tv ET Entertainment Tonight CBS October 20, 2017 1:52am-2:21am EDT
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( cheers and applause ) there he is. how are you, michael? >> hold on, hold on a second. i'm good, i'm good. >> james: who's that? who's on the phone? >> the pope, the pope. >> james: the pope? >> yeah. hold on, wait. >> james: what's he saying? >> wait, who is your internet provider? yeah, wait, hold on a second. what is latin for internet provider? >> james: reggie? >> reggie: ( speaking latin ) >> okay, go to, go to settings-- >> james: we're going to leave to you it. michael keaton, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) that's the first person we've ever had on the phone to the pope, it really is. and in the orange room, he is a fantastic young actor you know from "teen wolf," "deepwater horizon," "maze runner." he is so unbelievably talented, the one, the only, back at it again, mr. dylan o'brien is here tonight. there he is. ( cheers and applause ) how are you? >> what's up, ja
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>> james: so nice to see you. thank you for coming back to see us. >> thanks for having me, man. and thanks for stocking me up with my 11 beers. >> james: that was your only rider. often, we'll say to the guests, is there anything you would like in your room, and dylan just went, "yeah, 12 beers." are you going to drink them all before the show? >> i'm going to try. so i've got to get to it. >> james: i hope you do. dylan o'brien, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) and in the red room, a pop duo here to make their late-night television debut, the cool, the talented, superfruit are bringing the music tonight! ( cheers and applause ) there they are. how are you doing? >> hi. >> james: are you good? >> we're fantastic. >> feeling great. >> james: these are good suits, boys, i like these suits. >> thank you so much. >> james: well, ladies and gentlemen, i tell you what, when they're not in those suits, they're just fruit. when they wear those suits-- >> super-suits. >> james: --they're superfruit. superfruit, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) are you ready? >> reggie: yeah. >> james: he's reggie watts, i'm james corden. this, this is the "late, late show," roll the titles!
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♪ the late, late show, oh, oh the late, late show, ooh ♪ the late, late show, oh, oh the late, late show ♪ oh, oh it's the late, late show ♪ >> james: thanks for being here. hey, has everybody seen, has everybody seen the new movie, "it?" have you seen it yet? oh, man, i'm seeing it later tonight. it terrified me when i was 15. i'm a little scared. have you seen it yet, reg? >> reggie: no, i'm kind of afraid to. >> james: are you too scared too? >> reggie: a little bit because they went with a victorian clown look, which is very terrifying. >> james: that is terrifying to you. guillermo, you've seen it, right? were you scared? >> in parts, yes. >> james: a little bit. >> absolutely. >> james: who did you go to see it with? >> my girlfriend and some friends.
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( catcalling ) >> james: whoooo! >> reggie: yeah! >> james: how long have you been french kissing this girl? ( laughter ) >> for a while. >> james: how long? >> don't you remember, you played a prank on me that we were going to get married on the show? >> james: oh, yeah, i remember. ( laughter ) it's just hard, you have so many girls coming in and out of-- ( laughter ) >> that's not funny, james. >> james: now the new film, it's about a demonic clown that terrorizes children. it just had the biggest horror movie opening weekend of all time. and tonight, ladies and gentlemen, we actually have an exclusive deleted scene that was cut from the final film. take a look. >> hi, could you send i.t. up here, please? great, thank you.
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>> james: hello, tim. >> who are you? >> james: you called for me, tim. >> no, my server is down, i called for i.t. >> james: ah! i see the problem. you've called the i.t. department and i'm "it." so there's been a mix up. it's not your fault, it happens all the time. >> can you fix my computer, though? >> james: no. i can scare you. >> all good on that, thank you. >> james: i could take a look at it. you know, i've actually got one of these at home. it's not mine, it's my wife's. my wife. have you tried rebooting the system? >> no, i have not, actually. >> james: try and reboot the system. >> i will grab my password real quick. oh! what is your problem? >> james: i'm helping you look for your password.
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>> oh, my god, stop scaring me. >> james: i'm not trying to scare you, i was under the desk. it was easy to come up from this side. >> okay, then what's with the balloon? >> james: it was under there, i thought it might be blocking the wifi signal. right, i wouldn't-- i wouldn't, if i was you. i would-- >> i have a meeting in 20 minutes! >> oh, come on, everyone knows you don't pop a murderous' clown's balloon. that's on you. >> hey, tim, can i borrow your stapler? >> yeah. >> hey, penny. >> hey, scary mary, how are you doing? >> good! another i.t. mistake again? >> james: welcome to my life, right? >> ugh. did he pop the balloon? >> james: big time. >> tim, everyone knows you don't pop the scary clown balloon. what is this, amateur hour? ( laughter )
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>> you know what, i don't need this, okay? you can go. i'm calling actual i.t. now. hi, can you send i.t. up here? that is i.-period-t.-period. as in-- i don't know what it stands for. >> james: information technology. >> information technology. no monsters, okay? why are you still here? >> james: honestly, at this point, i'm just kind of emotionally invested in getting your computer fixed. >> hello, tim! >> i called i.t., i called i.t., i swear! >> yeah, i am the i.t. department. >> you are freddie krueger. >> yeah, i know, but i'm trying to turn over a new leaf. i went to night school and got a degree in computer sciences. >> okay, can you fix this then? >> yeah, no problem. let's see. ah, i see, it's in sleep mode! bad news for me! ( scary laugh )
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let's try this. rawr! that should do it. if you have any other problems, call me on my cell. you want to grab some lunch? >> james: sure, yeah. i haven't eaten since i had those four kids for breakfast. ( laughter ) i'm kidding, granola. ( scary laughter ) ( cheers and applause ) >> james: "it" is in theaters everywhere right now. we have a fun show for you tonight. come on back, everybody. ( cheers and applause )
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it's softer than ever. new charmin ultra soft is softer than ever... so it's harder to resist. okay, this is getting a little weird. enjoy the go! with charmin! that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. school. i think it's time we mixed things up. ♪ oh yeah, in your face! and in conclusion, cats. four flavors, four shapes. cheetos xtra cheesy mixups. (whispering dad) trust me, we are going to work? (kids laughing) (whispering mom) lets send in max. (kids) max! max! now this, is internet gold! going viral? get scrubbing bubbles clean and disinfect. what? 20,000 views! sc johnson. ♪
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veterans, children and the disabled. john adams: higher costs, less coverage, hurting virginians. mark: i'm mark herring, candidate for attorney general, and i sponsored this ad. ( band playing ) ( cheers and applause ) >> james: welcome back. what are you doing tonight, reg? i'm going to see "it." what are you doing? >> reggie: i'm going to hang out with a human woman. >> james: oh, whaaat? hey, now, guys, i have some huge news. massive news, you probably already heard about it. i am about to celebrate a full year and a half of officially having an instagram account. yeah, it's huge. ( cheers and applause ) it's huge, thank you. it's huge for me. ( cheers and applause
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i've posted approximately 1.4 times a month. ( scattered cheers ) yeah. which i think might be the most anyone's ever posted on instagram. i'm not sure. we'll verify that. i'm pretty sure it's right. but, i've noticed, that when you take a photo and upload it to instagram, the photo gets cropped. have you noticed that, they crop the photo? but, instagram has been so happy with how much i've just been crushing my 'gram game that they have actually given us access to tons of users photos before they got cropped. i will show you some now, like you see this photo here of cam newton, he posted this, i thought it was just him excited to be at home, but then i saw the whole picture. ( laughter ) good for cam. volunteering at sea world, so the animals can be free. isn't that lovely of him? >> reggie: that's unusual. ( laughter ) >> james: we have got this picture here.
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stallone, he posted this photo on his, i thought it was a fun picture, him and arnold schwarzenegger holding an alligator. why wouldn't you post that, right? but i had no crazy how crazy this photo was, take a look. ( laughter ) look at the size of that thing! ( applause ) i see why they brought in the rock. i understand why the rock is there, but why was elijah wood necessary? ( laughter ) here's a photo that snoop dogg posted. he posted this on instagram looking very, very cool. i was actually going to ask him where i could get one of these coats, but then i saw the whole thing. ( laughter ) ( applause ) >> reggie: oh god. >> james: and i will tell you what i told him, i said, "snoop, i'm not interested. i don't care how warm it is." ( laughter ) here's a picture, this is our good friend adele, looks like an exciting photo from one of h
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concerts, but i had no idea what this was actually for. and let me tell you, you heard it here first, the expendables 4, she's joined the expendables. we might get in trouble for leaking that. ( cheers and applause ) we might get in trouble for leaking that early. i'm sure a lot of you saw this photo of kim kardashian. this made the internet go crazy it is a stunning photo, but i was a bit worried about her up there. but then i saw the whole thing. ( laughter ) glad to know she's in good hands. here's a photo. look at this photo lindsey lohan posted, looks like she's in the water. she's seeing something incredible. and if you look down here you can see the caption, the caption says "its so beautiful i cannot breathe." it's so beautiful i cannot breathe. what could she be looking at? she was looking at this. ( laughter ) and it's truly breathtaking.
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>> james: welcome back, let's meet our guests tonight. he plays stan hurley in "american assassin," please welcome michael keaton. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> james: he plays mitch rapp in "american assassin," please welcome dylan o'brien. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ( cheers and applause ) >> james: how are you? thank you both very much for being here. thanks for coming back to see us. michael, you are here for the
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of michael keaton. >> thank you. ( cheers and applause ) >> james: i mean, your body of work, a body of work actually like no one else, i think, if you think about "beetlejuice" and "spotlight" and "batman," and "birdman," it is so varied and brilliant. do you ever go back and watch any of your old films? >> occasionally, not a lot. every once in a while. mostly i see them at the, you know, when you have to see them. they will show you a screening so you know what you are talking about on a show like this because often i don't. so-- . >> james: well, are there films you have been in that you haven't seen? >> um, yes. >> james: really? which ones? >> i don't even know the names of them. ( laughter ) >> james: do you remember being paid for them? >> yes, i remember that. that's pretty funny. no there are a few that i can't remember, i just can't remember- - i mean i remember doing them. and they were perfectly fine. ( laughter ) >> how do you know?
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alone in this. you probably interview other guys or women who have done the same thing. you usually have to see them, you know, when there is a screening or you go into loop the, to do the voiceover for lack of a better term. and so you see them then, but there are certain ones that i really love, you know i loved "much ado about nothing," it's good, right. >> james: it's awesome. it's a great performance. >> when you do "multiplicity" now you could do it in a half an hour, with the technology but it was very, very hard to do. and the great harold ramis, great director and he was one of the guys in "ghostbusters," directed some of the great comedies. he directed that movie. so movies like that, you know. >> james: those are the ones you would go back and watch? >> yeah, occasionally. i would see "my life,." the reason i did a movie like "my life," whoever saw it, it wasn't a giant hit, i just thought if it all ends tomorrow, i want to know that i did
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something that, you know, maybe meant something to someone else, to people in the world. and that i maybe made a little contribution. and it happens, i will be, you know, sometimes people will come up to me and tell me these great stories about how moved they were by the movie, not to sound too self-important. >> james: i would say you made more than a little contribution, wouldn't you, reggie? ( cheers and applause ) >> i just can't get over that. i am obsessed with watching myself. >> james: you watch yourself all the time? >> i love it. i love it! ( laughter ) it's all i do. if i have a saturday and it's open i go on my couch, and i'm like what am i doing, what am i in? >> and your movies i just sit around and watch them. >> we have sleepovers where we just watch my stuff. >> james: dylan, you recently turned 26, on the 26th. >> i did. ( cheers and applause ) >> james: how did you celebrate? >> didn't do much, didn't do nothing. >> really? >> no, i did a lot.
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>> james: what did you do? >> all right so i'm not, i don't throw parties. i don't do that. >> someone threw one for you though. >> someone talked me into, one of my best friends ever we share the same birthday too. and you know, so every year we will always do something around my birthday but i always have a really quiet boring birthday. and this year i thought he kind of talked me into it because also the fight was on the floyd. >> james: the floyd/mcgregor fight, yeah. >> it was the same day, i just moved into this new house, just bought my first home. so he kind of-- ( applause ) thank you that's really sweet. i did not expect-- >> james: that was a ridiculous round of applause. ( cheers and applause ) that was literally the audience going, he's doing very well, he's doing very well. ( laughter ) >> thanks for the support, wow. >> james: the bonus must have come in on those "maze runner" movies. >> i'm living in a ( bleep ) but he is-- .
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>> james: you had a good party but more than that last week and this i know is a huge thing for you, you threw the first pitch at the mets game. how was it, were you nervous? >> of course, yeah, i was nervous for about six weeks before it happened, too. every day. every day at some point it would enter my mind like, cuz you know, arguably nothing means more to me than baseball and the mets. maybe, maybe my family. ( laughter ) huge maybe. so, i always knew it had the potential to be the best night of my life or also a complete disaster and something i could never get over because i care so much about it. and so you know, i anticipated a lot, very nervous. >> practiced? >> no, i play softball on saturday, you are there. >> yeah. >> we do everything together. >> yeah. >> james: sure, yeah. but-- it went pretty well. >> it worked out. >> james: because my favorite part-- we have a video here, and my favorite part is your ac
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take a look. ( cheers and applause ) >> this guy almost gets in the way. oh, nice. ( laughter ) ( cheers and applause ) >> james: it's a good throw. a good throw. >> and, that is a really good throw, and he threw from the mound which a lot of people don't do. >> james: you have also thrown. >> i've thrown three times. >> james: for the pittsburgh pirates. this is a photo of you here. >> i have done it twice for the pirates, and he's right it is nerve-wracking, two times went well, one time was, the thing you never want to do, i did. >> james: what happened? >> here is what happened. you never-- then you did the most bad ass thing ever. >> yeah, yeah. >> so i threw out once years ago when pittsburgh had three rivers stadium, that was great. then i threw in wrigley, that was really great. they were both great chest high. >> atta boy.
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>> from the mound, and then i threw out once again in pittsburgh and the thing you never want to do if anything-- we were talking about this-- you go, go ten feet over the catcher, throw it into the stands, you never want to throw short, i threw a tiny, well, a good bit short and outside into the dirt. it's like the mortal sin and i had been rehearsing-- i had been practicing. i-- . >> james: such an actor. ( laughter ) i was rehearsing, i was with my coach. ( laughter ) lift and push. >> yeah. >> james: i had done breathing exercises. >> yeah, yeah. >> james: and what did the crowd do when that happened? >> there was silence. >> james: oh, really? >> yeah, really uncomfortable silence, it would have been one thing if they booed me, but they felt really bad. so i said give me the ( bleep ) ball back. ( laughter ) ( cheers and applause ) and the guy goes, "what?" throw me the ball back. so they threw me the ball back and i ( bleep ) blistered one. wa
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happen. >> james: sure, i get that. >> apologize to reggie for my language, i know he was offended. ( laughter ) >> james: can i say this? i'm liking baseball keaton. he's a different guy. ( laughter ) ( cheers and applause ) i feel like, i feel like michael keaton the movie star came down the steps, we started talking about movies and he was michael keaton movie star, we go to baseball and he's like hand me the ( bleep ) ball, man. ( laughter ) i swear. ( bleep ) give me the ball, man. >> yeah, a lot like that. >> james: what are you going to do? because didn't you once get into an altercation with a pirates fan? >> no, with a braves fan. >> james: okay. >> yeah, yeah. >> james: what happened? >> here is what happened. did i tell you this story? >> no. >> i can't-- one day my kid who is young at the time, years ago, it is hard for me to tell the story. years ago the braves beat the pirates in the playoff game. you remember this thing. ( laughter ) >> it's okay.
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>> we're going to go to commercial and so one day-- one day my kid says to me, he says to me, dad, he was little, he goes, "when can we, you know, get over this, you know, totally unsubstantiated hatred for the atlanta braves?" i said never, it will never happen, which is a horrible lesson to tell your kid, so it turns out i'm working in atlanta and the braves invited me to see a game because the pirates were in town. i hated the fact that they were the nicest people in the world. ( laughter ) they treat you, they are so nice and they were so great. so i'm at the stadium, and a guy-- john hancock was directing "founder," we were shooting "the founder," and there is a guy in front, there's always one guy who thinks he is a smart ass, and is really loud and he thinks he's funny. so he riding andrew mckuchen with whom i'm kind of a pal. we email each other. >> what? >> yeah, he's the dude. i know. ( laughter ) he loves me even more now. >> so cool. >> so anyway he comes up and he
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mckuchen, the warm up circle is right next to the front, and he's actually talking to the guy. and i'm thinking what are you talking to him for? you're up next. why is your. >> why engage? >> yeah, why engage? so this guy thinks he's funny. mckuchen is jawing with him, talking back and forth and he had been riding cerveli earlier on, the catcher, and i'm thinking this guy doesn't know anything. so mckuchen smokes one to left center, bounces off-- just rips it. hits, then he does the coolest thing. he stands up in second and looks for the guy, points and when he comes in he takes off his batting glove and he gives his batting gloves to the dude. so before i left, you know, i thought, i just have to straighten this guy out. ( laughter ) so, i know, it's so embarrassing. >> james: before i left i thought i better straighten him out. ( laughter ) >> well, its' embarrassing. >> james: are we ready to get back to filming our film? okay, wait--
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