tv CBS Overnight News CBS March 22, 2017 2:07am-3:59am EDT
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this. >> we had a great meeting and i think we're going to get a winner vote. >> reporter: on capitol hill, president trump tried to unite conservatives behind the newly revised republican health care plan. >> they're going to be adjustments made but i think we'll get the vote on thursday. >> reporter: mr. trump warned members of his own party they could lose their seats and possibly their majority if they vote no. speaker paul ryan -- >> we made a promise. now is our time to keep that promise, and we keep our promise and the people will reward us. if we don't keep our promise, it will very hard to manage this. >> reporter: ryan and the white house have revised the bill to entice conservatives, agreeing to freeze medicaid expansion, provide states an optional work requirement for medicaid, and give more help to older americans for insurance. that still may not be enough. in the meeting today, president trump called out freedom caucus chair mark meadows for his opposition, but that didn't change the north carolina conservative's vote. >> i'm still a no because the bill that we're currently
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uncertainty over health care is weighing on patients and doctors at community clinics, which are used by nearly 10% of americans. dr. jon lapook has this story. >> reporter: every day at the erie family health center in chicago, dr. mark simon sees patients, mostly the working poor. >> people can come in and get their cancer screenings, their blood pressure checked, their cholesterol checked. and also, i think equally important, they can -- they can have a medical home. >> reporter: dr. simon has seen his practice dramatically expand under obamacare. the number of patients erie now serves has almost doubled over four years to more than 68,000. 63% get medicaid. of the 24 million people the congressional budget office projects would lose their
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insurance under the new plan, erie health estimates that could include 9,000 of its patients. 61-year-old retired taxi driver lesly durand has heart disease, and he could be one of them. what kind of medical care were you getting before you had the insurance? >> none whatsoever. all i had to was, any time i feel some pain, i had to go to the cook county hospital. >> reporter: to the emergency room. >> i had to wake up at 3:00 in the morning to be there early. >> reporter: you want to be the first person in line. >> to be the first person in line to get inside, to go to the e.r. >> reporter: durand now volunteers coaching soccer. he's recovered fromquadruple bypass surgery last year, and dreads any change that could leave him without insuranc yet again. >> anything happen, i'm going to die. not only me, many others. >> reporter: is this keeping you up at night? >> yes, yes, it is. i see faces and see smiles, and i feel that they might be slipping away.
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>> reporter: in 2015, community health centers served more than 24 million people. erie family health center estimates that proposed changes to medicaid could drop medicaid coverage of their patients by as much as 85%. >> jon lapook. thank you, doctor. today, a childhood friend of the charleston church shooter was sentenced to 27 months in federal prison. joey meek admitted that he knew dylann roof planned to attack a black church, but he stopped a friend from turning roof in. nine parishioners were killed at the emanuel ame church in june of 2015. roof was convicted and is now on death row. today, the republican senate majority leader said he will oppose the president's proposed cuts in foreign aid. mitch mcconnell said diplomacy and charity are cheaper than war. mr. trump's plan to cut foreign aid comes as america is helping
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africa and the middle east. tonight, at least 100,000 face starvation in south sudan, the world's newest nation and one of the least developed. debora patta visited a hospital in the capital, juba. >> reporter: 11-year-old james abel is so malnourished he walks like an old man. his thin legs look as if they will break every time he takes a step. "my parents are dead" is the only thing he said when he arrived at the all sabbah children's hospital three weeks ago. head nurse betty achang told us abel is severely traumatized after watching his parents being shot in front of him. he barely eats the food he so desperately needs. >> he cries and he says he wants the mother and the father. >> reporter: abel is just one more victim of south sudan's three-year civil war, and now there is a new weapon --
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one million children are in desperate need of food, but the fierce fighting means aid workers cannot reach the areas that need it most. there are critical food shortages now throughout the country. >> i just feel pain. what can we do? a school-age child is supposed to be in school! a school-age child is not supposed to be dying just like that. >> reporter: today, six-month-old monica was admitted. she weighs less than nine pounds, and when her stick-like arms are measured, it shows up red on the tape measure. the marker says red. what does that mean? >> it means the child is severely malnourished. >> reporter: there are so many children needing help that the hospital has run out of beds. monica's mother is given a mattress. here, at least, they will get some food and medical care, like two-year-old bang weda, who is so weak, he doesn't even open his eyes to register the prick of a needle.
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♪ [joy bauer] two thirds of americans have digestive issues. i'm joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. but many probiotics do not survive your stomach's harsh environment. digestive advantage is different. its natural protein shell is tougher than your stomach's harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic, to get where you need it most. get the digestive advantage, and enjoy living well.
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judge neil gorsuch was a witness in his own defense today, as he was cross-examined by senators judging whether he will join the nation's highest court. here's chief legal correspondent jan crawford. >> reporter: throughout the day, democrats pressed judge gorsuch on his views. >> can you do a yes or no? >> it's taking a lot of time to get what i would think would be a fairly simple answer. >> i just want a yes or no,
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>> reporter: and throughout the day, this was gorsuch's response: >> i'm not going to say anything here that would give anybody any idea how i'd rule in any case like that. i think that's the beginning of the end of the independent judiciary. i don't think this is simple stuff at all, senator. i think this is hard stuff. >> reporter: gorsuch has served on the federal bench for more than a decade. as the senators grilled him on key issues like abortion, worker's rights, terrorism, and gun rights, gorsuch didn't tip his hand. at times, the harvard law graduate came across as more relaxed than some of the senate's more senior democrats, like vermont's patrick leahy. >> i'm a lawyer from a small town. >> yeah, right. i've heard that story. >> reporter: republicans like south carolina's lindsey graham used their time to try to fend off democratic attacks and show gorsuch's independence from president trump. >> did he ever ask you to over-rule "roe v. wade"? >> no, senator. >> what would you have done if he had asked? >> senator, i would have walked out the door. >> reporter: as the day went on, democrats had enough.
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>> the neil gorsuch in those emails seems to be very, very familiar with politics. >> reporter: minnesota's al franken quoted emails gorsuch wrote in 2004 when he wanted to join the bush administration. >> "i spent some time in ohio working on the election." this is you. "what a magnificent result for the country. for me personally, the experience was invigorating and a great deal of fun." now, that doesn't sound like someone who "steers clear" of politics to me. >> reporter: now, no democrat has said they will vote for gorsuch, and, scott, right now, for him to get confirmed, eight would have to break away and join with republicans. >> jan crawford for us. jan, thank you. still ahead, first family ties.
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as anyone named trump can tell you, the real estate mantra is location, location, location. now, ivanka trump, the former executive vice president of her father's company, has laid claim to a few square feet of prime property, just steps from the oval office. here's anna werner. >> reporter: president trump has
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by his side at recent high-profile meetings like with germany's angela merkel, and canada's prime minister justin trudeau. now, along with a west wing office, she's getting a security clearance. why? her attorney says it's to make sure any classified information she sees is protected. her role in the white house, said her attorney jamie gorelick in a statement, "is to advise her father and assist on initiatives that are important to her." >> raising children -- >> reporter: initiatives including child care, mentioned by mr. trump last september. >> and i'm very grateful to her for her work, her efforts. >> reporter: in an interview last may with "cbs this morning's" norah o'donnell, trump herself described how she might interact with her father. >> i give him my opinion and perspective on anything that i'm interested in speaking about or he's interested and receptive in hearing about. >> reporter: now she says she's voluntarily placing her assets into a trust controlled by relatives. d
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statement she will "voluntarily follow all of the ethics rules placed on government employees." the white house maintains she won't be paid, and she won't be an employee, but richard painter, who was chief white house ethics lawyer for president george w. bush and part of a conflict of interest lawsuit against president trump, says -- >> this is not optional. when she is performing government functions, in a government office building, including the west wing of the white house, she is without a doubt a government employee. >> reporter: well, painter says given that ivanka trump maintains ownership of her businesses, white house staff should be careful to keep her out of trade discussions -- for example, over textiles, scott -- to avoid any possible violations of the law. >> because of her fashion lines. anna werner, thanks very much. up next, rescue dogs become therapy dogs.
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we end tonight with that special relationship between people and dogs. ben tracy has the story of people saving the lives of dogs and the dogs paying it forward. >> reporter: this little terrier used to go by the name "cry baby." >> good boy! >> reporter: it made sense, given how much pain he had endured. >> he was hit by a car. his back was broken. >> reporter: he was in tough shape? >> bad shape. >> reporter: his two hind legs were paralyzed, and after
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wanted him. >> it's okay, buddy. >> reporter: but susan fulcher did. she gave him a new home and a new name, presley. >> come here. >> reporter: it's something fulcher has done more than 25 times through her organization, darma rescue. but this isn't just about keeping these dogs alive. >> good boy! >> reporter: it's about helping them really live. >> that's what we do, and we do it well. >> reporter: she fits each one of them with a custom doggy wheelchair. with just two working legs, they are now on a roll. what kind of reactions do these dogs have when you put those wheels on them for the first time? >> they immediately take off. we only have one dog that it took me i don't know how many times to get her to move, and that would be lovey gaga, the one in the pink wheelchair. >> reporter: she's a bit of a diva, and probably doesn't realize her idle wheels cost about $500. but to whom much is given, a little is expected.
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rescues have become therapy dogs. they visit schools to provide stress release for kids with learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and autism. >> it's terrific and magnificent how they actually have a purpose in life after they're hurt. they get love that they actually deserve. >> reporter: you have given them this second chance. >> uh-huh. >> reporter: do you enjoy seeing them give back to other people? >> oh, yeah. absolutely. in this world right now, we really need to think about just giving more, caring more. >> reporter: and despite limitations, we are capable of so much more. ben tracy, cbs news, los angeles. that's the "overnight news" for this wednesday. for some of you, the news continues. for others, check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and be sure not to miss "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm scott pelley.
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-- captions by vitac -- this is the "cbs overnight news." hi, everyone, welcome to the "overnight news." i'm demarco morgan. great britain is joining the united states in a new airline ban. the state department says travelers passing through ten airports in turkey, the middle east and north africa will have to stow their electronic devices in their checked baggage. nothing bigger than a cell phone will be allowed in the cabin. jim axelrod has the story. >> reporter: a u.s. official tells cbs news the electronics ban is designed to avoid a repeat of scenes like this one in somalia 13 months ago when a bomber detonated a laptop packed with explosives just after takeoff. miraculously, the pilot was able to land, and only the bomber was killed. analysts are now convinced al qaeda has developed the capacity
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batteries of the size used in laptops and tablets. phone batteries aren't big enough to be included in the ban. white house press secretary sean spicer -- >> terrorist groups continue to target commercial aviation and are aggressive in pursuing innovative methods to undertake their attacks. >> reporter: while u.s. intelligence reports no specific plot, the ban will cover passengers on nine airlines heading to the u.s. each day from 10 airports in eight middle eastern and north african countries. u.s. carriers are not included, as they do not fly directly from the designated airports. the bombing in somalia depended on airport workers in mogadishu, seen on the bottom right, affiliated with the terror group al shabab, handing the explosive-packed laptop to the bomber after security. u.s. officials worry about something similar. how does banning laptops from the cabin create less risk than if they're packed into luggage and cargo holds? manuel gomez is a former fbi
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>> it's not impossible that they could find a way to get a laptop inside of a plane and detonate it remotely, or even on a timer, but it's much more challenging for them, and it's a much more sophisticated type of bombing than it would just be if they have the laptop device on their seat in a plane. president trump's one-time campaign manager paul manafort is facing charges he hid payments. jeff pegues has this story. >> reporter: one of paul manafort's most vocal critics is in ukraine. >> today, i present the documents signed by paul manafort. >> reporter: politician serhiy leschenko claims to have proof that manafort, president trump's former campaign chairman, was part of a money laundering scheme in 2009. leschenko says this contract shows manafort was paid $750,000 for about 500 computers.
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but leschenko says the money was actually for work manafort had done on behalf of former ukrainian president viktor yanukovich, who had ties to the kremlin and russian president vladimir putin. >> this payment, as we know, can proof was done to the paul manafort. >> reporter: manafort's spokesperson questioned the validity of the documents and said the allegations are "baseless." manafort was hired by the trump campaign in march of 2016. beginning in june, websites with alleged ties to russia, dcleaks, guccifer 2.0 and wikileaks began disclosing emails and data obtained in a wave of cyberattacks on democratic party officials. at yesterday's hearing, fbi director comey confirmed the bureau opened its investigation in late july. that same month, then-candidate trump encouraged more cyberattacks on his rival, hillary clinton.
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i hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. >> reporter: then in august, manafort left the campaign amid questions about his ties to the former pro-russian ukrainian leader. as part of its investigation, the fbi is trying to determine whether there was any coordination between the trump campaign and russian officials, but according to this declassified intelligence assessment, the russian hacking efforts date back to as early as 2015. eric o'neill is a former fbi counterintelligence operative. >> there are no hackers. there are only spies. >> reporter: you think so? >> a spy is someone who is stealing information to further a cause or to gain information that helps the policies of their government, or as we have seen in recent years, disrupt another government. president trump made a lot of bold statements on the campaign trail. just to mention one, his demand that the united states seize
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efforts in that country. well, the president got a visit from iraq's prime minister and was apparently singing a different tune. margaret brennan reports. >> reporter: this was a high-stakes meeting. both leaders need each other to defeat isis. and president trump has pledged to accelerate u.s. support. but the iraqi prime minister told me mr. trump's calls to seize iraqi oil aren't helpful. did you tell him privately today please stop saying that? >> well, i did say -- i tell him privately the iraqi oil is for iraqis. he seems to accept this. >> reporter: when the president of the united states says things like that, how difficult does it make it back home for you politically to work with the snus >> it is very tough and difficult. i think for a president or a president-elect to say this, it brings up all these rumors that the u.s. is after the oil and
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and that can endanger the relationship. but i think that the president understands very well nobody can take iraq oil from iraqis. >> reporter: he says within weeks, iraqi forces will recapture mosul. the city where isis leader al baghdadi declared his caliphate. about 5,000 u.s. forces are providing support on the ground and from the air. the u.s. and iraq are now negotiating how many will stay. will you allow that number to remain after -- >> we don't need that number after mosul. after that, i think we're going to draw down the forces to a level which is acceptable, just to perform training and logistical support. >> reporter: during their private meeting, he thanked president trump for removing iraq from his second version of the temporary travel ban. >> at the end of the day, iraq was a partner of the u.s. to include iraq on the list, i found it
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so for the second round of the executive order, if iraq was included, i think we would have been forced to do something about it. >> reporter: you seem very aware of american politics. you made a point about the importance of building bridges and not walls. what did you mean by that comment? >> a wall was built so many years ago, but that's collapsed. it didn't succeed in partitioning people. so i think building walls between nations is not good. >> reporter: the trump administration is helping abadi to trum drum up investment and aid to cover the $50 billion in damage caused by isis. he warned the white house to ultimately defeat isis, that requires wiping them out of neighboring syria. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back.
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ever wonder why they leave? the abuse. the mistreatment. the humiliation. it's time to treat them better. introducing tide pods plus downy. treat all your clothes better with tide pods plus downy. if it's gotta be clean, it's gotta be tide. new degree ultraclearnt saving black + white.othes. no yellow stains on white clothes. no white marks on black clothes. new degree ultraclear black + white.
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it won't let you down. ♪ [joy bauer] two thirds of americans have digestive issues. i'm joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. but many probiotics do not survive your stomach's harsh environment. digestive advantage is different. its natural protein shell is tougher than your stomach's harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic, to get where you need it most. get the digestive advantage, and enjoy living well.
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the united nations has declared a famine emergency in south sudan. 5 million people are in desperate need of food assistance and 100,000 of those are facing death. scott pelley and "60 minutes" paid a visit to south sudan where the situation is dire. >> reporter: josephine is 7, and down to 24 pounds. hunger left her at the mercy of disease and now she's being consumed by tuburculosis. josephine's mother shoed away the 90 degrees, waiting to be seen by dr. abraham. how long would a child be in this hospital? >> typically, a child will be staying between two to three weeks. >> reporter: why s
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>> because the body is already altered. the function is altered. the anatomy is altered. so it will take days, very slowly, to get back to the original form. >> reporter: solid food could kill them. nutrition must be reintroduced through milk-based formulas. the twins were 4 1/2 pounds at birth and even after days here, they were still less than half their normal weight. >> he was critically ill, severely dehydrated, not able to feed and hopefully, will probably reach three kilograms in the coming two to three weeks. >> reporter: which would be 6 1/2 pounds or so? >> yes. >> reporter: the clinic in south sudan's capital is operated by an american charity, the international medical corps.
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doctors for up to 55,000 people, compressed into squalid camps, stalked by disease. a place so much better than where they came from. we came from the region josephine escaped. in a nation as big as texas, in one of the world's largest swamps, there is only one paved road outside the capital. in the wet season, people in half of south sudan are marooned. sudan was africa's largest nation, ruled from khartoum by people of arab heritage. in the south, african tribes have rebelled since the 1950s, and millions have died. in a quest for peace, the bush administration started a humanitarian and diplomatic campaign. $11 billion went into aid and to train a south sudanese government and security force.
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khartoum no longer ruled over them, and beneath them, there was oil. >> they voted almost unanimously, 99%, to create their own state, to carve the south sudan out of sudan. and within two years, it had crumbled into a full-scale war. >> reporter: john pindergast witnessed the stillbirth of the nation. he was an african specialist in the clinton white house and now leads a project which works for peace on the continent. people living where we are now have really never known peace. >> and it isn't jt war. mass atrocities are committed with regularity. almost become routine. slave raiding, aerial bombing, rape is a tool of war. child soldier recruitment. all the worst of the worst of the war crimes in the geneva
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regularly in south sudan and have been throughout the series of wars since the independence of sudan in the 1950s. >> reporter: in 2013, the leaders of independent south sudan's two main ethnic groups went to war over oil and power. >> you can't find a road that's been built. you can't find a sewer that's been constructed. rarely can you find a school that's as a result of government investment. the health clinics are bare. money disappears. >> reporter: stolen? >> just stolen. >> reporter: we found no sign of that wealth in this village. thousands of people crowded behind a white strip, compelled by the promise of food, they had reached the finish line of a day-long trek, through killing fields and drowning land. >> they've survived the war of independence and two years of civil war. many of them h
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displaced. the level of orphaned children is just staggering and must be one of the highest in the world here in south sudan. >> reporter: this was an emergency food distribution run by peter mckay for the world food program. tell me about the orphans. >> you will meet women who will have half a dozen children of their own, for example. they will have been displaced four or five times from their locations. they will have five or six children of other women who have died or disappeared during the conflict. the husbands of all of those women have been killed in the fighting. that is a terrible legacy for this country. >> reporter: hope arrived at 700 feet and 190 miles an hour. 33 tons of food, scattered in the sky. and cratered the earth like a volley of mortars.
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the wfp has chartered most of the commercial cargo planes in the world that are rigged for dropping food. as this crew turned for a second run, they readied boxes of fragile cans of cooking oil, each labelled with an american flag. we latched a camera on one. manna from heaven, by parachute. the world food program hired what men it could find to heave the cargo. each bag, 110 pounds. each man, not much more. it's 352 paces from the drop zone. the mud held them up and the heat beat them down, but they shouted "keep
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fixed on a place beyond want. they had seen hunger in their children, and so anger, fear, and will moved a mountain. what you see here is about half of one plane load. and each plane load will feed 1600 people for 30 days. now, that seems like a lot, except the town here has 50,000 people who need food. so it's going to take 27 air drops. the south sudan emergency response costs $1.5 million a day. we watched that crowd yesterday wait all day for those air drops. >> right. >> at the end of the day, some of those people left with nothing. >> i had to personally reassure several people, don't worry, more food is coming. the planes will keep
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>> you can see the full report on our website, the "overnight news" will be right back. you know your heart loves megared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel delivers the omega-3 power of two regular fish oil pills... so give your body mega support with megared advanced 4in1. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, this is an important message.
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i'm already lost. but in the hands of deep cluttering diva, drudgery becomes almost an art. with fluid precision, she renders t-shirts into clothing oragami. her closet arranging lessons have become the bible of home organizing to millions of reformed hoarders around the world. >> we've all tried to fold our clothes so they fit in the drawers, and it's kind of cool. >> reporter: a tiny, self-described wall flower who barely speaks english, she's channeled her fixation of order into fame and fortune. >> i read a book called "the life changing magic of tidying up" and the book changed my life. >> reporter: passionate fans have paid her the ultimate tribute. a methodical
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junk is now known as condo'ing your stuff. what do you think of your name being a verb in english? "it feels strange. but since my brain is full to the brim of thoughts of cleaning, i guess it's appropriate." with the single mindedness of a scientist in search of a krcure condo has devoted most of her 32 years on earth waging war on disarray. sacred ritual performed in a pure white outfit and starting with prayer. she no longer makes house calls, leaving that to her apprentices but she gave us a demonstration. dump all your clothes in a heap. keep only what makes you happy, and say thanks to each possession before throwing it out.
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daughter's mania for order began when she was in grade school. "when i came back from a vacation, 2/3 of my clothes were gone," she recalled. "so when it came to family belongings, my husband told her to knock it off." by her early 20s, she was able to quit working and declauter her clienting full-time. as her talent for tidying became legendary, she came up with her tradema trademark, trade joy. i told a customer, does owning this spark joy? from then on, cleaning went really fast. weeding out what doesn't spark joy applies to just about anything. after cleaning her house, one of my clients changed jobs, another one dumped her
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so you're not just a de-cluttering counselor, you're really a life coach. "i'm just helping people find what they want," she said. needless to say in the publishing business, condo is cleaning up. her books have been translated into 40 languages and sold over 7 million copies. she's been named one of "time" magazine's 100 most influential people. california native laura evans said condo's mantra is perfect for an era of down sizing. >> this is like a worldwide first world problem that we have so much stuff, and if someone can get to the heart of it, it's not about the stuff, it's about our emotional attachment to the past or whatever it is. >> reporter: in addition to her daughter, the de-cluttering diva's latest is a smartphone app to train scores of cleanup
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there's a little town in michigan that's enjoying a rebirth thanks to a very dedicated neighborhood momma. steve hartman is there. >> reporter: highland park, michigan, next to detroit, has all the makings of a ghostown. this was the library. this was the high school. much of the town, just plain was. but as we first reported in july, that wasn't enough to stop this one imagination. >> i just felt that it was a space to build and do things on. >> reporter: one through your background in urban planning. >> i don't have anything in urban planning except for sitting on this porch conjuring up what i want to do on this block. >> reporter: you got a better imagination than i do. this one-time school
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of the most unlikely redevelopment project in michigan. several years ago, she set up a nonprofit. got donations. and started reversing the decline on her block. are you paying all these people? i see a lot of people working. >> a couple of them. >> she embraces everyone she tries to uplift everything. >> reporter: this is just some of her hobby. >> she knows exactly who to call and it's going to get done. that's why she's so amazing. >> reporter: they call her momma shoe, and they say she'll put a boot in your behind if you don't help her rebuild this block, where she plans to put basketball, volleyball and tennis courts here and much more. >> you're going to see this whole block looking like some of the suburban blocks i see with the grass trimmed and flowers. that's what you're going to see. >> reporter: momma shoe says she's driven to do all of
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partly for her community, partly as a tribute to her son, jacoby. back in 2007, jacoby was killed by a hit and run driver. he was two and is still very much in her heart and on her shoulder. >> go, mommy, he said that. >> reporter: he keeps whispering in your ear to do this. talk about terrible 2s. >> and won't take no for an answer. that's my boy. >> reporter: since we first told this story, workers have completed this work. ellen donated a whole building, and momma shoe won an award for humanitarian of the year. >> the avolon village is for the people. >> i want it to be infectious and what other paem ceople can their neighborhoods. >> reporter: take it from living proof. steve hartman, ohe
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>> that's the "overnight news" for this wednesday. from the cbs broadcast center here in new york city, i'm demarco morgan. the ban expands. britain joins the u.s. in banning laptops and other electronics on some flights, in response to a terror threat. also tonight, a ruling from the supreme court nominee. >> nobody is above tawhe l in this country, and that includes the president of the united states. the president takes the battle for his health care bill to the capitol -- >> president trump was here to do what he does best, and that is to close the deal. >> -- while his daughter takes an office in the white house. >> and rescue dogs. >> reporter: what would have haened to him had you not taken him in? >> paying back the kindness.
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news." the united states and britain have announced new restrictions aimed at heading off a terror attack aboard an incoming jetliner. electronic devices larger than a cellphone cannot be carried into the cabin. that means that laptops and tablets must be checked. but for the u.s., this ban affects only foreign airlines arriving from eight, mostly muslim, countries. and for britain, foreign and british airlines arriving from six mostly muslim countries. jim axelrod now on what's behind all this. >> reporter: a u.s. official tells cbs news the electronics ban is designed to avoid a repeat of scenes like this one in somalia 13 months ago when a bomber detonated a laptop packed with explosives just after takeoff. miraculously, the pilot was able to land, and only the bomber was killed. analysts are now convinced al
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to hide explosives within batteries of the size used in laptops and tablets. phone batteries aren't big enough to be included in the ban. white house press secretary sean spicer -- >> terrorist groups continue to target commercial aviation and are aggressive in pursuing innovative methods to undertake their attacks. >> reporter: while u.s. intelligence reports no specific plot, the ban will cover passengers on nine airlines heading to the u.s. each day from 10 airports in eight middle eastern and north african countries. u.s. carriers are not included, as they do not fly directly from the designated airports. the bombing in somalia depended on airport workers in mogadishu, seen on the bottom right, affiliated with the terror group al shabab, handing the explosive-packed laptop to the bomber after security. u.s. officials worry about something similar. how does banning laptops from the cabin create less risk than if they're packed into luggage and cargo holds? manuel gomez is a former fbi agent.
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>> it's not impossible that they could find a way to get a laptop inside of a plane and detonate it remotely, or even on a timer, but it's much more challenging for them, and it's a much more sophisticated type of bombing than it would just be if they have the laptop device on their seat in a plane. >> reporter: roughly 50 flights a day to the u.s. would fall under the ban, but it is not clear how these measures would stop a terrorist with a laptop from just using an airline or an airport, scott, not included in the ban. >> jim axelrod for us tonight. jim, thank you. well, yesterday, the fbi director confirmed he is investigating whether anyone in the trump campaign colluded with russia to sway the election. jeff pegues tells us tonight what he's learned about this, beginning with the man who once ran the trump campaign. >> reporter: one of paul manafort's most vocal critics is in ukraine. >> today, i present the documents signed by paul manafort. ep
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leschenko claims to have proof that manafort, president trump's former campaign chairman, was part of a money laundering scheme in 2009. leschenko says this contract shows manafort was paid $750,000 for about 500 computers. but leschenko says the money was actually for work manafort had done on behalf of former ukrainian president viktor yanukovich, who had ties to the kremlin and russian president vladimir putin. >> this payment, as we know, can proof was done to the paul manafort. >> reporter: manafort's spokesperson questioned the validity of the documents and said the allegations are "baseless." manafort was hired by the trump campaign in march of 2016. beginning in june, websites with alleged ties to russia, dcleaks, guccifer 2.0 and wikileaks began disclosing emails and data obtained in a wave of be
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officials. at yesterday's hearing, fbi director comey confirmed the bureau opened its investigation in late july. that same month, then-candidate trump encouraged more cyberattacks on his rival, hillary clinton. >> russia, if you're listening, i hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. >> reporter: then in august, manafort left the campaign amid questions about his ties to the former pro-russian ukrainian leader. as part of its investigation, the fbi is trying to determine whether there was any coordination between the trump campaign and russian officials, but according to this declassified intelligence assessment, the russian hacking efforts date back to as early as 2015. eric o'neill is a former fbi counter-intelligence operative. >> there are no hackers. there are only spies. >> reporter: you think so? >> a spy is someone who is stealing information to further a cause or to gain information
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that helps the policies of their government, or as we have seen in recent years, disrupt another government. >> reporter: yesterday, director comey suggested that it was possible that people colluded with russia without knowing it. scott, law enforcement calls those people "co-optees." >> jeff pegues in washington. jeff, thank you. well, that russia investigation and mr. trump's false claim that his phones were tapped are eroding his credibility on capitol hill, just as he faces one of the biggest votes of his presidency. today, capitalists on wall street worried about how much political capital he has. the dow was off more than 237 points, the biggest drop of the year, on concerns that the obamacare replacement won't pass, and mr. trump's tax cuts could be threatened next. today, the president tried to convince skeptical members of his party. the health care vote is schedufo
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margaret brennan is following this. >> we had a great meeting and i think we're going to get a winner vote. >> reporter: on capitol hill, president trump tried to unite conservatives behind the newly revised republican health care plan. >> they're going to be adjustments made but i think we'll get the vote on thursday. >> reporter: mr. trump warned members of his own party they could lose their seats and possibly their majority if they vote no. speaker paul ryan -- >> we made a promise. now is our time to keep that promise, and we keep our promise and the people will reward us. if we don't keep our promise, it will very hard to manage this. >> reporter: ryan and the white house have revised the bill to entice conservatives, agreeing to freeze medicaid expansion, provide states an optional work requirement for medicaid, and give more help to older americans for insurance. that still may not be enough. in the meeting today, president trump called out freedom caucus chair mark meadows for his opposition, but that didn't change the north carolina conservative's vote. >> i'm still a no because the bill that we're currently
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uncertainty over health care is weighing on patients and doctors at community clinics, which are used by nearly 10% of americans. dr. jon lapook has this story. >> reporter: every day at the erie family health center in chicago, dr. mark simon sees patients, mostly the working poor. >> people can come in and get their cancer screenings, their blood pressure checked, their cholesterol checked. and also, i think equally important, they can -- they can have a medical home. >> reporter: dr. simon has seen his practice dramatically expand under obamacare. the number of patients erie now serves has almost doubled over four years to more than 68,000. 63% get medicaid. of the 24 million people the congressional budget office projects would lose their health insurance under the new pl
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erie health estimates that could include 9,000 of its patients. 61-year-old retired taxi driver lesly durand has heart disease, and he could be one of them. what kind of medical care were you getting before you had the insurance? >> none whatsoever. all i had to was, any time i feel some pain, i had to go to the cook county hospital. >> reporter: to the emergency room. >> i had to wake up at 3:00 in the morning to be there early. >> reporter: you want to be the first person in line. >> to be the first person in line to get inside, to go to the e.r. >> reporter: durand now volunteers coaching soccer. he's recovered from quadruple bypass surgery last year, and dreads any change that could leave him without insurance yet again. >> anything happen, i'm going to die. not only me, many others. >> reporter: is this keeping you up at night? >> yes, yes, it is. i see faces and see smiles, and i feel that they might be slipping away.
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health centers served more than 24 million people. erie family health center estimates that proposed changes to medicaid could drop medicaid coverage of their patients by as much as 85%. >> jon lapook. thank you, doctor. today, a childhood friend of the charleston church shooter was sentenced to 27 months in federal prison. joey meek admitted that he knew dylann roof planned to attack a black church, but he stopped a friend from turning roof in. nine parishioners were killed at the emanuel ame church in june of 2015. roof was convicted and is now on death row. today, the republican senate majority leader said he will oppose the president's proposed cuts in foreign aid. mitch mcconnell said diplomacy and charity are cheaper than war. mr. trump's plan to cut foreign aid comes as america is helping to feed millions of people in
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africa and the middle east. tonight, at least 100,000 face starvation in south sudan, the world's newest nation and one of the least developed. debora patta visited a hospital in the capital, juba. >> reporter: 11-year-old james abel is so malnourished he walks like an old man. his thin legs look as if they will break every time he takes a step. "my parents are dead" is the only thing he said when he arrived at the all sabbah children's hospital three weeks ago. head nurse betty achang told us abel is severely traumatized after watching his parents being shot in front of him. he barely eats the food he so desperately needs. >> he cries and he says he wants the mother and the father. >> reporter: abel is just one more victim of south sudan's three-year civil war, and now there is a new weapon -- starvation.
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one million children are in desperate need of food, but the fierce fighting means aid workers cannot reach the areas that need it most. there are critical food shortages now throughout the country. >> i just feel pain. what can we do? a school-age child is supposed to be in school! a school-age child is not supposed to be dying just like that. >> reporter: today, six-month-old monica was admitted. she weighs less than nine pounds, and when her stick-like arms are measured, it shows up red on the tape measure. the marker says red. what does that mean? >> it means the child is severely malnourished. >> reporter: there are so many children needing help that the hospital has run out of beds. monica's mother is given a mattress. here, at least, they will get some food and medical care, like two-year-old bang weda, who is so weak, he doesn't even open his eyes to register the prick of a needle.
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are you kidding me? no, looks like he took a wrong turn. don't worry, this guy's got like a four-star rating, we're good. his name is randy. that's like one of the most trustworthy names! ordering a getaway car with an app? are you randy? that's me! awesome! surprising. what's not surprising? how much money erin saved by switching to geico. everybody comfortable with the air temp? i could go a little cooler. ok. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. judge neil gorsuch was a witness in his own defense today, as he was cross-examined by senators judging whether he will join the nation's highest court. here's chief legal correspondent jan crawford. >> reporter: throughout the day, democrats pressed judge gorsuch on his views. >> can you do a yes or no? >> it's taking a lot of time to get what i would think would be a fairly simple answer. >> i just want a yes or no, that's all. >> repor a
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response -- >> i'm not going to say anything here that would give anybody any idea how i'd rule in any case like that. i think that's the beginning of the end of the independent judiciary. i don't think this is simple stuff at all, senator. i think this is hard stuff. >> reporter: gorsuch has served on the federal bench for more than a decade. as the senators grilled him on key issues like abortion, worker's rights, terrorism, and gun rights, gorsuch didn't tip his hand. at times, the harvard law graduate came across as more relaxed than some of the senate's more senior democrats, like vermont's patrick leahy. >> i'm a lawyer from a small town. >> yeah, right. i've heard that story. >> reporter: republicans like south carolina's lindsey graham used their time to try to fend off democratic attacks and show gorsuch's independence from president trump. >> did he ever ask you to over-rule "roe v. wade"? >> no, senator. >> what would you have done if he had asked? >> senator, i would have walked out the door. >> reporter: as the day went on, democrats had enough. >> the neil gorsuch in those
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emails seems to be very, very familiar with politics. >> reporter: minnesota's al franken quoted emails gorsuch wrote in 2004 when he wanted to join the bush administration. >> "i spent some time in ohio working on the election." this is you. "what a magnificent result for the country. for me personally, the experience was invigorating and a great deal of fun." now, that doesn't sound like someone who "steers clear" of politics to me. >> reporter: now, no democrat has said they will vote for gorsuch, and, scott, right now, for him to get confirmed, eight would have to break away and join with republicans. >> jan crawford for us. jan, thank you. still ahead, first family ties.
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♪ [joy bauer] two thirds of americans have digestive issues. i'm joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. but many probiotics do not survive your stomach's harsh environment. digestive advantage is different. its natural protein shell is tougher than your stomach's harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic, to get where you need it most. get the digestive advantage, and enjoy living well. as anyone named trump can tell you, the real estate mantra is location, location, location. now, ivanka trump, the former executive vice president of her father's company, has laid claim to a few square feet of prime property, just steps from the oval office. here's anna werner. >> reporter: presidentmp
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by his side at recent high-profile meetings like with germany's angela merkel, and canada's prime minister justin trudeau. now, along with a west wing office, she's getting a security clearance. why? her attorney says it's to make sure any classified information she sees is protected. her role in the white house, said her attorney jamie gorelick in a statement, "is to advise her father and assist on initiatives that are important to her." >> raising children -- >> reporter: initiatives including child care, mentioned by mr. trump last september. >> and i'm very grateful to her for her work, her efforts. >> reporter: in an interview last may with "cbs this morning's" norah o'donnell, trump herself described how she might interact with her father. >> i give him my opinion and perspective on anything that i'm interested in speaking about or he's interested and receptive in hearing about. >> reporter: now she says she's voluntarily placing her assets into a trust controlled by relatives.
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statement she will "voluntarily follow all of the ethics rules placed on government employees." the white house maintains she won't be paid, and she won't be an employee, but richard painter, who was chief white house ethics lawyer for president george w. bush and part of a conflict of interest lawsuit against president trump, says -- >> this is not optional. when she is performing government functions, in a government office buildng, including the west wing of the white house, she is without a doubt a government employee. >> reporter: well, painter says given that ivanka trump maintains ownership of her businesses, white house staff should be careful to keep her out of trade discussions -- for example, over textiles, scott -- to avoid any possible violations of the law. >> because of her fashion lines. anna werner, thanks very much. up next, rescue dogs become therapy dogs.
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we end tonight with that special relationship between people and dogs. ben tracy has the story of people saving the lives of dogs and the dogs paying it forward. >> reporter: this little terrier used to go by the name "cry baby." >> good boy! >> reporter: it made sense, given how much pain he had endured. >> he was hit by a car. his back was broken. >> reporter: he was in tough shape? >> bad shape. >> reporter: his two hind legs were paralyzed, and after surgery, his famil l
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wanted him. >> it's okay, buddy. >> reporter: but susan fulcher did. she gave him a new home and a new name, presley. >> come here. >> reporter: it's something fulcher has done more than 25 times through her organization, darma rescue. but this isn't just about keeping these dogs alive. >> good boy! >> reporter: it's about helping them really live. >> that's what we do, and we do it well. >> reporter: she fits each one of them with a custom doggy wheelchair. with just two working legs, they are now on a roll. what kind of reactions do these dogs have when you put those wheels on them for the first time? >> they immediately take off. we only have one dog that it took me i don't know how many times to get her to move, and that would be lovey gaga, the one in the pink wheelchair. >> reporter: she's a bit of a diva, and probably doesn't
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about $500. but to whom much is given, a little is expected. after some training, these rescues have become therapy dogs. they visit schools to provide stress release for kids with learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and autism. >> it's terrific and magnificent how they actually have a purpose in life after they're hurt. they get love that they actually deserve. >> reporter: you have given them this second chance. >> uh-huh. >> reporter: do you enjoy seeing them give back to other people? >> oh, yeah. absolutely. in this world right now, we really need to think about just giving more, caring more. >> reporter: and despite limitations, we are capable of so much more. ben tracy, cbs news, los angeles. that's the "overnight news" for this wednesday. for some of you, the news continues. for others, check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and be sure not to miss "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm scott pelley. -- captions by vitac --
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this is the "cbs overnight news." hi, everyone, welcome to the "overnight news." i'm demarco morgan. great britain is joining the united states in a new airline ban. the state department says travelers passing through ten airports in turkey, the middle east and north africa will have to stow their electronic devices in their checked baggage. nothing bigger than a cell phone will be allowed in the cabin. jim axelrod has the story. >> reporter: a u.s. official tells cbs news the electronics ban is designed to avoid a repeat of scenes like this one in somalia 13 months ago when a bomber detonated a laptop packed with explosives just after takeoff. miraculously, the pilot was able to land, and only the bomber was killed. analysts are now convinced al
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to hide explosives within batteries of the size used in laptops and tablets. phone batteries aren't big enough to be included in the ban. white house press secretary sean spicer -- >> terrorist groups continue to target commercial aviation and are aggressive in pursuing innovative methods to undertake their attacks. >> reporter: while u.s. intelligence reports no specific plot, the ban will cover passengers on nine airlines heading to the u.s. each day from 10 airports in eight middle eastern and north african countries. u.s. carriers are not included, as they do not fly directly from the designated airports. the bombing in somalia depended on airport workers in mogadishu, seen on the bottom right, affiliated with the terror group al shabab, handing the explosive-packed laptop to the bomber after security. u.s. officials worry about something similar. how does banning laptops from the cabin create less risk than if they're packed into luggage and cargo holds? manuel gomez is a former fbi
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agent. >> it's not impossible that they could find a way to get a laptop inside of a plane and detonate it remotely, or even on a timer, but it's much more challenging for them, and it's a much more sophisticated type of bombing than it would just be if they have the laptop device on their seat in a plane. president trump's one-time campaign manager paul manafort is facing charges he hid illegal payments from a russian backed political party in ukraine. manafort denies it. jeff pegues has this story. >> reporter: one of paul manafort's most vocal critics is in ukraine. >> today, i present the documents signed by paul manafort. >> reporter: politician serhiy leschenko claims to have proof that manafort, president trump's former campaign chairman, was part of a money laundering scheme in 2009. leschenko says this contract shows manafort was paid $750,000 for about 500 computers.
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but leschenko says the money was actually for work manafort had done on behalf of former ukrainian president viktor yanukovich, who had ties to the kremlin and russian president vladimir putin. >> this payment, as we know, can proof was done to the paul manafort. >> reporter: manafort's spokesperson questioned the validity of the documents and said the allegations are "baseless." manafort was hired by the trump campaign in march of 2016. beginning in june, websites with alleged ties to russia, dcleaks, guccifer 2.0 and wikileaks began disclosing emails and data obtained in a wave of cyberattacks on democratic party officials. at yesterday's hearing, fbi director comey confirmed the bureau opened its investigation in late july. that same month, then-candidate trump encouraged more cyberattacks on his rival, hillary clinton.
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>> russia, if you're listening, i hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. >> reporter: then in august, manafort left the campaign amid questions about his ties to the former pro-russian ukrainian leader. as part of its investigation, the fbi is trying to determine whether there was any coordination between the trump campaign and russian officials, but according to this declassified intelligence assessment, the russian hacking efforts date back to as early as 2015. eric o'neill is a former fbi counterintelligence operative. >> there are no hackers. there are only spies. >> reporter: you think so? >> a spy is someone who is stealing information to further a cause or to gain information that helps the policies of their government, or as we have seen in recent years, disrupt another government. president trump made a lot of bold statements on the campaign trail. just to mention one, his demand that the united states seize iraq's oil as payment for our efforts in that country.
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well, the president got a visit from iraq's prime minister and was apparently singing a different tune. margaret brennan reports. >> reporter: this was a high-stakes meeting. both leaders need each other to defeat isis. and president trump has pledged to accelerate u.s. support. but the iraqi prime minister told me mr. trump's calls to seize iraqi oil aren't helpful. did you tell him privately today please stop saying that? >> well, i did say -- i tell him privately the iraqi oil is for iraqis. anything else is unacceptable. he seems to accept this. >> reporter: when the president of the united states says things like that, how difficult does it make it back home for you politically to work with the u.s.? >> it is very tough and difficult. i think for a president or a president-elect to say this, it brings up all these rumors that the u.s. is after the oil and things like that. and that can endanth
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relationship. but i think that the president understands very well nobody can take iraq oil from iraqis. >> reporter: he says within weeks, iraqi forces will recapture mosul. the city where isis leader al baghdadi declared his caliphate. about 5,000 u.s. forces are providing support on the ground and from the air. the u.s. and iraq are now negotiating how many will stay. will you allow that number to remain after -- >> we don't need that number after mosul. after that, i think we're going to draw down the forces to a level which is acceptable, just to perform training and logistical support. >> reporter: during their private meeting, he thanked president trump for removing iraq from his second version of the temporary travel ban. >> at the end of the day, iraq was a partner of the u.s. to include iraq on the list, i found it unacceptable. so for the second ro
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executive order, if iraq was included, i think we would have been forced to do something about it. >> reporter: you seem very aware of american politics. you made a point about the importance of building bridges and not walls. what did you mean by that comment? >> berlin wall was built so many years ago, but that's collapsed. it didn't succeed in partitioning people. so i think building walls between nations is not good. >> reporter: the trump administration is helping abadi to drum up investment and raise aid money to cover the nearly $50 billion in damage caused by isis. he said he's confident iraqis can chase isis out of iraq but warned the white house to ultimately defeat isis, that requires wiping them out of neighboring syria. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back.
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the united nations has declared a famine emergency in south sudan. 5 million people are in desperate need of food assistance and 100,000 of those are facing death. scott pelley and "60 minutes" paid a visit to south sudan where the situation is dire. >> reporter: josephine is 7, and down to 24 pounds. hunger left her at the mercy of disease and now she's being consumed by tuburculosis. this is why t.b. used to be called consumption. josephine's mother shoed away the 90 degrees, waiting to be seen by dr. abraham. how long would a child be in this hospital? >> typically, a child will be staying between two to three weeks. >> reporter: why so long?
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>> because the body is already altered. the function is altered. the anatomy is altered. so it will take days, very slowly, to get back to the original form. >> reporter: solid food could kill them. nutrition must be reintroduced through milk-based formulas. the twins were 4 1/2 pounds at birth and even after days here, they were still less than half their normal weight. >> he was critically ill, pseverely dehydrated, not able o feed and hopefully, will probably reach three kilograms in the coming two to three weeks. >> reporter: which would be 6 1/2 pounds or so? >> yes. >> reporter: the clinic in south sudan's capital is operated by an american charity, the international medical corps. dr. abraham was one of two
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doctors for up to 55,000 people, compressed into squalid camps, stalked by disease. a place so much better than where they came from. we headed to the violent region josephine escaped. in a nation as big as texas, in one of the world's largest swamps, there is only one paved road outside the capital. in the wet season, people in half of south sudan are marooned. sudan was africa's largest nation, ruled from khartoum by people of arab heritage. in the south, african tribes have rebelled since the 1950s, and millions have died. in a quest for peace, the bush administration started a humanitarian and diplomatic campaign. $11 billion went into aid and to train a south sudanese government and security force. five years ago, there was ho
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khartoum no longer ruled over them, and beneath them, there was oil. >> they voted almost unanimously, 99%, to create their own state, to carve the south sudan out of sudan. and within two years, it had crumbled into a full-scale war. >> reporter: john pendergast witnessed the stillbirth of the nation. he was an africa specialist in the clinton white house and now leads a project which works for peace on the continent. people living where we are now have really never known peace. >> and it isn't just war. mass atrocities are committed with regularity. almost become routine. slave raiding, aerial bombing, rape is a tool of war. child soldier recruitment. all the worst of the worst of the war crimes in the geneva conventions are perpetrated
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regularly in south sudan and have been throughout the series of wars since the independence of sudan in the 1950s. >> reporter: in 2013, the leaders of independent south sudan's two main ethnic groups went to war over oil and power. >> you can't find a road that's been built. you can't find a sewer that's been constructed. rarely can you find a school that's as a result of government investment. the health clinics are bare. money disappears. >> reporter: stolen? >> just stolen. >> reporter: we found no sign of that wealth in this village. thousands of people crowded behind a white strip, compelled by the promise of food, they had reached the finish line of a day-long trek, through killing fields and drowning land. >> they've survived the war of independence and two years of civil war. many of them have been displaced.
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is just staggering and must be one of the highest in the world here in south sudan. >> reporter: this was an emergency food distribution run by peter mckay for the world food program. tell me about the orphans. >> you will meet women who will have half a dozen children of their own, for example. they will have been displaced four or five times from their locations. they will have five or six children of other women who have died or disappeared during the conflict. the husbands of all of those women have been killed in the fighting. that is a terrible legacy for this country. >> reporter: hope arrived at 700 feet and 190 miles an hour. 33 tons of food, scattered in the sky. and cratered the earth like a volley of mortars.
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the wfp has chartered most of the commercial cargo planes in the world that are rigged for dropping food. as this crew turned for a second run, they readied boxes of fragile cans of cooking oil, each labelled with an american flag. we latched a camera on one. manna from heaven, by parachute. the world food program hired what men it could find to heave the cargo. each bag, 110 pounds. each man, not much more. it's 352 paces from the drop zone. the mud held them up and the heat beat them down, but they shouted "keep going." we noticed their eye
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fixed on a place beyond want. they had seen hunger in their children, and so anger, fear, and will moved a mountain. what you see here is about half of one plane load. and each plane load will feed 1600 people for 30 days. now, that seems like a lot, except the town here has 50,000 people who need food. so it's going to take 27 air drops. the south sudan emergency response costs $1.5 million a day. we watched that crowd yesterday wait all day for those air drops. >> right. >> at the end of the day, some of those people left with nothing. >> i had to personally reassure several people, don't worry, more food is coming. the planes will keep coming. >> you can see the full report on our website, the "overnight news" will be right back.
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boats, motorcycles... even rvs! geico insures rvs? what's an rv? uh, the thing we've been stuck on for five years! wait, i'm not a real moose?? we've been over this, jeff... we're stickers! i'm not a real moose? give him some space. deep breaths, jeff. what's a sticker?!? take a closer look at geico. great savings. and a whole lot more. let's admit, most of us can use a little help now and then tidying up the house or cleaning up the clutter. lucy craft got advice from an expert. >> reporter: folding shirts, not everyone's idea of fun. m
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i don't think i can do this. but in the hands of deep cluttering diva maria condo, drudgely becomes almost an art. with fluid precision, she renders t-shirts into clothing origami. her closet arranging lessons have become the bible of home organizing to millions of reformed hoarders around the world. >> we've all tried to fold our clothes so they fit in the drawers, and it's kind of cool. >> reporter: a tiny, self-described wall flower who barely speaks english, she's channeled her fixation of order into fame, fortune, and a home organizing empire. >> i read a book called "the life changing magic of tidying up" and the book changed my life. >> reporter: passionate fans have paid her the ultimate tribute. a methodical purging of excess
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your stuff. what do you think of your name being a verb in english? to condo something, to clean something up? "it feels strange. but since my brain is full to the brim of thoughts of cleaning, i guess it's appropriate." with the single mindedness of a scientist in search of a cure, condo has devoted most of her 32 years on earth waging war on disarray. to condo, the humble act of housecleaning is transformed into sacred ritual, performed in a pure white outfit and starting with prayer. she no longer makes house calls, leaving that to her apprentices but she gave us a demonstration. dump all your clothes in a heap. keep only what makes you happy, and say thanks to each possession before throwing it out. condo's mother told us her
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daughter's mania for order began when she was in grade school. "when i came back from a vacation, 2/3 of my clothes were gone," she recalled. "so when it came to family belongings, my husband told her to knock it off." while other students ran out for recess, condo stayed in the classroom to straighten the book shelves. by her early 20s, she was able to quit working and de-clutter her clients full-time. as her talent for tidying became legendary, she came up with her trademark, spark joy. a customer was struggling with what to keep and what to get rid of, she told us. i told a customer, does owning this spark joy? from then on, cleaning went really fast. weeding out what doesn't spark joy applies to just about anything. after cleaning her house, one of my clients changed jobs, another one dumped her boyfriend. so you're not just a
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really a life coach. "i'm just helping people find what they want," she said. needless to say in the publishing business, condo is cleaning up. her books have been translated into 40 languages and sold over 7 million copies. she's been named one of "time" magazine's 100 most influential people. california native laura evans said condo's mantra is perfect for an era of down sizing. >> this is like a worldwide first world problem that we have so much stuff, and if someone can get to the heart of it, it's not about the stuff, it's about our emotional attachment to the past or whatever it is. >> reporter: in addition to her daughter, the de-cluttering diva's latest baby is a smartphone app to train scores c
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captioning funded by cbs it's wednesday, march 22nd, 2017. this is the "cbs morning news." breaking overnight. firefighters free a man pinned under a massive tree as severe storms sweep through the south, killing at least one person. also breaking, it was a failure, but north korea attempted another missile launch just days after president trump said pyongyang was acting very badly. they scrambled for republican support with a make-or-break vote tomorrow.
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