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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  January 1, 2018 4:00am-4:29am EST

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captioning funded by cbs it's monday, january 1st, 2018. this is the "cbs morning news." 2018 is here. people around the world welcomed in the new year with parties and fireworks, and here in new york city more than a million revelers did not let the weather stop their times square celebration that was one for the record books. good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york. i'm hena
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green. people welcomed in 2018 with parties, fireworks, and in lots of cases layers of clothing. it was freezing across the country. in las vegas there was a spectacular fireworks show over the strip. several casinos took part in the coordinated show that lit up the night sky. overseas thousands gathered to watch the fireworks display in the belgian capital of brussels. here in new york city there were millions watching the ball drop at times square. wendy gillette has that story. >> reporter: a massive crowd raised a bone-chilling ball to say hello to 2018. by the time the ball dropped, the temperature had fallen to just 10 degrees. not since 1917 had new york rung in the new
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conditions. >> bucket list. >> definitely. >> we always watch it on tv. we figured, why not. >> i think we picked the wrong year. it's super cold. >> reporter: security was tight, roads were closed, bags were searched, and extra police were deployed to keep the crowds safe. undercover officers and snipers surrounds the hotels at times square. >> you see the heat coming up and down every few minutes with dogs and everything, i feel pretty secure. >> so far, so good. no frostbite. >> i stopped feeling my toes about 30 minutes ago. i don't know if they're there or not anymore. >> reporter: the party ended soon after the clock struck midnight. an army of sanitation trucks moved in to sweep up the
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york. and the bitter cold gripping much of the country this new year's day isn't going anywhere any time soon. >> the arctic air has engulfed a large portion of the country. wind advisories in effect for half of the country. a frigid new year's day in new york city could tie for the third coldest on record, a high temperature at 18 degrees. second coldest potentially in philadelphia with a high of only 19. expecting subzero windchills through much of the day, even in the south. the high temperature only at the freezing mark in atlanta. 30s for norns and bitter, bitter cold in the upper midwest. heading out west, the nicest spot is going to be l.a. 77. 75 with sunshine in phoenix. but it's g
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for mohs of us as we head into the upcoming week. temperatures try to rebound near freezing across a portion of the east coast and a secondary arctic blast arrives as we head into to second half. get ready to warm up all over again. >> that was lauren casey reporting. president trump wrapped up in florida with a party. diane king hall is here in new york. diane, good morning. >> good morning, hena. well, the president's party in florida is an annual tradition dating back more than ten years and this year it came with holiday wishes coupled with twitter commentary. president trump spent new year's eve celebrating at his mar-a-lago report among family and some of the who's who among washington's elite. >> we're
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start in 2018 with the tax cuts and anwar and the mandate that was very, very unpopular as you know. >> before the event the president tweeted half a dozen times about several different topics. he wished everyone a happy new year including enemies and fake news. he mentioned the shooting in colorado. one officer was kill and four were wounded after reporting to a domestic dispute. the president's response in part, quote, why would smart voters want to put democrats in congress in 2018 election when their policies will totally kill the great wealth created during the month since the election. before heading into his new year's pafrt, mr. trumpas
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asked about kim jong-un's claim that he has a nuclear button on his desk and he's capable of hitting anywhere in the u.s. >> we'll see, we'll see. now, the president returns to washington today. the most immediate plan is to address a bill shutting down the government as they run out of money. >> thank you, diane. they're trying to determine the cause of a plane crash that killed ten american tourists and two costa rican pilots. the charter plane went down moments after takeoff in the northwest part of the country. it was headed to the capital of san jose and crashed in a mountainous area killing everyone on board. officials say strong winds earlier in the day forced the pilots to alter their itinerary. a family from new york city said five
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actives on vacation. they were identified as a couple with their three sons. they're looking into what caused a man to open fire on deputies. one deputy was killed. laura podesta has that story. >> reporter: four sheriff's deputy and one police were shot sunday while responding to a domestic disturbance at this apartment complex. zachary parish died from his injuries. he leaves behind his wife and two young children. >> we are deeply saddened by the loss of zachary. when i sat with his wife and held her hand, i could see in her eyes her life is over. >> reporter: this is the photo of 32-year-old jeffrey pelle, one of the deputies shot and now in stable condition. >> it was more of an ambush type of an attack
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he knew we were coming. >> reporter: sheriff tony spurlock said the suspect fired an estimated 100 rounds before being returned by fire. he's been identified as 38-year-old matthew reel. president trump tweeted my deepest condolences to the victims of the terrible shooting. we love our police officers and law enforcement. god bless them all. >> it's really sad hearing somebody took an officer's life. i hate hearing it, i hate it. >> reporter: they escorted deputy parish's body from the hospital. laura podesta, cbs, new york. police arrested an intoxicated man. security officers called police after the man became belligerent and refused to leave a b
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yesterday. police found a rifle, shotgun, and handgun in his room hours before a big new year's eve party. he said they were in his room because he did not want anyone to steal them from his truck. police say they don't think he intended to use the weapons. >> gas flames erupted in boston. four workers were treated for superficial burns at a hospital. some residents were evacuated. fire officials say they couldn't shut off the gas because thousands of people would lose heat on a bitterly cold night. coming up on the "morning news," kicking off the new year on a high note. california starts recreational marijuana sales today, and the dark side turns green. the last jedi breaks box office records. this is the "cbs morning news."
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the new weight watchers freestyle program. stephanie b. here, says "freestyle is freedom to choose and flexibility to live." i agree with you, stephanie! how much easier is it now, to go to any restaurant and eat almost anything? brittany ivy says, "simple. freestyle is freeing!" the new weight watchers freestyle program
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now you can count less and enjoy more. join for free and lose 10 lbs. on us! hurry, offer ends january 8th! what's cool is, today, we have 400 people working across the globe. with office 365, we can all stay connected, from vietnam, to boston, to new york. now with whiteboard, we can all work together at the same time. and 3d in powerpoint shows clients exactly what our cards look like. yeah, having everyone working together on the new teams app is really awesome. seeing all these people react to our cards? that's what makes it all worth it. this is charlie not coughing because he took delsym. this is charlie not coughing while not to waking zeus. and this is charlie not coughing while getting really into nana's party. nothing lasts longer than delsym for powerful cough relief.
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this is definitely one of the biggest of all time. it was an attempt to break the guinness world record for the largest fireworks display. the shell was 2,200 pounds with more than a 4 1/2-foot diameter. the last jedi marks a new bach office milestone and california rolls out the marijuana law today. almost 50 dispensaries in the san francisco bay area and santa cruz are now allowed to sell recreational marijuana. more licenses are pending. adults are allowed to buy up to one ounce of that drug. marijuana became legal in 2016,
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before today. the "washington post" reports the federal courts will examine protections against sexual harassment. chief justice john robert said it will assure employees will be safe from harassment. last month 9th circuit court judge alex kaczynski stepped down after he was accused of sexual misconduct. "variety" says "the last jedi" topped the $1 billion mark in worldwide earnings. the film has been out for less than three weeks. it brought in over $120 million over the new year's eve weekend, bringing the total to $1 billion. it's the eighth highest grossing domestic movie of all time. still ah
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video, a holiday surprise. a squirrel goes nuts inside a woman's home when the police arrive. people would stare. psoriasis does that. it was tough getting out there on stage. i wanted to be clear. i wanted it to last. so i kept on fighting. i found something that worked. and keeps on working. now? they see me. see me. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you- cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate
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clear skin that can last. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. never give up. see me. see me. clear skin can last. don't hold back... ...ask your dermatologist if cosentyx can help you find clear skin that lasts. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. the squirrel
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new york police officer was no match for this squirrel. a resident called police to report the squirrel broke into her home and was eating her cookies. body camera video shows the officer trying to catch the squirrel as it leaps around the kitchen and onto an officer. the police finally caught the small suspect without injury. apple's discounted iphone replacement batteries are available sooner than expected. apple says you can buy the $29 battery now but initial supplies may be limited. they offered the batteries last week after apologizing for slowing down iphones. they set a slowdown. apple earlier said the replacemented wouldn't be available until later this month. what would a new year be without new year's resolution,
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but in addition to the traditional ones like exercising more and eating better, you might want to think about resolutions for your pocketbook. cbs business news analyst jill schlesinger explains. >> 37% of americans will make financial resolutions. for the ninth consecutive year, top three, save more, spend less, and pay off debt. while making those promises is hard, keeping them is even more challenging. according to research more than half of us bail six months into making them as life interrupts our best laid intentions. how do you succeed? write them down and don't make too many. make the resolution concrete. for example instead of save more, the better is contribute 6%. to make sure you're on track,
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schedule it. if possible, share your success with someone who can provide you with some positive feedback, and if you're having a hard time getting started, consider these three big financial items. one, aim for zero consumer debt, which includes credit cards and auto loans. two, maintain six to 12 months of expenses in emergency reserve funds. and, three, maximize those retirement plan contributions. in new york, i'm jill schlesinger. one quick way to improven your finances? win the lottery. the combined jackpots are close to $800 million. tuesday's mega millions grand prize stands at $343 million and wednesday's powerball jackpot is $444 million. still ahead, class pass. why the key to getting in shape for the new year may be a group effort. weight
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. if you're looking to get into shape this new year, laura podesta shows us why you may try working out in a group. >> reporter: elizabeth kelly is a student at the university of pennsylvania. she says this exercise class helps relieve her stress. >> school and work and applications and whatever else that's going on, just be in the moment and let your body sort of take over for an hour, just listen to whatever the instructor is telling you to do. >> reporter: now a new study finds that working out in groups can have beggar benefits compared to exercising alone. >> those who participate in group exercise had
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improvement in physical and mental quality of life. participants could choose to work out in a group, by themselves, or not at all. researchers found only those exercises in a group reported both emotional and physical improvement. >> the real power of group exercise is in connection and it's an opportunity for people to connect with each other, connect with their bodies in a paz tish way. >> reporter: the doctor is putting her study findings to good use. this student believes in the benefits. >> walk out of the class happy every single time, even if it killed me. >> reporter: she said that's a feeling she's never achieved working out in a gym by herself. coming up on "cbs this morning," patriots quarterback tom brady gives us
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look at the fitness routine and the keys to suck cease. i'm hena doba. this is the "cbs morning news." for my constipation, my doctor recommended i switch to miralax. stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate the nerves in your colon. miralax is different. it works with the water in your body. unblocking your system naturally. save up to $5 on miralax. see sunday's paper. actually, the biggest dinos only ate plants! mu-um dinosaurs only eat meat! and country crock is made with plants. country crock has always been made with the goodness of plants. it has real, simple ingredients... and the same country fresh taste you love. welcome to crock country. this is charlie not coughing because he took delsym. this is charlie not coughing while not to waking zeus. and this is charlie not coughing
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lasts longer than delsym for powerful cough relief. education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. join the international fund for animal welfare
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en, teachers, parents, whole communities. the animal action education program is good for animals and good for people too. [male narrator] protect whales, [female narrator] polar bears, tigers, [male narrator] elephants, [female narrator] companion animals, and the environment we all share. protect. [goran visnjic] find us at i-f-a-w dot org. . at 4:25. . >> all right. you're lookingright now at celebrations,
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across the globe overnight celebrating the start of 2018. see the celebrationshere at home and around the world. >> and a bitter cold close out. we're in for a cold start to the new year. >> we're tracking dangerously cold temperatures today. >> the wind chill is going to be the keeper. good morning,everyone. happy new year, 2018starting on a very cold note. awind chill advisory in effect this morning. it feels like 5 december in d.c. right now. asthe temperatures continue to drop this morning we'll continue to see them feeling colder and colder. some wind chills willfeel like below zero out there this morning. the currenttemperatures are up to 14 degrees. we're -- even theactual air temperatures are not very mild obviously. c
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chills zero to minus 10 in a few spots. limityour time outdoors. throughoutthe day, let's talk about your feels like temperature forecast, it's going to continue to feel colder. we'll feel like theteens and single digits by 3:00 this afternoon. coming up we'll talk how long this cold sticks around along with snow chances this week. . i'm doing traffic this morning. looks like we're offto a good start around town. this is the beltway travelling between alexandria. we don'thave any issues around town. folks just getting home or will be getting home shortly. . 2017 using one word.
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it was great. >> you heard that mom, she said chaos. i would say for melessons. one word. even the kids were out. . >> crews caught up with a bunch of people in old town alexandria who were ringing in 2018 in the bitter cold temperatures. therewere quite a few out and about despite the cold. >> other big events were at the mgm. frigid temperatures didn't stop the fun but managed to set some records. check it out. it was the 4th colder on record and the coldest since 1967. thechill doesn't let up today. itwas cold. in new york's timesquare as well. as you canimagine by the time the ball dropped the temperature fell to
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1917 when it was guess what, just one degree. . >> yeah, who doesn't love that sight every single year. largecrowds helped usher in the new year in times square. therewere undercover officers, even snipers. thankfully noincidents were reported inside times square. . this is wake up washington on wusa9. >> good morning. happy new yearand welcome to 2018.  >> so ready for a fresh start, new year. looking forward toit. . >> before we kick the show off here at 4:30 we were talking about some of the things we learned and you said lessons kind of the primary thing. ithink we're in the same boat. >> we are, friend. miri we're about to have a
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you in. >> get the train back on track, people. it's good, you know. that's growth when we learn lessons in life. my dad alwayssaid when you're not learning that means the alternative has hit. this morning we're learning it's really cold out there with a capital c in bold. 5 degrees,that's what it feels like in d.c. as the morning gets on it's going to feel colder up until at least 9:00 this morning. rockville feels like 9. these are the wind chills that we can experience this morning. that's why we have tooadvisory in effect. the airtemperature up to 2. the advisory is for all of our viewing area. covers us until9:00 this morning. if you don'tnecessarily have to be out for an extended amount of time that's the way to go. you don'twant to be out in these types of temperatures. 3:00 today it'sstill going to be a very cold


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