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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  April 1, 2016 2:07am-3:59am EDT

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issue. and it is a very serious discussion. women's health is under assault across america. >> reporter: clinton appealing to moderate and independent women who will be key to a victory in november. she is also reaching out to younger women, who back sanders by more than 30 points. they like sanders' populist message and are not driven by the prospect of the first female president. >> i can honestly say that my faith in bernie sanders is just overwhelmingly more than hillary clinton. a tough question for me. >> to close the enthusiasm gap, a scary picture for any one other than herself as president. for some sanders' supporters that's not enough. >> i don't trust what she is saying, she seems to use diversion tactics and doesn't seem as open and transparent as bernie. >> sanders didn't mention trump's comments today. in response to clinton, a campaign spokesperson called trump's statement an jut rage and said sanders has
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lifetime voting record defending a woman's
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[male narrator] we've all heard how military veterans adjusting to the civilian world may have... certain... issues. 2... 30... 70... if only everyone had this issue. no matter what challenge they face, easter seals is here for america's veterans.
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tonight, nearly 30 million americans are under watches and warnings for severe weather. including flash floods and tornados in the south. memphis was pummelled with hail today part of the same system that spawned a tornado last night in oklahoma. manuel bojorquez is in tulsa. >> reporter: scott, this is the damage the tornado left behind. a wall made of heavy cinder blocks crumbled and the roof of this business gone. >> it is moving east-northeast. >> reporter: the national weather service has teams in the field now frying to trying to d the strength of the tornado and if there was more than one last night. the funnel lifted and blefd to have touched down several times going on to strik
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suburbs. authorities are tallying up the numbers of homes and businesses damaged or destroyed. a prayer group rode out the storm in a church which lost part of its roof. no deaths have been reported. but seven people were injured. scott, this beauty supply store had closed just before the tornado hit. so no one was inside. >> lucky. manuel bojorquez in oklahoma for us tonight. manuel, thank you. tonight a virginia state trooper is fighting for his life. after a gunman opened fire at a greyhound bus station in richmond. jeff pegues is there. >> reporter: scott, law enforcement sources tell me this was part of a training exercise that went tear blrribly wrong. there were troopers inside the station. stopping people. questioning people. one man they stopped according to investigators pulled a gun and shots were fired. according to investigators. the state trooper was shot at close range. two nearby officers returned fire.
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died. two bystanders were hurt. expected to survive. scott, the concern is for the state trooper shot at close range. he did suffer life threatening injuries. the fbi and atf are assisting with the investigation. which is still unfolding. >> unclear what set thispegues . john dickerson is here, cbs news political director and anchor of "face the nation" what's the significance of the meeting with donald trump and the leaders of the republican party? >> in symbolic terms they beth had reason to have the meeting. for donald trump, he said a unifying meeting. had kind of a rough week. he is in washington. met with foreign policy leaders today. met with the republican party. he said i am a unifieper, not a chaotic candidate. for the republican party. there are some in the republican party who want to deny donald trump the nomination. the committee has the to show it is treating him fairly all the way along:process is fair.
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talked about delegate allocation process and informed trump of things he didn't know. there is a process getting delegates from the votes. >> there is a stop trump movement in the republican party, everyone is well aware of. where is it headed. >> wants a fight at the convention. though trump will go in with more delegates than anybody else to take them away. focus on the group is on wisconsin. the basically if they can take enough delegates away from trump. deny them. >> two important things. marco rubio says he wnlts to hold on to his delegates. mean there are fewer than trimp can grab, unbound, if rubio didn't. and the real work is happening, state-by-state. those who want to deny, trump the delegates. talking to the delegates and saying, if donald trump doesn't get the nomination on the first ballot. vote for somebody else on the second ballot. >> only bound on the first ballot. >>
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donald trump on the broadcast. and john, thank you very much. in washington to day, president obama hosted a nuclear security summit meeting of 50 nations. and he met with leaders from countries including china, japan, and south korea. they discussed how to secure nuclear material around the world to keep it out of the hands of terrorists. much of that material its in russia. which did not attend. joining iran and north korea as no shows. the women who rule this field are fighting for equal pay. and the hidden hardships of caring for a loved one with alzheimers disease. the cbs overnight news will be right back.
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fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. growwwlph. it's what you do. oh that is good crispy duck. it's easy for me cause look at as it is her.him... aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y ultragel. it can happen anytime to anyone. stress sweat is different than ordinary sweat, it smells worse. get 4 times the protection against stress sweat. with secret clinical strength invisible solid and clear gel. narrator: breakfast. dishes. dinner. dishes. marriage. dishes.
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sleeping. (snoring) (sputtering) dishes. not sleeping. dishes. life. dishes. death. dishes. existence. dishes. dishes, dishes, dishes... every dish, every time. only finish has the power ball to take on anything.
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today, five of america's top athletes filed a federal complaint charging that soccer pays women a pittance to win world championships while it pays big to the men who lose them. here's jim axelrod. >> stays loose! >> reporter: when the u.s. women's soccer team won the world cup last year, they drew the highest tv ratings for any soccer game in american history. men or women the they also got a nice parade and a bonus from the u.s. soccer federation of $75,000 for each player. according to the filing. compare that to the men's team. if they won a world cup, they
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a first place bonus. hope solo one of five players to sign the complaint told cbs "this morning" that has to change. >> you know what, this is a time that we need to push for equality and what's right. and people are paying attention. >> the women's team says it generates as much as or more revenue than the men. but get paid four times less. grant wahl who covers soccer for "sports illustrated" and fox sports says they have a point. >> are the women paid less than the men? >> yes. they are paid less than the men right now. >> reporter: do they generate equivalent revenue. >> u.s. soccer itself says u.s. women are set to produce $51 million in revenues and the men are set to produce $60 million in revenues. which is roughly similar. >> it is not just money. the women want equality in their travel, accommodations. conditions of the field they play and practice on. julie foudy is a member of
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u.s. world cup winning teams. >> for a long time the team has been fighting for change and progress. and this group is feeling like, okay, we are still carrying the torch. and we want to be done carrying it. >> in a statement to date u.s. soccer federation said it remained committed to addressing compensation. one other thing to watch as this plays out. whether members of the u.s. women's team would strike before the olympics in august. thamt threat could possibly give them leverage, negotiations continue. speaking of great women, architect zaha hadid died of a heart attack in miami. her futuristic designs changed sky lines and include london's olympic aquatic center, an opera house in china, and an art museum in cincinnati. awe born in baghdad,
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2004 became the first woman ever to win the pritzker, the nobel of architecture. hadid was 65. a new study sheds light on the hidden toll of alzheimers disease. that's next.
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nearly 16 million americans are caring for someone with alzheimers disease. in a new study this week, looked at the toll that takes on care givers. dr. jon lapook is following one family's struggle. >> reporter: when we first met mike and carol daly eight years ago he was the sole care giver after her alzheimers diagnosis
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him. today at age 73, he is still working. as carol declines he continues as her primary care giver. but now has some help during the day. >> if you did want to retire, could you swing it financially? >> no, i would have to, have to dedicate my whole life to taking care of carol because i can't afford to pay home care. >> the survey documented the financial sacrifices also hi s care givers are forced to make. >> they were having to make choices about putting food on the table. or going to the doctor. or taking money out of their retirement funds to make sure the person had care. >> reporter: the survey also found almost half of care givers were forced to cutback on their own expenses. for mike, that means working and saving, so carol can stay in their home. what is the alternative to home care, having somebody come in here? >> nursing home. >> reporter: you hate that idea? >> oh. >> reporter: why? >> i
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the love i have for her. i can't see, i can't abandon her. >> reporter: the cost of caring for someone with alzheimers is a lot more than financial. what would you say the toll has been on you? >> i'm dying. i really think i am. my blood pressure is like 200/100. i can't go to the hospital. who watches carol? all right, what do i do with carol? >> reporter: scott, i spoke with mike with increased medication his blood pressure is under control. >> jon, thanks very much. and we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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it's easy for me cause look at as it is her.him... aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y ultragel.
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finally tonight on the path to the republican nomination, 19 of 29 states have gone to trump. but we wondered if the donald is the one in his ancestral home? mark phillips took the high road to scotland. >> reporter: there are plenty of reasons for singing laments about the hard life up here. on the isle of lewis off scotland's wild northwest coast. but in the town of stoneaway, the boys in the pub have a new lament, they could be singing about donald trump. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: they did once meet donald trump when he paid a brief visit to lewis. stopping at the house his mother grew up in before the young mary ancl
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seven decades ago. >> we are back here. we are just happy to be back here. > reporter: the happiness though isn't mutual. if you had to, in a phrase, or sentence, sum up the islanders attitude to this son of lewis now running for president what would it be? >> obviously this irrational sense of guilt. what have we spawned? >> reporter: local author ian stephen says islanders don't have traditional feel-good connection with donald trump, the way jfk did in his ancestral home in ireland. or that ronald reagan also had. and even barack obama, irish on his mother's side. here, they asked themselves a question -- >> what the hell is our donald up to now? >> folks we have -- >> reporter: not just trump's more controversial statements that have the people of lewis ducking for cover it's his style. >> i'm really
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>> reporter: boastful showy self promotion doesn't play on lewis, the home of quiet scottish, presbyterian reserved says bandleader, gerry blane. >> people don't blow their own trumpets. they're modest. there are similarities though. the hair. it seems to go back through mother mary to the mccloud clan. in fact, a joke about it here that it is all about the local wind. >> for years and years, that has left the wave in the hair which is genetically some how come down through the generations to donald. >> reporter: they're doing what they have always done when a storm blows up in this remote place. finding refuge in friendship, music, and a sense huchl more. -- sense of humor. mark phillips, cbs news. that's the "cbs overnight news" for this friday. for some of you the news continues. for others, check back with us a litt
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news and "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm scott pelley. >> announcer: this its the "overnight news" welcome to the overnight news. i'm michelle miller. the race for the white house returns to industrial midwest next tuesday when wisconsin holds its primary. for the democrats, bernie sanders, populist message is playing well with blue-collar workers. he leads hillary clinton by four points, 49% to 45%. for the republicans, ted cruz got some good news. he will appear on the gop ballot in pennsylvania, which holds its primary at the end of the month. a republican voter in pittsburgh went to court claiming cruz is ineligible because he was born in canada. the case was dismissed. as for wisconsin, polls show that cruz is in the lead among likely gop primary volt herbs. he is at 40%. withon
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and john kasich at 21. but among prepublican women in wisconsin trump its last. his recent comments about abortion aren't helping matters. major garrett reports. >> plenty of issues donald trump defined himself by what he said and how he said it. beyond the controversy and flamboyance, a couple questions persisted -- what does trump know? what does he actually believe? all this came together yesterday when trump did something almost without precedent. angering those who support and owe pose abortion rights. at exactly the same time. >> the latest demonstration of how little donald thought -- >> of course women shouldn't be punished. i think probably, donald trump will figure out a way to say he didn't say it. >> ted cruz and john kasich criticized donald trump for saying women seeking abortions should be punished itch the procedure was made illegal. >> the
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some form of punishment. >> for the woman. >> yeah, some form. >> 10 cents, 10 years? >> i don't know. >> trump appeared uncomfort bum discussing abortion. and fumbled over questions about its criminalization. >> i am against, pro-life, yes. >> how do you ban abortion. how you will go back to a position like they had. where people will perhaps go to illegal places. >> yeah. >> you have to ban it. groups opposed to abortion rights, denounced trump saying we never advocated in any context for the punishment of women and calling the comments out of touch with the pro-life movement. within hours, trump's campaign reversed course. issuing a statement that the doctor would be held legally responsible for the woman. and insisting trump's position has not changed. >> i am pro choice in every respect. >> reporter: trump's former stance in favor of abortion rights has been something cruz
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highlight unsuccessfully until now. cruz is leading trump by ten wisconsin primary.xt tuesday's among women the gap grows larger. >> the numbers were good. the numb br nobody respects women more than i do. >> nearly 16 million americans are caring for a family member or friend who has alzheimers disease. a brain disorder that slow leap destroyed memory. and ability to carry out simple tass ticks. a study out this week looked at the toll the disease takes on care givers. >> here's dr. jon lapook. >> when we met mike and carol daly, he was the sole care giver after her alzheimers diagnosis and often took him to work with him. today at age 73, he is still working, but now as carol declines, a health aide cares for her during the day.
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could you swing it? >> no. dedicate my life to taking care of carol. i can't afford. >> the survey documented sacrifices alzheimers care givers are often forced to make. >> they were having to make choices about -- putting food on the table. or going off to the doctor. or taking money out of their retirement funds to make sure the person had care. >> reporter: the survey also found almost half of care givers were forced to cutback on their own expenses. for mike t. saving so carol can stay in her own home. i have an obligation to her. a love i have for her. i can't see, i can't abandon her. >> reporter: the cost of caring
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for some one with alzheimers is a lot more than financial. >> what would you say the toll has been on you. >> i'm dying. my blood pressure is like 200/100. i can't go off to the hospital. what do i dupe with carol? >> reporter: most people believe medicare may or will help cover nursing home. it doesn't. for that you need long term care insurance. something carried by 3% of u.s. adults. jon lapook, cbs news. overseas, 90 remain hospitalized after last week's terror attacks in brussels. among them is 37-year-old sebastian bellin. the former pro basketball star about to board a plane for michigan to see his family when the bombs went off. his mangled leg already required four surgeries. he won't be heading tomorrow any time soon. so his family went to see him. vladimir duthiers was there. >> when we visited in
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he was talking about sacrifice. >> traveling for two, three weeks. that's time away from your kids. then when you are back with them, you know then you have time to really be 100% for them. >> reporter: he spoke about family. >> we can't wait to see him. >> reporter: he had no idea his brothers, dad, and stepmom were here to surprise him. >> what are you doing?
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>> it's going to take me a little time. it's surreal. sorry, i'm lost for words. if you would have told me this would happen. a weak after lying on the floor in the airport where everything seemed around me. you know, like the exact opposite. it's just, it's two extremes. >> his wife arrived saturday. sleeping by his side every night since. >> i am still having a hard time procession it. seeing the photo was -- extremely terrifying. >> reporter: yeah. >> to think that happened to our family. it's like an invasion into your, your little circle. >> i lost 50% of mu bloy blood. i never once passed out. i never once lost focus on the game pl
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game. vladimir duthiers, brussels. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. there's moving... ...and there's moving with move free ultra. it has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones. and unlike the big osteo-bi flex pills, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on.
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♪ for three years now, seth doane has been our man in beijing covering everything from politics to pollution. well, seth is ready for his next assignment in rome. and before he goes, he takes a look back at some of his favorite stories from asia. >> reporter: okay -- as adventures go it is hard to beat boarding a boat of questionable seaworthiness with filipino fishermen to glimpse china's island building. the artificial island are seen internationally as a muscular move. they have now flashed several warning signals at us. our captain is starting to get nervous. he tells us, it's time to get out of here. while domestically the rin
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speech. each june 4th, we have come to expect a blackout of any mention of the anniversary of that brutal massacre in 1989. as a student here in china do you learn about tiananmen square? in the history books? >> not mentioned. >> reporter: mainland chinese received little coverage of the more recent 2014 protests in hong kong. >> see people starting to put on face mask, goggles protective gear. >> reporter: we had to wear masks bane shmask s in beijing to protect against the pollution. all part of being based in a region that is rarely dull. >> this is saber rattling on a very grand scale. >> north korea conducted the fourth nuclear test in january and we visited the closed off country twice. both times tangling with government minders. >> yre
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to north korea. >> you can't come. >> reporter: a stark contrast with open, high tech and hypercompetitive "nba on tnt" to the south. in seoul, we learned plastic surgery is one way to get ahead. >> we can do this, okay. and you will look much younger here. >> reporter: in south korea we also trafltd to where the ferry capsized. killing 300 people. mostly teenagers on a school trip. it is hard to really get a chance for just how big this search-and-recovery effort is. until you are actually out here. we witnessed tdiragees of aguniminable scale, the earthquake in nepal, where we were lucky enough to see an unbelievable rescue. in the philippines we watched the painfulro pcess of recovery. after a super typhoon tore through. in japan we suited up to go into reactor four after the 2011 tsunami
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multidown. and watched a solo commit to first grade. of a japanese lesson in independen independence. >> you will do this all alone. >> yes. >> is that strange? >> no. >> thank you. it was strange to be checked into a hotel by a robot. there were some perks. >> not as complex as champagne. >> sampling wine from the china version of napa valley. back in beijing. we got used to operating by complex set of rules. and choreogrd.aphe press conferences. >> i have learned that i will beat eighth person to be called on. >> still we kept pushing to see places authorities did not want us to. this time, following the deadly chem cam explos chemicallo
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>> this is what it is like covering aster here in china. >> it has been an incredible ride. wouldn't beep possible without the people behind the camera. and the bureau chief, lucy, producers, randy, brad, cameraman. mr. sun our driver. thanks to all of them. they never really get the thanks. they still do all the same work. british government is keeping the memory of world war ii alive. with their tourist attraction. the underground shelters used during the nazi air raid on london. mark phillips took a trip under the underground. >> in the old news reels it was all jaunty mousseic and war time pluck. >> some of london's areas have been open to the public. the public availed itself of advantage they offer. >> main is a refuge from what was
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in june, 1944, as allies were invading normandy, the nazis called their vengeance weapons. the v-1 flying bomb, doodlebugs. and the shoelters dug in response to the blitz early earl in the war, were waiting. >> eight of the underground homes. four in the north. four in the south. >> i haven't been keeping count. >> 180 stairs down. 180 stairs down. about 30 meters. 120 feet. >> now the shelter is about to be opened again. as an educational tool and tourist attraction. and to walk down these 180 stairs is to walk back seven decades. >> this lead us to. >> the tunnels were basically closed up after the war. >> now, justin brandt of london transport says they're about to
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for tours of a history frozen in time. >> this was the response to having your city bombed? >> absolutely. yes, this was, had can teens, you had toilets. so, yes. >> we keep buckets. yes. >> this was blitz style. >> blitz style. >> as for sleeping accommodation. >> the war time propaganda made the most of it. >> what do you think of the shelter now. you have been here a week or two? >> but it wasn't all sing songs while the bombs fell. your through and through, caught new york. >> definitely. proud of it as well. >> babs clark seen on the left was just 11 years old when she and her family headed for the local shelter at a subway stop in east end, london. >> this memorial stand, where
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world war ii took place. not a result of nazi bombs. but because of a brush. big crush up here. >> there was. filing down the stairs down here. awe all the in the lack you -- >> the woman struggled and the crowd kept pushing on top of them. >> everybody else fell on top of it like a dm knomino. >> 173 people died. 73 years ago this month. >> i reckon i will as high as the ceiling. >> reporter: the next day, workmen quietly erected handrails on the steps before none existed before. and under war time censorship, the incident was played down. if bombing was an attempt to demoralize the enemy. the last thing you wanted to admit it was causing fear and panic. babs' war time memories are about loss. everybody knew some body who died here. even if the public was shown the
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war time experience of cups and tea, and sing-along defiance. and war, reopening of the tunnels will show it is more complicated than that. i'm mark phillips in london. my bargain detergent, it couldn't keep up it was mostly water. so i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated... so i get a better clean. i mean i give away water for free... i'm not about to pay for it in my detergent. voted 2016 product of the year if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide.
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it's easy for me cause look at as it is her.him... aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both...
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when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y ultragel. i think we should've taken a tarzan know where tarzan go! tarzan does not know where tarzan go. hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is? waterfall? no, me tarzan, king of jungle. why don't you want to just ask somebody? if you're a couple, you fight over directions. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. oh ohhhhh it's what you do. ohhhhhh! do you have to do that right in my ear? golf's greatest players will gather in augusta, georgia, next week for the masters. among them, 22-year-old defending champ, jordan
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he shared his thoughts on the tournament with charlie rose. >> close your eyes. >> close my eyes? >> close your eyes. >> watch out. >> reporter: even with his eyes closed, jordan speith's swing is spot-on. >> jordan speith! >> reporter: last year at theage of 21, speith became the second youngest man to win the masters. >> one of the epic performances. >> reporter: tell me about the masters and you? >> it's -- as a kid growing up it's -- my favorite tournament in the world. as a professional my favorite tournament in the world. nothing changed. i came close in my first attempt in 2014. then last year, got off to just a hot start. able to hold it together. it was -- really, really incredible. >> reporter: when you go to the masters are you playing the course, competition, or playing
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yourself? >> playing the golf course. last year we were 18 under. hardest thing to do in repeating or trying to repeat a win is to not look at the year before. and think it is just going to be like that. >> reporter: family remains speith's top priority in life and career. his youngest sister, elli, born with a neurological disorder is his greatest fan. >> we have a unique family and a unique, position, that -- having a special needs sister, kind of changes your life. every person in our family, changes kind of the-- the -- sacrifices to make, and for us, so special, her development and so special to see how she can continue to conquer, you know, struggles that we take for granted. >> reporter: 2015 had to be as good a year as you could ever imagine having? >> certainly. >> reporter: except you thought you would al
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>> there was a chance. won the first two. came into the british open, open championship. come sunday sitting here thinking we could make it three in a row. that was really a tough loss. it proved to me that -- no matter how many times you get yourself in position, whether major or regular tournament, some breaks that will go your way. some times it is not going to. >> reporter: before jordan speith there was tiger woods. >> yet again. and no one can take the heat like tiger woods. though no longer a major threat on the course, he remains a central figure to the sport. what is it that tiger did for the game? >> he made it cool. he made it athletic. he showed he kind of had an influence on a younger generation of athletes that maybe, hey, gochl is colf is co. let's try golf. it was that way with me. i was an athlete. i saw tiger dom nachlt it was inspiring. speith is one of
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influenced by woods, who are crowding a competitivefield. >> phil mickelson is contending to win events in his mid 40s. you have guys mid 30s. adam scott. sergio garcia, guys around since they were teenagers still in their prime. and then there is, the 20-something-year-olds, rory mcilroy, still more accomplished than anybody else. he and phil mickelson the most accomplished players on the pga tour right now. >> reporter: here is my final question. you want to hit the ball over the fence? >> yeah. >> i mean over it. how are you going to do that? >> hit more club. >> what do you need to do that? >> i can't tell where it is landing. i will hit a 3 wood. >> just want to seep it sa it sr the fence? >> yeah, sure. >> hello, boat. >> who is that fool trying to
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[boy] eenie meanie miny mo! [woman] exactly. now try this new kind of question. [boy] hm, 3/2 is the same as 3 one halves; that's here at one and one half! [woman] right! now i can see that you really understand fractions. and the number line. [boy] do i win anything? [woman. laughs] ah! ha-ha that's wonderful. thank you very much. oh boy. thank you. ♪you make me feel so young ♪you make me feel so spring has sprung♪ ♪you make me feel so spring has sprung♪ moisture so i can get into it ao enhance mbit quicker. ral and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel.
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a proposed law in colorado raising new question as but how to punish underaged teens who engage in sexting, the measure would downgrade from a felony to a misdemeanor. some parents are dead set against that. vinita nair has the story. >> high school sexting scandal last year was the catalyst for this bill. prosecutors and police pushed for legislation to combat what has become common place, juveniles distributing explicit photos. some worry the new law could turn more youngsters into law breakers. you know what we were talking about, right, sexting. >> julie and will of colorado say their kids told them sexting is part of modern teenage life. >> it is more widespread. >> reporter: a colorado bill would reduce penalty for a
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who sext. making it class misdemeanor. current statutes can kid underaged teen sexting a fofrm of child pornography, a felony requiring those convicted to register as sex offenders. >> this bill proposes a charge that we are going to call misuse of electronic images. it doesn't carry the title sexting. when the juvenile progresses to adult hood. that case can be sealed from the public. >> an anonymous tip led officials at canyon city high school to discover a large scale sexting scandal. they found hundreds of images collected and sthard by their students. prosecutors decided not to file charges. >> i think this new law is making this issue a lot worse. >> assistant appropriate fessor, is author of sexting panic, rethinking criminalization,
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>> seems like a good idea. sexting can count as child pornography. a lot of prosecutors are hesitant to use child pornography laws against teenagers. >> i'm concerned that kids might get more widely prosecuted because it would be a lesser charge. so people might be more willing to prosecute. and i don't think that's going to teach anybody the lessons we want them to learn. >> the proposed bill does offer additional protections for juveniles. they could defend sell theflz by proving they took reasonable steps in a timely manner to destroy, delete any ex-his it images they receive. >> that's the news for this friday. for some the news continues for others check back later for the morning news and "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new york city. i'm michelle miller.
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for the first time an american journalist sees the treasure isis has stolen from the world. elizabeth palmer has reached palmyra, syria. >> we can't venture any further into the ruins because the whole place is laced with mines and dynamite. >> also tonight, tornados rip through oklahoma and now menace the south. they're the champions of the soccer world -- so why are american women paid a fraction of what the men get? ♪ ♪ >> and we explore trump's roots in scotland. how do they feel about the favorite son? >> obviously this irrational sense of guilt. what have we spawned? >> announcer: this its the "overnight news" for five years the world has witnessed the horrors of syria's
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more than a quarter million people killed, more than 11 million people who have lost their homes. but the greatest treasure lost was the ancient city of palmyra, a world heritage site. this week the assad dictatorship retook palmyra from isis, the bad guys taking it from the worse guys if you will. elizabeth palmer reached palmyra, the first american journalist to enter the city and here is what she found. >> reporter: after ten months under isis control, who would have believed palmyra could look so good. but up close there are monumental gaps. for 2,000 years, a reman for 2,000 years, a roman triumphal arch spanned then france. now the arch is gone, brought down by isis explosives. the syrian army tells us we can't venture any further into the ruins because the whole place is laced with mines and dynamite. so is the town next to the ruins.
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a group has come here today to honor the syrian soldiers who defeated isis in battle. but no one is going to be moving back into these houses anytime soon. for isis, palmyra was a strategic prize. and an opportunity to taunt the world with videos that showed fighters destroying priceless treasures. a mass execution in the roman amphitheater. but one atrocity left scars, the excushion of mohammad al assad's father, khaled. he was decapitated by isis and his body put on display. he was so brave, mohammad tells me. and i loved him so much. and his father loved the palmyra museum, his life work, now wrecked. it is a wonder this building is still standing considering the
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amount of artillery and russian air strikes that were necessary to take back the town from isis. >> reporter: everywhere there is more isis desecration. a whole room full of delicate stone heads their faces hacked away. and among palmyra's greatest losses, the temple of bel, all but the arch blown to bits. and yet there is hope. mohammad al asad is already thinking of reconstruction. >> reporter: where would you even start. where would you start, mohammad? the experts can do it, he says. just give them a few years. and of ourse, an end to this war which at the moment has just moved a few miles down the road. but, scott, the whole time we were in palmyra sounded as if the wore were right with us. controlled explosions every few minutes. the syrian army demining the town and team of russian
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explosive experts is expected tomorrow. >> elizabeth palmer with the news-breaking report for us tonight inside syria. liz, thank you. moving on to campaign 2016, troubles seem to be shadowing donald trump's campaign this week. so it caught our attention when she showed up today for a meeting with republican party leaders in washington. major garrett is following this. >> reporter: donald trump's campaign, requested the meeting to discuss the less than concrete pledge to support the gop nominee if it is not him. but nothing was resolved. trump trails in wisconsin and a loss there tuesday would increase the chances the republican convention in july would begin without a clear cut nominee. republican leaders remain anxious about trump as their standard bearer, after these comments yesterday to msnbc about what would happen if abortion was outlawed. >> the answer is that there has to be some form of punishment. >> for the woman? >> trump reversed himself.
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john kasich said today he would turn to the women in his family before deciding if he could back trump as the nominee. >> at this point because of the nature of i election, it is going to matter what my wife and daughters think. >> reporter: trump said that he is final on issues important to women. >> i will be great on women's health issues. i will be so great to women. i cherish women. i have great respect for women. i do cherish women. >> reporter: on top of his abortion comments, trump disparaged female candidates and defended his campaign manager after he was charged with battery after grabbing a female reporter. in general election match ups. trump trails hillary clinton by 20 points with women. and against bernie sanders p. 23 points. trump is also battling history. no republican nominee has within a majority of women voters since 1988.
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in 2012, mitt romney lost women by 11 points. our most recent poll shows trump with a 57% unfavorability rating. the highest of any presidential front-runner dating back to 1984. scott, 63% of women view trump unfortunate favorably. 22 points higher than romney four years ago. major garrett on the campaign tonight. thank you. juliana goldman is following the democrats. >> just yesterday donald trump said women should be punished for having an abortion. [ audience boos ] campaigning on her home turf in westchester, new york. hillary clinton said it didn't matter that donald trump walked back his comments on abortion. >> we all heard them. donald trump is showing us exactly who he is and we should believe him. >> reporter: she hammered bernie sanders who yesterday called trump's remarks shameful but a distraction from the serious, e
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>> to me this is a serious issue. and it is a very serious discussion. women's health is under assault across america. >> reporter: clinton appealing to moderate and independent women who will be key to a victory in november. she is also reaching out to younger women, who back sanders by more than 30 points. they like sanders' populist message and are not driven by the prospect of the first female president. >> i can honestly say that my faith in bernie sanders is just overwhelmingly more than hillary clinton. a tough question for me. >> to close the enthusiasm gap, a scary picture for any one other than herself as president. for some sanders' supporters that's not enough. >> i don't trust what she is saying, she seems to use diversion tactics and doesn't seem as open and transparent as bernie. >> sanders didn't mention trump's comments today. in response to clinton, a campaign spokesperson called trump a statement an outrag
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and said sanders has a 100% lifetime voting record defending a woman's right to choose.
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tonight, nearly 30 million americans are under watches and warnings for severe weather. including flash floods and tornados in the south. memphis was pummelled with hail today part of the same system that spawned a tornado last night in oklahoma. manuel bojorquez is in tulsa. >> reporter: scott, this is the damage the tornado left behind. a wall made of heavy cinder blocks crumbled and the roof of this business gone. >> it is moving east-northeast. >> reporter: the natonal weather service has teams in the field now trying to determine the st
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night. the funnel lifted and is believed to have touched down several times going on to strike tulsa's suburbs. authorities are tallying up the numbers of homes and businesses damaged or destroyed. a prayer group rode out the storm in a church which lost part of its roof. no deaths have been reported. but seven people were injured. scott, this beauty supply store had closed just before the tornado hit. so no one was inside. >> lucky. manuel bojorquez in oklahoma for us tonight. manuel, thank you. tonight a virginia state trooper is fighting for his life. after a gunman opened fire at a greyhound bus station in richmond. jeff pegues is there. >> reporter: scott, law enforcement sources tell me this was part of a training exercise that went terribly wrong. as part of the training, there were state troopers inside the greyhound station. stopping people. questioning people. one man they stopped according to investigators pulled a gun and shots were fired. according to investigators. the state trooper was shot at close range.
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fire. hitting the suspect who later died. two bystanders were hurt. expected to survive. scott, the concern is for the state trooper shot at close range. he did suffer life threatening injuries. the fbi and atf are assisting with the investigation. which is still unfolding. >> unclear what set this off. jeff pegues in richmond. john dickerson is here, cbs news political director and anchor of "face the nation" what's the significance of the meeting with donald trump and the leaders of the republican party? >> in symbolic terms they beth had reason to have the meeting. for donald trump, he said a unifying meeting. had kind of a rough week. he is in washington. met with foreign policy leaders today. met with the republican party. she'd i am a unifier, not a chaotic candidate. for the republican party. there are some in the republican party who want to deny donald trump the nomination. the committee has the to show it is treating him fairly all the y
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they met for an hour. talked about delegate allocation process and informed trump of things he didn't know. there is a process getting delegates from the votes. >> there is a stop trump movement in the republican party, everyone is well aware of. where is it headed. >> wants a fight at the convention. though trump will go in with more delegates than anybody else to take them away. focus on the group is on wisconsin. the basically if they can take enough delegates away from trump. deny them. >> two important things. marco rubio says he wnlts to hold on to his delegates. mean there are fewer that trump can grab, unbound, if rubio didn't. and the real work is happening, state-by-state. those who want to deny, trump the delegates. talking to the delegates and saying, if donald trump doesn't get the nomination on the first ballot. vote for somebody else on the second ballot. >> only bound on the first ballot. >> right. you will have an interview
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and john, thank you very much. in washington today, president obama hosted a nuclear security summit meeting of 50 nations. and he met with leaders from countries including china, japan, and south korea. they discussed how to secure nuclear material around the world to keep it out of the hands of terrorists. much of that material its in russia. which did not attend. joining iran and north korea as no shows. the women who rule this field are fighting for equal pay. and the hidden hardships of caring for a loved one with alzheimers disease. the cbs overnight news will be right back.
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today, five of america's top athletes filed a federal complaint charging that soccer pays women a pittance to win world championships while it pays big to the men who lose them. here's jim axelrod. >> stays loose! >> reporter: when the u.s. women's soccer team won the world cup last year, they drew the highest tv ratings for any soccer game in american history. men or women the they also got a nice parade and a bonus from the u.s. soccer federation of $75,000 for each player. according to the filing. compare that to the men's team. if they won a world cup, they would get t
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hope solo one of five players to sign the complaint told cbs "this morning" that has to change. >> you know what, this is a time that we need to push for equality and what's right. and people are paying attention. >> the women's team says it generates as much as or more revenue than the men. but get paid four times less. grant wahl who covers soccer for "sports illustrated" and fox sports says they have a point. >> are the women paid less than the men? >> yes. they are paid less than the men right now. >> reporter: do they generate equivalent revenue. >> u.s. soccer itself says u.s. women are set to produce $51 million in revenues and the men are set to produce $60 million in revenues. which is roughly similar. >> it is not just money. the women want equality in their travel, accommodations. conditions of the field they play and practice on. julie foudy is a member of two u.s. world cup winning teams.
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>> for a long time the team has been fighting for change and progress. and this group is feeling like, okay, we are still carrying the torch. and we want to be done carrying it. >> in a statement to date u.s. soccer federation said it remained committed to addressing compensation. one other thing to watch as this plays out. whether members of the u.s. women's team would strike before the olympics in august. thamt threat could possibly give them leverage, negotiations continue. speaking of great women, renowned architect zaha hadid died of a heart attack in miami. her futuristic designs changed sky lines around the world and they include london's olympic aquatic center, an opera house in china, and an art museum in cincinnati. born in baghdad, hadid in 2004 became the first woman ever
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to win the pritzker, the nobel of architecture. hadid was 65. a new study sheds light on the hidden toll of alzheimers disease. that's next.
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nearly 16 million americans are caring for someone with alzheimers disease. in a new study this week, looked at the toll that takes on care givers. dr. jon lapook is following one family's struggle. >> reporter: when we first met
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ago he was the sole care giver after her alzheimers diagnosis and often took her to work with him. today at age 73, he is still working. as carol declines he continues as her primary care giver. but now has some help during the day. >> if you did want to retire, could you swing it financially? >> no, i would have to, have to dedicate my whole life to taking care of carol because i can't afford to pay home care. >> the survey documented the financial sacrifices alzheimers care givers are forced to make. >> they were having to make choices about putting food on the table. or going to the doctor. or taking money out of their retirement funds to make sure the person had care. >> reporter: the survey also found almost half of care givers were forced to cutback on their own expenses. for mike, that means working and saving, so carol can stay in their home. what is the alternative to home care, having somebody come in here? >> nursing home. >> reporter: you hate that idea?
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>> reporter: why? >> i have an obligation to her. the love i have for her. i can't see, i can't abandon her. >> reporter: the cost of caring for someone with alzheimers is a lot more than financial. what would you say the toll has been on you? >> i'm dying. i really think i am. my blood pressure is like 200/100. i can't go to the hospital. who watches carol? all right, what do i do with carol? >> reporter: scott, i spoke with mike daly. with increased medication his blood pressure is under control. >> jon, thanks very much. and we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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finally tonight on the path to the republican nomination, 19 of 29 states have gone to trump. but we wondered if the donald is the one in his ancestral home? mark phillips took the high road to scotland. >> reporter: there are plenty of reasons for singing laments about the hard life up here. on the isle of lewis off scotland's wild northwest coast. but in the town of stoneaway, the boys in the pub have a new lament, they could be singing about donald trump. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: they did once meet donald trump when he paid a brief visit to lewis. stopping at the house his mother grew up in before the young mary ann mccloud left for new york seven decades ago.
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>> we are back here. we are just happy to be back here. >> reporter: the happiness though isn't mutual. if you had to, in a phrase, or sentence, sum up the islanders attitude to this son of lewis now running for president what would it be? >> obviously this irrational sense of guilt. what have we spawned? >> reporter: local author ian stephen says islanders don't have traditional feel-good connection with donald trump, the way jfk did in his ancestral home in ireland. or that ronald reagan also had. and even barack obama, irish on his mother's side. here, they asked themselves a question -- >> what the hell is our donald up to now? >> folks we have -- >> reporter: not just trump's more controversial statements that have the people of lewis ducking for cover it's his style. >> i'm really rich. >> reporter: boastful showy self
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promotion doesn't play on lewis, the home of quiet scottish, presbyterian reserved says bandleader, gerry blane. >> people don't blow their own trumpets. they're modest. there are similarities though. the hair. it seems to go back through mother mary to the mccloud clan. in fact, a joke about it here that it is all about the local wind. >> for years and years, that has left the wave in the hair which is genetically some how come down through the generations to donald. >> reporter: they're doing what they have always done when a storm blows up in this remote place. finding refuge in friendship, music and a sense of humor. mark phillips, cbs news. that's the "cbs overnight news" for this friday. for some of you the news continues. for others, check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm scott pelley.
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>> announcer: this is the "overnight news" welcome to the overnight news. i'm michelle miller. the race for the white house returns to industrial midwest next tuesday when wisconsin holds its primary. for the democrats, bernie sanders, populist message is playing well with blue-collar workers. he leads hillary clinton by four points, 49% to 45%. for the republicans, ted cruz got some good news. he will appear on the gop ballot in pennsylvania, which holds its primary at the end of the month. a republican voter in pittsburgh went to court claiming cruz is ineligible because he was born in canada. the case was dismissed. as for wisconsin, polls show that cruz is in the lead among likely gop primary volt herbs. he is at0%
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and john kasich at 21. but among republican women in wisconsin trump its last. his recent comments about abortion aren't helping matters. major garrett reports. >> plenty of issues donald trump defined himself by what he said and how he said it. beyond the controversy and flamboyance, a couple questions persisted -- what does trump know? what does he actually believe? all this came together yesterday when trump did something almost without precedent. angering those who support and owe pose abortion rights. at exactly the same time. >> the latest demonstration of how little donald thought -- >> of course women shouldn't be punished. i think probably, donald trump will figure out a way to say he didn't say it. >> ted cruz and john kasich criticized donald trump for saying women seeking abortions should be punished itch the procedure wama
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>> the answer is there has to be some form of punishment. >> for the woman. >> yeah, some form. >> 10 cents, 10 years? >> i don't know. >> trump appeared uncomfort bum discussing abortion. and fumbled over questions about its criminalization. >> i am against, pro-life, yes. >> how do you ban abortion. how you will go back to a position like they had. where people will perhaps go to illegal places. >> yeah. >> you have to ban it. groups opposed to abortion rights, denounced trump saying we never advocated in any context for the punishment of women and calling the comments out of touch with the pro-life movement. within hours, trump's campaign reversed course. in
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doctor would be held legally responsible for the woman. and insisting trump's position has not changed. choice in every >> reporter: trump's former stance in favor of abortion rights has been something cruz and allies have been trying to highlight unsuccessfully until now. cruz is leading trump by ten points ahead of next tuesday's wisconsin primary. among women the gap grows larger. >> the numbers were good. nobody respects women more than i do. >> nearly 16 million americans are caring for a family member or friend who has alzheimers disease. a brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and the ability to carry out simple tasks. a study out this week looked at the toll the disease takes on care givers. >> here's dr. jon lapook. >> when we met mike and carol daly, he was the sole care giver after her alzheimers diagnosis and often took him to work with him. today at age 73, he is still working, but now as carol declines, a health aide cares for her during the day. >> if you did want to retire
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>> no. dedicate my life to taking care of carol. i can't afford. >> the survey documented the tie -- the financial sacrifices alzheimers care givers are often forced to make. >> they were having to make choices about -- putting food on the table. or going off to the doctor. or taking money out of their retirement funds to make sure the person had care. >> reporter: the survey also found almost half of care givers were forced to cutback on their own expenses. for mike t. saving so carol can stay in her own home. i have an obligation to her. a love i have for her. i can't see, i can't abandon her. >> reporter: the cost of caring for some one with alzheimers is a lot more than financial. >> what would you say the toll has been on you. >> i'm dying. my blood pressure is like 200/100. i can't go off to the hospital. what do i dupe with carol? >> rte
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nursing home. it doesn't. for that you need long term care insurance. something carried by 3% of u.s. adults. jon lapook, cbs news. overseas, 90 remain hospitalized after last week's terror attacks in brussels. among them is 37-year-old sebastian bellin. the former pro basketball star about to board a plane for michigan to see his family when the bombs went off. his mangled leg already required four surgeries. he won't be heading tomorrow any time soon. so his family went to see him. vladimir duthiers was there. >> when weep -
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sebastian bellin in brussels. he was talking about sacrifice. >> traveling for two, three weeks. that's time away from your kids. then when you are back with them, you know then you have time to really be 100% for them. >> reporter: he spoke about family. >> we can't wait to see him. >> reporter: he had no idea his brothers, dad, and stepmom were here to surprise him.
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>> what are you doing? >> it's going to take me a little time. it's surreal. sorry, i'm lost for words. if you would have told me this would happen. a weak after lying on the floor in the airport where everything seemed around me. you know, like the exact opposite. it's just, it's two extremes. >> his wife arrived saturday. sleeping by his side every night since. >> i am still having a hard time processing it. seeing the photo was -- extremely terrifying. >> reporter: yeah. >> to think that happened to our family. it's like an invasion into your, your little circle. >> i lost 50% of my blood. i never once passed out. i never once lost focus on the game plan. on what i want uhhed to dupe. and how i was going to win that game.
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the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. ♪
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for three years now, seth doane has been our man in beijing covering everything from politics to pollution. well, seth is ready for his next assignment in rome. and before he goes, he takes a look back at some of his favorite stories from asia. >> reporter: okay -- as adventures go it is hard to beat boarding a boat of questionable seaworthiness with filipino fishermen to glimpse china's island building. in the south china sea. the artificial island are seen internationally as a muscular move.
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they have now flashed several warning signals at us. our captain is starting to get nervous. he tells us, it's time to get out of here. while domestically the ruling communist party has clamped down on corruption, dissent and free speech. each june 4th, we have come to expect a blackout of any mention of the anniversary of that brutal massacre in 1989. as a student here in china do you learn about tiananmen square? in the history books? >> not mentioned. >> reporter: mainland chinese received little coverage of the more recent 2014 pro-democracy protests in hong kong. >> see people starting to put on face mask, goggles protective gear. >> reporter: we had to wear mask s in beijing to protect against the pollution. all part of being based in a region that is rarely dull. >> this is saber rattling on a very grand scale. >> north korea conducted the fourth nuclear test in january and we visited the closed off country twice. both times tangling with government minders. >> you are saying if we interview people we can't come to north korea. >> you can't come.
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>> reporter: a stark contrast with open, high tech and hypercompetitive neighbor to the south. in seoul, we learned plastic surgery is one way to get ahead. >> we can do this, okay. and you will look much younger here. >> reporter: in south korea we also traveled to where the ferry capsized. killing 300 people. mostly teenagers on a school trip. it is hard to really get a sense for just how big this search-and-recovery effort is. until you are actually out here. we witnessed tragedies of unimaginable scale, the earthquake in nepal, where we were lucky enough to see an unbelievable rescue. in the philippines we watched the painful process of recovery. after a super typhoon tore through. in japan we suited up to go into reactor four after the 2011 tsunami triggered a nuclear
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meltdown. we watched a solo commute to first grade. of a japanese lesson in independence. >> you will do this all alone. >> yes. >> is that strange? >> no. >> thank you. it was strange to be checked into a hotel by a robot. there were some perks. >> not as complex as champagne. >> sampling wine from the china version of napa valley. back in beijing. we got used to operating by complex set of rules. complete with choreographed press conferences. >> i have been told to keep my hand raised, and i have learned that i will beat eighth person to be called on. >> still we kept pushing to see places authorities did not want us to. this time, following the deadly chemical explosion in tianjing. >> you can see here,
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are trying to get us to stop shooting. this what it is like covering a story here in china. >> it has been an incredible ride. wouldn't be possible without the people behind the camera. and the bureau chief, lucy, producers, randy, brad, cameraman. mr. sun our driver. thanks to all of them. they never really get the thanks. they still do all the same work. british government is keeping the memory of world war ii alive. with their tourist attraction. the underground shelters used during the nazi air raid on london. mark phillips took a trip under the underground. >> in the old news reels it was all jaunty music and war time pluck. >> some of london's areas have been open to the public. the public availed itself of advantage they offer. >> main is a refuge from what was happening upstairs.
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in june, 1944, as allies were invading normandy, the nazis launched what they called their vengeance weapons. against london. the v-1 flying bomb, doodlebugs. and the shuttlers dug in response to the blitz early earl in the war, were waiting. >> eight of the underground homes. four in the north. four in the south. >> i haven't been keeping count. >> 180 stairs down. 180 stairs down. about 30 meters. 120 feet. >> now the shelter is about to be opened again. as an educational tool and tourist attraction. and to walk down these 180 stairs is to walk back seven decades. >> this lead us to. >> the tunnels were basically closed up after the war.
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>> now, justin brandt of london transport says they're about to start selling tickets. for tours of a history frozen in time. >> this was the response to having your city bombed? >> absolutely. yes, this was, had can teens, medical facilities. rudimentary toilets. you had toilets. so, yes. >> we keep buckets. yes. >> this was blitz style. >> blitz style. >> as for sleeping accommodation. >> the war time propaganda made the most of it. >> what do you think of the shelter now. you have been here a week or two? >> but it wasn't all sing songs while the bombs fell. your through and through, caught new york. >> definitely. >> definitely. proud of it as well. >> babs clark seen on the left was just 11 years old when she and her family headed for the local shelter at a subway stop in east end, london. >> this memorial stand, where the worst civilian disaster of
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not a result of nazi bombs. but because of a brush. big crush up here. >> there was. filing down the stairs down here. >> yes, yes. >> in the blackout going down the steps, a woman with a child stumbled and the rest of the crowd kept pushing down on top of them. >> everybody else fell on top of it like a domino. just went down and down and down and down. >> 173 people died. 73 years ago this month. >> i reckon i will as high as the ceiling. >> reporter: the next day, workmen quietly erected handrails on the steps before none existed before. and under war time censorship, the incident was played down. if bombing was an attempt to demoralize the enemy. the last thing you wanted to admit it was causing fear and panic. babs' war time memories are about loss. everybody knew some body who
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died here. even if the public was shown the war time experience of cups and tea, and sing-along defiance. and war, reopening of the tunnels will show it is more complicated than that. i'm mark phillips in london. so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y ultragel. someone's hacked all our technology... say, have you seen all the amazing technology in geico's mobile app? mobile app? look. electronic id cards, emergency roadside service, i can even submit a claim.
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that release bursts of freshness all day. motionsense. protection to keep you moving. degree. it won't let you down. golf's greatest players will gather in augusta, georgia, next week for the masters. among them, 22-year-old defending champ, jordan speith. he shared his thoughts on the
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tournament with charlie rose. >> close your eyes. >> close my eyes? >> close your eyes. >> watch out. >> reporter: even with his eyes closed, jordan speith's swing is spot-on. >> jordan speith! >> reporter: last year at theage of 21, speith became the second youngest man to win the masters. >> one of the epic performances. >> reporter: tell me about the masters and you? >> it's -- as a kid growing up it's -- my favorite tournament in the world. as a professional my favorite tournament in the world. nothing changed. i came close in my first attempt in 2014. then last year, got off to just a hot start. able to hold it together. it was -- really, really incredible. >> reporter: when you go to the masters are you playing the course, competition, or playing yourself? >> playing the golf course.
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hardest thing to do in repeating or trying to repeat a win is to not look at the year before. and think it is just going to be like that. >> reporter: family remains speith's top priority in life and career. his youngest sister, elli, born with a neurological disorder is his greatest fan. >> we have a unique family and a unique, position, that -- having a special needs sister, kind of changes your life. every person in our family, changes kind of the-- the sack -- sacrifices to make, and for us, so special, her development and so special to see how she can continue to conquer, you know, struggles that we take for granted. >> reporter: 2015 had to be as good a year as you could ever imagine having? >> certainly. >> reporter: except you thought you would win all four.
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won the first two. came into the british open, open championship. come sunday sitting here thinking we could make it three in a row. that was really a tough loss. it proved to me that -- no matter how many times you get yourself in position, whether major or regular tournament, some breaks that will go your way. some times it is not going to. >> reporter: before jordan speith there was tiger woods. >> yet again. and no one can take the heat like tiger woods. though no longer a major threat on the course, he remains a central figure to the sport. what is it that tiger did for the game? >> he made it cool. he made it athletic. he showed he kind of had an influence on a younger generation of athletes that maybe, hey, golf is cool. let's try golf. it was that way with me. i was an athlete.
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i saw tiger dominate. it was inspiring. speith is one of the golfers influenced by woods, who are crowding a competitivefield. >> phil mickelson is contending to win events in his mid 40s. you have guys mid 30s. adam scott. sergio garcia, guys around since they were teenagers still in their prime. and then there is, the 20-something-year-olds, rory mcilroy, still more accomplished than anybody else. he and phil mickelson the most accomplished players on the pga tour right now. >> reporter: here is my final question. you want to hit the ball over the fence? >> yeah. >> i mean over it. how are you going to do that? >> hit more club. >> what do you need to do that? >> i can't tell where it is landing. i will hit a 3 wood. >> just want to see it sail over the fence? >> yeah, sure. >> hello, boat. >> who is that fool trying to hit us with a golf ball? >> you can watch cbs sports coverage of the masters, beginning saturday, april 9th. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back.
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son: it's been more daughter: no, it hasn't. mom: hey, can you two keep it down? son: i want it. it's my turn. daughter: no it isn't. mom: please just keep it down. [tires screeching] mom: i remember days when just driving down the street would give me anxiety. and now look at me. [restaurant sounds] man 1: don't get me wrong, i still don't love crowded places, but it's good to get out again.
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captioning funded by cbs it's friday, april 1st, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." tornadoes touch down across the southeast and the path of destruction could extend even farther with more severe weather forecast for today. trailing in the polls, ahead of a crucial wisconsin primary, donald trump focuses on foreign policy in an attempt to move away from his controversial remarks on abortion. top players on the women's national soccer team fight for a level playing field and equal pay. a look at the legal attack decade in the making. and dockside destruction. seven people are h


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