tv Face the Nation CBS May 22, 2016 10:30am-11:30am EDT
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>> dickerson: today on "face the nation." mystery continues about what took egyptair jet out of the i could. democrats brace for a messy fight at the finish line. days after egyptair flight 804 went down in the mediterranean sea, more clues emerge but no answer as to whether or not it was a terrorist act. we'll have the latest on the investigation. plus analysis from cbs news aviation and safety expert, sully sullenberger. then we'll turn to politics as bernie sanders just won't let go despite overwhelming odds against him. we'll ask the senator about fears he's hurting hillary clinton's chances against donald trump. we'll have new battleground tracker numbers about the state that have general election race in two key states. and political 'al cyst.
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colleague, morley safer. all ahead on "face the nation." captioning sponsored by cbs good morning welcome to "face the nation" i'm john dickerson. a u.s. drone strike ordered by president obama killed taliban leader mullah akhtar mansour in pakistan this weekend. cbs news foreign affairs correspondent margaret brennan is traveling with the president and joins us from hanoi. what does this strike tell us?
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resurgent taliban from retaking territory. and u.s. has been forced to join in that fight. there are still nearly 10,000 american troops in afghanistan, president obama has wanted to bring that number down but it is not all clear that he'll be able to before the end of his term. >> dickerson: margaret brennan with the president, thanks. we turn now to the crash of the egyptair jet and cbs news foreign correspondent holly williams in egypt this morning. >> john, what caused egyptair flight 804 to plunge into the mediterranean sea around 180 miles north of here is still a mystery. the first pictures of debris from the crash show wreckage from the plane, a life vest and luggage. egyptian authorities say they also found human remains. it was some time after 2:00 a.m. on thursday that the passenger jet turning 90 degrees to the left and spinning incision toll the right, all
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plummeting then falling off the radar. u.s. intelligence source told us that the plane's flight recorders, black boxes, had been approximately located emitted by their beacons. government sources told us, no official confirmation. egypt's president sending submarine to the search area. the black boxes may help explain what went wrong. but retrieving them from the area of the crash in waters up to 10,000 feet deep and with rugged under water topography could be difficult. an aviation industry magazine appears as though automated transmission from the plane shortly before it disappeared from radar screen, they show smoke in the bathroom and in the avionics bay and alert from the plane's flight control system. mechanical failure, human error and terrorism are all possible causes ofs
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john, so far none of them have been ruled out. >> dickerson: holly williams in egypt for us joining us from san francisco, aviation and safety expert captain sully sullen perrer. put it in perspective. what do things look like to you ? >> intentional act is one of many possible causes on the table. in many walks of life, it's just human nature to shoot from the hip or jump to conclusions. but in safety, critical domains like aviation, like medicine and some others, it's the evidence, facts that we must rely upon to reach conclusions. it's following the facts, following the truth wherever it leads us and helps us eventually to solve the deepest mysteries. >> dickerson: in this as you look at it there's nothing that suggests in the fact pattern so far, we don't have much to go on
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terrorism over just crazy accident that happened while the plane was in cruise? >> you know, in the light of recent events, certainly in that part of the world and others, it's natural, human nature to think of terrorism in the forefront. but there have been, even though statistically the safetiest portion of the flight, accidents in the cruise portion of the flight including of course, air france 447 over the south atlantic in june 2009. and in climb near cruise, airasia flight 8501 just recently. there are possible reasons that an airplane in cruise could come into grief. >> dickerson: based on what you've now seen, though, at these reports, the fault messages, reports about radar, what do those signals tell you about some of the possible outcomes? >> well, of course we will no a lot more once aircraft wreckage ha
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we'll know much more, of course, when the digital flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder are analyzed hopefully should be. but what we can say right now is that, whatever the triggering event was, it was not sufficient to immediately destroy the entire airplane. that for several minutes conditions allowed electrical power to still be supplied to certain systems in the airplane that could detect faults automatically transmit those bits of information to the ground. >> dickerson: what was transmitted to the ground there's talk of fire and smoke, does that give you any indication about what have happened? >> it suggests that there was some catastrophic event, whether it was a fault, electrical arc, incendiary device or explosive device that began to start a series of cascading failures, other than that, all possibilities are on th
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>> dickerson: separate and apart from black boxes and the voice recorders, what else would you be looking for in terms much the investigation here to figure out whether it was just an accident or intentional terrorist act? >> well, as with any aviation accident, investigators will talk to as many people as they can, trying to interview everyone who had anything to do with this flight. everyone who touched the airplane. and i should tell you that as aviation safety has become better, as aviation accidents have become more rare, their causes have fully become more unique. so, because aviation has done such a good i don't job of reducing and eliminating any common causes of accidents what we're left with more black swan events. so, i think they will look at many different areas. as aviation safety has gotten better there has to be more focus on aviation security, whether or not this happened to be intentional act or not.
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in the back of the house. the people who service and clean and cater to the airplane. sometimes those services are outsourced to third party vendors where they have high turnover. so i think whether this is a terrorism event or not, the global experience tells us that we need to do a better job of looking at everybody who touches the airplane including in this case. >> dickerson: thanks so much for your expertise. next up on the mystery of egyptair 804, former homeland security advisor to george w. bush, fran townsend and former national transportation safety board chairman and cbs aviation safety analyst mark rosenker, who is in london bureau, mark, start with you. based on the pack that what you know now, what is this investigation going to be like? how long is it going to take? >> well, this is going to be a very long investigation. this is a major accident investigation and theypi
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a year. the egyptians are telling us that their preliminary report will come out in about a month which is about when we will find most of the facts. probably be very little analysis coming in that report but at least lot more information to be able to try to understand exactly what happened here. >> dickerson: you think it could be a month before we get to the central question of whether accident versus intentional act. >> absolutely. unless there is something which, to use silver but let or smoking gun, we're going to have to wait awhile to do the forensicss necessary to do a methodical examination of everything that we recover and particularly we have to find those black boxes. they will reveal much of what we really need to know. >> dickerson: what about the fact that the egyptians are taking the lady on this, how does that affect the investigation? >> well, they're entitled to lead this investigation based on
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the x13. the international civil aviation organization, specialized agency that is a treaty that all major countries flying aircraft sign to and agree to the trials andre guy lakes injured fran, turn to you now on the question of terrorism. nobody had claimed credit for this yet. usually don't they? what does that tell you? >> well, either it's odd because of course we've seen isis in the last 24 hours claim credit for attacks in iraq. they haven't said anything about this. or on the other hand we've always been concern understand a terrorist organization developed a method, explosive method that they could get past screening and detection, that they might not claim credit for it because now they know they have ability to place a device on a plane and bring a plane down. it's not clear yet, i would go back to what sully said and our other colleague. fact is, what we need to understand are the facts.
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have people be concerned with terrorism, we saw early claims by both egyptian subjects and the french that terrorism was more likely. and everyone backed off that. >> dickerson: let me ask you about egyptians doing it get into a place here in your experience with dealing with other countries and national security, this is called egyptian air, that the investigation gets clouded a little bit by national interests, by national pride. >> there's an example of that with egyptair flight 990 in 1999, egyptian air pilot intentionally downed that plane. we got the cockpit voice recorder, it was an act of suicide. to this day, the ntsb claimed an act of terrorism, in continuesal act. to this day egyptians claim that was mechanical failure. egyptians at least in this case seem more open to the idea that it may have been terrorism. >> dickerson: mark, these kinds
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cost 20 these quick claims by politicians and others that immediately it's terrorism, does that get in the way of the investigation at all? >> not really. because the truth is done by the scientific examination, meticulous, methed to call process that will reveal the truth. people can say what they wish to say. reality is they may look like they were ignorant of what really happened. that's the danger. >> dickerson: in terms of the u.s. role, what is the u.s. role in this investigation? >> at this point the egyptians will be leading the investigation. french are already participating, they have sent a number of investigators and airbus has sent its technician to cairo to begin the process of in this vest gibbs. the united states actually would have a role should they wish to participate and be invited to participate by virtue of the avionics on board this aircraft and engine.
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yum that pratt and whitney are a major player in. >> dickerson: the what countries, does that raise any red flags for you? what questions would you be looking into in terms of those airports? >> i think we've got to expand the question. this plane in the 24 hours before was in tunisia, was in paris, made two stops in cairo before it made that ultimate last leg of its flight. so, back to the point of the investigation, investigators are going all the way back to everybody who touched that plane in the last 24 hours. the security around the aircraft, the personnel who touched it, all of that, not just about france and egypt but all those countries. >> dickerson: thanks so much. mark, thank you. we'll be back in one minute with senator bernie sanders. stay with us. is caring because covering heals faster. for a bandage that moves with you and stays on all day,
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senator, thank you very much for get up so early to join us. i hope you have coffee. you're out there trying to get delegates. hillary clinton is saying that there is no way she's not going to be the nominee. >> well, i think that hillary clinton has not looked at a lot of the national polls out there which have me doing a lot better than she is against donald trump that's true in almost all of the state polls as well. she may not have noticed that in the last three contests we won and we tied in kentucky. that we have excellent chance to win majority of the states coming up in the next two weeks. six states we think we can win most of them including california. i think when you have a situation, john, where over 400 superdelegates, before anyone else was in the race. before the first ballot was ca cast. before anyone had sense of how the campaign was going, i think we have chance to w
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of those superdelegates. and also i think we canf we do very, very well, it's an uphill fight, if we do very well in the next six states we will have a majority of pledge delegates or come very close. >> dickerson: let me ask you about that. on the question of pledge delegates, superdelegates for a moment. just on the pledge delegates, way the math works out is that you need to win in those remaining contests by 40%. that's not just a steep hill that's almost vertical, senator. >> hats steep hill. but we have won races by more. california has 475 delegates. we are here in california, i think there's a very positive response in one of the most progressive states in the country. this is an uphill fight. we've got 46% of the pledge delegates right now. my hope to make it to 40%. i don't know, we began this
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campaign we were 3% in the polls. we were 60 points behind secretary clinton. we've have come long way, it's been an uphill fight. we're going to continue to fight to the last ballot is cast. >> dickerson: what is your feeling about the process so far? do you think it's been fair to you? >> well, this is what i think. i think that the issues that we are raising, the fact that we have to raise the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour. people think there's something wrong in american oat where they work longer hours, wages are going to the 1%. we are the only major country that doesn't guarantee paid family or medical leave, health care for all. only major country. i think that what people are sensing is the need for real change in this country and establish politics or establish economics not doing it. in terms of the process, we've taken on entire democratic establishment in -- in every state that we hru
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democratic leadership and yet we have now won 20 states. i think we have real chance to win a lot more in the next couple of weeks. some states it has been great, people have been absolutely fair. other states are perhaps not so much in terms of the debates, we're still waiting, secretary clinton agreed way back when to do a debate in california. in may. we are hoping that the democratic national committee will ask her to keep her word and allow that debate to take place. >> dickerson: one of the things i hear from a lot of your supporters, people who are part of this movement you've created, they really think that it's rigged against you, that the system -- not just that you're fighting the establishment but the establishment has essentially bent the rules to defeat you, do you buy into that idea? >> well, this is what i will say, john. the world that i see
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on the campaign trail, people are working two or three hours where they can't afford to send their kids to college, young people want real change in terms of climate change and tax on carbon is such a different world than where the political establishment is, it is really -- like two parallel universes, of what we have done, i'm very proud of it. we have i think millions of people into the political process who were not in it. right now in california what i'm reading that there's a tremendous surge in people registering to vote. so, you know, when you take on the entire political establishment, when you take on the financial establishment. when you take on the media establishment, john, it is very hard in this campaign, cbs does better than most i have to tell you. allow serious discussion about serious issues which is handicapped us. if i were insulting somebody we'd get lot of attention. but real discussion about why the middle class is disappearing anin
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equality is growing, 134 how, for corporate media, not so much -- >> dickerson: let me ask you about a member of the establishment the head of the democratic national committee, your campaign manager suggested she helped hillary clinton in what she's done you said you would not leave her in the job if you were to be president. there's a lot of anger about the system, have you now put a target on debby wassermn shuttle. >> do i think she's the kind of chair that democratic party needs, i don't. what we need right now is revitalize democracy in america to bring millions of young people and working class people into the system. to a significant degree. frankly what the democratic party is about people running around to rich people's homes and raising obscene sums of money from wealthy people. we need to i to working class people, we're on your side. we know that you need the
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college and you can't afford it right now. we know that many cases the income that you're making has gone down. we are prepared to stand up to wall street, whose greed has done so much harm. to our economy. to corporate america who sending jobs 20 china. if they can make $2 more in profits. that's the kind of party we need to be vital party, working class people who are hurting. young people who have a dream that this country can be much more than it is today. not just party where we have our folks raising money for wealthy people. >> dickerson: let me ask you about that pitch to working people, there is some discussion that your supporters might be be in the general election they might go over to donald trump. what do you make that have argument 1234. >> well, i make the -- argument that i make is that donald trump, hillary clinton, bernie sanders, you have to talk to the people. that's what democracy is about. i believet
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sect clinton, bernie sanders, who is prepared to stand up say, you know what, we have to take on the billionaire class. that it's absurd that almost income goes to them. that we need health care for all people, like every other major country does. that we need to make public colleges and universities tuition free by putting a tax on wall street speculation. that we need carbon tax on the fuel industry because climate change is threatening this whole planet. any candidate who comes up with that perspective will excite people and will win the election. donald trump is a disaster. in my view. i will do everything that i can, whether candidate or not to see that he's defeated. >> dickerson: how far will you take your fight? >> we're going to the convention. we are going to the convection at the very least if we do not end up winning the nomination, we're going to fight to win it. i want to have a platform of the democratic party which is very
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representing working people. i want changes in the rules of the democratic primary process such that we have open primaries where millions of people are not disenfranchised because they are independent. so there's a lot of work to be done whether or not i am the nominee. >> dickerson: all right, isn't for bernie sanders bernie sanders we'll see you at the consprings. we'll be back in a moment with a tribute to cbs newsman morley safer. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live.
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going to be human, take a sideways look at life. >> suppose you have a few dollars you head to paris to istanbul. this is how you would go. first class on the orient express. >> dickerson: but i didn't know about until i was older was what morley safer had done before. the vietnam reporter he had been on the front line. >> just got on the hill. dickerson: shot at more than once. and taking down the stories of young, scared soldiers moments before they were killed. >> seconds later the boy is de dead. >> dickerson: maybe because he had reported up close about death he became a reporter who celebrated life. his was a heck of a life. and he enriched ours. morley safer was 84. can you love wearing powerful sunscreen? yes! neutrogena® ultra sheer. unbeatable protection helps prevent early skin aging and skin cancer with a clean feel.
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>> dickerson: welcome back to "face the nation." we're joined by the director of elections cbs news anthony salvanto. welcome back. why is the math so hard for him? >> well, he points out that he does better -- does well in lot of polls head to head against donald trump. he's right about that. but in order to get to that general election he does have a team hill, which to say that he needs to get about 70% of the remaning pledge delegates out there. 90% of all uncommitted delegates out there. in order to catch hillary clinton. that presumes that hillary clinton support will just evaporate. so far shows no signs of doing that. it is tough for him. >> dickerson: he talks about maybe convincing the superdelegates when he gets to the convention, also got steep hill 20 climb there.
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situation not just about math. these are party leaders and elected leaders who can port whoever. right now majority are with hillary clinton and again they haven't shown nines of switching. >> dickerson: let's go to the general election map, that big map where just tart off with reminding us where things stand in the general election, where the two parties are, what things look like going boo the general election. >> sure. as we pivot to the general, you start to look at a collection of states where, remember, presidential election is a state by tate contest. we see many national polls which are useful. this is one state by state. the democrats have in recent years held on to a number of states that add up to slightly more electoral votes than the republicans have sort of reliably in their corner. which to say that democrats do very well along the coast, new york, california, places with big urban centers. republicans tend to do very
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around outthrough the plain states. that's where we start. in the middle of all of that, in the middle, a number of states we usually call the battleground states, we'll track them all. these are places that are more closely divided. where partisanship evens out or tends to be close to even between democrats and republicans. many times you hear them mention ohioa florida mentioned in that sen tones, that's why it started there. >> dickerson: election in america really takes place in about a dozen states, not a national election, it's really a about dozen takes, ohio and florida, so what did you learn? >> one of the things that entire map, because it does tell a tori, 1 the idea that partisans ultimately come home. they ultimately vote for the nominee of their party. now, they do that reliably in a lot of those deep states that we mentioned, but the key is, will they come home in some of these battleground states. in ohio and
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tart to see that in fact they are. so that you get now eight and ten democrats decide they're going for hillary clinton and eight and ten republicans, this is important because they talk so much about unifying the party, who will say now that they vote for donald trump. importantly motivation behind is not entirely that they think that either of these folks is the best candidate. there's a big part of their motivation that says tear out to stop the other side. >> dickerson: let me ask about that. lot of people i that donald trump will be like barry goldwater in 1964 who got crushed by lyndon johnson. you're suggesting that there is a kind of systemic change in the structure, that republicans support republicans. so donald trump is always going to get barring some calamity, what appears from your finding so far that he's getting the kind of normal republican vote already despite all the talk of never trump.
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the way this shaped up historically. you go back -- even the '80s you would see a quarter of partisans switching over to the other side. president reagan got quarter of democrats. we saw that pattern a lot. but over recent years, it's become much more hard and fast where partisans six or seven percent of them cross over that's a big number. so, you're right, that this is recent and this is phenomenon where we partisans going for their candidates and that's right. it does appear now that donald trump is going to get many of those republicans at least in these battleground states to start polling into line with the republican nominee. >> dickerson: one of the arguments that hillary clinton is making is he's risky, what have you told us about people's tolerance for risk? >> there may be some. we found that a third of folks say that things are so bad that the country can afford to take a chance on its next presidential pick.
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winning, dominating among those voters. now, that's not everybody. that's a third. some of those are republicans and independents may be looking to rationalize choice and maybe controversial one. but hillary clinton, she has to watch that that idea does not expand out. that that idea does not take hold in a wider segment of the electorate. because donald trump already leading on the ability to bring change. >> dickerson: been saying, big risk, but maybe big reward. the last question here, we're talking about the map as it's traditionally been in 2012. what are the chances that the map could change outside of these battleground states that we're familiar with. what are you looking for in terms of what we should look forward to in terms of the map changing, if it does? >> i think it's a good chance. if we learned anything, that we should challenge our assumption. maybe a whole new continent. so what we've got
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starting with the map, we're seeing partisanship that is based on the last couple of cycles. but you start to work -- again map tells a story about what kinds of voters each of these candidates can win. take, for example, donald trump very well with white working class voters. well, if he continues that as he did in the primaries, there's some evidence that these polls that he can, his nap could expand. we put places like michigan, certainly pennsylvania, maybe even minnesota in play. but then democrats push back and they say, wait a second, there are states that say, georgia that have been reliably republican. they are having high growth. a larger segment of minority voters now, maybe we can put those states in play. so i think that thatf demographics is destiny, that's part of whether or not this is all the case, then we can start to look at maybe a very shifting playing field and that's one of the big things to watch over the next six months. >> dickerson: we'll have you on to discuss all that have, anthony. one other thing we missed the
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clinton is 43 and trump is at 442. with that we'll be right back with our panel. hope to see yo. whoa, whoa, i got this. just gotta get the check. almost there. i can't reach it. if you have alligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. what? it's what you do. i got this. thanks, dennis! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. growwwlph. it's what you do. oh that is good crispy duck.
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the math! >> all right. i think i'm going to head home. don't you work too late now. >> i won't, mrs. clinton, i'll actually closing up the bar right now. everybody's got to go. that means you, too, sir. >> from freakin' way! i'm not going anywhere! i can stay here as long as i want! >> i'm sorry, the night is over. >> no, no, it's not over! it's not over until i say it's over! >> dickerson: that's kate and larry david from "saturday night live." for some political analysis we're joined by molly ball of "the atlantic." ezra klein of ramesh of the national review and ed o'keefe of the "washington post" we'll get to the democratic race. ed, a new "washington post" poll that shows race is very close. our battleground tracker
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that. >> this is national survey. it puts donald trump ahead of hillary clinton for the first time, 46% to 44% statistical tie in polling terms. but notable that he got ahead. i think the two things that stuck out to me, 48% of clinton's backers now mainly voting to oppose trump while 53% of his supporters are with him to oppose her. it shows that you this is one of those elections where it's not about that guy but the other person. the other thing that sticks out i think throughout this whole thing, if you dive deep into it. 52% of voters are telling us they want an experienced candidate while 43% prefer outsider. that number has tightened. as it continues to tighten it shows the real challenge potentially for mrs. clinton. because nobody in this race, but her, speaks to the establishme establishment, the experience, her type of candidate that people would prefer. outsider number would climb would suggest that trump will do better. >> dickersonat
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race, no surprise to any of us. but we found in our poll in ohio and florida, seven in ten people thought the race would not be worthy of the presidency. molly, are we surprised by these numbers that it's so close? >> well, i think it has been somewhat surprising. a lot of republicans are surprised that the party has come home to trump so quickly. and that's really what we're seeing in a lot of these polls. before trump won the nomination, there were these hypothetical general election match ups where clinton was way far ahead of him. and that is tightened up principally because of coalescing of the republican party and failure to coalesce of the democratic party. so i think the real open question is, whether once hillary clinton does decisively win the democratic nomination whether her party comes home to him like trump is not a sure thing. >> dickerson: this is a long way off from we have actual election, but the way democrats were talking about trumps vulnerabilities, you would
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just -- you wouldn't have numbers this close so far or right now. do you feel that way? >> i think the question what mol low raised. are we seeing a period of time where trump is able to begin consolidating the republican party because of their primaries ended. but hillary clinton has not been able to consolidate because their pry hear has not yet ended. there have been lot of showing that clinton is really sagging right now because bernie sanders supporters are so negative on her, democratic primary has become more bitter, more angry at the final months. i think the thing that i'm waiting to see once that ends, at some point it will end, go back to see what we've been seeing is the six, seven point lead for clinton over trump. >> dickerson: the trump movement having difficulty, because arguments earring going to get slaughtered in the general election going to be disaster, if polls are this close, donald trump, often talks about the
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let's keep rallying behind me. >> i think it undercuts the never trump movement. it shows that he's not a sure loser. two, because it shows that there isn't necessarily this huge audience of conservatism in republicans who are dissatisfied enough. it helps in other way that it shows that these are two extremely unpopular candidates. two people that most voters don't like and so shows there is maybe an audience for somebody who is going to be a third party candidate. that's what trump folks will cling to anyway. >> dickerson: do you think, radio that third marty candidate, polls that show there's appetite for one. but that's different than building organization in the 12 battleground states that you need to win. getting on the bat local. >> the post poll, what would happen -- he was running behind clinton and trump i think if i remember correctly around 20%, 22%. there is potentiall
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but appetite not as you say, the immediate effect would be destroy republican chances in the election. what happens even that post poll takes more from trump than he does from clinton. >> that's surprising to me how much he took from clinton and how little it affected. it did change from narrow trump win. >> probably significant, yes, you're right. >> dickerson: let's talk about democrats, molly. how bad is the family fight in the democratic party right now? >> i think it's gotten lot worse. i've been surprised at the level of acrimony. the clinton campaign believes this is not a significant obstacle once we get to the general election, that part of the reason it's become so acrimonious that the last sort of hard core that clings to losing candidate is always going to be the more ardent and bitter and unable to
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perhaps. but it has -- we saw with nevada convention, the really ugly things being hurled at the state chairwoman by the bernie sanders supporters, and i think that shows you that -- going back to the question do democrats go home and republicans go home. it's a different question for hillary clinton than that because so much of bernie sanders support has come from independents in open primaries. she doesn't have to only bring in -- to bring in supporters doesn't need to bring home democrats but lot independents and lot of young people who may never have voted before who have been absolutely immune to her charms in this democratic primary. >> dickerson: is there anything, ramesh, that republicans can exploit from current tension of the democratic race? >> donald trump says he's going to try to appeal to sanders' voters. and i suppose he's going to try to make the kind of, i'm going to shake up the system just as he is trying. to i agree with him. that's something that he's
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suggests that most voters are very receptive to anti-trade message. i don't know in the end if it's going to cause a lot of percentage, doesn't need a large percentage. >> dickerson: what about the point that they can -- these voters -- >> i think they're very easily republicans the fact that we have member of the democratic party who is running for president and saying this this party chairman needs to get out. she deserves to be primary. that his supporters are clamoring for him to get revolved in other congressional races. starting to see now the makings of what began in the republican party few years ago, started going after party leaders, started calling for primaries of prominent members of the party. that very well may be part of what sanders war at least supporters end up doing in the coming years. the party may be preparing itself now for a little more of a split than we've seen in the past. and polling continues to show that trump may poll double-digit at least bit of sanders support into his camp as theam
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continues. that would mostly be the economically distressed or economic concerned voter, they're out there and in states like pennsylvania, ohio, where if the map begins to shift this race will be fun. >> dickerson: we have in the most cbs "new york times" poll found that 72% of sanders' voters would vote for clinton in the general. in may of 2008 only 60% of clinton supporters said they would support obama. the democratic race all the excitement this week, the polling shows is not as hot as it was in '08. >> what we're seeing right now i agree with molly, it's not unusual. i remember the 2008 convention, hillary clinton supporters would never under any circumstance ever support obama. of course very healthy share of the vote once general election actually went down. i think you see it with trump. surprising how quickly trump has consolidated. fr
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on the democratic side has had much smaller differences than trump versus the establishment and republican party. so, it is hard for me to see why it would be more difficult bridge. >> dickerson: we'll take a break. we'll be right back with more of ramesh, ed, ezra and molly. announcer: you taught him how to hit a baseball. what are you doing? sara, i love you, and... [phone rings] ah, it's my brother. keep going... sara, will you marry... [phone rings again] what do you want, todd???? [crowd cheering] keep it going!!!! if you sit on your phone, you butt-dial people. it's what you do. todd!
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he settled an issue that had been a big concern to lot of his republicans who were skeptical about conservatism who pick folks who mass muster with your audience i would think. the nra endorsement is notable because of what he has said in the past about gun control. he was pretty supportive of restrictions and he tweeted in the past right after the newtown tragedy that the president has spoken for all of the country in the wake that have gun violence yet this weekend st o
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suggests that because she's so anti-gun perhaps mrs. clinton should go without her secret service protection, that's exactly what a lot of republicans want to hear. that's why i think we're beginning to see consolidation. think about last few weeks, he came to washington, got the blessing of a lot of leaders. he releases his supreme court nominations. he goes to the nra gets their blessing. he even made some pretty half hearted but enough to say that he's tried attempts getting hispanic voters, at least conservatives. all of this designed to assuage the fears of republicans that he's incapable of being their nominee. >> ramesh, i talked to republicans who are supporting donald trump, where are you on his ban of new muslim immigrants they don't agree with that or deportation or build a wall. does any that have matter if he's got the right opinion on supreme court nominees and second amend med? >> well depends who you are talking to whether it matters. got to remember with the ban on muss limits with the wall, also said these are negotiating
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agree can support him anyway because they think that's just campaign rhetoric. but interesting here is that typically the republican nominee courts conservatives during the process -- here we have guy that's talking how we're going to please conservatives after he's clinched the nomination which is very unusual position for republican. >> it's fantastic countser programming at a time when clinton and sanders are still fighting with each other. he's spending two months before his convention consolidating support, checking all the boxes, going to all these different groups while they're still fighting it out. that's part of why we're seeing the support he's now enjoying. >> the last bit he hadn't gotten is the donors. >> that will be the hardest of all. >> dickerson: all the big donors, well not all but lot of the big donors in the republican party are not supporting donald trump. is that a problem or can you get around that somehow? >> it is a
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not have the money that he needs to compete in this campaign. although i think what he would say, he didn't have the traditional money or structure for the republican primary that was fine. i would say couple of things. first of all talking about the traditional donor base of the republican party, what trump is aiming to do is bring in nontraditional donor base of his friends who may be eccentric billionaires who haven't been involved in politics. his finance chairman, given more to democrats. trump knows people like carl icon going to put $150 million into this election there may be some whole new donor base that's available to trump. also the rnc has been preparing to be the machinery of the nominee's campaign, whoever it is. for the last four years, to do all of the digital field organizing, all the little stuff that trump doesn't seem interested in. >> dickerson: the eccentric billionaires pac has a ring. let me ask you about the head
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priorities superpac that is helping hillary clinton, calling donald trump risky maybe not such a smart idea with the notion of risk is also paired with the idea, maybe there's a big reward out there. what do you think about that in terms of democratic messaging. >> the way i read that, try to think about this election two, ways they think he can win it. one way that you can try to run traditional democratic-republican election with the voters and hope yours is a little bit bigger. that's what obama does in 2012. think there's possibility, maybe that possibility not real but think it might be real that you can go a bit bigger than that. by making donald trump unfit for the president sees. somehow convince people that this is not someone who is fundamentally qualified, something you see in the post poll. if you can do that, they get a victory. they are trying to work through is what are the messages that are the least alienating to those independents and
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potential republican moderates, things like risk, might have downsize, might be better than you think, trying to work in that group of ideas are about being unqualified, unfit for presidency. >> dickerson: ramesh, donald trump met with henry kissinger to fix that qualification question, right? what if he lines up those meetings, does that help, help with the foreign policy establishment in the conservative side? >> i think it helps, but fundamentally require candidate not just to meet with people but to talking about issues, ezra right about what the vulnerability that the polls show even when they show trump ahead they show majority of americans, majority of registered voters don't think he has right temperament to be president, don't think he's qualified to be president. now, obviously based on the overall numbers not enough people are weaving that
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heavily enough for the democrats. but what they're going to try to do get them to weigh it a little bit more heavily valentine's day that's going to have to be the last wort. thanks very much for watching. we'll be right back. she's about to arrive. t came in. and with her, a flood of potential patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account...of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, the hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable. because no one knows & like at&t.
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