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tv   60 Minutes  CBS  April 30, 2017 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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figures of the past half century. many of his photo shoots were also filmed. ♪ ♪ it's a collection like no other, but we were surprised to learn that a lot of those films were never developed, sitting in a vault until now. >> abaarso has become an oasis of opportunity and every student is encouraged to dream big. >> i want to be a psychologist. >> you want to be a psychologist. >> i want to be a reporter. >> you want to be a reporter. >> so-- yeah. >> okay. >> dentist. >> you want to what? be what? >> yes. >> a doctor? >> yeah. >> wow. who wants to be a dentist? you want to be a dentist? your teeth are very nice already. ( laughter ) it's worth pointing out just how revolutionary it is to hear teenage girls in somaliland talk about careers. many of these girls may have already been married off by their families if they weren't studying here.
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>> i'm steve kroft. >> i'm lesley stahl. >> i'm bill whitaker. >> i'm anderson cooper. >> i'm lara logan. >> i'm scott pelley. those stories, tonight on "60 minutes." >> quijano: good evening. on friday the labor department is expected to report the economy added 185,000 jobs this month. apple's fitbit and facebook report earnings this week. the s&p 500 is up about 5.5% over president trump's first 100 days. i'm reena ninan, cbs news.
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governor bob mcdonnell, who was an up-and-coming republican star with a squeaky clean image and a record of promoting job growth. but his political career exploded in scandal worthy of a soap opera, when he was convicted of public corruption and sentenced to two years in federal prison. he fought the charges all the way to the united states supreme court, racking up a hefty legal bill of $27 million. it turned out to be worth it. the supreme court reversed his conviction in a controversial and far-reaching ruling, but not without a hitch. chief justice john roberts described the case as "tawdry tales." tonight, looking no worse for wear, bob mcdonnell talks about the case and the moment his world came crashing down, when a richmond jury returned a verdict against him. >> governor bob mcdonnell: i listened to 19 guilty verdicts for my wife and me.
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>> whitaker: you broke down? >> mcdonnell: ah. that's all i could do, bill. at that point, i was a convicted felon with a criminal record, who was going to lose my law license, my right to vote, my passport, my reputation and other liberties. and my life was never going to quite be the same. >> whitaker: bob mcdonnell was one of the most popular virginia governors in recent history. in 2012, he made the short list of mitt romney's possible running mates. but in a stunning fall from grace, in 2014, just ten days after leaving office, mcdonnell and his wife maureen were indicted, then convicted by a jury of conspiracy and bribery. they had accepted $177,000 from a local businessman in personal loans and gifts, presented as evidence in court: golf bags and clubs, luxury family vacations, the use f
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designer clothes for maureen and a rolex watch for the governor. mcdonnell appealed his guilty verdict up to the federal court of appeals, and lost twice. but then his conviction was reversed by the u.s. supreme court last fall. >> mcdonnell: the worst at all was the-- the-- the belief that much of the public, and much of the nation, looked at this, and thinks, "there's another corrupt politician." >> whitaker: and if i'm one of your citizens sitting at home in virginia, and i see you, my governor, getting this money, these loans, these gifts, these trips, i'm wondering how you justify that. i mean, these things would not have come to you, were you not the governor. >> mcdonnell: that's probably right. >> whitaker: how do you tell the guy, the coal miner sitting in western virginia, that that's okay?
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make those judgements, you know, kind of one thing at a time. >> whitaker: and none of that set off alarm bells? >> mcdonnell: it didn't, because i knew that it was-- completely legal under virginia law. >> whitaker: virginia at the time had no limits on gifts to state officials. but mcdonnell's case stands out because he took so much from one person: this man, multi- millionaire jonnie williams. williams wanted the governor's help getting state-sponsored studies of his new tobacco-based supplement, called anatabloc. he claimed it had healing powers. williams declined to talk to us, but in court he testified under immunity for the prosecution, that he was 100% sure he and the governor had an agreement: money and gifts for political favors. >> mcdonnell: i considered him an entrepreneur. he had the opportunity to create jobs for virginians. >> whitaker: he plied you, and
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of money, and gifts. he says that he did it because he wanted to influence you. what did you think he wanted? >> mcdonnell: he asked to meet with staff people. i referred him to meetings. my job was just to connect people with government, and i considered it a routine part of what i did-- for job creation, and just regular constituent service. >> whitaker: is that what it takes to get the attention of you guys? somebody coughin' up that kind of money? >> mcdonnell: no. >> whitaker: but explain to me where that's-- where i'm-- i'm wrong in seeing-- as-- >> mcdonnell: that is an everyday action in america, and i know it to be true from years in politics. >> whitaker: but it wasn't politics as usual for jim cole. he was the deputy attorney general who oversaw the mcdonell's prosecution. >> jim cole: he used his office for personal gain. >> whitaker: the governor says all he did was make introductions. >> cole: here is somebody who took over $170,000, to do things that he could only do because he
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was the governor of the state. >> whitaker: the mcdonnells actively promoted anatabloc and invited jonnie williams to events at the governor's mansion, with health care leaders and researchers who could help him. >> mcdonnell: there was never a quid pro quo, or any conspiracy, or any agreement to help mr. williams. and-- ultimately the supreme court of the united states said that-- government advanced essentially a dangerous legal-- legal theory that had serious constitutional problems. >> whitaker: what do you mean, dangerous? why dangerous? >> mcdonnell: because it criminalizes routine political conduct, things that happen in this country every day. >> whitaker: the justices did unanimously reverse his conviction. they faulted federal prosecutors for overreaching with a definition of corruption that was too broad, and ruled that merely "setting up a meeting" or "hosting an event" for jonnie williams did not constitute a crime. but, they condemned mcdonnell's conduct on ethical grounds. in his opinion, chief justice
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john roberts wrote, the "tawdry tales of ferraris, rolexes, and ball gowns" did not "typify normal political interaction-- far from it." in our interview, mcdonnell chose to focus on the positive. >> mcdonnell: at the end of the day, the united states supreme court said that this was the routine stuff that governors do. and we may not like the amount of gifts, but it was consistent with virginia law, and so, bill, that's why at this point-- i feel-- i feel vindicated. >> whitaker: vindicated? that's not my reading of the supreme court decision. chief justice roberts said himself, and this is a quote from his opinion, "there is no doubt that this case is distasteful. it may be worse than that." so this wasn't an exoneration. they looked at what you did, and called it tawdry. >> mcdonnell: i would disagree with that. you've-- you've picked two sentences out of a 28-page opinion. but the import of that opinion
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bill, is not the language that you've read. it's the other 99% of the opinion. >> whitaker: but what i hear you saying is that, "i will accept 99% of what the supreme court justices said, but that 1% that sort of slaps my wrist?" >> mcdonnell: no! >> whitaker: "i'm not-- that, they got wrong." >> mcdonnell: no, i'm not saying that. i accept that. >> whitaker: they found that your behavior was not something that they sanctioned. >> mcdonnell: you know, the words are what the words are. i accept 100% of the opinion. and so, you know-- with my own conscience that's really between, i guess, me and god about how i did. >> dad, how about a game? >> you're on! >> whitaker: bob mcdonnell ran for office on a campaign of faith and family values. but when the scandal broke, apparently so did the mcdonnells. the alleged husband and wife conspirators started coming to court separately. >> mcdonnell: this was my parish. >> whitaker: and bob mcdonnell
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you were in church yesterday. and you were telling me you were a moral man. >> mcdonnell: i try to be, bill. >> whitaker: did this meet your moral code? >> mcdonnell: if i do it over again, i was governor, i wouldn't take any gifts. i didn't need 'em. >> whitaker: so why did you take them? >> mcdonnell: you know, having a family vacation after working 15 hours a day at a nice lake resort with my family, you know, i appreciated that. >> whitaker: but you're a public official. >> mcdonnell: yes. >> whitaker: you think the public believes that you should reach a higher standard. >> mcdonnell: i knew in my heart i was governing myself properly. and i knew i was making all the appropriate disclosures. >> whitaker: virginia law didn't require disclosure of gifts to family members. so, he didn't report this $50,000 personal loan from williams to a company mcdonnell owned with his sister-- or most of
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$6,500 rolex watch jonnie williams gave to maureen to give to the governor. tell me about the rolex. i've seen the picture. you're holding the rolex up. you're smiling. >> mcdonnell: my wife gave it to me for christmas-- in-- 2012. with all my heart i believed it was from her. she told me it was from her. >> whitaker: you were telling us that you needed loans, business loans. didn't-- didn't you wonder-- "how did my wife afford a rolex?" >> mcdonnell: bill, i didn't know what a rolex cost, to be honest. i'm a seiko and timex guy, and always have been. >> whitaker: but maureen mcdonnell, a former redskins cheerleader who brought her pom poms to her husband's inauguration, had a taste for the finer things. on a shopping spree in new york with jonnie williams, he bought her $20,000 worth of designer clothing and accessories. maureen mcdonnell declined to speak with us. but bob mcnn
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her to new york, told us he didn't notice what she bought and didn't ask questions. if my wife came in with, what was it, $20,000 worth of clothing, i would notice the bags, and the boxes. i would say, "honey, where'd you get all this?" >> mcdonnell: i knew she had bags. i knew she shopped. who paid for those was just not something that we discussed. i'm just not the kind of person that probably paid enough attention on some of those things. >> whitaker: his inattention to his wife became key to his defense strategy. in court, with his liberty at stake, mcdonnell allowed his defense team to point the finger at his wife of more than 35 years, and tell the jury she was the one taking most of the gifts and, without his knowledge, helping businessman jonnie williams. if mcdonnell wasn't paying attention, the governor's chef, todd schneider was. he told us jonnie williams was a regur
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>> todd schneider: remember, everybody talks in the kitchen. >> whitaker: and what were people saying? >> schneider: what we thought of everything that they did, shady. why is this guy trying to get in here so much, the clothes and the gifts and the other things. you, kind of, knew what was going on. >> whitaker: what was going on? >> schneider: jonnie williams was trying to get his medicine approved and bob mcdonnell and maureen mcdonnell were getting their bills paid. >> whitaker: there is bad blood between schneider and mcdonnell. after the governor fired him in an unrelated payment dispute that ended up in court, todd schneider turned over key evidence to the f.b.i.: a $15,000 check for catering mcdonnell's daughter's wedding. it came from jonnie williams' account, starwood trust. that triggered the investigation of bob mcdonnell and the federal case under former deputy attorney general jim cole. >> cole: these were not gifts. these were payoffs. >> whitaker: people are giving money all the time. people makco
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>> cole: the key difference here is that the contributions didn't go to a campaign. the money that came in went into his pocket. that's not normal politics. that doesn't happen every day. >> hank asbill: you want to take the money out of politics, then take it out of politics. but this is not unique to bob. >> whitaker: mcdonnell's attorney, hank asbill, admitted the evidence in the case looked bad, but he said, it's just the way american politics works. >> asbill: you know, would anyone look at the gifts and loans in this case and say it's a good idea? no. i wasn't happy about having to defend it, but there was no crime. >> whitaker: but shouldn't we expect our politicians to have a higher standard? >> asbill: maybe so. and there ought to be a better way of reforming politics in america as usual-- than going after my client and accusing him of committing a crime which he didn't commit. >> whitaker: what do you think the effectf
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decision will be on american politics? >> cole: it gives much greater room for public officials to commit improper acts, to commit bribery in subtle ways, and it gives them that room to do it without worrying about getting prosecuted. >> whitaker: the supreme court ruling is shaking things up already. politicians found guilty of bribery in new york, pennsylvania, utah and louisiana are now using the mcdonnell case to fight their convictions. >> why would a politician who took cash and gifts come on "60 minutes" to talk about it? go to sponsored by pfizer. l for him, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr.
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tonight, he opens that vault for "60 minutes" so we can have a look at some his greatest work, shot intimately on film and video. we begin with a photo session of the great ray charles. ♪ ♪ >> norman seeff: how old were you when you first started playing the piano? >> ray charles: how old i was when i started playing the piano? i'd say three years old, maybe, but i'm still doing the same thing i did back then, trying to learn how to play the damn thing. all the instruments whip you, believe me, because sometimes they don't do what you want them to do. the instrument talks back, you know? it just sits there and dares you to play it. >> logan: this session in 1985 is an example of norman seeff's style of taking photos, making his subjects feel comfortable with questions about their music. >> seeff: have you ever whipped the piano back? >> charles: not really.
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instrument, you understand? you will never get out all that's in this piano-- what's in here. >> seeff: absolutely. >> charles: an instrument will bring you to your limits. >> seeff: isn't that what creativity, in a sense, is about? >> charles: yeah. if you can think of it. see, that's the key. create it in your mind. >> seeff: it's the tool for transformation of-- >> charles: yes! >> seeff: great. >> charles: now you got it. that's a great way to put it. now, why didn't i think about that? (ug lahs ) >> logan: out of that conversation came this classic photograph: ray charles as he'll always be remembered. yet, as norman recalls, that was not how their session began. >> seeff: he didn't really want to do the job. so when he came in and i was saying, you know "hey, ray, let me-- walk you over to your piano. here's your chair, your coffee cup," and he was, like, "get out of my face. i know what i'm doing." and i'm going, "oh, my god," you know?
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>> charles: are we back at you again? >> seeff: i'm back at you. >> logan: it's one artist talking to another. >> charles: if i'm singing a sad song, i become sad. i become happy, when i'm into-- ♪ ♪ and then you might decide to say something silly and make everyone laugh. and you go-- ♪ big legged woman keep your dress tail down ♪ you know what i mean? so everything has its place. the name of the game is to be able to get the sound, get the feeling, get the mood of whatever you're doing. and that's what i do. now you got it! >> logan: he's sharing completely, the secret to how he creates and-- and what he creates. >> seeff: but no one's been asking him.
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so this was what hit me. everyone is responding to the output, you know? and it's great. but-- the fascination for me became-- can i go inward like that? and what i found, to my surprise, is, artists were saying, "please, would you come?" >> logan: he had a way of capturing artists in t mheirost authentic moments-- the blues brot' hersdan aykroyd and john belushi; carly simon; mick jagger; cher and gregg allman; johnny cash; the jacksons; steve jobs in 1984, the year he launched the macintosh computer. >> seeff: so we're sitting on the floor, then we started to talk about creativity, and he said, "oh, i want to show you something." and he sort of jumps up, and he runs out. and he comes back. and he plops down into this lotus position with the mac. no one's seen it. >> logan: you'd never seen one? >> seeff: no, i didn't-- i didn't even know they existed. >> logan: his picture became the cover of "time" magazine in 2011, when steve jobs died.
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there's something distinct about a norman seeff photograph, but in his film, there's also a story. >> seeff: john, john. >> logan: this one with john travolta, at age 22. >> seeff: shake your head, look this way. >> logan: the year before the movie "saturday night fever" came out. >> seeff: he's telling me, "you know, i'm-- i'm doing a movie." and i said, "oh, you're doing a movie." he said, "yeah, and-- and i'm going to be dancing." and i said, "yeah, you're going to be dancing?" he says, "yeah, what do you think about this pose?" so-- where's that wind? terrific. ( laughs ) and-- and thank god, you know, what i did-- i said, that's fabulous, you know, and that pose became the ultimate-- icon of the dance, yeah-- >> logan: of disco, right. it still is-- >> seeff: yes, right. >> logan: norman has been sitting on his archive for most of his career. he hadn't even seen this footage of travolta until just before he showed it to us. it hadn't been developed since it was filmed in 1976.
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in those days, norman said he struggled to pay for the film, let alone develop it. >> seeff: and then i got to the point where we were so out of money-- i said, "let's take the film out of the camera, re-can it, tape it up and put it in the vaults." so we have close to 1,000 rolls of undeveloped footage, with names like michael jackson and stevie wonder, and-- >> logan: that you've not seen? >> seeff: that are undeveloped. >> logan: sitting in a vault in california. >> seeff: --sitting in a vault. but it wasn't in the early days. i was carrying this archive from garage to garage. this is kind of a hollywood phenomenon. >> logan: this is the vault where norman keeps his undeveloped footage-- a state of the art facility in the heart of hollywood. inside, it's an icy 45 degrees, which helps preserve the film in these fire-, theft- and earthquake-proof storage units. >> seeff: here, can you do my code: 1, 2, 3, 0? >> logan: for the past 15 years, his film has been sitting on
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>> seeff: let's see what that says. >> logan: what you see here is about a third of his archive. steve martin. >> seeff: steve martin. >> logan: joni mitchel here-- two, three, four, five. >> seeff: this is all the sound. >> logan: fleetwood mac up there. >> seeff: fleetwood mac. >> logan: van morrison. >> seeff: yeah. >> logan: norman said it'll take close to half a million dollars to develop it all. >> seeff: that's great. >> logan: he can't be sure it's survived the years, until he brings to this post-production facility in l.a., to be processed. >> seeff: would you mind putting a little sharpening on this? push it. let me see how far you can go. nice. >> dave cole: let's try to reduce that a little bit. >> logan: he's working with experienced colorist dave cole to slowly recover every scene. >> seeff: the sharpening etches the blacks, which i like. see, it looks sharper. it's looks as if-- >> cole: there is contouring. >> seeff: yeah, that's great. do you still dance? >> bob fosse: yeah, sure, not like i used to, but, sure i dance.
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some shots of you dancing. >> fosse: no. >> logan: norman seeff sees himself not as a photographer, but as an explorer, of some of the world's most creative people, like choreographer bob fosse. >> seeff: that looks great. >> logan: he's planning on turning the best of his films into a documentary series. >> seeff: great. lift your head up a little. i got it, i'm fine, i got it. i'm just at the beginning of my dream. i'm finally at the place now for myself where i feel my true voice has a potential of being expressed out in the world. >> logan: at 78. >> seeff: at 78. >> logan: norman grew up amidst the violence of apartheid south africa and became a doctor, like his father. after three years, he quit, bought a one-way ticket to the u.s., and landed in new york in 1968 with his camera and $2,500, his life savings. >> seeff: i'm looking at this huge city with, you know, thousands and thousands of
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every field. and i'm this guy with this one little camera, with the hubris of, like, "i can be a photographer," you know. and there was-- one moment where i went like-- "i think i've made a big fat mistake here, and i don't see any way out. when you lose hope, that's when the despair comes in. but at the same time, i was having so many incredible challenges. and then i started meeting amazing people. >> logan: when he stumbled across these two in a bar, norman said he had no idea who they were. patti smith and robert mapplethorpe wervee lors at the time he photographed them. they introduced him to andy warhol, who norman also photographed. he said warhol didn't a say a word the entire shoot. but, it was this picture he took of "the band," in 1970, that made norman seeff one of rock and roll's photographers of choice. >> seeff: i looked to the left and there was a sign on the wall that said, "for rent." >> logan: he set up shop on a
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boulevard in l.a. in the mid- 1970s. >> seeff: we shot hundreds of major artists in this place. so-- >> logan: his old studio, once a magnet for music and movie stars, is now a bar. >> seeff: and on my, my very first film session, which-- was ike and tina turner. tina is sitting here doing makeup. >> logan: here is tina turner at that table from the session in 1975. >> seeff: i want to get some close up shots. >> logan: norman asked her and ike to perform. ♪ ♪ this was the last time norman photographed them together. tina turner left ike the following year, ending the abusive relationship. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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theloped it and looked at dailies. and i knew instantaneously what i was going to do from then on. >> logan: norman decided to film his sessions, like this one with lily tomlin, as often as he could. >> lily tomlin: we even used that shot like this, did you ever see it? >> logan: he said he had a different approach with every artist. >> seeff: that's great. >> logan: steve martin's session, for example, began like this: >> steve martin: but don't you know, i'm a wild guy, having some fun here tonight. >> seeff: comedians are the most challenging-- people-- at that point for me to shoot. because you're not actually in the dialogue with them. they are performing. okay, another double, please, from the bar. when i work with a-- comedian-- i become their audience. >> martin: hey, norman. i'm getting a little pissed about this drinking thing.
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sure, i am on this stuff, but if you don't dig it, hey, i'll leave and you can take pictures of this wall back here all night. >> logan: is he messing with you? >> seeff: well-- you never know when you're in the middle of it. ♪ ♪ >> logan: norman seeff told us he remembers all his sessions, but it meant the most to him, when he made a personal connection with his subjects, as he did with ray charles. >> seeff: you know what? i think we got the session. >> charles: okay, baby, yay. say carl, we have a question about your brokerage fees. fees? what did you have in mind? i don't know. $4.95 per trade? uhhh.
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>> cooper: in 2008, a man named jonathan starr was 32 years old and running a hedge fund in boston. he was a millionaire, but he didn't like his job very much, and wanted to do something to give his life purpose. he'd heard about a desperately poor african nation called somaliland that needed help. somaliland broke away from somalia 25 years ago. if you've never heard of it before, it's probably because it still isn't recognized as an independent country. jonathan starr went there for a visit, and that's when he came up with a kind of crazy idea. he decided to build an american- style boarding school to help kids in somaliland get into the best universities in the u.s. and beyond. starr hoped his students would then return to somaliland as doctors, lawyers, business people, and future leaders. it's not easy to get to the
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somaliland's capitol, hargeisa, isn't exactly a bustling metropolis. there are few flights in, and once you're here, it's a bumpy ride on dusty dirt roads, past miles and miles of empty scrub land. the school sits on a remote hilltop, in what can best be described as the middle of nowhere. it's called the abaarso school of science and technology, a boarding school that's home to around 200 of somaliland's best and brightest, grades 7-12. what's the goal of the school? what's the idea of the school? >> jonathan starr: so, the mission of the school is to produce ethical and effective leaders of the country in the future. >> cooper: future leaders of somaliland. >> starr: somaliland, somalia. the point is they'll be future leaders in this area. and that should be everything. that should be business, government, law, health care-- and we have students studying everything. so ultimately, it should work that way. >> cooper: there was no guarantee it would work that way
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students in 2009, but jonathan starr was determined. he'd moved to somaliland and has spent more than half a million dollars of his own money building the school, recruiting the students, and hiring the teachers, nearly all of whom he found online. how much money were you offering to pay the teachers? >> starr: $250 a month. >> cooper: $250 a month, to come to somaliland. >> starr: we cook for them; we have food for them. and if they don't leave campus, they'll never have an expense whatsoever. >> cooper: but there's not a lot to do here. >> starr: no, there's not a lot to do here. >> okay, good morning, ladies and gentleman. >> cooper: they came anyway. >> you will get five minutes. >> cooper: mostly from america. many had never taught anywhere before. >> who else had power? >> cooper: the curriculum at abaarso is not much different from what you'd find in an american school. the intricacies of covalent bonding in chemistry. contemporary world literature. geometry, trigonometry, and pre- calculus. >> does it always have to be between the same two atoms? >> cooper: but what makes it er
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everything here is taught in english, and most of these kids only speak somali when they first arrive. since starr's goal is to get students into college in the u.s. and elsewhere, he insists on english immersion from day one. so how do you get somebody, who doesn't speak any english, and immerse them in an english-only program? >> starr: i mean it's very, very challenging. to many of them, the transition to go from where they were, to here, was the hardest thing they ever would have to do. and you just have to slowly piece it together. >> cooper: the school starts in seventh grade, and students begin by tossing around a few english phrases. >> you mustn't, you mustn't. you mustn't, don't be late to class. you mustn't? you mustn't be late to class. good. >> wouldn't it be fine and dandy. >> cooper: then there's reading, lots of it. >> you know something good about me, i know something good about you. >> all african countries are not poor. >> cooper: by eleventh grade, the kids sound like they've been speaking english most of their ve
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>> how do the words, the dirty looks, roll off your backs? >> cooper: classes begin at 7:00 a.m. sharp, and the kids have to be on the ball all day, and late into the night. that's five and a half days a week, 11 months a year. the kids either catch up, and catch on to jonathan starr's system, or they're out. >> starr: we hold them to a very high standard. let's say you just skip study hall-- you're suspended. >> cooper: suspended for how long? >> starr: that'll be a day. students have found their way out of our school for not being disciplined, not doing the things that they've agreed to do. they know the rules of the school. >> cooper: you've kicked kids out. >> starr: many. >> cooper: if a kid is kicked out of abaarso, there aren't a lot of other good options. somaliland spends less than $10 million a year on its public schools, and we saw some classrooms crammed with as many as 100 kids. there are few colleges here for graduates to go to. somaliland is doing better than its neighbor, somalia, which it separated from 25 years ago, as
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famine and civil war plunged that country into chaos. somalia is still one of the most dangerous places in the world, plagued by the terror group al shabaab. somaliland, by comparison, is relatively peaceful, though at abaarso there are armed guards and watch towers. and the entire compound is surrounded with a wall and barbed wire? >> starr: yes, it's about 12 feet or so high. >> cooper: do you worry about security a lot? >> starr: we need to be. i don't think it's very likely that something would happen, but if something happened to one teacher, it could be game over for the entire school. >> cooper: the real problem in somaliland is poverty. this is one of the least developed places on earth. the economy, like the country's biggest export, livestock, is skin and bones. the main source of income is money sent from somalilanders working overseas. that's how most students can afford tuition at abaarso, which is about $1,800 dollars a year-- a fortune, when you consider thhe
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somaliland is about a dollar a day. those who can't get money from extended family, get scholarships from the school. abaarso has become an oasis of opportunity, and every student is encouraged to dream big. >> sahra: i want to be a psychologist. >> cooper: you want to be a psychologist. >> i want to be a reporter. >> cooper: you want to be a reporter. >> so-- yeah. >> cooper: okay. >> dentist. >> cooper: you want to what? be what? >> yes. >> cooper: a doctor? >> yeah. >> cooper: wow. who wants to be a dentist? you want to be a dentist? your teeth are very nice already. ( laughter ) it's worth pointing out just how revolutionary it is to hear teenage girls in somaliland talk about careers. many of these girls may have already been married off by their families if they weren't studying here. somaliland is a deeply conservative islamic country, and on school grounds, local customs are strictly followed. >> allahu al-akbar, allah. >> cooper: abaarso has its own mosque, and girls and boys don't mix outside class unless there's a chaperone. jonathan starr is not muslim,
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but he does have a family connection to somaliland. his aunt married a man from here, whom she met in the u.s., starr's uncle billeh osman. he was the one who convinced starr to come for a visit and do something to help. you didn't really know anything about somaliland. >> starr: correct. >> cooper: did you speak arabic? >> starr: no arabic, no somali. i tried to learn somali, but i'm not very good. >> cooper: it sounds like a disaster from the get-go. >> starr: i also didn't know anything about education. ( laughter ) >> cooper: you didn't know anything about starting a school. >> starr: well, i-- i had-- i'd been educated. >> cooper: i'd been to school, too, but i still wouldn't be able to start one. >> starr: i was a pretty good student. i had no idea what i was getting into. >> cooper: to help him get started, he took on a somali partner, who talked him into building the school in this isolated spot, on land that just happened to be owned by the partner's extended family. it turned out to be a terrible idea. >> starr: if we look out from here, there is nothing, right? there's absolutely nothing, and nothing. and like, any way you look-- >> cooper: is there a water source here? >> starr: no, there's no water source here. >> cooper: that should haven
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so should the name of the closest village, abaarso. >> starr: abaarso-- "abaar" means drought. >> cooper: that didn't give you pause? >> starr: i had been led to believe that getting water would be no problem at all. >> cooper: the water, which is now trucked in daily, was the least of his problems. despite all his good intentions, all the money and time he'd spent on this school, starr was still an outsider. when he got into an argument with his somali partner over who should run the school, he says the partner spread false rumors that he was trying to convert students to christianity. >> starr: there were some people who had been riled up, probably given some money to do it, and came to our gates and said either, you know, i go home, or they'll kill me. >> cooper: did you ever think about going home? >> starr: no. but i also didn't-- when i say i didn't take it seriously, i was more mad than anything else. >> cooper: why fight this fight here? >> starr: there's the noble side, "what, am i going to abandon the students? there's no chance. there's no chance." if they were going to carry--
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to kill me and carry me out. like, that actually was going to have to happen. and the second part is the not- noble part, which is, i'm very competitive, and there was no way i was losing to that guy. that's really the truth. i mean, if i could have somehow legally, cleanly had, like, a death match, i-- i honest to god would have had a death match. i couldn't imagine that there was life if i let this fail. >> cooper: in the end, it was his students who didn't let the school fail. in 2013, a senior named nimo ismail was the first abaaarso student to get into college. she was accepted at oberlin in ohio-- on full scholarship, no less. >> starr: when she got in, that turned everything in the country. >> cooper: in the country? >> starr: it turned everything. at the end of the day, people want good things for their children, and somalis want things to root for. and they wanted to root for her. you know, they want to root for their kids doing well. >> cooper: almost 90% of that first graduating class got accepted into international colleges. some 40 of starr's students are now in american universities on
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academic scholarships. nimo is finishing up at oberlin. fadumo is at rochester. her sister nadira is at yale. mubarik is at m.i.t., and abdisamad's at harvard. do each of you plan on going back to-- to work somehow for somaliland? >> nadira: i think the whole reason jonathan is doing this is for us to make sure that people back home or, like, people that are less fortunate, also get the same opportunities that we get. >> cooper: so what would be a life goal? >> nimo: i think the supreme court is definitely the place for me. >> cooper: being on the supreme court in somaliland? >> nimo: yes. >> cooper: how about for you? >> fadumo: probably, like, building a hospital and bringing a lot of equipment and bringing doctors. >> abdisimad: after, like, maybe, like, a few years working here, go back, start, like, my own business. >> nadira: creating more opportunities for girls and seeing more girls in school. >> cooper: empowering girls and women. >> nadira: yeah. >> cooper: mubarik mohamoud was part of the first class to graduate abaarso. he is now a senior at m.i.t.,
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engineering and computer science. when you heard that you got into m.i.t.? >> mubarik: hmmm, yeah, that-- that was insane. >> cooper: that was insane? ( laughter ) >> mubarik: yeah. >> cooper: has it been hard? >> mubarik: m.i.t.? it's hard, it is really hard. but the thing is, it is hard for everyone. >> cooper: his english isn't as good as most abaarso students, but his story is remarkable. he was a nomadic goat herder for much of his childhood, and knew nothing about school or the world beyond his herd until he ran away. when he showed up to take the entrance exam to abaarso, jonathan starr saw his potential and gave him a scholarship. >> starr: he's pretty smart, to be fair. ( laughter ) he has a terrific brain that-- just needed a chance. >> cooper: the success of mubarik and the other graduates has encouraged the students still at abaarso to work that much harder. so how many of you want to go to college? >> we all want to go to college. >> cooper: how many of you want to go to college in america?
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>> yes. >> cooper: you all want to go to college in america? ( laughter ) any of you think you could be the president of somaliland one day? >> of course. >> sahra: we'll try to be the ministries of education, ministries of something. and we will absolutely going to try to run the country. >> cooper: so, what's the reward for you? >> starr: before i did this, to me, i was a disappointment. >> cooper: you'd run a hedge fund. you'd made millions of dollars. >> starr: yeah. i'm not-- i'm not-- look, i definitely, like, have a bigger ego than the average human being. like, that's true. like, i have a high view of what i'm capable of doing and i, at-- 32 years old, when i was first starting this, did not feel like i had lived up to that. and now i feel like i got there. >> cooper: do you see this as something you've done? or do you see this as something these kids have done? >> starr: i gave them a chance to win, and then they went in that classroom and they won. >> cooper: the next group of abaarso students headed for american colleges may not get here. the state department does not recognize somaliland as a country independfr
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>> whitaker: in the mail this week: viewers' comments on steve kroft's interview with former new york mayor mike bloomberg. it wasn't the billionaire's politics that raised eyebrows, but his theology-- when, considering the things he did as mayor, such as banning smoking in restaurants and bars, he lightheartedly said that when he gets to heaven... >> michael bloomberg: i'm not sure i'm going to stand for an interview. i'm going right in. and then there was this: i'm bill whitaker. we'll be back next week with another edition of "60 minutes." tomorrow on "cbs this morning,"
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callen: admiral chegwidden? chegwidden: sterling, lower your weapon, they're friendlies. i killed my ex-partner. he was a dirty cop, and i shot him with his own gun. hetty: detective whiting is out of intensive care. it seems she's going to pull through. eric: clearly yaniv is taken with whatever langston is pawning. yaniv: we got what we need. kill him. callen: federal agent! (grunting) yaniv! callen: yaniv escaped on a road south of his property. find him. they got my key. oh, no, no. aw, damn it! we managed to rescue granger without spending one damn dime of that ransom money. it wasn't money, it was gold. those gold bars are worth a cool $40 million. minus the one i sold to yaniv.


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