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tv   Sunday Morning  CBS  January 29, 2017 9:00am-10:30am EST

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one big reason behind the huge price tag. as you'll see for yourself when national security correspondent david martin takes us aboard. >> the navy has never built anything like it. uss zumwalt. built with new technology and designed for stealth. >> people look at it funny. what do you say? >> i say, welcome to the newest, most advanced warship that the navy is bringing to the fleet. >> underway on the navy's newest warship, ahead on "sunday morning," that ship like no other. >> pauley: our sunday profile this morning, den -- dennis quaid, a lock list of credits and new movie that's in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. tracy smith will tell us all about it. >> from a hotshot pilot.
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to a long shot pitcher. the only thing dennis quaid can't do is quit. >> acting and golf. >> that is your plan? >> dennis quaid, his life, his music and controversial new movie later on "sunday morning." >> pauley: an oasis awaits us this "sunday morning" a spot filled with blitz and celebrity cachet, margaret brennan will be our guide. >> this desert oasis, 100 miles from l.a. is known for more than just palm trees and golf courses. it's a mecca of modern design. >> we got this body of work that's now world famous collection of architecture from the mid century. >> from the banks to the churches. to frank sinatra's former home.
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the architectural cool of palm springs ahead on "sunday morning." >> pauley: when the oscar night call goes out for the envelope please, the cast and crew of one best picture nominee in particular will be holding their breath. this morning, nancy giles tells us the real life story behind the film. >> there's a good chance that you heard about a movie called "moonlight." but haven't seen it. do you think we will go and see this. but with mahershala ali's oscar nod along with seven others, "moonlight" is one of the season's most talked about films. >> we are just trying to tell someone's truth. >> later on "sunday morning," the little movie that is making a big splash. >> pauley: take us with the spor
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david pogue watches researchers trying to build a better batte battery. we'll join so many others in saying our goodbyes to mary tyler moore. and more. we begin with the headlines for this sunday morning the 29th of january, 2017. federal judges edge new york, virginia, two other states have issued rulings that for now halt major parts of president trump's just announced ban on refugees and travelers coming from several mostly muslim countries. kenneth craig reports. >> celebration in brooklyn last night after a federal judge issued a temporary stay stopping any deportations of people detained at american airports for now. >> the judge in that nutshell, saw through what the government was doing and gave us what we wanted, which was a block to trump order.
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>> let them in! >> the abrupt ban trapped many travelers yesterday sparking protests from new york's jfk to los angeles lax and many airports in between. in seattle, police used pepper spray to break up demonstrations. at the white house, president trump defended his new policy. >> it's not a muslim ban, but we were totally prepared. it's working out very nicely, it's working out very nicely. we'll have a very, very strict man and extreme vetting. >> his former opponent hillary clinton tweeted that she stands with the people gathered across the country defending our values and our constitution. this is not who we are. >> the american civil liberties union estimates up to 200 people nationwide are now being detained at airports.
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today. >> kenneth craig, thank you. >> president trump spent part of saturday on the phone talking to world leaders, including his first official conversation with russian president vladimir put putin. we're told that conversation lasted an hour. overseas now david martin reports at least one american commander was killed of a city a u.s. attack in yemen. officials say the u.s. troops killed or wounded two dozen al qaeda militants. here the weather, no big storms anywhere. but some snow and rain could fall from the great lakes south to tennessee. otherwise, sunny skies. in the week ahead, scattered snow and showers but pleasant in the nation's heartland. enjoy.
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>> pauley: 7 years ago today the battleship missouri was christened here in new york. it was state-of-the-art back then. but far cry from the brand new and somewhat more controversial addition to the nation's fleet. we call our "sunday morning" cover story
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reported by david martin. >> if batman had a warship it would look like the uss zumwalt. >> welcome to the most advanced warship that the navy is bringing to the fleet. >> we rode with captain james kirk, no relation to star trek's captain dirk, although many people noted a coincidence. where the zumwalt with its one of a kind look was officially commissioned as a destroyer in the united states navy. >> looks very different, part of the design of the ship to be stealthy. a sleek exterior without a lot of metal sticking up in different places, a smooth surface. >> what would president trump think that the zumwalt costs an astronomical $4 billion. >> admits tried to cram in too much technology. w
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just not a smart way to build a ship. >> mabus got that black eye not in bureaucratic battle but from eye surgery. he spoke to us in the last full day in office. >> the original concept was to have this very advanced destroyer that was a land attack role, supporting ground tops, taking out enemy positions inland, having hyper precise weapons that could reach a long way inland. and to do it with the most advanced technology that we had. >> those innocuous looking boxes house gun barrels capable of firing tarok it-tea cysted shell more than 60 miles with pinpoint. >> within the range of the ship if it were ordered to that person has about two to three minutes before they will no longer be an enemy of the united states. >> but like the ship, it's ammunition turned out to be
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expensive, $800,000 per shell. so the navy is looking for a cheaper round, one that would have ha significantly shorter range. >> today it's still a little bit unclear exactly what round is going on that ship, what the gun system will be able to do. >> there are only 147 crew members aboard the highly automated zumwalt, about half of what a traditional destroyer carries. >> i see over there instead of look outs you now have video mob stores. >> that's right. where we typically would have look outs 24-7 on the port side, the starboard sight and aft we have camera systems that we don't have to have sailor. >> still, says the chief petty officer there is more than enough work to do. >> they are brand new to the navy, we have to learn them from scratch. >> is this a sweet duty assignment? >> it's sweet. but you got to work for it. you're trying to catch up and
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technologies on board the ship and understanding what's going on. >> the zumwalt has already is suffered two mechanical breakdowns, one in the panama canal as it was transsitting from the east coast to its permanent home port in san diego. >> this street the first ship of a class. first time we got underway. you're going to have things happen. >> maybe so, but right now the navy owns a $4 billion destroyer that cannot perform as advertised. how did that happen? >> it's a brand new concept, new technology. number one, it's going to be expensive because some of the technology is not going to work or it's going to take longer to develop. >> this program was started in the early 1990s. >> ron o'rourke has tracked the zumwalt for the congressional research service. >> originally as many of 2 of these ships were planned, but that number was cut back. >> what are they planning to build now? >> was truncated at only three
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>> that's right. >> what happens if you only build a small number is the price just goes through the roof. >> everything about the zumwalt is controversial, its cost, its look even its name. >> because dad was so controversial in what he ha had done. we knew that there were many people in the navy that did not want the name zumwalt attached to a navy ship. >> anne on the right and mousetta are the daughters of the late admiral earl mow "bud" zumwalt, chief of naval operations from 1970 to '74. he shook up what was at the time was a very hide bound service. >> integrated the navy with minorities and women. >> he was famous for messages he sent to the fleet called z-grams, ordering an end to racism and sexism. those are on display.
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will see all religions, all races represented, it's ironic the navy was behind and among the services. >> history has come to rcoegnize admiral zumwalt as the leader who transformed the navy of the 20th century. uss zumwalt is easy to recognize but it will take awhile for the navy to figure out how to use it and for history to know what to think of it. >> pauley: coming up, dogs on a mission.
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d checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! i'm so proud of you. well thank you. free at at, even if you're not a customer. >> pauley: and now a page from our "sunday morning" almanac, january 29th, 1929, 88 years ago today. the day the organization known as the seeing eye was incorporated in nashville. cofounder morris frank, frustrated by his own blindness, was just back from switzerland where he'd taken part in pie nearing guide dog program. >> as i put my hands down on buddy, i knew that she was going to be my declaration of independence and give me back the freedom the that i so long desired. >> >> pauley: nanny years
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of buddy his first seeing eye. >> she also would be the pioneer of the guide dog movement in the united states for the blind men and women who neither wanted charity nor pity. >> and what a pioneer buddy was. her partnership with morris frank captured the attention of the american public. a decade later her successor, buddy 2, was guiding frank through the grounds of the 199 new york world's fair. with exclusive rights to the trademark seeing eye, the organization morris frank helped found has matched more than 16,000 dogs with loving partners over the years. now head quartered in moorestown, new jersey, the seeing eye says it serves an average of 260 people a year. training lasts 25 days and almost all of the costs are
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the pups live a normal noisy live. is. >> we visited the seeing eye puppy farm way back in 1983. today, some 500 puppies are born into the group's breeding program every year. now say hello to phoenix, a guide dog, he's a labrador retriever who meets his new partner this week. we're told the three quarters of the dogs that begin their training successfully complete it. they work an average of eight years before they get to enjoy a well-earned retirement. goucod lk, phoenix. ♪ look at you, saving money on your medicare part d prescriptions. at walgreens we make it easy for you to seize the day
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(zipping) (rattling) longer-lasting juicy fruit. so sweet you can't help but chew and chew. mone hundredts thousand times a day, sending oxygen to my muscles. again! so i ct even the most demanding weight. take care of all your most important parts with centrum. now verified non gmo and gluten free. >> pauley: a map maker has to get there first. ideally a map maker with an artist's touch like the man our sorry that ultimate chew has been watching at work. >> artist james niehues might not be a household name but his work is held in the hands of millions of people every year. do you see yourself
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maker? or a landscape artist? >> first and foremost it's a map. then i really think it's the artist coming in. i want to produce a beautiful piece. >> if you ski or snowboard you've probably relied on niehues' work to help you get down a slope or two. i've done maps nor 194 different resorts. >> niehues is the most sought out ski map maker in the country. for the last 30 years he's created maps for big name resorts from killington in vermont to vail in colorado and a heap of others. >> you open up something that's pretty to look at, it's been a good map for you, you'
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>> based about an hour north of denver, niehues works out of his home studio. >> this is an area here that -- his process is fairly simple. >> i pull that out and print it. >> using aerial shots, he creates a sketch. >> see the ridge there. >> then projects that on to his easel and begins painting. are people always surprised to learn that you hand paint these? >> yes, they are. >> i couldn't believe it. i mean it's -- when you could use a computer. >> no, i can't use a computer. >> you couldn't? >> , no i wouldn't get the same look. this is water shall automobile paint. i use a glove here. >> it gives the illusion of individual trees. >> each ofhe
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hand brush stroke. >> gives the illusion that there are individual trees. >> his latest project, breckenridge resort in colorado is one monster of a mountain. made up of five peaks, 187 trails and 4 lifts. whether you're a skier or a map maker, this one is no bunny trail. this is a beautiful map. >> you see how vast it is. i knew that i could show that and get it all in one view. >> people are holding this map, you have -- >> it is nice. it is art but useful. >> useful in getting skiers including me down the mountain. >> whenever i started these maps i didn't ski hardly at all.
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but i'm an interimmediatality skier now. >> you've become a good skier because of these maps. >> that's right. i had to ski. >> at age 72, niehues doesn't plan to put down his paint brushes. his soft spot for the slopes hasn't melted away just yet. it seems like you have a job you love. >> absolutely. i love doing everything that i do. i know that i have probably the best job in the world. >> pauley: still to come. >> i think i have -- we catch up with actor dennis quaid. >> i keep coming back here. >> pauley: but first. "moonlight" light. it's more than just a movie. start here. or here.
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>> pauley: "moonlight" is a coming of age movie that's come in for a lot of critical acclaim, not to mention a bundle of oscar nominations. so, will they call out its name after they ask for the envelope please? here's nancy giles. >> a timed boy claimed chiron is having a tough time growing
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poorest neighborhoods. >> you funny, man. >> why you say that? >> you just is, that's all. >> the other kids taunt chiron because he's different. >> you ever see the way he walk. >> watch your damn mouth. >> you gonna tell him why the other boys kick his ass all the time. >> his single mom is a crack addict. his surrogate parents, local drug dealer and his girlfriend. >> you got to decide for yourself. >> "moonlight" is one. season's most talked about films. it's won the golden globe nor best picture drama was just nominated for eight academy awards including best picture. not bad for an independent film made in just 25 days for less than $5 million have people noticed that there are no white
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>> in 'picks topicture barry jenkins has two more oscar nods, best director and adapted screen play. >> it wasn't a conscious decision but i didn't know any white people who were teachers until he was like a freshman in college. i walked in and my roommate was while. there was just no white people around. >> jenkins and playwright terrell alvin mccraney both grew up in liberty city, they know the neighborhood where the film takes place. >> this is the elementary school that we went to at different points in times of our lives. >> mccraney wrote the original script on which barry jenkins based "moonlight." they lived a few blocks from each other but didn't actually meet until they began work on the movie. while mccraney is gay and jenkins is straight they put a lot of themselves into the story.
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>> don't get up, brother. >> it happened in that space. it was probably one of the most terrifying moments for me because it was always, you just never knew what was going to happen. >> so lunch time could be a terrifying time for you? >> never time for eating. >> mccraney works is mcarthur genius grant recipient and jenkins share something terrible in common. both of their mothers were crack users, both women became hiv positive as result. >> i do know there was a deep pain that she was trying to hide. >> you going to sell me rocks. >> naomi harris has portrayed a sea goddess and winnie mandela among other roles. to play chiron teas mom, harris watched youtube interviews with crack users and met with a woman who struggled with addition. >>
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concept. like, how destructive drugs are. how does somebody get attracted to that. she has a son, i had so much judgment, actually, i really had to work very hard to overcome that judgment. what you do as an actor you are in habiting souls and asking them to come into your space, you can only do that in a nonjudgment way. >> i sneed money. >> for what? >> that's my business. >> chiron portrayed at three ages by three different actors. but to play little chiron, alex didn't do the preparations that the other more experienced performers did. how did you do it? >> i don't know. i don't know. i just went with what they told me to do. just went from there. >> he is also
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liberty city. he'd acted in school plays but never in a movie. >> i hated my mom. >> alex is the best screen partner that i've ever had i say that sincerely. he's so wise for his age. such a professional. but he's also that kid. >> you may know mahershala ali from the tv series "house of cards" he's also in the new movie "hidden figures. in "moonlight" he's the father figure. >> what i learned in working with him was to try to do less, to not act that's important reminder for someone like myself who has been fortunate to working for a couple of decades now. >> how does that make you feel? >> amazing. >> ali is up for oscar shares two memorable scenes. one in which chiron learns to swim.
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>> i got you. >> alex actually did not know how to swim. and mahershala ali is teaching him how to swim as a storm is coming in off the coast. >> there's another scene. in which chiron learns who he is. >> a word used to make gay people feel bad. >> when you type the word faggot you saw it on the page what did you think? >> bomb. i thought it was a bomb. it was scary. >> am i a faggot? >> nobody call you no faggot. >> at first i was watch
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see the words. >> how do i know? >> you just do. >> it felt sacred that day. >> sacred? >> it did. we made a little bit of magic that day. >> "moonlight" is far from a blockbuster, it's made just $16 million so far. but its eight oscar nods and critical 'claims may help the movie reach a larger audience. >> an opportunity for us to learn about people who haven't had an opportunity to speak for themselves. >> it's important to remind, reinforce people that their lives are value, you know, that their lives have worth. >> it by passes the mind and it speaks straight to your heart. and also it shows just how, like, we all on some level are damaged. you know, we are all coming from this wounded place in our search for connection and lov
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really helps people understand their journey and helps people understand each other. and i think now more than ever we need that reminder. >> how are your friends reacting to all of this? >> they're all like, tall lex, you're a big 4506 video star now. slide me some change. >> and -- and what do you do when they say, slide me some change? >> i be like, i got you, but -- >> that's fabulous. >> pauley: david old steen on the passing of mary tyler moore. next.
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actually, the biggest dinos only ate plants! mu-um dinosaurs only eat meat! and country crock is made with plants. country crock has always been made with the goodness of plants. it has real, simple ingredients... and the same country fresh taste you love. welcome to crock country.
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>> pauley: many of us are still mourning the death of tack tresmin mary tyler moore at the age of 80. we have an appreciation now from our critic david edelstein. ♪ you can turn the world on with a smile ♪ >> since wednesday when mary tyler moore died at age 80 from the ramifications of type 1 diabetes, her signature song has been everywhere, and everyone's been thinking that the smile that turned the world on is no more, and maybe that all our frowns combined have turned it off. to smile again all you need is to see her in the dick van dyke show where she's fresh
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>> rob. >> so you and i can dance. >> the partnership is gorgeous. dick van dyke's floppy, happy go lucky style anchored by moore's ever so slight brittleness that jumpy, feline quality that made her look so right in those could prepants. but it was of course the mary tyler moore show that ran from 19 0 to 19 that made her a pop culture icon. and many people have called her character, mary richards, an inspiration, an independent, assert tim woman in tan office full of men. >> what i just did wasn't -- it was rotten all right. everyone's rotten. >> but it wasn't that simple. she was only tea certificatetive after a protracted and very funny internal battle. you see her thinking, is it ce
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challenge the male status quo? will mr. grant blow up at her? that march into his office to speak up for herself is plainly terrifying. >> i'm going to try not to -- i was just sitting at my desk and -- i don't know how i was working here -- >> mary's dithering might seem retro-today, but 47 years ago it was mainstream for the network audience, say, be tax arthur's brassy feminist maude who came along in 1972. >> a lot of this, you're a doctor should name a rash after you. >> in later years, moore spoke of the difficulty of growing up with alcoholic parents. what i know from women who grew up in similar circumstances is that they learned to be accommodating, to put a smiley fa
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to set off dad or mom. i think that's why mary richards feels authentic. her persona isn't just a shtick it's rooted in something real. >> what's wrong? >> three years after the mary tyler moore show went off the air, robert redford gave moore permission in the film "ordinary people" to turn off her smile. to be the icy, non-empathetic, over defended person moore suspected she really was. >> has no idea who her son is up to, she lied and -- >> you lied every time you came into this house. >> must have been terribly challenging, also liberating stand subversive. moore's big movie career never happened. as she aged it got harder to recycle the mary richards persona, when she tried to go against that imagine tv movies like "like m
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mary richards murders eat i.t. bunker she often went over the top. >> do you have any idea what the past years have been? >> there was one glorious exception. david o. russell's 1997 psycho farce "flirting with disaster" in which she plays a wild auto selfish rhymes with rich and use all her comic smarts. >> what did i just tell you? >> i'll always go back, though, to those twin peaks of situation comedy where mary tyler moore turned her own nexturoses into hail layer just despair and self discovery that will ever, ever lose their luster.
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>> pauley: next stop. >> it's the mecca of modernism. >> desert chic in palm springs.
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>> pauley: for tall those longing for a journey to yesteryear, a desert oasis beckons. and thanks to margaret brennan, we'll be traveling in style. >> drives in palm springs is like going back in time. from the architecture to the classic cars, the city has an old school vibe. many of the homes were built in the middle of the 20th century or patterned after that so-called mid century modern
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flat planes, open floor plans that bring the outside in. even the commercial buildings in downtown palm springs have that glow of tan earlier era. the chase bank. city hall. and the local catholic church. >> it's the mecca of modernism, absolutely, you're lubing at that time it. >> tark tech tour guide robert imber has dedicated his adult life to helping palm springs system brought its mid century cheek. >> so think, "mad men"? >> absolutely. that whole country club scene, the whole mad men scene, the hair, the cigarettes, glass ashtrays, glass tables, all that swag was all mid century. >> after world war ii ended a knew newly wealthy middle class began settling in this desert oasis and enlisted a number of modernist architects
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stars. richard neutr aa. it wasn't just cool homes and 85 degree weather this made this city a sexy destination back in the day. what gave palm springs its cool cache were the hollywood celebrities who flocked here in the '50s and '60s. with the movie studios just 100 miles away, stars like cary grant, bob hope and bing crosby built homes here in the movie colony. their neighbor, perhaps the most famous of them all, lived within these giant hedges. the leader of the rat pack, frank sinatra. it's known as the twin palms estate for the trees that tower above the pool, sinatra lived here for a decade, during his first marriage to nancy barbato and his second to ava gardner. architect e. stuart williams convinced sinatra to bui
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the modern style of the day. he designed the pool in the shape of a grand piano and when the sun hit the openings in the veranda at the right angle the shadows formed piano keys. >> absolutely in his 50s for young guy to enter such a venture back then was huge. >> david is the director of guest services at the estate can now be rend out for a cool $2500 per night. it is no surprise that the home was designed for entertaining, cocktails flowed as the milwaukee i can wafted across the pool. >> pretty serious stereo, what is this? >> this is the piece of all pieces. this is an original valentino piece that capitol records presented back in the day, could record on to vinyl stand transmit back to the studios in hollywood. >> forever the ladies man, sinatra enjoyed a master
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that arc cupid a wing. house. >> he was known to have a few companions in the bedroom. >> that's very delicate. this is where the magic happened. this the walls could talk. he had a few companions, i think the last social tabloids explosion was about a young tva gardner. he was supposedly seeing having an affair with hannah turner. >> his affairs reportedly led to an epic fight with gardner. who managed to duck a flying champagne bottle tossed at her by sinatra. the damage is still evident. >> a bottle itself cracked this in three places here. >> for an original sink to hold up that many years, it can only be show business. >> thanks to the cool factor, palm springs
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renaissance in recent years. over 70,000 people attended last year's annual modernism week. the young and hip now regularly descend on the city's boutique hotels. >> so, that excitement, that fun, that partying, all of that stuff that is the rat pack and was hollywood in those exuberant years was happening here, and now quite referred here, so we live in houses here that maintain that and respect that and relive it. >> pauley: next -- i had to sweep floors and clean trash just to be around them. >> >> pauley:te sve hartman on a dream come true.
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>> pauley: who says you can't make a lifetime dream come true. not the man our steve hartman found toiling down at the ice rink.
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>> it is one of the least glamorous jobs in the national hockey league. showing up before the players, washing away yesterday's dirt and grime, picking up after those too talented to bother for themselves. and yet carolina hurricanes equipment manager jorge alves says there is no where else he'd rather be. >> if i had to sweep floors and clean trash just to be around them, then i did that. >> as a kid growing up outside boston, jorge dreamed of being a goalie in the nhl. but he was the child of janitors and goalie equipment was expensive. >> i knew my parents couldn't afford it. i came across a tennis racquet which happened to be my goalie stick and national geographics strapped to my legs. >> for pads. >> that's how it started. >> he eventually got on his high school team. and after a stint in the marines tried to make it in the minors.
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>> seems like every picture you're in a different uniform. >> he stopped chasing the dream only after he started chasing kids. once madison and jackson were born, he needed a real job. he'd been equipment manager ever since. >> sorry for the distraction. >> until recently. last month just a few hours before a game, carolina's back-up goalie got stick. now normally that's knotted a problem, you just bring someone up from the minors. but this was stow close to game time the hurricanes had no choice. >> i called my wife she's like, what's going on. i'm just getting ready for the game stand i'm dressing tonight. she sounded so happy for me and everything. >> moments later, the guy responsible for cleaning everyone's else's dirty uniforms had a bright new one of his own with his flame on the back. of course, he sat the whole
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i got up stand started heading back toward the locker room i heard, jorge. >> this street one of the coolest things i've ever seen. >> there were sech seconds left. carolinas down by two it didn't really matter for the score. those seven seconds passed unremarkably. but for jorge he can say he played in the nhl. >> working hard and staying committed to something. it can really make your dream come true. >> he may not ab pro athlete but he is exactly what kids should aspire to be. america's beverage companies have come
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♪ and the seagulls they'll be smilin ♪ ♪ and the rocks on the sand it's so peaceful out here. yeah. introducing the new turbocharged volkswagen alltrack with 4motion® all-wheel drive. soon to be everywhere. >> who was the best pilot you ever saw. >> who was thet bes pil
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well, you're looking at him. >> it's "sunday morning" on cbs. here again is jane pauley. >> pauley: dennis quaid played the brash mercury astronaut gordon cooper in the 198 film "the right stuff." now he's star in a new movie some animal rights activists is saying is the wrong stuff. tracy smith questions him about that and much more for our sunday profile. >> hey! >> it's me, boss dog. >> you might say that dennis quaid has been a bit overwhelmed lately. you. want to get out of here? >> he's made more than 70 movies but few have caused tan uproar like this one. >> okay, buddy. i guess it's going to be you and me. >> a dog's purpose is about the good dogs do for mankind. but all that sentiment took a back seat ten days ago when a
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like a dog being forced to do that pool stunt during filming. let's talk about this video that's been in the news first. have you had a chance to see the video? >> i was really shocked to tell you the truth. and i didn't like what i saw but i do know my own experience when i was on the set, how much care was paid to each and every dog. or every other animal. >> quaid, who is a dog owner in real life, wasn't in the water scene and had nothing to do with that part of the production. >> so for people who are saying boycott the film what would you say? >> i don't think that it's nair to tell you the truth. would never be on a set where dogs were mistreated or abused. that's what is -- support talking about that. >> dogs hit us
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place. >> taken out of the car. i think this they do for us, too, they remind us of just the wonderful feeling of being alive. simple as that. >> this is the beginning of the hill country. >> at 62, the man who spent half of his life in hollywood still keeps a place in austin, texas. so, are you a texan at heart? >> yeah. i think i am. >> he's also a rock star. on weekend nights like this past friday he plays local clubs with his band, dennis quaid and the sharks. you're playing in your band tonight. is that a hobby or is it a need? do you need music? >> it's more of a need.
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he's not bad with a guitar. but acting is always paid the bills. ♪ all night long >> dennis quaid has created some of the most memorable characters on film from the charmingly crooked cop in "the big easy." you. take that bribe stand resist arrest and tamper with evidence. >> don't forget i also ran a red light, too. >> to a rail in this doc holliday in wyatt earp. >> born stand raised in houston, dennis quaid thought about becoming a veterinarian but acting was always in his blood. >> my dad was a frustrated actor. and my dad
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brother stand i both to acting through the movies. >> big brother randy got off to a fast start making his debut in 1971's the last picture show, earning an oscar nomination for his work in 1975's the last detail. but dennis had a few years of failed auditions before he finally found work. a lot of the guys that you started out with have fallen off the radar, you have endured. why do you think that is? >> i have a lot of tenacity is what it is. i have an overwhelming capacity for rejection and failure. fear of failure's a great motivate tore. and, you know, it keeps you going. >> going to keep calling us cutters. >> by 1979 he found his footing in films like "breaking away. >> just a dirty word.
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a chance to be. >> going to take that off of him? >> i seen what you done. you may be family and everything but i taint siding with you. >> the quaid brothers worked together. do you have favorite movies? >> sure. for me was "the right stuff." >> me? i'm an astronaut. >> not necessarily by how much money they did or even how good they were or turned out. but how the experience i had when i was making them. and with "the right stuff" i had everything. it's a great film. >> gordo. >> he played his boyhood hero astronaut gordon "gordo" cooper. >> i loved the name gordo. if they ever make a moviebo
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this i want to play gordo so bad. >> through the window now. >> oh, lord, what a heavenly light. >> it was like one of those times in life where, you know, somebody wants it so bad it actually happens. >> the light is coming through the window. >> i think it's broken. >> better your toe than your heart. >> quaid met his second wife meg ryan on the set of 19 87 "interstate" he was working hard and partying harder. >> the cocaine days were fun. it's fun, then it's fun with problems. i got to the problem stage. >> how bad did it get? >> i was doing like two grams a day. it was enough, i was getting tan hour's sleep a night. >> not a lot of sleep. >> not a lieutenant. >> you were with meg ryan at the time. how much did she help you?
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>> so supportive. in fact she didn't even know that i think that it's done. >> how did you hide it from her? >> >> since then he's been a clean and reliable box office star who has been known to stir up oscar talk now and again. was that kind of annoying? there's all this oscar buzz? >> i can't pay attention to it. sure. it's nice to win awards and all that. it's nice that people recognize what you do or whatever. but it's nice. but it's not the be all and end all. sa the guy who doesn't have an oscar. >> oscar or not he's first to admit how lucky he's been. in 2007 quaid and kimberly buffington nearly lost their newborn twins when hospital staff gave them an
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blood thinkers. the babies survived must seem all the more precious now. >> you appreciate life when you go through something like that. that's really what i say, thank god we had a happy ending. >> the twins, tom autos and zoe were at a family party in austin to honor their grandmother, juanita, on her 0th birthday. quaid calls her his rock stand says she taught him to get through the dark times by keeping his eyes on the light tea head. are you optimistic? >> yeah i am. naturally i am. there are moments but naturally i think i've been kind of optimistic. i think better things are always going to come. >> they usually do. >> if you hang around long enough.
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>> pauley: ahead. parallel lives. n to keep from having another one. and i'm taking brilinta. for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. or dying from one. it worked better than plavix. don't stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. talk to your doctor about brilinta. i'm doing all i can. that includes brilinta.
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>> pauley: nanny young women in the 1970est saw themselves in the tv character played by mary tyler moore. among them rita braver. >> of course we all loved mary tyler moore but i was her alter ego, mary richards. the first girl, and yes, they called me girl producer, in my local newsroom. it wasn't minneapolis, like mary, but new orleans, wwl-tv. i was 23 years old, a year out of college and the news director who interviewed me had the same response that lou grant did. >> figure to hire a man. we can talk about it. >>
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gruff but just as kind hearted as lou grant, ultimately told me that i got hired because they couldn't find a guy to take it for the money they were paying. >> the job pays $10 less a week than secretarial job. >> $72 a week to be exact. $56 take home. even in 1971, that was a pittance. but women my age still remember a time when bosses would openly pay women less than men. it suffers called getting your foot in the door. >> if you can get by on 15 less a week we'll make you a producer. >> no, i think all i can afford is associate producer. >> still, make mary richards i loved my job. making decisions about what would get on our news broadcasts, reading reporters' copy and having them sometimes take my suggestions. then of course, having them ask t
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anniversary presents. but here's the thing. the mary tyler moore show really helped women in newsrooms. seeing her on tv made them realize we were here to stay. yes, they would ask me to go charm the grouchy old guy in graphics. but they would also take me on dangerous assignments like going into new orleans prison, when i would argue for more vietnam war coverage in lieu of a lighter feature i'd often win. and i honestly believe that the character of mary richards helped demonstrate that you could be a team player, get ahead, not have to become one of the boys. it was a proud moment when i left to join cbs and my boss told me he wanted to hire more women. he didn't say girls. >> pauley: s
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>> pauley: many experts in electricity are truly juiced these days. they're pew suing the search for the super battery, the title of this wednesday night's episode of "nova" on pbs hosted by our own david pogue of yahoo tech. we have a preview. >> you probably grew up thinking that batteries are those things we put in flashlights. or maybe the rechargeable ones that come in cell phones and laptops. but lately batteries have been popping up in much bigger andgets like electric cars. d now it's time to install batteries into the biggest machine of all, the united states electrical grid. that huge, aging complex network of power plants and wires that bring power to our homes and building. why would our national power sy
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two gigantic reasons. >> we don't have a shortage of electricity. we have a shortage of electricity at certain times. we have an abundance at other times. >> mike hopkins is an expert on the national power storage problem and ceo of taco that hopes to solve it. >> i'm sure you know the electricity system has huge surpluses in it, at night time actually, that have to be literally wasted that has terrible deficits at other times of day, peak hours, which results, how do you know that, blackouts. >> that's the first reason we need batteries on the electrical grid. to even out the supply and demand. to time shift availability from night time to daytime. but reason number one is more important to our feature. power plant batteries would eliminate the biggest problem with solar power and wind power. >> they are both intermittent. clouds come over on a sunny day all of that sudden it's gone. wind stops blowing, it's
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you need a way to store it. >> some have proposed using huge banks of regular rechargeable batteries like the ones in our cell phones. but that's massively expensive and their life span is far too short. which is why some companies have begun creating batteries that don't look like batteries. here in bath county, virginia, they have set up a dam and two reservoirs. during the day, when people need power, the water flows downhill, spinning turbines and generating electricity. then at night, when power is cheap, they pump the water back uphill. they call this system pumped hydro. unfortunately, pumped hydro works only in a few places where they have those upper and lower reservoirs. but american inventors aren't finished yet. which brings us back to mike hopkins. >> word is that your new battery is environmentally perfect, can be charged and re
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cheaper than lithium ion. >> i can show it to you right now if you want me to. >> yes, please. >> here is the big reveal. it's a block of ice. >> a beautiful block of ice. >> hopkins' company is called ice energy. he invited me to a winery in temecula, california, to show me his product, the ice bear. it's basically thatuge bathtub that freezes water solid overnight when energy is very cheap. so far, what you've described is basically a big ice tray. how does that help anybody? >> well, the way it works is that during the heat of the day after this is ice, you get to the heat of the day this device is connected to that device, which is just a common conventional rooftop air conditioner. that air conditioner doesn't have to create cooling, it's getting ice cold refrigerant from the melting ice over in this device. using only 5% of the
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electricity. in total, if you were having to run that electricity consuming device. >> in other words, these ten ice batteries can replace the winery's air conditioners for six hours a day. as a result, the winery saves electricity and lowers greenhouse gasses by 20 tons a year. that's an important step in fighting climate change. now, thawing ice isn't the only force of nature that can store grid energy. >> let's take a look. spin the wheel. each of the pointsghe tire and the rim is in motion and voila, energy storage. >> seth sanders is the cofounder of amber kinetics near san francisco. and this bike is supposed to illustrate how their grid batteries work. >> so here comes the sun, i'm shining on your solar panels. i'm charging up the flywheel, that i get.
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how do i get this stored energy back into the grid? >> an electric machine function as a motor and equally well as a generator. >> in other words, amber kinetics uses cheap electricity at night to spin up enormous fly wheels. then during the day, a generator captures that momentum. the flywheel slows down, the generator creates electricity. and these wheels aren't exactly bike wheels. how do these babies weigh? >> about 5,000 pound. >> how fast will it be spinning? >> thousands of rpm. >> 8,000 rotations a minute. but the coolest part is how they keep friction from slowing down that big steel wheel. first, they use a huge magnet levitates that 5,000 pound wheel so that it's just barely resting on its bearings. second, they seal the flywheel into this vacuum
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there's no air friction either. each flywheel can store four hours worth of electricity. the result a battery that never loses charging capacity, can't catch fire and lasts for decades. all over the world the quest is on to invent storage for our electrical network. something cheap,at thto sres a lot and lasts for decades. it might be gravity or ice or spinning disks or some other idea. or maybe all of the above. but once we have them, we can reduce blackouts, cut down on pollution, capture the power of the wind and let solar power really start to shine.
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>> pauley: before we say our goodbyes a few more thoughts about mary. in the days since she passed away, i've been struck by how proprietary people feel about memories of mary tyler moore. when i was a young woman starting out in this business, i'm proud to confess that mary richards was my inspiration. i guess that's why so many of us know and will always remember her as our mary. a and on the subject of larger than life figures they don't come much bigger than tom brokaw whose 50 years at nbc we salute
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tom and i were partners a long while ago so it's a personal thrill to say, congratulations, tom, my friend, the legend. and now we head to john dickerson in washington for look at what's ahead on "face the nation." good morning, john. >> dickerson: good morning, jane. we're going to talk to white house chief of staff reince priebus about the president trump's travel ban and reaction. talk to arizona senator john mccain. >> pauley: look forward to that, thanks. next week on our super bowl edition of "sunday morning." the super competitive sport of cup stacking. ...non-drowsy, coughing, aching, fever, sore throat, stuffy... ...head, no sick days medicine.
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>> pauley: we leave you this sunday morning among the big horn sheep of jackson hole, wyoming. captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations captioned by media access group at wgbh i'm jane pauley, please join us when our trumpet sounds again next "sunday morning."
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