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tv   13 News 530  ABC  January 13, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

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tremendously and that's why we're here because this is something that cannot be apologized to the court saying over and over that he was sorry but before handing down the max sentence the judge said what vieira did was no mistake calling the degree of viciousness scary. it does tell the public. this is serious and does not have it all written in virginia beach marcella robertson thirteen years now you're about to see him and try to rob a seven eleven report new surveillance video shows the suspect run into the store and kiln creek parkway last week he had a bandana covering his face and pulled out a gun and demanded money the clerk said the man seemed very nervous and ran away when he approached the suspect are two women are facing serious drug charges tonight kate when the meter and linda role in our cues to bringing heroin from virginia into dare county north carolina a tip led deputies
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roll in dare county yesterday a canine officer found heroin in the car and both women are out on bond tonight thirteen news now has tracked a growing heroin problem in virginia our thirty minute special hooked on heroin virginia's growing killer is an in depth look at this epidemic and we put the entire documentary on thirteen years now dot com for you it will air again on sunday january seventeen at four o'clock and you can click on the investigates tab on our website. virginia beach as the only police department in hampton roads that does not have body cameras but that is about to change the police chief old spy to start using body cameras and early twenty seven team tonight at six there will be a community meeting to talk about how the cameras will be used and how much they will cost tonight's meeting is at the mire over north library there will be another form on january twenty third at one p m at the law enforcement training academy. remember that stretch of days of heavy rain and flooding back in
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businesses and nonprofit organizations affected by that flooding can apply for federal disaster loans loans up to two million dollars or up for grabs. businesses and groups from newport news franklin suffolk pal of white county james city county and surry county can apply today or rather tomorrow judge will rule on a push to block the so called loyalty oath for virginia voters the decision came after a three hour hearing this afternoon in richmond last month gop leaders persuaded the virginia state board of elections to require voters in the march first primary to sign a statement affirming they are republicans. donald trump criticized the requirement saying it would scare off new gop voters from supporters filed a lawsuit against the state board a week ago saying such a loyalty oath would violate civil rights south carolina governor nikki haley is considering running for vice president during an interview on national television today haley said she's willing to
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once a republican nominee is selected the next republican presidential candidate debate is tomorrow night in south carolina the top candidates in national polls will take the stage at nine o'clock that so donald trump ted cruz marco rubio ben carson chris christie jeb bush and john casey the remaining candidates will debate at six tomorrow night president obama is hitting the road after his final state of the union address the president went to omaha nebraska today tomorrow he'll be in baton rouge louisiana at both stops he's touting progress under his leadership and goals for his final year in office talking points on the road include the unemployment rate dropped developing now the woman at the center of the debunked article in rolling stone magazine about a campus gang rape at the university of virginia has been ordered to turn over documents a federal judge in charlottesville made the ruling yesterday as part of a defamation lawsuit filed
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lawsuits have also been filed by the fraternity that the article was focused on and bill cosby will not testify in a deposition next month for a lawsuit accusing him of defaming seven women who accused him of sexual assault but his wife will a u s magistrate today agreed to hold off on the comedians deposition scheduled next month as cars being now faces criminal charges in pennsylvania. the judge said his wife camille will instead be deposed that day with new information the gunman responsible for deadly rampage inside a louisiana movie theater last summer left a journal thanking the south carolina mass shooter today police released a copy of the fifty nine year old john russell hauser journal the forty page journal praises dylan roof police a hauser shot and killed two people and wounded nine others before fatally shooting himself in a theater in july a young boy in south carolina is fighting cancer
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simple as a postcard is helping the young boy in his battle plus an nfl team on the move the st louis rams are going to l a find out what this means for the chargers and find out one little bit of a warm front moving tortoise means fear of short term forecasting and get warmer by now but the rain to go along with and as we take a look at our first traffic camera at the jr be all lanes are finally open north and south following three earlier crash is still expect delays northbound and southbound can see those delays they're headed to isle of wight county and our second camera in newport news here's a look at what traffic is being detoured off the interstate sixty four eastbound at
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the investigator said deadly house fire in ohio was the result of arson the family of four including eight and twelve year old girls were killed monday night when their house in suburban cleveland exploded investigators say the bodies
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the home right now the fire marshal's office is working with the sheriff's office and police department to find out who set that fire a limousine manufacturer is recalling one thousand vehicles that comes after a twenty thirteen fire in a lincoln town car limo killed five nurses because of a manufacturing defect. it's not clear if the recall by akc you built is a direct result of the fire authorities say failure in the limo suspension caused friction that ignited the limos interior authorities did not file charges in that incident a south carolina boy is fighting for his life and he's doing it with the support of ngos from around the world five year old jackson ingram just finished another round of chemotherapy as he fights leukemia his parents say cards from different places lift his spirits. so far jackson has received cards from as far away as london hawaii and japan. if you want to send the card we've posted the address on our website thirteen news now dot com u s sailors held by iranian
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are free and america's top diplomat is speaking out about the situation and the nfl is headed to the city of the angels but rams may have company when they head to l a find out which other team could move to los angeles and coming up that six are going to mourn in part the cargo is the heat of the stop start game one pal you're not above the law
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selling mattresses the traditional way isn't the best way. most are made in a large factory, and shipped hundreds of miles to a retailers warehouse, where they're marked up and up before finally selling and delivering them at the original mattress factory we take a straightforward approach. we have eliminated the extra steps and created a direct line from our factory to you.
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but ten u s sailors held by iran are back in american cash in our learning more about what exactly led to that attainment. this is breaking news yesterday the crisis began after the sailors to small boats allegedly drifted into iranian waters. new picture show the sailor sitting on the floor of their boats female sailor warhead covering require in iran the u s navy says there are no indications any of the ten americans were harmed while in custody is rose situations which is everybody here knows of an ability is not properly guided to get out of control
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response of the iranian authorities. iranian officials release the sailors after about sixteen hours secretary kerry and vice president joe biden denied rumors that state department officials issued an apology to iran for the sailors crossing into iranian territory and a quick resolution defuse what could have been an international crisis in just a zone read is expected to meet the terms of the nuclear deal made last summer with world powers which would result in a hundred billion dollars worth of sanctions lifted an announcement on the implementation of the deal could come friday the widow of a man killed in last month's mass shooting in san bernardino has filed for claims with the county. she's also seeking fifty eight million in damages claims were filed in late december on behalf of or in a wet saw her husband was one of fourteen people killed in the inland regional center attack. she's suing for lost wages general damages and damages on behalf of her
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carefully consider each claim today the marine corps announced that female marines who successfully complete ground combat training will be able to serve in those related jobs and the more than two hundred female enlisted marines who previously graduated from there infantry training battalion or other specialty schools will have the opportunity to ladder we move into combat roles that they qualified for last month defense secretary ash carter said. all of the military services must open combat jobs to women a big shakeup in the nfl the st louis rams are saying goodbye to misery and hello to los angeles fans have a lot to say about the n f l's decision and the rams may not be the only team moving to l a abc's brandy hit has the latest from los angeles rams are heading back to los angeles the homecoming rally fans have been waiting for when the team packed its bags after the nineteen
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to saint louis arena on the perpetrators of twenty one years ago has now been righted which to doing only stadium proposals also involving potential moves by the san diego chargers and oakland raiders nfl owners approved the rams moved to this billion dollar in the wood stadium and had the facilities that would really bring a new kind of fan experience to the nfl went to los angeles leaving fans heartbroken in st louis it hurts it's just depressing to see a team that i love than just poured all my sundays into for years just leave st louis as mayor even accusing the nfl of putting greed above loyalty fans are commodities to be abandoned once they no longer suit police purposes as part of the deal. the chargers now have the option to relocate to los angeles to have a fresh start and let's talk about that. it's a diego doesn't leave the door then opens for the raiders to possibly move to l a either way the rams have a new home
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playing at the coliseum until the new stadium is built that new stadium is expected to open in twenty nineteen. now the chargers and raiders they put the nfl is promising each team one hundred million dollars to improve their current stadiums brandy hit abc news los angeles there's a lot of reaction tonight to the big move one person posted right here the move is good for the league in the organization but i feel bad for the city of st louis another person had this to say the move is also good for football fan since the n f c west teams are closer together but with the rams moving and the chance for the chargers to also go to l a some fans are unhappy and one fan also wrote why does the nfl need three teams in one city that's kind of corny why don't you move to london to play in london log onto our facebook page tell us
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in our second that the colder are going to start warming up crayon or maybe even a little bit overnight. anytime you get temperatures not falling overnight you know you're in for almost always a warmer day the next day when they rise like they're going to do tonight you know you're are right now nothing on radar. very few clouds in the sky even out there i think we can prove that he hears norfolk let's take a see in little bit of a decent looking sunset setting up their virginia beach a pop of town center nice picture same thing over in hampton but as for gb to showing little hard to pick up and it's clear there hampton also you can see look in the same direction by the way is that previous shot from norfolk and you can see that sort of a shot they're showing again some decent conditions up for this evening thirty three mainly clear upper twenties though for the inland areas by about seven o'clock when shells tonight will not be as big a deal yesterday we were
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overnight. look at tonight we go through the overnight hours and were some lower twenties but not way down into the teens in near the coastline it'll only be in the mid twenties so again that's not quite as cold as last night. actual air temperature should be fairly similar and then during the day tomorrow it'll be chilly in the morning it'll feel like the forties but by afternoon it will be in the lower fifties and feel pretty much like around fifty degrees a lot better than today. here's a little bit of a system sliding through our north that will bring us just a couple of clouds later tonight or for the most part certainly very pleasant conditions during the evening so we're going to call a partly cloudy twenty eight for the low tonight won't feel as cold as last night jacket when zara west early shifting to south westerly late mile fifty three degrees above normal were supposed to be forty eight this time of year tomorrow we're going to be looking at fifty three so the reason for that the winds
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more more daylight every day if you've been paying attention you'll notice that sunrise getting later earlier and earlier up to seven seventeen in the morning now january and february's we get more more daylight by thirty seven clear and chilly lower thirties and one but notice the wind still have the southwest as a result we then climbed back up to fifty seven by friday afternoon late in the day probably more like evening on friday will see some rain beginning to approach the region will continue overnight and then still a few leftover showers probably early in the day on saturday. on sunday twenty percent chance of a coastal storm that could bring us some mixed precipitation if it were to make it this far north. i'm thinking of the offshore down across the carolinas but we'll keep a very close eye on that if it were to be closer we'd be looking more at forty degrees that's why that sort of the mix would be possible thirty nine from mlk day and again that is well below
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and by wednesday we start going back up a little bit they'll still be pretty chilly the latter half of this forecast that's latest from the weather authority jeff as the water crisis in flint michigan continues police are warning people to police there say they've gotten several reports of people trying to sell water filters even though emergency officials are giving filters out for free people of how to use bottled water because of lead in the water supply meanwhile the city has started testing people for possible lead poisoning parents in flint say the testing gives them some peace of mind was the chaplain and a venom and you will know more now because you get the kids were told city officials have more testing events planned in the next few weeks. a california attorney filed a federal lawsuit challenging the use of in god we trust be used on us money. the lawyer filed the suit on monday it argues the phrase is unconstitutional and violates
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state the same and unsuccessfully sued the government at least twice challenging the use of the phrase under god in the pledge of allegiance. new information about the man accused in several violent attacks in the commonwealth pier the newly revealed evidence that help police charged jesse matthew with murder and only thirteen news now is there's portsmouth mayor led the sheriff on a chase now the mayor is facing a felony charge happen city council looking at tougher gun laws knew it six will tell you which weapons are
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the new information now in the jessie matthew case to
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this week. they even look at the evidence that led police to charge matthew with hannah graham's murder affidavit show a tracking dog found sense of the uva student in matthew's car and his apartment. documents also say when police asked matthew what happened with graham. he said he was too drunk that night and could not remember and investigators reportedly seized white shorts and a maroon shirt which are what matthew was described as wearing the night graham vanished new york man will spend eight years behind bars for dealing drugs in hampton roads twenty seven year old luis hidalgo pleaded guilty back in september. court documents say he would buy several kilograms of cocaine and heroin from a source in new york city to sell it in office. the scheme was uncovered whimpered all know was pulled over in maryland and officers discovered several secret compartments filled with drugs and phones belonging to her dome of the truck that landed in the chesapeake bay after crash is still the water
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the chesapeake bay bridge tunnel week ago the trucking company coastal ag transport is waiting for the right weather and water conditions for the recovery driver matthew killed survive the accident and charges are still pending against him he allegedly tried to pass a slow driver before losing control. that's all for thirty news now at five thirty and thirteen is now at six has the latest on the wild night in portsmouth that's making national headlines of battle in portsmouth the police chase begin. we share bill watson tries to pull over the mare for an expired inspection sticker and only thirteen news now is there tonight the mug shot. the new charges. what this means for portsmouth city hall. hold on or thirty news now starts with breaking news follow on
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here grows to nine. this is portsmouth mayor kenny writes mug shot after being booked on a felony charge. there is right there he turned himself in to the magistrate just a few hours ago and the person who filed the charge was sheriff bill watson a well known political enemy of the mayor. erica's spoke with the sheriff about charts edge in a very important to remember that key points right there the mayor and the shared do not like each other they have long since been at odds but the robbery really reached a whole new bizarre level with the share of literally taking to the streets to confront the mayor for having the mayor arrested portsmouth mayor kenny wright left the magistrate silent and smiling with the plain petty politics was this all political. after sheriff bill watson had him arrested for allegedly trying to escape from police during a pursuit dvd singled you out to think reasonably about the sheriff and the mayor
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rivalry and only thirteen years now was there when the tension escalated into a bizarre scene at city hall at the start of the time the sheriff says he came to the mere decided to find councilman bill moody for revealing the council plans to discuss during a closed door session while for the bears call was pretty heaven they just take a better job so the sheriff ran the mayor with the citation of his own or they're going to give more to park the car to go is to go if he didn't stop game one pal you're not above the law. what happened next can only be described as just plain weird. the sheriff chased after the mayor in a solo pursuit throughout downtown i see dr life especially the men get away from him really going to jail after the mayor failed to stop twice this year called in police as backup to either
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refused to stop and officers
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