tv WVBT Local News FOX February 3, 2016 10:00pm-10:45pm EST
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tonight: rain with a few isolated thunderstorms. temps: starting near 70, then falling into the upper-50s by 7 am. winds: s to w 10-20 mph. thursday: cloudy with intermittent showers. temps: starting in the upper-50s, then falling into the mid-40s by 3 pm. winds: n 5-15 mph. friday: chance of isolated morning showers, then drying out. highs: mid-40s. winds: n 10-20 mph. tonight: rain with a few isolated thunderstorms. temps: starting near 70, then falling into the upper-50s by 7 am. winds: s to w 10-20 mph. thursday: cloudy with intermittent showers. temps: starting in the upper-50s, then falling
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winds: n 5-15 mph. friday: chance of isolated morning showers, then drying out. highs: mid-40s. winds: n 10-20 mph. tonight: rain with a few isolated thunderstorms. temps: starting near 70, then falling into the upper-50s by 7 am. winds: upper-50s, then falling into the mid-40s by 3 pm. mid-40s. winds: n 10-20 mph. download the free wavy weather app and keep up with the curent conditions. you can also see the updated radar views. the city of norfolk has teamed up with the army corps of engineers to study a rising problem: water, and how to hold it back. over the next three years, the study will look into ways to keep the city safe during storms and high tides. this could open doors for more funds in the battle against floods. c0007 paul fraim norfolk mayor 6;53;13 we need this study completed to get it on the
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projects to deal with the sea level rise. 7;3;22 the cost of the three million dollar study will be split between the army corps of engineers and the city. some people hope a petition will force norfolk's city treasurer out of office-- before his trial begins. anthony burfoot is facing a federal indictment for public corruption. last month -- he said resigning was not an option. 10 on your side's liz palka spoke with one of the people who wants him out. liz, the group is taking happen. nicole - that's because they don't feel anthony treasurer while he's facing these charges. and as one organizer told me, he doesn't think they'll have a signatures. they're calling themselves the citizens recall committee. and they filed the paperwork necessary to start circulating a petition just a few days ago. their goal: to recall norfolk city treasurer anthony burfoot. c1 19:56:01 - there's too much of a cloud over his head. john
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political activist who has questioned burfoot in the past - is leading the effort. he said the petition is on hold temporarily while some of the language is corrected. but the committee is ready to get to work. c1 19:59:48 - we're going door to door. we are going to use every technique that we can use. burfoot has served as a norfolk public official for 14 years. first on city council then he was elected treasurer in 2013. last month, a federal grand jury indicted burfoot on public corruption and perjury charges.
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third party. hill saying that is one of the reasons the committee wants to see him recalled. c1 19:59:04 - yes, we believe we're going to get these 6,000 signatures and a couple 2-3 weeks. hill said their goal is six thousand signatures. after that - they must submit the signatures to circuit court. where a judge will decide if there should be a recall trial. burfoot's federal traial is expected to start in may. i'm liz palka, 10 on your side. the citizens recall committee will hold an interest meeting at 7 tomorrow night. it will be at pretlow library. learn more about the history of this case by searching burfoot on wavy dot com. if you got caught in traffic on i-64 westbound in chesapeake -- we can show you why. around 2:30 this afternoon, virginia state police say the white van sideswiped a tractor trailer -- stopped on the side of the road. then they say the van swerved into a second truck. medics took the van driver to the hospital.
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responders cleared the scene. it is moving again. portsmouth police are investigating an armed robbery. officers say someone hit the "dollar deals" on victory boulevard. they got calls for help around seven. police say no one was hurt, but they just sent us this surveillance video of the suspect. if you can help find him, call the crime line. new tonight. the city of hampton says there's a makeover coming for an aging mall -- it says a national developer plans to invest 60-million dollars into the riverdale shopping center. that's on west mercury boulevard in the coliseum central area. the developer will re-name it riverpointe and a kroger will also move in. a store dedicated to endurance athletes -- is closing its doors. final kick sports in virginia beach says it will close for good this coming saturday. the owner posted on the store website saying, the team was thankful to have served and trained with so many of you over the
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he did not give a reason for the decision. the store sits just off north great neck road. if you struggled to file your taxes today, blame the i-r-s. several of its computer systems failed, and the agency was unable to accept some returns. the i-r-s says-- it has started repairs, but some systems may be down through tomorrow. they say you can still work on your return, but you might not be able to virginia beach woman accused of stabbing her boyfriend to death. the commonwealth's attorney says the evidence proves megan dejesus acted in self defense. police charged her last year. they found terrance covington dead in the couple's home on sedgewick court. a friend of the convington family says she got away with murder. super=deanna means/covington family friend runs=:23 outcue=killed him 14=:51:56 "i think it is completely unfair a murder just walked free. people who run a traffic light get more punishment than than that. nothing changes the fact that she
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him" dejesus was already out of jail on bond. hundreds of people came together to remember the life of a virginia teen. family, friends, even strangers paid thier respects at a visitation service tonight for 13-year-old nicole lovell from blacksburg. police believe two virginia tech students had a hand in abducting and killing her. both are in jail tonight. one of the suspects will be in court for a bond hearing tomorrow morning. a sexual assault case against bill cosby is moving forward. a pennsylvania judge dismissed the claim a former prosecutor promised him immunity. now accusations from 2004 will head to a preliminary hearing. investigators believe he assaulted a woman back in 2004. a spokesperson for cosby says he plans to appeal today's decision. another republican presidential candidate has given up hopes for the white house. former pennsylvania senator rick santorum
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santorum says he's endorsing florida senator marco rubio for president in 20-16. virginia's house of delegates has passed a bill allowing people with protective orders to carry guns. now it goes to the senate. the bill would apply to anyone over 21- years-old. they would be allowed to carry a gun for 45 days from the date the order was issued. supporters say it gives endangered people the ability to protect themselves, but critics say it could let people with no training carry concealed guns. virginia beach mayor will sessoms sits down with 10 on your side - to talk about the "conflict of interest" scandal. fighting the accusations was part of his life for 14 months. mayor sessoms spoke only to andy fox about the virginian pilot investigation. we asked whether he thought he should resign-- or how team sessoms managed the growing crisis. he talked about how his full-time job with the bank led to legal troubles with his part-time job as mayor. mayor will sessoms/virginia beach (20:59 6) ((i did make a
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sorry i let my guard down)) runs: 04 (38:24 8 cut down first part of byte) ((if you want me to be truthful i do want you to be truthful i look back here and i wonder how i did i do both those jobs and i did them and i did them well but i really didn't have the time i needed for each one of them)) runs: 17 tomorrow night watch andy fox's one on one with mayor will sessoms. his report begins at 4 with his full investigation at six. and-- do you recognize this man? police are working to track down the man who tried to break into a local restaurant-- leaving damage behind. a communication problem could be putting residents in danger. a closer look at the issue-- and what a local sheriff says is a reasonable solution. and-- the tragic death of a little girl, continues to motivate change in hopes of keeping other children safe. what one local town is doing differently now.
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neighbors in chesapeake say they have been dealing with a string of car break-ins. one man told 10 on your side: the burglar - or burglars - even bypassed his car's alarm system. and now he feels like police aren't investigating. that resident spoke only to 10 on your side's liz kilmer - and liz, what are you hearing from police? i've been trying to get information from police since yesterday - no luck. but today i spoke with
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las gaviotas neighborhood who tell me they feel violated after their cars were broken into between monday night and early tuesday. one man - as you said - feels like nothing is being done. rummaged through and ransacked - c19 01:03:15 "i noticed my truck door wasn't completely shut." c6 00:58:26 "her middle console was open with papers out of it" c1 00:49:29 "when i opened it i noticed everything was out of the glove box." thieves broke into car after car. that's why people in this otherwise quiet sedan was hit outside of his home on san roman drive. c2 00:51:17 "the car was locked and armed with the alarm but they were able to bypass that with no damage at all." the resident - who asked not to show his face - says the burglar, or burglars, stole cash and a credit card - in a crime seemingly more sophisticated than the average break-in. he doesn't understand how the suspects gained access and believes they attempted to steal the vehicle. c3 00:57:11 "this right here was completely pulled out, they had some wires that were
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early tuesday morning - and pouring in since other incidents other have sent somebody out there." 54:07 "they haven't even been out here as far as i were not taken. still, folks say they want answers. c6 00:59:33 "we pay good money to stay out here and we don't think things would happen like that out here but it did." c19 01:04:29 "everybody's just kind of looking out for everybody now, you know people's looking out the window that's like me." we received another tip about car breakins during the same night on gale avenue. but again, while i first contacted police about this yesterday - then again today - no answers on their end. live in the newsroom, liz kilmer, 10 on your side. all new tonight. police hope you can help them find an armed purse snatcher in norfolk. they sent us these pictures of him robbing a woman on granby street last week near lafayette park. the woman says she was unloading her vehicle when the man grabbed her bag. she
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police also sent us these pictures of the vehicle the suspect used to get away. it's an acura m-d-x from the early 2000s. police want you to pay attention to the white decal on the window. norfolk police say they're also looking for the person who tried to break into a restaurant. they sent us this video of the suspect -- at old bay seafood on lafayette boulevard. last week, they say he tried to get in, but couldn't. officers say he did cause some damage to the door. if you recognize the suspects call the crime line. you never have to give your name, you may even earn a reward. tonight: rain with a few isolated thunderstorms. temps: starting near 70, then falling into the upper-50s by 7 am. winds: s to w 10-20 mph. thursday: cloudy with intermittent showers. temps: starting in the upper-50s, then falling into the mid-40s by 3 pm. winds: n 5-15 mph. friday: chance of isolated morning showers, then drying out. highs: mid-40s. winds: n 10-20 70, then falling into
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upper-50s by 7 am. winds: s to w 10-20 mph. thursday: cloudy with intermittent showers. temps: starting in the upper-50s, then falling into the mid-40s by 3 pm. winds: n 5-15 mph. friday: chance of isolated morning showers, then drying out. highs: mid-40s. winds: n 10-20 mph. tonight: rain with a few isolated thunderstorms. temps: starting near 70, then falling into the upper-50s by 7 am. winds: s to w 10-20 mph. thursday: cloudy with intermittent showers. temps: starting in the upper-50s, then falling into the mid-40s by 3 pm. winds: n 5-15 mph. friday: chance of isolated morning showers, then drying out. highs: mid-40s. winds: n 10-20
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tonight: rain with a few isolated thunderstorms. temps: starting near 70, then falling into the upper-50s by 7 am. winds: s to w 10-20 mph. thursday: cloudy with intermittent showers. temps: starting in the upper-50s, then falling into the mid-40s by 3 pm. winds: n 5-15 mph. friday: chance of isolated morning showers, then drying out. highs: mid-40s. winds: n 10-20 70, then falling into the upper-50s by 7 am. winds: s to w 10-20 mph. thursday: cloudy with intermittent showers. temps: starting in the upper-50s, then falling into the mid-40s by 3 pm. winds: n 5-15 mph. friday: chance of isolated morning showers, then drying out. highs: mid-40s. winds: n 10-20 mph. tonight: rain with a few isolated thunderstorms. temps: starting near 70, then falling into the upper-50s by 7 am. winds:
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light rail could soon be coming to your neighborhood. hear the reason one virginia beach official hopes to get the proposal passed this year. thousands of fans are already in california -- waiting for super bowl 50. hear how security officials are working to keep everyone safe. i'm bruce rader and coming up in 25 minutes national signing day, high school football players officially select their colleges--who signed from your school? how did your favorite college do? we've been covering the action all day long, all over the area--15 minutes of local signing day at
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in this follow-up, hundreds of workers clocked out for the last time today. it's been 60 days since newport news shipbuilding told 738 workers -- they would lose their jobs. even with the notice about the layoffs -- some former employees tell us they're struggling to find work. c0020 - jonathan logan - former shipyard worker 1401 we applied for washington, mississippi, anywhere, you know, just to get something. 1405 we have learned: the virginia employment commission plans to come work with local unions- in hopes of getting people new jobs. if you want to learn more about how to handle your job search, look for this story on wavy dot com. new tonight. virginia lawmakers are working on a bill that would bring millions of dollars in grant money to newport news shipbuilding. the grants would provide money to help the yard produce certain navy warships. as part of the deal, there's potential for nearly 750-million dollars in new facilities and one thousand new full- time
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technology troubles in isle of wight county - could be putting first responders in danger. the radios-- deputies, fire fighters and medics use-- do not work in 40-percent of the county. the transmissions are often garbled, broken up, or don't come through at all . it's an issue, if someone needs backup. the sheriff tells us the system needs an upgrade. but, it's expensive -- 10-million dollars. sheriff mark marshall/isle of wight county: 18:31 if we don't have the ability to talk to one another or talk to the communication center, then our mission of being able to deliver that service is significantly compromise and jeopardized. the board of supervisors says they hope the issue will move to the top of the list this year, but it's too soon to say for sure. investigators are looking for the cause of a fire in norfolk. a viewer sent us video of flames shooting from a home on marlboro avenue off kimball terrace. firefighters put it out early this morning. they say no one was hurt because the home was under renovation.
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here in vineland, new jersey, home of progresso, we love all kinds of chicken soups... but just one kind of chicken. it's white breast meat chicken every time. because white breast meat chicken releases its flavor into the broth and absorbs more flavor from it. and in vineland, it's all about flavor so if you're not going to make your own chicken soup tonight,
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tonight: rain with a few isolated thunderstorms. temps: starting near 70, then falling into the upper-50s by 7 am. winds: s to w 10-20 mph. thursday: cloudy with intermittent showers. temps: starting in the upper-50s, then falling into the mid-40s by 3 pm. winds: n 5-15 mph. friday: chance of isolated morning showers, then drying out. highs: mid-40s. winds: n 10-20 mph. tonight: rain with a few isolated thunderstorms. temps: starting near 70, then falling into the upper-50s by 7 am. winds: s to w 10-20 mph. thursday: cloudy with intermittent showers. temps: starting in the upper-50s, then falling
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winds: n 5-15 mph. friday: chance of isolated morning showers, then drying out. highs: mid-40s. winds: n 10-20 mph. tonight: rain with a few isolated thunderstorms. temps: starting near 70, then falling into the upper-50s by 7 am. winds: s to w 10-20 mph. thursday: cloudy with intermittent showers. temps: starting in the upper-50s, then falling into the mid-40s by 3 pm. winds: n 5-15 mph. friday: chance of isolated morning showers, then drying out. highs: mid-40s. winds: n 10-20 mph. if you have plans to travel for super bowl 50 --
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working to keep everyone safe before and during the big game. thousands of people have already descended on the bay area to enjoy the pre-game festivities. the secretary of homeland security says federal, state and local agencies are working together -- just in case a dangerous situation develops. s/ secretary jeh johnson / homeland security :27 "at this time, we know of is the point i want to stress, federal, homeland security and law enforcement officials are working overtime along with the nfl and state and local law enforcement to ensure a safe and successful super bowl event." the carolina panthers and denver broncos will square off sunday. kickoff is 6:30 at santa clara's levi's stadium. all new tonight. the story of a 12-year-old outer banks girl is continuing to
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the town of kill devil hills says it has added back plates to some traffic lights. it says they could help with the issue of sun blindness, at the intersection of veterans drive and colington road. that's where a driver hit and killed 12- year-old bri blumenthal on her bike last year. after the crash, the town said it was thinking about making improvements. there's a new push to get light rail running in virginia beach. the city manager is hoping to tie "the tide" into neighborhoods -- the city hopes will see big growth. 10 on your side's matt gregory has more on the pitch-- and the growing opposition. brian solis / city of virginia beach c0046 00:30:26 " to have an additional option to diversify your transportation choices is critical for any city of our size and to connect the two largest cities in the commonwealth just makes a lot of sense." 00:30:35 " brian solis is the lead for the city on light rail expansion. this week, with this presentation he showed the city council how
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other cities jobs and popultation. brian solis / city of virginia beach c0046 27:11 "providing city council with a full comprehensive picture of what the light rail project could mean to our residents and our visitors is critical." 27:20 even more crucial because in the coming months the city has to buy the ligh rail cars. that from the point that you order them to the point they go to systems testing is a 30 month time diference because they are a special order vehicle." 28:29 in the same city building, on the first floor. city treasurer john atkinson. john atkinson/ light rail opposition c0003 00"04:46 "im supporting the no light rail position." 00:04:48 has his reasons john atkinson/ light rail opposition c0003 00:04:13 "the lack of the support, the lack of need and the light rail opposition c0003 00:04:57 "we currently have over 17,000 signatures on petitions. i want 34,000 so we're are as far as im concerned halfway to the point that i want to be." 00:05:08 its a rush to spring for light rail or a vote. matt gregory
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matt gregory reporting. the city manager's office says it will continue briefing city council on the impact of light rail. atkinson says he's looking forward to the virginia primary for a boost in signatures. the f-a-a has grounded plans for a new runway at norfolk international. airport officials are disappointed with that decision. they say it would have helped prevent delays-- and improve safety. right now there are two runways -- a long one and a short one. the airport rarely uses the short one, and wanted a new one. sot robert bowen, deputy executive director, with the support of our congressman and senators we hope to be able to pusuade them to let us finish the eis. then we'll go from there. 20:10:22 airport officials hope to get another meeting with f-a-a to see what they can do to get the new runway. officials at norfolk international airport say they're close to reaching a deal with uber. the company has been at odds with the airport for months.
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allowed onto the property -- due to ongoing contract negotiations. today, airport officials say uber has come forward with a last minute change, but they're ready to sign the deal if everyone agrees. the airport says it's looking into their request. vegan ice cream. it'is out there, and now-- a popular maker of the frozen treat is offering non-dairy flavors of its most famous creations. "ben and jerry's" is now making versions of the classics "chunky monkey" and and "chocolate fudge brownie" using almond milk. the company also unveiled new, exclusive vegan flavors, "coffee caramel fudge" and "p-b and cookies." police say they've arrested a fake priest. hear how they say he spent years fooling out parishoners. we're on your side with the latest news, weather, and traffic as you get ready to head out the door every morning. tune into wavy news 10 today - beginning at 4:30. and we're on the air
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police in california arrested a man they say is a phony priest. they say he spent years officiating masses, confessions, funerals, weddings and baptisms -- all fake. parishoners in l-a say they're relieved police arrested "padre." court paperwork says he worked at various churches -- swindling churchgoers out of thousands of dollars since the 90s. most recently, investigators say he scammed people by selling bogus tickets to see pope francis. (edwin duyshart, pastor, st. ignatius of loyola) "he was real fraud and he church is not about that." (edwin duyshart, pastor, st. ignatius of loyola) that need to be taken off the street." real priests say they helped police uncover the scammer. he's facing charges
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do not delete these but the big story tonight does not involve a player, instead a big name coach. i'm bruce rader, welcome to the sportswrap live on this wednesday night--before we get to the big signing news, oscar smith football coach richard morgan confirmed today he is leaving chesapeake to become the new head coach at marietta high school just outside of atlanta. morgan led the tigers to 164 wins over the last 14
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