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tv   FOX19 Now  FOX  March 3, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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who is a going to be? what led to the head on collision. also breaking, a local school district adds security after a massive fight. the investigation unfolding tonight. new information tonight on a senior citizen carjacked at a popular northern kentucky grocery store. what we're learning now. they just want answers.. but the people who have them refuse to speak up. a new plan to entice reluctant witnesses. and why george clooney is ready to end his acting career. breaking right now in cold spring... a mother and daughter are dead after a two car head-on crash. let's get out live right away to our ben katko who's on the scene on the alexandria pike. ben... what have you learned? you can see police still trying to piece
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happened. right now... the northbound side of 27... heading north toward nku is closed. i can tell you that the two who are dead... are in fact a mother and daughter. the person in the other car... is at u-c medical center right now. here's what police told me just a little bit ago about what they think happened. police believe the car the mother and daughter were in were hit by another car... that went over the center line here on alexandria pike. they hit head-on. the other driver is alive... and at u-c medical center. cold spring police chief brian messer says that officers are there investigating right now. as for the mother and daughter who were killed... officers could only tell us that the child is young but not a baby. "right now, the campbell
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they're going to do the measurements, do a full scale diagram drawing. we have the officers over at uc trying to investigate with the other person that was in the car." i did talk to police about what they think actually caused that other driver to cross the center line. right now... they do not know if it was weather, drugs, alcohol or anything else. they're still trying to answer that question. we are going to keep searching for more information... we will be back at 10-30. live in cold spring... ben katko... fox19 now. also breaking tonight, increased security at the north college hill middle and high school complex, after a massive quote "very serious fight between high school students that spilled over into the community." but school officials say it didn't end there. the fight then moved to social media and included threats. as a result, there will now be additional private security, the staff is revising the school safety plan.
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say those involved are facing serious consequences and charges are pending. weather now matt cam the rain and snow will continue to fall across the tri-state. this
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car at gun point at a ft. michell grocery store. tonight the 911 call has been released and we hear from the vicitm. fox 19's michael baldwin is live and michael as your about to play she sounds terrified. yes, tricia you can hear it in her voice. the suspect is still on the loose and tonight police also released a picture of the actuall car and they are asking for your help. they want to know who carjacked an elderly lady in this parking lot. the 911 call is out and listen to the woman who's car was stolen at gun point wednesday in broad daylight around noon time at the remke's hear dixie highway in ft. mitchell 911: ok what did the man look like that took your car. lady: awww, 911: was he white or black lady: i think he was black he was not real, real dark. he didn't have an accent but he pulled his shirt up and he had a gun we've also learned the man told the woman to wait by
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she could go inside and get help which she did. here's a pic of the car. its a 2002 black toyota camry with plate number 736 thv. listen to the victim. she is clearly terrified by what the suspect has done. 911: he had a gun in his waist? what did the shirt look like? lady: i don;t know it was just a black gun. he had it you know stuck down in his pants, 911: ok, did he harm you in anyway strike you push you down? lady: no he did not touch me thank you new tonight... the mug shot of the woman who police say the mug shot of the woman who police say monopolized the time of their entire department today. 27 year old nicole benton has been charged with... obstructing offical police business... making a false alarm...and.. inducing panic.... for, according to police, claiming her 18 day old baby was the mug shot of the woman who police say monopolized the time of their entire department today.
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benton has been charged with... obstructing offical police business... making a false alarm...and.. inducing panic.... for, according to police, claiming her 18 day old baby was in her car when it was stolen. this has been a very trying day for not only our officers in their investigating efforts, a tremendous amount of efforts. to try to locate this child, through the federal bereau of investigations. our communications center was put on alert status to completely focus their efforts on locating this child. benton allegedly told officers that her child was found at the walmart on ferguson road....near where one teen, along with three others, crashed her stolen ford focus. but the baby was never in the car. the teens who took benton's car have been charged.
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unsolved homicides cincinnati. but, investigators hope that number will drop, with the support of a new witness protection program. our megan o'rourke is live to explain how it works. tricia, i talked with the detective who spearheaded this whole program. she's been working homicide cases for 10 years and tells me she can't count how many times she's heard witnesses not want to get involved, for fear of their own safety or being seen as a snitch. it's frustrating-- and not just for investigators, but for the victim's families too. 7---:03 "he had grown into a fine young man" peggy harris is a proud mom. johnny, her youngest of 7, graduated from princeton where he wrestled and was an rotc, had 3 children and a new career as a licensed plumber. all of it documented here on her bedroom walls. 14--- :03 "johnny, i very seldom leave this room" accomplishments abrupt end, when and killed outside home in 2007.
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"it's long over due, johnny has 3 children that are growing up without their dad. it's long over's long overdue" harris say over the last 9 years, there have been lots of different names still no one willing to testify. and police tell me with most unsolved which is why mitsch took action and helped to spearhead cincinnati's new witness protection offer support and safety. 3---:12 "some people might need to be relocated, some people might not want to move but they want some alarm systems. we have alarm systems we can put in with panic buttons so that they have immediate dispatch" 10---:05 "if we're going to have people come out and do this for us we need to give something back to them" peggy thinks the new program could help...but says the culture also needs to change. 13--- :16 "it's not know there's a thing in our black community, that don't snitch stuff, but it's not snitching,
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come out, speak these families and get these murderers off our streets" this is just a pilot program right now and is being funded by the city. in the future though, police say they will also work to get grants and private donations. as always, if you have any information that could help with a case, call crime stoppers at 352-30- 40. tricia. right now animation right now cincinnati police are on the hunt for the suspect who robbed the key bank right here on fourth street downtown this afternoon. take a look at these pictures of the suspect tweeted out by cincinnati police. the suspect is being described as a white man in his late twenties... about 5-foot-5 with a teardrop tattooo under his left eye. he also has tattoes on his neck and left knuckles. if you know who this might be, call police. remember the so- called "sock hat bandit"...
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robber is back in the headlines... brian parnell was sentenced to 121 months in prison... just over 10 years.. for the string of bank robberies in the tri-state last summer. you can see why he earned his nickname from these surveillance photos- the series of robberies happened in northern kentucky... including the u.s. bank in hebron, the fifth third bank in bellevue and the fifth third bank in independence. covington police arrested parnell last june. reds a new exhibit is opening tomorrow at the reds hall of fame and museum..... but we've got a sneak peek tonight.. exhibit showcases over 500 different bobbleheads and reds bobblehead 2001... celebrates the bobblehead collecting phenomenon. did you know the bobblehead was introduced way back in the 60's.. who doesn't have a bobblehead in their collection? whether its on a shelf at home or a box in the basement, you've probably picked someone's either given one to you.. now this place, is a place where you can come see all the
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tomorrow morning... at ten. protests... at the the local protestors... taking on the earth. camera.. burglary.. coming up. the slap was so the criminal investigation... after the break. matt chroma and we're continuing to follow breaking news ... a deadly head on collision... in cold spring.. stay with us.
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collision... in cold spring.. we have a crew at the scene gathering new information... we'll check back in with them momentarily. a former miami township finance director will now spend six years in prison and face a lifetime sex offender status. you're looking at harry steger who was sentenced today for his conviction of gross sexual imposition. investigators say steger had sexual contact with a child under the age of 13.. various times over the course of a year. a brutal beating.. caught on camera in baltimore. a video has surfaced showing a high school resource officer slapping and kicking a student on school grounds. in the 5-second clip you can see a school officer yelling profanities while slapping a young man three
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away. the teen's attorney says his client was just trying to go to class. but the officer claims the teen doesn't actually go to that school, and became belligerent and angry when the officer asked him to leave. suffered face and rib injuries from the intense blows. the school police chief and two other officers are now on leave. have been made after this brazen -- smash and grab at a houston, texas. spokesperon .. confirms those arrests and the recovery of 50 stolen weapons.
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from this video ... the thieves backed up to the store -- used a truck to rip the metals bars from the door ... and then starting grabbing ... anything they could get their hands on. the entire operation from start to finish took less than three minutes. the f-b-i is investigating after video is released showing vandals... in indiana spraypainting slurs.. on a mosque.. it happened sunday in plainfield.. the grafitti laced with racial slurs... and obscenities.. and the word isis.. indiana state lawmakers are now being urged to pass laws against hate crimes... indiana is one of four states that do not have hate crime laws. would you like to visit cuba? it could be a reality soon! today the f-a-a announced that american, alaska, delta, southwest, united and jet-blue airlines have all filed applications to start commercial flights to the country! after normalizing relations... the government is allowing 20 daily round-trip flights to havana. those requests could be approved this summer. more local news animation
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the ringling brothers circus arrived today for their latest round of shows... and some folks weren't too happy about the big top's arrival.. about 20 protestors of u-s bank arena.. mistreatment of elephants... our position is circuses these are wild animals. even if they are raised in captivity, they still have wild instincts. they belong in the wild. year that the circus will have the circus elephants will be moved to an animal sanctuary after they retire later this year. it wasn't all protests... take a look at this... the ringling brothers circus decided to help out childrens hospital. they did it by donating a check for $10-thousand dollars! the money will be used to help local pediatric patients here in the tri- state. five women have filed a lawsuit to block new york' state's so-called "tampon tax." they want the state tax department to stop
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percent luxury tax on feminine hygiene products. the department says the products are ineligible for a "medical supplies" tax exemption. the complaint says the department taxes products used by women only, but not items used by both genders. the women also say tampons and sanitary pads serve medical purposes and are necessary for women's health. new york women reportedly pay 14- million dollars in taxes on feminine hygiene products each year. sorry, ladies, george clooney may no longer be a the actor and tri- state native says his career is quote "up in the air." the gracefully aging leading man may quit acting to devote all his time to directing. clooney says he doesn't want to grow old in front of the camera. ...and he thinks hair dye and plastic surgery makes men look older. sot "weather animation" matt chroma key the rain and snow will continue to
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the break. "donald trump ...the most popular target of
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in washington ...the details straight ahead." camera... attacked... on the cyclist - coming up. we're live in cold spring where a
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information on the investigation. something else must be small. i can assure you there are no problems nothing tame about the latest debate. what everyone will be talking about tomorrow. and those online crowdfunding sites are a growing trend. the dirty little secret that could take a big bite out of your gift. breaking now right now... we are still following breaking news out of cold spring. that's where a mother a daughter have died in a head- on crash on alexandria pike. our ben katko has been on the scene all evening. he's live with more information. police appear to be wrapping up out here on alexandria pike. the norhtbound side of the road is still closed. a mother and daughter were killed in the accident. another driver... who we are learning is also a
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police tell us they're not id'ing anyone until family is notified. what you're seeing here is brand new video we just shot a few minutes ago as the vehicles involved were being loaded onto flatbeds and towed away. police say the mother/daughter who died were hit after another car crossed the center line. i can tell you that the girl who was killed is not a baby... but described by police as "young." cold spring police chief brian messer says that accident recontructions will piece this all together. he also talked about what it's like to investigate an incident knowing a child is involved. take a listen. "it's horrifying. it's probably the worst thing you can see in law enforcement." i did talk to police about what they think actually caused that other driver to cross the
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right now... they do not know if it was weather, drugs, alcohol or anything else. they're still trying to answer that question. live in cold to answer that question. live in cold spring... ben katko... fox19 now. you decide 2016 you decide 2016... right now - the final four... gop candidates are facing off in a debate ... and we have the circus in town ... but it seemed like the circus might be in detroit.. joel waldman joining us live from washington... joel? look at these hands... are these small hands? he referred to my hands if they're small
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be small.. i guarantee there's no problem. i guarantee it. since we're talking about polls though, i beat hillary clinton by more than anybody... and the reason it happens is because democrats tell me all the time, i can get the crossover votes . you seem to be the adult
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the crossover votes . you seem to be the adult on the stage. mitt romney ... a subject at tonight's debate.. after slamming the gop
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frankly, the only serious policy proposals that deal with the broad range of confront, come today from ted cruz, marco rubio, and john kasich. one of these men should be our nominee. the 2012 gop presidential nominee -- speaking
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runner donald trump today in utah. although romney -- was very outspoken against trump -- for the country's next president ... he did 'not' use today's speech to endorse a candidate. romney called trump... bad for american workers ... and says if he is chosen ... the prospects for a safe and prosperous future are greatly diminished. ohio governor john kasich has vowed to win his home state and fight on to the republican national covention. if i win ohio, he's not going to be the nominee. but before that is michigan. and today an endorsement from that state. endorsement today from the detroit news. press endorsed kasich last month. meanwhile---lookin g ahead to sunday. governor john kasich will have a battleground ohio campaign kickoff rally in columbus, according to a tweet from his official page. he'll be joined by special guest, former california governor arnold schwarzenegger. kentucky republicans caucus on saturday... all of ohio votes
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kentucky democrats head to the polls in may. a reminder... we'll have continuing coverage... as you decide 2016.. positive news to report about two of the victims in last month's mass shooting in michigan. according to her go-fund-me page, 14-year-old abigail kopf opened her eyes and recognized her parents tuesday night. abigail, who was originally pronounced dead, was the youngest of eight people shot in the february 20th shooting spree in kalamazoo. also wounded -- 25-year-old tiana carruthers who also reached a milestone this week. she was moved from a hospital to a rehabilitation facility, where she is learning to walk on her own again. authorities say that over the course of five hours, 45-year-old jason dalton opened fire at three locations, killing six people and injuring two. cnn has released a new poll saying the majority of americans think president obama should nominate a
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left open by the late supreme court justice scalia... 58% said the president has the right to fill the spot, instead of waiting for a new president to be elected. and that being said - the president may already have a pick in mind.. reports say the white house is considering jane kelly to fill the vacant seat. kelly graduated with president obama from harvard law school in 19-91. she currently serves on the u-s court of appeals in cedar rapids, iowa. the report also says the decision could come within a week. caught on camera caught on camera... a dispute over a roadway bike lane leads to blows on one chicago street. the ride turned dangerous for 19- year-old colton when he called out the driver in a white s-u-v for being in the bike lane. colton, biker "you're in the bike lane bro." colton, biker "i said it really quietly, i didn't think they'd hear me." it turns out they did. this go-pro video taken from
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shows the driver chasing him for he got out and attacked colton, punching him and face. the driver got away and colton was left with a bloody eye. colton says he regrets talking back in the heat of the moment but he's thankful his go-pro captured the image hurt him. trying to track down the driver. wish you were taller? head out in space. nasa astronaut came home from the space station, inches. lack of gravity causes the spine to elongate. but his newfound height won't last forever. it will go back to normal after a short time on earth. we've got more local news now... the kenton county sheriff's office is warning about a new phone scam. police say scammers are making calls promising to take care of an outstanding warrant in exchange for money... offering to take either credit card or money order. in some cases... the caller is claiming
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officers say none of this is true... and don't give out your personal information over the phone you're gonna see something new at the annual newport italian festival this year. today organizers announced the inaugural "lauren hill 5-k spaghetti run"! it's happening at festival park the morning of june 11th. the event will benefit the cure starts now foundation. the festival will be celebrating its 25th year in the tri- state. e-cigarettes... seem to be everywhere... but there's one place you won't see them after a new ban... the story - after the break. think it's tacky to ask wedding guests to donate money online for your honeymoon? it's a hot new trend but they're may be a hidden cost-- after the break. do the bearcats have a problem in houston? and, find out which reds outfielder had a big impact today. jeremy rauch has it all straight ahead. you are no longer allowed to use e-
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department announced the ban yesterday. it's designed to protect passengers from exposure to aerosol fumes. e-cigarette users can still carry them onto planes, but they cannot charge their batteries during the flight. cedar point's opening day is still a few months away.. but you can already get a birds eye view of its newest thrill ride! the sandusky, ohio park released this aerial video recorded using a drone, of "val-ravn" -- the record breaking coaster that will debut may 7th. the video was shot last month and showcases the coaster's dramatic first drop at 90 degrees. the tallest building in the west ... is getting an upgrade. u-s bank tower in los angeles is adding this 45- foot-long glass
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the slide will actually begin on the 70th floor and you can slide down a level - all while hovering one- thousand feet above ground. it's part of a 50- million-dollar renovation project. the skyslide is expected to be ready by june... tickets for the slide will cost about eight-bucks. the glass is one and a quarter inch. live wx tease you've heard of
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hey, what are you doing? getting the coats. for a half hour? bob just got time warner cable. he's getting more. more what? more than 30,000 movies and shows on demand, most for free. look, he's dvr-ing like 6 shows at once. let's go. ah, this grass is so much greener than on our tv. why are your shoes off? because i'm on their bed. i don't want to be rude. discover how much more is included. are those meatballs still circulating? switch to time warner cable today and ask how you can get a
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wedding registries--but how about "honeymoon registries"? simply money's nathan bachrach is here with the story! simply money think it's tacky to ask for money instead of gifts at your wedding? how about asking your guests to pay for your honeymoon? it's a hot new trendwith a social media twist! business is booming on crowdfunding sites like honeyfund and honeymoon wishes. honeyfund's ceo says couples using her site raised $90 million last year for their honeymoons! the wedding
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knot" says 22- percent of its users were using "honeymoon registries" this year. the reason behind the trend: many couples now live together before they get married, so their houses are already stocked. but there's something important for couples to keep in mind. these sites aren't charities; they keep as much as ten percent of the money collected as a fee! the simply money point: if you don't think it's tacky to point your guests to a honeymoon donation site, think about just asking for the money yourselfand avoid that fee! for fox 19 now and simply money, i'm nathan bachrach. sot "weather animation" matt chroma key the rain and snow will continue to fall across the tri-state. this
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mick cronin channeled forrest gump this week when he said... i'm not a smart man, but i know my kids see bracketology. i modified that just a bit. uc is in the dance right now... houston... they have a problem. so, you can imagine the desperation tonight. rockets star james harden in the house for houston and uc. both teams 21-and-8 overall. need to show you this sequence here, to set up the highlight... cory deberry lays it in. it's 15-10 uc. and then the bearcats went ice cold. rob gray junior gets the home roll. houston ends the half on a 23-5 run to lead by 13. 2nd half, bearcats chipping
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troy caupain buries a triple to raise his tally to 15 points. 54-41 houston late... bearcats get another biggie on senior day against number 24 smu. xavier's senior day is saturday against creighton on fox19 now. our live postgame show follows courtside at cintas. with selection sunday 10 days away... i sat down with trevon bluiett and wondered, if he believes x can win it all. trevon bluiett: "i truly we've been practicing the practices of been consecutively from the first day until now. seeing how much we grind and love to work together. i think we can be very special." jer bam gfx but first... against creighton in two days. up next, middletown christian in a district final. and the reds get tribal on the tribe.
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the reds futures showcase will
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so, every high school in cincinnati... no, but a lot. opening day is april 2nd. we have single game on our web
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let's kick the tires in goodyear. brandon phillips came this close to reaching a debbie on deck. settles for a sac fly. adam duvall, one of those candidates for the job left, had a nice spring debut. that's a 2-out single scoring 2. anthony desclafani threw two perfect innings in the start and win. reds finish off the tribe, 9-1 take me north... middletown christian in a district final at u-d. dre shores, fly eagle fly. hits the stepback j. then it's john leisinger slappin' da base. strong baseline drive. but yellow springs had a tractor taylor that could not be stopped. isaiah taylor had 19. middletown christian goes down 66-24 final: yellow springs wins 66-24 tricia 4-shot matt's tracking the next 24 hours.. tricia cam don't forget we're always tracking the weather on
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sot "announcer: now with the fox19 mobile app, you'll never be without fox19 news. from to text and email alerts for breaking news and weather. it's all right here in the palm of your
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all across america families are coming back to time warner cable for a whole new experience. pwe came back for internet speeds so fast even the kids are impressed. oh she's impressed. we're catching up on movies and shows on demand just as fast as we can watch them. twc's home wifi is so strong we can use all our devices at the same time. come back today. you'll get 30 meg internet, tv, phone and more for $89.99 a month. and ask how you could get a $300 reward card.
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[ crows caw ] okay, mike, i just stepped on a fork in the tub. how many times have we told the kids, we wash spoons in the tub, knives and forks in the bathroom sink? it's just common sense. [ sighs ] this is crazy. we can't go on like this. we need a silverware caddy in the shower. i might have something in the garage we can use. how 'bout that old ice bucket that says, "it's 5:00 somewhere"? oh, you know what? since the dishwasher's not working right now, we could use the caddy from there. we'll just hang it on the showerhead where the shampoo thing usually goes. that would be perfect! are you sad right now? 'cause i'm really sad. look. i know we wanted to save money, and we gave it our best shot, but despite how much i'm gonna


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