tv CBS Overnight News CBS December 26, 2016 2:35am-4:00am EST
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>> thank you. >> like the song says it's christmas time all over the world. tony dokoupil take is a holiday spin around the globe. >> reporter: pope francis sent the world a wish for christmas peace. it echoed in war torn aleppo syria. >> merry christmas! >> reporter: these u.s. troops in iraq had christmas dinner in camouflage. in kabul, afghanistan, santa claus found a new way to fly. isis couldn't stop the christmas spirit at this town, east of mosul. australia's christmas is a beach holiday. in india, santa appeared in the sand. chanukah lit up cities from moscow to san francisco. >> i wish you all a very happy christmas. >> queen elizabeth fought off a cold to offer britain her season's greeting. and here in america, the obamas chilled out with shaved ice in hawaii. an estimated 150 million sets of christmas lights are sold each year, and a good bunch of them
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just one man, we have dubbed him the christmas lights king of queens. you don't need kevin lynch's address to find his family's well-lit home in queens, new york. just follow the cars. >> if you google our house, at certain times of the weekend, you are going to get a red line, traffic. 350 plastic figurines, 100 animated dolls, 250,000 christmas lights make this place impossible to miss. >> you are going to see it from the shuttle. look down. eighth wonder of the world. passing over the lynch's residence. >> reporter: you are truly clark griswald? >> absolutely. yes i am. >> lynch family christmas lights are a new york tradition going back 22 years. >> an amazing house. >> i like seeing all the house. >> the most beautifully
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ever seen. >> reporter: lynch admits all of this holiday cheer wasn't inspired by the christmas spirit so much as the sirit of competition. >> neighbor had some lights up. i put a few. next year he put more up. i put more. so the third year, i went crazy. and put a ton of lights up. and, friendly competition that just grew, kept growing. >> reporter: blew him out of the water? >> big time. >> reporter: still every year, the lynches decorations get bigger and brighter. now his home attracts visitors from around the world and also nearby. tanisha sandy has been coming here since she was a kid. this year here with her son, christian. >> my parents used to bring my sister and i. i want to keep the tradition with him as well. we always light up just like the lights. >> reporter: lynch says it takes two months to put everything up. and a few huge lech tri tee bills to keep it running.
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>> reporter: he figures a small price to be the christmas lights king of queens. tony dokoupil, new york. i will never never wash my hair again now, i fuel it new pantene doesn't just wash your hair, it fuels it. with the first pro-v nutrient blend, making every... ...strand stronger don't just wash your hair fuel it fuel your hair. because strong is beautiful.
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earlier this month. colombia's president was awarded the nobel peace prize for his successful efforts to end the country's half century long civil war. the battle against the revolutionary armed forces of colombia or farq became the longest running war in the western hemisphere. when military operations and negotiations were at a stand still, colombia turned to an unlikely tactic, advertising campaign, laura logn has the story for 60 minutes >> advertising is a powerful force. in the good you can do changing mind of people in certain ways. >> that's why it is powerful. >> that's why it is powerful. >> it was the power to change minds that brought colombia's deputy minister of
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jose miguel's ad agency in 2006. the military brought the farq to their knees and were looking for a weapon to end the war. so they asked him one of the world's top ad men to create a series of campaigns and tv commercials to convince the guerrillas to surrender. and the colombian people to accept them back. this gives them the chance to apply our skills to something that is fundamentally important to us, to our kids, to our country. >> in december, 2010, they launched operation christmas. which they filmed for commercials that played on local tv. at great risk, blackhawk helicopters carried two of his colleagues, led by colombian special forces into rebel territory. they found nine 75-foot trees near guerrilla strong holds. and decorated them with christmas lights.
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each tree was rigged with a motion detector that lit up the tree and a banner when the guerrillas walked by at night. it read if christmas can come to the jungle you can come home. demobilize. at christmas everything is possible. what we did try to make coming back home for christmas, an important thing. and we knew that if we put up these christmas trees, it was that sign up there, we could touch the hearts, because my heart was touched. they went and they did it. >> it worked? >> it worked incredibly well. >> he said 331 guerrillas, roughly 5% of the rebel force at the time, demobilized. they came out of the jungle and gave up. like most colombians, he was born into war and grew up here in bogota
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of peace. in the beginning what was the purpose of the campaign. >> it was always the exactly the same. to mobilize as many as possible. awe off as with any ad campaign, they began with research their focus group. former guerrillas. his team tracked them and interviewed them. >> we found the common denominator of all the stories is -- is as much a prisoner of his organization than the people he holds hostage. >> there was no way out. >> no way out. >> certainly softened me up when i heard the stories. i said these poor people. >> you never expected that you would feel that way? >> i didn't expect them to be so -- so human. how do you teach your audience hiding in 150,000 square miles of jungle. the rivers they discovered are the highways of the jungle. so they launched the
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christmas campaign. operation rivers of light. they asked people in nearby villages to send messages and gifts to the guerrillas. which were placed inside capsules that glowed in the dark. and then floated down the river. >> just put them there. and these, lit up at night. and -- >> wow. >> when you see that beautiful thing coming down the river. you can't help but be touched by it. how many lights like that did you send? >> almost 7,000. and just awarded the nobel peace prize for his efforts to end the war. and you did this with the colombian military? >> absolutely. we couldn't have done it without them. >> it humanizes them as much as you tried to humanize the guerrillas. >> exactly. >> along with military partner, they never let up. they rolled out dozen
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campaigns. each uniquely designed to show the guerrillas the way out. with beams of light. stickers on trees and voices of ex-guerrilla leaders, booming across the jungle. but no voice was more powerful than their mothers. >> she's waiting for you. waiting for you at least 20 years in some cases. >> in 2013, he found 27 mothers of guerrillas. they gave his agency photos of their sons and daughters, as young children. that only they could recognize. during christmas, fliers with the photos were plaesed all over the jungle. the meningit
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always waiting for you at christmas time. >> going for the jugular. >> wow. >> 21 people with this campaign gave up their weapons. and came home and stopped shooting. so whatever number you got out, is people that you don't have to fight. >> what was your most successful campaign. >> football. >> football. always, football. football. football is our fashion. >> a passion shared by the guerrillas who often stopped fighting during matches. when colombia hosted the world cup in 2011, he kicked off a new campaign. soldiers armed with thousand of soccer balls, entered stadiums. and players, celebrities and fans all signed them. they loaded them on to helicopters, and threw them out over the jungle. each with a sticker that said, demobilize, let's play
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over eight years, 18,000 guerrillas put down their weapons and came home. in large part, because of his campaigns. and help bring the farq to the negotiating table in 2012. during the peace talks, he said, guerrilla leaders asked the government to stop airing his commercials. soon after, they agreed to a cease-fire. colombians started feeling confident, and started feeling we could do what we wanted. started feeling sure and safe, the fear started going away. as we went outside and the world came here, it was infectious. >> the energy? >> the energy was incredible. that is what the world sees now, of colombia. sclom colombia's spirit once buried by war has risen again. in the last ten years, international investment is up over 100%. touris
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a silicon valley server farm. the vault to man's greatest wonders... selfies, cat videos and winking emojis. speaking of tech wonders, with the geico app you can get roadside assistance, digital id cards... or even file a claim. do that.. yeah, yeah that should work. it's not happening... just try again. uh, i think i found your problem. thanks. hmm... the award-winning geico app. download it today. nearly 19 million americans have served in the u.s.
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almost a quarter suffer with some sort of disability. some of the vets with physical or mental challenges rely on therapy dogs. they may look cute, but they're highly trained and highly sought after. chip reid paid a visit to a nonprofit, hero dogs, working to unite vets with four legged companions. >> reporter: the dog training center my version of paradise. all dogs at various stages of training to be hero dogs and these are trainers getting the dogs ready off to change the lives of veterans with disabilities. >> good girl. >> at 11 week old, maggie and honor. are hard at work. these puppies only have a 1 in 3 chance of becoming official hero dogs. >> turn around come back. >> jennifer lund started the organization. >> do you have a sense whether they will make it through the program? >> looking for a puppy, outgoing, eager. interactive. not bothered by much.
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out puppies who wouldn't beep good candidates. but i, unfortunately, don't have a crystal ball. i can't guarantee which ones are going to make it. >> mitch, leave it. >> on average. training takes three years. >> step. step. wait. >> mitch its three. and is now in advanced training. >> initially we say step. then we say wait. they don't continue forward. >> is mitch a good student? >> pretty good student. helps that he likes his treats. >> a lab after all. off awe mitch won't meet his veteran until his training is almost complete. he need to learn how to help with mobility and if his future partner suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder how to react. >> how do you tooch a degree to respond to anxiety? >> initially, i would, you know, very obviously, tap, tap, tap my leg. then tell the dog, to touch or paw my leg. then i would reward him. but over time, as the the team forms a bond, the dog will on his own start to recognize signs. >> interest in denelson and york, named for w w
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heroes, sergeant alvin york are inseparable. >> if i'm shaking my leg. he will poke at it. >> before being medically retired with constant arm and back pain and ptsd. >> he has been trained to -- to get you to focus on him. if you are having anxiety issues. >> correct. >> he knows right away if you are. >> he knows right away. he knows to focus on me. >> two months before he met york, trinity's husband lost his battle with cancer. sending her into a tailspin. >> getting real close to, probably, you know, becoming, you know one of the 22 veterans that you know every day that, would take their life. >> what was it about york that pulled you out. >> it was just that we have the same personality we have, that kind of weird sense of humor. on certain day that's what
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need. he know it. so he will do something just to make me laugh. >> because your laugh is a reward for him. >> oh, yeah. >> very good. >> that kind of team work that hero dogs fosters at training sessions like this one at national harbor in maryland. >> hi, sweet heart. do you want to come home? >> after two months of working with hero dogs, retired colonel, lisa latundres found her partner ruby. she served 26 years as an army nurse before being diagnosed with ms. >> being in charge of 100 beds, at walter reid. going to say i need help. really emotional process. a little bit earlier. awe they still have a lot to learn. they're doing it together. >> ruby wants to make me happy. work together with me. train me. and keep me mobile and independent. ready to go home.
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an elementary school teacher looking for ways to connect with her students. came up with a one sentence assignment and proved to be a lesson for us all. mark strassmann reports. >> reporter: this book is one of my favorites. >> every third grade teacher struggles to connect with students especially at the beginning of the year. everybody, your booty is glued to the carpet. and she has come up with a unique and ground breaking way to do that. >> we wrote on the board i wish my teacher knew and had students write an answer for me. the responses range from heart warming. >> i wish our teacher knew i love her with all my heart. >> to heartbreaking. >> i wish my teacher knew my grandpa died when i was in california. i started to cry bec i
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him to be still alive. students all over the country. dealing with challenging issues. it really helps me know, what actions ied into to take as a teacher to support them. >> was the simplicity of the open ended sentence part of the success? >> i think that there is a real power in the sim police team of the sentence. >> let's read it again. >> she multiplied the power a few years ago when she tweeted some of her students' notes. they talked about every day hardships, poverty. lonliness and the breakups of families. it kind of snowballed and through the power of social media, teachers all over the country and really all over the world. >> she turned the notes and idea to deal with them into a new book that looks to explain how one question can change everything for our kids. >> i wish my teacher knew that i don't have as many friend as i thought. >> why did you write that?
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>> because there are a lot of people in other classes that are -- that are sometimes mean or, rude. >> and what did she say to you about that? >> she told the class to raise their hand if you wanted to be my friend. and -- nearly all of the class put their hand up. >> you didn't think you had many friends. and what did you learn? >> a lot of people wanted to be friends. >> i have seen their peers rally around them. i have seen this exercise really grow and change and help students. >> did it make you also realize you are not the only one who our worries or has problems? what did that tell you? >> it told me that sometimes i need a hug. >> a pat on the back. >> reporter: a pat on the back. you guys did awesome. mark strassmann. denver, colorado. >> that's the "overnight news" for this monday. for some of you the news continues.
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later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm elaine quijano. breaking news. pop superstar george michael dead at the age of 53. ♪ last christmas i gave you my heart ♪ >>o alstonight, blizzards and dangerous thunderstorms create holiday havoc. >> a russian jet crashes with 92 fa board including members of a mous choir. >> we'll drop in on the christmas lights king of queens. ♪ hallelujah >> you are clark griswald? ye absolutely. as, im. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: this is the cbs "overnight news." hi, everyone, welcome to the "overnight news." i'm demarco morgan. british pop singer george michael died at age 53. michael gained international fame in the 1980s with the pop duo wham. ♪ last christmas i gave you my heart ♪
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peacefully in his sleep at his country home in england. no details provided. george michael sold 100 million albums in a career spanning almost four decades. we'll have much more on the death of george michael on cbs this morning. >> the white christmas continues into the holiday week in parts of the central u.s. a wave of storms is dumping snow, ice and rain from the rockies into the midwest. blizzard conditions made the roads treacherous for holiday travelers in the dakotas. farther south, severe thunderstorms, rumbled across the plains. the weather temporarily grounded santa in los angeles where he sent fellow fliers on their merry way. >> meteorologist molly rosenblatawcco in minneapolis. how is it looking out there? >> travel conditions dicey for
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many on this christmas day across much of the region. this area of low pressure, strong winter storm makes its northeast trek from the upper midwest, rockies, plain states. we have a lean of strong thunderstorms from south dakota through kansas. down toward oklahoma and then heavy snow for much north dakota pushing into minnesota, northern wisconsin, the rockies. numerous winter storm warning in effect, blizzard warning blanketing north dakota could see a foot or more of snow as well as western south dakota. otherwise winter storm warnings in effect. all the way from the rockies through northern wisconsin, and ice storm warnings for the dakotas as well as minnesota. so a very dangerous day on the roads. heading into the evening as well. demarco, back to you. >> molly, thank you. >> russian military jet crashed today with 92 people on board. it was heading from sochi to syria. there is no sign of survivors and no word on what caused it to plunge into the black sea. here's barry peterson. >> reporter: helicopters, boats and divers searched for 92 victims from the crash, two
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minutes after takeoff. it left from sochi, site of the 2014 winter olympics. the t-154, 1960s design. this one made in 1983. on board, a well-known russian humanitarian taking medical supplies to syria. and more than 60 members of the across russia on the way to perform at a russian air base in syria. russian president vladamir putin promised a thorough investigation. the deaths stunned russia. that a world famous choir formed almost 100 years ago was gone in seconds. as a measure of russia's sadness, monday has been declared a national day of mourning. demarco. >> barry peterson, thank you. >> president-elect donald trump spending the holiday at his
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mar-a-lago club in palm beach, florida. >> reporter: president-elect donald trump and wife melania began their christmas at church and were welcomed to midnight mass with a standing ovation. meanwhile, 26 days before he is sworn in, mr. trump's team is rushing to clean up controversies and potential conflicts of interest. yesterday the president elect announced he was shutter his nonprofit, the donald j. trump foundati foundation. writing in a statement -- to avoid even the appearance of any conflict with my role as president i have decided to continue pursue my strong interest in philanthropy in other ways. he didn't provide a time line. the foundation is under investigation by the new york attorney general amid questions about its spending. and a spokeswoman tweeted it cannot legally dissolve until the investigation is complete. there is also been some staffing drama this holiday weekend. demarco two days after announcing campaign aide would be white house communications director mr. miller said he
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would not take the job in order to spend more time with his family. >> thank you. >> like the song says it's christmas time all over the world. tony dokoupil take is a holiday spin around the globe. >> reporter: pope francis sent the world a wish for christmas peace. it echoed in war torn aleppo syria. >> merry christmas! >> reporter: these u.s. troops in iraq had christmas dinner in camouflage. in kabul, afghanistan, santa claus found a new way to fly. isis couldn't stop the christmas spirit at this town, east of mosul.
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australia's christmas is a beach holiday. in india, santa appeared in the sand. chanukah lit up cities from moscow to san francisco. >> i wish you all a very happy christmas. >> queen elizabeth fought off a cold to offer britain her season's greeting. and here in america, the obamas chilled out with shaved ice in hawaii. an estimated 150 million sets of christmas lights are sold each year, and a good bunch of them are strung up around the home of just one man, we have dubbed him the christmas lights king of queens. you don't need kevin lynch's address to find his family's well-lit home in queens, new york. just follow the cars. >> if you google our house, at certain times of the weekend, you are going to get a red line, traffic. 350 plastic figurines, 100 animated dolls, 250,000 christmas lights make this place impossible to miss. >> you are going to see it from the shuttle. look down. eighth wonder of the world. passing over the lynch's residence. >> reporter: you are truly clark griswald? >> absolutely. yes i am. >> lynch family christmas lights are a new york tradition going back 22 years. >> an amazing house.
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>> the most beautifully decorated christmas house i have ever seen. >> reporter: lynch admits all of this holiday cheer wasn't inspired by the christmas spirit so much as the spirit of competition. >> neighbor had some lights up. i put a few. next year he put more up. i put more. so the third year, i went crazy. and put a ton of lights up. and, friendly competition that just grew, kept growing. >> reporter: blew him out of the water? >> big time. >> reporter: still every year, the lynches decorations get bigger and brighter. now his home attracts visitors from around the world and also nearby. tanisha sandy has been coming here since she was a kid. this year here with her son, christian. >> my parents used to bring my sister and i. i want to keep the tration with him as well. we always light up just like the lights. >> reporter: lynch says it takes two months to put everything up.
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christmas time in new york city wouldn't be the same without a company called american christmas. it was started by a man who borrowed money from his father and family friend and turned it into one of the most impressive christmas operations this side of the north pole. michelle miller has the story. >> in midtown manhattan last month. saks fifth avenue turned into land of 1,000 delights. the theme of the show running every ten minutes each evening from now until the new year. the display of 225,000 programmable lights strobes foliage and crystals took 11 >>lc
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>> this is it. i mean this is my dream. you understand. >> this is a christmas wonderland for sure. >> reporter: it really is. it started here with fred schwam and his company american christmas. >> this is 14-foot diameter wreath that will hang in the general motors building on fifth avenue. >> reporter: we visited back in october just days before the treasures were trucked done to manhattan. >> the building is 110,000 square feet. it is filled with every type of christmas decoration and display you can imagine. >> reporter: candy canes. >> these are. >> reporter: of 57th street. >> 18 foot tall candy canes. this its a section of the
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72-foot, half round tree that gets mounted on the facade. >> reporter: the full tree is wired with 10,000 led lights. it took 25 people to build, and 40 people to install. >> we close three lanes on sixth avenue. and work overnight and overnight, christmas -- christmas happens at radio city. >> reporter: his clients are a who's who of retailers up and down fifth avenue. and in 30 cities around the country like cartier. >> we decorate the mansion on fifth avenue. with a giant bow and ribbon. and the panthers are significant part of the cartier marketing. we have lit panthers climbing up the building and sitting on the edges. >> reporter: for years, schwam worked hard to build american christmas. >> i literally walked every block of manhattan. and -- called everyone that i could possibly call. it took a number of years. but slowly but surely i started to gain a clientele. >> you have to go big or go home. >> mark metric is president of saks fifth avenue. >> reporter: what does american christmas bring that nobody else does? >> they bring elevated energy. they bring something, they know how to do it. and the goal was to bring joy. and joy is our big word this year.
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really i think -- everyone needs it. >> reporter: including the hamp family. >> it's fantastic. only see this in new york city. if the's beautiful. amazing. >> it gives you that christmas feeling. that feeling, of being, with your family, that good feeling on the inside. >> his employees enjoy seeing their works on display, just as much as anyone else. >> it must be thrilling, when the lights turn on. an -- and the onlookers are there. and -- their rinse how to what you and your team have created. >> yeah, for myself and for my entire team. watching the reaction of the people on the streets and watching literally thousand of people taking pictures in front of our displays it is a great thrill. coming up next -- steve hartman is on the case with the secret santa and his helpers in blue.
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a secret santa elicited a team of police officers to help protect the spirit of the holiday. steve hartman is on the case. >> reporter: last week the kansas city kansas police department was on the take. >> i want to give each of you $1,000. >> reporter: each officer in this room got at least a grand. courtesy of the anonymous wealthy businessman i know only as secret santa. >> this is the day for you to
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are we ready to roll? >> reporter: their assignment to go into the community and find people who look like they could use an extra $100 this holiday season. people like this woman. >> i told my family already we will not be able to do christmas this year. i just don't have the money to do it. >> reporter: didn't have the money to do it until now. and that's how it went. benjamin after benjamin. armed assault after wonderful armed assault. most of the people they just happened upon. but some they sought out. officer james turny knew of a homeless woman staying at this motel with her two young children. >> hi crystal. >> in fact, turny is paying for the room out of their own pocket. >> here is $1,000. yeah. >> he gave her everything. >> you make me a better person. >> thank you. >> there are men and women that wear the badge and they stand the line to protect us and to seve. >> reporter: it is no coincidence that secret santa
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police department to give away his money this year. he is from around here. and this relatively small department lost two officers in the line of duty ten weeks apart. allowing them this privilege was meant as a reminder of the inherent goodness in people. >> it's really neat that you are a human being too, just look them. i think the uniform goes away. and, you just realize that we are all right same people. and, that's the gift to me. for this. >> in the end, the officers gave out nearly $30,000 to random strangers and special causes. >> thank you so much. those on the receiving end will no doubt have a merrier christmas.
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while those who gave it away got to keep something even better. a message. for a happier new year. >> we have angels in, in the heaven. but here, you are the angels. you can, you can touch us. >> reporter: you can take that to the bank. steve hartman, on the road, in kansas city, kansas. the cbs "overnight news" will be right back. (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this.
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family apart in new york city. the man found the letter 17 years ago renovating his fireplace. ever since he wanted to know more about the girl. who wrote it. dana jacobson picks up the story. >> i'm bringing bricks out. i find this little blue envelope writ tune santa claus in reindeer land. i open it, here is this letter from mary. >> you say mary look you know her. but at the time. >> i know. it's funny. she made her own envelope. >> pete natalian didn't know 10-year-old mary mcgann. >> dear santa claus. >> reporter: when he discovered her partially charred letter in his fireplace. >> my little brother would look you to bring him a wagon. >> reporter: he was struck lie by the last line of mary's note. >> she doesn't ask for anything for herself and says please do not forget the poor. spirit of christmas. that generosity. and maturity. she is 10. >> reporter: he set out to find .
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the census record he dug up only told part of the story. when "the new york times" got involved. >> reporter: they found where she was buried in four days. mary mcgann married george mcgahan. we get to the stone. and there it is. george mcgahan. mary is not on the stone. >> reporter: there was a space but no name. mary who never had children and worked as a stenographer died in 1979 at age 82. >> a little girl who had that kind of emotional depth and generosity has to be acknowledged even if there will be nobody to go visit. she has to be acknowledged. pete couldn't add mary's name because he is not related. some one else could. >> last january, an article appeared in our local newspaper
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>> reporter: a physics teacher lives outside dublin, recognized his mother's maiden name and is a distant cousin of mary's. >> it clicked. i know that. amazing. >> reporter: as mary's relative, brian passed on the right to add her name to pete in the form of a notarized letter. >> i mean, look at it, it's, it was obviously meant to be here. 37 years after her death, mary mcgahan's name was engraved on her tombstone. you got mary's name on the tombstone. what else has she given you? >> any time things seem to be going south. i still take a look at the letter. and i say, all right, okay. >> more than the christmas itspir. >> it is the christmas spirit personified. >> up next, a holiday outpouring of generosity.
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we close tonight in los angeles. kids whose families couldn't afford to buy gym shoes inspired an outpouring of generosity. ben tracy has our update. >> ready. set. go. >> samantha ford teaches physical education at several schools in santa clarita, california. earlier this month she noticed some students were lacking something pretty basic. >> huddle up. >> i see kids running in little flimsy sandals or shoes that have holes or a couple of kids they hot glue gun the sole on every day. >> tell your teammates good job. >> good job. >> ford asked one little boy who was wearing boots, if he had running shoes. >> the boy said, these are the only shoes i have. and the boots were old and ratty and worn out and, just hit me really hard. >> so she went home and post add but her conversation with the boy on her face book page.
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boy new shoes. it didn't stop there. she had shoes lined up in her classroom. donated by friend. strangers. >> how are you? >> and some one she hadn't seen in years. >> i can't believe you are standing here. it's crazy. >> ford's favorite teacher dropped by to drop off some shoes. >> whenever i see a former student, that's, i don't know, doing something that's -- that's generosity and care for the community, just makes my heart sing. >> oh. >> 7-year-old jesse valencia says he has always been a fast runner. but with new shoes there is a new spring in his step. >> i wanted to pick them up. because i ran so fast. they make me run so fast more. >> juliet is happy to be running with him in the rain
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kicks. >> they're so comfortable and i like them. >> 500 pairs of shoes have been donated so many that each kid in sharon ramsey's second grade class got a new pair too. >> it was like christmas for them. they were shopping. so many choices for them. for some of thee kids the first pair of new shoes in probably years. >> now along with the new shoes is a new since of gratitude. >> dear ms. ford, thank you for the shoes. because the at my home, my shoes are old and i need new shoes. this kid gave me one of the best hugs i ever had from a kid. a real hug. he knows how to hug. this is great. so excited. >> ford says her goal tips provide sneakers for 2500 kids in the school district. ann tracy, cbs news, los
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for some of you, the news continues. for others, check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center here in new york city, i'm demarco morgan. breaking news, pop superstar, george michael dead at the age of 53. ♪ ♪ last christmas ♪ ♪ i gave you my heart auz awe also tonight, blizzards and dangerous thunderstorms create hol hiday.avoc a russian jet crashes with 92 on board including members of a famous choir. we'll drop in on the christmas king of queens. >> you are clark griswald. >> yes, i am. this is the cbs "overnight news." >> welcome to the overnight news. i'm demarco morgan. british pop singer george
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michael gained international fame in the 1980s with the pop duo wham. ♪ last christmas i gave you my heart ♪ michael's publicist says he died peacefully in his sleep at his country home in england. no details provided. george michael sold 100 million albums in a career spanning almost four decades. we'll have much more on the death of george michael on cbs this morning. >> the white christmas continues into the holiday week in parts of the central u.s. a wave of storms is dumping snow, ice and rain from the rockies into the midwest. blizzard conditions made the roads treacherous for holiday travelers in the dakotas. farther south, severe thunderstorms, rumbled across the plains. the weather temporarily grounded santa in los angeles where he sent fellow fliers on their merry way. >> meteorologist molly
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>> meteorologist molly rosenblat wcco in minneapolis. how is it looking out there? >> travel conditions dicey for many on this christmas day across much of the region. this area of low pressure, strong winter storm makes its northeast trek from the upper midwest, rockies, plain states. we have a lean of strong thunderstorms from south dakota through kansas. down toward oklahoma and then heavy snow for much north dakota pushing into minnesota, northern wisconsin, the rockies. numerous winter storm warning in effect, blizzard warning blanketing north dakota could see a foot or more of snow as well as western south dakota. otherwise winter storm warnings in effect. all the way from the rockies through northern wisconsin, and ice storm warnings for the dakotas as well as minnesota. so a very dangerous day on the roads. heading into the evening as well. demarco, back to you. >> molly, thank you. >> russian military jet crashed today with 92 people on board. it was heading from sochi to syria. no soon of survivors and no word on what caused it to plunge into the black sea. here's barry peterson. >> reporter: helicopters, boats and divers searched for 92 victims from the crash, two
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minutes after takeoff. it left from sochi, site of the 2014 winter olympics. the t-154, 1960s design. this one made in 1983. on board, a well-known russian humanitarian taking medical supplies to syria. and more than 60 members of the alexandrof ensemble fay moss cross russia on the way to perform at a russian air base in syria. russian president vladamir putin promise aid thorough investigation. the deaths stunned russia. that a world famous choir formed almost 100 years ago was gone in seconds. as a measure of russia's sadness, monday has been declared a national day of mourning. demarco. >> barry peterson, thank you. >> president-elect donald trump spending the holiday at his mar-a-lago club in palm beach, florida. >> reporte
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donald trump and wife melania began their christmas at church and were welcomed to midnight mass with a standing ovation. meanwhile, 26 days before he is sworn in, mr. trump's team is rushing to clean up controversies and potential conflicts of interest. yesterday the president elect announced he was shutter his nonprofit, the donald j. trump foundation wright in a staemt to avoid even the appearance of any conflict with my role as president i have decided to continue pursue my strong interest in philanthropy in other ways. he didn't provide a time line. the foundation is under investigation by the new york attorney general amid questions about its spending. and a spokeswoman tweeted it cannot legally dissolve until the investigation is complete. there is also been some staffing drama this holiday weekend. demarco two days after announcing campaign aide would be white house communications director mr. miller said he would not take the job in order to spend more time with his family.
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>> thank you. >> like the song says it's christmas time all over the world. tony dokoupil take is a holiday spin around the globe. >> reporter: pope francis sent the world a wish for christmas peace. it echoed in war torn aleppo syria. >> merry christmas! >> reporter: these u.s. troops in iraq had christmas dinner in camouflage. in kabul, afghanistan, santa claus found a new way to fly. isis couldn't stop the christmas spirit at this town, east of mosul. australia's christmas is a beach holiday. in india, santa appeared in the sand. chanukah lit up cities from moscow to san francisco. >> i wish you all a very happy christmas. >> queen elizabeth fought off a cold to offer britain her season's greeting. and here in america, the obamas chilled out with shaved ice in hawaii. an estimated 150 million sets of christmas lights are sold each year, and a good bunch of them are strung up around the home of just one,
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the christmas lights king of queens. you don't need kevin lynch's address to find his family's well-lit home in queens, new york. just follow the cars. >> if you google our house, at certain times of the weekend, you are going to get a red line, traffic. 350 plastic figurines, 100 animated dolls, 250,000 christmas lights make this place impossible to miss. >> you are going to see it from the shuttle. look down. eighth wonder of the world. passing over the lynch's residence. >> reporter: you are truly clark griswald? >> absolutely. yes i am. >> lynch family christmas lights are a new york tradition goi
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back 22 years. >> an amazing house. >> i like seeing all the house. >> the most beautifully decorated christmas house i have ever seen. >> reporter: lynch admits all of this holiday cheer wasn't inspired by the christmas spirit so much as the spirit of competition. >> neighbor had some lights up. i put a few. next year he put more up. i put more. so the third year, i went crazy. and put a ton of lights up. and, friendly competition that just grew, kept growing. >> reporter: blew him out of the water? >> big time. >> reporter: still every year, the lynches decorations get bigger and brighter. now his home attracts visitors from around the world and also nearby. tanisha sandy has been coming here since she was a kid.
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christian. >> my parents used to bring my sister and i. so, mr. harris, we have your fingerprints on the safe. a photo of you opening the safe. a post using the hashtag "#justrobbedthesafe" so, what are we supposed to think? switching to geico could save you a bunch of money on car insurance. excellent point. case dismissed. geico. because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance woo! because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance is always a great answer. ltry align probiotic.n your digestive system? for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align.
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i want to keep the tradition with him as well. we always light up just like the earlier this month. colombia's president was awarded the nobel peace prize for his successful efforts to end the country's half century long civil war. the battle against the revolutionary armed forces of colombia or farq became the longest running war in the western hemisphere. when military operations and negotiations were at a stand still, colombia turned to an unlikely tactic, advertising campaign, laura logn has the story for 60 minutes >> advertising is a powerful force. in the good you can do changing mind of people in certain ways. >> that's why it is powerful. >> thawh
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>> it was the power to change minds that brought colombia's deputy minister of defense to jose miguel's ad agency in 2006. the military brought the farq to their knees and were looking for a weapon to end the war. so they asked him one of the world's top ad men to create a series of campaigns and tv commercials to convince the guerrillas to surrender. and the colombian people to accept them back. this gives them the chance to apply our skills to something that is fundamentally important to us, to our kids, to our country. >> in december, 2010, they launched operation christmas. which they filmed for commercials that played on local tv. at great risk, blackhawk helicopters carried two of his colleagues, led by colombian special forces into rebel territory. theyou
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near guerrilla strong holds. and decorated them with christmas lights. each tree was rigged with a motion detector that lit up the tree and a banner when the guerrillas walked by at night. it read if christmas can come to the jungle you can come home. demobilize. at christmas everything is possible. what we did try to make coming back home for christmas, an important thing. and we knew that if we put up these christmas trees, it was that sign up there, we could touch the hearts, because my heart was touched. they went and they did it. >> it worked? >> it worked incredibly well. >> he said 331 guerrillas, roughly 5% of the rebel force at the time, demobilized. they came out of the jungle and gave up. like most colombians, he was born into war and grew up here in bogota without knowing a day of peace. in the beginning what was the purpose of the campaign. >> it was always the exactly the same. to mobilize as many as possible. awe off as with any ad campaign, they began with research their focus group. former guerrillas. his team tracked them and interviewed them.
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denominator of all the stories is -- is as much a prisoner of his organization than the people he holds hostage. >> there was no way out. >> no way out. >> certainly softened me up when i heard the stories. i said these poor people. >> you never expected that you would feel that way? >> i didn't expect them to be so -- so human. how do you teach your audience hiding in 150,000 square miles of jungle. the rivers they discovered are the highways of the jungle. so they launched their second christmas campaign. operation rivers of light. they asked people in nearby villages to send messages and gifts to the guerrillas. which were placed inside capsules that glowed in the dark. and then floated down the river. >> just put them there. and these, lit up at night. and -- >> wow. >> when you see that beautiful thing coming down the river.
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you can't help but be touched by it. how many lights like that did you send? >> almost 7,000. and just awarded the nobel peace prize for his efforts to end the war. and you did this with the colombian military? >> absolutely. we couldn't have done it without them. >> it humanizes them as much as you tried to humanize the guerrillas. >> exactly. >> along with military per
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they never let up. they rolled out dozens of campaigns. each uniquely designed to show the guerrillas the way out. with beams of light. stickers on trees and voices of ex-guerrilla leaders, booming across the jungle. but no voice was more powerful than their mothers. >> she's waiting for you. waiting for you at least 20 years in some cases. >> in 2013, he found 27 mothers of guerrillas. they gave his agency photos of their sons and daughters, as young children. that only they could recognize. during christmas, fliers with the photos were plaesed all over the jungle. the message was come home, always waiting for you at christmas time. >> going for the jugular. >> wow. >> 21 people with this campaign gave up their weapons. and came home and stopped shooting. so whatever number you got out, is eople that you don't have to fight. >> what was your most successful campaign.
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>> football. >> football. always, football. football. football is our fashion. >> a passion shared by the guerrillas who often stopped fighting during matches. when colombia hosted the world cup in 2011, he kicked off a new campaign. soldiers armed with thousand of soccer balls, entered stadiums. and players, celebrities and fans all signed them. they loaded them on to helicopters, and threw them out over the jungle. each with a sticker that said, demobilize, let's play again. over eight years, 18,000 guerrillas put down their weapons and came home. in large part, because of his campaigns.
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and help bring the farq to the negotiating table in 2012. during the peace talks, he said, guerrilla leaders asked the government to stop airing his commercials. soon after, they agreed to a cease-fire. colombians started feeling confident, and started feeling we could do what we wanted. started feeling sure and safe, the fear started going away. as we went outside and the world came here, it was infectious. >> the energy? >> the energy was incredible. that is what the world sees now, of colombia. colombia's spirit once buried by war has risen again. in the last ten years, international investment is up over 100%. tourism, 240%. not long ago it was too dangerous to go out at night.
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now clubs in bogota are bursting with locals and foreigners. see the full report on the overnight news will be right back. cathy's gotten used to the smell of lingering garbage in her kitchen yup, she's gone noseblind. she thinks it smells fine, but her guests smell this... sfx: ding, flies, meow (after cat lands) music starts febreze air effects heavy duty has up to... ...two times the odor-eliminating power to remove odors you've done noseblind to [inhales] mmm. use febreze air effects, till it's fresh and try febreze small spaces... continuously eliminate up to two times the odors for 30 days. febreze small spaces and air effects, two more ways [inhale + exhale mnemonic] to breathe happy.
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some sort of disability. some of the vets with physical or mental challenges rely on therapy dogs. they may look cute, but they're highly trained and highly sought after. chip reid paid a visit to a nonprofit, hero dogs, working to unite vets with four legged companions. >> reporter: the dog training center my version of paradise. all dogs at various stages of training to be hero dogs and these are trainers getting the dogs ready off to change the lives of veterans with disabilities. >> good girl. >> at 11 week old, maggie and honor. are hard at work. these puppies only have a 1 in 3
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chance of becoming official hero dogs. >> turn around come back. >> jennifer lund started the organization. >> do you have a sense whether they will make it through the program? >> looking for a puppy, outgoing, eager. interactive. not bothered by much. i can usually at this age, rule out puppies who wouldn't beep good candidates. but i, unfortunately, don't have a crystal ball. i can't guarantee which ones are going to make it. >> mitch, leave it. >> on average. training takes three years. >> step. step. wait. >> mitch its three. and is now in advanced training. >> initially we say step. then we say wait. they don't continue forward. >> is mitch a good student? >> pretty good student. helps that he likes his treats. >> a lab after all. off awe mitch won't meet his veteran until his training is almost complete. he need to learn how to help with mobility and if his future partner suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder how to react. >> how do you teach a degree to respond to anxiety? >> initially, i would, you know, very obviously, tap, tap, tap my leg. then tell the dog, to touch or paw my leg. then i would reward him. but over time, as the the team forms a bond, the dog will on his own start to recognize signs.
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trinity nelson and york, named for world war i heroes, sergeant alvin york are inseparable. >> if i'm shaking my leg. he will poke at it. >> before being medically retired with constant arm and back pain and ptsd. >> he has been trained to -- to get you to focus on him. if you are having anxiety issues. >> correct. >> he knows right away if you are. >> he knows right away. he knows to focus on me. >> two months before he met york, trinity's husband lost his battle with cancer. sending her into a tailspin. >> getting real close to, probably, you know, becoming, you know one of the 22 veterans that you know every day that, would take their life. >> what was it about york that pulled you out. >> it was just that we have the same personality we have, that kind of weird sense of humor
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need. he know it. so he will do something just to make me laugh. >> because your laugh is a reward for him. >> oh, yeah. >> very good. >> that kind of team work that hero dogs fosters at training sessions like this one at national harbor in maryland. >> hi, sweet heart. do you want to come home? >> after two months of working with hero dogs, retired colonel, lisa latundres found her partner ruby. she served 26 years as an army nurse before being diagnosed with ms. >> being in charge of 100 beds, at walter reid. going to say i need help. really emotional process. a little bit earlier. awe they still have a lot to learn. they're doing it together. >> ruby wants to make me happy. work together with me. train me. and keep me mobile and independent. ready to go home. >> that's exciting.
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you've certainly seen some action over the past decade. seem to be well qualified for this position but.. [laughs], i should warn you. this job requires.. a lot of travel and long hours. you'll be subjected to.. tight deadlines. [job applicant] secure by zero, four, thirty. [recruiter] and stressful situations. you'll need to be a team player in order to succeed. [job applicant] on me. [recruiter] and results oriented . [job applicant] mission complete. so, you tell me, if we hire you, what do you think your biggest challenge will be? honestly sir, figuring out what to wear. [male narrator] america's veterans. hire the best.
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captioning funded by cbs it's monday, december 26th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." a winter wonder land is an icy slippery miss. snow in the plains and upper midwest making holiday travel difficult and dangerous. national day of mourning. a russian military plane crashes minutes after takeoff, killing dozens of people, including singers of a world famous choir. ♪ because i got to have faith i got to have faith ♪ >> and su
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