies. >> great story. coming up decadence turns deadly. >> i'm maureen maher with "48 hours." this yacht is where a married executive, father of five secretly enjoyed life away from silicon valley. this camera caught his very last minutes of life with this very beautiful and mysterious woman by his side. that's coming up on "cbs this morning." kids sometimes bring home more than homework. like cold symptoms. stuffy nose... a cough... chest congestion! fast acting mucinex
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multi-symptom cold breaks up mucus and relieves your child's worst cold symptoms. let's end this. ♪ there's a big difference between running a race and leading one. ♪ when you're in charge... ♪ you get to call the shots. ♪ how cool is that? ♪ the 2015 corolla. ♪ toyota. let's go places. we're in seattle to see which 100 calorie black cherry greek yogurt tastes best. definitely that one. that one's delicious. it's yoplait! what? i love yoplait! the other one is chobani. really. i like this one better. yoplait wins again! take the taste-off for yourself. [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard. if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce
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tomorrow night, "48 hours" investigates the death of a wealthy google executive. worked on secret projects like google glass and self-driving cars while keeping secrets of his own. warren hayes had a secret life of his own aboard a yacht and that's where we report on this ominous mystery. >> reporter: santa cruz is a
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small coastal town in california. it looks like paradise. it's a place where the blind could go sight-seeing. >> reporter: it was here where 51-year-old forrest hayes, a married father of five kept his 46-foot yacht "escape" one of the many perks his job afforded him. >> he's got himself a $3 million house on the house. >> reporter: michael daily is a reporter for "the daily beast" and was hired by "48 hours." it was on the yacht "escape" where he would go to unwind. the days before thanksgiving 2013, his prized possession became a crime scene. hayes's lifeless body was found in the main cabin by the boat's captain. >> the detectives arrive and it in fact, turned out he died of a heroin owe dose. there's an inherent injection in
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his amount but he didn't do drugs. >> reporter: santa cruz deputy police chief. >> the scene showed there were two wine glasses there. >> detective 101, someone else has been there, and the question is who. >> reporter: not so ironically the high-tech executive had installed high-def video equipment all over his yacht. what happened that night was recorded by the boat's video cameras. this camera in particular ctaugh the very last moments of hayes' life in detail. >> that video was shocking to me. >> reporter: police say that video showed hayes with a young exotic dark-haired woman covered with very distinctive tattoos. >> at that point we real lieded that's where we're going. >> reporter: they dugo int hayes' digital life and the trail led to dals website and the tattooed woman. her name alix tichelman, a
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26-year-old aspiring young model. >> do you think she knew that forrest hayes was dying right in front of her? >> i don't know how she didn't know. >> reporter: investigators would learn this was not the first person tichelman was involved with who died of an overdose. >> was she a cold blooded killer? >> she's killer and she was cold. >> that's not how the defense team sees it. >> two aduts engaged in mutual cooperative drug usage and it went wrong but it was an accident. >> reporter: maureen maher joins us at the table. i remember when this happened. it's so fascinating. what can you tell us about forrest hayes. he's a guy who seems to have it all. >> he was a guy who seemed to have it all. i'll tell you, gayle, in 20, 25 years of reporting, i've never had a case where no one would come forward and speak about the
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victim. he lived in a secretive world both when he worked in the tech industry and in the automotive world. >> what about her? was she a drug addict? >> this is a sad case. she was a drug addict, is a drug addict. she's probably clean now because she's been in jail for a time now and is awaiting trial. but the question is how much did she know and if she -- >> mrs. hayes, i couldn't stop thinking about his wife, married with five kids. do you have any idea how she's doing. i feel so bad for her. >> she's been very quiet. all his friends have been quiet and the police of cruz have been very protective of her. they gave us access to an interview but would not give us access to her. >> thank you. i've got my tv set.
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour charlie rose he's in switzerland, but he's taking time to talk to us. he talks with business leaders including ali baba founder. you can binge watch at the movies. theaters are holding special marathons of oscar-nominated films. for 35 bucks on february 14th youk can see "the grand budapest hotel," "whiplash," "birdman," and "selma." and on the 31st you can see others. >> that sounds like fun. a malcolm men tater and ten
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. malcolm men tater asked a tennis player to show off her outfit. >> give us a twirl? >> a twirl? >> she doesn't know fit's sexist but male players would be treated digitally. >> a commentator asked me to twirl. they wouldn't ask rafael to twirl. >> williams said life's too short whether i twirl or not. it's not the end of the world. >> they don't ask men to twirl because their outfits are not so cute. to tell you the truth, i would like to see her twirl. >> you can watch the game. >> didn't see the game norah. i wanted to see the back of the outfit. >> i would twirl for you guys. >> is that a challenge? >> after the show. a billionaire is telling americans they need to live more modestly. jeff green thinks americans should lower their expectations and aim for a smaller existence. he dispensed this advice at the
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economic forum in davos, switzerland. it attracts the names in politics, finance, and culture. >> our own charlie rose is in davos. this morning he talked to the richest man jacque ma of alibaba. charlie asked him about the responsibilities that come with great fortunes. >> i believe we have $1 million, that's your money. we have $20 million. you still have a problem. you worry about inflation, which stock to buy and this and that. when you have $1 billion, that's not your money. that's the trust society give on you. they believe you can manage the money, use the money better than the government. so i think today i have the resources to do more things with the money we have with the interests we have we should
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spend more time on the young people. >> charlie, good morning from davos. i want to hear all about your trip. i know you spent about 45 minutes with jack ma. what's your take? >> a very interesting man. your friend sheryl sandberg said to me when i was going in to do this interview there was a recent poll who most people wanted to have dinner with and it was jack ma. he's as fascinating as he seems, the richest man in china, but in a real sense he has an empowerment of women. we talked about that. we talked about the future of alibaba around the world, the venture of what china's becoming. he's a terrific guy, terrific personality. we talked about the relationship he has with the government. so we'll see a sense of man who has frequently failed and frequently been said no to. and this was his central message. you know you've just got to keep trying and look what
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happened to jack ma. >> charlie, so many interesting things always come out of this conference every year. what do you expect will be the highlight this year or is it too early to say? >> well the theme they're saying is the global context, but the talk here is about abdullah's death the talk is about paris and terrorism. the talk is not about deflated footballs but deflated economy. there's a lot of talk actually gayle, about norah's birthday. everywhere i go they say happy birthday to norah. >> i know. because i know so many billionaires around the world. >> there are more penal than billionaires here. there are a lot of people who don't have a billion dollars. you're looking at one. they said say happy birthday for god's sake and i said i'll deliver the message. so happy birthday. >> thank you sweetie. thank you. i know you're going to be speaking with iraq's prime minister today. he's girn so few interviews
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and, of course there's so much with isis and criticism about u.s. efforts there right? >> his criticism is not so much they haven't provided air cover but they haven't provided the training. he doesn't want troops on the ground but what he wants is more support so he can train the iraqi soldiers so he can do what healthies is a real challenge. so he does want that kind of support from america and from america's allies. he's got a real problem on his hand as you know. there's some progress that's been made against isil but at the same time, it's not as bad as it is in syria, but he's looking at a very troubling situation and there's a lot of talk about that here in davos. >> charlie, of course we wish you a safe trip. i'm wondering, are you coming home with a swiss miss or a swiss chocolate? okay. >> what would you like my dear? whatever you'd like i'll bring. >> swiss chocolate it is. >> i'll tell you this. there are a lot of parties on friday night here, so i'm ready
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to party tonight. >> the night is young. >> miss you, charlie. excited to see you monday. thank you so much. >> my guess is, gayle, there will be a lot more swiss misses and than swiss chocolate at those parties. >> yes. and her name is heidi. and a group blessed by bob dill snoon it becomes so wonderful and dreamy like wake me up, critter, i'm having this amazing dream. >> reporter: jan crawford
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that's the sound of old crow medicine show. the group is up for a grammy next month in the folk album category. and that's the latest achievement for an act that some call the greatest string band in the world. jan crawford good morning. >> good morning. you know nashville has been under fire for two many songs about girls and trucks and girls riding shotgun in trucks. this band you may not have heard of them. they're an old-time string band. they've stuck to that sound since they were teenagers and now all of a sudden they're at
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the right place at the right time. ♪ they're unlikely ambassadors for old-time country music. it's a sound that's country to the core. >> country music has got this country denominator. it's the sound of all these hard-working people hard-working people. ♪ >> reporter: old crow medicine shows be been around since they were kids. growing up in virginia they were comfortably middle class. >> we're from the south but like from a college town. you know our parents were both educators. >> it's not -- we didn't grow up in the hollers. >> so we quickly had to get
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country how to plate with authority. >> reporter: they got country in the mountains of north carolina moving into a cabin with no running water playing for anyone who would listen. one song which was written when they were in high school stood out. ♪ >> after we had played it i think in hickory, north carolina, to a crowd of about 28, we were all in the parking lot and this dude came up to us who we knew who was a vietnam vet. he kind of hung around a lot and he was missing a front opportunitytooth. he said i could listen to it every night. >> reporter: it was inspired by a boot leg cd inspired by songs from 1973. ♪ >> reporter: that voice, none other than bob dylan.
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so what did you hear when you heard that little snippet? >> you could picture them all around the piano. no one knows the song. bob has just written this chorus and he just begins to sing. ♪ ep>> rorter: he was just 17 years old. he took that snippet of song and wrote a song sharing writing credit with dylan. in 2013 darius rucker covered "wagon wheel" and took it to number one. ♪ i was looking right at her. >> reporter: that same year old crow was asked to join country music's most exclusive club the grand ol' opry. >> would you guys consider being part of the grand ole opry. >> reporter: their traditional
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sound is being celebrated. >> country music like so many things has changed a great -- to a great deal and has seemed to have forgotten where it came from. ♪ >> people have forgotten it's their story. it doesn't have to be like a dog on the porch and a jug of shine unless you linked that for real. you can write about your life relevant in this day and age and still it would be country. >> reporter: old crow stays to that past by remembering the legends, not only dylan but roy acuff, the man known for country. acuff's grave is a respects. their approach is resonating. dylan turned them onto another song, "sweet amarillo."
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again, secor finished it. and their newest album appropriately titled "remedy" is up for a grammy. >> and it just becomes so wonderfully bizarre and dreamy like wake me up critter, i'm having an amazing dream. >> did you each have wild dreams? >> i had this weird dream the other night. you finished a dylan song and a guy from hootie and the blowfish has finished the song. >> it seems like our wishes have been granted and all our dreams have come true so it's hard to think there's any more. >> you know, there's probably going to be a lot more for f for this band. they're going to be working on another and you can ba b sure it's going have that same old-time sound. gayle. >> all right. jan, do you got on your boots to go with that outfit? >> of course. with this kind of music, you've geld country.
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well, that does it for us. >> happy birthday, norah. i'm free tonight. where should i meet you all for the family birthday dinner? >> for news any time anywhere you can log in and watch our 24-hour news network at have a good one. >> bye. >> the president of the united states. >> we can't put the security of families at risk by taking away their health insurance or unraveling the new rules on wall street. and if a bill comes to my desk that tries to do any of these
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things, i will veto it. >> republicans sat silently through most of the president's address. >> i thought it was kind of a repeat of the obama administration. >> don't stop the mommentu now. >> i'd like to have a conversation about the new republican congress you just elected. >> you can't see the ice, but it is very slippery. >> i started pumping my brakes and just hoping i would stop. >> isis has released a video publicly demanding ransom money. >> $200 million to save their lives. >> talks will be on reestablishing a u.s. embassy here in havana. >> facebook. >> the nfl began its investigation after the final whistle. >> i have no knowledge of the situation. >> i would never do anything to break the rules. ou>> y do feel deflated. >> hope solo temporarily kicked off her team. >> there's real concern that she just can't stay out of trouble. >> "the sun" is making news because of what it's not
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printing. >> a woman has the right to choose. >> as long as men show their penis that's fine. >> i know when not to get involved. >> you're up baby. >> a whole bunch of people thought we weren't going to make it. >> if you ain't cheating you ain't trying. everybody is trying to bend the rules. >> touchdown gronkowski. >> who got pounded on more? >> rob definitely. he would ask for it. >> why? >> i needed to get ready for my future. ♪ >> have no more campaigns to run. i know because i won both of them. >> the one disappointment is the governor of new jersey, chris christie. don't hug people in public. he should stop hugging people. >> i can't hug you? >> they say [ bleep ] that. come on baby.
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bring it all in. we're bros. >> he calls you don't have a special nickname for him. >> i don't. but if i did, i wouldn't tell you. >> if you come home and find your wife with another man, isn't that cheating? >> whose fault was this is what charlie's asking. >> have you ever slept with a director? >> i can't believe you asked that. that's so embarrassing. >> you need me a lot more than i need you. >> have you heard the nickname your fans have given themselves the cumberbitches. do you relish your role as a sex symbol? >> oh, yes, definitely. >> cue charlie. as a small business owner you wouldn't deliver just half of what you have to offer to your customers. so why are you settling for half-fast internet? only verizon fios comes with speedmatch-- upload speeds as fast as your download speeds so files go out in a snap. call today to get $200 back when you switch to fios internet and phone for just $99.99 a month with a 2-year agreement and get $200 back.
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a morning drink that may help your health. >> and jennifer aniston is revealing something about a condition she's struggled with. >> and an every day occurrence that's causing her teeth to snap off. >> your teeth don't magically recover from that! >> ♪ ♪ doctor, doctor gimme the news ♪ ♪ [ applause ] >> hello, everyone. it's our friday news feed. and it's also award seen-- season, this year's awardees, one is highlighting the emotional toll of armed combat. >>
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