tv CBS This Morning CBS June 24, 2016 7:00am-8:59am EDT
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captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is friday, june 24th, 2016. weelcom to "cbs this morning." breaking news -- britain's prime minister will step down after voters choose to leave the european union. the stunning and historic vote sends markets sinking, and the world asks what comes next. in scotland, donald trump calls the vote contastic. we'll get bernie sanders' response when he comes to studio 57 this morning. california wildfires burn dozens of homes. deadly flooding across west virginia. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds.
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todo go nwn i htoisry as our independence day! [ applause ] >> britain bows out of the euanropeon uni. >> the feared economic tailspin appears to be beginning. >> global markets from asia to europe have been plunging. no country's ever left the eu, show to is unprecedented. >> i will do everything i can as prime minister to steady the ship, but i do not think it would be right fore mto try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination. donald trumpiv arred in scotland saying the brits have taken back their country. >> it's going to be a great thing. a state of emergency in west virg.inia h flasflooding has prompted several water rescues. >> high water everywhere. wi> a ldfire has broken out in southern california. >> most destructive fire i've ever been to. the supreme court dealing a big blow to president obama's plan to block deportation to undocume ntedimmigrants. >> heartbreaking for millionsf
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here, who raised families here. the coast guard recovered a second bodsy a it searches the gulf of mexico for a missing family. >> this is still an active search. a high speed chase ends in a wild crash in florida. a police officer loses control. all that -- >> thest firk pic in the 2016 nba draft, the 76ers select ben simmons. [ cheers ] and all that matters -- >> how you doing, mr. president? >> pretty good for a first-year coach. >> the president called the coach. >> putth on she irt, though -- >> i will. i definitely will. >> you can't be just walking around without a shirt. on "cbs this morning." >> there was the sit-in in congress and the republicans took it to c-span -- they started live streaming on periscope. the most tech-friendly move prosecute c-span since they -- move from c-span since they broadcast the state of the union on snapchat. [ applause ] >> good state of the union.
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welcome to "cbs this morning." norah o'donnell is off. jeb glor joins us. we begin with breaking news, a stunning and historic vote in britain. the decision to leave the european union will have a profound impact on the economic, political, and social fabric of the world. [ cheers ] >> celebrations erupted overnight as the referendum results came in. it is a massive defeat for prime minister david cameron who led the drive to remain in the eu. he announced this morning he will step down later this year. >> stock markets in asia and europe tumbled after the vote. britain dropped nearly 5%. germany, almost 7%. japan, about 8%. wall street expects a big loss when it opens this mog,
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on both sides of the atlantic covering this unfolding story. we begin with mark phillips, outside the houses of parliament in london. mark, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, it would be hard to overestimate both the shock and the consequences of this vote. the pound, as you say, has fallen like a rock. its largest ever single-day fall. the stock market has fallen off a cliff. david cameron, who led the campaign to stay in and who lost and who staked his whole career on this outcome, is gone. >> the british people have made a clear decision to take a different path. as such, i believe the country needs fresh leadership to take it in this direction. >> reporter: one by one as the voting districts reported overnight, the shock started to come. people inside manchester town hall cheered as their votes tallied up to leave. [ cheers ] the scenes would be repeated
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the opinion polls had suggested a close race, even a narrow victory to stay in the eu. they were wrong. the city of london, financial markets, had bet on a different end, as well. only voters in london and scotland favored staying. elsewhere, people wanted out. david cameron, thoroughly defeated, felt he had only one option -- to go. >> i will do everything i can as prime minister to steady the ship over the coming weeks and months, but i do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination. >> reporter: those who had argued to leave said the predictions of gloom was scare mongering. we'll see. the most recognizable face of the leave campaign, boris johnson, was jeered as he left his house this morning. others could barely contain their glee. >> june 23rd needs to become a
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will call it independence day. thank you. [ applause ] >> reporter: both sides used fear in this campaign. fear of economic decline by those who argued to they? . fear of being -- who argued to stay in. fear of being overrun by the eu by those wanting out. and they won. [ cheers ] >> reporter: in the face of turmo turmoil, the bank of england has said effectively take a deep breath, the economy can handle it. we'll see. jeff? >> mark, thank you. newspaper front page across britain are headlining the historic vote. they say "we're out." the leave campaign found support across most of the uk, but the whole of scotland voted to stay in the eu. blue shows districts that want to remain. donald trump is in scotland this morning. he calls the vote to leave a great thing. he spoke minutes ago at the trump turnbury golf resorts. charlie d'agata is there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. donald trump is here to reopen the golf course. befoe
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demonstrator roled some golf balls with swastikas in front of him. while trump is here and calling brexit a great thing, as you said, here they vote overwhelmingly to remain. donald trump touched down in scotland, a long way off the presidential campaign trail, but campaigning just the same and stake something claim to britain's decision to leave the eu. >> basically they took back their country. that's a great thing. >> reporter: trump won't be meeting any of britain's main political leaders. they've made clear they had no interest in meeting him. they've got their hands full anyway. the presidential hopeful has supported britain's departure from europe, and some have pointed to the trump-ification. the political establishment is hitting hard on immigration, the idea of giving a voice to the voiceless. that has struck a chord here. >> he speaks his mind. you've got to
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immigration is a massive problem. >> reporter: not everyone feels that way. his call for a ban on muslims prompted calls for britain to ban him. >> should we be making exceptions for billionaire politicians? >> reporter: triggering a debate in parliament which ended without a vote being taken. and there are other beefs. alex salmon was head of the scottish government when trump promised hundreds of millions in dollars and thousands of jobs through opening golf courses but never fully delivered. >> he basically has let scotland down. what i'd say to america, don't allow this man to let america down in the way he's let scotland down. >> reporter: now there are plenty of people who support the work that's been done here and the jobs that have been created. donald trump is going to be in scotland for a couple of days in which we're sure to hear more about his views on breakity. >> charlie d'agata -- brexit. >> charlie d'agata. thanks. president obama visited i
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in europe. i asked the president why he spoke out. you said to them, britain is better in the european union. it should not be brexit because britain in the european union can do more. >> i don't have a vote. this is up to the british people. they should make their decisions not based on what's good for the united states but what's good for the united kingdom. but i am absolutely persuaded that the united kingdom is stronger, more influential, and more prosperous if it stays in the european union. think about. it they send 44% of their exports to this single market in europe. if they lose the european union, they lost their biggest customer. from a pure economic perspective, this should be a o n no-brainer. >> chip reid is at the white house. goor
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president obama has said this is a decision for the british people, but he has also said it could have serious economic consequences for the united kingdom and for the united states. right now the president is in california for a summit on entrepreneurship, but he's been closely following the uk referendum. he was dining with a small group of silicon valley leaders when the results started to come in. a white house official said he is being regularly briefed on the returns and the reaction. the official also said the president will most likely speak with prime minister david cameron later today. it's unlikely to be a happy conversation for either man. the president traveled to london in april where he urged the british people to stay in the european union. in a press conference with cram ron, the president said eu membership magnify british influence in the world and was important for america. we're expecting a written statement from the president sometime later this morning, and when we get that we will let you know. gayle? >> thank you. wall street expects big losses when it opens in a few
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anthony mason with the impact of brexit on the markets. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. let's look at the numbers. the futures numbers first. they suggest a pretty bleak opening to the u.s. markets, as well. european markets overnight just tumbled. if you look at the ftse 100, the british index, at the open it was down as much as 12%. it's bounced back somewhat, but it's still looking bleak, too. the pound got absolutely hammered as the votes came in. in three hours, the pound against the dollar dropped 10%, hitting lows it hadn't seen since 1985. europe and britain in particula. the british economy is the fifth largest economy in the world. all of a sudden we have so many questions -- who's going to be the prime minister of britain, what does this mean for europe, will other countries want to leave the eu, what will happen with scotland which voted overwhelmingly to stay in the union, tell now ask
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for a referendum and try to leave the united kingdom again? so many open questions which is why the markets are unsettled. the future of europe in effect is in question, and the markets don't like what they see. >> thanks. with us dennis berman of the "wall street journal." what's going to happen, and is it going to be as serious as people have been prognosticating during this entire campaign? >> remember, we saw across europe this morning, italy, france, beyond, certain elements in that country want to have their own referenda. might we see a series of rolling elections, questions, whatever you want to say -- over the next few years, other countries may want to leempt that's definitely on the -- to leave? that's definitely on the table. if you have a 401(k), that's going to affect your portfolio. we're all interconnected. whatever your beliefs on the politics, what happens there does matter to your pocketbook. >> will there be a d
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the global economy? >> look how sensitive the market is. you know better than anyone, the gdp worldwide may be 3%, probably around 2%. this does not help whatsoever. this brings interest rates down. it probably brings economic growth down in europe which will probably have some follow-on effect. not debilitating in the u.s., but it does put more tension in our ability to grow globally. just too many questions. >> how do you think -- because clearly wall street very concerned. jpmorgan chase and goldman sachs both issued statements to their clients this morning reaffirming their commitment to their clients. how do you think this uncertainty will play out on wall street? >> right now as you mentioned, the u.s. stocks are down. stocks are down around the world. if you want to take a vacation to london, now is probably the best time for you to do that. >> there's the silver lining. >> that might be the one silver lining now. this is a multi-year process. everything feels like it's happening now. it's an acute crisis. that will somewhat recede.
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for a many-year period where major questions are unresolved. that brings more uncertainty to the markets which, frankly, is hanging on by the grace of central banks around the world, be it videotape, europe, or the u.s. -- be it in japan, europe, or the u.s. >> among the questions is a new prime minister, david cameron out, boris johnson in? >> that's certainly possible. the jeers on that video were certainly saying something. >> the same party -- >> another odd part of this, right? they won, therefore they're going to have to chart the future. economically, imagine negotiating a trade deal with every country you that were just in union with over the next two years. that's to me the main issue here is how tough does europe want to be with the uk to perhaps be punitive in a way, to try to prevent others from leaving the union? >> thank you very much. our next hour we'll talk more about brexit with democratic
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candidate bernie sanders right here in studio 57. a fast-moving california wildfire destroyed dozens of homes overnight. the erskine fire is burning about 175 miles north of los angeles. the 5,000-acre fire is one of many burning in the west. carter evans is on the fire lines near lake isabella, east of bakersfield, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. so far, nine communities around here have been evacuated. two firefighters have been injured, treated for smoke inhalation. the fire began about 12 hours ago. burned so hot and fast that it scorched thousands of acres and burned dozens of homes in a matter of hours. >> never get to say something like that. >> reporter: fire captain kurt townsend captured the growing infern no a facebook live feed thursday. home after home burned to the ground in the neighborhoods of squirrel valley and south lake. >> one house, a second, third over here. four, five,
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street. that's another taking off there -- >> reporter: multiple gas tanks filled with liquid petroleum erupted into flames. the captain has been a firefighter for nine years. never seen anything like this? >> it's surreal. the video showing home after home burning. people standing, watching their homes burn. >> reporter: strong winds coupled with temperatures in the 90s helped push the fire over at least two mountain ridge. hundreds were ordered to evacuate, but some decided to stay. what was it like this afternoon when the fire blew up? >> it was hell. absolute hell. it will take me several dice react to this. just -- i have no emotion right now. >> reporter: while hundreds of firefighters are working the fire from the ground, helicopters, air tankers, and fire retardant-dropping aircraft are fighting the blaze from above. this fire came so close the local hospital that they actually had to evacuate 80 patients. they are all okay.
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how hot this fire is. this is a piece of aluminum melted from a car rim. >> wow. that tells a story. thank you very much, carter. powerful storms this morning threaten west virginia with the new flooding. devastating floodwaters overnight swamped vehicles. at least two people are dead including an 8-year-old boy. another child is still missing this hour. parts of the mid-atlantic region today face more severe weather. kris van cleave is in white sulfur springs, west virginia. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. 44 of west virginia's 55 counties under a state of emergency. the howard creek appears to be rising again. all of this was under water yesterday. left behind all kinds of debris. we think that came off of a building. in the air there's the smell of diesel fuel and propane because a propane store washed away. these tanks are everywhere. if your car had the misfortune of getting in the way of the water, this is what it looked like today.
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floodwaters washing away this stil-burning home in white sulfur springs. >> dad, watch out! >> reporter: this morning, parts of the west virginia community were still on fire. >> whoa! >> i'm all right. >> reporter: we were with conserve sar -- kevin sarver as he returned home hoping the pictures of his three daughter survived. are they intact? >> yeah. some of those might be bad, but most of them are good. that's all i care about. that's all i care about. >> that vehicle won't be able to stop -- >> reporter: a day of torrential rains sent cars careening down waterlogged streets and knocked out power to some 40,000 people. parts of virginia and west virginia faced devastating flooding thursday. >> there's high water everywhere. people can't get out. they can't get in. >> reporter: in covington, virginia, the jackson river re
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evacuations. >> still shaking. i want to break down and cry right now. >> reporter: paul moya found himself trapped on his roof as the floodwaters rose. a diabetic in need of medical attention, he watched as his daughter's home washed away and shot this video as he wait for rescue. we spoke to him from his hospital bed. >> all i could see were the homes burning, and then electrical poles burning. i could say i was scared. i can say that now. i was scared. >> reporter: as you see, more rain is in the forecast for today as well as some thunderstorms. jeff? >> thank you very much. democrats in congress vow to continue their fight for gun control after their sit-in this week. we'll talk to civil rights icon congressman john lewis who led
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." britain is in turmoil after a vote it leave the european union led prime minister david cameron to announce he will step down later this year. global markets went into a tailspin. millions have been wiped from shares in britain, germany, japan, and china. >> the fallout has spread uncertainty around the world. national leaders are trying to answer questions about what happens next. seth doa n is in rome with european reaction to the brexit vote. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. there's a real sense of shock across europe. the big question, of course, the very health of the european union and what happens to the 27 countri countries, no longer 28, that will make up the eu.
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europe, while the french president called for an emergency meeting of his president. the popular far right leader want to hold a similar eu referendum in france. norway's prime minister says it shows the eu is not providing good enough answers to today's questions. those questions, of course, include immigration with the refugee crisis and economic issues ranging from slow growth to the debt crisis in greece. the treaty of rome which was signed in this city back in 1958 led to the formation of the eu. the idea was to bring these countries closer together following the second world war. and today, of course, that very unity is called into question. those countries feel just a little further apart. gayle? >> thank you, seth doa ne from rome. a supreme court is reigniting a contentious re-election in the united states. the vote split 4-4 on president obama's immigration plan
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allow more than four million illegal immigrants to stay in the u.s. jan crawford is at the court with the political fallout. >> reporter: good morning. essentially what we got yesterday was a non-decision. the jusztices tied 4 -- justices tied 4-1, keeping in place the lower court ruling which it struck down the program. 26 states sued over president obama's 2014 executive action. that would have granted more than four million undocumented immigrants a stay from deportation. with the court not issuing a ruling, it leaves millions in limbo. the president expressed his disappointment yesterday. >> the fact that the supreme court wasn't able to issue a decision today doesn't just set the system back even further, it takes us further from the country that we aspire to be. >> reporter: hillary clinton and donald trump, they of course are already trading insults over the case. clinton said that it's a reminder of how trump would govern and how he would hurt families. trump said clinton would just expand this executive
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illegal immigration. charlie? >> thanks. the other big fight in washington this morning is about guns. georgia congressman john lewis vows to battle on after this week's historic congressional sit-in. the civil right pioneer led fellow democrats in a 25-hour protest over the gun control stalemate. house speaker paul ryan says it was nothing more than a stunt. >> if democrats want to vote for a bill on the floor, there's a way to get one. it just takes 218 signatures on a petition, and then they can have a vote. it is that simple. instead, they're staging protests. they're trying to get on tv. they are sending out fund-raising solicitations like this one. if this is not a political stunt, then why are they trying to raise money off of this? >> congressman john lewis joins us now from washington.
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>> good morning. >> we're going to discuss the gun debate in a second. first, we'd like your reaction to the brexit vote. >> it is unbelievable. it is unreal. i believe it's going to have devastating effect and major impact on the markets all around the world. i'm interesting in seeing what the president is going to say today, what the secretary of treasury is going to say today, and maybe how wall street reacts today. >> there are many, many open questions this morning. we are all waiting to hear, as well. let's turn to the gun debate because paul ryan said yesterday that this should not be a proud moment for the house. i'm wondering how you're feeling about the actions that were taken, and what do you think it accomplished? >> well, i believe we did what we had to do. we had to find a way to drama ties the issue, make -
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real, make it plain, make it simple. the american people are demanding that we do something about theroliferation of guns. more than 85% to 90% of democrats and republicans want us to act. we've been two to -- we've beeno silent and need to come together as members of congress and do something. it is very simple. if you are not supposed tobe on a plane, no fly, no buy. why should people who are on the no-fly list be able to buy a gun? the senseless and unbelieve murder of babies, little children, people in the supermarket, going to a theater or to a club, and the time for action is now. we cannot wait any longer for the congress
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we took some action. in keeping with the civil rights movement. have a sit-in on the floor of the house. >> congressman lewis, charlie rose here. some would look at you and say you're such a revered figure because of you being so admired for what you did in sit downs and sit-ins and also protests that you are an appropriate figure to be out there. secondly, though, they ask if in fact you could get 200 as speaker ryan said, 18 votes, you could get a vote. is that impossible to gather that number of people in order to vote on the very issue that just talked about? >> on the democratic side, we are in the minority. we can have a petition, but we need our brothers and sisters on the republican side to be willing to speak up and speak out and join us in getting the
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>> clearly we heard your passion and frustration the other day. you said sometimes you need to turn things upside down to turn things right side up. do you think there's not a way to find common ground here? >> we will continue to work and search for members of the republican party to join us in an effort to get common sense gun legislation to pass the house and senate. >> what happens july 5th, congressman, when you come back? >> when we come back, we will continue to discuss certain action. and if we fail to get something done, we will act. while we were sitting there, the majority of the democratic senators came over to support us and stood on the floor with us. >> john lewis, thank you very much. >> thank you. time to check some of the morning's other headlines. the "wall street journal" reports that facebook will train its workers to spot their own political biases. this follows claims that facebookup
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the company says it found no systemic biases. the "los angeles times" reports a jury decided led zeppelin band members did not steal the opening for "stairway to heaven." the band was accused of copying the rif by an instrumental by spirit, which you are hearing now -- ♪ >> robert page and jimmy plant said it confirmed what they've known for 45 years. >> interesting to hear that together. "the seattle times" says the crystal serenity will leave alaska in mid-august and sail 32 days through the arctic ocean to new york city. the waters were impassable due to ice until just a few years ago. >> what happened to the ice? >> yeah. don't you like the name "crystal sereni serenity"? >> very calming. and
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victim finally home. vladimir duthiers shows how bellin is standing tall again. if you're leaving us, you can catch the news on our cbs all-access device. and bernie sanders will be here in studio 57 very soon. we'll be right back. i work 'round the clock. i want my blood sugar to stay in control. so i asked about tresiba®. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. i want to trim my a1c. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. releases slow and steady. works like your body's insulin. when my schedule changes... i want something that delivers. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ i can take tresiba® any time of day. so if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as there's at least 8 hours between doses. once in use, it lasts 8 weeks
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jen stops working, but her aleve doesn't. hey mom! because aleve can last 4 hours longer than tylenol 8 hour. what will you do with your aleve hours? my man friend that i've been syour man friend. like, as i was leaving i was like, "goodbye, i love you," and like... (laughs) what'd he say? i said, "don't say anything!" oh god! (laughs) 'cause now like, this is the cliffhanger, so we don't know if he loves you. what's gonna happen if he doesn't? the fastest food truck min brooklyn. meet mylanta® tonight. it's also fast, but unlike godawgs, it makes heartburn after dinner, history. new mylanta® tonight. faster than heartburn. think fixing your windshield is a big hassle? not with safelite. this family needed their windshield replaced, but they're daughters heart was set on going to the zoo.
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for the first time in more than three month, brussels terror attack victim sebastien bellin is waking up at home in michigan with his family. an image. former basketball player wounded and bleeding on the brussels airport floor was seen all around the world. vladimir duthiers of cbsn has been following bellin's recovery in belgium and the u.s. only on cbs, more on the emotional return home. >> reporter: good morning. when i last saw seb in belgium one week after the attacks, he was still broken and bedridden but brimming with optimism. yesterday i saw just
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he's come both physically and emotionally. >> dude! what's up, man? >>. >> look at you. >> do you know what i'm going do for you? >> reporter: what? come on! i can't reach you now. standing tall. sebastien bellin's progress can be measured in feet -- 6'9" to be exact. >> you've been doing really well. we've run a couple of tests, and other than that it's been pretty uneventful which is what we need. >> smiles, three, two, one -- >> reporter: after two weeks at the university of michigan hospital, he said good-bye to his medical staff. [ applause ] >> reporter: before returning to the place where he's been working so hard to get to -- home. >> oh, my goodness! >> okay. >> oh,
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>> you're home! >> reporter: what were you thinking when you walked through the door? >> ooh. when you overcome these type of things, it's a step-by-step process. >> reporter: a process that lasted more than three months and included six surgeries and painful physical therapy. his wife, sarah, has been there every step of the way. how does it feel to have seb home? >> it's wonderful. i'm very, very excited to have him here and have his presence back in the house and have him around and hear his voice and see his big, smiling face. yeah. >> reporter: it's that eternal optimism that he says has helped carry him through this point and to the future. >> the positive approach works. i'm convinced it works because i just beat death. >> reporter: surviving has taught both seb and sarah to appreciate the little thing in life
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>> he was almost taken away. i try to be grateful for every little moment. >> it's reading books to the girls, laying on the couch. these things that almost were taken away. it's the addition of these things that makes a quality life. >> reporter: it's still a long road ahead. doctors say it will be another two months or even three before he's able to walk without assistance, but that is not slowing him down. he plans to resume his duties as a tennis coach to his two daughter this afternoon. >> oh, gosh. i got goosebumps when he walked in with -- walked in with both legs. >> we call it. we were holding back the tears because it was so emotional. >> you provided us with a diary of survival. >> thank you. it's been an honor and privilege for us to be able to track his progress. >> when walked in -- dude! he looked so good. shot of him cradling his daughters was beautiful. >> i love it. yeah. >> go, seb, and family. so nice. hot water for a low-flying co
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bernie sanders will be here in studio 57 in just a moment. we're going to get his reaction to the brexit turmoil and more. also why he's staying in the race. bernie sanders is ahead on "cbs this morning." i'm betty white and i'm known for trying to be funny but today i'd like to talk to you about something serious. i was nervabous out living alone, what if i fell? how would i get help? but now philips lifeline allows me to live with confidence because i know help is always available. philips lifeline is the number one medical alert service in the u.s. today. anyone over 65 with a medical condition that inhibits mobility, particularly if they live alone, needs a philips lifeline. philips lifeline has been recommended by more than 200,000 healthcare professionals and serves more than 7 million seniors.
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it is friday, june 24th, 2016. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead including britain's historic decision leave the european union. voters decided to get out, and the prime minister announced he is stepping down. we'll talk to bernie sanders about what this vote means for the united states. rsfit, here's today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> it would be har d to overestimate both the shock and the consequences of this vote. trump is here andli calng brexit a great thing. here they voted overwhelmingly to remain. >> president obama has said this is a decision for the british peoplet, bu he has also said it could haveio
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consequences. >> the pound against the dollar pedropd 10%. oh europe and britain -- so europe and britain particular flee getting clobbered. >> stocks dareown ad rounthe world. if you want to take a vacation to london, now is probably the best time to do that. hi ts fire scorched thousands of acres and burned dozens of homes in a matter of hours. >> 44 of west's 55 counties under -- of west virginia's 55 counties under a state of emergency. paul ryan said this should not be a proud moment for the house. >> i believe that we do what we had to do. >> democrats straj stage -- democrats staged a historic sit-in on the house of representatives. when paul ryan finally left the chair, he was met with democrats screaming, "shame, shame, shame." >> and once again, john boehner goes to bed secure in the knowledge that he made the right decision. [ laughter ]
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i'm charlie rose with gayle king and jeff glor. britain's unprecedented decision to leave the european union is rattling world leaders and global markets. more than 33 million people voted in the historic referendum. the outcome leaves an uncertain future for the european union's second largest economy. >> the news hits the stock markets hard. britain's main index lost nearly 5%. germany more than 7%. and japan about 8%. wall street is likely to open sharply lower this morning, too. world leaders reacted immediately to the shocking news. >> there's no hiding the fact that we wanted a different outcome. >> the vote to leave the eu is one that i deeply regret. >> the british people have made a very clear decision to take a different path. as such, i think the country requires fresh leadership to take it in this
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>> very sad. very sad for our country, for europe, for the world. it's got vast implications economically and politically. >> the eu's failing. the eu's dying. i hope we've knocked the first brick out of the wall. i hope this is the first step of a europe of sovereign nation states. >> mark phillips is outside britain's parliament near the spot where britain's prime minister announced he will resign. mark, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. dire consequences were predicted if britain voted for brexit to leave the eu, and those dire consequences are becoming very real very quickly. the first casualty was political. david cameron announced hat he would have to resign as prime minister. he headed for buckingham palace to tell the queen of his decision. he says a new leader and prime minister could be elected as soon as october. overnight as the results wer
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coming in and the lead vote apparently making its strides, markets started to tumble. first the pound. the bottom fell out of it, a 10% drop overnight. the largest ever drop the pound has sustained. the markets, as well. stocks fell off a cliff. they have recovered only slightly. the bank of england had to step in to reassure that the economy could survive. this has been a momentous day here. this was -- there was a lot of talk about scare mongering on the part of those who wanted to stay in the eu. those fears now are proving all too real. >> thank you very much. anthony mason is here watching the impact of the brexit vote on markets around the world. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> one of the biggest openings or most important openings for the market in a long time now. >> yeah. and it looks like it's going to be ugly. it might not be as bad as europe, but it's going to be bad. as mark pointed out, europe horrible overnight. i was watching the
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last night. around 3:00 a.m. uk time, you saw the bottom dropping out of the pound. it hit a 30-year low. hasn't been this low since 1985. who's going to leave britain,. scotland stay in the uk? they voted not to leave europe. will they remain in the uk? will there be a domino effect? will other countries want to leave? all these questions on the table. >> will boris johnson be the next prime minister? >> i can't answer that. outside of europe, i think people, campaigns in this country have to look at what happened there. the list of grievances for the lead voters is similar to the list of grievances for, say, donald trump voters. they're concerned about immigration. they feel like economically they've been left behind. the banks who said stay in, they feel like the banks have done fine after the recession, but they haven't. there's a similar list of grievances. those are the voters who turned out in england in very strong numbers. the stay voters, they got about what they expected but no better. >> we heard
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back. similar verb the gentleman we're hearing -- verbage that we're hearing. we'll have more at 9:30 a.m. eastern time in a cbs news special report. in scotland this morning, donald trump said british voters are taking back their country. he told reporters at his turnberry golf resort that economic turmoil including the british pound is losing value. it could be good for british business. >> if the pound goes down, they'll do more business. when the pound goes down, more people are coming to turnberry, frankly. the pound has gone down. and let's see what the impact of that has. i think places like scotland and england and different places, in great britain, i think you'll see a lot of activity. the pound got high, and people weren't able to do what they wanted to do. for traveling and other things, i think it could be a positive. >> with us is democratic presidential candidaer
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senator, welcome back. >> good to be with you. >> donald trump thinks this vote in great britain was a great decision by the british people. what does bernie sanders think? >> well, i think it's a decision for the british people. but i have concerns. when we think back over the last 100 years and the horrible wars, the kind of blood that was shed throughout europe, the idea of the countries coming closer together is something that we want to see. on the other hand, what i think and your previous guest made this point, a lot of people are being left behind in this global economy. all over our country, what we have seen is factories being shut down, corporations moving to china and to make, and people scrambling to keep their heads above water -- >> you were saying people who voted to leave are the same ideas and had the same feelings that the people that you're trying to appeal to in the democratic primary? >> i'm saying that the establishment sometimes forgets that re-l
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people in this country are -- flesh and blood people in this country are hurting and hurting badly. you're the average male worker in this country, you're earning less in real dollars today than but 40 years ago, and you are worried to death about the future of your children. if you walk the streets of san francisco, you see people sleeping out on the streets -- >> those are the people donald trump is appealing to. >> not a question of donald trump. it's a question of the reality -- >> we're in a general election, an election for the future leadership of this country. the question is, you know, what message, what narrative, what policy proposals are resonating, and why are the voters making the choices they are? >> the people are making choices because they are hurting. because for 30 years the middle class of this country has been shrinking, and almost all new income and wealth is going to the top 1%. the american people are unhappy. is the response to that donald trump's bigotry and attacks on mexicans and muslims and women? of course not. what has got to happen is we need policies h
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working people. what does that mean? raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. what is t means is create millions -- what it means is creating millions of jobs rebuilding infrastructure. why are we the only major country on earth, major country, ton guarantee health care to all people? why do kids leave school $50,000, $60,000 in debt for the crime of trying to get a college education? why do so few have so much and so many have so little? those are issues the establishment will have to deal with. >> let's talk about the campaign here. you have said that you will likely not be the nominee. you've been on record saying that. yet you have still -- you are still not ready to endorse hillary clinton. what tell take for you to say, you know what, i'm with her? >> it's not a question of me. we got 13 million votes. we got in virtually every primary and caucus the vast majority of younger people, people 45 years of age or younger. and what those voters are saying to the establishment, to secretary clinton, hey, are you going to stand up for us? are you going to raise the minimum wa,
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hour? >> can't you have that conversation and endorse her in the process? >> we have had that conversation. we have sat down, and our campaigns are working closely together. >> why have you not endorsed her yet? >> i haven't heard her say the things i think should be said. >> repeat three things she has to say to get your endorsement -- >> i'm not -- charlie, don't put me in the position of telling her what she has to do. she will do what she wants to do. what i believe is i want her to say that among other things we have a crisis in higher education. public universities and colleges should be tuition-free. i think that would be a great thing. >> one thing. >> raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. >> two things. >> greatly -- i believe that health care should be a right of all people. i would love her to say that, and i would love author move forward aggressively to make that happen. >> how close to a deal or an agreement do you think you are with the clinton campaign? >> we're talking. >> days, weeks?
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>> before the democratic convention? >> i would hope that that would happen, or it may not happen. look, we would -- it's not just me. charlie, what this campaign has been about is people wanting to transform america. we are the wealthiest country in the history of the world, but the vast majority of people are not seeing that wealth. it's going to the people on top. secretary clinton has to reach out it people and say you know -- out to people and say you know what, i hear you, i'm moving forward. >> she's failed so far? >> to my mind, she has not brought forth the proposals that i think the american people need to hear. >> thank you. >> all right. senator sanders, good to see you. >> nice to see you. we will talk more about the global impact of brexit with the editor of the "financial times"
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killed in a gay nightclub in orlando. josh elliott of our streaming network, cbsn is, outside new york city's historic stonewall inn, the birthplace of the american gay rights movement. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the stonewall inn behind me and much of the surrounding area are under increased police protection as organizers of the nyc pride march and rally continue preparations for an event that they believe will be another historic chapter for the lgbt community. flowers and photographs of the orlando shooting victims make up this memorial at the stonewall inn. while positioned a few yards away, heavily armed officers of the nypd. >> this is an opportunity to show solidarity and to show that the relationship between the police and the gay community is improving at a time when the complexities of the issues facing the gayom
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multiplying. >> reporter: william bratton is new york city's police commissioner. beyond the show of force, how much intelligence gathering has gone into the preparations for this? >> we have a very robust intelligence operation. ears will be particularly attuned to anything that might be related to this parade. >> reporter: a record 1.6 million people attended pride last year, a celebration of the supreme court's ruling on marriage equality. organizers say the shooting at orlando's pulse nightclub might change the tone of this year's march, but not its message. >> our movement started in a nightclub where we didn't feel safe. and here we are almost 50 years later, and we still don't feel safe in these places. >> reporter: in the summer of 1969, a police raid on the stonewall inn, a known neighborhood gay bar, led to riots, reio
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launched the modern good night mo -- modern gay rights movement. >> you want to be defined by the present and what you're going to do going forward. >> reporter: what's the important of what we'll see over the next few days? >> i think the important is to send a very powerful message that this community will not be silenced. you can take 49 of our brothers and sisters, you can commit hall of fame crimes against us, but you -- hate crimes against us, but you will not silence us. that's the most important thing about pride. >> reporter: nyc pride kicks off tonight with a rally nearby. each attendee will be given an orange bandana in honor of the victims of the orlando massacre. one of the owners of the pulse nightclub is expected to be in attendance and speak at the event. perhaps owing to the nightmares which we live, therel
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large contingent of nypd. there has been no credible threat made against any of the activities planned for this weekend. >> thank you very much. president obama with advice for the nba champions. what the president had to say about the absence of clothing on some cavaliers players consistently. you're watching "mocbs rning news." j.r. smith was really into it lately. >> yes. >> you're watching "cbs this morning." defiance is in our bones. our citracal bones. easily absorbed calcium plus vitamin d. defy bone aging with citracal maximum. our highest level of calcium plus d.
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the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you.
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thank you, mr. president. >> tell j.r. and everybody to put on a shirt, though. >> okay, i will. i definitely will. >> you can't be just walking around without a shirt. >> i definitely will -- >> the whole week. >> president obama offered that wardrobe advice in a call. j.r. smith and other cavs players, as you may have seen, went shirtless largely during the city celebrations after winning the nba championship. the president invited them to the white house where presumably they will put on shirts and ties. listen, it's hot in cleveland, celebrating. having fun. >> still on a high. you go, okay -- i've got some abs. congratulations again. fun to watch. the president called a fight against brexit a no-brainer. ahead, what president obama told charlie back in april. behind his push to leave europe. you're watching "cbs this
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a wild, wild scene in london where dozens of reporters and cameras perched outside the houses of parliament. they're covering a huge story there. the referendum that pushed prime minister david cameron to announce his resignation this morning and what forced britain to leave the european union. they're calling it the brexit bombshell this morning. big, big story. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, what's next after background checks snit really nobody knows for sure -- background checksited? really nobody knows for sure. the potential risk of worldwide economic slump with the editor of "the financial times." and comedian billy eichner is in our toyota green room. the emmy-nominated host of "billow the street." hi! takes us behind the scenes. plus, how he's turning a corner with a scripted
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"difficult people." time show some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. "the plain dealer" reports on lebron james skipping the rio olympics. he and the cavaliers just pulled off an incredible comeback in the nba finals. jones said, "i could use the rest -- james said, "i could use the rest." beige is reportedly sinking. a satellite image shows it's sinking more than four inches a year. excessive pumping of groundwater is blamed. researchers warn this could pose a safety threat and disrupt train services. and billboard reports that adele's blockbuster album, "25" is finally on streaming sites this morning. the full am bum was added at midnight by spotify, tidal, lom music, and other sites. previously only the album singles including "hello" were available. millions of copies of "25" have been sold its since release seven months ago. president obama said britain should stay
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union when he visited the uk in april. i met with him later in germany and asked him about the sentiment in britain. are they responsive to that, you think, the citizens of britain where you are held in high regard? >> ultimately, this is up to them. there's a larger set of forces at work. there's a corollary between those who are demanding that britain leave the eu, anti-immigrant forces that are concerned about outsiders changing their culture, what we see back home with mr. trump and the rhetoric there. we are in a moment of global change, and people have anxieties about that change. some of it very legitimate. global capital is moving, workers are less mobile, and as a consequence, they have less leverage. wages stagnate. there's obviously terrorism fears that have
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complicated, but people think if we could seal ourselves off, we'd be okay. this adds up to a desire to pull back with a draw and reject the gloenl integration that's -- global integration that's been taking place. unfortunately in the age of smartphones and theorldwide web and international travely and cargo ships and supply chains, that's not possible. >> with us from london is lionel barber, editor of "the financial times." good morning. >> good morning. >> "the financial times" says this morning 60 years of european state craft has gone into reverse. how long does that last for? what is the short-term impact today? what's the long-term impact? >> in the short term, we have a constitutional crisis in britain which is, as you know, regarded as one of the most stable
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world. the people have voted against european union membership decisively. the prime minister has announced his resignation. we don't know what the shape of the new government will be, nor do we know what new deal this government will want from brussels. so there's a big, big gap. then, of course, there will be economic consequences. investors will have no certainty about whether britain will continue to have access to the single market, the 500 million people. the pound has slumped, and bond yields have compressed. this will go on for weeks, if not months. and i think the earliest that we'll know whether we have a new prime minister will be the early fall. >> who's likely to be the next prime minister? >> charlie, you know, if i knew that, i'd be taking a
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myself. i could make up the fact that the blonde bombshell, the pied piper of london, boris johnson, ex-mayor now mp, and the pretender to the throne, that he's the favorite. but there will be others probably contending, too. we know it's a new generation of politicians going come. the chancellor will go and others will follow. >> you know american politics and also know british politics. some people are saying that there's a similarity between the concerns of the people that voted to go, to leave, and the kinds of issues that people have responded to. and at the core is immigration. >> i agree with that because we've had immigration on very large scale. we were told ten years ago when the central east europeans came that there would be tens of thousands. in fact, there were several hundreds of thousands. some, of course, gone back to poland
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high. in particular areas that have been affected. the government's cut funding for that it's interesting, the areas where you might want to play golf, those places untouched by immigration were completely for independence against the european union. what we're really looking at is an anti-elite, anti-establishment, anti-globalization movement which has implications not just for the uk but, dare i may say, and i'm not making any prediction about november, but for the united states. >> we were already talking about that. sounds like you know charlie pretty well. in "the financial times," call the world's most complex divorce. never a good situation in any, however you shape it out, complex divorce never good. thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. one comedian actually got charlie to take a break from the table.
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>> you win charlie rose reading you an automatic comply from jamie announcing he'll be out of the country until the 11th. hello, charlie rose. >> fantastic! >> i'll be out of the office from monday, december 7th, through friday, december 11th, with limited access to e-mail. >> who got him to do that? coming up, billy eichner in studio 57. >> i want that. >> very funny. >> want me to do that for you? >>
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he'll interview the prime minister of israel and indicate branchet at the same -- cate blanchett at the same time. who discovered you? >> i discovered myself. >> that's right! charlie rose doesn't need jud atta apatow, amy schumer! >> hilarious billy eichner. you can see his energetic persona on "billy on the street." he runs around quizzing strangers with random questions, and sometimes brings celebrities like tina fey along for the ride, as well as his sidewalk adventures. he's also starring in the online scripted comedy -- appropriate name -- "difficult people." difficult is right. billy eichner joins us ae
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>> welcome. >> that moment with you and charlie is clearly spontaneous. you don't know -- they don't know what you're going to say. you don't give them answers. you're reacting to whatever people they? >> i knew charlie was going to be there. that's about all i knew. the contestants had no idea. charlie was a surprise. we were honored to have charlie rose. are you kidding? >> people do this, david letterman did this. they like this guy. >> i'm okay. >> this is the thing, billy, i think you are so fun to watch because you walk up and say the craziest things to total strangers. >> that's true. >> and you're going for what? what are you trying to do? catch everybody offguard? >> we catch everybody off guard. the joke is i want to make the average new yorker going about their day have to deal with my opinions. i think that's funny. people -- we don't script the show at all. these people aren't precast. a lot of reality types of shows. the people are cast in advance secretly. we don't do that. i literally go and ambush people to talk about cate blanchett. and they're on their way to the
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and i don't care. to me, i mean, it's a persona that i'm using obviously. but i think -- >> there's a little bit of you in that persona. >> i was a pop culture-obsessed kid. i was like a fat, sweaty kid, growing up in queens, who just was like plopped down in front of "entertainment tonight" by my parents. great parenting skills. i absorbed it, and this is what came out. >> johnny carson? >> i watched carson, letterman, even when i was 5, i would stay up to watch. >> what you would do is you say things like -- cate blanchett. do you know who she is? you don't know who she is? are you on this planet? >> right. >> very specific -- >> i have specific opinions about cate blanchett. it's not enough to know who she is. you have to be able to order the movies by how much you like them, or i'll give you a hard time. >> i saw julianne moore, and she's crying, you tell a stranger, "hug her,
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crying." >> we made her act in times square for strangers like she was a fake elmo or spider-man trying to take photographs with tourists. we made her enact old intense monologues from old movies. "magnolia," -- >> with a tip bag -- >> she could use a few bucks. >> i kind of want to see charles dee your -- see charlie rose do your show. >> it's amazing who we had on. michelle obama with big bird. the first lady's team approached the show. i guess she had fans -- i'm major. the first lady's team approached the show. i think there were fans among her team. they wanted to do something to promote the campaign about healthy eating, "sesame street" was involved. i think they liked the combination of me and my high energy to get people's attention. this is -- >> wdi
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you had to think, okay -- >> the first e-mail about the first lady's call, about the first lady's interest, i deleted it. i thought it was spam. i thought -- i did. then my producer called a few hours later and said, did you great e-mail about michelle obama? i said, i deleted it. but it turned out to be real. >> this show could be in the running for emmy nominations, don't you -- >> i don't get that damn emmy nomination, there will be hell to pay, charlie rose? why do you think i'm here? >> what category -- >> variety sketch series. i will tell you, you've never seen a protest like my protest. amy schumer's in the category, "saturday night live," a lot of good shows. i want the nomination. >> that's sawyerious competition. >> i don't -- serious competition. >> i don't need to win. i'll win if you want me to do. >> the other show you do, "difficult people." are you so unlikable. >> very unlikable. thank you very much, gayle. >> you and julie. there's something about it that's super funny. you don't care about what you
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>> we're unapologetically ourselves. very unfiltered. i think people find something cathartic about that. people wouldn't function in real life very well. but on the show, people escape through the craziness. >> great to have you here. >> thank you for dressing up. did you sfwhath. >> i haven't showered in four -- bathe? >> i haven't showered in four days. that's what it is, sorry. >> thank you very much. >> thank you, guys. >> you can catch billy eichner on the second season of "difficult people" starting july 12th on hulu, and "billow the street" returns this fall on trutv. next a look at all that mattered this week.
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the eu's failing. the eu's dying. i hope to knock the first brick out of the wall. >> the pound has fallen like a rock. the stock market has fallen off the cliff. and david can merois gone. >> i love to country, and i feel honored to have served it. let nobody turn around! >> all of the rulesea appr to have gone out the window. >> the dignity and decorum of this institution -- >> this is nothing more than a publicity stunt. >> the republicans need to do their jobs and stop cowering because of their fear of the nra. >> gun contr- ol -are you any more optimistic? hundreds of firefighters bhaveeen battling these flames. >> extremely hot and ready for combustion. >>unthe ited states doesn't do business trum's
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thking of debt. >> i made a fortune using debt. a freak accident killed the 27-year-old. >> it doesn'ant me i end up in harm. there is no acting police chief in oakland right now. >> i am here to run a police department, not a frat house. barney heads not one-size-fits-all. aidan clinton mezvinsky. chelsea clinton and marc mezvinsky ancnnoued the birth of their second child. >> she's gaining voter as quickly as chelsea clinton crank them out. it's over. cleveland is a city of champions! >> there are not many cavs fans who have gotten sleep. >> they've been waiting for this moment for more than five decades. there's no doubt that the fans are all in. [ cheers ] >> are you calling in sick on wednesday? >> reporter: i don't know, gayle. i might have to stay in cleveland a few extra days. >> i poured my heart, blood, sweat, tears intth
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and cleveland! this is for you! >> was there a bet going or something? >> there is -- god, i keep thinking about the dinner i want to have. the best wine. >> at the charlie rose table. >> yeah. here we go from the 70th floor to the 69th. beats taking the stairs. >> when i think of charlie rose, i think of two things. one, international sex symbol. two -- accomplished journalist. >> i liked the international sex symbol part. the part of the show where you remove your shirt. >> yeah. >> no, no. ♪ >> ah! don't you play shy and modest. you know what it's like to be cute and good -- >> and smart. throw that in there, too. keep talking. >> i'm telling you, it's a great place to be, boys and girls. yow'u would love to be here.
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prodders, shuckersers, and sniffers, all giant produce is triple checked. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. my giant. woman: i have a masurprise for you.are you? man: you have a surprise for me? narrator: at dominion, 1 in 5 new hires is a veteran. and when they're away, they miss out on a lot. but they won't miss out on financial support. because we cover any difference between their military pay and their dominion salary, and continue benefits for them and their families. why do we do it? because our vets sacrifice enough. "dominion. depen ud ons for more than energy." ♪ stand by me.
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>> and i'm markette sheppard. we're your hosts. >> who is coming in the studio today? >> well, jane lynch. kate flannery. >> i love them. they're nice, too. >> funny, funny ladies. and i'm also excited because i hear that you're grilling pork tenderloins in the great day kitchen. >> i love a good, meaty meal. >> yeah, meat head is here. speaking of delicious, we're also taking a trip to hershey park through our mouths. and we'll talk about the entertainment they have out there. it's going to be a packed show, a lot of fun. you can't start your friday, unless you start it right here. as a matter of fact, we'll send it somewhere else. quicken loans national. and of course, our meaghan mooney is out there. what is going on? >> reporter: not swinging yet. i'm here with nick giovanni. you've been here for two days. tell us what has been going on for the tournament. >> tell
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two totally different scenes between yesterday and today. yesterday, lightning streaking overhead, over our clubhouse. about 90 people wait for that danger to get away from us. >> and you said there was a rookie that is kind of ahead. >> that is the story here so far. everyone chasing a rookie, who, oh, by the way, just played his first professional round yesterday. >> no way. >> yeah. he was basically playing his first professional round and schooled everyone. >> last year, only 26? >> jordan spieth? yes. there's a young crop of talent coming up. >> well, we're going to be out here in a little bit. we're out here all hour long. thanks for sticking around. we know it's an early morning for you. >> we'll take it. >> all right. back
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