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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  November 17, 2017 2:07am-3:55am EST

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wealthy. >> republicans want you to believe that their trickle down tax break for the rich will pay for itself. the never has happened. >> reporter: a dozen republicans voted no today because the bill eliminates it deduction for state and local taxes. >> i just too many constituents who are going to see their taxes go up. >> reporter: but most house republicans were ecstatic and they're anxiously watching the senate where a separate gop plan has gone through several rapid revisions. they're hoping to pass their plan tomorrow and then bring it up for a full senate vote right after thanksgiving. then senate and house republicans would have to reconcile it differences between their plans and vote again. a process, anthony, that president is urging them to wrap up before christmas. >> the cbs overnight news will be right back.
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people take action against housing discrimination? my co-worker was pressured by her landlord to pay her rent with sexual favors. my neighbor was told she needs to get rid of her dog, even though he's an assistance animal. housing discrimination is illegal. if you think you've been a victim, report it to hud. like we did. narrator: they all reported discrimination and were able to secure their fair housing rights under the law. visit or call the hud hotline. fair housing is your right. use it. issues they're dealing with can be uncomfortable, but when their behavior changes, it's time to act. call the veterans crisis line at 1-800-273-8255 and press "1".
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this is the cbs overnight news. a mistrial was declared today in the federal bribery trial of democratic senator, robert menends of new jersey. they were hopelessly dead locked. >> reporter: they cheerd as senator robert menenedez blasted the prosecutors. >> the way this case started was wrong. the way it was investigated was
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wrong. >> reporter: menendes did favors. the senator's lawyer. >> this is what happened when you put a real 25-year friendship on trial. >> reporter: the trial lasted 10 weeks. why the dead lock? >> i thought he was not guilty. >> reporter: and ed says nine others agreed with him. only two favored conviction. >> i don't think it government proved it. there's no smoking gun in this case, we didn't see. >> reporter: the justice department has not said whether they'll try hymn a second time. >> to those who abandoned me in my darkest moment, i forgive you. to those who embraced me in my darkest moments, i love you. for those new jerseyans who gave me the benefit of the doubt, i
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thank you. >> men endez said to those who were digging my political grave so they could jump if had to my seat, i know who you are and i won't forget you. the top democrat on the judiciary committee said president trump's son in law with held information during the presidential campaign. jeff. >> anthony, the senate judiciary committee is asking jared kushner for information wikileaks. it letter says senators also want documents about a quote russian back door overture and dinner invite and they site phone records they want from mr. kushner as well. he's now the second of president
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trump's innercircle to be involved with wikileaks. it was revealed that donald trump jr. exchanged twitter messages with wikileaks. october 3, 2016, what's behind this leak i keep hearing about? "hey, donald great to see you and your dad talking about our publication." they were with russian opare aatives including russian lawyer. donald trump jr. as acknowledged the meeting was set up under that she had damaging information about hillary clinton. and a soviet businessman living in the u.s. he spent two hours today ificns the special counsel's office. >> thanks,
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russian president vladimir putin thumbed his nose at the world when he took crimea from ukrain and it looks like he plans to hold on to it for forever based on the bridge he's now building. >> reporter: 24 how ares a day, in three shifts, they're racing to bailed colossal bridge strong enough to resist ferocious winds and ice. there's no doubt this bridge is an engineering feet, a really impressive technical achieve but it's also a bold political statement. the bridge will connect crimea to the southern peninsula, which until 2013, it belonged to cr ukrain. president putin announced it was now
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at home he was hailed as a hero while outside russia he was condemned. but even when they slapped on sanctions, he didn't back off. this project shows he's doubling down on the land grab. the bridge due to open next year will be crimea's umbilical cord to mothe russia. they'll carry everything from food to tourists. already it's a source of pride and a local attraction. at a lookout on the shore, he and izhad friends have come to marvel and pose for pictures. "absolutely. the bridge underlines that crimea is ours" he tells me "and we are never giving it back." officially russia is saying america has to do just that. give crimea back to
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lifted. but 12 miles of concrete and steel are saying that's just not going to happen. >> thanks. coming up next the new cars with the most distracting dashboard systems and later these folks have the most fun living stronger. i had frequent heartburn, but my doctor recommended... ...prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning, 24 hours and zero heartburn. it's been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10... ...straight years, and it's still recommended today. use as directed. it says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. this. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine.
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so you can play together. because your carpet there's resolve carpet care. it lifts more dirt and pet hair versus vacuuming alone. resolve carpet care with five times benefits that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours
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looks like i'm good all night. ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. casual fridays at buckingham palace? alright, off you go. surprising. what's not surprising? how much money nathan saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. megared advanced triple absorption is absorbed three times better. so one softgel has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills.
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if you've driv an new car lately, you spla found yourself struggling to operate dashboard that looks like it belongs in a cockpit. don dayler on it worst offenders. >> reporter: this should get your full attention. last year distracted driving killed more than 3,000 people in the u.s. >> we've all driven distracted, practically all of us and we've gotten away with it. >> i'll be your host for this evening. >> reporter: in 2009 a driver using his gps killed joel feldman's 21-year-old daughter, casey. >> in my opinion to h
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so they can touch, email, access social media or it internet while they're driving. >> reporter: a new study by consumer reports backs up that opinion. jake fisher took us out on the test track. >> some of the adjustments for this car are actually in this very, very dense and confusing system here. so if i want to get if had to some of my safety systems -- >> you're having to spend a lot of time looking at the screen while you're driving. >> exactly. >> reporter: they found accura, cadillac, lexus, mercedes and volvo are listed as having the most distracting systems. fisher says new technologies like lane departure warnings and autoemergency braking. make high tech cars safer. but
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for an alert, engaged driver. >> these screens should be locked out except for driving essential tasks while driving. you want people to be focussed on the road. >> reporter: some allow only minimal manual imput while the car is moving. but although many states out law texting while driving, there's no federal restriction of driving access to the entertainment systems. and still ahead a security flaw in amazon's new home deliver.
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it says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. this. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine. two sensations that work together, so you can play together. trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief. she's had a tiny cough.
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lysol kills over 100 illness-causing germs and viruses, even those that may cause coughs. lysol. what it takes to protect. ♪ get on up, mama. ♪ get on up. ♪ do what you want. ♪ do you want, let the record hop. ♪ degree motionsense. ultimate freshness... with every move. the more you move, the more it works. degree, it won't let you down. homicide detectives in baltimorer are investigating the murder of one of their own. sean suitor was shot in the head yesterday as he and a partner approached a man for questioning. detective suitor a 23-year-old father of five died today. the shooter got away. the fish and wildlife service is reversing an obama-era ban on elephant trophies from two african countries. they'll now alow hunters to bring elephant remains
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had u.s. from zimbabwe and zibabe. a security company has found a flaw in amazon keys. a new device that lets delivery people enter a home once they authenticate themselves. thieves can get in undetected. amazon is promising a system update to address the problem. a mystery buyer is the new owner of a 500-year-old picture of jesus by davinci. it sold last night for $450 million. the highest price ever paid at auction for a work of art. the painting was sold by a russian billionaire after a 19-minute bidding war. up next, the
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it's a journey. and every step along the way, the uso is there. it's an experience that soldier will never forget
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what the uso does. [announcer] be a part of their journey, learn more today at finally tonight the secret to living stronger. for one it's addition by subtraction. in his case going from 18 wheels to two. >> reporter: the red rocks near denver are breath taking for tourists. but the steep, hard trail can leave a lot of bike riders gasping for breath. and that's exactly why
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>> i felt better. >> reporter: physically better? is this like a fountain of youth for you. when they formed 15 years ago they would end their rides at a bakery. the bakery closed. the weekly ride goes on. through denver's thin air at altitudes of 5 to 6,000 feet, most are in their 60s or 70s doing this roughly 27 mile bike ride with jerseys that say it all. a social club with a cycling problem. >> i found out the secret of growing old is just not to die. >> reporter: but bicycling obviously helps. >> reporter: lou's life was once sedintary. his truck driving job involved mostly sitting. after retirement he saw his son's bike in the garage and took it for a spin.
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now he also rides a stationary bike three time as week and even rides his bike to the gym. it adds up to about 85 miles a week and over the years that adds up to enough miles to circle the globe. >> in total i would say 25,000. >> reporter: how many more times do you plan to ride around the earth? >> i want to ride until i just can't. >> reporter: but for now there's no stopping lou or it riders living stronger than ever as the oldest and fittest biker gang in are had of colorado. >> marvelous, darling, marvelous.% >> reporter: cbs news, denver. >> and that's the overnight news for this friday. for some of you the news continues, for others check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and cbs this morning. thanks for watching.
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♪ this is the cbs overnight news. welcome to the overnight news. president trump is one step closer to the first major legislative victory of his administration. the house of representatives approved the biggest tax code since the time of ronald regan. reduces personal income tax brackets and scales back many deductions used by the middle class. they call it a give away to the rich. meanwhile, the gop is likely to face a tougher time getting through the senate. >> reporter: house republicans cheered as their tax plan passed with votes to
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>> we are in a generational defining moment for our country. >> reporter: the tax cuts and jobs act of 2017 shrinks the number of brackets from seven to four. lowering rates and eliminating some deductions. the independent tax policy center estimates americans who make between 50 and $90,000 a year would get an average tax cut next year of about $800. president trump took a victory lap on capitol hill. he pushed for the bill's huge corporate rate cut but democrats warned the gop will pay a political price for passing a plan that primarily benefits big business and the wealthy. >> republicans want you to believe that their it trickle down tax break for the rich will pay for itself. never has happened. >> reporter: a dozen republicans from new york, new jersey, california voted no because it bill eliminated the
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for state and local taxes. >> i just have too many constituents who are going to see their taxes go up. >> reporter: but most house republicans were ecstatic and they're anxiously watching the senate where a separate gop plan has gone through several rapid revisions. south carolina's tim scott is one of the senate plan's authors. are you concerned workers will benefit from all these tax breaks that their employers are going to get? >> if we do not reform our business taxes more jobs today in america will be in another country. so the answer is simple. absolutely. >> reporter: senate republicans are hoping to pass their plan out of the finance committee tomorrow and bring it up for a full senate vote after thanksgiving. then senate and house republicans would have to reconcile the differences between their plans and vote
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aagain. a process that president is urging them to wrap up before christmas. minnesota senator al franken would face ethics allegations after a radio -- but that may not be the end of the. >> reporter: this photograph was taken at the end of a twof had week uso tour in 2006. leeann tweeden says it showed al franken groping her while she was sleeping. >> i guess i always wondered if i any talent. >> reporter: it was before franken was a senator. saidee insisted on working on a skit he wrote that included a kiss. >> he grabs the back of my head and puts his lips right on mine and sticks his tongue in my mouth. >> reporter: in an visual statement franken said i certainly don't remember the
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same way but i send my sincerest apologies. the photo was clearry intended to be funny but wasn't. i'm sorry. i've told j written a lot of jokes at the time i thought was funny but realized they were offensive. she's speaking out after hearing the california democrat leading an effort to combat sexual harassment on capitol hill. the alligations against franken join the wave of accusations by men in positions of power in hollywood, comedy and politics. franken who was on saturday night live for 15 years straddles all three. his behavior was swiftly condemned by both democrats and republicans in the senate who called for an ethics investigation. franken says he will
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>> i feel like now that the tide has changed. there's strength in numbers and women are coming forward and really the culture has changed. >> reporter: leeann tweeden told us she accepts franken's apology. we reached out to 16 women who used to work for franken. six got back us to and all said they didn't witness or see anything inappropriate. roy moore is accused of sexual misconduct by several women, most said it happened when they were teenagers. >> i present to you the hero of the day our valiant leader, judge roy moore. >> reporter: judge moore was in exceedingly friendly company this afternoon hosted by conservatives across the country who thought the world of him. rusty tommase of operation save america. >> do no
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circumstances washington d.c., los angeles, and new york dictate to you the outcome of this race. >> reporter: in brief remarks moore made clear he will not quit. >> the wauks post has brought skurilous, false charges, not charges. allegations which i have emphatically denied time and time again. but what was billed as a press conference by his campaign ended in a frenzy of questions that moore had a penchant of lecherous behavior with young women. the judge walked away from the questions but not the controversy. it national gop wants little or nothing to do with him with one senator after another supporting his accusers while mulling ways to block izhad path to washington. >> i think the evidence is becoming overwhe
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>> reporter: for it second straight day president trump who had allegations lodged against him had passed up a chance to join the debate over moore's fate. later press secretary sarah sanders came down somewhere in the middle. >> the president believes these allegations are very troubling and should be taken seriously and thinks the people of alabama should make the decision on who their next senator should be. >> reporter: a new poll suggests the controversy is reallyurt hadding moore. it shows his democratic challenger now with an eight-point lead. 50-42% in what has long been a reliably republican state.
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hey, need fast try cool mint zantac. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster. it says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. this. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine. two sensations that work together, so you can play together.
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this is the cbs overnight news. >> federal officials announced what they call a break through in the battle against it deadly elsalve doren street gang, and its members are now causing mayhem from coast to coast. margaret brenm went along on a round up in new york's long island. while cracking down on undocumented immigrants is part of the trump's administration's strategy to stop the growth of international gangs like ms 13. operation matador is the name of the law enforcement effort to track and deport suspected gang
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but so far 345 arrests since the month of may. >> the investigation revealed that he has become a member of the ms-13 street gang. >> reporter: this was a suspected member who had illegally entered the u.s. the team of 12 immigration agents and local police expected the 20-year-old suspect to be armed. assistant special agent in charge, joseph molina. >> he inthe country illegally and went through the immigration process and a judge ordered him removed. >> but we know he's an ms 13 member? >> we have pictures of him flashing gang signs. have a warrant. >> so it appears the two guns are pellet guns or bb guns. >> reporter: no other weapons
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make it arrest based on the immigration status, part of the unique mandate of i.c.e. an hour later they nabbed a second suspect. he's a known ms-13 member? >> an ms-13 associate. >> so his known crime is entering the country illegally? >> that's correct. >> reporter: that's are are had you definitely know? >> that's correct. processing him as a gang associate is because once he goes in front of an immigration judge, we don't want him to get bail because the whole idea is to get known gang members off the street. >> reporter: both men were taken here with plans to question and then deport them. the court house is home to the command center for molina's team. >> it's a heat map that shows the locations where the gang members are known to rezield. >> reporter: on this residenti
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street, a man was found brutally beaten to death last year. there was a killing right here and we believe that was ms 13 that carried it out. >> reporter: a month prior two teen age girls were murdered a mile away. police suspect ms 13 gang members. >> they don't shoot people because that's too fast and not painful. they cut them in little pieces. msf had 13 are in their meanness as al qaeda. they kidnap, they extort, they rape and they rob. >> reporter: on long island he recognized the work of i.c.e.'s acting director. you felt your hands were tied in the past? >> absolutely. >> reporter: he says since president trump's election, they've been able to make more arrests, in part because the administration allows him to priorize
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passes illegally, not just those who have committed other crimes. but immigration advocates complain this is simply a back door way to enforce a heavy handed immigration. >> people can make allegations are had day long. i got 20,000 american patriots who work for ice. these are men and women who get up every morning, strap a gun to their hip and protect communities, protect people they'll never meet and never know. >> reporter: he says the trump administration's message is to undocumented immigrants if you and your family make it across the border, you not home free. he says that hard line stance has discouraged border crossings and lead to a decrease. >> some in congress say they'll resume their quest to send the u.s. military into space. the pentagon already spends $22
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lot of that technology is deep in the cheyenne mountains. >> it's said the colorado air force station pulls in information, makes sense of it and passes it along to the brain or our country's decision makers. there's also good reason cheyenne mountain is known as america's fortress. >> it is the nerve center for the blanket of defense in the u.s. >> reporter: that nerve center is here in colorado springs. an impen trbl fortress beneath granite. he commands the support group at cheyenne mountain. >> the sensors that there global are feeding data into cheyenne mountain that's desiminated to the national leaders. >> reporter: this
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built in the 1950s and 60s to defend hes against long-range soviet bombers. cold war tensions have since thawed but russia and china are developing technology that could destroy america's satellites and north korea has launched a litany of missileal tests. is this facility still equipped to handle what we've seen happen throughout it last 40 years? >> it is. it's designed to be a certified facility that will survive any threat to north america right now. >> reporter: it's survivable so that various government agencies inside can surveill the skies and provide security to the u.s. and canada. if a foreign country attacks the american heartland two 25 ton doors would seal the mountain and everyone inside the base within 40 co
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ever been a need or threat or scare to where both doors have been closed? >> september 11th, 2001, is it only time we had been closed. there was an aircraft headed towards colorado we lost contact with. so we closed the doors. >> reporter: there had is a hosl and a fire department. firefighter carry thompson runs drills so they're prepared to respond to any edical emergencies. >> we secured him to a backboard and brought imhad down. >> reporter: and that we've heard has happened. >> oh, yes. it happens. >> reporter: if there is a seismic event like an earthquake more than 1300 rolled steel springs isolate it buildings. >> they'll just sway in their chambers and continue to go on. >> reporter: despite the gravity defying efforts.
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reservoir for us. >> reporter: some accuse the pentagon of not doing enough to prioritize space. calling for the creation of a combat ready space corp by 2017. the senate's version proibhadts this, putting them on a collision course over space. general jay raymond is opposed to creating a separate space corpse. >> reporte >> the air force has been leaders in space for over 60 years. and today there's nothing we do as a joint force that isn't enabled by space. our potential adversaries have had a front row seat j watched us to great advantage and to be honest they
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because your carpet there's resolve carpet care. it lifts more dirt and pet hair versus vacuuming alone. resolve carpet care with five times benefits it says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. this. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine. two sensations that work together, so you can play together. as a joint force that isn't
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my hygi...a mouthwash.o try... so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath. crest pro-health mouthwash provides all... ...of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with crest mouthwash. checkup? nailed it and that's not a tissue protection. lysol kills over 100 illness-causing germs and viruses, even those that may cause runny noses. lysol. what it takes to protect. a brand new museum opens tomorrow in washington d.c. and it's dedicated to the bible. >> reporter: as you can see this is a museum of bibliccal proportions. it's one of the biggest in this city of museums, even
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than the massive air and space museum. the people who built it say it's the most complicated project they've ever done and washington politics made it even more so. you're going to have a lot of sore necks in this place. 40 feet high, this digital ceiling makes for a spectacular entrance. but first they'll pass three these 15-ton bronze doors with text from the book of genesis with eight levels, the museum is the equivalent of a 17-story building. >> so this is the whole bible from first page to the last. >> reporter: somers is the museum's president. >> we didn't pick this building, as some have said, because we're close to the capitol. >> reporter: donors contributed but the most controversial a hobby lobby. the arts and cs
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green family. steve green is the president of hobby lobby which as amassed one of the largest private biblical collections over it world. they'll be on display here. the collection itself has been the subject of controversy. this summer hobby lobby agreed to forfeit thousands of pieces and pay $3 million after it was discovered they had been smuggled into the u.s. from the middle east. >> obviously mistakes happen and we were willing to pay the fine. >> reporter: he insists the museum does not approach the bible from a particular viewpoint. some have said the goal is to knock coun that wall between church and state? >> yell, no. it's not it state's role to aspouz faith. >> reporter: you have said americans a
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bible as they have ever been. >> and primarily because we don't teach it in the schools as we once did. >> you get to experience it through seeing it, feeling it. it's amazing. >> reporter: hop aboard the fly board theater and experience the sensation of flying through washington d.c. view the scripture passages inscribed on federal buildings. >> it's awesome to see the influence that christianity has had in this country. >> reporter: the museum invites you to walk through the history of the bible. these are modelled after the biblical bible of joseph deni. >> you makeup your own mind. >> reporter: some critics on it left say it will be filled with evangelica
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evangelicals say there's not enough about jesus.
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to request your free decision guide. nearly all late model cars have some sort of entertainment system. others can get very comp lkted. consumer reports did a study and found some of the new systems can be dangerous, causing possible deadly distraction behind the wheel. >> reporter: to keep up with the demand for technology, they're pushing these systems. but consumer reports says replacing the traditional knobs and buttons with these digital screens makes things more distracting for drivers. >> casey's last words were i want my mom. >> reporter: he lost his 21-year-old daughter, casey to a distracted daughter in 2009. the aspiring reporter wastr
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walking across the street as it driver of this van was reaching for his gps. >> it was a driver who made choice to do something other than keep izhad eyes on the road which he had probably done lots of times before but this time his luck ran out. >> reporter: last year distracted driving killed more than 3,000 people in the u.s. >> reporter: which do you think is more dangerous? messing around with the entertainment system or texting? >> they're both dangerous. >> reporter: consumer reports director of auto testing. >> the issue is once you get involved in all of the features there, your going to get distracted and get consumed by it. >> reporter: infotainment systems have become so advanced you can do everything from adjusting it lighting, navigating your gps and surfing the internet while driving. safety features like lane
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braking can help prevent crashes caused by distraction. but even setting those can take your eyes off the road. >> if i want to get if to some of my safety systems -- >> reporter: you're having to spend a lot of time looking at your screen while you're driving. >> exactly. >> reporter: he worries drivers are becoming complacent. >> they continue to drive distracted but like russian roulette, one day it will catch up to all of us. >> reporter: cbs this morning reached out toall 20 auto makers. several said they did not have time to review the report but safety was their top priority. mercedes benz said it's constantly trying to balance human interfaces while minimizing driver distraction. >> and that's the overnight news for this friday. for some of you the news continues and for others check back with us later for the morning news o
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it happened so fast and massive lips against my face. >> the he this time a united states senator al franken acused of sexual assault. >> the bill is passed without objection the motion to reconsider. >> reporter: also tonight the house passes a major tax over haul. the cars with it most dangerously distracting dashboards. it's have drivers who can access social media or the internet while driving. and he rides it mountain trails of colorado pedaling a secret. >> i found out the secret to growing old is just not to die. ♪
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this is the cbs overnight news. this time it's senator al franken. he's the it latest prominent american to be accused of sexual assault. it dates back more than a decade to when franken was a comedian and for is photographic evidence. here's julianna goldman. >> reporter: this photograph was taken at the end of a two-week uso tour to visit troops in 2006. radio host leeann tweeden says it shows franken groping her while sleeping. it was before franken was a senator. tweeden says during the trip franken insisted on rehearsing a skit he wrote that included a kiss. >> he grabs the back of my head and comes in and puts his lips right on mine and sticks his tongue in my mouth. >> reporter: in an visual statement franken said i certainly don't remember the rehearsal for it skit in the
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apologies. he added the photo was clearly inhad te inhad tended to be funny but wasn't. and i've told and written a lot of jokes i once thought were funny but later came to realize were just plain offensive. tweeden says she's speaking out after hearing congresswoman jacky spears speak out about being sexually harassed as an aid. >> most of you probably know me -- >> reporter: the alligations against franken join the wave of accusations by men in position of power in hollywood, comedy and politics. franken who was on "saturday night live" for 15 years straddles all three. his behavior was swiftly condemned by both democrats and republicans in the senate who called for an ethics investigation. franken says he will cooper
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has changed. that there's strength in numbers and women are coming forward and really the culture has changed. >> reporter: leeann tweeden told us she accepted franken's apology. we reached out to six women who used to work for franken in the senate. they all said they never witnessed or experienced anything ifnappropriate. inchts in a tweet today roy moore accused mitch mcconnell of a double standard for only calling for an ethics investigation of franken while calling on moore to step down, something moore refuses to do. in birmingham. >> i present to you the hero of the it day, our valiant leader, judge roy moore. >> reporter: judge moore was in exceedingly friendly company this afternoon hosted by conservatives across the country who thought t
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rusty thomas of operation save america. >> do not allow under any circumstances washington d.c., los angeles, and new york dictate to you the outcome of this race. >> reporter: in brief remarks moore made clear he will not quit. >> the washington post as brought skruls, false charges, not charges, allegations, which i have emphatically denied time and time again. >> reporter: but what was billed as a press conference ended in a frenzy of unanswered questions about rekerring allegations that moore a penchant for lecherous behavior with young women. the judge walked away from the questions but not it controversy. he maintains the backing of the alabama republican party but the national gop wants little to nothing do do with him with one senator after
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his accusers. >> i think the evidence is becoming overwhelming that he had a problem. >> reporter: for the second straight day, president trump who had allegations of impruprity lodged at him passed up the debate to join the debate over moore's fate. sanders came somewhere in the middle. >> the president believes these allegations are troubling and should be taken seriously and the people of alabama should make the decision on who their next senator should be. >> reporter: a new poll suggests the controversy isurt hadding moore. among likely voters in what has long been a reliably republican state. anthony. >> dean reynolds in burmingm had tonight. in washington it republican
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over haul plan today. it's a victory for the president. chief correspondent in what's in it for you. >> reporter: house republicans cheered as their tax plan passed with votes to spare. >> we are in a generational defining moment for our country. >> reporter: the tax cuts and jobs act of 2017 shrinks the number of brackets from 7 to 4 and eliminating some deductions. the independent tax policy center estimates that americans who make between 50 and $90,000 a year would get an average tax cut next year of about $800. president trump took a victory lap on capitol hill. he pushed for the bill's huge corporate rate cut. but democrats warn the gop should pay a political price for passing a plan that primarily
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benefits business and the wealthy. >> they want you to believe their trickle down tax break for the rich will pay for itself. never has happened. >> reporter: a dozen republicans from new york, new jersey and california voted no today because it bill eliminates the deduction for state and local taxes. >> i have just have too many constituents going to see their taxes go up. >> reporter: but most house republicans were ecstatic and they're now anxiously watching the senate where a separate gop plan has gone through several rapid revisions. they're hoping to pass their plan out of the finance committee tomorrow and bring it up for a full senate vote right after thanksgiving. then senate and house republicans would have to reconcile the differences between their plans and vote again. a process that president is urging them to wrap up before christmas. >> thacnk you, nancy.
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♪ this is the cbs overnight news. a mistrial was declared today in the federal bribery trial of democratic senator, robert menendez of new jersey. the newark was hopelessly dead locked after six days of deliberation. menend ezconsiders that a victory. >> reporter: supporters cheered as senator stepped to the podium to blasts federal prosecutors. >> the way this case started was wrong. the way it was investigated was wrong. it way
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wrong. >> reporter: menendez faced 18 counts of alleged corruption. prosecutors say he did favors for a long-time friend in exchange for gifts. the sednator's lawyer. >> this is what happens with you put a real 25-year friendship on trial. >> reporter: the trial lasted 10 weeks. >> i thought he was not guilty. >> reporter: and juror ed norris said nine others agreed with him. only two favored conviction. >> i don't think the government proved it. >> reporter: what about it? >> there's no smoking gun in this case we didn't see. >> reporter: the justice department has not said whether they'll try him a second time. >> to those who left me, abandoned me in my darkest moments, i forgive you. to those who embraced me in my darkest moments, i love you. to those of new jerseyans who gave me the benefit of the
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>> reporter: men menendez had one more thing to say. for those digging my political grave, i know who you are and i won't forget you. the top republican and democrat on the senate judiciary committee said today president trump's son in law with held information about his contacts with wikileaks during the 2016 campaign. following this developing story. jeff. sdplr >> reporter: they're asking jared kushner for emails he received and sent as the campaign was in full swing. it says senators also want documents about a quote russian back door over chture and dinne invite and site phone records they want from mr. kushner as well. he's now the second of president
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involvedwikileaks. earlier this week it was revealed donald trump jr. exchanged messages with wikileaks. quote what's behind this wednesday leak i keep reading about? wikileaks responded hey, donald, great to see you and your dad talking about our publication. >> reporter: both were at a meeting with russian opera tvs including russian lawyer vessel nits skiau under the premise that she had potentially damaging information on democratic nominee, hillary clinton. also in that room a soviet-born businessman. cbs learned he spent two hours today inside the special counsel's office and that is something we learned today. >> breaking details there.
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russian president vladimir putin thumbed his had nose at the world when he took cripehaddau from ukrain and it looks like he plans to hold on to it forever, based on the bridge he's building. >> reporter: 24 hours a day in three shifts workers are racing to build a colossal bridge 12 miles long and strong enough to resist ferocious winds, earthquakes and ice. there is no doubt that this bridge is an inhad junearing feet, a really impressive technical achievement but it's also a bold political statement. the bridge will connect southern russia to the crimea peninsula, which until 2014 belonged to ukrain. then in march of that year russian troops seized crimea. president putin announced it was now part
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at home he was hailed as a hero while outside of russia he was condemned. but even when america and its allies slapped on sanctions, he didn't back off. this $3 billion mega project shows he's doubling down on the land grab. this will be crimea's umbilical cord to mother russia. planes, cars and trucks will carry everything from food to tourists. already it's a sources of pride and a local attraction. at a lookout on the shore, his friends have come to marvel and pose for pictures. "absolutely. the bridge underlines that crimea is ours" he tells me "and we are never giving it back." officially america is saying russia has to do just that give crimea back to ukrain to get those punishing sanct
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but 12 miles of concrete and steel are saying that's just not going to happen. anthony. >> elizabeth palmer in moscow tonight. coming up next the new cars with the most distracting dashboard systems and later these folks have the most fun living stronger. are cream conditioners bringing your hair down? switch to new pantene light as air foam conditioner, full of rich pro-v nutrients. for 100% conditioning, 0% weight new pantene foam conditioner.
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it says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. this. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine. two sensations that work together, so you can play together. what's that, broheim? i switched to geico and got more. more savings on car insurance? yeah bro-fessor, and more. like renters insurance. more ways to save. nice, bro-tato chip. that's not all, bro-tein shake. geico has motorcycle and rv insurance, too. oh, that's a lot more. oh yeah, i'm all about more, teddy brosevelt. geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine?
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let's end this. she's had a tiny cough. see you at 5! seriously? protection. lysol kills over 100 illness-causing germs and viruses, even those that may cause coughs. lysol. what it takes to protect. trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief. because your carpet there's resolve carpet care. it lifts more dirt and pet hair versus vacuuming alone. resolve carpet care with five times benefits
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if you've driven a new car lately you may have found yourself struggling to operate a dashboard that looks like it belongs in a cockpit. here on the worst offenders. >> reporter: this should get your full attention. last year distracted driving killed more than 3,000 people in the u.s. >> we've all driven distracted, practically all of us and gotten away with it. >> reporter: almost are. in 2009 a driver using his gps killed joel feldman's 21-year-old daughter, casey. >> it's nuts, in my opinion to have things so you can
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drivers that cantects, email, access social media or the internet while they're driving. >> ideally you want a simple system. >> a new study backs up that opinion. jake fisher took us out on the test track. >> some of the adjustments are actually in this very, very dense and confusing system here. so if i want to get into some of my safety systems -- >> you're having to spend a lot of time looking at the screen while you're driving. >> reporter: exactly right. they found accura, cadillac, lexus, mercedes and volvo have the most distracted. ford, gm, and chrysler are rated as having the least. new technologies like lane departure warning and autoemergency braking make highf tech cars safer but even those
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engaged driver. >> these screens should be locked out, except for driving essential tasks while a car is moving. it's not rocket science. you want people to be focussed on the road. >> reporter: some allow only minimal manual imput while the car is moving. although many states out law texting while driving, there's currently no legislation on the currently complex iinfotainment system president friendship blrs pl
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it says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. this. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine. two sensations that work together, so you can play together. your toilet is germ-ridden with mineral buildup. clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is no match against limescale.
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so switch to lysol. what it takes to protect. . homicide detectives in baltimore are investigating the murd of one of their own. sean suitor was shot in the head as he and a partner approached the man for questioning. a 43-year-old father of five died today. the shoolter got away. the fish and wildlife service is reversing an obama-era ban on elephant trophies from two african countries. it will now allow
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bring elephant remains in to the u.s. they say killing elfbt for sport could threaten a species. a security company has found a flaw in a new device that lets delivery people inter a home once they authenticate themselves. thieves can disable the device's camera and get in undetected. amazon is promising a system update. a mystery buyer is the new owner oaff500-year-old picture by leonardo devunchy. salveator mundi sfroeld $450 million. it was sold by russian billionaire after a 19-minute bidding war. up next the sticky bun riders.
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frm frmsh. finally tonight the key to living stronger. in his case going from 18 wheels to two. >> reporter: the red rocks near denver are breath taking for tourists. but the steep, hard trail can leave a lot of bike riders gasping for breath. and that's exactly why 80-year-olu
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>> for me i felt better afterwards. >> reporter: physically better? >> and mentally. >> reporter: is this like a fountain of youth? >> for me. >> reporter: when they formed 15 years ago they would end their ride at a bakery. the bakery closed. the weekly ride goes on. through denver's thin air at altitudes of 5 to 6,000 feet most are in their 60s or 70s doing this roughly 27-mile bike ride with jerseys that say it all. a social club with a cycling problem. >> i found out the secret to growing old is just not to die. >> reporter: bicycling aubrey helps. >> yes. >>, lou's life was once sedintary. his truck driving job involved mostly sitting. 12 years ago after retirement, he saw his son's bike in the garage and took it for a spin.
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now he also rides a stationary bike three time as week. it adds up to 85 mile as week and over the years that atds a to enough miles to circle the globe. >> it doesn't feel like it. sfwlrks h >> reporter: how many more times do you plan to ride around the earth? >> well, until i can't. >> reporter: for now there's no stopping lou or the riders living stronger than ever as the oldest and the fittest biker gang in all of colorado. >> marvelous, darling, marvelous. >> reporter: cbs news, denver. >> and that's the overnight news for this friday. for some of you the news continues, for others check back a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from it broadcast center in new york city, thanks for
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notes ♪ this is the cbs overnight news. welcome to the overnight news. president trump is one step closer to the first major legislative victory of his administration. the house representatives approved the first tax big tax break since regan. critics call it a give away to the rich and not one democrat voted for it. meanwhile, the gop is likely to face a tougher time getting anything through the senate. >> reporter: house republicans cheered as their tax plan passed with
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>> we're in a generational defining moment for our country. >> reporter: the tax cuts and jobs act of 2017 shrinks the number of brackets from seven to four. lowering rates and eliminating some deductions. the independent tax policy center estimates that americans who make between 50 and $90,000 a year would get an average tax cut next year of about $800. president trump took a victory lap on capitol ilhad. he pushed for the bill's huge corporate rate cut. but democrats warned the gop will pay a political price for passing a plan that primarily benefits big business and the wealthy. >> they want you to believe the trickle down tax break for the rich will pay for itself. never has happened. >> reporter: a dozen republicans voted no today because the bill elimnateds t
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state and local taxes. >> i just have too many constituents who are going to see their taxes go up. >> reporter: but most house republicans were ecstatic and they're now anxiously watching the senate where a separate gop plan has gone through several rapid revisions. >> i think relax. >> reporter: south carolina's tim scott is one of the senate plan's authors. are you concerned workers will benefit from all the tax breaks their employers are going to get? >> if we do not reform our business taxes, more jobs today in america will be in another country. so the answer is simple. absolutely. >> reporter: they're hoping to pass their plan out of the finance committee tomorrow and bring it up for a full senate vote right after thanksgiving. then senate and house republicans would have to reconcile the differences between their plans and vote again.
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president is urging them to wrap up before christmas. minnesota senator al franken could face ethics allegation after a radio anchor accuses him of groping her. she says she accepts his apology. >> reporter: this photograph was taken at the end of a twof had week uso tour in 2006. radio host leeann tweeden says it shows al franken groping her while she was sleeping. it was before franken was a senator. tweeden says during the trip franken if h een insisted on ria skit he wrote which if hadcluded a kiss. >> he sticks his tongue in my mouth. >> reporter: in an initial statement franken said i certainly don't remember the rehearsal for
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same way. he atted it photo was clearry intended to be funny but wasn't. later said i'm sorry and i rr told and written a lot of jokes i once thought were funny but later came to realize are just plain offensive. tweeden says she's speaking out after hearing congresswoman jacky spears account of being sexually assaulted as a congressional aid. the democrat is leading a combat sexual harassment on capitol hill. his join the wave of accusations by men in positions of power in hollywood, comedy and politics. franken, who was on "saturday night live" for 15 years straddles all three. >> it's not fitting behaver for for anyone. >> reporter: his behavior was swiftly condemned by those who called for an ethics investigat
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as changed, that there's strength in numbers and that women are coming forward and really the culture has changed. >> reporter: leeann tweeden told us she accepts franken's apology. we've reached out to 16 women who used to work for franken in the senate. six got back to us. they all said they never witnessed or experienced anything inappropriate. this took the spotlights off the troubles of alabama senate candidate, roy moore. most said it happened when they were just teenagers and he was a local district attorney. republican leaders want him had off the ballot. >> i present to you the hero of the day, our valiant leader, judge roy moore. >> reporter: judge moore was hosted by conservatives across the country who taught the world of him. rusty tommase of operation save america. >> do not allow, under
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circumstances washington d.c., los angeles, and new york dictate to you the outcome of this race. >> reporter: in brief remarks moore made clear he will not quit. >> the washington post has brought skurilous false charges, not charges. allegations which i have emphatically denied time and time again. >> reporter: but what was billed as a pres conferenrnerence ende frenzy of unanswered questions that moore had a penchant for lecherous behavior with young women. the judge walked away from the questions but not the controversy. he maintains the backing of the alamrepublican party but the national gop wants nothing to do with him with one senator after another siding with his accusers. >> i think the evidence is
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had a problem. >> reporter: for the second straight day president trump who had allegations lodged against him in last year's campaign passed up a chance to join the it debate over moore's fate. >> do you believe roy moore's acusers? >> the president believes these allegations are very troubling and should be taken seriously and he thinks that it people of alabama should make the decision on who their next senator should be. >> reporter: a new poll out tonight suggests the controversy is reallyurt haddi hurting moor. it shows doug jones with an eight-point lead, 50 to 42% among likely voters of what has long been a reliably republican state.
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it says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. this. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine. two sensations that work together, so you can play together. trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools.
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because your carpet there's resolve carpet care. it lifts more dirt and pet hair versus vacuuming alone. resolve carpet care with five times benefits forty-eight hours of protection. i don't have to re-apply this, not once. it's really soft and almost velvety as you put it on. that's like really soft. try dove advanced care for softer, smoother underarms.
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♪ this is the cbs overnight news. >> federal officials anounced what they call a break through in the battle against a deadly elvalvedore street gang, ms 13. its members are now causing mayhem from coast to coast. margaret brennan went along on an ms 13 round up in new york's long island. >> reporter: while cracking down on undock ymumented immigrants part of president trump's -- to stop ms 13. operation patdorageration matadf the mission to deport suspected gang
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month of may. >> investigation revealed he has become a member of ms 13 street gang. >> it target of this predawn raid was a suspected member of ms 13 who had had illegally inhadterin entered the u.s. the team expected the 20-year-old suspect to be armed. assistant special agent in charge, jason melena. >> he if hentered the country illegally, then he went through the immigration process and a judge ordered him be moved. >> but we know he's an ms 13 member? >> yes, we have pictures of him flashing gang signs. >> agents did not have a criminal warrant. >> so it appears the two guns are either pellet guns or bb guns. >> reporter: no other weapons were found but li
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still able to make the arrest based on the immigration status, part of the unique mandate of the homeland security investigations unit of i.c.e. an hour later they nabbed a second suspect. he's a known ms 13 member. >> he's a known associate. >> reporter: so his known crime is entering the country illegally. but that's all that you definitely know? >> that's correct. once he goes in front of a immigration judge we don't want him to get bail because the whole point of the operation is to get the known gang members off the it street. >> reporter: both men were taken here with plans to question and deport them. the court house is home to the command center for melena's team. >> it's a heat map which shows the locations where the gang members are known to reside. >> reporter: on this residential
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beaten to death last year. there was a killing right here and we believe that was ms 13 that carried it out. >> reporter: yes. a month prior two teen age girls were murdered a mile away. >> they don't shoot people because it's too fast and not painful. they cut them up in little mess. ms 13 are the equivalent in their meanness to al qaeda. >> reporter: president trump has railed against ms 13 repeatedly since taking office. >> they kidnap, they extort, they rape and they rob. >> reporter: on long island he recognized the work of i.c.e.'s acting director. you felt your hands were tied in the past? >> absolutely. >> reporter: since president trump's election, i.c.e.'s been able to make more arrests in part because they allow him to prioritize all,ot
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that have committed other crimes. >> everybody has their day in court. >> reporter: but immigration advocates complain this is simply a back door way to enforce a heavy handed immigration policy. >> reporter: the charges of racial profiling you flatly deny. >> i got 20 thousand eamerican patriots who do their job honorably. they strap a gun to their hip and leave the safety of their homes and families to protect people they'll never meet and never know. >> reporter: he says the trump administration's message is to undocumented immigrants if you and your family make it across the border, you are not home free. he says that hard line stance has discouraged border crossings and led to a decrease. some in congress say they'll resume their quest to send the u.s. military if to space. the pentagon already spends about $22 billion a
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space defense and a lot of that technology is located deep in colorado's cheyenne mountain. >> it's said the colorado cheyenne force acts as a brain stem. it pulls in information, makes sense of it and passes it along to brain or our country's decision makers. there's also good reason cheyenne mountain is kbnown as america's fortress. >> it is the nerve center for the blanket of defense for the u.s. >> reporter: that nerve center is here in colorado springs. an impen trbl fortress between 2,000 feet of granite. he commands the 2700 first mission support unit. >> we provide 24/7 global watch. they're feeding data if to cheyenne mountain that's dissiminated to the national leaders. >> reporter: this was built in the
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against long-range soviet bombers. russia and china are developing technology that could disable or destroy america's satellite and north korea as launched a litany of missile tests. is this facility still equipped to handle what we've seen happen throughout the last forty years? >> it is. certified facility that will survive any threat to north america right now. >> reporter: the undergrund bunker is survivalable so the various government agencies ificide can surveill the skies and provide security to the u.s. and canada. if a foreign country attacks the american heartland, two 25-ton doors would seal the mountain. and everyone inside the base with0
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>> since the cold war has there ever been a need or scare or threat to which both doors were closed? >> september 11th, 2011, was the only time it was closed. an air kaft was headed towards colorado so we closed the blast doors. this is a small underground windowless city. there's a fire department. firefighter carry thompson and his colleagues are prepared to respond. >> we secured him to a back bord and brought him down. >> reporter: and that we heard actually happens. >> it happens. >> reporter: if there is a seismic event like an earth quake, more than 1300 rolled steel springs isolate the buildings. >> it buildings will sway in their chambers and continue to go on missions. despite the gravity
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efforts some congressional leaders accuse the it pentagon of not doing enough to prioritize faith. they adopted a version of the act this summer which calls for the creation of a new combat ready space core by 2019. it senate's version of the bill prohibits this, pitting the two chambers on a collision course over space. >> so the first the indication of a launch comes from our satellites. >> reporter: general jay raymond is opposed to creating a separate space core. bha what do you say to those that say we dropped the ball? >> the air force has been the leaders in space for over 60 years. we have the best space capability without a doubt and there's nothing we do that isn't if abled by space. our potential adversaries have watched us integrate space capabilities to great advantage and they probably don't like what ty
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>> the cbs. off. but my medicine keg (coughsah! hey, chad! i missed you. ah! i was in the tree watching you, and then i fell. i'm not eating pizza from the trash. then i discovered mucinex. huge difference. one pill lasts 12 hours, and i'm good. oh, here kitty, kitty...ah! not a cat, not a cat! why take 4-hour medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. ltry align probiotic.n your digestive system? for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. also in kids chewables.
3:50 am
it says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. this. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine. two sensations that work together, so you can play together. and that's not a tissue protection. lysol kills over 100 illness-causing germs and viruses, even those that may cause runny noses. lysol. what it takes to protect. thanks for the ride-along, captain! i've never been in one of these before, even though geico has been- ohhh. ooh ohh here we go, here we go. you got cut off there, what were you saying?
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maybe that geico has been proudly serving the military for over 75 years? is that what you wanted to say? mhmmm. i have to say, you seemed a lot chattier on tv. geico. proudly serving the military for over 75 years. you ok back there, buddy? because your carpet there's resolve carpet care. it lifts more dirt and pet hair versus vacuuming alone. resolve carpet care with five times benefits a brand new museum opens tomorrow in washington d.c. and it's dedicated to the bible. chip reed spoke to hit people wo put it together. >> as you can see this is a museum of biblical proportions,
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and space museum. the people who built it say it's the most complicated building they've ever done. you're going to have a lot of sore neck hads. at 140 feet long and 40 feet high this visual ceiling makes for a spectacular entrance but first tame the rr pass through these bronze doors with text from the book of genesis with eight levels of 22-foot high ceilings, it's the equivalent of a 17-story building. >> this is the whole bible from the first page to the last. >> to the last. we wanted something close to the mall. we didn't pick this building because we're close to the capitol. >> reporter: some 51,000 donors contributed to the construction of the museum but the largest and most controversial is the arts and crafts chain founded by
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family. steve green is the president of hobby lobby which has a amassed over 40,000 ancient biblical art facts, one of the largest in the world. about 1,000 of them from dead sea scrolls to bibles will be on display here. the collection itself has been the subject of controversy. this summer hobby lobby agreed to forfeit thousands of pieces from its collection and pay $3 million after it it was discovered the item was smuggled in from the middle east. >> obviously mistakes happen. >> reporter: green insists that the museum does not approach the bible from a particular viewpoint. >> u.s. capitol is over your shoulder. some have said it goal is to knock down that wall between church and state. >> i think there is a separate role and it's not the state's role to aspouz a faith. >> you have said americans
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as ignorant of the bible as they have ever been. >> and primarily because we don't teach it as we once did. >> you get to experience it through seeing it, feeling it and it's amazing. >> reporter: there's a calling here to cutting edge technology and special effects. hop aboard the flyboard theater and experience it sensation of flying through washington d.c. view the scripture passages inscribed on several buildings. >> it's awesome to see tinfluene that crissianty has had had in the museum. >> reporter: it olive trees in this village are modeled after the biblical garden. you believe the bible is good for the world. >> yeah, i do. the good, the bad and the ugly and you makeup your mind. some critics on the left are full of evangelical propaganda but some say there's not
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about jesus in this museum. those behind it museum say if they're being
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♪ when you recognize something isn't right, make the call to the veterans crisis line at
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captioning funded by cbs it's friday, november 17th, 2017. this is the "cbs morning news." senator al franken apologizes after a woman says he forcibly kissed and groped her. >> he just put his hand on the back of my head and smashed his face -- it happened so fast. he smash his lips against my face. the alabama republican party is supporting roy moore despite allegations of sex aisle


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