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tv   FOX19 Now  FOX  March 2, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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(jacki this one was drinking wine at his desk... and he's 12. the bizarre story unfolding now. a 77-year-old woman carjacked! the hunt for a thug. only on fox19 now... donald trump, keith maupin and jeff ruby... some pretty heavy hitters wrapped up in a war of words, that's led to threats. a brief round of snow headed our way... how much will fall and when. gravesites gutted! a local man accused of destroying a cemetery with stones dating back to the 1700's. what we're learning about the crime tonight. roaches, dead mice, overflowing grease. some local restaurants in hot water with health inspectors.
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a 12-year old student is locked up tonight... accused of threatening other students with a gun at a mount healthy school... the gun turned out to be a toy.. but, on top of that... you'll never believe what else this kid was doing when cops found him in a classroom today. our ben katko is live in mount healthy right now. he's been working this story. ben? this 12 year old was picked up inside one of the classrooms here today. he's a mt. healthy middle student... but was part of an offsite program at this old school at the church of the assumption. as you said... this is a strange story. that's because police say they found the boy... sitting at a desk... having himself a cup of wine. they say he had a plastic toy gun with him in school. what you're seeing right now... is a picture of that gun the police gave to us. the boy is facing
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there..., including weapons and liquor-related charges. the assistant principal here tipped off a school resource officer leading to the boy's arrest today. police say that's when they found him with the gun... and the cup of wine. police tell us... yesterday after school the boy pointed the toy gun at some other kids and allegedly told one of them quote "i am going to shoot you." police tell us they have taken the boy to juvenile detention... on those five charges. we're going to keep working the story. as soon as we get anything new... we'll pass it right along. live in mount healthy... ben katko... fox19 now. this is the third school incident today. in addition to the mt. healthy scare, a 14-year-old student brought a spring loaded pellet gun to clermont northeastern today to give to a friend. there was no threat made, so no charges are being filed. that's not the case with an incident at wyoming high
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a 15-year-old freshman is under arrest in wyoming charged with two counts of aggravated menacing. officials say he didn't have a weapon on him, but threatened two students at the school yesterday. he may also face expulsion. also breaking tonight, a northern kentucky businessman is headed to prison for illegally selling parts to china. this is louis brothers back in 2010. just hours ago, he was sentenced to 93- months in prison for illegally exporting sophisticated technology equipment to the people's republic of china and concealing unlawful proceeds. he'll also have to pay more than a million dollars. the f-b-i says he exported microcircuits, and labeled the shipments as computer parts to conceal them. you decide 2016 it's the tweet everyone's talking about tonight. jeff ruby says he's gotten death threats after taking aim at donald trump...saying the g-o-p frontrunner is not welcome in his restaurants, until he apologizes to p-o-w's.
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o'rourke has been the bottom of the clermont county with what she's learned. trica, donald trump and jeff ruby are both outspoken and often unfiltered. but, tonight the restraunteur sent us a very thoughtout statement...explaini ng his reasoning that tweet had so we came here to the yellow ribbon support center and talked to matt's dad keith about the online war of words. 365 days a year...this keith maupin. surrounded with care packages for the troops...each emblazoned with a picture of his son, slain staff sgt. matt maupin. 6 "he's always in my mind and he don't go too far away" for keith this is a quiet mission...he won't ask for anything...including attention. but, that's exactly what he's getting after cincinnati's jeff ruby, lashed out at donald trump over this comment last july: 7 "he's not a war hero...he's not a war hero because he was captured. i like people who weren't captured
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yesterday ruby took to twitter saying he had oj'd trump from his restaurants for that comment.. and my did the flood gates open with comments.. including death threats against ruby. at the time of the trump comment.. trump was talking about senator john mccain...but today, ruby told us....he takes it personally. after matt's death, he became close with the maupin's...and says... i simply asked for mr. trump to apologize. and while he thinks those captured are not heroes, i think matt was a hero. and while mr. trump likes the ones " that aren't captured" i liked met him. he died serving my country mr. trump, i welcome you to have dinner at any of our places...i simply ask you to talk to matt's dad, my friend keith, first." keith says he doesn't take trump's comments to heart. arose, he'd drive any distance to "there's no filter between here and everything else but i think i would like to talk to him and tell him about all those guys that's missing, because i don't think trump ever served" 8 i'd still like to think
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probably never get to meet him, but i've met jeff ruby and jeff ruby is an outspoken guy and i like him and i'd thank him for standing up for matt another thing keith says he is thankful for, is this platform...and awareness about his non-profit, the "yellow ribbon support center". if you'd like to donate or get involved, we've posted that information online on fox19 now dot com. rl mo fox19 now. new at ten new at ten... police are looking for a middletown man... facing child endangering charges ... 20-year-old jesse james mccandless took the two- month-old girl to cincinnati children's hospital last month... and said she stopped breathing according to police. police say the girl had rib fractures.. and a blood vessel burst in her eye.. charges were filed today... and a warrant has been issued for mccandless arrest.
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steve cam after a mostly clear evening, clouds will increase tonight clear evening, clouds will increase tonight and light snow showers will arrive for the morning commute. afternoon is carjacked at gunpoint! and now, police are on the hunt for the suspect.. believed to be in his 20's. fox 19's michael baldwin is in fort mitchell, michael everyone of us go to the grocery store at some point.. this is a scary thing.
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are a woman espeically an older woman and you are alone you need to be looking over your shoulder while this guy is on the loose. police don't have much of description of him but they have a good description of what he did. and it happened here in this parking lot the news in ft. mitchell of an older woman getting car jacked had people talking... yes thats scary its heart breaking all while lock locking their doors and closing them tight. it happened in this parking lot at remke's off dixie highway around noon time. many shoppers tonight had not heard about the story. it had them a bit queezy and looking over their shoulder im looking now you said he's still out there he is and police tell us the man had a gun and told the victim he needed her vehicle. she got out and he took off with her car. scared im not going to let her go anywhere now by herself you know its very scary to know we are here in our safe community at store and pharmarcy know that our car will be taken at gun point and to know that an
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here and that she was held at gun poiint is heart breaking the cops did release info on the woman's carjacked vehicle. it's a car like this one...a 2002 black toyota camey with kentuckly plate number 736- thv. it's missing the driver side rear hubcap and has a softball size dent udner the rear license plate. this story resonates with the people here because they tell me this stuff doesn't happen here. it makes me look at the conceal and carry law. is that something you have to look at now,. especially having 4 children in the car. this is my commununity i don't want my family held at gun point over a car if you have any info you need to call crime stoppers there number is 513-352-3040. we are live in ft.
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new at ten new cell phone video tonight... showing a car fire this morning... it shut down the ramp from westbound 275 to northbound i-71.. we don't have many details... but we know it was around eight this morning... as you can see - flames and smoke were pouring out of the car. no word on injuries or a cause.. tonight. a kentucky cemetery ... destroyed.. tonight.. what police are saying about the man responsible... it's only too bad that winner didn't take all because winner take all .. this thing is over a big shift in the race for the white house... is it too late for the rest of the gop pack... around the madison community are showing lots of support for those effected by mondays shooting, i'll have that story steve chroma
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always home of the $24.99 oil change > >
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the chaos and fe through madison junior/senior high school during monday's school shooting is becoming painfully clearer tonight with the release of additional 911 calls. there was a shooting, there was a shooting at madison elementary, ok, we have help in route. are you at the school? no i ran out to the football field with a student? yeah, i'm an eight grader. you're an eight grader, where are you? i'm at the football field. there was a shooting at my school. are you by yourself? boy cries as even more
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suffered by the community, a statement released by the family of the alleged shooter james austin hancock they say... "we are devastated by austin's actions at school on monday. we pray for the immediate recovery of the injured students and for the healing of the entire community. we are praying for everyone involved, including austin.. whom we still deeply love. words cannot express the gratitude we feel for all of the support that has been shown to our family and community." end quote. through all this sorrow, there is some brightness... strong show of support is emeging across the tri- state. some are calling it mohawk strong. it's one of the hashtags on twitter showing support for the madison schools. fox19 now's frankie jupiter joins us live with more, frankie. people here in this community and neighboring communities have been supporting madison students and staff. including here at butler tech, showing their
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billboard. today many people wearing red to show support. as the sunset here at madison junior / senior high school, support continues to grow. "mohawks" students at butler tech earlier showed their support via video. and on social media sites like instagram, facebook and twitter. hashtags mohawkstrong are showing picture of support from school communities, some wearing red. schools like franklin junior high posted this photo to facebook. germantown christian school posted this photo and more from butler tech bio science, wayne- local schools, edgewood community school. all showing solidarity for the mohawks. 05:38-05:40 "social media is amazing. it really brings that connection out to all of us and you get to see those reaction and that instant feedback
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much for me to see you wearing red today." michael beauchat is supervisor of school and public relations for butler tech. where some madison students attend. "we know that they are going through a stressful time, especially the students who are returning to madison today and i think anything that we can do to provide that support system to them is important." social media isn't the only places where support is being shown. local business near the school are showing they're support as well. "we though it important for people coming on and off campus today to see that we are mohawk strong just as much all the other members of the community and we're proud to be a part of that madison system." tonight over at the breiel church some local students met in prayer hoping to back to normalcy. live in liberty township frankie jupiter fox19 now.
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now dot com of people's outpouring of support for the madison mohawks.. and leave your own message of support on the fox19 now facebook page. ohio's mosquito season begins in may. now dot com of people's outpouring of support for the madison mohawks.. and leave your own message of support on the fox19 now facebook page. ohio's mosquito season begins in may. that's why state and local health officials met this week to talk about ways to respond to the zika virus. the primary mosquito that transmits zika isn't in ohio right now. but a "cousin" of the mosquito is found in parts of ohio, and could potentially spread the virus ohio has had five zika cases -- all in people who picked it up, overseas. you decide 2016
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the dust has settled on super tuesday. donald trump and hillary clinton have charted a clear path towards nominations. now the other campaigns are trying to plot their own courses to keep their presidential ambitions alive. the donald takes home wins in seven states... surging past the rest of the g-o-p field. while texas senator ted cruz kept his campaign alive with a decisive win in his home state.... florida senator marco rubio faces the fight of his life with just one victory in minnesota. polls show rubio home state to ohio governor john kasich has turned his attention to trying his campaign is on life support. kasich says "i'm not engaging in personal attacks, name calling or mudslinging to become president of the united states." vermont senator bernie sanders is back on the campaign trail after picking up has hillary clinton lead, among
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and ben carson will likely be the next republican to drop out of the race for the white house... carson says he won't be attending tomorrow's g-o-p debate in detroit. carson released a statement today, saying that he doesn't, quote, "see a political path forward" following super tuesday results -- he didn't win any states. carson said he will go into more detail friday during the conservative political action conference in maryland. florida senator marco rubio... is planning a campaign stop in the bluegrass state ... rubio's campaign team announced he'll stop in lexington friday morning... one day before kentucky's first gop caucus. he'll speak at the bluegrass ballroom. former massachusetts governor mitt romney has something to say about the state of the presidential race. and he'll tell us what it is tomorrow. the 20-12 republican presidential candidate will speak in utah - in a speech where he's expected to slam gop frontrunner
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for "how to move to canada spiked after the super it's unclear results were triggered by donald trump also winning seven. the search for moving to canada increased by over one-thousand percent from the day before. in a joint editorial, six new jersey newspapers are christie to step down as governor... this following his failed presidential bid.. and endorsement of donald trump. and social media... is mocking the governor... after his appearance last night behind donald trump.. hashtag save christie popped up on twitter... after christie's appeared to be hovering scared behind the gop frontrunner.. people said he looked like a hostage.. and social media went crazy.. weather now steve cam
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clear evening, clouds will increase tonight and light snow showers will arrive for the morning commute.
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candidate marco rubio has reportedly cancelled his planned visit to kentucky. he was set to appear in lexington friday. has cancelled. we learn more and will bring you updates and on student in big trouble... the latest on threats made at a local school - after the break. fights about money are usually about a lack of communication ---most couples occasionally. may really be get on the same financial page as coming up. e-coli, norovirus, restaurants are putting
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healthy while you dine. history gone! a cemetery dating back to the 1700's shopping for an suv? well, this is the time. and your ford dealer is the place, to get 0% financing for 60 months on a ford suv. that's right. just announced. ford explorer...edge...escape... and expedition... are available with 0% financing for 60 months. ford suvs. designed to help you be unstoppable. no wonder ford is america's best selling brand. but hurry, 0% financing for 60 months on ford suvs is a limited time offer.
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back to the 1700's destroyed. who police say did it. roaches, dead mice,
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restaurants in hot water with health inspectors. and what would you do if a robber held a gun on you? probably not this. the blow by blow caught on cam. breaking now breaking right now... new information on the 12-year old student is locked up tonight... accused of threatening other students with a gun that turned out to be a toy. our ben katko is live tonight in mt. healthy with what he's learning about that boy. ben? the 12-year old is a student at mount healthy junior high. police say they arrested him in class here at the church of the assumption today. we're told the boy was part of an off-site program called the "achieve program." we just talked to police... who called the program a "last change program." this is the toy gun police say he had with him when they found him. they gave us this photo. the assistant principal at the middle school told a school resource
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gun. police say that's when they found him with the gun... drinking wine at his desk. they also say yesterday the boy pointed the toy gun at some other kids and allegedly told one of them quote "i am going to shoot you." police tell us they have taken the boy to juvenile detention... facing five charges... including weapons and liquor-related crimes. live in mount healthy... ben katko... fox19 now. caught on camera we have some jaw- dropping surveillance video out of georgia, where a convenience store clerk determined she would not be the victim of an armed robber. the man goes to the counter to make a purchase, and when she opens the register, he pulls a gun. they exchange some words, the clerk slaps the gun in his hand, they struggle and she
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drawer. he runs away and she grabs a hammer, ready for more. police are still looking for the suspect. a man is in trouble... after destroying multiple headstones from a kentucky cemetery.. the indictment says richard huber... intentionally plowed over or removed decorations placed on graves from the 17-hundreds in mason county, kentucky.. the cemetery is locted on his farm on clift pike in may's lick... he could face up to five years if convicted. 4 sec nats revelry the coming of spring in cincinnati means a celebration of the city's rich brewing heritage. the celebration known as bockfest kicked off tonight... with a beer experience preview... at arnold's downtown.. this weekend - events include a 5k run beginning at bockfest hall in over-the-rhine.... and the bockfest parade on friday. 70 percent of couples surveyed by money magazine fight about finances more than anything else.
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money. here's simply money's nathan bachrach. simply money fighting about money is the top predictor of divorce, according to kansas state researchers. nobody wants to fight about money with their spouse, but most of us do it, anyway! a common source of conflict? a marriage where one spouse is a spender and the other is a saver. deanna purvis is a certified financial planner who works with a lot of couples. she says historyand temperamenthave a lot to do with how you handle money. while you can't change your childhood, you can try to find middle ground with your spouse. ask your spouse: "what's your worst money memory?" if you find out your spouse grew up feeling helpless because his parents were always broke, that may help you be more patient
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reluctant to spend. "what's your biggest fear when it comes to money?" and "what's your top financial goal?" are also important questions to askand answer. and both spouses need to stay on top of the family finances. it's also helpful to set "specific goals". if one of you is a spender and the other is a saver, simply promising to "spend less" or "save more" won't work. insteaddecide on a concrete goallike "spending five percent less" each month, or putting aside a set amount for a new purchase or vacation, if your finances are in good shapeand penny-pinching is the problem. and if the fights happen a lot, maybe they're about more
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for fox 19 now and simply money, i'm nathan bachrach." well. this next story might make you think twice about where you want to eat out. health inspectors have found roaches, mice, food left out. warning. some of you will find some of the pictures pretty gross. rob williams is live in studio with the story. by and large, local restaurants work hard to maintain food safety. but health inspectors do see some extreme violations... you again some of these images are pretty disgusting. food sitting out in a bucket... mice feces in the kitchen.. one night's catch of mice in another.... and then, health this... live turtles @ 59:02 haven't been cleaned in weeks, sometimes they jeremy hessel is the director of the environmental hamilton county
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says inspectors hit the streets daily, scoping out everything from food trucks to five-star eateries. most of the time, the restaurants are in good standing, but sometimes the violations pile up. the health department gave us these photos... a big "no-no" they see.... food not stored at proper temperatures... for example, this deli meat is above the recommended 40 degrees. and that can lead to food-borne illnesses. "that could cause bacteria to grow, depending on how long it sits out." some other serious check out this dumpster... not draining. equipment that's not cleaned... like this slicer... or this nasty can opener. "i've been working in restaurants since i was 15 years old." jason louda loo-duh is the executive chef at meatball kitchen in clifton has seen the good, the bad and the ugly in kitchens over the years. food safety here is the top priority. everything from is made in small
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freshness. "as a guest in a restaurant, you're placing your faith and trust in us that we're doing our job to serve you in a safe manner, that's not gonna make you sick." so what can diners do to keep from getting sick? "i look for cleanliness of course." and while diners can't always see how clean the kitchen is, we can see the bathrooms. that's a good place to look... are they clean, well- stocked? if not, that can be a reflection of what diners can't see. hamilton county restaurant inspections are also available on line with detailed just last week, critical violations at a colerain township chinese restaurant...inclusi ng employees using gloves improperly and storing chicken and beef on the same tray... health inspectors advice... do your homework before you dine... "if you have doubts...go on there and look, it's all there." and we've got a slide show of more photos of violations on our
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well as a link to local restaurant inspection reports. and rob while you're here... anything else you have to tell our audience? well .. there are actually two announcements. the first announcement is... i will be joining you here on fox 19 now each night at 6:30 and 10! 4-shot rob rob ad-lib 4-shot tricia "and here's the other announcement. "dan wells will join
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"dan wells will join johnson and the team" 4-shot tricia congrats to dan! a somber anniversary... looking back at the march second tornados... that rocked the tri- state four years ago.. and how the communities struck have moved forward. announcement... on the big news for after the break. pitching prospect goodyear. and, highlights team who won tournament hoops. straight ahead with jeremy rauch. what would you do
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cream cone? [laughing] honey, you gotta see this! time warner cable now makes your internet do more. honey! [laughing] honey? our ultra-fast internet with home wifi keeps your devices connected, [laughing] anywhere in your home. [laughing] honey, have you seen this video? [laughing] discover how much more is included. internet plans start as low as $14.99 per month. call 1-855-want twc. time warner cable. shopping for an suv? well, this is the time. and your ford dealer is the place, to get 0% financing for 60 months on a ford suv.
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and expedition... are available with 0% financing for 60 months. ford suvs. designed to help you be unstoppable. no wonder ford is america's best selling brand. but hurry, 0% financing for 60 months on ford suvs is a limited time offer. see your ford dealer today. fast food chain chick-fil-a is
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customers ... to put down their cellphones and enjoy a tech-free meal. so the comapny is offering customers in nearly 200 restaurants a "cell phone coop." the coop is actually a box for families to ditch their device while eating. anyone able to go a whole meal without picking up their phone receives a free ice cream cone. if you fly - you know it can be tough to tune into those pre-flight announcements, especially when you're tired. one guy closed his eyes, half-listening to a pilot's words, on a red-eye flight from las vegas to philly, but when the pilot mentioned his name he perked up. eric says, he was shocked at first, then excited. he, and soon to be mom, lisa shared a
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as you can see, she caught the moment on camera. the video was recently posted on social media, although the precious moment happened, back in january. live wx tease today marks four years since a
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for an everyday item to become dangerous always keep laundry pacs away from children. keep them closed. keep them up. keep them safe.
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through piner and moscow, kentucky... steve, you and i were both there after that... seeing this damage... takes you right back... but those communities have really pulled together in the wake of tragedy.. and rebuilt... adlib to weather steve chroma key adlib to weather steve chroma key after a mostly
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my bosses tell me, there is no gift like the now. the reds are showing all of us, the future is now. you tracking? i now have just a few seconds to show you the future... best pitch of the day from robert stephenson, a changeup that needs detergent. that is filthy. bryan price said the former first rounder will pitch in the bigs this year. so, 2 scoreless innings from robby steve. the reds second best pitching prospect, cody reed, gave up one earned over 2 innings. reds and indians tie 4-4, stephenson hoping to break camp on the 25-man. robert stephenson: "it's absolutely one of my goals. i'm going to do everything to showcase my best stuff and whether i break camp with the team or not, i just want to go out there and say i gave my best effort." jer bam gfx
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camp who believes anthony desclafani will start opening day, and we're all sitting around this campfire, disco is starting tomorrow, which lines him up for opening day. high school hoops at nku tonight. security told me - no more shots of the cov cath crazies. they're just too crazy. jeff ruby gave em all free food, but it's newport chowing down here. ethan snapp, always good from three. but the colonels go as cj fredrick and cole vonhandorf go. both feeling it tonight. cov cath is moving onto the regional semis with a 29-point win we'll stay at nku, winner of conner and st. henry gets cov cath on sunday. great finish here... kyler padgett and travis connley changed the game. cougars went on a 6-0 run in 30 seconds to take a one-point lead. but adam goetz is the goat for a reason, down by 3, he pops that j. 2 of his 27 points. spencer hemmerich, putting this game
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conner, clutch again with a 62-59 win can i get an o-h? it's a block party for purcell, plus lakota west and mason. up next. i don't really call it selection fun-day, i know it's cheesy, i don't really call it
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but selection shopping for an suv? well, this is the time. and your ford dealer is the place, to get 0% financing for 60 months on a ford suv. that's right. just announced. ford explorer...edge...escape... and expedition... are available with 0% financing for 60 months. ford suvs. designed to help you be unstoppable. no wonder ford is america's best selling brand. but hurry, 0% financing for 60 months on ford suvs is a limited time offer.
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coach is pointing at the winning team. cavs kept on rolling tonight against tipp city bethel. jordan gaines hits 3 of his 18 points. then it's kameron moore inside, bucket and the bump. finished with 17. but here's why purcell is special... that defense tho. purcell wins big, they get summit in the regionals next week. lakota west girls have lost one game all year, they wouldn't lose in the sweet 16. the firebirds facing springboro... abby prohaska intercepts the pass, dishes to danielle wells. and you can see why this team is making a third straight regional final. lexi wasan. buckets. west gets the w, 55-42 winner of wayne and mason gets lakota west. samari mowbray - splash. the comets out there cookin' tonight. this?
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night, with a trip to the final 4 on the line. mason beats wayne, 58-37 tricia 4-shot the next 24 hours.. don't forget we're always tracking
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[content sigh] ah, excuse me? mr. jones? hi. already? you booked an appointment. i just started cookin. we at time warner cable need to apologize to you. i haven't even started to bronze yet. we no longer give you an excuse to work all day perfecting your tan. starting to even it out.
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at time warner cable. including one-hour arrival windows. we'll also tell you how long our visit will take
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[ crows caw ] oh, my god. oh, my god. oh, my god. really? no one's even gonna say, "what?" [ scoffs ] pam staggs just facebook friended me. pam freakin' staggs! who's pam staggs? she's that "wheel of fortune" lady your mom went to high school with. [ sighs ] she's not just the "wheel of fortune" lady, mike. she won a million dollars! she solved "pardon my french" with just a "p" and an "r." and i thought it was, "purell my friend." i know she moved to st. louis, but then i didn't hear a thing after that. this close to not asking. like, i couldn't make the first move. yeah. she's pam staggs! and now she has friended me.


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