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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  April 6, 2016 2:07am-3:59am EDT

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anyone here know what the average contribution is? that's exactly right. smart crowd. $27. to paraphrase abraham lincoln at gettysburg, this is a campaign of the people, by the people, and for the people. [ cheers and applause ] you know what is happening? all over this country young people are standing up and they're saying, you know what? we want to help determine the future of this
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the "cbs overnight new
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today, the online payment service pay pal said that it is canceling plans to open a facility in north carolina and will take the 400 jobs elsewhere. it is the latest reaction to a new state law that critics say allows discrimination against gays and lesbians. 21 states mostly in the south have enacted similar laws that allow businesses to refuse services to people who offend the business owner's religious beliefs. today, mississippi took it one step further. and here is mark strassmann. >> reporter: after weeks of protest, mississippi now offers gays and lesbians the least discrimination protection in america. its new so-called religious freedom la
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people and government workers to deny services based on their religious beliefs. the law applies to marriage licenses, jobs, housing, even an employer's dress code. and prevents state government from intervening once religious beliefs are the reason given. governor phil bryant signed it into law. >> i think it protects a religious freedom of people who have deeply held religious beliefs. so the legislature and the majority of the people in the state of mississippi. we signed it into law. >> reporter: a recent poll indicated 2/3 of mississippians support newt law. pent kos tal pastor david tipton is one of them. >> we should be able to freely express our religious views. >> including who you do business with? >> certainly. >> reporter: gay rights advocates were outraged. one tweeting most toxic anti-lgbt law ever. also critical were fortune 500 companies, chevron, mgm resorts
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and nissan which said its policy is to prohibit discrimination of any type. and what else? mitchell moore owns campbell's bakery in downtown jackson. gay couple walks into your bakery they want a wedding cake. >> i sell them a wedding cake. it's what a do. we sell cakes. >> this 43-year-old registered republican calls the law a big mistake. >> i am a christian. i don't think christianity tells me that i have to discriminate against people. in fact, i am here to serve people. not to turn them away. >> reporter: georgia's governor vetoed a similar law last week. and lawmakers in eight other states have similar legislation pending. mark strassmann in jackson for us tonight. mark, thank you. a college in new jersey is officially out of business tonight. its mission accomplished. turns out the school was a government sting. not handing out sheepskins but outfoxing criminals. here is our justice corrnd
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>> reporter: university of northern new jersey promised students highest quality of undergraduate and graduate education it looked legitimate. twitter page with school closing announcements and facebook feed full of students wearing hats and shirts bearing the university's crest. but it was all fake. part of an undercover homeland securities sting cracking down on immigration fraud. at this kranford new jersey office building agents posed as school administrators. brokers then contacted the fake school to help foreigners. sarah saldana director of immigration and custom thousands enforcement. >> we told them there was no school. the brokers came. with the brokers they brought, many, many students. people purporting to be students, who enrolled in the university knowing full well that there would be no classes. >> reporter: this morning, 21 of the brokerer
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authorities say they took kickbacks in the pay to stay scheme that involved more than 1,000 foreign individuals who were allegedly willing participants. they include, some of the people posing for pictures under the unnj sign. many of them will likely face deportation. scott, investigators say suspects were working on behalf of people from more than 26 countries. most were from china and india. jeff pegues in the washington newsroom. jeff, thank you. tonight we have the results of a cbs news investigation into the deaths of jail inmates who were denied medical care that might have saved their lives. one of the nation's largest health care providers for county jails its fighting multiple lawsuits. jeff glor and producer, laura trickler have been looking into this. >> six months ago, 39-year-old dante wilson was in a wisconsin jail for child support violation. heave scum planed of chest
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heartburn and gave him two tums. less than an hour later, wilson asked for help again. relax, was the nurse's advice. soon after wilson died of a heart attack. the nurse told the detective, weeks later. >> oh, yeah, we don't want to drag it out. [ bleep ] happens. >> the nurse was fired. she worked for advanced correctional health care, a company serving 255 correctional facilities in 17 states. dante wilson's death was not unique. ach settled six lawsuits with families whose relatives died from preventible causes like wilson the inmates were charged with nonviolent offenses. including, danny ray burden, a diabetic accused of insurance fraud. a police investigation showed he asked for insulin but never got it. and collapsed. >> he didn't deserve a death sentence at grant county
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his brother, mark burden is a retired police detective. joe records show burden had prescription drugs in his system. cause of death was inconclusive. a later police investigation found that burden should have been sent straight to the hospital t. >> some might say, listen, you are an inmate. you got yourself in this position in jail. you've can't expect the best possible health care coverage. >> i think that if you go off to jail and you got a medical condition, like my brother was disclosing, an emergency condition. you should be checked out by a physician at any hospital. >> what's more troubling for mark burden his younger brother asked for medical care. there is a hospital just next door. so close you can walk there. in less than two minutes. >> always protect the younger brother. if he gets in a fight in school. who its supposed to protect him -- the older brother. and it any just hard to accept as a family. when you can't do that. >> reporter: six weeks before danny ray burden died the u.s. department of justice sent this letter to the jail
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unqualified staff are serving as gate keepers to medical care. ach would not talk to us on camera. they told us, staffing decisions are dictated by local jail administration. problems with ach medical staff extend beyond kentucky. one nurse in ten seep was convicted of covering up his failure to take an inmate's vital signs. the inmate dried of drug and alcohol overdose. an inmate in ohio died from bleeding ulcer the medical examiner concluded the need for medical intervention would have been obvious to an one. in one alabama jail, three wrongful death law suits are pending including one for this 19-year-old accused of shoplifting who was found naked with gangrene in his leg. in their promotional material, ach claims they provide better health care than inmates receive outside of jail. and at a competitive price. >> they say they can save jails money? >> at the expense of some one's life. at the expense of my he
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ach lost their contract with the jail where danny ray burden died. the company promising other jails it can save them significant amounts of money. ach told us they do not hire we believe to be dangerous or unfit for the job. >> jeff glor, thank you. we told you last night that the panama papers would have consequences. and today, iceland's priecme minister resigned. the panama papers are millions of leaked documents from a law firm detailing how the rich hide fortunes offshore. thousand protested in iceland when the documents revealed the prime minister and his wife owned an offshore company that held big stakes in the banks that his government overseas. still ahead. big men on scam pu-- the big me on campus. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. it enhances my body's natural moisture
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lysol that. new pantene expert gives you the most beautiful hair ever, you wanna see something intense? with our strongest pro-v formula ever. strong is beautiful. ...and there's moving with thermove free ultra. it has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones. and unlike the big osteo-bi flex pills, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. hey spray 'n wash is back...ews? and even better. it's powerful formula removes everyday stains the first time. which is bad news for stains, and good news for you. spray 'n wash. back 'n better.
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late today the villanova wildcats returned to campus outside of philadelphia as college basketball's national champions. the loudest cheers of course were for chris jenkins whose last second shot beat north carolina. manuel bojorquez introduced us to jenkins last night. but no one could have foreseen the wild finish. they're going to have to do something from the outside now. >> reporter: the shot of the night looked like it would be
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>> impossible. >> unc's marcus paige, five second left to tie the game. paige held the honor for three second. >> mid court. gives it to jenkins for the championship! yes! villanova! phenomenal, the national champions! jenkins hitting the winner at the buzzer! >> one, two, step. let it fly. >> reporter: you sunk it? >> it's unbelievable. >> how about that? i just stood there. i didn't know what to do. before i knew it i ended up on the ground. >> reporter: chris jenkins game winning three pointer left his opponents stunned. one of them was his brother. nate britt. >> he told me how happy he was for me. how he was upset that they lost. but he was happy that i was the one that made the shot. >> when he caught it and let
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>> reporter: no words. >> took off running. >> felicia jenkins is kris' birth mother. she decided kris needed a stable home. at the time kris and nate were close friend and played basketball together. nate's parents. nate senior and melanie britt said they would adopt him. last night. both families savored the moment. >> it wasn't about the game. >> it was never about the game. >> what was it about? >> it was about helping someone else that needed help. >> look at him now. >> ask him, he will tell you just what it moons to him. >> if it wasn't for my family i wouldn't be in this position. i would have never be. >> reporter: a lifetime of sacrifices leading to a moment of glory. manuel bojorquez, cbs news, houston. manuel sure know house to pick them. we'll be right back.
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14-year-old abigail kopf wasn't expected to live when she was wounded in a shooting six weeks age in a new video she is walking and talking. eight people were shot at random. six of them died. her mother calls abigail amazing. nfl commissioner roger goodell announced today that twitter will livestream 10 thursday night football games this fall. the games will stream for free. the league is hoping to reach fans who don't subscribe to cable. in
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american hero. it's not always as easy for me as it is for him... it's easy for me cause look at her. aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y ultragel.
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today, britain honored a retired u.s. marine. here is debora patta. >> reprter: trained to sniff out explosives, 12-year-old lucca went on hundreds of missions in iraq with the u.s. marines. their success was extraordinary. >> look left. >> reporter: not a single soldier died on her watch over six years. gunnery sergeant chris willingham served two tours with lucca and says she was, well, just one of the boys. >> absolutely the whole reason i made it home to my family, just through her detection capabilities, locating ieds. >> reporter: in afghanistan, lucca
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rodriguez, they worked together clearing the home made bombs set by the taliban. in march 2012 her career came to an abrupt end. a huge blast blew off one of her front legs. rodriguez said that lucca saved his life so many times, now he had to save hers. he never left her side as she was rushed into emergency surgery with severe burns to her chest, neck and head. he even slept by her side during her recovery at the u.s. base in kandahar. semper fi reads the bandage, the marine motto for always loyal. since leaving service, lucca was adopted by the willingham family. >> bet she is spoiled? >> we live in southern california. we take her to the dog beaches. she loves the water. >> reporter: when she is not swimming she spend her retirement relaxing at home as one of the family. debora
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>> that's the "cbs overnight news" for this wednesday. for some of you the news continues. for others, check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm scott pelley. ♪ ♪
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>> announcer: this is the "overnight news". welcome to the overnight news, i'm michelle miller. a major deal between two pharmaceutical giants is now on hold after the treasury department changed the rules on american corporations relocating overseas. the drugmakerer pfizer was set to obtain allergan for $160 billion and would allow pfizer to relocate to ireland and save millions in taxes called corporate inversion. but the two drugmakerers are now reviewing the options after president obama announced new rules governing the tax evading deals. >> this directly goes at what is called corporate inversions. they're not new. simply put, in layman's terms tip its when big
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acquire small companies and then change the address to another country on paper in order to go out of paying their fair share of taxes here at home. as a practical matter they keep most of their actual business here in the united states because they benefit from american infrastructure and technology and rule of law. they benefit from our research and our development and our patents. they benefit from american workers who are best in the world. but they effectively renounce their citizenship. they declare that they're based some where else. thereby getting all the rewards of being an american company what fulfilling the responsibilities to pay their taxes the way everybody else is supposed to pay them. when a company is exploiting loopholes like this it makes it harder to invest in the things that are going to keep america's going strong for future generations. it sticks the rest of us with the tab. and it makes hard w
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designed they allow people that they have got enough lawyers and enough accountants to wiggle out of responsibilities that ordinary citizens are having to abide by. >> meanwhile, the massive release of financial documents, the panama papers, continues to cause outrage around the world. millions of documents detail how some of the world's richest people and powerful politicians used offshore bank accounts and shellom
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of dollars. those implicated include the president of ukraine, prime minister of pakistan, and the late father of british prime minister david cameron. the prime minister of iceland faced such loud protests that he announced his resignation. at issue was a shell company in the virgin islands. don dahler has more. >> reporter: anonymous insider passed off millions of internal documents which exposed a global network, 140 politicians and public officials allegedly did business with a panamanian law firm. now concerned citizens are demanding answers from leaders caught up in the scandal. demonstrators descended to protest their prime minister named in the panama papers investigations. he is one of a dozen current or former head of state who allegedly stashed away wealth and evaded taxes through offshore accounts. when journalists pressed the prime minister last mon
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the virgin islands to his wife for $1, he walked out of the interview. the reports implicate, petro poroshenko, who could face impeachment proceedings. after the leaked documents show how the u.s.-backed leader, registered an offshore company on the same day scores of ukrainiance fors were killed during a pro-russian offensive in 2014. the law firm at the center of the leak, mossack fanseca, specializes in offshore. examining four decades worth of files. the documents show while russia was subject to u.s. sanctions after it annexed crimea, associates of vladamir putin, ran a multibillion dollar money laundering ring. >> when it comes to governmental leaders there will be lots and lots of questions about the source of the fund. i think we scratched the
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of the beginning of the scandal. >> right now, no americans have been named in the investigation. but the department of justice is reviewing the reports. saying it takes very seriously all kred cal allegations of high level, foreign corruption that might have a link to the united states or the u.s. financial system. former treasury officer, chip ponsey. >> with the level of detail and specificity that has been reported, out of these papers, that it will be, there will be opportunities to identify. and facilitate investigations into financial crime. money laundering or fraud. >> mossack fanseca, it said our business is regulated by several different oversight and enforcement agencies. our firm has never been accused or charged in connection with criminal wrongdoing. meanti meantime, the network plans to place all documents on line next month available in a searchable database.
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new york senator chuck schumer wants a new federal investigation before a new gun is allowed to be sold. it looks just like a smartphone. josh elliott has the the story. >> should emphasize, a working version of the gun does not exist. that hasn't stopped charles schumer from asking to keep the weapon off the market. >> as big as most phones with a protective case. >> ceo of ideal conceal. he says his gun's design which alouds allows it to unfold from a smart phone shape to fully functional weapon. would allow an owner to carry it more freerly. >> some people would take issue in the work place or some where else, i mean, it gives people an funt opportunity to avoid the conversation. >> marketed for
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purposes. >> reporter: charles schumer called for the department of jis tis, and bureau of alcohol, firearms and explosives whether this gun would violate federal law. >> there are two federal laws that might be applicable. a gun can be disguised like a pen or something else. the other says, that if the gun can't be detected as a gun, as it goes through security like at an airport. >> he responded in a staemt to cbs this morning. saying i encourage senator schumer's investigation as it will reveal ideal conceal will fall in line with atf guidelines and is therefore legal. matthew horace, a former atf special agent and says the new invention could have disastrous consequences. >> itch law enforcement comes in touch with some one who has this, mistakes a phone for a gun. or gun for a phone. the results could be tragic. >> the company says the new firearm will be available f
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year for $395. >> "cbs overnight news" will be right back. ♪ the gravity here is too strong for my ship. looks like you'll have to spend the night. yeah... the night. ♪ (sfx: record scratch) one thing led to another and... i don't think that's how they're made. klondike hooks up with your favorite flavors to bring you... the best ice cream bars ever conceived. and to keep thosew they fdarks from fading... there's woolite darks. it's free of harsh ingredients, keeping dark clothes looking like new for 30 washes so your love for dark clothes will never fade. woolite darks. illuminates skin with pearl optics science. your concert style might show your age, yourn skinever will. with olay you age less, so you're ageless.
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ageless. (cheering) narrator: marriage. dishes. divorce. dishes. every dish, every time. only finish has the power ball to take onth anying.
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donald trump remains the front-runner for the republican nomination heading into the crucial primary in two weeks. trump's comments on subjects from abortion to nato to nuclear weapons has many in the gop establishment looking for an alternative candidate. the billionaire's rough edges came into the spotlight at a debate hosted by fox news. the moderator megyn kelly rubbed trump the wrong way. kelly discussed that evening with charlie rose. >> reporter: it may be one of the most unforgettable moments of this campaign. >> you have called women you don't like, fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals. >> reporter: at the very first republican debate back in gu
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kelly posed this question to donald trump. >> does that sound to you like the temperament of the man we should elect as president? >> reporter: it was a question that changed her life. >> what i say is what i say. honestly meg garn lly megan, if like it, sorry, i have been very nice to you i could not be based on the way you treated me. i did not do that. >> when he answered the way he did what was going through your mind? >> i perceived it as a veiled threat. he said he might not be nice to me after this debate. >> i am not a fan of megyn kelly. i think she is a third rate reporter. >> reporter: for the past eight months donald trump has not been nice to megyn kelly. >> i don't like her. >> reporter: over and over again. >> you know you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. blood coming out of her -- wherever. >> reporter: on twitter, he has called her
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overrated. and crazy. megyn kelly has never directly responded to trump's attacks but she stand by the her question on his attitude about women. >> what i was trying to get at was -- the weaknesses of each of these candidates if they were to become the general election candidate. charlie, this was coming. whether i showcased it in the debate or not. >> but you have become part of the story too? >> that's unfortunate. that was never my goal. that's never a news person's goal. >> but you have to like being on the cover of vanity fair? >> i would be lying if i said it wasn't cool to see myself on the cover of vanity fair. what am i doing there? bizarre. breaking to night, two big things happened on the campaign trail. >> reporter: even before trump made her a household name, her show "the kelly file" on fox news channel was one of the most watched programs in cabell news. >> hi, i am bill o'reilly. >> reporter: second only to "the o'reilly factor."
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>> mr. trump said the -- no, let me finish. let me finish. >> who is your audience? >> the viewer i picture in my mind when i do "the kelly file" is a woman who has had a long day, either with the kids or at work or both, she sits down, she gets her glass of chardonnay, she wants to consume the news effortlessly, enjoy it, and not have to work too hard for it. >> her 2 million plus viewers tune tine see a self described independent with a reputation for asking tough questions to any one. democrat and republican alike. >> what do you say to those who say you were so wrong about so much? >> so is the great relish on your part when you fact somebody down? >> i dent want to take anybody down. if you come on the show and lie or spin in a way that is dishonest there i am to stop you. >> megyn kelly grew up catholic and middle-class near
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new york. >> i never really had huge aspirations. i remember my mother used to say they don't give scholarships for cheerleading, megan. >> reporter: life took on a new urgency at 15 when her father died unexpectedly. >> devastating and sudden and just like a nuclear bomb going off in the family. you know, my memory is -- i went up to my bedroom and went to sleep and the next thing i knew my sister was waking me up saying, wake up, daddy had a heart attack. >> reporter: after high school, she set her sights on journalism at syracuse university's newhouse school. but was rejected. so, megyn kelly went on to study at albany law school and by her early 30s kelly was a litigator at one of the nation's top firms. >> i was working like a dog. i really worked 16 hour days, 18 hour days all the time. it wasn't that the firm made me do that. it was that i was making myself do it. >> reporter: because? >> buzz i was competitive.
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i never felt i had the natural intellectual gifts that people who graduate first their class from harvard law had. >> reporter: but kelly never forgot her first love. while still working at jones day she wrangled a part time job as a local reporter in washington, d.c. >> if more than 825 students want in to this year's prom, the school says they're going to be out of luck. ro >> reporter: before long she found herself having to make a choice. >> my local station made a full time offer. i thought if i am good enough to be full time here. maybe i am good enough to be full time better than here. >> reporter: better than here was fox news channel. >> "the new york times" reporter, judith miller says she would rather do jail time. >> reporter: she joined in 2004. >> we were told no dna. >> reporter: her legal skills along with a willingness to take on some of america's big name conservatives. quickly made kelly a rising star. >> no. the government -- the government doesn't decide toha
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relationship with donald trump? with the republican party? than it does with liberals and the democratic party? >> well i think that's obviously true. because -- you know, you see trump on our air every day. >> kelly admits that trump attacks have boosted her profile. and no one agrees more than donald trump. >> i might be the best thing that ever happened to her. who ever even heard of her before the last debate. >> one of our babysitters is from peru.
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told us that she saw my name in the peruvian papers. don't think that ever happened before this particular dust-up. i will have to give him that point. >> reporter: but there are fears that have arisen from all the attention. >> it's not so much what he writes or says, it's how he gins up anger among so many. it manifests in my life in several ways. >> have there been threats against your life? does that concern you? >> it's not that i'm worried some one is going to come shoot me down. but i do worry someone is going to try to hurt me in the presence of my children. >> how have you been affected by this trump stuff? >> it is frustrating. >> still the 45-year-old kelly and husband author, parents of three children under 7 seem to take it all in stride. >> i think one of the things most frustrating for donald he has not been able to get a rise out of her even though he repeatedly trio
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for me he gets a rise out of me for sure. >> reporter: some think about this. they look at it. they say why her? >> i think it is very clear to him that he cannot control the editorial on my show or from me in a debate or other setting. >> just that, all it is? >> i wouldn't, i wouldn't want to speculate beyond that. >> reporter: if on monday donald trump says, i want to come on your show? would you say you're welcome, come on. we have a spot for you? >> absolutely. >> it does not require an apology from him? >> oh, god no. >> nothing? >> show up. let's talk. >> he does not have to apologize. you would have to discuss something about the dynamic. >> what would you say to him about it? >> why? that's what i want to know. why? >> you can see the full report on our web site, the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. by a ltle bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah. one bottle has the grease cleaning power
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a drop of dawn and grease is gone. it's easy for me cause look at as it is her.him... aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y ultragel.
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♪ ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. an american war hero has been honored in britain for her sacrifice on the battlefield. lucca is a german shepherd who worked with the marines to clear explosives in war zones. she protected thousand of troops before a bomb ended her service. debora patta has the story. >> reporter: here in london where a brave three legged marine corps dog is being honored as a war hero saving the lives
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troops in iraq and afghanistan. >> the highest medal for valor awarded to one heroic german shepard. trained to sniff out weapons and explosives, lucca served with the u.s. marines over six years. during her watch, not a single soldier died. her trainer and firsthandler, chris whitingham served two duties with lucca in iraq and says she was well one of the boys. >> we treat the dogs like a fellow marine. really is a team effort when you are out there. because your life is in your dog's detecting capability. and -- you know, you're there to make sure the dog is properly deployed and look out for the dog and the dog is not in harm's way unnecessarily. >> reporter: lucca served in afghanistan with corporal juan rodriguez. in 2012 her
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came to an abrupt end when sheep lost her leg to a hidden bomb. she had already sniffed out 30 pound of explosives and was looking for more when the second device detonated, resulting in her severe injuries. corporal rodriguez says she saved his life so many times before, that it was now his turn to stand by lucca. and he did. he was there during the emergency surgery and slept by her side during her recovery at a u.s. base in kandahar. that bandage, semper fi or always loyal. lucca the first marine dog to win this award, the medal. the animal equivalent of the british victoria cross, highest military honor for valor in the uk. lucca joins 66 other recipients of the medal, the apolo, search-and-rescue dog who tirelessly searched for life under the rub
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g.i. joe the pigeon, flew 20 miles in as many minutes to save allied forces from attack. since leaving active service, lucca was adopted by gunnery sergeant willingham. >> here she goes. >> reporter: and is now living out a happy retirement as one of the family. so, you know what has been an average day for lucca in retirement? >> well, she, she enjoys going on family walks and loves getting in the water. other than that, just, you know laying on the couch, relaxing kind of enjoying her retirement. >> reporter: gunnery sergeant willingham is deeply indebted to lucca. he told us it is thanks to her he made it safely back home to his family. >> "cbs overnight news" will be right back. ♪ ♪
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this pimple's gonna aw com'on.ver. clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. and acne won't last forever. just like your mom won't walk in on you... forever. let's be clear. clearasil works fast.
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from college student to army soldier. then tragedy struck. my world turned upside down being told i would never walk again. now i'm excited about my life, thanks to paralyzed veterans of america. with their support and adaptive sports programs, my fire is lit again. for veterans with spinal cord injury or disease, pva is our partner for life, assisting as our needs and challenges change. thanks to pva, my life is back on course. to learn more, visit pva dot org.
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some say that love is greatest when time runs short. as steve hartman found "on the road." sonja valeb and eric minacle were newlyweds when they found out they would never grow old together. five years ago, doctors told sonja she carried a genetic mutation for an incurable disease. >> we think i might have about 20 years. that is our best guess. but there are no guarantees there. >> dead by 50. that's the medical reality for now. so why didn't you stop there? you learned this is not a curable disease. end of story. >> because that wasn't okay. >> yeah, i love you. >> reporter: eric says they realized if they wanted this cured they might have to do it
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never mind neither knew a thing about medicine. she was a recent law grad. he worked in transportation technology. but they knew how to use google. that's where they started. they typed in genetic prion disease which is what she has. learned what they could from wikipedia and took night dallass in biology. accepted into a ph.d. program at harvard. quit their old jobs and started working as researchers here at prestigious broad institute in cambridge, massachusetts. >> they're card carrying scientists. >> eric sanders is director of the broad. >> they came in with a total plan of all the possible options because failure is not one of the options. >> and so, with happily ever after on the line, husband and wife now stand side by side, day after day, working toward a cure. >> i think we both really think this is, this is doable. >> reporter: by all accounts they're well on their way to becoming leading experts in the fiel
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in fact they're already so well respected sonja was recently invited to speak at a medical conference with the president. >> devoting ourselves to developing treatments for these diseases. >> if sonja and eric are successful they will not only save sonja's life but the lives of more than 7,000 other people who die every year from this painful, rapidly progressive form of dementia. it would be a huge medical story. and yet, for the woman at the center, no matter what happens. this will always be a love story. >> i think it is just the miracle of, of my lifetime, that we met. even if we cure this disease that will always be the great miracle for me. >> reporter: steve hartman "on the road" in cambridge, massachusetts. that's the "cbs overnight news" for this wednesday. for some of you the news continues. for others, check back with us a bit later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center here in new york city, mi
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>> announcer: this is the "overnight news". the front-runners hit a bump on the road to the white house as wisconsin goes to the challengers. bernie sanders and ted cruz scored resounding primary victories. and all eyes now focus on the new york primary in two weeks. for the republicans, the volt in for the republicans, the vote in the badger state wasn't even at close. cruz called his landslide win a turning point as he addressed his supporters in milwaukee. >> it is a rallying cry. it is a call from the hard-working men and women of wisconsin to the people of america. we have a choice. a real choice. the national political terrain began to change two weeks ago. in the state of utah, we won 69%
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a landslide election. [ cheers and applause ] winning every single delegate in the state. then just three days ago in colorado, two congressional districts voted. once again, they elected six delegates and of the six delegates we won all six. [ cheers and applause ] and then two days ago in north dakota we had another tremendous win. they elected their delegates. of the delegates who specified their support, 1 are supporting our campaign. one its supporting donald trump. [ cheers and applause ] 18:1, i will take that ratio any day of the week. and now tonight, here in
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wisconsin. a state that just three weeks ago the media had written off. three weeks ago, the media said, "wisconsin was a perfect state for donald trump." but the hard-working men and women of wisconsin stood and campaigned tirelessly to make sure that tonight was a victory for every american. governor, let me tell you, i look forward to coming back to the state of wisconsin this fall. and in november for the first time since 1984, painting the badger state bright republican red. cruz, cruz, cruz, cruz, cruz, cruz, cruz! so let me just say, hillary, get ready here we come! god bless you! >> for the democrats, bernie sanders made it six nominating
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contests in a row. he has a steep hill to climb to catch hillary clinton. >> now, let me -- let me say a word -- maybe two words, i don't know. about what momentum is all about. momentum is starting this
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media determining that we were a fringe candidacy. momentum is starting the campaign 60 to 70 points behind secretary clinton. momentum is that within the last couple of weeks there have been national polls which have had us one point up or one point down. [ cheers and applause ] momentum is that when you look at national polls -- or you look at statewide polls, we are defeating donald trump by very significant numbers.
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[ cheers and applause ] and in almost every instance in national polls and in state polls, our margin over trump is wider than is secretary clinton. with the victory in wisconsin tonight, and let me take this opportunity to thank the people of wisconsin. for their strong support. [ cheers and applause ] with our victory tonight in wisconsin, we have now won seven out of eight of the last caucuses. and we have won almost all of them with overwhelming landslide numbers. at
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at a time in contemporary politics, when every major candidate has a super pac, we have said no to super pacs. said no to the billionaires who fund those super pacs. and what we have done is in an unprecedented manner in american history we have up to this point in the campaign received over 6 million individual campaign contributions. anyone here know what the average contribution is?
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that's exactly right. smart crowd. $27. to paraphrase abraham lincoln at gettysburg, this is a campaign of the people, by the people, and for the people. [ cheers and auspplae ] you know what is happening? all over this country young people are standing up and they're saying, you know what? we want to help determine the future of this country.
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will be right back.
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the military is more than a career, it's a journey. and every step along the way, the uso is there. it's an experience that soldier will never forget... that's what the uso does. [announcer] from the time they join, to the time they transition out of the military, the uso is there, offering programs and support along the way. it's way more than a free phone call for us, it's that opportunity to stay mom, and the uso makes it all possible. [announcer] be a part of their journey, learn more today at has been my life long mission for almost 40 years. nutrition is the hallmark of good health and pairing nutrition with an active lifestyle and educating our children on those values i believe can really change the face of the disease in the future. i view my life differently now, because i no longer felt alone anymore. i saw all the little kids with diabetes just like me. with good exercise and good nutrition diabetes can get easier
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today, the online payment service pay pal said that it is canceling plans to open a facility in north carolina and will take the 400 jobs elsewhere. it is the latest reaction to a new state law that critics say allows discrimination against gays and lesbians. 21 states mostly in the south have enacted similar laws that allow businesses to refuse services to people who offend the business owner's religious beliefs. today, mississippi took it one step further. and here is mark strassmann. >> reporter: after weeks of protest, mississippi now offers
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discrimination protection in america. its new so-called religious freedom law allows busess people and government workers to deny services based on their religious beliefs. the law applies to marriage licenses, jobs, housing, even an employer's dress code. and prevents state government from intervening once religious beliefs are the reason given. governor phil bryant signed it into law. >> i think it protects a religious freedom of people who have deeply held religious beliefs. so the legislature and the majority of the people in the state of mississippi. we signed it into law. >> reporter: a recent poll indicated 2/3 of mississippians support newt law. >> we should be able to freely express our religious views. >> including who you do business with? >> certainly. >> reporter: gay rights advocates were outraged. one tweeting most toxic anti-lgbt law ever. also critical were fortune 500 companies, chevron, mgm resorts
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and nissan which said its policy is to prohibit discrimination of any type. and what else? mitchell moore owns campbell's bakery in downtown jackson. gay couple walks into your bakery they want a wedding cake. >> i sell them a wedding cake. it's what a do. we sell cakes. >> this 43-year-old registered republican calls the law a big mistake. >> i am a christian. i don't think christianity tells me that i have to discriminate against people. in fact, i am here to serve people. not to turn them away. >> reporter: georgia's governor vetoed a similar law last week. and lawmakers in eight other states have similar legislation pending. mark strassmann in jackson for us tonight. mark, thank you. a college in new jersey is officially out of business tonight. its mission accomplished. turns out the school was a government sting. not handing out sheepskins but outfoxing criminals. here is our justice
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correspondent jeff pegues. >> reporter: university of northern new jersey promised students highest quality of undergraduate and graduate education it looked legitimate. twitter page with school closing announcements and facebook feed full of students wearing hats and shirts bearing the university's crest. but it was all fake. part of an undercover homeland securities sting cracking down on immigration fraud. at this kranford new jersey office building agents posed as school administrators. brokers then contacted the fake school to help foreigners. sarah saldana director of immigration and custom thousands enforcement. >> we told them there was no school. the brokers came. with the brokers they brought, many, many students.
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people purporting to be students, who enrolled in the university knowing full well that there would be no classes. >> reporter: this morning, 21 of the brokers were arrested. authorities say they took kickbacks in the pay to stay scheme that involved more than 1,000 foreign individuals who were allegedly willing participants. they include, some of the people posing for pictures under the unnj sign. many of them will likely face deportation. scott, investigators say suspects were working on behalf of people from more than 26 countries. most were from china and india. jeff pegues in the washington newsroom. jeff, thank you. tonight we have the results of a cbs news investigation into the deaths of jail inmates who were denied medical care that might have saved their lives. one of the nation's largest health care providers for county jails its fighting multiple lawsuits. jeff glor and producer, laura strickler have been looking into this. >> six months ago, 39-year-old dante wilson was in a wisconsin
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he complained of chest pains. the jail nurse concluded he had heartburn and gave him two tums. less than an hour later, wilson asked for help again. relax, was the nurse's advice. soon after wilson died of a heart attack. the nurse told the detective, weeks later. >> oh, yeah, we don't want to drag it out. [ bleep ] happens. >> the nurse was fired. she worked for advanced correctional health care, a company serving 255 correctional facilities in 17 states. dante wilson's death was not unique. ach settled six lawsuits with families whose relatives died from preventible causes like wilson the inmates were charged with nonviolent offenses. including, danny ray burden, a diabetic accused of insurance fraud. a police investigation showed he asked for insulin but never got it. and collapsed. >> he didn't deserve a death sentence at grant county jail. his brother, mark burden is a retired police detective. joe records show burden had prescription drugs in his system. cause of death was inconclusive.
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a later police investigation found that burden should have been sent straight to the hospital t. >> some might say, listen, you are an inmate. you got yourself in this position in jail. you've can't expect the best possible health care coverage. >> i think that if you go off to jail and you got a medical condition, like my brother was disclosing, an emergency condition. you should be checked out by a physician at any hospital. >> what's more troubling for mark burden his younger brother asked for medical care. there is a hospital just next door. so close you can walk there. in less than two minutes. >> always protect the younger brother. if he gets in a fight in school. who its supposed to protect him -- the older brother. and it any just hard to accept as a family. when you can't do that. >> reporter: six weeks before
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department of justice sent this letter to the jail warning unqualified staff are serving as gate keepers to medical care. ach would not talk to us on camera. they told us, staffing decisions are dictated by local jail administration. problems with ach medical staff extend beyond kentucky. one nurse in ten seep was convicted of covering up his failure to take an inmate's vital signs. the inmate dried of drug and alcohol overdose. an inmate in ohio died from bleeding ulcer the medical examiner concluded the need for medical intervention would have been obvious to an one. in one alabama jail, three wrongful death law suits are pending including one for this 19-year-old accused of shoplifting who was found naked with gangrene in his leg. in their promotional material, ach claims they provide better health care than inmates receive outside of jail. and at a competitive price. >> they say they can save jails money? >> at the expense of some one's life. at the expense of ro
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ach lost their contract with the jail where danny ray burden died. the company promising other jails it can save them significant amounts of money. ach told us they do not hire we believe to be dangerous or unfit for the job. >> jeff glor, thank you. we told you last night that the panama papers would have consequences. and today, iceland's prime minister resigned. the panama papers are millions of leaked documents from a law firm detailing how the rich hide fortunes offshore. thousand protested in iceland when the documents revealed the prime minister and his wife owned an offshore company that held big stakes in the banks that his government overseas. still ahead. big men on campus. the champions return to a hero's welcome. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. activated by movement, that release bursts of freshness all day.
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late today the villanova wildcats returned to campus outside of philadelphia as college basketball's national champions. the loudest cheers of course were for chris jenkins whose last second shot beat north carolina. manuel bojorquez introduced us to jenkins last night. but no one could have foreseen the wild finish. they're going to have to do something from the outside now.
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night looked like it would be this one. >> impossible. >> unc's marcus paige, five second left to tie the game. paige held the honor for three second. >> mid court. gives it to jenkins for the championship! yes! villanova! phenomenal, the national champions! jenkins hitting the winner at the buzzer! >> one, two, step. let it fly. >> reporter: you sunk it? >> it's unbelievable. >> how about that? i just stood there. i didn't know what to do. before i knew it i ended up on the ground. >> reporter: chris jenkins game winning three pointer left his opponents stunned. one of
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nate britt. >> he told me how happy he was for me. how he was upset that they lost. but he was happy that i was the one that made the shot. >> when he caught it and let it go. >> reporter: no words. >> took off running. >> felicia jenkins is kris' birth mother. she decided kris needed a stable home. at the time kris and nate were close friend and played basketball together. nate's parents. nate senior and melanie britt said they would adopt him. last night. both families savored the moment. >> it wasn't about the game. >> it was never about the game. >> what was it about? >> it was about helping someone else that needed help. >> look at him now. >> ask him, he will tell you just what it moons to him. >> if it wasn't for my family i wouldn't be in this position. i would have never be. >> reporter: a lifetime of sacrifices leading to a moment of glory. manuel bojorquez, cbs news, houston. >> manuel sure knows how to pick them. we'll be right back.
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14-year-old abigail kopf wasn't expected to live when she was wounded in a mass shooting in kalamazoo, michigan, six weeks age in a new video she is walking and talking. eight people were shot at random. six of them died. her mother calls abigail "amazing." nfl commissioner roger goodell announced today that twitter will livestream 10 "thursday night football" games this fall. the games will stream for free. the league is hoping to reach fans who don't subscribe to cable. in a moment, honors for an american hero.
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today, britain honored a retired u.s. marine. here is debora patta. >> reporter: trained to sniff out explosives, 12-year-old lucca went on hundreds of missions in iraq with the u.s. marines. their success was extraordinary. >> look left. >> reporter: not a single soldier died on her watch over six years. gunnery sergeant chris willingham served two tours with lucca and says she was, well, just one of the boys. >> absolutely the whole reason i made it home to my family, just through her detection capabilities, locating ieds. >> reporter: in afghanistan,
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lucca served along side juan rodriguez, they worked together clearing the home made bombs set by the taliban. in march 2012 her career came to an abrupt end. a huge blast blew off one of her front legs. rodriguez said that lucca saved his life so many times, now he had to save hers. he never left her side as she was rushed into emergency surgery with severe burns to her chest, neck and head. he even slept by her side during her recovery at the u.s. base in kandahar. semper fi reads the bandage, the marine motto for always loyal. since leaving service, lucca was adopted by the willingham family. >> bet she is spoiled? >> we live in southern california. we take heto the dog beaches. she loves the water. >> reporter: when she is not swimming she spend her retirement relaxing at home as one of the family.
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debora patta, cbs news, london. >> that's the "cbs overnight news" for this wednesday. for some of you the news continues. for others, check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm scott pelley. ♪ ♪
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>> announcer: this is the "overnight news". welcome to the overnight news, i'm michelle miller. a major deal between two pharmaceutical giants is now on hold after the treasury department changed the rules on american corporations relocating overseas. the drugmaker pfizer was set to obtain allergan for $160 billion and the deal would allow pfizer to relocate to ireland and save millions in taxes called corporate inversion. but the two drugmakers are now reviewing the options after president obama announced new rules governing the tax evading deals. >> thire
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called corporate inversions. they're not new. simply put, in layman's terms tip its when big corporations acquire small companies and then change the address to another country on paper in order to go out of paying their fair share of taxes here at home. as a practical matter they keep most of their actual business here in the united states because they benefit from american infrastructure and technology and rule of law. they benefit from our research and our development and our patents. they benefit from american workers who are best in the world. but they effectively renounce their citizenship. they declare that they're based some where else. thereby getting all the rewards of being an american company what fulfilling the responsibilities to pay their taxes the way everybody else is supposed to pay them. when a company is exploiting loopholes like this it makes it harder to invest in the things
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the laws. it's that the laws are so poorly designed they allow people that they have got enough lawyers and enough accountants to wiggle out of responsibilities that ordinary citizens are having to abide by. >> meanwhile, the massive release of financial documents, the panama papers, continues to cause outrage around the world. millions of documents detail how some of the world's richest people and powerful politicians used offshore bank accounts and
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shell companies to hide billions of dollars. those implicated include the president of ukraine, prime minister of pakistan, and the late father of british prime minister david cameron. the prime minister of iceland faced such loud protests that he announced his resignation. at issue was a shell company in the virgin islands. don dahler has more. >> reporter: anonymous insider passed off millions of internal documents which exposed a global network, 140 politicians and public officials allegedly did business with a panamanian law firm. now concerned citizens are demanding answers from leaders caught up in the scandal. demonstrators descended to protest their prime minister named in the panama papers investigations. he is one of a dozen current or former head of state who
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allegedly stashed away wealth and evaded taxes through offshore accounts. when journalists pressed the prime minister last month about reportedly selling a company in the virgin islands to his wife for $1, he walked out of the interview. the reports implicate, petro poroshenko, who could face impeachment proceedings. after the leaked documents show how the u.s.-backed leader, registered an offshore company on the same day scores of ukrainian forces were killed during a pro-russian offensive in 2014. the law firm at the center of the leak, mossack fanseca, specializes in offshore. examining four decades worth of files. the documents show while russia was subject to u.s. sanctions after it annexed crimea, associates of vladamir putin, ran a multibillion dollar money laundering ring. >> when it comes to governmental leaders there will be lots and lots of questions about the source of the fund. i think we scratched the surface
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>> right now, no americans have been named in the investigation. but the department of justice is reviewing the reports. saying it takes very seriously all kred cal allegations of high level, foreign corruption that might have a link to the united states or the u.s. financial system. former treasury officer, chip ponsey. >> with the level of detail and specificity that has been reported, out of these papers, that it will be, there will be opportunities to identify. and facilitate investigations into financial crime. money laundering or fraud. >> mossack fanseca, it said our business is regulated by several different oversight and enforcement agencies. our firm has never been accused or charged in connection with criminal wrongdoing. meantime, the network plans to place all documents on line next month available in a searchable database. new york senator chuck
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schumer wants a federal investigation before a new kind of gun is allowed to be sold. it looks just like a smartphone. josh elliott has the the story. >> reporter: we should emphasize the gun in question is still in development, an actual working does not exist. that hasn't stopped charles schumer from asking to keep the weapon off the market. >> as big as most phones with a protective case. >> ceo of ideal conceal. he says his gun's design which allows it to unfold from a smart phone shape to fully functional weapon. would allow an owner to carry it more freerly. >> some people would take issue in the work place or some where else, i mean, it gives people an opportunity to avoid the conversation. >> marketed for nefariuos
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>> reporter: charles schumer called for the department of jis tis, and bureau of alcohol, firearms and explosives whether this gun would violate federal law. >> there are two federal laws that might be applicable. a gun can be disguised like a pen or something else. the other says, that if the gun can't be detected as a gun, as it goes through security like at an airport. >> he responded in a staemt to cbs this morning. saying i encourage senator schumer's investigation as it will reveal ideal conceal will fall in line with atf guidelines and is therefore legal. matthew horace, a former atf special agent and says the new invention could have disastrous consequences. >> itch law enforcement comes in touch with some one who has
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this, mistakes a phone for a gun. or gun for a phone. the results could be tragic. >> the company says the new firearm will be available for purchase by the middle of this year for $395. >> "cbs overnight news" will be right back. is making my hair practically unbreakable. the new pro-v formula makes every inch stronger. so i can love my hair longer. strong is beautiful. pantene. (cheering) narrator: birthday... dishes. thursday... (game sounds) dishes. every dish, every time, only finish has the powerball to take on anyg.thin
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hey spray 'n wash is and even better. it's powerful formula removes everyday stains the first time. which is bad news for stains, and good news for you. spray 'n wash. back 'n better. don't let dust and allergies get and life's beautiful moments. with flonase allergy relief, they wont. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls six.
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donald trump remains the front-runner for the republican nomination heading into the crucial primary in two weeks. trump's comments on subjects from abortion to nato to nuclear weapons has many in the gop establishment looking for an alternative candidate. the billionaire's rough edges came into the spotlight at a debate hosted by fox news. the moderator megyn kelly rubbed trump the wrong way. kelly discussed that evening with charlie rose. >> there trump -- >> reporter: it may be one of the most unforgettable moments of this campaign. >> you have called women you don't like, fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals. >> reporter: at the very first republican debate back in
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august, fox news anchor megyn kelly posed this question to donald trump. >> does that sound to you like the temperament of the man we should elect as president? >> reporter: it was a question that changed her life. >> what i say is what i say. honestly megan, if you don't like it, sorry, i have been very nice to you i could not be based on the way you treated me. but i wouldn't do that. >> when he answered the way he did, tell meal what was going through your mind? >> i perceived it as a veiled threat. >> a veiled threat. >> because he said he might not be nice to me after this debate. >> i am not a fan of megyn kelly. i think she is a third rate reporter. >> reporter: for the past eight months donald trump has not been nice to megyn kelly. >> i don't like her. she doesn't treat me fairly. >> reporter: over and over again. >> you know you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. blood coming out of her -- wherever. >> reporter:n
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called her sick. overrated. and crazy. megyn kelly has never directly responded to trump's attacks but she stand by the her question on his attitude about women. >> what i was trying to get at was -- the weaknesses of each of these candidates if they were to become the general election candidate. charlie, this was coming. whether i showcased it in the debate or not. of tht you have becomet par e story too? >> that's unfortunate. that was never my goal. that's never a news person's goal. >> but you have to like being on the cover of vanity fair? >> i would be lying if i said it wasn't cool to see myself on the cover of vanity fair. what am i doing there? bizarre. breaking to night, two big things happened on the campaign trail. >> reporter: even before trump made her a household name, her show "the kelly file" on fox news channel was one of the most watched programs in cable news. >> hi, i am bill o'reilly. reporter: second only to "the o'reilly factor." >> mr. trump said the -- no, let
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me finish. let me finish. >> who is your audience? >> the viewer i picture in my mind when i do "the kelly file" is a woman who has had a long day, either with the kids or at work or both, she sits down, she gets her glass of chardonnay, she wants to consume the news effortlessly, enjoy it, and not have to work too hard for it. >> her 2 million plus viewers tune tine see a self described independent with a reputation for asking tough questions to any one. democrat and republican alike. >> what do you say to those who say you were so wrong about so much? >> so is the great relish on your part when you fact somebody down? >> i dent want to take anybody down. if you come on the show and lie or spin in a way that is dishonest there i am to stop you. >> megyn kelly grew up catholic and middle-class ear albany,
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new york. >> i never really had huge aspirations. i remember my mother used to say they don't give scholarships for cheerleading, megan. >> reporter: life took on a new urgency at 15 when her father died unexpectedly. >> devastating and sudden and just like a nuclear bomb going off in the family. you know, my memory is -- i went up to my bedroom and went to sleep and the next thing i knew my sister was waking me up saying, wake up, daddy had a heart attack. >> reporter: after high school, she set her sights on journalism at syracuse university's newhouse school. but was rejected. so, megyn kelly went on to study at albany law school and by her early 30s kelly was a litigator at one of the nation's top firms. >> i was working like a dog. i really worked 16 hour days, 18 hour days all the time. it wasn't that the firm made me do that. it was that i was making myself
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>> reporter: because? >> buzz i was competitive. i wanted to win. i never felt i had the natural intellectual gifts that people who graduate first their class from harvard law had. >> reporter: but kelly never forgot her first love. while still working at jones day she wrangled a part time job as a local reporter in washington, d.c. >> if more than 825 students want in to this year's prom, the school says they're going to be out of luck. >> reporter: before long she found herself having to make a choice. >> my local station made a full time offer. i thought if i am good enough to be full time here. maybe i am good enough to be full time better than here. >> reporter: better than here was fox news channel. >> "the new york times" reporter, judith miller says she would rather do jail time. >> reporter: she joined in 2004. >> we were told no dna. >> reporter: her legal skills along with a willingness to take on some of america's big name conservatives. quickly made kelly a risin
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>>o. the government -- the government doesn't decide to what is appropriate speech, that is not the way this country works. >> reporter: kellydoesn't hold back. and she is equally aggressive in her defense of fox news. >> i did and do believe there is a left leaning bias in news. in most of news. and i -- >> do you believe there is a right-wing bias out fox? >> no, i don't. >> conservative bias fox. >> no, fair and balanced. conservatives make no bones about their ideology. >> does fox news have a closer relationship with donald trump? with the republican party? than it does with liberals and the democratic party? >> well i think that's obviously true. because -- you know, you see trump on our air every day. >> kelly admits that trump attacks have boosted her profile. and no one agrees more than donald trump. >> i might be the best thing that ever happened to her. who ever even heard of her before the last debate.
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>> one of our babysitters is from peru. and she came home one day and told us that she saw my name in the peruvian papers. don't think that ever happened before this particular dust-up. i will have to give him that point. >> reporter: but there are fears that have arisen from all the attention. >> it's not so much what he writes or says, it's how he gins up anger among so many. it manifests in my life in several ways. >> have there been threats against your life? does that concern you? >> it's not that i'm worried some one is going to come shoot me down. but i do worry someone is going to try to hurt me in the presence of my children. >> how have you been affected by this trump stuff? >> it is frustrating. >> still the 45-year-old kelly and husband author, parents of three children under 7 seem to take it all in stride. >> i think one of the things most frustrating for donald he has not been able to get a rise
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repeatedly tries to do so. for me he gets a rise out of me for sure. >> reporter: some think about this. they look at it. they say why her? >> i think it is very clear to him that he cannot control the editorial on my show or from me in a debate or other setting. >> just that, all it is? >> i wouldn't, i wouldn't want to speculate beyond that. >> reporter: if on monday donald trump says, i want to come on your show? would you say you're welcome, come on. we have a spot for you? >> absolutely. >> it does not require an apology from him? >> oh, god no. >> nothing? >> show up. let's talk. >> he does not have to apologize. you would have to discuss something about the dynamic. >> what would you say to him about it? >> why? that's what i want to know. why? >> you can see the full report on our web site, the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. y for me as it is for him... it's easy for me cause look at her. aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture
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an american war hero has been honored in britain for her sacrifice on the battlefield. lucca is a german shepherd who worked with the marines to clear explosives in war zones. her efforts protected thousand of troops before a bomb ended her service. debora patta has the story. >> reporter: here in london where a brave three legged marine corps dog is being honoas
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lives of countless coalition troops in iraq and afghanistan. >> the highest medal for valor awarded to one heroic german shepard. trained to sniff out weapons and explosives, lucca served with the u.s. marines over six years. during her watch, not a single soldier died. her trainer and firsthandler, chris whitingham served two duties with lucca in iraq and says she was well one of the boys. >> we treat the dogs like a fellow marine. really is a team effort when you are out there. because your life is in your dog's detecting capability. and -- you know, you're there to make sure the dog is properly deployed and look out for the dog and the dog is not in harm's way unnecessarily. >> reporter: lucca served in afghanistan with corporal juan rodriguez. in 2012 her illustrious career
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came to an abrupt end when sheep lost her leg to a hidden bomb. she had already sniffed out 30 pound of explosives and was looking for more when the second device detonated, resulting in her severe injuries. corporal rodriguez says she saved his life so many times before, that it was now his turn to stand by lucca. and he did. he was there during the emergency surgery and slept by her side during her recovery at a u.s. base in kandahar. that bandage, semper fi or always loyal. lucca the first marine dog to win this award, the medal. the animal equivalent of the british victoria cross, highest military honor for valor in the uk. lucca joins 66 other recipients of the medal, the apolo, search-and-rescue dog who tirelessly searched for life under the rubble of 9/11.
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miles in as many minutes to save allied forces from attack. since leaving active service, lucca was adopted by gunnery sergeant willingham. >> here she goes. >> reporter: and is now living out a happy retirement as one of the family. so, you know what has been an average day for lucca in retirement? >> well, she, she enjoys going on family walks and loves getting in the water. other than that, just, you know laying on the couch, relaxing kind of enjoying her retirement. >> reporter: gunnery sergeant willingham is deeply indebted to lucca. he told us it is thanks to her he made it safely back home to his family. >> "cbs overnight news" will be right back. ♪
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captioning funded by cbs it's wednesday, april 6th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." ted cruz and bernie sanders turn up the heat on donald trump and hillary clinton, after securing big victories in the wisconsin primary. >> get in! hurry up! hurry up! >> a television crew comes to the rescue of a man trapped in raging wildfires in the great plains. the uconn huskies make history, becoming the first women's college basketball team to be crowned champions in four straight years. and later,


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