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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  January 4, 2016 3:35am-4:01am EST

3:35 am
, that's not a real place; i'm not going there. humor me. okay, if i had it to do all over again, i'd still take the test, but i'd rob a bank on my way to get there. how's that? jamie... if you joined the department after joe died as a way of helping us all heal-- especially me-- if that resonates, you should know that job is done. i've made my peace with it as much as i can. dad, i like the life. and if joe's death brought me to it, then so be it. i never thought i was gonna get rich being a cop. even a harvard graduate could figure that out. any more chips? there's another bag in the cupboard.
3:36 am
connie is not a gun runner. come on, mike. what does that look like to you over there? it doesn't make any sense. maybe somebody's setting him up. setting him up? you know, all my years on the job, that's the first time i ever heard a line so stupid coming from behind a badge. doesn't mean it's not true. all right, well, either way, connie has a lot of explaining to do. i know. what's with the cuffs? detective montero, firearms investigation, meet auxiliary officer, mike galatis. he killed some creep named billy jackson in his uncle's diner. oh, yeah? well, you did the world a favor. you ever meet his buddy, joey sava? yeah, that's him! that's the other guy. all right, settle down. what do you got on this guy, sava? i have truck hijacking in virginia. he killed the driver and made off with more than just these weapons. there're 211 still out there. so, uh, your uncle was in business with these guys? no. no, mike seems to think there's some other explanation, don't you? you want to find connie? me, too. mike, where would you look? he had this thing with a waitress.
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maureen something. i dropped him off at her place once. great. do you remember where that is? it's around 14th street. i could probably find it again. okay, let's take another ride. hey. kevin. oh... not trying to avoid me, are you? not at all. come on. he never gave me a chance. he had his mind made up before he even sat down. not true. there's no fault here, only difference of opinion. garrett, i am open to direction, but i cannot work in a vacuum. you won't be, kevin; i know him. he'll come back to you with direction, but not until he's certain of where he's pointing you. and then what? it's his way or the highway? only when he's convinced he's right. which is how often? when i quit tracking that, i could finally quit smoking. have a good night. listen, garrett, we're doing this campaign with the commissioner's input or without. if he wants to be heard, he should start talking.
3:38 am
i'll be in touch. danny: kid, i'm starting to think you got us on a wild-goose chase here. what are we doing? i think we're close. you "think we're close," you said that ten blocks ago. see that check-cashing place? yeah. a few years back, some guys held it up, killed a couple customers for no reason. when they came out, they ran right into two auxiliary. i remember that, the perps thought the, uh, they were real cops. shot them both. they never had a chance. yeah. you know those guys or something? no. i wasn't on back then, but i almost got assigned to this precinct. (phone beeps) just gets you thinking, you know? we just got a text; connie just used his credit card at a liquor store a couple blocks away. great. let's go get him. constantine markos, police. get your hands up front, sir, where i can see them.
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is there a problem? you could say that. come on. you know, someone in there has been worried about you. michael! don't worry, connie, everything's gonna be fine. these are good detectives. you keep your mouth shut, understand? come on. no. listen, we need to clear this up. tell them what happened. connie, they found all these guns. hey, hey... they're looking at me for murder. get inside! let's go. i want a lawyer. you'll get a lawyer. follow us back to the squad. i'm mary ellen, and i quit smoking with chantix. i have smoked for thirty years and by taking chantix, i was able to quit in three months. and that was amazing. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it absolutely reduced my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and
3:40 am
call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side effect is nausea. i can't believe i did it. i quit smoking. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you.
3:41 am
3:42 am
jackie: you know this guy? no. we've got a witness that says he's seen you two talking. was that a question, detective? signome. it's fine. if you mean michael, he's obviously confused. do you have a crime you'd like to talk about, detective? how about 25 illegal firearms i found in your client's storage locker? my client is not the only one with access to that locker, as you well know. those guns are not his. so, connie, are you saying they're michael's? i'm not saying anything. well, i think you should be saying something. see, we found a dead guy in your diner, and you happened to run away. it wasn't me who made him dead. i ran because i was scared his friends would come for me. who? what friends? i don't know; they all have friends. joey sava? connie, listen, if you tell us where he is, it's gonna be a lot easier on you and on michael. my client is under no obligation
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to help you, detective. and as far as his nephew... the boy made his own bed. what the hell is he doing? what does it look like he's doing? he's saving his own ass. by pinning this on me? yeah, well, that's how it works, kid. oh, son of a bitch. this... this isn't happening. i was trying to help him. and now he's helping himself. so you got a choice. you can do the right thing and you can help us now. he practically raised me. (sniffles) (sighs) come on, let's go for a walk. come on. i know how bad you wanted to be a cop. and i'm sorry that it didn't work out for you. but you got a second chance here. you can stop feeling sorry for yourself, and you could think about what it is you can do to help us. think about all the things you've seen your uncle connie do, and all the times you gave him the benefit of the doubt.
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you can put yourself behind a gold shield, and you can think about it the way a cop would. we got to get joey sava off the streets, and you giving us connie is the only way we can do it. nobody said the job was easy. what is this? connie's last chance. connie, you give us joe sava, the d.a. will go easy on you. as i was telling your partner, you have nothing on my client. actually, we do. bring him in. michael, this isn't a game. not another word. think about what you're doing. what am i doing, connie? you're trying to bury me.
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i'm telling the truth. that box with the guns in it was in the diner one morning, nailed shut. connie told me to stick it in storage, so i did. which proves nothing. it's just your word against his. (sighs) it's not just mine. remember, connie? that box weighed a ton. ralph, your chicken guy, had to help me put it in the car. he asked you what was in it, you told him it was cast iron skillets. that's corroboration. that puts the weapons in his sole possession. what did i ever do to you except take care of you, huh? i treated you like a son. connie. what were you thinking? if i wanted help from a real cop, i would have called one. i'm sorry, connie. i won't bother you again.
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now, unless you want to spend the rest of your life in sing sing slinging eggs, you're going to give us joey sava. (short siren blast) esu captain: reagan. you must be that bad feeling i woke up with this morning. it's funny, cap, you know, i get that a lot. all right, listen up, we're looking for one joe sava. he did ten years for manslaughter. he's got outstanding warrants for felony assault and menacing. this guy is no joke, so let's keep it tight. i need two of you around back, two of you around front. whose vehicle is this? my car. all right, you, anything goes down, that's the hospital car. you got it? yes. good. no knock? no knock, third floor. all right. let's hit it.
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♪ police! get down! down on the ground! down on the ground now! hands behind your head! don't move, don't move! joey! hey! reagan! joey! joey sava! hey! hold it! hey! joey sava! police! don't move! (gunshots)
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(gunshots) hold it! (grunts) joey! (gunshot) (gun clicking) drop it! drop it and put your hands where i can see 'em right now! get on your knees. don't even think about it. on your knees! what are you gonna do? what am i gonna do? (sava groans) that's what i'm gonna do. jackass.
3:49 am
(sighs) hey, that's a nice look for you, kid, no handcuffs. yeah, grand jury cleared me. figured they would. not without your testimony. hey, i told them what happened. don't get all sentimental about it, all right? yeah, a different detective could have gone either way. you got lucky this time; maybe you'll get lucky next time. when you taking the cop test again? (chuckles) you knew i would, huh? yeah-- well, i'll tell you what-- find out who your investigator is, give me a call. i got a few connections in the department. (car door shuts) guy's bedroom was like a shrine to the nypd, except he had a picture of you where you're supposed to have a poster of the rock star or the quarterback. or spongebob. granddad squarepants.
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(laughter) nicky: come on, boys, let's go make that on photoshop. sounds like this guy was really obsessed. if you want something bad enough and you can't have it, then you try your damnedest to get near it. danny: well, i'm not going to judge the guy. who knows where i'd be if i failed the test? you'd be laying bricks and drinking too much beer. danny: those weren't my only two choices in life, you know. no, you're right, there was installing car stereos, along with selling aluminum siding in new jersey, along with drinking too much beer. (laughter) danny: all right. you think that's funny? what about you guys? ladies' better shoes. staying in the marines. and you? oh, we already know about you. i'd be helping bad guys go free, driving a beemer, and dreading every morning. hmm. or you could've been an ada. i love waking up for work every morning. all due respect, sis, but cops are cooler. hear, hear. with all due respect, career choices based on a cool factor is for 15-year-olds. thank you. frank: oh.
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yeah, is that why you took a job as a cocktail waitress at the roxy-- because that job commanded such respect? (laughs) henry: i thought you used to work at a roller-skating rink. it was a roller- skating rink. linda: yeah, in the '70s when you were in, like, grade school. i did have roller skates on. (others laughing) no way you didn't know erin was a cocktail waitress. why would you think that? you're my dad. (chuckles) i knew. sometimes one chooses to let things slide. and i didn't become a cop because of joe or for the money obviously. why did you? growing up, it always seemed that what you guys made was never the reason you did what you did. it was the work itself, the stories you got into the middle of, the adventures, the comedies, the tragedies. frank: the adventures,
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the comedies, the tragedies. going to work every day with the feeling anything could happen, and you'd be in the middle of it, making a difference. and being part of a brotherhood that spans almost 300 years. i know that's not the big idea, and i don't pretend to have it, but it seems to me... that the personal stories should be the heart and soul of it. anything there you can work with? (exhales) i don't suppose i could just turn the camera on the commissioner? not a chance. captioning sponsored by cbs brought to you by the volkswagen sign then drive event, where you can drive away in any new 2012 vw for practically just your signature.
3:53 am
from college student to army soldier. then tragedy struck. my world turned upside down being told i would never walk again. now i'm excited about my life, thanks to paralyzed veterans of america.
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3:55 am
the face of the disease in the future. i view my life differently now, because i no longer felt alone anymore. i saw all the little kids with diabetes just like me. with good exercise and good nutrition diabetes can get easier and life can be long lived. captioned by media access group at wgbh
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3:59 am
i just need a second. [male narrator] is your weight holding you back and affecting your health? did you see this? hm? your cousin had a heart attack. really? [narrator] excess weight or obesity can be serious . but you can do something about it. visit your weight matters dot org. download the free toolkit to prepare you to speak with a healthcare provider. your weight does matter. accept the challenge and take charge today . visit your weight matters dot org.
4:00 am
captioning funded by cbs it's monday, january 4th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." president obama promises to use executive orders to strengthen gun control in his final year in office. and the republican candidates running to replace him on sounding off on his proposal. el nino has the west coast in its sights. a trio of powerful storms starts to soak southern california. tensions rise in the high desert of oregon. armed protesters take control of federal lands in a show of force against the government. the first look at the cargo ship lost with 33 people on board ng


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