tv FOX19 Now FOX January 10, 2016 8:00am-10:00am EST
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>> when making money is the aim these kids they bring their game they're the biz kids can you dig it? they know what's up and let you know just how to make that dough they're the biz kids right on so learn a little more about bringing money through the door right on. >> lots of kids have jobs. lots of adults have jobs too.
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the same kind of job for years and years. >> some people do the same kind of work over a longer period of time. that's called a career. a job is... >> hi, guys! >> just off work, huh? ah, the smell of burgers. >> yeah, it kind of sticks to you. >> so lizzie here has a job at incrediburger. do you like working there? >> yeah, it's fun, but it's not the kind of thing i want to do for the rest of my life. >> so lizzie currently doesn't intend on making a career of standing at the burger grill. >> no thanks! >> but suppose she loves burgers and became a manager, did that for a couple years, and then became manager of all the incrediburger restaurants in the area and eventually was promoted to the corporate headquarters as a regional director. >> you may find that burgers are your life's passion and the work that you want to do. now, that's a great way to make a career: find what you love to do. >> i'm not sure if i love burgers that much. >> i do! >> well, okay, but remember, you're young. you've got time to decide. explore your interests and see what you can do with them. >> we're taking it to the streets to find out what's the
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career. >> i think a job is something that maybe your first time starting out. >> you might not like it. >> something that you work every day. >> it's kind of temporary. >> something you get paid to do. a career is something you want to do. a career is something you want to do. >> something that you love to do. >> something you go to school for. >> something that you spend a long time working on and that you might love going to every day. >> what do you do unconsciously? think about those things that bring you the greatest joy. that's kind of where your gift kind of lies. >> biz kids, get an internship! when i grow up, i want to be a painter. you know, like, i was never meant to be, like, in an office job. like, i could never stand that. something that i could do right there in front of me that i'm going to be more interested in than if i'm just sitting at, like, a computer typing. it's going to be appealing to me. check it out! this is my cool internship! yeah! i got my glass-blowing
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working and blowing glass at a program called hilltop artists, which is a program for middle and high-school kids. having an internship allows me to learn that all the different processes of the arts are all connected. the force is with you. why don't we go take a look? this is a glass-blowing studio. leonard is my glass-blowing boss. >> i'm helping teach cassandra how to blow glass, and she helps me make all of my artwork that's in the shop. we usually start out with a picture of what we're going to make. what we're going to make is a tall flutter bowl, and it's going to be a happy bowl. it's going to have a smile. how was that? >> great. >> with glass blowing, i get to
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get made out of just a blob of hot molten glass. as long as i can remember, i've always liked to do stuff that i could create out of nothing. my ability to do something with these things, these hands, really appealing to me. and with painting, i get to do it more on my own time, and it's more just me. i guess it's just something i feel like i need to do. i will make a career out of these hands. these hands are biz hands. >> job or career, you decide. >> floriculture, florists. >> vice president of the united auto workers. >> i want to be a social worker. >> one of the world's greatest scientists. >> public service. >> athlete. >> fly to the moon. >> dig things up. >> drive stuff. >> cook stuff-- ooh. >> cashier. >> helicopter pilot. >> scientist.
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>> kids, developing a career is a lot like working with building blocks-- building blocks. now let me show you why. first you got to start with the drive and the ambition-- the ambition, the ambition that is necessary to get you there. you make a plan of what you want to do and ask questions-- questions to other people who are in that job that you want. then you get the training, the training that you're going to need. you get the education-- education that is necessary to do that job. you look for internships in the field that you want to work for. you get in there. then you network, network, network with other people who are in that field. then you got to spend a few years paying your dues. you got to pay those dues. but then finally, finally, after all those years, you'll end up with that dream career that you've always wanted, and there you're in that place. you're in that place! ( bell ringing ) my career! oh!
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it just became a passion for me. i was a high school athlete, so i played baseball, and i played basketball. i realized quickly that i wouldn't be able to make it to the nba or make it to the major leagues, so i stuck with drawing. i think i really realized my passion for footwear once i got to my senior year in high school. there was this rookie named michael jordan that entered the nba, and his shoes were just so different than everyone else's. and so i would just draw jordans all day. my very first job after graduation from high school was to be a file clerk. so i would go to different corporations on a weekly basis and just file papers all day long. so i think it was the third assignment i got; that company was to work at la gear as a file clerk. and i was like, "wow, i'm at a footwear company." and i was like, "well, i'm here, so let me see if i can get a job as a footwear designer. i know i'm a file clerk, but let me see if i can get a job." and i remember they had a
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department of ways to improve the company. every day, for six months straight, i put sketches in this box. after about six months, the chairman called me into his office. he said, "hey, you know, i hear your the guy that's been putting sketches in my box. do you want a job as internal footwear designer?" and i'm like, "yeah, sure." i embraced the challenge, and i learned from everybody that was working with me. i asked questions every day. my goal was to get better, and my goal was to be better than the people that i was working with. and in four years, i accomplished that goal. this is what i use. it's the same number-two pencil that you can pick up anywhere. i had people that didn't believe in me necessarily. but you have to kind of use those things as motivation, and that's what i did. for me, it was just more so i had an opportunity, and i took advantage of that opportunity to the best of my ability. and when i talk to people and i tell them what i do, and the
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"wow, you actually get paid to do that." you get paid to draw. you get paid to talk to michael jordan or to carmello anthony. you get paid to work on jordan product." and "cool" is a very good word >> please send the doctor in. >> doctor, michael will see you now. >> uh-huh. okay, all right. bye. hey, glad you could come. um, just sit down. i've got to get through a lot of careers today. so i'm just going to jump straight into the questions. um, if i'm going into medicine, about how many years of schooling am i looking at? >> well, for school, you're looking at four years for your undergrad. you're looking at another four years for your medical school and at least three for your residency. >> okay, that's a long time. so what would my benefits be? >> adoring fans, fame, fortune. >> chicks dig a guy in uniform. >> you get to travel.
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you get to work outside. >> everyone stands up when i walk into a room. >> but it's not that easy is it? >> well, there may be a few years playing in empty clubs, living out of your van. >> well, you get pretty dusty and dirty, and there's rope burns. >> birds. you ever seen what a bird will do to an engine or what an engine will do to a bird? not pretty. >> and how would my creativity be put to use? how would that work? >> well, graphic design is all about creativity. >> you bare your tortured soul to the world every night you play. >> when you've got a patient on the table, you've got to know what to do, and you've got to act decisively, and you've got to think outside the box. >> clear! >> and what would my schedule look like? would i have any time to, you know, party, any down time? what would it look like? >> 9:00 to 5:00, but be expecting to pull a lot of all- nighters working on projects. >> late nights, touring for months at a time. >> okay. >> my schedule's regulated by
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>> whoo-ee, a lot of hours in the saddle! >> i like the night beat. >> might have to hold a day job, you know, just to keep the rent up. >> all right. well, thank you very much for coming. you've given me a lot to think about. >> did i get the job? >> did i get the job? >> did i get the job? >> did i get the job? >> did i get the job, sir? >> i'll get back to you soon. >> honestly, did i get it, or did i get it? >> you're in contention, all right? but there's a lot of other careers to look at.
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i have about 17 downloads last time i checked. i only about 46 pictures right now. this is a circular polarizing filter i put on to my camera. the lens is detachable. it's an slr. and under that mirror is the ccd, which captures the image. i'm going to be a photographer. >> it's pretty easy to create your own career. here are six easy tips to help pursue your dream job. >> first, figure out what you're passionate about. you'll get more out of your career if you're doing what you love. >> next, find out where those types of jobs are-- not just physical location, but also what types of jobs will open the door. >> third, develop a strategy for getting yourself closer to your dream job. figure out what kind of experience or training you need to get yourself ready. >> then prepare the best way to abilities. this could be a r\sum\ or things to list on an application or a letter. >> the next step is to believe in yourself, and what you do. a lot of times the difference between two people going for he same job is that the person who got the job showed more
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>> finally, keep at it, even if you fail a couple times. if you keep trying, you're much more likely to get that job, and if you quit, then, well, you definitely won't get it. so go make it happen. >> ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon and welcome to gotham comedy club. >> have you ever felt like you have a theme song? i'm not talking about a song that gets stuck in your head. >> get it? he's doing comedy, and it's no joke! >> the other day i drank long- expired milk and nothing happened. my name is alejandro kalini, and i'm 17 years old. i like to walk up to strangers and say there's nothing to worry about and then walk away. for as long as i can remember, people would say, like, "oh, you should do stand up comedy," which people i guess say to a lot of people who they think are funny, but i heard it, and i was like, "i think i might actually like to do that." >> yeah, but anyway... >> well, this is the gotham comedy club. we just finished up the kids 'n
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it's a group of child comedians aged usually seven to 17. and we do one or two shows a month here at the gotham comedy club on 23rd street on sunday afternoons. >> i was thinking to myself did cap'n crunch always start off as a cap'n? >> or, or, or, or, or, or, or i could tell you to be your own person. sometimes when i have a joke that doesn't get a laugh, you got to realize that you're going to have another chance, and you got to come back next time and give it your all. think your own thoughts. be an individual. but then i'd sound like a grownup. >> and if you're out there, we're going to get you! >> it's a tough business. i'm not going to... it took me more than 15 years of work. >> this is like a bad allstate commercial, okay? next time you get a haircut, ask yourself are you in good hands? >> but it's addictive, and it's fun. it's the most fun in the world, so why wouldn't you do it? >> it's never the same performance twice with standup. >> when someone asks you for
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street names; you point in the general direction. >> did something die in your mouth. so? >> and how old are you? >> um, 11. okay, so why did the kid throw out his apple computer? >> why? >> because there was a worm in it. >> there was a worm in it, eli! >> i kind of just play on the crowd, and if it's a bad show, then you come back next time and get it again. >> if you have the will power to, anyone can get up there. it's just a matter of courage. >> it takes a lot of work, but i think it's worth it. >> it's really cool, because at the beginning of every commercial break, they're like, "you're watching murder files, the true story of the manorville baby strangler, brought to you by glade plugins." i'm very passionate about comedy. i see this right now as a career, or hopefully it will be a career. i haven't really started professionally doing it at all. like, this isn't something that i come in because i have to and i do it and i take my paycheck and i leave.
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almost... no, this is... this is a career. >> what do you want to be when you grow up? remember getting that question a lot when you were little? >> yep. my answer changed, like, five times before i even got to middle school. careers. when you're a kid, you don't have to make up your mind right away. some people work a lot of jobs before they find what they want to stick with. some people never find it, which is kind of sad. >> but you're a kid, and you've got a lot of time to find out what suits you, so don't pressure yourself. so, amanda, what did you want to be when you were little? >> i thought it'd be really cool to be a pirate. what about you? >> i wanted to be a star ship captain. >> a star ship captain? austin, star ships don't even exist, let alone star ship captains. >> well, i didn't slag you about the whole pirate thing. >> that's because pirates are real. >> well, still, piracy isn't exactly what you'd call a biz kids endorsed legitimate enterprise.
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if you keep tanning, indoors or out, the effects of harmful rays will show up on your skin. wrinkles, age spots and an increased risk of skin cancer, including melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer and the second most common cancer in women 15 to 29. stop tanning. time may not be on your side. learn how to protect your skin at
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right on. >> my dream is to become a professional artist and a professional businessman. hello. >> hello! >> i like your optimism. the title of today's presentation is "celebrate abilities, reach for your dreams: planning for the future." what i learned clearly about myself is that i needed a job where i would be rewarded for my social and verbal skills. i have started my own visual and
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arts. i do make a lot of money. i sell my art and poetry on postcards, greeting cards, calendars, prints, and do commissioned art. when i do my art, it builds confidence, and it also builds character. i use pencil, watercolor, and oil pastels. it's been my greatest passion for doing such art like this. >> thank you very much, dylan. >> thank you. my proudest moment is with my... is my customers. they're my proudest moment. watching them brings joy and
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i just love doing art. plan and live your life so it's filled with love and enjoyment. don't let your obstacles stand in the way from pursuing your passions, your dreams. say yes. thank you for... you've been a applause ) is that cool? >> your career can be anything. you have control over what it is, and you can make it happen. >> the point is you can make your career into anything, especially something you love doing. >> but don't feel like you have to decide right now. you've got time. just find something you love to do and go after it. >> yeah, but shouldn't you look for a job that'll make you rich? >> no, better something that'll make you happy. what's the point of being rich if you're miserable? >> or something where you're constantly learning and growing. >> but isn't the best kind of job a job that helps people? >> yeah, but that's not going to
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narrator: today on "the coolest places on earth," we kayak, dive, and surf our way around mexico. ok, to be honest, we mostly relax at the amazing resorts, but we' ll show you what you could do, or at least what you' ll tell your friends you did while on the coolest mexico getaway. so, get ready to zip, bike, or more likely just do nothing. this is "the coolest places on
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here in the country of mexico, we' re going to discover rich history, outstanding beaches, and endless outdoor adventure. mexico is the most populous spanish-speaking country in the world. in 1521, the spanish empire conquered and colonized the territory. the area was originally home to some of the most advanced mesoamerican civilizations in history, including the aztecs and the mayans. the territory would eventually become mexico, following recognition of their independence in 1821. let' s start our mexico getaway where all mexico getaways should start... cabo san lucas. located at the southern tip of baja california sur, together with san jose del cabo, the area is known as los cabos. cabo' s beautiful harbor welcomes you with spectacular rock
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lies beneath--an endless stretch of snorkeling heaven. colorful schools of fish are just a few fin kicks off the shoreline. find a local snorkel tour and start exploring. if the surf' s up, you can also rent a board and hit the waves. the warm waters and sandy beaches are perfect for all water sports. cabo' s harbor is an oasis for cruise lines, pleasure boats, and serious yachts. tourists file out onto the docks, excited for their cabo adventure. there' s no shortage of things to do here, and the locals don' t shy away from telling you. snap a few pics, grab a quick snack and a souvenir at a classic local street market. now it' s time to take a tour. let' s check in with the guides at esperanza tours and discover what makes cabo tick. one of the
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the local art on display. on the tour, we' ll see how some of that amazing art is made, here at the glass-blowing factory. these guys are good! for our next stop, how about some local art made by mother nature? check out this remarkable cactus garden. there are about 1,500 different species of cactus here in san jose del cabo. it' s one of the largest collections in the country. that' s also about 1,500 different ways to jab yourself, so be careful. now for some history. let' s visit the mission san jose del cabo. it was founded in 1730 and has been rebuilt and relocated several times since it was destroyed in 1734. all right, time to get out on the water. so, hop aboard one of these glass-bottom water taxis. this 45-minute round-trip boat tour provides a truly unique water experience with views of the
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unique vantage points of the amazing rock formations in the bay. next stop on our mexico getaway...mazatlan. it' s located just across the gulf of california from cabo on the mainland of mexico. it' s a thriving commercial seaport, fueled originally by importing equipment for gold and silver mines. it' s another perfect spot to stop on any ocean cruise. fun experiences are around every corner--shopping, parasailing, and... oh, no! no way! i can' t watch. whew! that looks fun, but really, don' t do that. our next adventure takes us to an absolute mexico vacation must--puerto vallarta. the local climate, beauty, and culture has made this city one of the top destinations in the country. check out all the amazing sculptures and public
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puerto vallarta is so popular is the array of spectacular resorts available, none more spectacular than now amber. time for some serious relaxation. plush rooms, breathtaking ocean views, and a variety of pristine pools to keep you floating in tropical tranquility. hit the links for some pure golf heaven, catch a show, or take the kids to now amber' s onsite playground or hit the game room. cap off your day with a meal at one of their high-caliber restaurants, then an open-air massage, with over 14,000 square feet of spa facilities. ahh...only way to travel. through apple vacations, book a trip to now amber right now. coming up, we tour one of the biggest cities in the world,
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time to learn about mexico' s it' s the country' s largest city and its most important political, cultural, educational, and financial center. mexico city is the largest spanish-speaking city in the world, with an estimated 8.84 million people in the city proper, but that doesn' t mean you can' t find some open-space fun. jump in a paddle boat on lago menor. it' s easy and fun. boats may be slower than they appear in this video. the lake is part of chapultepec. it' s one of the biggest city parks in the western hemisphere. the park receives about 15 million
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is full of places to visit for unique shopping, astounding architecture, top-notch, well-known hotels, and you can get around on their modern public transportation system, which might be a good idea, with more people than rio de janeiro, lima, los angeles, and even new york city. mexico city is considered the most populated metropolitan area in the western hemisphere. mexico city is also an awesome launch point for outdoor adventure. let' s head here to the state of veracruz. grab your paddles. it' s time to get extreme, but first, a light stroll with our gear through the mexican jungle. don' t worry. it' s worth it. the hike in is beautiful, but the end result is breathtaking. this is big banana falls. despite the name, it' s no joke. it' s 40 meters tall, shooting through a narrow canyon and pummeling the pool of
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unrelenting whirlpool. kayakers who take on this crazy plunge fall at over 150 kilometers an hour. so, yeah, this is not for beginners or even experts. it' s really only for crazy people who happen to be experts. think you have what it takes? all right, time to beat the heat here in acapulco. it' s been a key port city since the early colonial period of mexico' s history and another popular cruise line destination. it came to prominence as a popular destination for hollywood stars and millionaires in the 1950s. now it' s considered one of the more old-school resort destinations, with plenty of history to go around. just down the pacific coast from acapulco is huatulco, and it shares more in common with acapulco than just a similar name. it also has
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huatulco resort and spa. this incredible rainforest alliance certified resort is perfect for a mexico getaway. find peace in one of their 6 pools with unmatched views and plenty of fun in the sun, including jet skiing, kayaking, and expert guided tours. go for a hike, and you just might discover something truly memorable, like an out-of-this-world natural waterfall and pool, complete with a rope swing. for the kids, there' s the explorer' s club, an ultimate kid-friendly adventure program. and, once again, melt away the worries with a professional massage. before we head to the caribbean side, let' s go on an excursion here: hierve el agua, a set of natural formations that resemble cascades of water. both artificial and natural pools nearby make excellent
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well worth the trip. let' s shoot over to the caribbean side to continue our mexico getaway here in cancun. located on the northeast coast of the yucatan peninsula, it' s one of the top destinations in all of mexico. many centuries after the original mayan culture disappeared, the area began developing into a resort-based destination. when development started on january 23, 1970, cancun had only 3 residents. remarkable, when you think about all the action cancun offers today. now at night, you can see the many resorts that sparkle the shoreline. by day, it' s a tropical paradise ready to be explored. take a boat out onto the turquoise waters or visit the nearby mayan ruins for the ultimate cultural experience. the archaeological zones are treasures in the study of mayan
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these are found all over mexico, adding to its allure and mystery. in cancun, you can visit the mayan ruin sites of el rey and el meca. the maya civilization began developing in the archaic period prior to 2,000 b.c. so these relics of old cities and homes offer a unique perspective into one of the earliest known intelligent human cultures. it was all part of an original mayan settlement that included cozumel island and isla mujeres, a location once sacred to the maya goddess of childbirth and medicine. it was called isla mujeres by spanish explorers in the 16th century. it means "island of the women," referring to the many images of goddesses found on the island. coming up, we dive deeper into cancun' s wild side, take in more ancient history, and get extreme in the forest. this is "the coolest places on
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exposing groundwater underneath. the term was derived from a lowland yucatec maya word that basically described accessible groundwater. the mexican region of yucatan was once covered by the ocean. during the last ice age, the level of the ocean sank, and all of the reef and marine life collapsed and became marine fossils. rainfall filtered through the ground and started flowing towards the ocean, eventually carving out huge systems of underground caves and tunnels, forming an underground river system. access points like this one were carved out by the slightly acidic rainfall, dissolving the alkaline limestone. near cancun, you can take tours to explore these amazing geological formations. but it' s not just picture-taking from afar. you can get right in there, snorkeling and even scuba diving. it' s a cave diver' s dream come true. go with a guide
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historic natural wonders. imagine the mayans stumbling upon these incredible pools and the mysterious cave and tunnel system leading to miles of underwater rivers. it doesn' t take much to understand why the mayans consider the cenotes sacred. the water is often clear because of a natural filter system. the water filters slowly through the ground and therefore contains very little suspended particle matter. important archaeological sites can be seen along the way. there are about 30,000 cenotes or exposed access points to the caverns and cave systems. two of these cave systems have over 140 kilometers of explored passages. another well-known mexico getaway spot is this area just south of cancun: riviera maya. the name has historically referred to the tourism and resort district that starts at
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attract tourists when the town started a ferry service to cozumel, an island across the cozumel channel. it' s a world-famous scuba diving destination. don' t worry. we' ll explore cozumel in a bit, but first, let me take a selfie! it' s ok. you' ll want to brag about hanging out at riviera maya. a great resort to start with is the iberostar paraiso del mar. it' s an all-inclusive 5-star family hotel located at playa paraiso, between playa del carmen and puerto morelos. the luxurious colonial-style resort has impressive mexican decor, attention to detail and style, and service. there' s endless fun for all ages. don' t forget to eat. yum! iberostar paraiso maya greets you with some stunning statues and art. the traditional mayan decor sets the table for your
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mayan ruins. great excursions are available for everyone. just ask the helpful staff. what better way to get away than to play some golf on immaculate greens and fairways? the kids will love it with this incredible ship-themed playground built right into a humongous kids pool. plus, a visit to the spa can' t hurt. over at iberostar paraiso lindo, notice the amazing colonial-style architecture and decor resembling an ancient monastery. it feels much more like a historic boutique hotel but with amazingly luxurious amenities, beautiful patios with picturesque views. the elaborate pools are some of the most impressive in the area. check out this waterfall and wave pool with a cool mayan theme. hit the beach to the max with your own hammock or enjoy the cool breezes underneath a private
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from the ocean. water activities are available and relaxation is abundant. all right, enough relaxation. let' s see some action. take a tour with mayan adventure out of tulum. mexico has some of the best ziplining in the world, and you can combine it with memorable tours of the mayan ruins. it' s a great way to get the kids involved in history and outdoor fun. hike into the forest and prepare to fly. the ziplines cover expansive and lush forests, so the views are outstanding! but the thrill of soaring through the air might have you zipping with your eyes closed. stick the landing, then onto the next adventure. how about some rapelling and some spelunking? follow the guides to cenote estrella. drop down into
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stalagtites and stalagmites are in full effect. don' t forget to do some cave snorkeling. the nearby mayan ruins offer incredible sites and authentic demonstrations. picture time! the mayans really knew a thing or two about oceanfront property value. coming up, we set sail for the island of cozumel for some snorkeling, crocodiles, and food, but not all those at the same time, because that sounds dangerous. this is "the coolest places on
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need help? we are here. whether you're feeling sad... frustrated... or happy... we've got you covered. pay those good feelings forward. and if you ever need someone to talk to... we'll be here. there's someone who understands life from your perspective. they're here to help you figure it all out. all you have to do is call or
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at academy of dermatology for our final adventure, we start here, playa del carmen. this slightly americanized port getaways. there' s plenty of shopping and local culture to take in. one of the main draws is the ferry terminal offering trips to nearby cozumel, a top destination for beachcombers and adventure seekers. so, let' s hop on a ferry from playa del carmen to here--cozumel. the main city is san miguel. it' s a vibrant place full of open markets, street food, and souvenirs. it' s the biggest island in the
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to rent a car or take a tour. sunroof recommended. one side of cozumel is still relatively untouched with pristine beaches and more casual establishments. in punta sur, the crocodile zone is a must-see for some local wildlife. for something cuddlier, look for the native coati or climb to the top of a lighthouse for a different perspective. but the main attractions in cozumel are scuba diving and snorkeling. located on the second-largest coral reef in the world, it provides some of the best underwater sites in all of mexico. swim alongside schools of fish for an unforgettable experience. it' s the perfect activity to cap off the coolest mexico getaway. thanks, mexico! time to plan our next adventure. this has been
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for the following counties: clinton, warren, butler, franklin, fayette, union, ripley, dearborn, ohio, switzerland, hamilton, clermont, campbell, kenton, grant. for the following clinton, warren, fayette, union. during the late morning, the rain will continue to transition over to snow. the snow early afternoon ranging from trace visibilities travel are snow falls. winds of the west from 15 to 25 mph with gusts in the 40s possible. this will be as temperatures fall throughout the day. we will drop the midafternoon cold conditions majority of next chance for snow bengals
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happened? a lot of people are asking that exact question, what happened? it looked as if the bengals were about to pull off a comeback for the ages..instead, snatched defeat victory--and one of games in bengals history quickly turned into the most heartbreaking. aj mccarron was quiet for three quarters, but in the fourth, he brought the bengals back from a 15-0 deficit... jeremy hill starts the comeback with the one yard touchdown run early in the fourth, bengals down 15-7.. after a mike nugent 36 yard field goal makes it 15-10, it's a.j. to a.j., green makes a circus catch and spins into the end zone on the 25-yarder to give the bengals a 16-15 lead. mccarron 9 of 15 for 98 yards in the fourth..two point conversion fails, vontez
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seemingly seal the game...and then it all came apart...jeremy hill, trying to kill the clock, fumbles and gives it right back to the steelers... rothlisburger, who had been knocked out of the game earlier, comes back in the fourth and drives the steelers to midfield...with less than 30 seconds, he looks for antonio brown, it's incomplete, but vontaze burfict is called for the hit to the head..that's 15 yards, and to make matters worse, adam jones is called for another 15 yards for pushing steelers' assistant joey porter.. that makes it a chip shot field goal, from 35 yards..and the bengals don't have enough time for another drive.. for the fifth year in a row, the bengals exit after an opening round playoff loss, the final, 18-16 pittsburgh. with more, here are joe and jeremy.. now, tensions were obviously very high right
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jones posted that video within minutes at the end of the game. that post has since been deleted and replaced by a new one with the caption o-m-g. take a listen. "all right i'm good now. i've had my 10 minutes. but i still don't believe i should have got a flag for talking to a coach that's on the field behind the huddle. that's my bad." bengals dan 2shot desk as you see it was an emotional time for bengals players last night... it was just as emotional for who dey nation. fox19 now's shawn lanier has more on how fans feel shawn live shawn vo
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big news if you bought a powerball ticket for the record breaking $949 million dollar jackpot... no one won!!! now, the next drawing will be on wednesday... the jackpot is up to 1.3 billion dollars...that's a possible a $806 million dollar cash payout... and that number will only go up. there is some good news for ohio. we did have a million dollar "match 5" winner. dan 2shot desk two people are displaced this morning after an weekend fire... jess traffic adlib wx tease weather now
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advisory is in effect until 11am for the following counties: clinton, warren, butler, franklin, fayette, union, ripley, dearborn, ohio, switzerland, hamilton, clermont, campbell, kenton, boone, gallatin, owen, grant. a wind advisory is in effect until 1pm for the following counties: clinton, warren, fayette, union. during the late morning, the rain will continue to transition over to snow. the snow showers will taper off during the early afternoon leaving behind accumulations ranging from trace amounts up to 2 inches. reduced visibilities and hazardous travel are expected as the snow falls. winds will increase out of the west from 15 to 25 mph with gusts in the 40s possible. this will be as temperatures fall throughout the day. we will drop into the mid 20s by the midafternoon with frigid wind chill values. the cold conditions will stick around for a majority of next week with another chance for snow on tuesday. road crews started preparing early for possible ice and show in
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around 7 o-clock. two people were at home when the fire broke out. investigators say it was a brother and a sister. thanfully, no injuries have been reported. two pets were also in the home, and escaped as well. "we got here, there was a fire on the second floor, in the one back room. did an agressive interior attack to get the fire out." we're learing there's...about $20 thousand dollars worth of damage. the fire is still under investigation. the driver accused of hitting and killing a woman.. who was in the middle of running a marathon...he made his first appearance in court. say 24-year old was arrested apartment complex on lawn avenue. police say he tried to escape out a window of the building before being tazed and arrested. stid-hum is accused of hitting and catherine chatfield avenue last month. the in 7 hills marathon. held without bond including aggravated vehicular homicide
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wake up in your first home. wake up in a home you've made a bit bigger. wake up in a home with a new address. wake up in a home that doesn't even have an address. as your life evolves, your dream home evolves too, and protecting it takes committed support. at american family insurance we support your dreams. see how you can save with ring video doorbell
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advisory is in effect until 11am for the following counties: clinton, warren, butler, franklin, fayette, union, ripley, dearborn, ohio, switzerland, hamilton, clermont, campbell, kenton, boone, gallatin, owen, grant. for the following fayette, union. morning, the rain to snow. the snow off during the accumulations amounts up to 2 and hazardous snow falls. winds the west from 15 to the 40s possible. this will be as temperatures fall throughout the day. we will drop into the mid 20s by the midafternoon with frigid wind chill values. the cold conditions will stick around for a majority of next
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new years resolutions is to save money, spend less or make more money! i have 2 tips to help get you started to spending less and saving more! first tip is to put a little cash away each week. by the end of the year can have several hundred dollars to spend for the holidays or save for a rainy day! second tip is to buy now and all year long for your holiday gifts! after a trip to meijer on friday, i was able to grab $270 worth of items for gifts for just $40, savings of $230!!! waiting for items to go on sale or clearance and combining that with coupons can make the most bang for your buck! these are items that you can use all year long for birthdays or save until next christmas- saving you lots of money! even if you are unable to use the item yourself, these items make great gifts to your local families in need! adopting a family during the holidays and giving them these gifts you paid pennies for, is a great way to spread the wealth! for more information go to fox19 now dot com. dan 2shot desk fox19's betsy ross
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a winter weather advisory is in effect until 11am for the following counties: clinton, warren, butler, franklin, fayette, union, ripley, dearborn, ohio, switzerland, hamilton, clermont, campbell, kenton, boone, gallatin, owen, grant. a wind advisory is in effect until 1pm for the following counties: clinton, warren, fayette, union. during the late morning, the rain will continue to transition over to snow. the snow showers will taper off during the early afternoon leaving behind accumulations ranging from trace amounts up to 2 inches. reduced visibilities and hazardous travel are expected as the snow falls. winds will increase out of the west from 15 to 25 mph with gusts in the 40s possible. this will be as temperatures fall throughout the day. we will drop into the mid 20s by the midafternoon with frigid wind chill values. the cold conditions will stick around for a majority of next week with another chance for snow on tuesday. bengals
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betsy what happened? if someone would have told you in september that the bengals would end this season 12 and 4, you'd probably be pretty happy..but think about that loss at denver..if the bengals would have won that game, they would have been off this week and would not have to face the steelers. the bengals said they wouldn't lose their cool like they did in the regular season game with pittsburgh, but they did--and in the process lost the game in the worst possible way. aj mccarron, in for andy dalton, was quiet for three quarters, but in the fourth, he brought the bengals back from a 15-0 deficit... jeremy hill starts the comeback with the one yard touchdown run early in the fourth, bengals down 15-7.. a field goal makes it 15-10, then it's a.j. to a.j., green makes a circus catch and spins into the end zone on the 25-
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bengals a 16-15 lead. steelers throw a pick to seemingly seal the win...and then it all came apart...jeremy hill, trying to kill the clock, fumbles and gives it right back to the steelers... rothlisburger, knocked out of the game earlier, comes back, looks for antonio brown, it's incomplete, but vontaze burfict is called for the hit to the head..that's 15 yards, and to make matters worse, adam jones is called for another 15 yards for pushing steelers' assistant joey porter.. that makes it a chip shot field goal, from 35 yards..and the bengals don't have enough time for another drive.. bengals drop a heartbreaker, 18-16. bengals dan 2shot desk the loss to the
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advisory is in effect until 11am for the following counties: clinton, warren, butler, franklin, fayette, union, ripley, dearborn, ohio, switzerland, hamilton, clermont, campbell, kenton, boone, gallatin, owen, grant. a wind advisory is in effect until 1pm for the following fayette, union. will continue to to snow. the snow off during the early afternoon leaving behind accumulations ranging from trace amounts up to 2 inches. reduced visibilities and hazardous travel are expected as the snow falls. winds the west from 15 to the 40s possible. this will be as day. we will drop into the mid 20s by the midafternoon cold conditions majority of next week with another chance for snow on tuesday. mexico plans to extradite prison
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mexico plans to extradite prison escapee and notorious drug lord joaquin "el chapo" guzman to the united states. guzman faces drug trafficking charges connected to his cartel. he escaped from a mexican prison in july. now, it turns out the notorious drug lord met with actor sean penn for a secret interview for the rolling stones magazine...this all happened in the mexican jungle. mexican authorities are saying this meeting may have helped authorities track guman down. dan soft set coming up on the fox 19 now weekend morning news... horseshoe casino is here to show us how to make one of their delicious salmon dinners. jess levee adlib weather tease toyota billboard
9:23 am
welcome aboard my starship. ahoy, mateys! it's full of things i love... like me brave crew... and my fellow space adventures and free of things i don't. like aliens. just like eye patches. and when it's time to refuel, i eat chex cereal. it's full of stuff we pirates need. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. excelsior! eat up, me hearties! keep it down! i'm exploring the galaxy. arrrr, that's not even a real spaceship. o h, imagination runs wild. but at my table, i keep the food real. ke country crock's new recipe. deith real simple ingredients d artificial flavors or preservatives. alntry fresh taste from
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lce to crock country. advisory is in effect until 11am for the following counties: clinton, warren, butler, franklin, fayette, union, ripley, dearborn, ohio, switzerland, hamilton, clermont, campbell, kenton, boone, gallatin, owen, grant. a wind advisory is in effect until 1pm for the following counties: clinton, warren, fayette, union. during the late morning, the rain will continue to transition over to snow. the snow showers will taper off during the early afternoon leaving behind accumulations ranging from trace amounts up to 2 inches. reduced visibilities and hazardous travel are expected as the snow falls. winds will increase out of the west from 15 to 25 mph with gusts in the 40s possible. this will be as temperatures fall throughout the day. we will drop into the mid 20s by the midafternoon with frigid wind chill values. the cold conditions will stick around for a majority of next week with another chance for snow on tuesday. chef gary davis is here from horshoe
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how to make a hot smoked salmon recipe.... thanks for coming on. hot smoked salmon with wilted spinach, pickled red onions, brine 1 over salmon and hours hot smoked salmon olive oil black pepper equipment: smoker at 285 degrees hickory chips 1 salmon out of the brine. let air dry for 30 minutes. 2 then season the pepper 3 put in smoker for 1 until fully cooked to an internal pickled red onions cup sugar 1tsp of salt 1ea peeled red sugar, water and salt to a boil. pour over julienned hours. lemon vinagrette 1 tbsp of lemon juice 1tsp of sugar 1 small shallot tsp of dijon 1 cup of olive oil 1 blend the first four ingredients and slowly add the oil to create an pickled red onions baby spinach in a skillet, add oil, then add cherry are wilted then add for only one minute.
9:28 am
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