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tv   This Week With George Stephanopoulos  ABC  March 6, 2016 10:00am-11:00am EST

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>> is the gop falling apart? john kasich and republican party chair reince priebus is here live. plus, bernie's bounceback? >> we have a path toward victory. >> after big wins this weekend, can sanders steal hillary's momentum? bernie sanders joins us live. and, an exclusive look at the fight against isis. >> there are jets, there are helicopters everywhere. >> martha raddatz, on board the "u.s.s. truman." taking you inside its campaign against terror. from abc news, it's "this week." here now, chief anchor george stephanopoulos. and what a week it's been. super tuesday. the stunning republican debate. and with votes in five states saturday, the race for president may be taking a new, dramatic turn. for the gop, a big night for ted cruz. he trounced donald trump in the kansas caucuses, beating him by
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surprised trump in maine, too, with 46%, trump at 33. john kasich, marco rubio far behind there. trump got two wins in the southern stronghold. louisiana, 41%, but cruz just three points behind. and a tight finish in kentucky. trump at 36%, cruz at 32. add it all up, cruz won more delegates saturday than trump and tightened the gap in the overall race. trump is at 378. cruz, 295. rubio, 123. kasich trailing at 34. for the democrats, bernie sanders swept caucus states. winning kansas handily. 68%. clinton got 32%. he came out on top in nebraska. 57% for sanders, 43% for clinton. not even close in louisiana. clinton beat him 71 to 23. that added to her delegate lead. she's now up overall by more than 200, even before you count the democratic superdelegates that give her an overwhelming margin. so how can bernie sanders come
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he's here to tell us. thank you for joining us this morning. you were admirably candid last week after south carolina, saying you got decimated. what is your take on last night? >> well, i think we did great overall yesterday. we won, as you mentioned, by over two to one in kansas. we did very well in nebraska. there will be a caucus in maine. if the turnout is high, i think we'll win there. that means we would have won eight primaries and caucuses. what impresses me very much, george, it's what i mean when i talk about a political revolution in kansas. they had the largest voter turnout in their caucus history. that was the case in colorado, where we won, as well. in fact, in every primary and caucus that we have won, we have won by double-digit numbers. we're winning all across the country. i think geographically, we're looking good. i think we have path toward victory. >> you've still got that demographic problem. you're winning in these states that are overwhelmingly white, like kansas and nebraska.
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the african-american vote, she's killing you. >> well, i think you're going to see those numbers change as well. and what we are noticing, and this is very interesting. it's not just racial. it's more generational. we're doing better and better with young african-americans. young latinos. young whites. in many instances, we're winning those demographics. with the older people, we're not doing as well. and that's something that we're going to have to work on. i think here in michigan, where there's a caucus coming up where there's a primary coming up on tuesday, i think the issues of trade, where nafta and permanent normal trade relations have decimated communities. all over michigan, all over illinois, all over ohio, i have helped lead the opposition to these disastrous trade agreements. secretary clinton, by and large, has supported them all. i think that gives us momentum in the midwest. >> you put out a tweet this week.
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it says -- the people of detroit know the real cost of hillary clinton's free trade policies. it shows those abandoned buildings and homes in downtown detroit. is that really fair, though? detroit has been hollowed out since the race riots in 1968. >> well, what is fair, george. and honestly, i didn't know this until a week ago. that in 1960, it turns out detroit was one of the wealthiest cities in america. flint, michigan, which today is mired in poverty, was an extremely prosperous city. there is no doubt, i don't think anyone debates this, that these disastrous trade policies have cost this country millions of decent-paying jobs and resulted in a race to the bottom where many of the new jobs being created pay significantly less than those jobs used to pay years ago. that's the result of a
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i'm not going to say it's the only problem that detroit or flint has. but it's a significant part of the decline of the communities in america. companies shut down. they go to china, mexico, pay people low wages, bring their products back into the united states. very bad policies for the american worker. >> at the same time, there's a new poll out this morning in michigan. the nbc/marist poll. it still shows you pretty far back. 57 to 40. a lot of ground to make up in a few days. >> it's a funny thing about the polls, george. we started this campaign, as you well know, at 3% in the polls. 3%. we have come a very, very long way. closing the gap nationally with secretary clinton. i'm very proud that in many of these matchups that take place, sanders versus trump, clinton versus trump, you know who is doing better against trump? bernie sanders is. in almost every state we've contested. we started off in iowa, 50 points behind. new hampshire, 30 points behind.
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we're closing the gap here in michigan. and i think we're going to surprise people on election night. >> as you know, the delegate math is working against you. democrats have proportional representation. she has a 200-point lead right now. a bigger lead than barack obama had over hillary clinton back in 2008. don't you have to do something brand-new to try to change the dynamic? you would have to win by massive numbers in about every state. >> here's what i think. you're right. i mean -- your numbers are correct. but we're still fairly early in the process. i think maybe 18, 19 states that have voted. we think we have an excellent chance to do well out on the west coast in california, state of washington, oregon. we have an excellent chance to do well in large states like new york. we think we're going to surprise people here in michigan. so i think that time is on our side. because, the more people get to
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reform a corrupt campaign finance system. in which billionaires and superpacs are buying elections. one of the key differences between secretary clinton and i, she has a superpac. millions of dollars from wall street are coming in to her campaign. we have raised almost 5 million individual contributions averaging $27 apiece. people appreciate that. they're tired of superpacs buying elections. i think we have momentum on our side. more people hear our message, the better we're going to do. >> senator sanders, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. we're going to turn now to the gop. a tumultuous week for the republicans. headlines describes a party in crisis as it deals with the rise of donald trump. here's jon karl with more on the battle to control america's grand old party. >> reporter: even with his saturday stumble, donald trump just dared his rivals to try to
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>> marco rubio had a very, very bad night. i think it's time that he drops out. i would love to take on ted one on one. oh, do i want to run against just ted. >> we go head to head, head to head, i beat donald trump. >> reporter: with two wins, cruz narrowed his gap are trump. at the end of the week where party elders hit the panic button. the hash tag never trump lighting up twitter. >> the republicans are eating their own. >> reporter: and something we have never seen before. the party's last two presidential nominees lashed out at the man on the verge of taking over the republican party. >> donald trump is a phony. a fraud. he's playing the american public for suckers. he gets a free ride to the white house. and all we get is a lousy hat. >> reporter: now the party's power brokers are banning together the try to bring him down. running scathing athdsds like this one on trump university. >> donald trump made million. while hard-working americans got scammed. >> reporter: he also drew fire for flip-flopping on torture and immigration. >> i'm changing. i'm changing.
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holding out hope they can keep him from getting an outright majority of delegates before the convention. marco rubio and john kasich are banking on winner-take-all prim mares in their home states, just nine days away. >> we're going to win florida. we're continuing to play the delegate math in this campaign. we understand this will be a different kind of primary. where the delegates are going to count. >> we're going to win ohio. that will create a whole new ball game. >> reporter: if they both can beat trump on their home turf, a contested convention this summer could actually happen. the guy in second place says that could tear the party apart. >> they seized on this master plan. we go to a brokered convention and the d.c. powerbrokers will drop someone in. if that would happen, we will have a manifest revolt on our hands. >> reporter: republican leaders i have spoken to believe last night's results are a sign that donald trump is losing momentum.
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happen. it's also the only realistic chance of defeating trump. it may all come down to the big contests over the next nine days. 150 delegates up for grabs this tuesday, with michigan the one to watch there. and 367 delegates at stake on march 15th, with the biggest prizes, the winner-take-all states of florida and john kasich's ohio. if trump is going to be stopped, george, he's going to have to be stopped there. >> okay, jon karl. thank you very much. let's go to governor kasich. he's joining us as well. thanks for joining us. you're laughing? >> it sounds like a sporting event. >> a little bit. like a sporting event. there are numbers as well and statistics. the numbers don't lie. you're way behind in all the states. last night, too. three fourths and a third. you're 0 for 19 overall. how do you justify staying in the race? >> well, first of all, george. we did better than anybody thought we would last night. we picked up delegates in three states.
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you were there when you put your game plan together in the old days, back when you. weren't as a broadcaster. we have our game plan. our game plan was to do well in new hampshire. we achieved that. did better than people thought in south carolina. we continue to pick up delegates. we're closing fast in michigan. we're going to have a good result out of michigan. because you see, it's like march madness. we have moved to the midwest. more to my territory. i will win ohio. and it will be a whole new ball game. i'll be able to compete in a lot of these states. let's face it. there are some places in the south, i didn't -- we just didn't compete there really aggressively. we didn't compete in caucuses last night. we still got delegates. so just hold on, george. look at mississippi, michigan, ohio. >> let's take one step at a time. you say michigan. brand-new poll out this morning has trump at 41, cruz, 22, rubio, 17, you're in fourth at 13. you're not closing the gap.
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polls. and there have been a lot of other polls that are out. just watch. we have a lot of momentum up there since that debate. people have been very positive. i was there for a couple of days. i will be back. and i can tell you that we are closing the gap. and you will see a better result than what you expect. and then, of course, we go to the gravitational center of the political universe in ohio. >> ohio always is, that is for sure. >> it's amazing. >> that is your home state. if you look at the numbers, even if you win ohio, there's no realistic path for you to get the number of delegates you would need before the convention. your entire strategy is a spoiler strategy, isn't it? win ohio, broker the convention. >> no. look, george. george, first of all. let's talk about what the strategy ought to be. the strategy ought to be -- who has the record and the vision to run the united states of america? and to be the leader of the free world? i've been endorsed now, i think by 30 major newspapers in this country. what do they all say?
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he's the guy that can bring people together. we're not running for class president. this is not valentine's day where we stuff the ballot box, okay? secondly, my message is starting to really get out there, george. and you know, and i just had a commentator tell me the other day, if you don't start name-calling, you're not going to get anywhere. you see, i'm not going to do that. and i think people are realizing it. and i tell them, let's send a message. >> at the same time, let me interrupt you. this has been your consistent message all year long. you're the experienced guy. the guy that can make the system work. donald trump, ted cruz are promising to shake the system up. and they're the ones getting the votes. >> well, george, i've shaken the system up more than anybody that is on that stage. as you know. i have never been establishment. you know how many toes i had to step on to get the budget balanced in washington. to reform the pentagon take on defense contractors. what i've done in ohio. i'm not an establishment guy.
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give me coverage. for six months i wallowed at 1% in the polls. why? because i'm not name-calling. >> i've had you on the show from the very first day you announced and you know that. >> you know i'm not just talking about you. you want to look at the numbers. the amount of coverage people get when they name-call? as compared to the discussion about policy and who can run the country. >> fair point. >> that's indisputable. you know that. so here's the situation. look, i'm going to be competing up north. the calendar worked in the south. didn't work great for me. we never worryied about that. our strategy was always to survive and get to the north. forget the marist poll. i don't know who took it, what it's about. if i thought it was true, i would tell you we're not doing better. we are doing better. we're going to win ohio. i'm going to be competitive all across the north. >> you said this already. you know you're banking on the possibility of a brokered convention would turn to you. that's your only way to victory?
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have the numbers. what are you talking about? i would have to win 68% of the remaining contests. okay? 68% of the remaining delegates. marco would have to win 64, ted would have to win, 60. donald trump will fall short. this is not like -- this is the way it's going. if trump wins all the rest of these things, he'll go to the convention with the right numbers. but if he doesn't have the right numbers, we're in a multiballot convention. what is the big deal about that? other than it's exciting. and you know what, this year, is there anything else to be expected with the way things have gone this year? let's just, i'll tell you what will be great about it. i agree with ted cruz from the standpoint, we can't let a bunch of washington insiders pick the nominee. you know why? i would have no chance at that. because they don't like me. plain and simple. but, think about how much education our kids are going to get about the way in which we pick a president. it will be fantastic in this country. so spending their time, you
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they're -- nothing wrong with that. now they'll spend more time thinking about how we pick a president. i think it will be very cool. but -- >> you don't think they'll be watching a republican party split apart? >> i think at the end of the day, the republican party is a reflection of the nominee. frankly, i went to c-pac. conservative political action committee. they said, you know, kasich, we don't know if he's a conservative. i got two standing ovations. they were energized. i beat hillary clinton by 11 points, more than anybody else. we can get the crossover votes. and my agenda is -- i got a shock and awe agenda for the first 100 days of congress. so the fact is we'll bring the party together. i don't worry about that. i worry about making sure to get on your show so people can hear my message of economic growth and providing economic security for americans. >> you got it today. governor kasich thank you for joining us. >> all right, george. thank you.
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convention? will it split the gop in two? glenn beck and reince priebus join us next. what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it securing not only your own future, but one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world?
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we've received a giant middle finger from washington, d.c. we're going to use donald trump to either take over the gop or blow it up. >> i don't know how anybody can trust the republican party. >> what trump has tapped into, glenn, is that we're winners. it's american nationalism.
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ideologically. if it comes to a choice between her and trump, she is the lesser of two evils. >> the rise of donald trump set up a fierce debate on talk radio. here's the man at the center of it all, glenn beck. founder of the blaze. glenn, thanks for joining us this morning. >> you bet. >> you're part of the never trump camp. if you listen to the callers, it sounds like the gop splits no matter what. that there's though bridging this divide. >> the gop has one last chance to listen to the people. um, and the people that -- and i understand it. they're very, very angry because the gop did not listen the first time around. they didn't listen to the ron paul people who are way ahead of the curve. then the tea party people. they rubbed our nose in it. and they are tired. and they have created donald trump. the people are speaking clearly. and there's two ways to go. anger and nationalism. nationalism has been done before in history.
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you can go for anger. >> trump is adolf hitler? >> if you look what is happening with donald trump and his playing to the lowest common denominator and the anger in us. adolf hitler. we look at hitler in 1940. we should look at him in 1929. he was the kind of funny, character that said the things that people were thinking. where donald trump takes it, i have absolutely no idea. but, donald trump is a dangerous man with the things he's been saying. now, the gop is playing unbelievable games right now. trying to make sure they get their way. and they're trying to go for a brokered convention. i'm against donald trump. but i'll tell you one thing, if he gets close enough, and the gop tries to play games, i won't vote for donald trump ever, but i'll stand with his right. because the people have spoken. and what the gop is doing, they're stirring things up because they're more afraid of
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how does he bring the party together, as well? isn't he as divisive in some ways as donald trump? >> if we had reasonable people. i mean, look. marco rubio is a really nice guy. he's being stirred up by the gop establishment and being told, hey, you have to stay in. same with kasich. we want a brokered convention? we don't want a brokered convention. if those guys would get out, those votes would go right to ted cruz. maybe some of them -- but very few -- would go to donald trump. the floor. and everyone counts him out. but this is the guy that george washington said, in his farewell address, you don't go to the parties. this loyalty oath that the party is expecting everyone to take and then donald trump asks everybody to raise their hand yesterday for their loyalty oath was a little disturbing. i don't have a loyalty to parties. i don't have a loyalty to personalities. i have a loyalty to the constitution of the united states.
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founders said, george washington, at the end of the constitutional con vepgs said -- convention said, let us raise a standard to which the wise and the honest can repair. meaning, there will come a time where people don't know what to do. you'll run to the constitution. the wise and the honest run to the constitution. >> you don't believe it's fair to deny donald trump the nomination if he has the lead. going in -- >> of course not. do you? >> you have a lot of people talking about a third party, including senator ben sass. if trump does get the nomination. what does that mean? >> that's not necessarily -- that's not the games on the con vepgs convention floor. i won't vote for donald trump. i won't vote for hillary clinton. anybody who says a vote against trump is a vote for hillary clinton, stop playing those game pip just saw one of the callers said, they're the lesser of two evils. well, i'm not going to vote for evil. i don't care if it's lesser. i'm not going to vote for it. >> you're looking for a third option if trump gets the
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>> yes, but not the options of the party to play politics and break us apart at the convention. that leads to civil war on the floor and quite honestly, it could lead to civil war in the country. you cannot lie to people. people believe in something. and that's what the gop has forgotten. they believe in themselves. they believe in their own power. and they are using man to be able to entrench themselves in the power and the profit. you cannot continue to disenfranchise people and play with their emotions. >> glenn beck, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. let's bring this now to the chair of the gop, reince priebus. thank you for joining us this morning. you heard glenn beck who thinks your party is headed to civil war. >> well, look. we've got a process and i've said it repeatedly. whoever has the majority of delegates is going to be the
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those delegates are -- are %-pobviously, inmanyases, bound to the outcomes of these primaries and caucuses. and so, those -- those are the rules that are laid out. there are no plans to undo the rules. or change the nomination process midstream. so, we're going to be 100% for the nominee, george. and so, that's where we're at. that's where i have always been. that's what i have always said. >> but after last night. in the past, you have called the idea of a brokered convention an extreme hypothetical. after last night, it is a more real possibility that no one gets the 1237 they need before cleveland in july? >> you know, i highly doubt it, george. i mean, i just don't see that happening. it doesn't mean it's impossible. it just means that, you don't know what next week is going to bring. or the week after. or a month from now. i would say if we have an
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some sort of tied edd scenario, then i think people start talking about it. i think these are hypotheticals right now. there's over 1650 delegates to go, i think. maybe i'm off by a little bit. it's pretty close to that amount. it's a long way to go, george. i think it's premature. we'll wait and see what happens. the one thing i do know is we're not going to have, if someone is going into the convention, and they have the delegates, they're going to be the nominee. >> even if they don't have 1237? >> well, they have to make sure they have 1237. i mean, obviously. but like i'm not going to do anything to prevent someone from getting 1237, that's not an appropriate role for the chairman. i'm also not going to do things to make sure somebody gets 1237. it's up to the delegates and it's up to the primary voters. in these states. that their will be done. that's what we have to do in the
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i agree, there should be no activity that alters or plays games with that process. >> you've got a lot of other party leaders, mitt romney, the most prominent this week saying they'll do whatever they can to stop donald trump. he'll not vote for donald trump. glenn beck said he'll not vote for trump. are you facing the prospect where you have the potential nominee of your party being opposed by your previous two nominees and a previous president? >> and this is a little different angle. that's different saying you're not going to support someone is different. and it's their right to say those things and to do those things. than taking it a step further and saying that the party, therefore, is going to do something inappropriate to create a scenario that is unfair at a convention. that's not what we're doing. but, to your point. it's up to them.
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others don't want to support a certain candidate, that's within their right to do. and, it will play itself out over the weeks and months to come. we'll see what happens. >> before i let you go. i want to ask you, you had this -- your party had this well-known, called an autopsy, a review of the 2012 election where you came out with what went wrong and how to fix it. i want to play part of it. you said the republican party is one of tolerance and respect, and we need to ensure the tone of our message is always reflective of these core principles. in the modern media environment, a poorly phrased argument can spiral out of control and reflect poorly on the party as a whole. if hays panic americans perceive they're not wanted in the united states, they'll not pay pay tension to our next sentence. boy, you look at the tone of the debate on thursday night. you see all of the top candidates now not for immigration reform but for some form of deportation.
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it's a contentious primary. obviously, george, plenty of drama and intrigue. i agree. i think the tone should improve. i hope that at the next debate, things are improved over the last debate as far as tone and rhetoric. and i agree with every word that you just read from our growth and opportunity report. i think it's really important. i think dignity and respect is something that should be at the center of everything we do. we're all called to be salt and light in the world. and the words that come out of our mouths. yeah, i'm on board with the sentiment you just read and what our party put out. i hope that the next debate will be a little bit of an improvement on that. >> reince priebus, thank you for joining us. >> you bet. thank you, george. more with the powerhouse "roundtable." and can you explain why you recommend synthetic over cedar? "super food?" is that a real thing? it's a great school, but is it the right one for her?
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so, to all of you voters out there who have thought for years, i hate hillary. i could never vote for her. to you, i say, welcome. because i've got clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. and here you are, stuck in the middle with me! yes! >> "saturday night live" having fun with what could be an epic battle in the fall. let talk about it with matthew dowd, cokie roberts, van jones, from cnn, and ana navarro, republican strategist. we have to begin with trying to sort through this week, matthew dowd. between super tuesday. a big donald trump sweep on super tuesday. the debate. he was piled on. mitt romney came out. last night, ted cruz seemed to make headway. where do we stand? at the end of the week? >> i think the biggest loser
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establish establishment. they lost badly. marco rubio finished third or fourth. they put all the money and chips in jeb bush. he's gone. then they put all the money and chips into marco rubio. he's on the verge of being gone. he has florida as one last stand. you look at this, the voting has taken place. the establishment, the outsider candidates have gone from 50% of the vote to 60% to 70%. in louisiana, they were 80% of the vote. in louisiana in the course of this. i think this race is becoming right now, a 2 1/2 person race. >> who is the half? >> roub rubio. >> no, i don't think rubio is. i think john kasich is the half. i think he has a better chance of winning ohio than marco rubio does of winning florida. >> i agree. >> first of all, i do agree with you that last night was a very bad night for marco rubio. i think getting in the gutter with donald trump hurt him. you don't outmud-sling donald trump.
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poetic speaking orator of the republican party and you turned him into beavis and butthead. it doesn't work. i think marco is much better organized in florida than people think. i don't think the gap is as big as some people expect. florida is a huge state. marco should and has the best organization. >> where does that leave it, cokie ronts? if marco rubio wins florida, john kasich wins ohio, neither one does get a majority of the delegates. >> then we do head to the convention. if they start winning winner-take-all primaries then we start heading to the conventions. and glenn beck was very interesting about that. because the truth is, if -- donald trump has a vast number of delegates, and the republican party tries to find some way to take it away from him, there will be civil war. and you know, the truth is, they have only themselves to thank for this. forget their policies. that's one whole set of things. but the fact is is that donald trump was awful about mexicans, awful about muslims, awful about
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and they just kept their mouths shut. it took the ku klux klan to get the republican leadership to start to -- >> and it brought mitt romney out this week, van jones. there seems to be some evidence that donald trump was slowed down by the events of last week. he didn't meet his poll numbers in any of the states last night. >> right. >> even in louisiana, lost to ted cruz on the votes taken yesterday, by a little bit. >> the great irony is, everybody says mitt romney can't affect anything. this can't affect anything. it turns out when everybody starts firing at a target, the target suffers. the problem is you wait for marvin -- march to do it. this is a full on phenomenon. this is an insurgency with deep authoritarian feeling to it. once you've got that going in a country, any country, that's dangerous. >> i want to bring that to matthew dowd. hold on a second. i want to bring that to matthew dowd.
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to be resilient. over the course of this campaign. to take a hit and to come back. and this is -- this will be another test right now. there's been a pile on. do his voters bring him back? or is this the beginning of a spiraling down? >> i don't think it is a beginning of a spiraling down. donald trump has been a powerful candidate. he's a deeply flawed candidate. i think donald trump, at every moment in this race, has had an opportunity to rise faster, he's had an opportunity to gain momentum and start winning going away. but because of his own mistakes, his lack of discipline on certain things, his veering off keeps his cap down in the mid 30s or maybe even 40. that's a problem in the course of this. i think if donald trump had conducted himself and spent time learning policy and maybe didn't say some crazy things in the course of this, donald trump would be running away with this. he's beginning to cap himself. but, in a race that look like the way it looks like, he can pick up a lot of delegates. >> is he still the favorite? >> he's still the favorite. >> but now, the difference is,
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while marco rubio and donald trump were engaged in a yo mama is so dumb contest for the last two weeks, it's not been john kasich that emerges as the adult in the room, even though he has been, because nobody remembers he's there. it's been ted cruz. he had a good debate last week. he's going all in in florida. he's opening up ten offices in florida. he'll spend a lot of time there. let me tell you. it's not about him winning florida. it's about him keeping marco from winning florida. >> but that's the question i have. if this strategy works for ted cruz and he hands the state to donald trump, what then? >> then donald trump becomes the nominee. >> but he's gotten rid of rubio in the process. >> if he gets florida and ohio, it's over. but if kasich takes ohio, then, you know, we're still fighting this thing. the fact of cruz is the other reason we are where we are. because the leadership so dislikes ted cruz but also thinks he will bring the party down to disaster. they've allowed trump to fester
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>> well, here's what's remarkable. in the democratic party, you have a rebellion. it looks like -- if you look at the math, our rebels will probably lose. the question is do they stay in the party and support hillary or not? in the republican party, the rebels are going to win. the question is, will the establishment stay? what is such a remarkable repudiation of the establishment, usually, if you have rae bellon and the rebellion splits, the incumbent wins. either of the rebel movements can win. the cruz movement is bigger. the trump movement is bigger. >> here's a way to put a number on it. if you look at 538. only 49% of republican primary voters are satisfied with donald trump. 79% of democratic primary voters are satisfied with hillary clinton. >> and there's less of a satisfaction with the numbers with ted cruz than donald trump. i talk about donald trump's flaws. ted cruz has serious flaws.
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part of his path, and he's still in second place. he goes into states -- >> everything in life is relative. >> just a second. >> i want to say one more thing. part of the party's problem is over the last 20 years, blue collar voters have made up who the republican party is. the elites and establishment have not paid attention. they've passed trade deals that the blue collar people don't like. they've passed tax policies which the blue collar people don't like. they've gone into wars that the blue collar people don't like. now the blue collar people are taking over the party. >> you look where cruz won. yesterday, in states where under 20,000 people showed up in maine. >> caucuses. >> caucuses, right. >> closed caucuses. >> closed caucus. kansas, 72,000. that's more. but still. trump won, 225,000 in louisiana. 300,000 in louisiana. 225,000 in kentucky. those are a whole lot more voters.
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argument. he's bringing voters into the republican party right now. >> you mean trump? >> yeah. >> yes. we have ted cruz right now is the guy who has beaten donald trump seven times. six of the states, he's won outright. you are right, as a proud, card-carrying member of the republican establishment, we don't like ted cruz at all. i can tell you. and everything is life is relative and about the choices in front of you. if the choice in front of us is donald trump or ted cruz, like linzie graham is saying, all of a sudden, this guy the growing on me. maybe like mold, but growing nonetheless. >> i'm much more afraid of donald trump than i thought i would be. because of what he can do in the rust belt. he can go into a michigan, go into an ohio, go into a pennsylvania and say, hillary clinton signed nafta. i'll tear it up. that changes the math. he can go and talk to african-american voters. people assume african-americans won't listen to trump.
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uncomfortable with mexican immigration and latino immigration for a long time. >> let me take to it matthew. if it looks like donald trump will be the nominee though, do you see more mitt romneys or more chris christies? >> in what? what do you mean? >> accepting or rejecting donald trump on the republican side? >> i think the establishment now is probably going to stand back and say, wow, we have made a bunch of bad bets in the course of this. maybe us getting involved isn't helpful. i think going to the question you asked van is, is right now, the more -- the more -- stronger general election candidate for the gop, between the two of them is donald trump versus ted cruz when you look at the -- >> the bottom line is, you're going to see more of both. some folks in the establishment not accepting or liking the idea of donald trump. but maybe coming to grips with it, breathing into a brown paper bag. >> and thinking they can influence him.
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here, i would like to say a little bit about the democrats. i think bernie sanders has a shot in michigan for the same reason. i think hillary clinton's big weakness there is her support for free and not fair trade. if bernie can break through and appeal to african-american workers on that basis, it starts to change the character of his election. >> he still doesn't get elected. >> here's the deal. here's the deal. beyond this victory, he's still there. howard dean's organization became democracy for america. obama's became organizing for america. there's a future for sanders. >> everybody other than trump has. >> the same idea. he's won states again. yesterday, he won states with 29,000 votes. 28,000 votes. and she won -- >> he's the finest expectation. >> thank you, that was great. coming up, "this week's" exclusive look at the anti-terror campaign with martha raddatz. coming up, i'm martha raddatz on the deck of the "uss truman" in the persian gulf. at the heart of the fight
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trumen in the persian gulf. overseas now to martha raddatz. who spent the week in the persian gulf on "the uss truman." she brings us this exclusive inside look at the crucial effort to wipe out isis. >> three, two, one. tickle. >> reporter: they're flying in the dead of night over enemy territory. armed with thousand-pound bombs,
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window. >> reporter: we followed this heart-pounding, breathtaking mission with the fighter pilots beating back isis. crossing iraq into syria. through a gathering storm. >> whatever you can do to avoid some of the weather. >> reporter: we joined the mission hours before. on the "uss harry s. truman." even from high above, the navy's massive aircraft carrier delivering a powerful message. deployed to the persian gulf, "the truman" is the mother ship of the carrier battle group. and the heart of the fight against isis. home to more than 5,000 sailors and a jaw-dropping amount of military might. this is what they call the bomb farm. hundreds of precision-guided weapons. millions and millions of dollars worth of ordnance waiting to be loaded on to the aircraft.
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an f-18 fighter pilot himself, commands the battle group. it seems to have intensified in the last couple of months. >> after the attacks in paris, i think there has been an uptick in the aggressiveness. so, we have had a constant stream of tasking since we have got here. and fly sortis up into syria and iraq every day. >> reporter: that constant stream has meant more than 13,000 flight hours since the ship was deployed in november. when the flight operations are under way, an aircraft is launched or lands every 60 to 90 seconds. the last 18 seconds of the landing on the aircraft carrier is the most critical. when they call the ball. an aviator term for essentially lining up the jet so that the tailhook will catch the steel wires on deck and bring the jet to a screeching halt. landing on a moving target, the length of a football field, is a dangerous and delicate maneuver. miss it, and you have nanoseconds to pull up and try
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but to the pilots of strike fighter squadron 25, it's routine. >> you have heard the phrase, let's be brilliant at the basics tonight. this is a pretty standard mission for us. we should be able to execute flawlessly. >> reporter: lieutenant charles wickware. call sign "wingnut" and john hiltz, call sign "johnny kittens" have more than 800 carrier landings between them. let me start with you, commander. you outrank him. >> i'm taller, too. >> not by much. and not by much. >> reporter: the duo likes to joke. but they're some of the navy's best pilots. wickware has been in the navy 11 years. growing up in hawaii and started flying gliders when he was just 14. he wanted to be a pilot for as long as he can remember. so did john hiltz. a kentucky native, he played basketball for notre dame before
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be chosen for the elite blue angels demonstration team before heading into his combat role. >> we're going to take ammo. >> reporter: tonight, lieutenant commander hiltz leads the detailed mission brief. we are allowed to hear it. >> we're going after that oil infrastructure in syria. there will be thunderstorms that may impact the execution. we have a 30-minute window to execute. we'll make sure we do so. >> reporter: the pilots gear up. the g-force suits. the oxygen masks and helmets. do you have rituals before you go up? >> go to the bathroom. say a prayer. >> been a hawaii howlie boy, i give the chaka after i give the >> reporter: they head for the jets just as the sun goes down for the final check. you have been in afghanistan and iraq before. is it different going after this kind of enemy? >> i think it is. you don't have as many american forces on the ground.
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important to be more precise. it's more difficult. you don't have as many eyes on the ground to develop the targets. >> have a safe flight. >> reporter: do you feel the rule of engagement are too restrictive to the mission? >> i don't. it's very important for us to integrate with those forces on the ground, and make sure we're a part of the solution, and not operating in a way that is in any way careless or cavalier. >> reporter: the weapons are loaded. final check complete. the mission is a go. lieutenant wickware gives the sign. and he's off. catapulted from 0 to 160 miles an hour in seconds. >> that's the one element where you're almost completely out of control. the few seconds that it accelerates you down the catapult stroke. the length of a football field. sometimes you have no stars and no horizon. you're launched into darkness. >> reporter: that target, the oil pipeline in a remote area of eastern syria.
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financial resources. but before they hit their target, the jets must refuel. midair. connecting with a tanker to gas up. >> your left side joining. >> reporter: the pilots guiding their probe into the tanker's basket. tens of thousands of feet in the air. >> you're over hostile territory, running out of gas. so you need to get that gas. if you don't, we can't complete the mission. worse, we rip off one of our fueling probes. then we can't refuel in that case. >> whatever you can do to avoid some of the weather would be great. >> we'll try that. >> looks like there's a gap. we can shoot there. not sure. >> reporter: an intense storm makes the refueling process harder. lightning strikes illuminate wickware's night vision. >> 6-1 in range. >> 6-2 in range. >> reporter: but finally, with the jets again ready to go, the
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>> three, two, one, pickle. >> you get a pretty significant thought at you release, a 1,000-pound weapon. >> reporter: the two pilots release their weapons simultaneously. hitting the target with a quick, intense flare. but the mission is not over yet. >> you still have to come back and land on a moving aircraft carrier deck at night. really nobody else around the world operates at night the way america's navy does. >> did not expect that approach. >> it is an intense rush. at nighttime, your eyes can play all sorts of tricks on you in the dark. you have to rely on your training to be able to focus. >> turning in for final bearing. >> while you're doing it, you don't realize how amped up you are. your body is flooded with adrenaline. once the aircraft comes to a stop, that's when your legs start shaking and you really start to feel ifthe effects. >> reporter: we met up with the pilots seconds after landing safely on deck again. >> it was not exactly routine. we had to climb above a
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and then to employ, we had to drop down below it. below the weather so we could get the bomb damage assessment. so it was not as scripted. but we got the results we wanted. >> you get used to those kind of changes. >> reporter: you're used to things not going exactly. >> that comes with experience. things not going as planned. >> reporter: but as the military moves closer to trying to help take back major cities under isis control, the danger will only increase. >> every time we take the sky, there's risks that are placed on us throughout the world. >> reporter: and with an unconventional enemy hiding among the civilian population, expect the targeting to become more difficult, as well. george? >> thank you, martha. thanks for the reminder of what is at stake in these debates. we're right back after this.debates. we're right back after this.ous hunger issue in our country. and as a parent, it's even harder to hear
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especially when billions of pounds of good food are wasted every year. feeding america is a nationwide network of food banks that helps provide billions of meals to families in need right in your community. visit to support feeding america and your local food bank. together, we can solve hunger. together, we're feeding america. and before we go, some good news. no deaths of service members overseas in the month of february. that is all for us today. thank you for sharing part of your sunday with us.
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