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tv   FOX19 Now  FOX  March 22, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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school lands one student a suspension... but she had nothing to do with. the unexpected reason she's in trouble. dramatic new pictures coming in from the bombing scenes in brussels. we're gathering new information on the hunt for the terrorists. if i weren't in the middle, i would have definitely been close to the point of detonation, for sure. one local student in the midst of the madness shares her story with me. what it was really like at the airport in belgium. breaking tonight, big questions about the construction of the city's popular new smale park. the mistakes that could leave taxpayers on the hook for millions. crucial or crazy? a controversial plan to battle drug use puts the needle in the user's hand. sot
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chaos overseas.. as isis launches a series of deadly attacks in europe. good evening i'm tricia macke.. and i'm rob williams. cincinnati ... standing with belgium tonight.. as you can see behind us the cincinnati sign on the duke energy convention center.. lit up in the colors of the belgium flag black yellow and red. dozens of people were killed when bombs went off at also a subway station. here's the very latest... that airport will remain closed through at least several americans were hurt in the attacks, including a service member and four of his relatives. missionaries from utah were also injured in the airport explosions. the three were at the brussels airport today, to see off another missionary, 20-
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rachel clain, who was on her way to a mission assignment here in ohio. she received minor injuries. more on the attacks - includng my interview with a local woman at that airport - coming up. developing now nats fight right now a closer look at the video that a kenton county teen says got her suspended from school. nicole williams says she was not involved in the fight and she didn't record the video either. she tells us the only reason she's in trouble is because she posted it to social media. our megan o'rourke spoke with the teen and her mom... megan, why did she say she won't take it down? that seems like the easiest solution, but williams and her mom tell me district officials told her she's suspended regardless...and even up for expulsion. so, there was no reason to delete it ...especially when they say it highlights a serious problem at
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6 :03 "see there's the teacher just standing there with his coffee" it's been viewed more than 15 thousand times online...but still, every time nicole williams and her mom, elizabeth sevin, hit play...they come to the same conclusion. 7 :09 "even when they were standing there arguing with each other none of the teachers go, "hey you go this way, you go this way. separate, stop it..none of them did any of that" williams, a 9th grader at scott high school, says at least 3 teachers are captured in the video's background, watching the fight between two girls monday morning before class. and it wasn't until things escalated, that one stepped in... 5 :16 "schools they go on and on about bullying and how bullying should be stopped, how we should feel safe at school. i feel like those students weren't really safe at all. because she was getting beat up while other teachers were just watching her and not fixing it at all' i reached out to school officials...who say a teacher did eventually stop the fight...but, they would not discuss specifics, citing student confidentiality.
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and as for the 6:30 sot "children have mobile encouraged to use them unfortunately, when there is an incident like this that's negative and social media we have to have more discussions about being positive digital citizens" sevin tells me even if nicole is not return to class at scott. she says she will likely transfer to another school as a result of the video. rl mo fox19 now. weather now steve cam it is a blustery, partly cloudy afternoon with occasional gusts in open areas to 35 mph. the wind will diminish tonight and pick back up tomorrow with gusts again to 35 mph. tomorrow will be dry and warm again then look for rain and thunder for thursday. the storm prediction center has placed parts of the fox19 now viewing area in a marginal risk of severe storms for thursday. it looks like the main threat will be heavy rain. models continue to vacillate on easter
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scattered. more on that tonight at 6:30pm. belgium bombings a suspect may be on the loose -- after that series of coordinated terror attacks that killed at least thirty people and injured hundreds more this morning -- two explosions hit the brussels airport. and another ripped through a nearby subway station isis claimed responsibility... mary moloney has the very latest. nats inside a crowded airport -- an explosion sends people running for their lives. the terminal filled with smoke. terrified
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huddle together. pierre meys/brussels fire brigade spokesman : "i can't explain. it looked like war. it's unbelievable it's really hard." minutes later a second blast inside the airport. pierre meys/brussels fire brigade spokesman : "i saw many injures, i saw people dead everything broken. it's just terrible." prosecutors say these three men may have contributed to one of the worst terror attacks in europe. right now -- there's a massive manhunt for this man in the white jacket. police say he left the brussels airport shortly before the attacks. investigators believe the two men in black -- were suicide bombers. the black gloves on their left hands may have concealed the detonators. nats during a raid at a house connected to the men -- investigators found a nail bomb -- chemical product -- and an isis flag. the terror group claimed responsibility for the airport attacks -- and a similar explosion at a metro station. the metro station is
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captured salah abdesalem last week. one of the suspected ringleaders in the paris attacks last november. now police are searching for anyone who might be involved. as the people of brussels mourn the lives lost. i'm mary moloney reporting. nearly 20 u-c students are safe tonight, visiting antwerp, near brussels. but a northern kentucky grad student had a very close call... she was actually in the airport at the time of the attacks. she spoke with me about the scare from belgium. there were people pushing and screaming and trying to get on the escalator, then i saw a security guard on the escalator screaming for everyone to start running. it really felt like you were running for your life. notre dame academy grad alison talkers is a grad student, studying abroad. the villa hills woman was in the brussels airport at the time of the blasts... fortunately, in an area away from the explosions. "alison, you're talking within minutes, if you're flight would have been a little bit earlier, or the
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later, you would have been right in the middle of that. um yeah, the exit point is close to the departure, probably if i would have definitely been more close to the she and her friend were among the people held in the baggage area as evacuated the bomb site. "when i looked into the departure area i could see evidence of an devastation, and at that point i realized there had to be casualties given the magnitude of the explosion." the first thing she died was call her family in villa hills to let them know she's ok. "i just explained the situation and that i was safe." alison says despite everything she saw, she won't let it hold her back. "i don't want to get into the fear mongering and just always be scared of going places or
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things are going to happen." talkers also told me she first feared an active shooter and hid in an airport restroom. she says she was surrounded by broken glass and emergency workers as they were escorted out of the airport. we'll have any new developments on the bombings... as they happen on air and on fox19 now dot com.. and on our free mobile app.. and later this hour - reaction to the brussels attacks on the campaign trail today.. breaking now breaking now - in you decide news.. polls just closed in arizona.. still no word on results there... voters still have time in utah and idaho..
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right now as heroin continues to tighten it's grip on the tri-state... one city is planning a new way to fight back. just a few hours ago the city of covington approved a needle exchange program for users. our ben katko is live there tonight. ben... when will this program start? it won't happen overnight. but... covington commissioners approved a resolution to bring a program to these streets. programs like this tend to be controversial. some say it enables users... others say spread of disease. the city of covington is like the rest of the ...heroin is running community. saddler/nky health "you see closer to the higher burden of hepatitis c." reason why commissioners voted unanimously needle exchange program. the program aims to address dirty needle sharing and spreading of disease... and to help users find treatment.
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injecting. they're going to inject whether they have clean needles or dirty needles. the plan is to run the program 3 hours a week from the grounds of st. e in covington. the proposal is to exchange 1 dirty needle for one clean needle... and participants need to be tested for diseases like hepatitis and hiv. dr. saddler "this program is not intended to solve the heroin problem but it is part of the overall region response to the heroin epidemic that we have in northern kentucky." grant county is the only other county in northern kentucky with a needle exchange program. covington's plan still needs to pass the health department and the county's fiscal court... who will address it next week. live in covington... ben katko... fox19 now. the president isn't the only one making history in cuba.. how you can soon see the once forbidden island nation.. coming up.
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plus - no answer... as a fox19 now investigation digs into contract issues with cincinnati's smale riverfront park... the investigation - after the break. steve chroma
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this customer is running to get her deposit in today. too late. branch is already closed. but she could make the atm. still won't beat the cutoff time. really? at huntington, with atm and mobile deposits, you have up till midnight. we call it all day deposit. midnight? what are you, a bank or a convenience store? i've got to make a deposit! you go, girl! she's got no chance. deposit hours that make sense for you, not the bank. welcome to huntington,
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trending worldwide after those attacks... in quite the outpouting today... cincinnati based gamble released today.. prayers are with the people of belgium today. to more than 1100
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innovation centers. we have been working through the day to confirm the safety of all our people, and we have put in place security measures to protect employees across p&g belgium sites. information is still developing... in belgium... we'll have any new developments... during this broadcast... on air, online and on the fox19 now mobile app. new at ten new at ten.. a teenager... is recovering after a shooting in over- the-rhine... this happened around 6:30... in baldwin ally.. off of west 13-th street between republic and race.. the 15-year-old victim... suffered non-life threatening injuries.. right now there is no word on a suspect. we'll let you know if any arrests are made. right now a major development tonight involving the construction of a city park. city hall announced late today--the parks board mishandled the construction of the smale riverfront park. investigative reporter jody barr joins us--and jody--the major problems here have to do with spending? yes--
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department handing out millions of dollars in construction contracts--contra cts that were never put out for bid. what that means--the city spent 120 million of your tax dollars here--and can't say tonight whether your tax dollars were protected. "it's a place where you're going to celebrate family pictures, family memories and it's going to be something truly special..." that's cincinnati parks director, willie carden, introducting the public to the new smale riverfront park last year. this year--the city's introduced the public to a problem with the park--the park board's handling of the construction. late today, city manager harry black sent council a notice--telling them the contractors hired to build the park--were never competitively bid. the parks board--black wrote--used exisiting maintenance contractors to build the
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using a construction contract. the problem for the city now: there's no way to know which contractor worked on which part of the project--so the city knows who to hold accountable if something goes wrong. but--one of the major problems detailed in the city the parks board city hall found--didn't have the amount of insurance needed to do the work. not having that insurance--black wrote--is a violation of city law. "phone ringing..." we tried calling parks director willie carden this evening to ask him about the city manager's report--and his role as the head of the department. we got no answer on carden's home number. we also made a house call... "knocking nats" although people were inside--no one came to the door. carden--who was appointed by mayor john cranley to lead the park's department still has not responded to our attempts to reach him for comment. cranley--just two years ago--nominated carden to take over the vacant city manager's job. carden later turned down the
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disappointment. i think great city manager--i know he's going to be a great director of already is one." we tried multiple times today to reach cranley for comment on today's city hall report into the smale riverfront park investigation--but responded to our him. as we stand here tonight--the city can't tell which contractor performed what work at this park--all because the parks board never drew up a contract to protect this project--and to protect your tax dollars. city hall has ordered an audit of the city park board's spending--that audit should be finished in may. where are the city officials in this--why have they
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to the public what happened here? that's a great question--and i have to tell you--i don't know. we asked the mayor for an interview--he never responded. we even asked the city manager for an interview as soon as the city released this report late today--but the city manager's office declined the interview--and provided no explanation why. but--we'll be at city hall in the morning to track down the people responsible for this report--and for the problems with this project. president obama is in argentina tonight... after wrapping up his historic trip to cuba. earlier today, the president gave a speech from havana-- he directly addressed the cuban people - saying it was time to end any remnants of the cold war and embrace change. he also called for the economic embargo to be lifted. and delivered this message directly to president raul castro... pres. barack obama "you do not need to fear a threat from the united states. and given your commitment to cuba's sovereignty and
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confident you need not fear the voices of the cuban people and their capacity to speak and assemble and vote for their leaders." the president will meet now with recently inaugurated president mauricio macri of argentina.. this is obama's first trip to the latin american nation... and the first visit by a u-s president since george w-bush in 2005. setting sail ... to cuba. the world's largest cruise line -- carnival will start running "cultural exchange" trips to cuba starting in may. a 704-passenger ship will initially visit ports in havana, cienfuegos and santiago de cuba. there won't be casinos or broadway shows aboard... and guests won't be able to snorkel. instead, they must spend at least eight hours each day involved in some type of cultural experience. prices will start at 18-hundred dollars per person. sot
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steve cam it is a blustery, partly cloudy afternoon with occasional gusts in open areas to 35 mph. the wind will diminish tonight and pick back up tomorrow with gusts again to 35 mph. tomorrow will be dry and warm again then look for rain and thunder for thursday. the storm prediction center has placed parts of the fox19 now viewing area in a marginal risk of severe storms for thursday. it looks like the main threat will be heavy rain. models continue to vacillate on easter sunday's forecast. the latest trend is for showers late in the day and then scattered. more on that tonight at 6:30pm. still ahead it has been more than a week since a car plunged into the ohio river.
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plunged into the ohio river. steve tells us when divers could safely reach the car's occupants. sarah palin could be back on t-v on a regular basis this time as a judge we will explain. plus a t-v new anchor makes a heart felt plea with her viewers and fans for help to keep her rapist behind bars.
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voters in three more states are weighing in at caucuses and with primary ballots tuesday. this, as the presidential candidates remain in full campaign mode - reacting to the attacks in belgium. joining us live in d-c is ryan nobles... with the latest on the race for the white house. so ryan what are the candidates saying after these attacks? voters in utah, idaho, and arizona are casting ballots
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primaries and caucuses todaywhat are the expectations? todays votes
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show trump and clinton still on top... the latest c-n-n o- r-c poll shows donald trump is still the g-o-p's top choice. 47-percent of republicans say they would most like to see trump win their party's nomination. on the democrats' side-- hillary clinton tops bernie sanders in the race for the party's nod. 51-percent say they would most like to see the former secretary of state atop the party's ticket in november. compared with the 44-percent who
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several wireless carriers are offering free calls, and texts in and out of brussels for the next few days. the free service is being offered following those attacks in brussels that left at least 30 people dead today. the companies are aiming to make it easier for customers to connect with friends and loved ones who are in belgium. participating wireless carriers include at&t, verizon, t-mobile, sprint, virgin mobile usa and boost mobile. the free service offers do vary, be sure to contact your carrier for details. breaking now word that a piece of the missing malaysian airlines flight m-h 370 may have washed up on a beach in south africa. malaysian officials plan to send a team to retrieve it. the piece reportedly shows a rolls royce logo which could be from the engine. the boeing 777 has been missing for two years since taking off from kuala lampur. 239 passengers and crew were on board. crews are hoping to recover the car that went off the combs-hehl bridge later this week.... in
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identifying a victim. right now boone county officials say the ohio river current is still too fast to get in the water... fearing for the safety of the crew. this was the scene of the active search on monday. steve you've been tracking the river all week... wha'ts the latest? it is a blustery, partly cloudy afternoon with occasional gusts in open areas to 35 mph. the wind will diminish tonight and pick back up tomorrow with gusts again to 35 mph. tomorrow will be dry and warm again then look for rain and thunder for thursday. the storm prediction center has placed parts of the fox19 now viewing area in a marginal risk of severe storms for thursday. it looks like the main threat will be heavy rain. models continue to sunday's forecast. the latest trend is for showers late in the day and then scattered. more on that tonight at 6:30pm. a tv news anchor... is pleading with the public for
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who raped her 30 years ago will soon be up for parole... in 1986 i was raped by james starling when i was a news anchor when i was in macon, georgia. he raped another woman as well and was sentenced for those crimes. he was sentenced to 50 years. i was shocked and completely caught by surprise when i realized he is up for parole in april of this year. he's got twenty more years of his sentence. maureen o'boyle anchors in charlotte, north carolina.. in her online petition - she shares her personal story - and asks for signatures to keep starling behind bars for the rest of his sentence. right now right now... is spring break
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people are planning a vacation. change vplaz but experts say you should also take some precautions against the zika virus... which is carried by mosquitoes. and it is spreading in parts of the caribbean. but several u-s cities are also at risk. the list includes miami, orlando, savannah and charleston, south carolina. doctors say the best protection is simple insect repellant. they also suggest wearing light- colored clothing. the flu is still popping up in new areas around the country and could continue over the next month or two. flu season usually peaks around february or early march -- but it is still spreading in parts of the u-s. experts expect it to peak in march -- but say it could linger throughout april. unlike last year, this year's flu vaccine is a good match for the current flu viruses ---- nearly 59 percent effective. and you do still have time to get vaccinated. former toronto mayor rob ford has died after 18 months of treatment for a rare form of
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ford served as a a decade before being elected mayor in 2010. but his term was plagued by scandal after a video surfaced showing what appeared to be ford smoking crack cocaine. after that, ford remained mayor for the rest of his term. he was 46-years old. judge judy---take a there's a new t-v courtroom judge coming to town... the former vice candidate and has now been over a new court premiere next year according to people magazine. she signed the deal in february. palin still has to make a pilot and sell it. a library book overdue by almost 50 years, has been returned to a university library in southwest ohio. the university of dayton says a former student who checked out the "history of the crusades" in 1967, has returned the book along with an apology. james phillips, of minnesota, checked out the book as a freshman before
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join the u-s marines. he says the book, along with his other belongings were sent to his parents home, where they remained until his parents died. the book was in a box of his belongings that was sent to phillips by his brother. the university says they will not charge phillips the late fee which would have been around $350. a baby announcement that has the internet talking today. teresa lashley was sharing the good news of the birth of her grandson, but oops... she texted a wrong number. the man texted back his congratulations -- but told her she had the wrong number. he kept texting her, asking what hospital and room number. teresa answered the stranger's texts -- and deorick and dennis williams stopped by to deliver a baby gift. coming up why you should never lie on an insurance application just to try to get a lower rate!
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could pay. on the way. watch me whip.. watch me nae nae. it's a celebration! what's got this lady hitting more than a two step in the hospital... we find out on the other side of the break. and - new information tonight on mick cronin's future at uc. is there a contract in place for him to leave cincinnati?
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to donate all of its left over food from its 7,000-plus u-s locations. the company says it will aim to contribute "100%" of its left over food to 'feeding america' -- which runs a national network of food banks. c-e-o howard schultz says the idea came from baristas behind the counter. starbucks plans to give out 5 million meals this year -- including breakfast sandwiches, paninis and salads. here's a story that will make you smile
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of all the heavy news going on in the world. 60 year old, debra morgan has pulmonary fibrosis. the thing she missed the most while suffering with the lung disease... dancing. well, debra got a lung transplant and a chance to dance too! the transplant team in florida hatched a plan to get debra back in her dancing shoes and motivate other people too. doctors learned the popular "whip--nae nae" and performed it on camera as a testament to the strength of her new lungs.
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51% of people lie on their car insurance applications! a lot of those folks are likely trying to score lower premiums, but lying
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lot of trouble. the survey from coverhound-dot- com finds people often lie by omitting recent tickets or accidents. others lie about their vehicles or driving habits. but you need to understand many of those lies will be uncovered in the application process. insurance agents check the information you supply against the information in several databases. if you're luckythey'll still offer you a policy, but at a higher premium. they could also deny your application outright. and if your lie flies under the radar but then you get into an accident and it's discovered, your insurer could dump you, and you'd be on the damages. the simply money point: tell the truth and save yourself a headache later! for fox 19 now and simply money, i'm nathan bachrach. sot animation" steve chroma key it is a blustery, partly cloudy occasional gusts in mph. the wind will diminish tonight and pick back up mph. dry and warm again
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thursday. the storm prediction center has placed parts of the fox19 now viewing area in a marginal risk of severe storms for thursday. it looks like the main threat will be heavy rain. models continue to vacillate on easter sunday's forecast. the latest trend is for showers late in the day and then scattered. more on that tonight at 6:30pm. steve gfx sot "sports open" joe bam/gfx
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mick cronin is smiling. life's good when you're choosing between a couple jobs that'll pay you a couple million. tonight a source close to unlv says make up his mind this week. here's what we know. mick cronin is but... formally interview with the school. that could change. we also confirmed the nevada board of trustees is working on a contract just in to make the move.
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mark anderson: "the mountain west used to send multiple teams to the ncaa tournament - it was expected. but, it's now become a one bid league. do you really want to come here where you have to win the mountain west tournament to get in? i don't know from a coaching stand point how much sense it makes to come here. if i had to put money on it, i would say he still stays in cincinnati." joe hplaz/gfx uc's ad told fox19 now sports he won't comment to fuel speculation. here's what we know. about the nfl draft. marvin lewis is at the nfl meetings this week... and told nfl network this about drafting a wide receiver now that marvin jones and mo sanu left. marvin lewis: "if there's receivers that come to us that way, but i think we're still going to go into the draft and pick the best player. we've been very fortunate doing that, we don't want to go away from that philosophy and we want to pick a guy and we can pick a football player at any position."
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back... is this the new face of the reds? let's talk reds next. joe hplaz/gfx we're back tonight talking reds.
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don't worry about these numbers in spring... do look at these. alfredo simon threw three scoreless innings today... and devin mesoraco homered. joe hplaz/vo and - you wonder if this guy is a future face of the franchise? understand joey votto is the best player on the team... but... mesoraco fits the profile of a career long fan favorite. devin mesoraco: "it's tough to stay in one place for a long time and it means a lot the organization thinks a lot of me and i expect to be here for a quite awhile and i expect to be able to lead this young staff and produce at the plate and do all the things that they expect of me." national championship practice tonight at thomas more. and - if t-m-c wins the title on a no look - half court shot... you can say you saw it first on fox19 now. abby owings: "it would mean everything. i know i said that last year - to win a national championship, but to go back-to-back? i think that would be just even more rewarding.
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much better the second time." tricia 4-shot steve's tracking the next 24 hours.. tricia cam don't forget we're always tracking the weather on goodnight. sot "announcer: now with the fox19 mobile app, you'll never be without fox19 news. from to text and email alerts for breaking news and weather. it's all right here in the palm of your hand." sot full " " vo vo sot full " "
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all right, 3:15. k, you better watch out boys, i'm on a hot streak today. what's that? wait. what's that? man, that's just the ice cream truck. you ain't got nothin. we got time. you don't got time. i've got time. no you don't. [arguing] look at that! ahhhhhh! we at time warner cable need to apologize to you. we no longer offer an excuse to bet on when we'll arrive. we're making a bunch of changes at time warner cable. one-hour arrival window, but our new tech tracker feature will alert you with the exact time we'll get there.
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(crows cawing) -- captions by vitac -- (sighs) get... hello? hello? can you hear me? oh, damn it. come on! can you hear me? the middle of nowhere... can you hear me? hello? you know, one of those places you fly over on your way from somewhere to somewhere else... hello? mike? (beep) folks, right now we're flying over the great state of indiana, if you'd like to take a look. (man snores) well, look down next time, and you'll see us down here in the middle-- orson, indiana, heart of the heartland, little betty snack cakes,


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