tv 13 News 4 ABC March 7, 2016 4:00pm-5:00pm EST
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dollar defense budget could the proposal impact our local military plus meet the husband wife team on a great run their gift to have the roads the news that four starts right now. two west elm high school students are in serious trouble with the law virginia beach police arrested them after they allegedly made cyber threats a parent told police about the possible threats yesterday and police made the arrest late last night officials up security at lansdowne high school today and were told the students who were arrested are now facing charges of an electronic threat to do bodily harm on school property. school officials say they want to deliver the message that they don't take these threats like with any any instance of threats through social media we're gonna make sure that we turned over to the police
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conduct their investigation and we're going to continue seize opportunities to the reporter marcella robertson has been following this story all day she has much more here her report coming up today at five in the age of social media school threat real or not can quickly reach a large audience and that's why the bees public school district is delivering a new and important message to students before posting something online all the seed heads he is looking into this for so lisa what's the message that message isn't be social be smart and be safe. it's part of a new awareness campaign the goal is to help students and families understand what it means to be responsible digital citizens and to realize that social media posts and their impact exists forever regardless of whether they're deleted or not you can see on their website right here that a couple of videos down below with their campaigns that they're trying to enforce and share with the appearance on this website is well there's a cocky information for piercing get answers to their questions and what to do if you know about a friend how
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a valuable link to have bookmarked and it's helpful information not only for virginia beach residents but all across hampton roads. all right thank you right now something police are investigating possible meth labs in two different places police are investigating one location at elwood road and another on glen haven drive officers have arrested one person brian warren of elwood road is charged with making and possessing meth police have not said exactly what they found at each location reporter eric caine is digging into both of these investigations stay with us his full report is coming up at five we couldn't ask for a much better way to kick off the workweek the sun is shining and it's warming up right there from the virginia beach oceanfront are skyview jeff is the evening hopefully shaping up to be as nice as the afternoons but not as nice as tomorrow the next rain temperatures today were above normal but not enough above normal that it's not going to be cool once the sun goes down so yes very
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evening but if you want to go out without having to put on a jacket that's coming up in the next couple of days you can see a little bit of clients out there at times but in general mainly clear to partly cloudy out there right now absolutely nothing to track on radar so what we're talking about temperature increases and it's all because of the wind and the wind direction more specifically or combination look at the winds as we go through the evening hours out of the south southwest twenty some in gus now these aren't the sustained winds will be sustained. generally in the teens but gusting occasionally into the twenties even as we go into the overnight with that kind of wind direction that enters the band mile down to our south. that's gonna mean a cool night. remember we're supposed to be chilly. it's only going to be cold tonight above normal and then during the day tomorrow with more of these winds coming out of the southwest where can see temperatures skyrocketing even above what we saw today to let you know how warm how
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kind of moisture moving in with the southerly winds from old dixie coming up just few the case against the man accused of killing his mother a doctor declared john hunter competent to stand trial hunter faces a second degree murder charge he's accused of killing his mother somalia hunter back in january. elise brown was in court joins us here in court today my niece a dismal situation is heartbreaking meet amin they are united front we are hurting we don't understand what we do now is that my grandson had quite the problem. shawn hunter walk into court shackled accused of killing his mother sonia hunter both of his grandmothers watching one of them i wouldn't do that and that gave the strength to
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broke damn good luh then once the numbing shot a doctor by wayne hunter and determined he is competent to stand trial. that means is april preliminary hearing will go for lee's conyers says her daughter lost her son to grow the globe over the hump. she will let him work but do not give them whatever before hunter's lawyer tells thirteen years now he plans on asking for sanity evaluation carry copies as her grandson suffers from mental health issues and has received treatment on and off now if you want to get down while we didn't take him away before you say ok bring it back out the same way he would be that as much and i will fight for that call they add to your elise brown thirteen years now. all right let's take a look at traffic conditions across hampton roads the good news as we kick off when not doing any accidents on the interstates but we are dealing with rush hour delays let's take a look at thirteen years now track
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pretty solid two mile backup in hampton six sixty four to northbound headed towards you that are used to head that way are heading that way i should say you know that just look at further up here roadwork and that's what's contributing to this heavy traffic there so expect that you may want to use ehr bt is another rapper can be jammed on that side as well so the dear b does not look too bad they did the route and had all the way tyler pike county on the traffic network maps rescue delays are pretty slightly disappointed just now starting to build up sixty four eastbound heading to norfolk that the hr bt then again i talked about traffic starting to build sixty four westbound headed to hampton at the hr bt also seeing a flight delay their six sixty four southbound in newport news crossing the monitor merrimack and headed to some but the weather delays on the interstates are pretty minor one of the accident on the secondary is all posted online i'll be back in just a bit with the rest of your choice try to look ahead to what the future has in store for hampton's economy but
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meet with the n double a cpa talk about hampton's plans to revamp the city's shopping centers and fill vacant retail spaces that meeting starts at seven o'clock tonight at bethel ame church on lincoln street if you'd like to go. it is free open to the public and you will be able to ask questions. good news for the tourism industry governor mcauliffe announced thousands of dollars of grants to help boost local economies. the money will come from virginia tourism corporation's marketing leverage program will see some of that money at work in hampton roads fifty thousand dollars will go towards the twentieth virginia arts festival in norfolk ten thousand dollars will go towards the holiday lights and santas seaside village in for judy beach to our own deputy secretary of defense bob work will visit with his israeli counterpart director general of israeli ministry of defence ten harrell will tour the uss stout and speak with sailors will also see demonstrations highlighting ballistic missile defense technologies meeting is
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. the american flag flies at half staff at the white house the president the nation and the world all paying tribute to former first lady nancy reagan today she died yesterday in a home near los angeles she was ninety four years old lauren lester takes a look back into life with president reagan and her legacy as first lady flowers flowing in and preparations under way to lay nancy reagan to arrest
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away at her los angeles home sunday and she died very peacefully. it was her time in the nation's capital flags at half staff a condolence book for the public sentiments the president today saying how much she meant not just president reagan but the euphoria late ninety four john high bush of the reagan presidential library says mrs. reagan's mind was still sharp mentally she's been a hard ten percent she's been fun to work with. she remains the chairman of the board of the reagan library and tell her dad said to be a fierce guardian of her husband ronald reagan's legacy one barbara walters says she very much contributed to her was a dignified elegant woman prior to her husband's legacy president reagan died in two thousand for one of the last times mrs. reagan was seen in public was here in a wheelchair at his gravesite on the tenth anniversary of his passing and that's where
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beloved late husband he would come into her office to talk to him he was he hadn't know where she was fine her and be with her on sunday her scary mrs. reagan's body from her home to santa monica for a few days until she's brought to the reagan library where she'll be very the funeral will be held here at the library friday morning close to the public but likely to be televised nor mr abc news simi valley prince william county police officer ashley glenn then killed the first day on the job was laid to rest today in massachusetts hundreds of mourners are from family and friends along for smith attended a funeral procession when dan was born in springfield massachusetts and as a former marine corps reservist her grave is next to her father's who died in two thousand and four when dad died last month after responding to a domestic dispute at a home in woodbridge virginia virginia blood services is asking for
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shortage health officials say travel restrictions are impacting their supply the fda plan blame blood donations from anyone who has traveled to a country dealing with the z virus officials say the restriction is severely narrowing their donor base pbs officials are asking for blood donations from any healthy person who is older than sixteen years old a medical milestone in the united states a woman successfully received the nation's first uterus transplant the twenty six year old woman identified only by her first name lindsay joined doctors at the cleveland clinic today they spoke about her surgery process. lindsay had functioning ovaries but no uterus she was devastated when doctors told her at age sixteen she would never have children doctors completed her transplant late last first biological child through in vitro fertilization i prayed that god would allow me
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pregnancy and here we are today it's beginning of the journey uterus transplant is not just about a surgery and for moving a uterus from here to there. it's about having a healthy baby and that goal is still a couple of years away. lindsay has to wait a full year before becoming pregnant and unlike other organs her uterus transplant is designed to be temporary after one or two children doctors will remove the organ there city mayor bill de la salle signed an order saying all people must locker rooms consistent with their gender identity. no identification or proof of gender would be required to blasio said access to bathrooms is a fundamental right and that every new welcome in city buildings this quarter could impact an estimated twenty five thousand as transgender or gender non conforming people in new york city. levi roberts says he accidentally shot his best friend now he's in jail facing unlawful
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robert says he was on drugs when he shot his friend at virginia beach at the virginia beach oceanfront yesterday the victim is recovering in the hospital tonight at five robbers explains to jin really what led to him pulling the trigger. well after some chili cultures over the weekend it really did i know to most people i talk today. if you like and i bet you're going to like the next couple of days even more absolutely nothing on radar nice clear skies and all are sky view cameras right now sixty three degrees forty eight was the high yesterday so right now we are fifteen above where we were yesterday and tomorrow we're going to add on another probably close to ten degrees winds out of the southwest right now ustained at sixteen which is a little breezy but the gusting up to twenty some miles per hour which is definitely more than a little breezy. meanwhile
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look at all the sixties with some fifties right near the water places like mel for most of the eastern shores in the fifties certainly are two major reporting areas there fifty five also in manny aware the waters again are a little bit cooler to the west southwest wind coming and watch the previews you can see same thing in dock mean almost everybody else is in the sixties and will remain there only for the next hour or so do it the most as we drop back by seven pm already back in comfortably into the upper if not mid fifties generally a fair conditions a few high thin clouds will continue to watch the readings then during the mid evening dropping but not really sharply in fact by morning it's only going to be forties for the inland areas and probably fifty or so right near the coastline that is not that far from a normal afternoon high this time of year and this is above the normal afternoon high in
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fifty five and here we are fifty six fifty seven fifty eight sixty one from virginia beach at nine am. that means maybe not record warmth definitely not record warmth that's in the eighties this time of year but way way warmer than we should be almost twenty degrees above the typical early march afternoon. they even an even more pleasant evening tomorrow compared to this evening and then temperatures believe it or not stay just as warm during the day on wednesday with lows starting off near fifty ish are in the low fifties and then climbing well up into the seventies that day and probably another day or more after that she met a couple high thin clouds again coming over the mountains nothing significant. tonight mainly clear to partly cloudy breezy and chilly forty seven year fifty of the water two minus seventy one mostly sunny even warmer than today. some spots probably more like seventy three seventy four and seventy six on wednesday same
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seventy almost seventy saturday a chance of some showers moving in sometime later saturday and hope it will be saturday during the middle the night and be out here maybe by sunday but he can see temperatures remain quite a bit warmer than normal don't forget we're going to get an extra hour of daylight in the evening started saturday night's bring a headset them don't forget longer days are coming in. ok up next a husband or wife in their gift of thousands here in hampton roads. jerry and amy walked
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honey, would some captain d's make you feel better? yeeeaah! (woo) when you love seafood this much... back again? i hope it's just a clumsy phase.'s gotta be d's. anything's worth it for our new home-style flounder meal or double dozen shrimp. also, try our grilled menu featuring new tuscan tilapia. for full meals starting at just $4.99,
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pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide.
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welcome back everybody about the cia husband and wife to make a great team they love each other and they love running really love running in fact they've turned that love into something that's ignited a new energy here in at the road and has brought thousands of other people here too. they put their best foot forward to make their mark when they tied the knot
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they were going the distance infinity and beyond i spent anytime with them the good doubt you'll see they love running. it's what brought them together in a running store has some issues and eventually jerry sold or on marriage the further down the road. their partnership turned into the something that now gets them recognized on the straight to tremendous pool of the art which is j racing now runs many of the big races in hampton roads va big day five k meyer anthem with a tent at the kremlin about a thousand runners last year became the all the events in the deal that we have a big part of that it's a good feel of the most popular races coming up the shamrock marathon. we had no idea that it could be this big and
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the country the scenes like this remind them of how far they've come. i always have a tear my eye and emotional feeling their hard work is a big reason why hampton roads is now one many runners maps everywhere you look just at the community health environment. it's so inspirational. i'm proud of us as a team together a team on a great ride. it's neat that i can do it to something that i love with my best friend cos we had to do here that allowed this to all those out of sat there for a couple of good people and of good for community and the jingling shamrock marathon is next weekend marks a team to the twentieth at the us to fight for more info head to the story of thirteen is now da com or head to shamrock marathon dot com and here's an example of just how much jerry. amy loved ok they get two thousand volunteers each year for this and they say they could not do it without their
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i still have about two weeks until the official start of spring but warm weather is in the mix today take a look at them not to skyview in norfolk the temperatures in the sixties and meteorologist geoff lawson has or even warmer forecast yet today fifteen degrees actually been a little more than that above yesterday and we're going to talk about even warmer conditions considerably warmer as we go through midweek. you can see the radar not shown anything couple high thin clouds out there not completely blue skies but i talked about fifteen or more degrees above that seventeen in norfolk seventeen at the beach fifteen is up on the peninsula twelve thirteen back just a little bit more
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will be well above normal but we will get still cool ish thing most people especially once the sun goes down consider fifty low fifties pretty cool. tomorrow even some early morning temperatures in the forties and then we start back up and that's only by three pm at seventy one. especially some inland areas can go a little bit higher than that meanwhile temperatures this week went from mid sixties at the best today sixty three sixty four tomorrow seventy one then some seventy six is and then only a slight gap without warm front and then again with a little bit of a weak cold front will let you know for those coming through will mean any kind of precipitation that's all coming up we ripped ashley away from a couple of stories back the list on the traffic below some love stories and you know what traffic not that bad today. ok now in i say that in the comfort of the studio so if you're actually out there might not like the slight delays that you have for the afternoon to
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the absent we don't have much red i mean there is some out there especially around the tunnels in the bridges so we'll talk about that really dig into it here in just a sec so we'll start with the love trap and norfolk hampton sixty four westbound at the hr bt this was around fourth view you can see traffic there rounding the corner headed out to the bridge in the tunnel that's where you really start to see the delay. you might slow down just a little bit around bay avenue which is five miles from the hr bt and is going to be slow to you get to hampton but other than the traffic not too bad on sixty four west right now and nor but the delays going to be headed to norfolk of the hr bt and will be around the modern era back as well but the rest of the area still doing okay i'll keep you posted about thirteen years now. latino free to add anything else the list for substantial delays. i thank you very much well the pentagon is once again talking about base closings the very nature of the phrase brat since the shivers throughout military rely in hampton roads the last time around we lost what monroe
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a bike that has reaction to the news came as a total surprise eleven years ago back in two thousand and five when the brac commission suddenly and without warning added oceanic to the list and hampton roads on most on the bases eighteen jet squadrons and fourteen thousand workers sent to florida now defense officials are repeating their plea to congress for another base closing round the pentagon's fiscal twenty seventeen budget request marks the fifth consecutive year requested a new base closing round arguing the closings could save two billion dollars a year to me it's not a question of if it's a matter of when i can't stand here and predict exactly when that would be but the day will come where we will have another round. retired admiral craig quigley believes the region is well positioned this time if there were to be another round but he's certain other states will still try to take any virginia military asset they can get the region needs to
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for virginia. we are perceived to host more than our share of federal installations. senator tim kane's office told thirteen news now although senator kaine is supportive of efforts to restrain spending he doesn't believe another brac round is an effective way to address deficit reduction and his concern that it will inflict harm on communities connected to effective military bases and representative randy forbes said. we are going to need these bases when we grow our military. i intend to continue advocating for a substantial increase in funding for the men and women who keep this country safe the house armed services committee voted down the idea last year's sixty two in virginia beach like getting thirteen is now new attacks on the campaign trail as the presidential candidates get ready for several more state primaries tomorrow voters in several states including michigan head out to vote and it appears the momentum may be shifting abc's kenneth vote is in washington with more the race for the white house is
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delegates hillary clinton is working to widen her lead on bernie sanders. we have differences but those differences pale in comparison to what we see going on among the republicans right now you know i'm interested in results they're interested in insults one hundred forty seven democratic delegates are up for grabs in michigan's primary the math is an increasing problem for sanders impacting his confidence or the side of his rallies. please. the great state of michigan lead this country forward toward a political revolution the democrats spend the day on the ground in michigan were flat as dealing with the lead contaminated water crisis as clinton is the maiden for the republican governor's resignation which sparked a strong reaction from john k six on yahoo news i'm really agitated with the fact that chair she is calling on somebody else to resign with her history with the history of our family gimme a break to secure marco rubio holding on with
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the respective states of ohio and florida hit the polls donald trump called for two min raise with ted cruz as the dough with one protester gotten an a and after another at a large rally in concord north carolina go on to mommy i go home to many more there are also contests that idaho mississippi and hawaii but the big prize is michigan where both donald trump and hillary clinton have double digit leads on the rivals abc news washington right republican presidential frontrunner donald trump here that before in kennett mo to support bringing his campaign to north carolina this week trump in concord today for that rally and then on wednesday truffle hold another rally in fayetteville early voting is underway for north carolina's primary which is set for next tuesday march fifteen on saturday from one the louisiana primary and the kentucky caucuses ted cruz picked up wins in kansas and maine
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is in north carolina today to campaign for his wife ahead of next week's primary clinton is making several stops today in support of hillary clinton campaign of raleigh at an event at the long law school in greensboro. the former president ends the day at johnson c smith university in charlotte people in virginia i can now legally manufacture industrial hemp for commercial purposes with a license to build redefines industrial hemp as an agricultural commodity and allows licensed growers to cultivate the plant. governor terry mcauliffe signed the bill after it passed the general assembly in the law will go into effect july first. nearly a hundred scientists and policy leaders are meeting in gloucester point this week to discuss litter season waterways. this is part of the second virginia marine debris summit the summit will address some of those strategies to reduce pollution in waterways acclaimed virginia waterways worker says marine debris is
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forms of pollution the form is open to the public and last until wednesday. dio words in the fight against watch a player right now on usa today dot com. britain's top counter terrorism chief says the united kingdom could face quo in enormous and spectacular attack from isis scotland yard assistant commissioner mark rallies as isis is broadening its efforts to disrupt life in damaging attacks on the next logical step rises following the attacks in paris last year that killed one hundred twenty nine people he said isis is trying to slip militants trained in syria into europe to carry out attacks and embarrassing video has a start fighting back in court. opening statements today in the whole hogan sex video case to trial in st petersburg florida hulk hogan is taking on the popular website gawker for invasion of privacy. his attorneys told the jury but
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were wrong to post the sex video between hogan and the wife of a tampa radio personality paul hogan also claims of intentional infliction of emotional distress he says the tape was made without his knowledge he suing for a hundred million dollars and he was once the future hope of the washington redskins will today the team officially cut ties with rg three robert byrd was once the future the franchise up the win offensive rookie of the year back in twenty twelve. he put this message on instagram today quote it's been a blessing. i just want to take the time to say thank you skins nation part of that message there. and while he looks for new team another quarterback calls it quits well i fought the good fight i finish my football race after eighteen years its time and without a tearful peyton manning retire today ending a legendary career. you all probably know just wants a
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the second super bowl title he also won five mvp awards and many many other honors before he went public with this decision to retire manning texas teammates so they would know first and now the discussions begin guys respect him and stand among the nfl all time greats as i read that story i heard a lisa jen and ashley all star try to knock the you know who was crying today after you know he gave his speech i went on twitter and it just erupted with comments between some people saying well thanks for you to bring tears to my eyes i have to go back to work until like nobody zero am and very emotional again that's for sure but i accidentally did a lot of people talking about payne's retirement right now like i said on social they're treating their instagram and other memories teammates past and present coaches team officials and employees all filled that room today as many formally closed his hall of fame playing career social media had a lot to say about his retirement speech and
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year playing st. one of the most tweeted quotes from all of twitter today was. god bless all of you and god bless pope also you're seeing some of the tweets from his former teammates and just saying thank you for all that he's dying and that the game will never be the same so without a doubt a sad day for many fans back to the desk making it really inspired me to go for the main motivators as a mother's day her children for their support all to break a world record for the longest one on the treadmill and twelve hours. the cells of the story ahead and adults use meditation to calm everyday
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last april. now it is back open. company spokesperson says crews completely rebuilt the store the very same location. rioters destroyed freddie gray's death store work that neighboring stores until that cvs reopen a plane carrying nascar team members made an emergency landing in memphis. someone reported smoke in a cabin on the flight from las vegas to charlotte. hendrick motorsports team members were on that plane but the company says there were no drivers on the aircraft eventually passengers made it to charlotte on another plane catching attention on social media facebook page in support of two virginia firefighters who say they were suspended after they chose to drive a toddler to the hospital in their fire truck was suspended firefighters were the first to arrive when called to a location near the stafford county mcdonald's restaurant for a child having a seizure one firefighter says he immediately told the driver to turn on the engine because the little girl was in dire need of a hospital they gave
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engine and had her in the hospital trauma room within thirty minutes of the time the call came when the job we found her shoes complete with sun and blue from the chest and arms of us were just me she doesn't have oxygen to the upper part of the body according to one of the firefighters fire engine is licensed as a non transport unit and doesn't have the proper restraints and medications that medic units have but he also said he didn't violate a written policy. a stafford county fire and rescue department spokesman says a potential regulatory compliance issue is under review now the toddler is okay and back at home but also the only ones who deal with stress on a daily basis can save a lot going on as well. school activities sports homework it all adds up. but how many of them have found a new way to cope some half to rhonda
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inside the sky and no full time jobs no bills to pay a kid's world seems so simple but it's really not that simple. today's kids have more stress. kill didn't have a lot of anxiety and they have problems and things going on too and some are handling that stress with silence that might calm me down the quiet calm of meditation at the can down the meditation center in downtown denver. kids gather once a week to let it all go meditation helps children to be in a poke is anti feminist self regulate through mindfulness meditation calming the mind and spirit is a technique that more parents are getting their kids into wish that i have the chance to start as a kid anybody can meditate learn especially people who think that they can meditate hindu buddhist nun tells same padma teaches kids to meditate. she seem to impact everything from behavior rather letting their aliens control then
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their own feelings to school work kids can stay focused longer on their schoolwork and not get so frustrated if fans don't understand something. the meditation a twelve zero to the hospital earned a year ago helped her deal with the transition that all kids face my transition to middle school with the staff that helped with that we do start really slow with the kids maybe just a couple minutes and build it up from there even if a child can only sit for thirty seconds to start we've had kids here as young as two years old learning techniques now to use throughout life when i get mad i find it helpful to just read hopefully a life with less stress. it's the reason why some kids are already planning to keep meditating and rest now the university of california study found second and third graders who practice mindful meditation techniques for thirty minutes
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and improve behavior and scored higher on tests require memory attention and focus than the non native teachers breaking news so he's the stepfather of norfolk eighteen year old aj had so who was found dead last year a federal judge today ruled that was lee hassle means a new defense attorney last week we told you had souls public defender wanted to withdraw from the case because of a conflict of interest. we learned the conflict involves another witness who allegedly has information about had to land a possible connection to a jay's death hassle is not charged in a dazed as he pleaded guilty to a federal ammunition charge had so will be appointed a new attorney and a new sentencing date on that charge an indiana woman with the extra mile in an attempt to beat the guinness world record for the longest one on a treadmill in twelve hours. she ran seventy three
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hours which would beat the old record of sixty eight points fifty four miles. she says it was a challenge but her children were her biggest motivators was even overcomes the lack of confidence than i've struggled with a lot over my life in ny and just i quieted those voices that told me i can do it. well the mom completed a few hundred mile races in the past but the further she had run on a treadmill was only thirty miles before her record breaking run it could take guinness three to six months to make her record official. well a beautiful day out there today temperatures above normal some we haven't set a whole lot lately and now if you won be even warmer i have that in your forecast right to it conditions this evening nice and clear on radar and
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the sky cover as well with a few sort of hiatus maybe at times mid level clouds. one small dimming the sun just slightly but is very pleasant sixty three degrees winds out of the southwest so does a little bit breezy and a pretty drive the point of way down to thirty five there's another example you can see not a lot of gray areas here showing up a lot of very bright shadows you can see some shadows but they're not super bright again indicating that high thin cloud decks or going to call a partly cloudy this evening it will be breezy and definitely above normal but still cool especially once the sun sets we dropped down about fifty three degrees winds today breezy but that's one of the reasons we start to see the warm up. unlike this weekend where we had a chilly wind direction we're getting a flow out of the south. so all the spots where winds were twenty some miles per hour today and here's that one direction continuing that's why we had the warmth and during the evening will drop back into and through
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see by late evening let's call it around ten o'clock readings down into the low to mid fifties at that point that's about where our normal high is by the way shows you that was deafening mile today and then in the morning. a lot of spots in the forties right near the water probably closer to fifty degrees but that means once the sun comes up and the wind when it was off the water in the sun comes up doesn't always hit up right away we had that over the weekend but with the wind out of the west in the sun comes up especially this time of year you know you're going to get much much warmer readings and that's what happens by afternoon all the way up in the lower seventies couple spots might even hit the mid seventies a nice mild evening tomorrow and then as we head into early in the day on wednesday we start off mild and we end up even slightly warmer during the afternoon so a real string a very spring like conditions coming here high temp today meanwhile sixty to sixty three sixty four on the look of virginia beach sixty nine some high thin clouds again on
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things are looking good so tomorrow seventy one seventy six on wednesday same thing on thursday friday still near seventy saturday a chance of a couple of showers late today and the best chance will be saturday night maybe a fifty fifty shot and i kept the twenty five on sunday in case there's any lingering morning showers but overall looks very nice for a few days and probably were hoping that through much of the weekend that's the latest excellent jeff thank you a cereal bowl battle and changes with your i phone and it's all trending now that's right so if you've got an i phone right now you're gonna wanna listen to this your screen is made from lcd liquid crystal displays of right now. ok this doesn't sound like anything fancy but within the next year what they used to make those creams is going to completely change can be obsolete now they're going to be using oled displays sell again what's the difference who cares right uprising that right now you're definitely gonna care because the new
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more flexible and not only got the thing we all struggle with battery life. these new screens are more power efficient to me more bang from a single battery charge for use at her very much and finally are you cuckoo for cocoa puffs all wired and you pick out the marshmallows out of your lucky charms. i'm guilty i do today is national cereal day only the best day ever. so we ask you on twitter what your favorite breakfast bowl contains and here are the results. well it looks like lucky charms is the winner from our twitter audience right now there's still time to vote so head over to my twitter page and click on your favorite captain crunch. the sun it's not on there and i do have to say this a lot of people to be retained said those options are not enough lights on twitter you billy for four nights but i forgot which commissioned did the official count but they said frosted flakes was the noble know really over cherry o to
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the mindanao think i might need to check the freezer the usta is making a big recall on purdue foods chicken nuggets the reason for the recall next the thirteen is now at five the man accused of shooting his best friend admits to the oceanfront crime why the suspect says he never meant thirty one jailhouse interview you don't wanna miss the state police say a
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vo: across america, people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza . for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza . he said victoza works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. victoza is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza works with your body to lower blood sugar in 3 ways: in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas.
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that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza , including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take
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taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza . it's covered by most health plans. she said the switch i go squeeze apple sauce pouches are under voluntary recall after inspectors found food product residue and equipment at the factory so far there are no reports of illnesses connected to the recall. people want go go squeeze apple sauce pouches with best before dates between december four two thousand fifteen and march fourth two thousand seventeen can contact the company and get a replacement voucher the usa is recalling more
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pounds of chicken nuggets produce produced for applegate farms by perdue foods according to the usda in the chicken nuggets may contain extraneous plastic materials eight ounce box packages contain about eighteen pieces of applegate match rolls chicken nuggets with september twenty seven two thousand and sixteen as the best before date and the company says to throw away those packages of football star is joining ginger zee and jodie sweeten on abc's dancing with the stars on sportscenter antonio brown made the announcement that he will join dancing with the stars season twenty two browns wide receiver for the pittsburgh steelers and he'll join the fourteen other nfl contestants who have competed in the show's history. and if you're wondering about the rest of the past. abc will make that announcement tomorrow on good morning america and that's all we have for you today at four
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starts right now a virginia beach man admits to shooting his best friend now is the all the unhappy is so much stuff on my nose on him why he says it was all an accident more math than hampton road state police bus tool absence of that landing one man behind bars three shootings in just one weekend a crime wave in office prompting a push for change why one mayoral candidate says the police need how i just thought to myself that no we need to make this a priority. this man levi roberts is accused of shooting his best friend it happened yesterday at a super eight motel at the virginia beach oceanfront generally talk to robbers from behind
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was all an accident. yeah levi roberts told me that he never meant to shoot his best friend told me that he hangs out at this hotel with his friends on occasion but yesterday things just spiraled out of control he said a lot and it was a big blur but he does remember popping at least fifteen xanax pills and we tell the ground and the mom after that long. kindling love the face we usually do on along with the levi roberts as he was playing with a nine millimeter handgun when he accidentally shot his best friend caught the bat was flying around the boulder chamber and unknowable is a fire without the clinton and poetry and bang his friend was rushed to the hospital in critical condition and they say in oz in my face pressed against the wall of his officers standing on and you
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when he was hanging out with six or seven of his friends early sunday morning i had a great idea then was a lot about this team. after all was an ensign announced his tall friend is unhappy. this summer stuff on my nose time he says his anger was fueled when he found out his best friend had slept with the girl that he really light but he says he never meant to shoot in five nights a line that has someone he admits he struggles with depression and often turns to drugs but now that he's sitting in jail and his best friend is in the hospital he knows he needs to make a change. i was wrong. shes fine now the words that mean this is
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