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tv   Today  NBC  January 1, 2016 10:00am-11:00am EST

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biggest blockbusters and honey he's good. andy grammer keeps the party that's right now. >> from nbc news, this is today's take with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall. live from studio 1-a in rocker rockerfeller plaza. >> it's january 1st, 2016. happy new year everybody. i'm willie along with al, natalie and tamron. >> happy new year guys. how is everybody doing? >> great. >> feeling okay? >> don't stop the party. >> i'm going to passadena doing the rose parade at 11:00. >> you're going to teleport your way there. >> we have the nbc comcast tell teleporation device.
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>> when you say that i just i just put on some elon musk. >> we look like we were at a party. you look like danny divito, the twins movie. >> which is which. >> you know that's danny. you the same ensemble, the same pants. twinsies. did you guys hang out last night tonight. >> you don't want to know. it was a warehouse raid in queens. it got weird fast. >> i thought you were a rave kind of guy. >> you get to a certain age and on the holidays your dad wears a certain something. suit. >> christmas party is different than new year's day. >> you look amazing. >> so do you. we pale in comparison. race car.
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>> road kill. this is -- >> it's like you turned on your pepe lepew suit the other way around. i'll give you that but if you paint a white stripe on a cat, it doesn't look like a skunk. >> but they also don't speak french and talk. >> of course they do. >> you just go. >> that was my favorite cartoon character. >> how did i know that. >> clearly we still have a little champagne in our system. >> we have a lot to look forward to. >> we have a very exciting year. >> because if this talk is any indication. >> so exciting. >> big things coming your way. >> for one thing guys, rio, the summer olympic games actugust 5th through the 25th.
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>> you're going to love it. rio is going to be ready. you're going to want to get your hands on one of those. >> one of those. >> which ones? >> i want to come back from rio married. >> so presidential election day, that's big. we had the big ramp up talking about it for a year already. november 8th. >> i'm just glad it's going to be finally done. >> listen the next ten months are going to be -- >> yeah. >> good times. >> now on the music front we're excited about this because adele kicks off her world tour in february and she is coming to north america as well. for her full schedule you can go to she took the world by storm with that record. broke all kinds of music records from billboards and everywhere else you can find. she's coming to your town. >> we'll come with her. just follow her ararnd.
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>> until the authority come. >> we should turn it into we go visit our today's take fans that happen to be in the same city where adele is performing. >> on every stop of the tour. >> like our new roker-thon. >> we'll bring a fan with us to the concert. budget. >> mark your calendar for that. >> 31 songs that are turning ten years old in 2016. >> makes you feel old. >> that's what i was thinking but this is just to bring back memories. >> these are '06 jams. >> where were you '06? let's in your mind picture where you were '06. >> i didn't have kids then. >> i had kids. >> i had kids. >> okay. >> al said that like i had kids. >> we now know that where we were you got it in your head. hips don't lie. shakira. that was ten years ago.
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yeah. >> irreplaceable beyonce. >> underrated. >> sexy back. >> oh, wow. >> j.t. >> that was like he went next level with that, remember? he went from like he's -- >> oh, the mike is up too high. he's distorting. >> that was the thing. >> have you got another song? i've got one more. 2006 -- >> what? >> 2006 -- waiting for the world to change. john mayer. >> good song. >> the lover that he is. >> no, i don't know that. >> we don't know.
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all the ladies love john mayer. >> he's done well. >> he's done very well. >> yes. >> you know how we love to grill our celebrities with two truths and a lie? now we decided to turn the tables on us. so it's our turn to fess up. we're going to play a game here two truths and a lie. who wants to start? >> so two of these are true. >> okay. >> number one, in college i won a $42,000 jackpot playing slots in atlantic city in new jersey. number two, my wedding ceremony was conducted primarily in spanish and i'm still not sure if i'm married. and number three, as a kid in the 1980s i occasionally wore michael jackson's one rhinestone glove to school. >> i'm going to say the jackpot. >> the jackpot is a lie. >> i'm saying the rhinestone glove. >> jackpot's the lie. >> i think we would have heard about that. >> i did wear the glove.
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married to christina. >> well. >> but there was spanish -- i remember that story. >> it was conducted for about 90 minutes in spanish. i don't know what happened that day. >> and the great thing is -- this was in queens. >> do you still have the glove? >> i don't have that glove. >> you have a glove. >> i keep a glove around just in case. >> do you know the moves, still. >> can you do like a little -- >> no, i'd rather not. >> he did it last night but not tonight. >> number one i got a penny stuck in my ankle after racing on a bike with change in my hand. >> imbedded in your ankle. >> imbedded in my ankle. i once had blonde hair. i love painting and i created a series that i want to share one day. >> that's the lie. >> that's the lie. >> yeah. >> sorry.
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painting we would have seen it. >> we would have heard all about it. we would have heard all about it. >> it would be in a gallery. >> she'd be showing us pictures. >> well, okay. >> is that right? >> yes. >> that's a lie. >> all right. natalie. >> that's howell we know you. it says something good. >> you all know i'm not creative. >> i figured you probably got -- like you could make change of a dollar with chawhat stuck in your ankle. >> here we go. so mine are i used to hate phis ed as a kid so much so that i had my mom talk to the pe teacher to go easy on me or get me out of p.e. i did modeling and appeared in a few commercials as a kid and i came in second place in the national spelling beacon test.
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>> phis ed is a lie. >> number three is a lie. >> spelling bee is a lie. >> you're correct. >> you had a little tell. you had a little smile. >> no. you mean i can't play poker? >> no spelling bee. >> at one point i studied for a religious order. >> yes you did. >> three i lived in all five borough boroughs of the city of new york. >> al hasn't lived in staten island. >> no. >> number three. >> it's amazing. >> it's got a great bridge. two great bridges. >> so you were in a religious order. >> no, in high school i was actually part of the future
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not as in "brothers" but as in monks. >> you were going to be a monk. >> yeah. i was thinking about it. i really was. >> what age? >> i was in high school so i was like -- >> xavier high school. >> and then i discovered girls and i said nah. >> worked out well for you al. >> we learned so much. >> tamron i'm still waiting to see the art collection when you get around to it. i had blonde hair i thought for sure you guys would think that's a a a a aanderson will be mostly cloudy and dry today, high of 56. north east breeze at 5-10. the mountains will be partly cloudy and breezy, high just 46. northwest winds at 10-18. colder temperatures will be felt tonight. asheville,
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>> and that's your latest weather. however tamron will come over and do your kitchen, two coats of paint. >> can i just show you where i got the penny stuck in my ankle. the penny got lodged in my ankle. >> heads up or tails? >> let's flip her and see. >> that's what i heard last night. >> oh! >> happy new year everybody. >> still ahead with the new year comes all sorts of new movies to look jane didn't like restrictions. not in life. and not when it came to watching her calories.
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that's why jane loves light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. bursting with rich creamy awesomeness and 12 grams of protein. all for 80 calories. no settling here. what else does jane love? that you could win a fitbit flex from light & fit. learn more on specially marked packs. light & fit. feel free to enjoy. i sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital after a dvt blood clot. what about my family? my li'l buddy? and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. then my doctor told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again.
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but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if it's right for you. our clothes can stretch out in the wash, ruining them forever. protect your clothes from stretching, fading, and fuzz. ...with downy fabric conditioner...
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so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner. wash in the wow. what if the sweet stevia leaf was discovered... ...before the sugarcane. and everything had fewer calories. truvia.
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ghost busters, batman versus superman, whatever movie you're into there's a lot of movies to look forward to in 2016. >> happy new year jack. >> happy new year ladies. >> let's launch in, february 2nd t release of zoolander 2. >> that's right. it's been 15 years since we've seen them and this time around they come back and what's happening is they're killing off the most beautiful looking pop stars and they die with this blue steel look on their face so they try to see if they can stop them. 52.2 million views in the first week. >> march, two big movies, first up, batman versus superman. >> this is probably the most anticipated film of 2016.
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characters in one movie. henry cavill and ben afleck. batman going after metropolis to try to stop superman. too. >> 14 years since the last time we saw them in the film and this was already a classic. this time around mia and john are having a little bit of marital problems. they also have a teenage daughter with growing pains but they find out their parents aren't legally married. what does that mean? another big fat greek wedding. >> april 15th, the jungle book is coming out. >> disney said they were going to create, remake a lot of the classic animated films into live action remakes. this is just another one. it's basically the same premise about a boy in the jungle raised by a panther a bear and a pack of wolves. if you haven't seen the trailer, it's unbelievable.
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>> may 6th, captain america. >> this is basically two avengers almost in one film. it pitts captain america versus iron man. they're both friends that are now enemies going to go at it because of a difference of opinion on the fate of humanity and they're changing the game with these films. >> super heros, you got to work together. in may, snoedwden comes out. >> they're writing and directing this film. it's about edward snowden. obviously joseph gordon levitt was one of the people that said i want to get into this character. he had a secret meeting with edward snowden in russia that lasted four hours to understand his role better. that could be oscar buzz next year. >> could be. another super hero franchise, x-men.
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jennifer lawrence. all x-men are getting together to fight one evil man and this is the first mutant in history that t ty have to fight with oscar isaac. >> i have been waiting a long time since my oldest one was little for this one. finding d, ory. >> ellen reprises her role here. it's about the true meaning of family. he's searching for his family and we have the additional cast voices. it should be very very good. >> cannot wait. okay. july, the bfg. >> so the big headline here is that steve spielberg is going to be directing a disney movie. he chose a 1982 classic and it's about a young girl that basically teams up with a big friendly giant, that's bfg, to fight these man eating evil giants. >> july 15th, the one circled on
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>> they're rebooting the whole franchise and it's now with an all female cast starring melissa mccarthy, kristen wig, leslie jones and when you see this you get so excited just to see the cars t costumes all over again. dan acroid is writing. and there will be cameos in the film. >> that will be incredible. >> there's no title for this film yet or a plot but paul green grass left the franchise director in 2007. they spun it off with jeremy renner but now matt damon is back and not much is said about this. the only thing that matt damon said about it is it will be happening in the post snowden era. so surveillance and the thriller things that make these so classic. >> in october, the latest davinci code thriller.
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this is the third entry into the trilogy and ron howard is directing the film. inferno it's called. and in this case tom hanks reprises his role. he wakes up in florence italy. doesn't have a clue what's going on but he knows he's in a man hunt. meets with felicity jones and they're trying to solve what's happening. >> four more on the list. but we'll post those. almost got to the 16. >> pretty busy this whole year. >> i have a lot to catch up on. >> for the rest of the big movies in 2016 go to coming up al is in the kitchen with a dish only kraft natural cheese has a touch of philadelphia cream cheese,
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is creamier than ever. to feel this special... you need to eat this special. i love it kellogg's special k... ...made with whole grains and fiber help a body thrive. i love it folic acid and vitamin d... make a body feel this good. start your day with 150 nourishing calories... a bowl of special k. i love it eat special, feel special. discover more ways to eat special ...with special k. the flu virus. it's a really big deal. and with fever, aches, and chills, mom knows it needs a big solution: an antiviral. don't kid around with the flu, call your doctor within the first 48 hours of symptoms and ask about prescription tamiflu.
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an antiviral that helps stop it from spreading in the body. tamiflu in liquid form is fda approved to treat the flu i ipeople two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. anti-flu? go antiviral
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(politely) wait, wait, wait! you can't put it in like that, you have to rinse it first. what's that, alfredo? no,that can go in. no it can't! what are you, nuts? that's baked-on alfredo. baked-on? it's never gonna work. dish issues? trust your dishwasher with cascade platinum. it powers...
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better than finish. (to the hostess) see, told you it would work... (turns to girl 2) you guys heard me say that, right? cascade. the tougher tough-food cleaner. still ahead. if you can't muster up the energy for breakfast after a late night, i'll show you a simple and delicious quiche for throughout the day. >> and he had the song of 2015 with honey i'm to the woman in the mid-90's showstopper... you're right. it's time to set this bird free. hot blooded, check it and see... got a fever of 103... feelin' hungry? how 'bout a donut? i'm hot blooded..i'm hot blooded!
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or 30-days old, carmax will appraise it in as little as 30 minutes. and then your only concern will be how to spend the cash. rad. 10:27 now... happening today ... fans already lined up in pasadena, california, for the 127th rose parade. temperatures are in the low 40s and many people spent the night gathered around heaters and barbecues. the crowd is expected to swell to more than 700,000
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a.m... south carolina will be represented on the donate life rose parade float. miren ivankovic of clemson will join 23 other organ, eye and tissue transplant recients from across the nation. we'll have the parade for you right here on wyff 4 ... and because of the parade... we will not have a newscast at no. clemson tigers are waking up this morning orange bowl champions. they beat oklahoma last night 37:17. they will play for the national championship january 11th in arizona. and if you can't go to the're invited to a viewing party in downtown greenville. bon secours wellness arena, iptay are hosting a party. it starts at 7 and is free to enter. food and drink will be available to purchase. greenville, spartanburg, anderson will be mostly cloudy and dry today, high of 56. north east breeze at 5-10. the mountains will be partly cloudy and breezy, high just 46. northwest winds at 10-18. colder temperatures will be felt tonight. asheville, hendersonville will drop to 27 overnight, with winds from 8-18, the upstate will drop to 35.
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the region under sunny skies. cool, dryer weather moves in for the weekend, lows in the upper 20s to mid 30s, highs in the upper 40s to mid 50s range. dry, food and drink will be available to purchase. greenville, spartanburg, anderson will be mostly cloudy and dry today, high of 56. north east breeze at 5-10. the mountains will be partly cloudy and breezy, high just 46. northwest winds at 10-1818colder temperaturewill felt totoight. asheville,
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after trying brookside chocolate, people talk about it online. love at first taste. i would liquefy it and bathe in it. curse you, brookside! your nefarious plans have succeeded. nefarious? are we still talking about chocolate? brookside.
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good morning, taking a look at the headlines people in part of the midwest are starting off dealing with record flooding and rivers are expected to crest
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the flooding already damaged or destroyed hundreds of homes and businesses and is blamed for more than 20 deaths. president obama says his new year's resolution is to move forward on unfinished business which includes reducing our epidemic of gun violence. the president told aids to look into potential executive actions such as expanding background checks. he plans to meet on monday to discuss options for steps he can take. a new study shows how sugar can fuel cancer. fructose is especially dangerous. people that is consume more sugar have a higher risk of cancer. especially breast cancer. evidence is growing that a weweern style diet is a major risk factor for many types of the disease. >> a new study suggests that restaurant customers eat more
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they found customers ordered significantly more items when served by people with a high body mass index. they were four times as likely to order dessert and 18% more drinks. they should check the menu online and decide what to eat before going into the restaurant. >> if you're in the market for a new car this could be the time to buy. averaging 8.6% off the sticker price. it is expected to be next tomorrow and the next day. the worst day will be march 3rd. >> college football's national ampionship game is now set. alabama had no problem at all against michigan state. jay coker threw a pair of touchdowns for the crimson tide in the 38-0 win and it was top raraed clemson way victory over oklahoma.
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for the national title on january 11th. ringing in the new year had a special ring to it for a miami couple. they got married last night in the middle of times square. they won a contest to become the first couple of 2016 with the ceremony. the couple met at a party six years ago. weather. mainly sunny and cool in the west. areas will see clouds and rain.
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breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w breezy and cold condition w and that was a look at your local weather on this new year's day. hopefully you can go outside and make it great. now let's send it back to al. >> this morning on today food, a new year's's day brunch. it's good. it's a nice day to sit back -- the ultimate. >> it's a hang over cure. >> it's a quiche but you know what, when you got some left overs from the holidays this is a great way to get rid of them. so remember all that ham we made on christmas day. there's still some left over so we got your ham, your whole milk, onions, nutmeg, salt, pepper, pie dough, cheddar
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you can make your own pie doe. >> why? >> you put your flour down and you get your pie pan and drape this over and just so there's enough over and you start to crimp. you bring it up and crimp it. keep going. what is going to happen is you're going to prebake this. so you take a sheet of parchment paper. >> it's a miracle. >> it is. you're going to prebake your piecrust. either use white beans or dry beans to weight it down. they sell pie weights. but, you know, you go to those kitchen stores it's like $50 for pie weights. use some beans. >> now you tell me. >> so you have your piecrust. you precook some broccoli and chopped up your ham so you'll put that in there okay? and then you'll put your broccoli in. all right.
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onion. so we caramelized some of this onion in here. i got that. it's nice. it adds a nice sweetness to it. >> yeah it does. >> put that on it. >> that's lovely. >> yeah. >> now you're going to make your custard. your filling. so for every half cup of whole milk you're going to add an egg. milk. you have your eggs. you'll whisk that. put in a little nutmeg. natalie and i love and you as well love the smoked paprika. >> it's great. >> so you whisk this together and you're going to -- >> you could use any leftover vegetables. >> exactly. >> or any meat if you wanted to. >> i feel like i'm getting something healthy with the green in there. >> but there's the cheese and whole milk and egg but that's okay. >> it's great if you had too
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it soaks it all up. >> it really does. >> like right now. >> keep telling yourself that. >> we're telling ourselves that it's healthy and green and soaks up the alcohol. >> and out of the oven -- it wasn't quite in here. but it was pretty close. >> our kitchen staff was drinking last night too. >> happy new year. >> in the oven. we mean on the side of the oven. >> in the vicinity of the oven. in the neighborhood. >> i apologize if you are nursing a hang over this last thing you want to do is hear this. nice little drink to make up. >> it's delicious. >> you can just do it with club soda or you can do the hair of the dog, a little champagne.
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basically take your orange juice, pour it in. a little pomegranate juice. all right? and then take your -- >> champagne. >> champagne. >> and you add some pomegranate seeds. >> and there you have it. >> new year. >> happy new year. >> happy start to the new year. >> and of course to get the recipe for this go to and we'll also tell you how to get your magic oven where the food cooks outside of it. it's amazing. hey we also want to mention our food club member stand out. angela s. from jonesville michigan. she made these beautiful blueberry swirl cinnamon rolls with a lemon glaze. check out the magic oven one more time. >> is it in there? >> there's nothing in there but it will appear.
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resolutions yet? >> what. >> your new year's resolutions. if you could see your cough, it's just a cough. you'd see how often you cough all day and so would everyone else. new robitussin 12 hour delivers fast, powerful cough relief that lasts up to twelve hours. new robitussin 12 hour cough relief.
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don't let bad odors escape. continuously neutralize them with glad with febreze. the only bag with the irresistible scent of gain. after trying brookside chocolate, people talk about it online. love at first taste. i would liquefy it and bathe in it. curse you, brookside! your nefarious plans have succeeded. nefarious? are we still talking about chocolate? brookside. talk about delicious. after trying brookside chocolates, erin l. tweeted: died and went to heaven. that's amazing! can you say "hi" to my grandma for me? and my cousin richard too...? actually, cousin richard's probably not up there. all: milk! milk! milk! milk! milk! okay! fun's over. aw. aw. thirsty? they said it would make me cool. they don't sound cool to me. guess not. you got to stick up for yourself,
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people tell us their budget, not the other way around. aren't you lactose intolerant? this isn't lactose. it's milk. meet marvin. marvin thinks you have to be a brainiac to do your own taxes. so we brought in world-renowned brainiac, doctor s. james gates junior, to help him get started. marvin. you got a w-2. uh, yeah. i do. you got a finger. yes.
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[camera shutter] yay, you got it. yeah. intuit turbo tax. taxes done smarter. what if the sweet stevia leaf was discovered... ...before the sugarcane. after people were enjoying truvia in their coffee and everything else... ...sugar would come along and go, "hey, i'm sweet too." "sure, sugar, you're very sweet, but we've already got sweetness minus cacarie-ness." it would be kinda awkward. truvia.
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welcome back. this first day of 2016 and if you woke up this morning promising yourself that you'll stick to your new year's resolution this year, we're there with you. >> for many of us the new year is a time to wipe the slate clean and start fresh. so we want to take a look at some of the resolutions and share ours with you. >> too much champagne. >> my resolution for 2016 is to make it through the stack of nonfiction books that i have next to my bed. >> last year i wanted to increase the time that i meditated meditate each day and i for the most part stuck to it. i'm going to give myself a c plus. >> i promise you it's going to happen. >> my goal is to be more patient
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>> to be less judgmental. >> as hard as i try to be 100% present with my kids, like all parents we're pulled in so many different directions. >> i think in this era of hashtag and twitter and facebook there's a rush to judgment. >> this year i want to start declining my e-mail. 72,456 unread e-mails. i have to do better. >> the top new year's resolutions for 2015. lose weight. >> lose weight. i understand that. that's very relatable. >> getting organized. yeah that's one i try every year. >> that's me where i stand. >> still hasn't really worked. >> spend less, save more. >> that is one of mine this year as well. i won't be sticking with it. there's too many january sales. >> enjoy life to the fullest. not bad. >> i subscribe to that 100%. >> stay fit and healthy.
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>> learn something exciting. like being shot out of a cannon. yeah. >> help others in their dream. >> i like that. >> help others in their dreams. >> fall in love. >> how do you make a new year's resolution to fall in love? >> well, i'm already in love. >> spend more time with family. yes. i would like to think that would be higher up. put i guess it depends on your family. >> how much longer do we have? >> let's move on. coming up next if your resolution is to have more fun.
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this. i did it.... i did it too... they took nature's bounty hair, skin and nails, it's a vitamin supplement that nourishes from the inside... with biotin for beautiful hair and strong nails. and vitamin c and e for vibrant skin. give it a month, if your hair, skin and nails don't look and feel more beautiful, we'll give you your money back. i did it...and i feel beautiful. take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge, visit for details.
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to feel this special... you need to eat this special. i love it kellogg's special k... ...made with whole grains and fiber help a body thrive.
10:47 am make a body feel this good. start your day with 150 nourishing calories... a bowl of special k. i love it eat special, feel special. discover more ways to eat special ...with special k. many sleep-aids have pain medicine but zzzquil is different because why would you take a pain medicine when all you want is good sleep? zzzquil: a non-habit forming sleep-aid that's not for pain, just for sleep. all new dirt snuggler! the dirt snuggler gently removes dirt while polishing the floor at the same time. why would you want to treat dirt "gently"? this isn't cleaning and polishing is it? no, but we both know what does.
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>> the citi concert series on today is proudly presented to you by citi. >> he was one of our favorite performers of the last year so we thought we'd bring him back
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here's andy grammer singing back home. i'm going to need you to raise your glass, i don't care what you put in it here's to the nights that you can't take back we live hard but we love to laugh we all thought that we'd get rich fast hop the plane out for greener grass, found out the green is cash. don'ttompare to the friends that last see we won't forget where we came from the city won't change us we beat the same drum no we won't forget where we came from the city can't change us we beat the same drum, the same drum
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go we always find our way back home. it don't matter where we go we always find our way back home so here toes to cheep sunglasses and minivans people that had your back when the world didn't understand see we won't forget where we came from the city won't change us we beat to the same drum we won't forget where we came from the city can't change it we beat to the same drum the same drum it don't matter where we go, we always find our way back home it don't matter where we go,
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home when ties loosen we're losing touch and fading away we'll still be raising our cups to the same things oh, no, the city won't change us oh, no, the city won't change us, it won't change us. oh, no, t t city won't change us oh no the city won't change us and no matter where we go we always find our way back home
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always find our way back home and no matter where we go we always find our way back home we always find our way back home yeah we always find our way back home >> andy grammer helping us ring in the new year.
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we're back in a moment. because you can never have too much champagne. >> yes you can. >> another toast. >> one more. >> another toast. we want to wish all of you at home a happy, a healthy, a prosperous new year. >> happy 2016 everyone. enjoy your holiday. >> thank you for watching this year. we'll see you back here on monday.
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a wow, you changed my old bedroom. with a little help from a havertys designer.
10:55 am
and it is perfect. i'm sure it was perfect then too, because you're perfect. yeah, i was perfect. no mom, you're grounded! it's's better now. well, my design sense is ever-evolving, so... it's all on sale for the holidays. shop our winter event at havertys and enjoy thirty-six month, no interest financing havertys. discover something you. 10:57 now just into our
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missing teen have been arrested as the search for the 14 year old continues. according to laurens county deputies michael hudson ran away from his custodial parents on december 11th. this morning, michael senior and kelldon hudson of fountain inn were arrested and charged with custodial interference and unlawful neglect toward a child. investigators are still seeking information of the whereabouts of the teen. if you know anything about michael hudson please call laurens county sherriff's office at 864-68 crime. in just minutes the 127th rose parade. the crowd is exexcted to swell to more than 700,000 before the parade begins 11 a.m... south carolina will be represented on the donate life rose parade float. miren ivankovic of clemson will join 23 other organ, eye and tissue transplant recients from across the nation. we'll have the parade for you right here on wyff 4 ... and because of the parade... we will not have a newscast at noon. greenville, spartanburg, anderson will be mostly cloudy and dry today, high of 56. north east breeze at 5-10. the mountains will be pararly cloudy and breezy, high just 46. northwest winds at 10-18. colder
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tonight. asheville, hendersonville will drop to 27
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you're invited now to an nbc special presentation, the 127th rose parade presented by honda.
10:59 am
brought to you in high


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